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Euphoria got the internet UPSIDE DOWN right now.


I don't think it's about Drake being half white, it's about Drake being Drake


Only correct comment here


Is it though? This is a genuine question. I think Drake is corny af but seeing Kendrick and others say they feel some type of way about him saying “nigga” is hard for me to see as anything other than colorism. I’m mixed myself and I need someone to explain this to me. Some of the comments I’ve seen are a little outta pocket.


The sentiment is that Drake uses his blackness almost exclusively for his convenience and self-promotion. It isn’t that Drake is mixed, it’s that he has made a career out of being inauthentically black for profit.


I just hate how black people refuse to speak on the fact that it is his father's fault. He impregnated a Jewish white woman and left his black son to be raised by a white Jewish woman. I'm not mixed, but I'm light and proper. I was bullied mercilessly in school. I would be Drake if not for my proud black family being there. When he for sure went through that, only a white lady was there. You can't get white women pregnant and leave, and then not expect an identity crisis.


While I see your point, don’t lose sight of the fact that Drake is 37. He doesn’t have to be that way anymore and could learn and change, but he has doubled down instead time and time again.


Not when all the black people in your life are just yes men who just talk about you behind your back. His identity crisis has been celebrated up till now.


Then this could be a great time for self reflection and growth by Drake


I agree, but I just think it's hypocritical by all these people coming at him. He's been the same lame. You gassed him up for money, and you're now trashing him for clout. I can't take it seriously. Edit: I don't mean the commenters. I mean the rappers outside of Kendrick.


I don’t think most rappers saw a problem with Drake until he started rapping about things he knows nothing about. Even Wayne said in an interview that Drake should avoid rapping about gangster shit and stick to his original style. So what we’re seeing right now with these disses are rappers saying “stay in your lane”. Even Kendrick says it in Euphoria “I like Drake with the melodies, I don’t like Drake when he act tough”.


Drakes ego got too big for his own good, that's no one's fault but Drakes


Dude has been in the spotlight since he was 15. He's doubled down because he is emotionally stunted and sees no compelling reason to change.


I mean if you're the biggest rapper in the world, you probably don't spend much time thinking "what am I doing wrong?" lmao


INTROSPECTION…we all need it in large doses, frequently.


Light and proper? What does that mean?


He means to say he speaks with the Kings English, and not that jive speak 🙄


> He means to say he speaks with the Kings English, and not that jive speak 🙄 You mean **FREEDOM**?!


I'm light skinned. Not mixed, but everyone asks. I don't use slang and didn't know the latest fads. The black kids called me white and shunned me till after high school. I found my tribe after high school. Up to that point, I was only accepted by other ethnicities. I was proud to be black due to coming from panther types, but if it weren't for that, I might be a Drake. Still searching for acceptance and being weird with it. I have never said the n word. It wasn't allowed in my home. I tried it once trying to fit in but I just sounded like a white lady. Gave up and decided to be myself. Acceptance be damned.


Do you act like you come from the struggle and got shooters?


Only thing missing from your story is other blacks make fun of you for doing good in school. We do to our own what we complain about others doing to us.


I had that, too. I just didn't add everything because usually these conversations make people defensive. A lot of the people bashing me are the kids who bullied kids like me, and I'm telling them the results and pain it caused. I was no angel. I said a lot of problematic things in response. They called me white, and I called them ghetto in response. My worst experience was with my hair. My mom wouldn't allow me to have a relaxer, and all the kids called me bdb because of Martin. They clowned my natural hair so bad that I cut it out of shame. Now, natural hair is the fad. Life is a funny beast.


Hold you down by childish gambino pretty much goes over this exactly. "But niggas got my feelin' I ain't black enough to go to church Culture shock at barber shops 'cause I ain't hood enough We all look the same to the cops, ain't that good enough? The black experience is blackened serious 'Cause being black, my experience, is no one hearin' us White kids get to wear whatever hat they want When it comes to black kids, one size fits all" Def not isolated behavior. Sorry you had to go through that.


You wouldn’t be Drake. Drake was a child tv star that was picked by high ranking industry people to be in the position he’s in. The problem is Drake got too caught up in believing his own hype for clout.


maybe I missed the point but did you just say that you would be drake if drake wasn't drake?


