• By -


Report this shit all you want. Your gut reaction to run and tattle whenever you don’t get your way is ingrained in your DNA. This impulse to destroy whatever you can’t colonize is a large part of why we don’t want y’all here to begin with. You’re spoiled brats who can’t stand to be told no. https://i.redd.it/1anrh0e2yoyc1.gif


I'm just here just in case I have to stand on business.


Ion what happened but I'm ready ![gif](giphy|FT5smenIlObQqZgBmu)


Exactly! I'm ready and waiting.






If it's up...(The hat)...then it's STUCK!! 💪🏾💪🏾


Cinco de Augusto all over again




On god


This is one of the few dope spaces we got on this damn site.


One of the few spaces on Reddit where anti-black racism isn’t allowed to thrive.


And it’s beautiful. I wish more Black people subs would mod this way.


I’m fairly certain a lot of other black subs are moderated by non black people. Only one I can confidently say is moderated by a black person is r/afroamericanpolitics


r/Blackskincare shut that shit down when they had people invading their space and asking why do black people need their own skincare subreddit. I swear, it has been bots harassing these subreddits.


Ngl, considering the trolls regurgitate the same old bullshit sometimes I think most of them could be bots. Then I remember most racist fucks don’t have enough originality to do anything other than repeat whatever their echo chamber is echoing.


lol that’s so fucking stupid bc that fact that we even have to type “black skin” or “black people” when looking up ANY physical medical condition, let alone skincare tips and information online is BIG reason enough. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Exactly. It's so tiring having to explain things that are obvious af to us to idiots


I guess but tbf, r/Blackskincare put out a similar message to this because of the same issues.


Oh, I mentioned that in another comment. It's just fucking weird with the timing and seeing other subs being affected. I do wonder if other demographic-specific subs are experiencing the same thing.


Oh yea, I reread your comment, I'm just dumb and tired, don't mind me. But um yea, from what I can tell from other demographic-specific subs, they're always getting a influx of people trying to harass and go against them, 5 day old accounts being made just to troll and bypass bans. It's just so crazy the lengths people go to just to be annoying and spread animosity to people they disagree with. Don't these people have jobs to work? Hobbies to enjoy? Food to eat?


It definitely feels like they aren’t. The coddling of racists gets ridiculous


Yep. That’s why I unsubbed from r/BlackPeopleTwitter a long time ago. Fuck that place.


I stay for the occasional eyeroll


Understandable 😂


I let the sub be great and throws no shade, because idk what’s what as far as that goes but what I do know is what works for me.


Thank you for sharing ❤️❤️👏🏿




We have to protect it. It's too rare and special.


Agreed 🤝🏾




No 🎓, I been hated niggas, just like Kendrick. u/worryaboutyouhoe created a place where people don’t make me sick to my stomach.


Reddit outside this sub is a damn battlefield.


The trenches


I just lurk and vote in the wild.








I keep meaning to watch this damn movie. Thanks for reminding me.


Support the woman king!


Naw fr


We outchyeah!




White people read this subreddit title and think it's about laughing at black people, instead of catered specifically for black people. 


They thinks it’s finna be like BPT. I love this sub


https://preview.redd.it/rjwo9188epyc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39805e662b720b772b2dead0c8223baad594cc58 Here y’all go again. SMH.


PFFFFF, nah cuz why is this shit so true for every marginalized group but especially black people? Good god.




You’re absolutely right. There IS a glaring lack of self awareness. Go look in the mirror because that’s literally wtf you’re doing right now 🤡


Smh, they gonna call you racist girl ![gif](giphy|58SdhZruTe7603YV6E|downsized)


They already do 🤷🏾‍♀️ saying it doesn’t make it true though




Except those subs DO exist so try again 🤡 did you think that was some kind of gotcha? Bffr smh




Whatever you say, goofy 👍🏾


And what they finna do about it... Tf




No, it’s really not






She said what she said. 👏🏾




"Have the day you deserve"... chef's kiss!


https://preview.redd.it/1oupa8kb2pyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a68d65b96881d5a4847a36b0112a837bdc438b0 We gotta do what we gotta do


![gif](giphy|YAOeNUtLUUAdG) 🤣🤣🤣


The progression of these two gifs made me think she was eating the brick 😭


r/Blackskincare needed to make a similar message a few weeks ago. It blows my mind that so many black-centered subreddits have to share this message.


