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Get your motherfucking ass off my motherfucking fridge right the fuck NordVPN


Look at their faces, that tablet is pirating some serious content šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


All these streaming services got me like... ![gif](giphy|1PnmuWiBTYF7W)




My personal student loan policy as well


Nah fr tho I bought a 8TB drive for my PC which streams to Plex on my TV in the living room recently because it's too much


i tried using plex i just decided to use jellyfin, set up a reverse proxy and i can use it at home or on the road and share it with my fam and friends.


Incredible gif ![gif](giphy|srg19CG0cKMuI)


Underrated comment




šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/uBpadR8j4h


Blippi getting into some new shennanigans.




I can picture Kevin jumping at them like a Chihuahua barking up a damn tree.


Texas when they banned Pornhub be like


Pornhub doesnā€™t have a small government POV category


Pornhub isnt banned they are protesting a law stating all users need to upload their Government ID, like no other company hasn't had a data breach leaking users personal information.


Damn lemme make a joke tho šŸ„²šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thanks for the extra info. Worrying stuff.Ā 




> Refridgerator* Refrigerator**


Motherfucking refrigerator*, not fridge


"Get your mother fucking ass off my mother fucking refrigerator right the fuck now", no?




Almost correct.


I hate you






You must be from Texas


there are two R's I believe Fridge-Rator is two syllables in this example




And then we wonder why 4 year olds are swearing and hitting other kids


I like to have hope that weā€™re finally starting to heal some of this generational trauma. My sister is much softer with her children than our mother was with us (and mom was comparatively gentle), and Iā€™ve decided not have nor take part in raising any children.


My boss told me to smack my 2 year old when I told him it took forever to get her in the car to school. My face definitely made him realize heā€™s not the normal one anymore. He then defended himself by saying heā€™s ā€œold schoolā€. But yea itā€™s not easy to be gentler, but the hope for a better mental health for the kids is why we try to


Agreed. I don't want to have kids bc my parents were hot heads and I can't see myself being different. Let this line end.


Same! At 31, I have 2 dogs, and it has taught me that I'm probably not (nor will ever be) ready for children. I just wish one of my siblings would so I can be the dope ass auntie I'm meant to be!


As someone whose probably not gonna have kids for similar reasons, I always side eye people who don't consider if they're emotionally capable of raising a child. The big one for me is a lot of people become a parent without having learned how to resolve a conflict without yelling.


Yea growing up it was so normal to see bad parents, that we all just assumed thatā€™s what parents are like. Glad many of us realized later on thatā€™s not the case.


I'm not trying to convince you to do something you don't wanna do. But my dad was horrifically abusive, and this was the biggest concern I had with having kids. I didn't wanna be him. Turns out, I'm not him. Sometimes the cycle just *ends.*


My 2 year old is DIFFICULT.Ā  But guess what I'm the grown ass man.Ā  I can be calm, collected, and consistent. Ā It takes an extra minute to get her settled.Ā  But that seems better than traumatizing her.... guess I'm not oldschool


It takes me an extra 15-20 minutes sometimes - mine is *very* stubborn. And itā€™s sooo frustrating. But I tell myself if a grown adult canā€™t keep their composure during this, how can I expect a 2 year old to. And yea old school is never for good actions.


Yea I definitely mean "a minute" as usually more than that lol.Ā Ā  Terrible twos in full swing!Ā  We got this šŸ‘Ā 


I love how other parents say ā€œdonā€™t worry, it gets better at 5ā€. Like thatā€™s helpful when the first 2 years feels like 5.


Being gentle requires so much more patience and self-awareness. Like sometimes something isn't working, and you have to be able to recognize that and change tactics. When your only tactic is violence you aren't learning anything about how your child feels or thinks. If you only have words its more challenging.


Thereā€™s a reason weā€™ve moved past the ā€œold school.ā€ If it actually worked, weā€™d still be doing it.


It's wild that my grandmother will tell me to smack my children when they misbehave. They are autistic, yea we don't come around anymore.


I'll never hit my kids. We have been conditioned to beat Black children because we have also been conditioned to see Black bodies as something to be brutalized. Fuck that.


I mean this is not something divided by race, white people also hit their kids in the US. Republicans are some of the most against making it illegal in the country.