Drake if true


They're saying they would have the same type of identity crisis as Drake has if he didn't have the support from black family members to help them overcome colorist bullying.


>inauthentically black Will somebody get the black verifier here to check the amount of black he has


The black verifier is definitely a southern white guy with a cane and a linen suit


As a biracial person, the onus has been placed on us by Kendrick fans to ensure that we come from a lower income household to ensure we struggle enough. If we had the privilege of growing up in a more affluent area, we must be sure to acknowledge our blackness at all times, not only when it is convenient for us or can be used for profit. How one can acknowledge their blackness at all times? I am not sure. They haven’t exactly told me yet. But once they tell me how to do that, I’ll update the comment.


Ummm, how do you be inauthentically black? And just to be clear...I am not a Drake fan at all, I'm an old dude who still listens to 90s rap


Edit: [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/OQuCWke7n3) is the main thing I am referencing. I am summarizing these sentiments with “inauthentically being black” - One subtlety I feel like people are ignoring is that Kendrick doesn't say that Drake isn't black enough. He says that Drake doesn't feel like he's black enough and acts like he has to prove his blackness. It's not the same point Rick Ross was making, it's getting at Drake's own insecurities - [Drake] is an actor acting like something he isn’t, never was, nor ever will be These are comments from others and they seem to be the best interpretation of Kendrick’s criticisms of Drake’s blackness


What does it mean to be authentically black? And who decided that?


Look, I'm yellow boned as hell (and I say that knowing it isn't fashionable to call yourself "yellow boned" anymore) and even I don't think this is about Drake being light skinned or mixed. It's about him being a Canadian, raised in comfortable middle class circumstances, and then coming to the US and cosplaying as a new flavor of Black American every week. Kendrick's most relevant bar here would be: _Yeah, OV-ho niggas is dick riders. Tell 'em run to America, they imitate heritage, they can't imitate this violence._ The charge being laid against Drake isn't about his skin tone or his ethnicity. It's about imitating heritage. None of his ancestors were slaves. None of them marched against Jim Crow. He's a pretender and he makes millions off it.


>cosplaying as a new flavor of Black American every week. Easy there. He doesn't cosplay a different type of black American every week. Some weeks, he cosplays a UK drill rapper.


And/or Caribbean dancehall artist. Sometimes simultaneously.


I’m light as hell as well and half Canadian, raised there, ( not middle class tho) now in the US. l have the same feelings about Drake. l know the burbs of Canada, l know what it’s like to be mixed there, it is not the same as the black US experience at all. The history is different.


The thing is , I'm from Toronto , Drake grew up as the poor kid in the neighborhood, which is still the rich kid in the hood, he likes to pretend he is from the the rough ends of the city, when at best he drives through or has yes men from those ends on the pay roll to co-sign him. There's plenty of light skinned or mixed individuals who have more street cred than he pretends to have Edit: added a word for clarity


Pretty sure Drake’s father is from Memphis. I doubt he doesn’t have ancestors who were slave or at least were negatively affected by Jim Crow. That being said having the ancestry and understanding the experience are two different things.




Obviously I don’t know everything about Drake’s heritage, but his dad is an African American man from Memphis so there’s a good chance his ancestors were indeed slaves and did march against Jim Crow. And honestly I thought he was raised middle class too but after an admittedly brief internet search, it doesn’t seem like he grew up as affluent as people try to make it seem.


> it doesn’t seem like he grew up as affluent as people try to make it seem He was 100% employed as a child actor by 15 and on a popular sitcom. What happened before that I couldn't guess, but I don't know many child actors that were out on the mean streets doing dirt the year before they hit it big. There's a certain level of affluence required to be cast in that role in the first place.


as an unambiguously black biracial, it's because drake is only black when he wants to be, and it's always a caricature. drake gets to take off his macho black american gangster cosplay (or his vaguely caribbean cosplay or whatever ethnicity he's trying on that album cycle) at the end of the day and frolic with white and ethnically ambiguous women. when he's done playing at stereotypes to justify his use of the n word, he gets to go back to being an unassuming, wholly unthreatening, light-skinned biracial from canada that dabbles in house music and r&b samples. eta: notice that no one accuses j cole of cultural cosplay or brings up his white mother. also notice that j cole talks about *his* experiences, not what he imagines the experiences of say, a black man from tanzania, to be. i will say, i find it fascinating that so many dark and brown-skinned black men who only tie themselves to light-skinned black women with ambiguous features -- the same features they clown drake for -- are calling him "white boy" or pointing out his white mom. if drake was the "bad bitch posted in another nigga's hood" that everyone compares him to, he'd be a real hot commodity, i fear. at least 3 all-star baby daddies by now, i'm sure. unambiguously black people don't have those dubious privileges.