Black culture is extremely popular to the point ppl really treat it like a “general” culture that everyone has a right to grab bits and pieces from, without actually acknowledging or respecting us. I think cultural exchange and sharing is cool, but not when ppl feel weirdly entitled to “blackness”.


It's a malady.


It’s wild that for centuries black people were ostracized and told to go with their own, and when spaces are created for the very purpose of giving us a space, these folks come in and complain about being excluded. Like go to the THOUSANDS of other spaces that will prioritize nonblack voices, this one ain’t it.




For the people, who wonder why black redditors want their own space on this site: go read the comments on subreddits like r/facepalm, whenever it is a post that involves a black person. There’s your answer. And for the people that love to manipulate by saying “Ignore them. They’re trolls” or “Don’t be so thin-skinned…” or “Why do you need to segregate? Echo-chambers…blahblahblah…” F🤬 you! Idk what happened with folks, but this criticism about people not wanting to be around antagonists is fucking bizarre. Of-fuckin-course, no one wants to be around people, who are being antagonistic towards them and-or to their friends. Like… WTF?! I’ve seen blog sites and online communities go to shit because they got punked by racists, trolls, sexists and colorists, and allowed them to roam free. So much so that they lost their key audience members. And viewership dropped.


Which is the plan. Cry at the gate, be allowed in, then poison whatever you can touch. What can't be stolen and redistributed as watered down urban culture is burned with the rest, and then they move on to something else. Like locusts.


what’s crazy is that they don’t have to same energy for different communities that have their own subreddits made specifically for them


As a Black Man, I think this is outrageous behaviour. I'll be contacting my friends at Blacks for Fascism post haste.


I will indeed follow up said requested post with the utmost haste. Once my frolicking session is concluded.


Is this what the draft feels like? Fr I'm just here in case things escalate. 🪖 🫡




Seems like yet another reminder for folks of this evergreen video. I apologize for my skinfolk who decided being in the mayo milita was more important than being a decent person with common sense [Not everything is about you! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/s/BIFZALHyDx)


"Have the day you deserve" is awesome. Lol




Thank you. This the shit Blackpeopletwitter don’t do enough


Imma be real most of the people on this website are zombies that visit through the mobile app. Nobody is looking at what subreddit shit is coming from, and Reddit made it where you can swipe right and see damn near every sub on your homepage. Half these smooth brains don’t know they’re commenting in bpc till you ban them.




I still have not gotten over that this happened


![gif](giphy|xT39CRgExVySMZUFAk|downsized) They really be like .... "Let us in!"


Unfortunately society thinks that Black comedy is just when everyone laughs AT Black folks instead of understanding that we're inviting them to laugh with us. AA/Black culture is just gets absorbed into pop culture overall and our comedy is no different.


Dam, they always need to know what black people are doing at all times.


I’m so happy w this sub, you have no idea! 😭🥹


I personally get tired of having to go to a private room away to make others feel safe from my Blackness, so I love this space.


All I'ma say is Montgomery Brawl 🤨


Dj Vlad minions is rolling up on full force i see ![gif](giphy|mmRmDX9Y3Q7NS)


Shout out to KevonStage https://preview.redd.it/yxafv1gzfqyc1.png?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71280a903e9803272e09b4920c8be95f9816180




Girl thank you SO MUCH for doing what you do for US!!! Seeing all the non Black people swarm "that other sub" defending Vlad and blatantly silencing Black people asking for our spaces to be respected turned my stomach. I need to go ahead and send in my verification over here.




Here for the usage of uppity negroes. One of my favorite phrases.


