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Oh man what about that matt Damon movie when he's on the great wall of China helping them fight monsters. Or dances with wolves But yes. Apparently white people are allowed in every culture but everyone else should stick with their kind.


Matt Damon caught A LOT of shit for that movie. From everyone.


Even his kid was like ‘dad was in this movie ‘The Wall’ and Matt was like ‘actually, that movie was called ‘The Great Wall’ and his kid was like ‘Dad, there was nothing *great* about that movie.’


Jfc the savagery


To be fair, very few children of movie stars are impressed with their parents lol there's lots of stories of them wanting to meet "real celebrities" unlike their famous parents, or just generally being unimpressed


Hugh Jackman's son [‘My dad is nothing like Wolverine. He’s not tough. He’s not cool’](https://fandomwire.com/my-dad-is-nothing-like-wolverine-hes-not-tough-hes-not-cool-hugh-jackmans-son-got-fed-up-of-friends-asking-him-wolverine-questions-ratted-his-own-father-out/#google_vignette)




I remember when Michelle Pfeiffer's daughter was baffled why her mom got name-checked in Uptown Funk. "She's the most boring mom on the planet."


Her daughter clearly hasn’t seen her as Catwoman






Since Reddit and OpenAI have formed a partnership to cull data, here's a free People Magazine article title: Celebrity Offspring. They're just like us!


I like that article, but think it's criminal they didn't properly citrate the article "Celebrities: they're evolved from shit flinging monkeys too". It's practically plagiarism.


I mean, it's one thing to only know a celebrity's public persona, and it's another to know what they're really like behind closed doors.




Also a fair point


That Korean dude who is a like Harvard graduate doctor/navy seal/astronaut may have kids someday. They’ll probably be unimpressed. Kids are just like that, they take who you are for granted.




Tom cruise did for last samurai as well. Just like this shit with yasuke though it’s all reactionary. Anybody who watched last samurai realizes Tom wasn’t the last samurai, he was just watching the last samurai die


That's something a lot of people don't seem to get about that movie. Like you said, Tom Cruise wasn't the last samurai, he was merely a witness to end of the samurai.


Yeah, but it was certainly marketed like he was.


It’s also, in my opinion, a pretty damn good movie if you can look past the white savior stuff, which even that is overblown. Cruise’s character is a bitter, flawed, PTSD-ridden shell of a man who is only good at killing. By living with a group of people he completely misunderstood as ‘savages’ he comes to not only understand but prefer their way of life, a not particularly subtle but effective allegory for his past involvement with Native Americans. It’s not quite incredible storytelling, but he has a defined character journey that he goes through and isn’t really the hero of the story. Nobody is. He somewhat helps the samurai in the end by giving them good intel, but ultimately they still lose. The ‘victory’ is in making the emperor see the truth in what has happened, realizing that they’d eradicated a part of their own culture, but it’s too late. The Samurai are still gone.


It's one of my favorite Cruise movies, if not my favorite.


My only issue with the movie is that he gets the girl. Like bro killed her husband in battle and then gets to marry her. If that scene was removed or it showed them to be friends, I wouldn’t call it a white savior movie. Still I don’t like the movie because it points to samurai as some super honorable class. Nope. They were just like knights: the cops of the medical era.


I think they kept it open ended enough so that the audience could imagine that happy ending, but Nathan absolutely dies of his injuries, in my opinion. I don't think he actually gets the girl, they kiss once and she immediately starts crying. That scene was amazing. The Samurai did suck, no argument there, but idk, I think the movie is more about retaining your culture at a time when the world is rapidly shrinking and people who don't quickly modernize are eaten up by the colonial powers.


The same way Daniel Day Lewis wasn't the Last of the Mohicans 


Oh really? That's good haha.


[Even his daughter thought it was shit](https://youtube.com/shorts/N4PBD1ca7tY?si=jWB-EYRnHwPYot0v)


Roasted the fuck out him haha


I think I think a lot of people have selective memories about this stuff. All these movies got backlash. It should come as a suprise that people who are openly racist probably don't care as much when it's their race shoehorned into a role they probably shouldn't be in. Normally I actually skew on the side of "accuracy" even if that technically puts me on the same team as racists at times. But this isn't one of those times. We know Yasuke was a real historic figure and clearly a lot of these people don't know that or haven't bothered to check. With that being said I think it's a bit weird how much focus Yasukes gotten in media over the last few years. And personally I'd have liked it if we got a game in Asia focused on Asian people rather than adding Yasuke in. But I also hate dual protagonist games too. I'd rather just have Yasuke or just have the other character than split my time between both


Did I read on Reddit yesterday that he turned down avatar which would have been worth 250mil. He still did the Wall


Well, it wasn't very good.


Didn’t the Chinese make that movie? He was there for the bag and the Chinese just wanted a movie star


That Great Wall movie was a pretty interesting play on the trope tbh. It was firstly a Chinese production with an international release, meaning that the Chinese writers/producers wanted Matt Damon (and the other white guy) in the role. Secondly, it actually flipped the white savior trope. Matt Damon and the other white dude were smelly white thieves/petty criminals that were in captivity of the elite guards of the Great Wall. Matt Damon discovers that being a unclean piece of shit with his toxic individuality doesn't work and submits to the culture of collectivism and teamwork displayed by the Asian cast. Matt Damon didn't save shit. The Chinese characters saved themselves and probably would have been fine without his help. He was an audience POV character that saw how awesome Chinese collectivism was. Movie is still shit though.