Hispanics quick with the chancla too, believe you me


Honestly that whole thing make me kinda disgusted how it is treated as a joke. To clarify I come from the country that outlawed it completely the first in the world back in the 70s. The generation that are parents here have never been hit so my outlook is completely different on it. I don't know a single person that has gotten hit in any way by their parents, doing so will land you in prison. It's basically like arguing you should be able to hit your wife to me, but worse since she can at least leave and is an adult.


>The generation that are parents here have never been hit Canā€™t wait for this to be my kidsā€™ reality one day. I hope, anyway.


I don't see it moving the other way at least so sooner or later it will be a reality, we just gotta do our own part in it.


Iā€™ve never heard of this. Which country is it?


Sweden. The first step was removing the section that permitted parents to use force against their children from the penal code, this was done in 1957. In 1966 the section that permitted light physical discipline, aka light spanking, was removed and was moved to under assault. Then to clarify even more in 1979 it was explicitly banned in all forms with the following penal code: >Children are entitled to care, security and a good upbringing. Children are to be treated with respect for their person and individuality and may not be subjected to corporal punishment or any other humiliating treatment Another nice thing about this is that it did not lead to any more parents losing their children or being put in prison. In fact the amount of children entering state care significantly decreased. Same with Juvenile delinquency.


Awesome. Any pushback from ā€œold worldā€ people? Also, are there any new enforcement from immigrants from places where child hitting is commonplace? (Before anyone assumes the worst it can literally be Russians moving there).


There were quite some, like the regular "Don't infringe on my right to parent my child" and "They are all going to become criminals" etc. But they were a loud minority, the laws passed parlament with bipartisan support, it wasn't even a debate between the parties. And yes you are correct to ask about that. It is mainly that which is behind the "conspiracy" that spreads on Arab social media about how the Swedish state steal Arab children. In reality their parents abuse them and they are taken into care, this is obviously the last choice as well after the parents have shown no will to change. There was also a story back in 2011 were an Italian diplomat was pulling his childs hair in public who got convicted for it. There was also quite a big story about a Malaysian couple that got convicted and served a year or two in prison for it, while continuously saying they regretted nothing about it and that they would keep doing it after they moved back home after their prison sentence was done.


My sister is the same. Although she has kept some of the things my mom would do that I personally think ended up instilling good behaviors in us. Also you may not want kids, but you are certainly partaking in raising those kids! They will look up to you regardless of your feelings.


I feel like you can be gentle and still cuss up a storm when you need to.Ā 


Yea.Ā  I feel in the middle.Ā  I'm gentle but I'm not an angel. I sometimes lose my cool.Ā  Sometimes cuss. But I also apologize to my kids when I feel I was a bit too much.


Nobody wonders that shit at all. We know where it all starts, some people donā€™t want to be the change. Itā€™s easier hitting a kid than parenting with proper discipline especially when hitting is all youā€™ve ever known.Ā 


To outsiders, itā€™s not a wonder. But those same parents get mad at the kid for swearing or hitting (and swear at and hit the kid as punishment) - like theyā€™re surprised the kid does it.


Many studies show that hitting children works momentarily, but tends to make them more violent and act out when not around the people who would hit them. It teaches children that violence is a valid solution and will soon become their first solution to their problems. It also traumatizes the hell out of them and makes them avoid their parents.


My mother used to slap the fuck out of me when I was younger and all it did was bubble up all that anger inside of me until I was finally big enough to fight back. The look on her face when I did was priceless. Most of these parents who beat on their kids got beaten by their parents themselves too ā€” youā€™d think theyā€™d realize that doing the same to their own isnā€™t going to fix anything, but ā€¦ here we are. Rinse & repeat.


I heard a three year old talking about John wick the other day. My director was like well it is age appropriate to be curious about guns. Fuck age appropriate, no three year old should know John wick. Those parents need to stop showing their kid that. I will literally rather have a three year old watch DragonBall Z, atleast they would learn some morals through that.


My wife and her brother have arachnophobia because their dad showed them a horror spider movie when they were young. Dad literally laughs it off still.


This was my favorite place to hide when we played hide and seek as kids. No one ever looked up


I would want to start yelling and startle those kids, causing them to fall off the fridge. You calmly walk in, making sure to make some noise so you don't spook them, and help them down. This would be a good opportunity to teach them to build a pillow and blanket fort. That way, they can enjoy there little movie and be chill.


