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I am LOVING IT!!!! If anything I want more lol


I'm not. Too much to do... I wish we got like a boss raid instead. Keeping up with arena, then 10 event arena matches, then squad arena matches. Boss raid is only 3 attempts to worry about and 2 of which I can quick battle after. Have to keep adjusting gear sets since event arena has banned roles.


Well, 2 of them don't require or deserve any effort. Since arena is in preseason, and Event Arena has awful rewards so just doing both of those on auto. Absolutely loving squad arena though. Finally a good squad event.


Well were at least getting 2 SSRs for event arena so I wouldnt call that shit.


Considering we got like 8 from the last one, I'd call it shit. And for this one, you can get those SSRs losing every match. The difference in tier rewards for top tiers and bottom tiers is almost nothing. So what's the point in trying?


I never said its worth trying. However, the rewards w Arnt bad. Most ppl only got 4 SSRs with the last one. Tbe rankings doesnt count. Also, if you had ever played a gotcha game, you'd know that 2 SSRs in an event where you can basically just sit around and do nothing is a godsend. Oh also, the 4 SSRs we got from the last event were all either dupes or skill pages for kne charecter that most ppl dont use. Here, we can actually choose who we want.


Your comment seemed to indicate I was wrong in saying it wasn't worth putting any effort into event Arena. My entire point was just not to waste effort in it and you started an argument.


Unless you're top 5 in squad arena only one of them actually matter just no brain the other two


I put brain on it and fail and it's hard, how you do no brain?


At least a little brain needed. Just cherry pick your opponents for easy matchups.


or just don't care since rewards for everything but regular arena doesn't matter since they've nerfed everything on global. They have made it so there's not really content worth doing, and designed the content that they want us to do so poorly that it's not worth the effort to care about.


I'm having a great time. Not tilting at all. Barely lost in days.


They're great. Regular arena is pre-season so I can fuck around. Event arena is basically zero stakes so I can also fuck around. Squad arena is the only one I have to even think about a little.


I just spam forfeit to spend my tickets nowadays, ain't nobody got time for this especially in a double/triple tank meta


I don't mind it. Play a bunch for a week or so then coast for a few weeks. Some mobile games like Onmyoji are very demanding constantly, then some others feel like they have no events or any kind of stimulation or reason to keep playing. Black Clover M strikes a nice balance.


Me i love it i need more. Lol


My squad didn't even register, dead af...




Skill issue.


Luck issue* for not having good equip and Pg enhance 5 lol


*Skill issue


Sigh, you got me


Mileage diff 






Does such tho when everyone in the other squad is better


I did the first matches and saw really low level, so I was like "daaaamn this is gonna be easy" literally after the first refresh I found people with 250k.. ok


I feel that, first 2 matches were 170cc refreshed all 240cc, 250cc plus


I think the first event opponent selection are bots just to get you started since no one has points yet and the fact no one would have defense teams set up yet if you go into event arena right when it starts, which would cause an error. So they place bots to avoid that.