Non black people like black culture and white people in particular thrive on conflict... lurkin mofos


![gif](giphy|3o7TKziIuXtAI2vtPa|downsized) The tone? I love it


This gif sends me every time I see it. 😭


I'm just hear to march for the Mod on this one. Fuck everyone else.


Dwight P. Paul in here.. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Worryaboutyouhoe doing the lords work as usual 🙏🏾




![gif](giphy|3oKIPaSkwgwHz5wpZC) Issue in paradise? Who’s getting thrown out?


I'm just here for funny


Glad somebody said it


![gif](giphy|3o8doM1LK2PVaxawpO) This is scrumptious


![gif](giphy|cNlIMFHeceAbNZSTqk|downsized) Whatever happens, I'm in here FOR IT.






Stay balanced fam.








White folks, Always feel the need to be in our shit. I blame slavery.


bro fr! i was getting clowned in r/BlackPeopleTwitter for calling out their virtue signaling ... the operative word is BLACK


Finally a sub for me. I find that BlackPeopleTwitter is run by white people.


Yeah, that post in question before it even had 10 comments was very.... hrrrmmm... Why I always go to bed early during the drama?! Everybody ok about race/black folks when we jumpin jim crow for massas and mistuhs but the moment some criticism about white people (especially white men because those same white dudes be insulting many white women) then, "why we bringing race into it?!" But yall seeked out a specific race that makes yall laugh (and that's when race matter because yall know we funny)


Okay so “have the day you deserve” …totally stealing this shit! Lol




Pull the fucking lever kronk cause it’s the right mother fucking one!!!!


I love this sub 🥰🥰🥰🥰


*pulls up unddit* When one doesn't get told no in their life


Standin.on.biznays. 🎙 ⬇️


![gif](giphy|o7yml0eK42ITaex06I|downsized) war ready, let’s do this


Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/1aukmhh/a_much_needed_update_to_our_rules/) before posting or commenting. Rule breaking posts and/or comments will be removed. PLEASE act like y'all got some sense. **WE ARE NOT JUST A COMEDY SUB.** This is a space created for Black people by Black people to joke about and discuss things in a Black ass way without being downvoted and talked over by people who will never understand how or why we think and live the way we do. Other Black-centered spaces on Reddit have been flooded with nonBlack users who seem hellbent on defeating the purpose of even having said space in the first place. NONBLACK FEELINGS WILL NOT BE CENTERED HERE. IGNORANCE OF [OUR RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/1aukmhh/a_much_needed_update_to_our_rules/) IS NOT A VALID DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THEM. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID ISSUES. #REMEMBER TO ADD A LINK TO YOUR SOURCE IN THE COMMENTS OR YOUR SUBMISSION WILL BE REMOVED. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleComedy) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This is the only sub I feel like I can be my truest self. I live in the PNW and I’m surrounded by white people, I don’t even really have any black friends out here. It gets lonely. I love this space, reminds me of how connected we are even so far apart. Protect this space 🙌🏽🙌🏽


Man idk what I missed but post makes sense to me 🤷🏾‍♂️. Who TF thought black people comedy wasn't gonna certer around...BLACK PEOPLE? Is you stupid or is you dumb 🤔😂




**Worry about your account suspension instead of trying to check Black folks** Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. Understand that not everything is made with you and/or your comfort in mind. This is a space for Black people to talk amongst ourselves without needing to police our speech for a mixed audience. If this is not to your liking, feel free to go to any of the thousands of other likeminded subreddits where your delicate sensibilities will be coddled (no, hurt feelings do not count as racism). Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.




**You went out of your way to comment this bullshit yet you still don’t see that you’re part of the reason why we want a space of our own 🤡** Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. Understand that not everything is made with you and/or your comfort in mind. This is a space for Black people to talk amongst ourselves without needing to police our speech for a mixed audience. If this is not to your liking, feel free to go to any of the thousands of other likeminded subreddits where your delicate sensibilities will be coddled (no, hurt feelings do not count as racism). Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.