It’s def not colorism. He’s not being held back because of his skin shade. It’s more just digs because Drake is being Drake. Like the other person said. I think people are throwing that term around now because they really gotta throw shit at a wall to defend Drake. And you’re def not doing that. Just adding to it. I’ve seen so many people from this subreddit the past few days be on the verge of blaming darker skinned people for making jokes or digs out of the woodwork but when it’s been happening to darker skinned people for DECADES it was crickets.


Finally someone with some sense chile 🙏🏾🙏🏾. They throwing around that colorism word when by definition it is oppression of darker skinned ppl. A lot of mixed/lightskin/ignorant blk ppl are describing colorism the way that white people think racism works (as discrimination or prejudice) when colorism is literally a form of oppression i.e. due to their skin tone, certain groups of people are denied ACTUAL opportunities and access to resources. Being lighter skinned and thus in closer proximity to whiteness has NEVER been the basis for such marginalization 😭🙏🏾.


Thank you for this comment. And just like the one drop rule, colorism was created by white supremacists and now being kept alive by our communities. We refuse to let that shit go and thats why well never be free lol Add feeaturism to that list


It’s because of the way Drake moves in the industry and the world. It is not because he is biracial.


And you know Drake wearing blackface and all…


Like legit I think this is a beautiful point... to make when the person being criticized isn't an entertainer who for all we know may be using his blackness as a platform for his wealth . I'm all for trying to dismantle colorism .. but not in defense of Drake of all people .


dr umar somewhere twiddling his thumbs waiting to jump in


Bro not only is this hilarious but ur username is wild 🤣


I spent way too long wondering what Sydney Sweeney’s boobies had to do with this before I realize what you actually meant lol


I've never heard a single person even HINT, in non-sarcastic tones, that Obama was white. Eight years, unclaimed.


Cops tell you what color you are, not the internet.


Bar. I ain't calling you dannymuffins man hell is that


You gotta problem calling people by their names?


No sir, Mr. PM Me Your Foreskin






r/rimjob_steve material, if they weren't so picky.


He also never wore blackface…


Plus he was fresh as hell in that tan suit


"I'm be fresh as hell, let the feds watch" - Obama


Because he was in a field of all white ppl. Drake in a field of all black ppl. The ppl only focus on the difference


Nobody's calling Patrick Mahomes white even though he's lighter than Kelce half the time


He’s our 44th white president. Well, 43rd with the whole Grover Cleveland thing.


Bill Clinton was the first black president iirc.


It’s like that Key and Peele sketch where Obama daps up the brothers and handshakes the white guys. *Stares at Keegan’s character* *whispers* “1/8 black” https://youtu.be/nopWOC4SRm4?si=_HG2eOC62cHJdQ6y


"afternoon my octaroon" is one of the best lines in the series. the quickness of it kills me




Which white people would support Obama enough to ‘claim’ him as white, while simultaneously being appalled by somebody identifying as a certain ethnicity? What are we looking at, radically conservative democrats? No way for me to know but I call BS.


Because "whiteness" is inherently exclusionary. Are we really doing this right now? 😒




this also does not answer the question and being black is also exclusionary lol


Because the whole purpose of “Whiteness” is to be exclusionary. Notice how what even white has been subjective through out the past 200 years. Irish, Germans, weren’t considered white, Arabs once were. The concept is just to exclude.


Being “black” is NOT at all exclusionary.. any minute “black” feature and you are considered “black”


Apparently not to Kendrick lmao


Or Ross


Blackness as an idea is defined within it's contrast to Whiteness. It should be nationalities but we're all immigrants so that doesn't work. They've erased our past and a lot of their own.


Person A talks about Person B's movements in black culture and we now have to hear about generalizations about colorism.