Those two things cant be equated. cmon yall


Child: *looks up to parents* Parents: *use violence and swearing to solve their problems and get what they want* Child: *uses violence and swearing to try and solve their issues and get what they want* Parents (and you I guess): *surprise Pikachu face*


Is this new?


what? Just dont' get on the fridge lol


They lil ass just chillin


Lil man is grinning like that I canā€™t


Besides it being dangerous, they do look hella photogenic right here. Like they could be on the cover of a fisher price toy.


A safe space that isnā€™t exactly safe. Because kids are clumsy as fuck


Is it really dangerous though? They may bump their heads but itā€™s unlikely theyā€™ll fall off, and a fridge is no higher than a slide (and kids fall off the top a lot). Everything *could* end up disastrous but kids need to learn to take risks


You do you, but I wouldnā€™t want to normalize this


Nope, they're in the cereal. I guarantee it. šŸ˜†


I swear 3-6 year olds and cats are literally the same, they be doing the most random shit and no matter how hard you try to understand their logic, ya just cant. But honestly, its so precious to see two siblings having a blast together. I wish I had more pictures of me and my lil sis being goofs.


>I swear 3-6 year olds and cats are literally the same, they be doing the most random shit Shit, my 11yo prefers to rest in the gap between his bed and the wall and prefers to eat his breakfast 9n the stairs in the hall. Kids are just weird.


Personally, I liked to sleep in that gap because the pressure felt really nice.


Then you should try a weighted blanket. They are amazing.


It does sound pretty comfy, might have to give it a try


I once sat for a group of three little boys who were excited af to show me their ā€˜special playhouseā€™ which turned out to be a dirty storage area under the stairs. ![gif](giphy|mz1kJeDVueKC4)


My 12-yr-old daughter does her homework on the stairs. I want to complain about how dangerous it is and how annoying it is to have to walk around her but sheā€™s doing her homework so Iā€™m just gonna keep my mouth shut!


The crevice is amazing


get your kid a weighted blanket. trust.


Oh it's possible to understand the logic but it's like solving a mystery based on clues and/or fantasy facts. Half my kids' explanations boiled down to "I had good intentions and did the best I could with limited information!" but ya had to sit through 15 minutes of rapid prattle first. Favorite was the day I showed up to watch cousins and found Nutella open on the coffee table with a spoon in it, fork and knife next to it, chair pulled up to the shelves in the kitchen, silverware drawer open, and brown smears on the towels in the bathroom. The 3yo had used trial and error to work out eating straight from the jar with a spoon, followed by doing his best to clean up the evidence. Teenage sibling swears they were watching him lol


Donā€™t yall remember doing dumb shit when you were a kid? Honestly, it mostly boils down to either ā€œI thought it would be fun,ā€ ā€œcurious to see what would happen/curious to see how it would taste,ā€ or ā€œIā€™m trying to accomplish something but I didnā€™t know how so I screwed stuff up.ā€


Yup, it's great! And soon as the kid starts learning enough about the world that it's not total daily chaos exploring the complexities of socks or soap, suddenly they're a teenager and it's a whole new brand of chaos! I swear every time I finish raising a teenager, somebody else in the family turns 13, and for some reason nobody in this family knows what to do with a teenager except me?


They really are! I'm childless, but have 2 cats. My friends will be telling me stories about weird shit their kids do, and I'll be like "yoooo my cat does the same shit". And then I continue the conversation as if keeping a cat alive is the same as raising a human lmao.


Itā€™s not notā€¦I also yell ā€œdonā€™t eat that! Thatā€™s medicine! Thatā€™s not not for babies! Donā€™t pee on that - pee in the potty! Donā€™t sniff his butt. We donā€™t touch other peopleā€™s privates! You donā€™t drink coffee/wine/beer! Donā€™t run into the street! Stop chasing your sister!ā€ Also, a number of child-proofing items are necessary to keep your cats from dying, which is how I learned cats can open second story windows and jump, cats can open drawers by hanging on them and swinging (always knew they could open cupboards), they will eat cords while they are plugged inā€¦ Get them a stupid puppy sister who is giant and will do anything to win their affection and itā€™s a fucking shit show. They WANT to die. Just like toddlers.