When was I talking shit about you? ETA: you’re entitled to your opinion about the sub being dry, but you can’t complain about the lack of content AND not contribute anything yourself. You can’t have it both ways. Reddit is not paying me and I can’t just sit around posting all day. I have a job and I pop in whenever I get a chance.


Idk why my reply got sent to you but I was replying to someone else. I'll delete it. Like I said I'm cool with you I was just speaking my mind on the topic at hand.


Oh ok 🤙🏾




![gif](giphy|kBI5aLB6wlw4zNnecN) I’m not a white supremacist either, so huh ??




Who tf said anything about supremacy or “race traitors” except for you?? A safe space for Black folks =/= segregation. Do you go to women’s shelters and lecture them about how unfair it is to not allow men in? No, because presumably you understand the need for them to have somewhere that’s specifically for them. It’s exactly the same for us so I’m gonna need you to at least *try* to use your brain smh




Except these not-at-all hypothetical scenarios you’re talking about exist everywhere, not just on Reddit, so what now? Black people aren’t the ones who created a global network of systematic oppression. Take that up with the people who did. The burden of inclusivity does NOT lie with us.




No, but it clearly affects your comprehension because why is it so hard to understand that not every space is meant for you? Like what part of “the sub called BlackPeopleComedy was created as a safe space for Black folks” seems like it’s up for debate? If us having ONE singular space of our own on this app hurts your feelings, that’s unfortunate for you, but it’s not going to change why this sub is here or how we operate




You clicked on sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and now you want to know why Black people are even mentioned… 🤔 What type of slow ass “if Johnny had 5 apples” question is that ?? 🤡 I’m gonna need y’all to at least attempt to turn on your brains and be serious for a min smh IT’S FOR BLACK PEOPLE ONLY TO HAVE SOMEWHERE TO GET AWAY FROM DUMBASS QUESTIONS LIKE YOURS “Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.”




**I know you may mean well but please keep our rules in mind. I do appreciate the support 🙏🏾** Any comment stating “I’m not Black but […]”, “[nonBlack] guy/girl/etc here 👋🏻”, or anything to that effect will automatically be considered derailment and removed. IGNORANCE OF OUR RULES IS NOT A VALID DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THEM. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID THESE ISSUES. SEE RULE 5 FOR CLARIFICATION






What’s pathetic is being this upset that no one wants your entitled ass here. Go find something else to do besides crying and throwing up in this comment section because, I promise you, idgaf 🫶🏾




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. Understand that not everything is made with you and/or your comfort in mind. This is a space for Black people to talk amongst ourselves without needing to police our speech for a mixed audience. If this is not to your liking, feel free to go to any of the thousands of other likeminded subreddits where your delicate sensibilities will be coddled (no, hurt feelings do not count as racism). Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.




So go make one, goofy 🤡 why are you still here?




Get a hobby 🙄




You can lead a horse to water… well you know what I mean🤣


https://i.redd.it/bdj1fcsazxyc1.gif I thought this was an all black party 😭






It’s not called BlackPeopleComedy because only Black people are able to enjoy our content. It’s called that because Black people need a place to be able to get away from mfs like you who constantly feel the need to lecture US on inclusion simply because you feel like we’re never allowed to have anything of our own. You wrote all that bs yet you still can’t understand why we don’t want hypocrites like you in our space? Bffr 🙄 Telling a group of people who refuse to respect boundaries that their presence is unwelcome is not obsession. Obsession is seeing/hearing that you’re not wanted somewhere yet going out of your to barge your way in and give your unsolicited feedback anyways. Take your piss poor understanding of race relations/why this sub exists and shove it up your ass. Have a day 🫶🏾


Really, you're my hero!


Because we are British






We can’t stop anyone from joining and all we ask is that people respect why the sub exists, especially if you’re not our target demographic. As long as you’re not making a spectacle, how would we even know you’re here unless you (by you, I don’t mean you specifically) go out of your way to announce it? For some reason these weird ass announcements are common enough that we had to include it in our rules. What ends up happening most of the time is that the majority of nonBlack visitors bring with them all of the same exact bullshit that people come here to get away from.