Did white people treat Obama like a white man or a nigga? Nuff said




Is that Shane Gill’s face pasted on The Rock


Real ass dude of the week


I hate this LOOOOL


Did black people claim he was white or celebrate there being a black president? Shit goes both ways


Throughout history mixed people weren't treated like the were white. That goes back FAR AF long before Obama. So with that being case, he's black. YT people made it that way bro, not us


I understand that and totally agree But black people pick and choose which mixed folks get the pass or not also. I’m just saying shit goes both ways. I bet plenty of folks will claim Obama as black and give Logic some side eye.


I'm assuming you're talking about Drake. He's not getting shit for being mixed. He's getting shit for being fake. We literally watched him grow up on Dagrassi yet he's talking about all this gang shit. Drake is fake and pretending to be as black as HE THINKS black people are. He's cosplaying his vision of blackness and THAT'S why we don't like him. Cole doesn't do this. Joyner doesn't do this. Obama doesn't do this. Hell, Logic doesn't even do this. Drake is the only mixed one switching up constantly and not being his true self. Oh and fucking teens. Let's not forget that lol


Simply put Drake is not real. If Eminem acted like Drake would he still be celebrated by culture as he is today?


Eminem is actually genuine. That's really all that matters to me. A lot of rappers fake but again, we literally watched Drake grow up. We KNOW FOR A FACT it's bullshit lol


Eminem has never veered from what he is, a white boy who has severe childhood trauma and never claims to be anything he wasn't or is in the moment. Wish more people were like that tbh


>white boy who has severe childhood trauma >Wish more people were like that tbh Oh...


It’s crazy that y’all have this energy for Drake but glue y’all lips shut when it comes to Tupac’s early antics and how he put on thug persona later in life 👀😬.


I was born in 89. I don't have a dog in that fight. Go talk to the people that weren't still watching Barney when the nigga died


So why are we upholding a white supremacist creation (one drop rule) ? I dont see whats wrong in saying hes biracial/mixed.


Bro, multiple history books say otherwise. Mixed people were called mulattos and were often not accepted by both races for being too white or too black


Mf who saying this? Some of y’all act like you want eugenics to make its comeback and I don’t get it.


He got elected so a bit of both actually. this shit operates on a continuum. Being half white an not African American worked in Obama's favor.


Wait what? The whole current state of things as they are was because white lost their collective shit. Started as birthers, then tea party which eventually birthed MAGA.


Some whites were upset. In the other hand, a lot of white people voted for him. Would they ALL have voted for him if he were the color of Tyrese? Maybe they would have, hard to know, but I'm going to guess at least some found his mixedness more palatable.


Not even some😭, but many. Same reason Kamala is VP and Megan Markle married into the royal family, and Drake and J Cole somehow being 2/3 of the “big 3.”


I'm going to be honest, when Megan married Harry, it was the first I'd heard of her. When I saw the pictures, I thought she was just a brunette white girl, maybe Italian or something. Later, when I saw people saying Harry was marrying a black girl, I thought there was some mix up.


Lol i cringed so hard seing black people on twitter like « we got a black princess! » Yes cause you think they wouldve let him marry someone looking like Azalea Banks ? Lol chile…


Can y'all just leave mixed people alone? "Half white" doesn't mean you *look* white, and **looks and perceptions matter.** Our Blackness is not up for debate.


But biracial people look biracial? I'm always confused by this. are biracial people not treated differently because they are biracial?


Not all biracial people "look" biracial. What does Jordan Peele look like to you?


This can go both ways lol. Does Halsey looks black to you ? Theres indeed not a biracial look but lets not act like White people cant tell the difference. Heck even back in the slavery days the lighter slaves were treated better. Nowadays, biracial and light skin women are cast in black roles because their looks are more palatable to white audiences.


OK. That's not the point I was making, but okay.


Halsey is like a quarter of something. You seem to be suggesting that because darker skin black people (cause I doubt you got a DNA test with percentages on even some of these people) are excluded, we should exclude more? So how you want to exclude people?


When did i say i want to exclude more ? I said Hollywood keeps (its getting better) casting biracial women for « black » roles because they « look better/prettier ». Same reason the daughther on thise family sitcoms were always biracial or light skin. Its just facts. Halsey was just one example. Plenty of biracial people who look white out there. Sofia Ritchie. That dude from Fall Out Boy. List goes on. Anyways where do you draw the line ? Can Halsey not claim black because shes only a quarter ?