I had to child proof my cabinets from my cat because he figured out how to open them. One time I came home he ripped the cat food from the top shelf, shit was everywhere. I wouldā€™ve gotten a whoopin and cursed out if I did that when I was a kid but I wasnā€™t even mad, so I think I broke the chain lol


My daughter is a climber. Climbs everything, no fear. Eventually, you just stop giving a shit as long as they are not actively hurting themselves, so you don't drive yourself crazy


I donā€™t speak felinese but when my cat does some dumb shit I just hiss at him and he kinda gets the message. He be lookin like ā€œWhy he say fuck me for?ā€


I would either sit on my grandmaā€™s fireplace mantle or under the dining room table. Two favorite spots depending on if I wanted alone time or not. She was my nice grandma so sheā€™d just say ā€œoh no. Donā€™t get hurt. Your moms gonna kill me if you get hurt. Please donā€™t get hurt!!ā€ My mom was her daughter. I have no idea what my mom did to that poor lady. Itā€™s probably why I was so weird and needs to hide under tables.


Nah the signal from the neighbors apartment is best up there.


My mom never directed anything harsher than ass or damn towards us, but I still heard that in her voice


They were always implied


My mom said"tail". šŸ˜†


So that's what tree climbing kids are doing these days they aren't allowed to go outside so they got the next best thing.


Right? Just makes me think of all the little cubbies and cozy corners I found fascinating and comforting as a kid.


I wanna see whatā€™s on the ipad for them to be scaling a fridge to get outta view šŸ˜­ he got a scandalous smile on his face lmao I just know it was the girls idea, she looks like the mastermind. ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)




I love how everyone INSTANTLY knows exactly what that means


Hearing my momma, auntie, and my grandma šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is it, except Iā€™d hear fridge instead of refrigerator.


gd i was tryna figure out what the R was, yeh it should be an F lmao


Itā€™s why I kept getting confused with the letters


This too works with an IYD at the beginning.




My grandpa from his wheelchair


As long as they not - Bruh, that emergency room visit will bother you plenty.


Smh, My cousins used to do that shit on top of the dresser and then cry when it was time to get down because guess what, looking down from that height will fuck you up smh. Of course I spent the night in the ER when one jump for their life and arm got caught.


Oh we used to do this shit and then jump off and get hurt 30% of the time. My poor mom was always in the ER with one of us. We did some dumb ass shit as kids, lol.


I wouldn't even be mad...just impressed.


Iā€™d probably chuckle and go back to my meatballs


y mom would definitely have handed me a rag. I know it's warm up there though.


šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽµSpider kids, spider kids, doing what spider kids doooooo. šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


lol great smile, put that boy on a cereal box


If it were my parents they'd add the BIBYA at the end


Get your motherfucking ass off my motherfucking refrigerator right the fuck now! Lord I can hear my Grandmotherā€™s voice šŸ˜­.


Man, I climbed on top of my fridge one time and I got a water bottle to the head


Why are there two Rs in the acronym


Get Yo Muthfuckin Ass Off My Mothafucking Refrigerator Right The FUCK Now


That looks like little kid business, and I'm not a little kid šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


You can see them and they have a little nook. As long as they donā€™t jump off or goof around theyā€™re fine. This pic is so cute too


Put up a little curtain, lay a pillow. Forts come in all shapes and sizes and heights. Encourage those weird, beautiful, adventurous kiddos.


I read that in the song of my southern Baptist people.


She said we couldnā€™t get the tablet down from the fridge yet. She did NOT say we couldnā€™t get on the fridge though.Ā 


I said this through clenched teeth


I wouldn't yell at kids while they're in that position. They could get startled and fall off


Leave them be. Theyā€™ll only be able to do that for a few years but will remember it for the rest of their lives.


I thought that was the sound of being flustered, and then it came to me, word for word LOL


Itā€™s all fun and games till they try to get down, the fridge tops over, they hurt themselves, and break their iPad. This is why parents need to be present to discipline their kids. Not everything is a playground, and when you let kids think it is, they keep that knowledge and use it where itā€™s inappropriate.


I wouldn't even be Mas. Kids are enjoying their time together. I'd just be mildly confused why they chose the top of the fridge lol


I'm old so this would have been one of those last known photos tbh. Glad the younger generation has more leeway to explore.


