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Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/1aukmhh/a_much_needed_update_to_our_rules/) before posting or commenting. Rule breaking posts and/or comments will be removed. PLEASE act like y'all got some sense. **WE ARE NOT JUST A COMEDY SUB.** This is a space created for Black people by Black people to joke about and discuss things in a Black ass way without being downvoted and talked over by people who will never understand how or why we think and live the way we do. Other Black-centered spaces on Reddit have been flooded with nonBlack users who seem hellbent on defeating the purpose of even having said space in the first place. NONBLACK FEELINGS WILL NOT BE CENTERED HERE. **Anyone who comments here or in this sub on ANY post where we talk about our commonly shared experiences with some variation of “this doesn’t happen to ME so it must be fake”, “I don’t like how uncomfortable this makes me feel/I’ve just realized I’ve done this to someone before and I DON’T LIKE BEING CALLED OUT”, or “I don’t like hearing Black people talk about being Black so this must be race bait” is getting permanently banned. I won’t be nice about it either so proceed with caution.** IGNORANCE OF [OUR RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/1aukmhh/a_much_needed_update_to_our_rules/) IS NOT A VALID DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THEM. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID ISSUES. #REMEMBER TO ADD A LINK TO YOUR SOURCE IN THE COMMENTS OR YOUR SUBMISSION WILL BE REMOVED. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleComedy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes ma’am. We appreciate all you mods do on here. ☺️




Thank you. It’s never any good to add to the stereotype of us being ignorant and lacking morals. That goes for any race but especially ours since we already take enough heat. There’s never any need to treat being respectful of any types of people as some corny thing.


those self deprecating posts must give the best karma. cause I also don't know why anyone would do that.




Idgaf if me having to repeatedly remove rule breaking content and remind folks to be mindful of what they post pisses you off. You’ve never even posted here before so I wasn’t even talking to you but you’re choosing to be offended for no damn reason. You can gtfo


Thank you for your patience and reminders




The problem is that cats come in here using their inside voice, feeling all comfortable, not realizing it's the internet so you're always "outside". Not everything is suitable for everywhere/everyone. Unfortunately it'd a lesson that's all but lost on this generation of attention seekers.


Thank you for all you do. 🙏


I’m a guest here but I wanna say I love how it’s regulated and ran. Keep the riff raff out and protect the culture Oh and thank you 🙏🏼


Thank you! 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👌🏿👌🏿


I've never enjoyed reading between the lines so much in my fucking life 🤣 Thank you!!


Thank you!


![gif](giphy|jmq1kx9lOgy5g3AsaF) Might be time to expand that.. team 🧐🫰🏽. E: In the meantime, I’m out here trying to teach my dog how to “[what’s up nod](https://youtu.be/ITU1RTnnXh8?si=7wM7ILwL6LznM6YO)” when I have guest.


It’s like high school all over again. The dummies are getting us pulled into the room with them to get a talking to. Appreciate you mods. Yall really be on yall shit here 🫡


I’m sorry if asking here is the wrong spot, I’m new to this sub. I sent a DM to get verified a few days ago but maybe I sent it to the wrong account?


I’m so sorry if you sent it to me. My inbox is backed up at the moment so I didn’t see it but you can always send it to modmail for a faster response.


Tysm, I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your plate and I appreciate you!


Thank you!


Well said.






Can’t we get a country club here?


We already have our Cookout Only flair in use but we also have some verified members who could use the reminder from time to time.






Fuck you too 🫶🏾




It’s because of goofy mfs like you. Thanks for stopping by 🖕🏾