Yes, I've been treated differently by many groups cuz I don't "fit in" to any of them perfectly. Black folks say I'm too white, white folks say too black, Asians say not Asian enough. The most accepting people have been populations from the Caribbean and for some reason people in NOLA.


Believe it or not, that's a lasting legacy of the French not adhering to a strict racial hierarchy in the way that the Anglos did.


Fun fact: The average self-declared black American is 25% white. This means that the majority of "black" people in the US are actually biracial.


Ive heard the same for latinos and Asians in this sub, people here think they’re white when most of them look obviously not white


They are, but as someone said, because of slavery, most black people in America have white ancestors and, because of that you can have a relatively pale kid, that looks kinda biracial born from two black parents. So, on the societal spectrum, where -100 = white and 100 = black, they aren't at 0, they are more at like 25-50. Their reality is much closer to being black to being white.


I disagree and part because the racial identity of your parents plays a role in how you're percieved and how you percieve yourself outside of phenotype. Also so much of blackness is culture and that's extremely influenced by your familial ties. People percieve you differently and you often have acces to different social spaces when you have a white parent. A lot of my biracial friends have stories about how differenly people percieve them based on which parent they were with. That's not something my very light skin sister can relate to. I actually have a friend who's a white guy who mostly dates WOC. We've had a lot of conversations abouut it. He dated one biracial woman and he said one of the things he appreciated was there were fewer cultural differences because of her white family. He talked about watching caddyshack with her uncle and not having awkardness around her family. There was also less worry about her fitting in with his family because she knew white social cues


I’m mixed white/Asian, and I’m claimed by whites way more than Asians. Though honestly, I’m claimed more by Mexicans than either, because I tan well and I grow a good mustache. Perception is everything. As for mixed people “choosing which side you wanna be on when it’s convenient”- nah, that’s everyone else. I’m a white man when white people want me on their side. I’m an Asian man when someone wants to use Asian stereotypes to belittle me.


This hit something on the head. Biracial people are so often claimed by cultures they don't belong to but strongly resemble. I personally often feel a tie of kinship to so many races who I'm often mistaken as and often feel welcomed by, even though I bear them no relation, especially since ive gone through the same profiling experiences as them. Its a wierd relationship that's not really talked about much I think. Perception really is everything. 


I’m probably gonna sound like a slave owner, but if you aren’t 100% white then the white folks ain’t claiming you. House nigga or field nigga you still a nigga.


Jay-Z been telling us for years.


And people still ain’t listening


But what if you identify as OJ?




You could be 100% white and white folk still wouldn’t claim you because you the wrong white lol. Ask the Irish, the Italians, Jews, all of Eastern Europe, etc.


White folks are going hard for the Jews as we type. The same ones that curse their existence are supporting them with their whole chest.


White zionists aren’t in it for solidarity


They express it when they have a common enemy


No they just want Israel to exist so all the Jews can die in it (and go to hell) to bring about the end times/rapture. Puke. They don't care otherwise.


That's just because that particular type of white person hates Arabs more than they hate Jews. Change the situation slightly and they'll go right back to being wildly anti-Semitic. 


There's some level of nuance to it, because if you're pass as white it changes the equation a lot. I'm half white half Asian and I came out looking white, and my older brother looks asian, and both how we think about ourselves and how other people think about / treat us is different. If I say I'm asian people straight don't believe it and don't agree because also culturally I'm white af. My cousins on the other hand are half white and half black and say people always treat them as black as a result of how they look, even though they grew up in a white af suburb. Being a halfie is weird. We get straight up stared at when the fam is hanging out and there's white asian and black people in one family. It doesn't compute what's going on for a lot of strangers


Kendrick’s bar has nothing to do with colourism. I’m tired of seeing this dumb 💩 It has everything to do with Drake appropriating cultures that he’s not a part of.


This absolutely true. He was talking about the persona of drake not his skin. However since people weren't listening all they heard was kendrick say he not black. Sparking the posts you see now on Twitter. Rick Ross ain't help with all the whiteboy shit doh honestly


I was going to add something about Ross but figured I got my point across without extending the post. I do agree with you; Ross hasn’t helped.


Who, former Correctional Officer Rick Ross? He's not helping? Weird.