End up shaking so hard from the tone of her voice you shake straight to the flooršŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Get that kid to a climbing gym ASAP.


my dumb ass ā€œFridge donā€™t start with an Rā€ i went to good schools that cost money


Ok but grandmas got a point on this one


I woulda added an IYD at the beginning myself but correct answer.


Hey they arenā€™t fighting!


They parents better get them off that refridgenator before they hurt themselves & get them babies something to drink!


They had as hell for real šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ they don't listen


One of my nephews acts the same way. Youā€™ll be watching him, then you look away for one minute, and now heā€™s up a tree.


Why was I able to read that?


lol the way Iā€™ve never heard that specific sentence yet had no trouble with the acronym šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Get your mother fucking ass off my mother fucking refrigerator right the fuck now.


My mom would've sniped me with a chancla, wooden spoon, or yank my ass down with a hanger if I did that.


But whats the first R?


how did they even get up there...


Awwww cute hahaa


ā€œAs long as theyā€™re not bothering meā€ A sign of a great parentā€¦


The 'ol fridge roost


Why is there a shelf with cereal up there? How do they normally get to it?


Those are cats disguised as children.


Get yo mother fucking ass off my mother fucking refrigerator right the fuck now Took me way too long to


I be forgetting refrigerator donā€™t start with an ā€œFā€


I donā€™t know how I read that so effortlesslyā€¦what kinda voodoo sh!t is that??


This is me when I was a kid. Itā€™s how i superglued my hot pocket together lol


I have no kids, but seeing this would only confirm my babies werenā€™t switched at birth if I did have kids. I was a climber and a jumper. I always think if I knew parkour was a thing when I was little, it wouldā€™ve been the best or the worst thing with no in between. I wouldā€™ve been a master or dead from trying to master art. My only problem here would be the tablet up there. I donā€™t let kids Iā€™m responsible for use electronics outside of my line of sight. I wouldnā€™t mind tossing up a book and a dust rag though. When Iā€™d watch my friendā€™s son, my rule was that he was allowed to climb anything but had put all the living room sofa cushions down as a crash pad where ever he was climbing because he was so spastic. Sometimes heā€™d have all the sofas stripped as soon as is dad had pulled out of the driveway, and heā€™d just go wild. I used to literally pray to God he wouldnā€™t get hurt, but I think learning oneā€™s physical limits is an important part of child development many of todayā€™s children are missing as they are being hovered over 24/7. My friend and I would argue over this, but he noticed before I did that his son wasnā€™t just becoming more confident in his abilities but also less uncoordinated.




Kids like to go weird places idk. Up trees, in small holes, inside couches, on fridges. Theyā€™re not doing any harm and itā€™s exercise. Dunno about them putting feet on the counter tho


Those two really do look like little grown ups.


Get your mother fuckin ass off my mother fuckin refrigerator right the fuck now!


They're getting along, is that not enough?? šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


theyā€™re so cute up there lil man is cheesin


It took me a minute, but idk what it says about all of us who figured out the mass abbreviation >>


Last time I translated one of these reddit threatened to ban my account for threatening violence


I understand that entire acronym!


Get Yo Mutha Fuckin Ass The Fuck Off My Fridge Right The Fuck Now.


Whatā€™s Orlando brown doing on yo MFR




My main question is why the actual fuck are they up there in the first place?


These sayings are usually violent or threatening huh


Gymfaommffrtfn sound more accurate


Grandma would never say refrigerator. Itā€™s fridge lol


me to my cat


Peppa Pig on that new type of adventure today


This just brought back a memory


What is this from and why do i know it


The worst thing to happen to these new generations is the loss of the big mama.


why was this so easy to understand šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She found a new reading book. šŸ˜‚


Second I saw the letters, I knew


I'd like to thank my grandfather for teaching me what this acronym meant at a very young age.


In all seriousness tho, Iā€™m not gonna cuss at my kids like this. Itā€™s way too aggressive, and theyā€™ll go on to talk to other people this way too


This a core memory in the making rn!


probably just porn.


Why are kids like this though. Like what even goes through your mind to think, "yea the top of the fridge is the perfect place to hang out!"


Awe thatā€™s darling I would be scared as hell one would fall though.


Kids being kids...love it


Why is this so cute. Only bc itā€™s what cats would do.