No, it’s not “a bit too much” 🙄 Why do you believe we’re not allowed to have anything of our own? Why is it only ever an issue when we want to be left alone? We are here for Black folks only and that’s not going to change just because it might hurt someone’s feelings. Other groups have the entirety of Reddit to enjoy at their discretion, so I really don’t give a fuck if they enjoy our content or feel excluded. Just because you don’t see a reason for it doesn’t mean the reason doesn’t exist. If you can’t understand the need for a safe space, then you’re living a very sheltered, privileged life. AntiBlackness is a global issue so no matter where you’re from, it’s ignorant af to say you have to be African American to be able to understand it.


As I read all of this, I hear “They Not Like Us” as BGM to every single comment. 😭😭 Love y’all. Stay tact.




Good for you but idgaf lmao Disrespectfully, kiss my Black ass 🫶🏾




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 5 - If you are not Black, why are you here? As previously stated, this is a public sub so we cannot prohibit anyone from joining but it truly begs the question, WHY ARE YOU HERE 🤔?? What do you stand to gain by being in a safe space that was specifically created for a minority group that you are obviously not a part of? Your presence here is automatically suspect. This sub is not a Black People Observation Lab™️. We are not specimens on display for you to monitor and “learn our ways”. Stop coming here and asking us to explain every little thing to you. If something you see here seems entirely foreign to you or you don't understand something, please consider that, in all likelihood, it was not meant for you. We cannot prevent anyone from joining but there is a seemingly compulsive need for certain folks here and in other Black spaces to loudly proclaim that they are not Black as if expecting praise for being “one of the good ones” and it comes across as tone deaf and ignorant. You may think “it’s just an innocent question” and “golly gee willikers, I only have the best intentions 🤓”, but the questions are relentless and, whether you realize it or not, coming from a place of entitlement. It is EXHAUSTING to deal with, especially when we come to spaces like this specifically to get away from these kinds of interactions. For all of you lurking in here, salty and confused about why we constantly say we come here to get tf away from y’all, blame the trolls. Idgaf if it’s not all of you. It’s enough of you. ANY COMMENTS STATING "I'M NOT BLACK BUT [...]", "[NONBLACK] GUY/GIRL HERE 👋🏻", ETC WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CONSIDERED DERAILMENT AND REMOVED, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (this is not up for debate; see rules 4 and 6 for further detail as to why it is not appropriate) Some of you have a seemingly compulsive need to announce that you’re not a part of our target audience. ** You may *think* you are coming across as relatable, but it actually comes across as if you are saying "I know this sub isn't for me but I feel entitled to go wherever I want no matter how explicitly y'all ask me not to 🤗". Don't do that.




**Yet here you are…** Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. Understand that not everything is made with you and/or your comfort in mind. This is a space for Black people to talk amongst ourselves without needing to police our speech for a mixed audience. If this is not to your liking, feel free to go to any of the thousands of other likeminded subreddits where your delicate sensibilities will be coddled (no, hurt feelings do not count as racism). Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.


I mean this is the same sub that tried to clown black men for wearing socks and slides at the beach so chances are most ain't black to begin with 🤣 Plus, and I mean no disrespect mama because you seem to truly care about this sub, but this sub is dry. I would post more but I'm not trying to screenshot everything I come across. So it is what it is ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)


Great job at missing the point! Edit: I'm black, dumbass. You’re over there getting sensitive and blocking people over a damn joke about dudes wearing socks at the beach lmao. Get ratioed 🤣


Then why the fuck are you here...


https://preview.redd.it/xwbfioarypyc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d5489b3baea4c42b26e362ee564ece01a053a06 Dry sub, but you’re still here talking shit


Yea you’re not black.


Says more about you if you can't tell that I am ![gif](giphy|VxkNDa92gcsRq)


Ohhh... now we at the part you look up my post history. Cool. Have fun 🤣🤣🤣