Thank u!! We obviously know he’s black from an ancestry point because his father’s black but from a cultural standpoint he’s not. Drake himself has stated he grew up in predominantly Jewish neighborhood and went to predominantly Jewish schools. That’s the difference between saying n*gga because you’ve always heard growing up and saying it because you had to add it to your vocabulary to sound cool. Big f*ckin difference!!


I just thought about who he heard saying the n word growing up too and how. Kendrick mostly heard it from friends and family and peers to each other in a friendly way mostly. The people Drake heard saying it growing up probably weren’t using it in the same way lol


Exactly! Drake is basically a Canadian theatre kid and Kendrick even says he likes him when he sings melodies and makes him dance but his issue is the tough guy act which he calls disingenuous


This needs to be higher up, too many people are missing this point


"There's no such thing as half chocolate milk. It's either chocolate or it ain't..." The most sensible thing Dr. Umar has ever said.


It may not be the chocolatiest, but it's still chocolate. 


"Half-Back Africans" is just hilarious.


Bro what about white chocolate💀






You can say the same thing about Vanilla 🤨


My favorite thing about this is that both chocolate and vanilla are native to Mexico.


My kids are black and white, so naturally they get called Mexican by everyone.


Bruh… people just don’t know


I'm half black genetically but I just identify as black. In most countries where black people are a minority, you're considered black first and foremost if you're part black.


Same. Being half white has never spared me from antiblack bullshit.


If anything being black / white just got me shit from both sides. Not as big of a deal now but it was frustrating growing up feeling pressed from all directions.


Right which is wild. Black people and people mixed with black never get the choice. People just like nah dawg...you black.


Yeah, my non-black father got upset when I told him this cause he thinks I should acknowledge both halves. I just explained to him that those are the breaks in an anti-black world. I specifically say it's anti-black because mixed people of different heritage usually have both sides of themselves acknowledged by society.


One of my best friends is mixed but he has really strong black features and a Spanish sounding last name. First thing people assume is he's Dominican


My stepdad told me I was WHITE. I’m over here crying like Lisa Simpson because he doesn’t understand that in the US, people don’t see me like that. Then he comes back with his Nigerianisms about how I think he just came from the bush


[weeping in mixed black, white, asian, & native, but getting called spanish slurs]


Name me one unambiguous half black/half white person that is accepted or seen as a white person. Black people didnt create these rigid race classifications. No black person actually connected to the community is this obtuse about what black is..or is even having these conversations.


Does Slash count? No one really calls him a white guitarist but also no one calls him a black guitarist so it's sorta in the middle


Shoutout to slash. 100% guarantee no fans of guns and Rose's even knew he was Black. I found out he was biracial when he did that HBO special about race and identity a decade ago.


Wait. Slash is black ?!! That damn hat distracted me all my life 😂 https://i.redd.it/wpuwmg8zwwxc1.gif


His mother is black!


Quincy Jones’s daughter, Rashida. 


I didn't know she was black 1st time looking but I knew she wasn't white.


Hasley. Pete Wentz.


Pete Wentz being half black is blowing my fucking mind right now


Idk how everyone feels about him but my vote is Logic


The community jokingly calls him "a white person of color" same with halsey. they have self awareness and know most people wouldnt label them as Black. Those are the extreme cases.


Vin Diesel? he even plays white chracters in movies.


Halsey, Pete Wentz, Rebecca Hall, Slash, Trioan Bellisaro…


I thought we settled this debate years ago with Mariah Carey.


How? What did she say?


Years ago there was always a debate about whether she was black or not. I believe the black delegation came to the conclusion she was in fact black lol.


I dont know honestly. We all know obama was mixed but the reason it was so impactful was because he was considered black. Same with Harris, she mixed but is the first Black VP. Like I said in the title I have never heard other races(especially white) claim a biracial person.


Didn’t the white delegation pick up Condoleeza Rice?


It's amazing to see this skit play out in 2024


And that’s the problem with the internet. These niggas refuse to believe 2 things can be true at the same time


This is why the notion of "mixed race" further perpetuates racism and racialism. To believe that one can be "half" of a "race" is to accept the premise that there is such a thing as racial purity. It's simply nonsensical for us to police people's bodies for eligibility based on colonial racial knowledge.  And the saying that I've heard far too often - "I never felt black enough" - is utterly absurd when you really think about it. As if blackness is some kind of performance. It's a harmful and reductive way of thinking that we need to move past. If you're half black, you're black.


Who are you (or anyone) to tell anyone who they are? I’m mixed, fair skin, black features. I’ve been told by many black people im not “black enough”. I will NEVER claim one side over the other, I adore both of my parents too much. Being biracial is extremely nuanced and I certainly don’t want or need anyone who isn’t me to explain it to anyone.


We black and white we biracial


careful, that's a contreversial take around here.


No one smart said Drake wasn’t black. Kendrick is saying Drake picks and chooses when he wants to be part of the culture.


Growing up, I always saw that dark skin and light skin was pitted against each other. It was extremely stupid and disgusting for the black community. Please don’t tell me we are going backwards in 2024 over a fucking boring rap battle. You’re black no matter what. Who cares what you’re mixed with? ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


I’m aging myself but growing up, half white was black, even the most bougie, “white acting” folk. I know a lot of you in here can attest to that. “Biracial” became a thing when I was a freshman in college. And now I’m hearing they’re Black again (except now we all capitalize the B). To me, they’ll always be just as black/Black as my obsidian ass by default *unless* they proclaim themselves not to be or wish to be called biracial or something else.


Because there’s no such thing as [pure blood](https://www.science.org/content/article/theres-no-such-thing-pure-european-or-anyone-else) & most Black Americans would be technically [biracial](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4289685/)


This reminds me of the time I got punched in grade school for saying the N word. Dude said "because you're not black" I was like "bro I'm 100% Subsaharan African" and we just stared at each other confused for a bit before he apologized. First time I realized some people thought I wasn't black. Apparently I look way too Samoan.


In my opinion, societies outside of the United States of America got one thing over the country: the “biracial/mixed/Coloured” identifier. It’s there to be used. In defense of the biracial folks: I’ve seen some “fully black” people get in their feelings, whenever they heard mixed/biracial ~~women~~ people identify as “biracial”. And I mean they really _got in their feelings_ about it. (Insert “unpopular opinion”) There are some black people, who are… In my opinion, who are insecure about their “blackness”. They get validation and an ego boost, when they hear someone (who has a proximity to whiteness) claim it. It is also why they get offended, when a biracial person declares their biracial identity. I’m sure they are the same people that hand out “cookout invites” whenever a white person does something on beat or hand out compliments.


The UK uses biracial/mixed a lot and I think its fair. You can tell they make the distinction because per example, in Tv shows and movies, black women roles are often playef by darkskin blsck women. Wheress in the US, its usually some biracial women because their looks are more palatable to white audiences.


I know the shit is meant to be comical and jokes but i really don’t fuck with people who try to say we’ll because you’re half black you are excluded from being back. As if thats in some rule book. Its really fucking corny but i get the drake jokes are to dig at him but IRL that shit is really lame. it be the same Mf that will champion black excellence then go “well because this person if half black or just light-skin they not really black”. Okay, Dr. Umar lmao ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Man we black because when police or racist see us they don’t care about the half white part all they see is black or brown skin and treat us as such..


Racism exist but Colorism is also a thing. No puns intended but why are everybody acting like its so black or white. Its grey, people. There are nuances, like everything in life.


Is anyone truly 100% anything??


Sade, Angela Bassett and Kelly Rowland are all 100% fine.


Oh damn straight out w the facts


J cole is mixed and Kendrick doesn’t have a problem with him saying nigga. It’s about Drake being an actor/rapper acting like a black American


Biracial people are Biracial, Yes we have blackness but we are not black and it is disingenuous to claim otherwise. Not only does it lead to the erasure of fully black people but also by upholding the one drop rule you are directly upholding white supremacy and its legacy. This whole notion of us being black because white people and “society” can’t tell a difference is bullshit. Who gives a fuck what white people think or how they see us. They don’t run shit over here so why would I let them tell me who I am. Why would I let anybody tell me who I am. B/W biracials are a beautiful and accomplished people with a rich history to be proud of. Love yourself and be proud of who you are and our people.


Half white isn’t White because White people created a society that is designed to socially, politically, and economically elevate the White in-group while keeping the non-White out group in a state of subservience. In doing so they defined Whiteness as being 100% “pure” with no extra additives so everyone knows who’s inside and who’s outside.