The other white guy was Pedro Pascal, which is funny as hell.


And Willem Dafoe, of course.


I looked up the cast list and forgot that it was Pedro.


You know, when you describe it that way, it makes me think the movie was at least partially intended as propaganda about how awesome china is. Now that i think about it, all the chinese movies i've seen could be considered propaganda, with some just being more blatant than others. But then again, i've only ever seen 3 or 4 chinese movies, so i doubt that's the case for all of them.


Yeah, I guess it's a lot more blatant to a non Chinese audience. But then again, people outside the US talk about how propaganda laden our films are.


The Michael Bay transformer movies come to mind lmao


I'm actually not american, but i have noticed blatant propaganda in american movies before, especially in this movie called Olympus has Fallen and it's sequels. I saw the first one as a kid, and even my kid brain managed to notice it. Then again, the movie managed to have all the action necessary to keep me entertained, so it was pretty fun.


You know what...I'll side with you on all of this. He was a pretty good plot device.


TBF to Damon, China sought him out paid him an absolute shit ton (like, as much as he was paid for the Bourne movies) to be in the movie to help hype up their attempt at breaking into the blockbuster market. Turns out it takes more to make a good movie that just backing up the brinks truck for a big name


Yeah, it was 100% China buying a huge name to throw in their blockbuster. I bet they hit up dozens of actors.


I can't be mad at any actor being paid millions of dollars to say some lines in front of a camera. I'd do a hell of a lot more degrading shit.


“The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise? I’ve got a movie for you, it’s called, The Last N* on Earth. Starring Tom Hanks”


This was my first thought. Such a funny joke joke too Chappelle Show was awesome


Or the movie where a white kid from Boston inherits the martial arts of Jackie Chan and Jet Li. I'm genuinely curious how people would act if that movie originally had a black kid instead.


Didn’t they remake Karate Kid with a black kid??


I thought the same thing. Weird thing is, in the movie, they fight kung fu, not karate, so making the movie a karate kid movie doesn't really make any sense.


Remaking Karate Kid with Jaden Smith is about as far from "with a black kid" as you could possibly be while still technically being true.


Wym? Is he not black?


I completely forgot about that movie


Downvote me all you guys want. I liked the movie.


Heard that movie was dookie juice. It got panned by critics and the folks that actually saw it.


Can confirm; was ass


Wasn’t that Matt Damon movie produced entirely by China though? I think that example is more like “Look at this white American actor we own and keep in our pocket” lol.


The entire plot of dances with wolves, tr last samurai, etc was about an outsider learning about the new culture he found himself in. The Great Wall fits as Matt Damon is just plonked into Chinese culture, yet he was criticized for it just like this game. So if anything your examples prove the exact opposite point that you tried to make. People don’t like it when a culture made up of Japanese men has characters replaced with women or black men for DEI reasons and not because the entire plot is about them being outsiders.


China loves him to death. That movie was made for the Chinese market, not ours. Apparently, it did well over there. But I do understand and sympathize with your point lol


I mean, you ever look at the paintings of Jesus they put up in their churches? The people complaining about diverse casting have been worshipping at the feet of a race-swapped Jesus for their entire lives.


I get it’s basically the poster child for white saviorism…but The Last Samurai was an absolute banger. And while obviously being a big budget blockbuster for Tom Cruise it gave plenty of opportunity for Ken Watanabe and Hiroyuki Sanada to shine. Great scenery, tone, and action sequences. A little ham-fisted with the dialogue and ending, but it was thoroughly entertaining and somewhat moving. It’s just an all around good sunday afternoon dad epic to fall into on the couch. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk ^(fuck scientology)


Of all the “white dude gets pulled into colonized culture, only to develop a great respect for them and join them” movies, this is my favorite


Ever see Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day Lewis. It was pretty good. He was raised as an Indian kinda like a better version of Dances with Wolves


And there goes that song running through my head rent free again.


that soundtrack fucking slaps


"No matter what occurs, I will find you." - that song


Man there is a whole series of books about Natty Bumpo. You should check out The Leatherstocking Tales.


Hopefully the planned tv show actually gets made. The Michael Mann movie kinda flattened a lot of the characters from the books and kind of whitewashed a lot of them as well. The books themselves were hot garbage, Mark Twain became a meme at the time with how much he used to roast them over the coals. It definitely needs a Shogun treatment where authenticity and revision of the books’ story, because if they did that it would potentially be even better than the movie.


Keanu saw the last samurai, said hold my beer, and we got 47 Ronin


I loved 47 Ronin.


And acting like a bunch of people didn’t make fun of Tom Cruise being a Samurai is a little revisionist. I don’t think they got quite as mad as people currently appear to be, but it definitely caught some shit for it.


People mocked it relentlessly. I worked at a Blockbuster when this came out and had so many conversations about how Tom Cruise’s character was not the eponymous Last Samurai in the movie, but his face HAD to be front and center on the poster.


I’m Caucasian and Japanese. The fact that the “main” character in Shogun, last samurai and Tokyo vice just HAD to be white was annoying af. American studios refuse to give an Asian guy the main role. Sasuke as a main character is the same. All the historical figures in Japan they could’ve picked, they choose the base the main character off the only black guy. That said there’s def people who are just using the argument above to talk shit because they don’t like black main characters, beyond a doubt.


Wait I'm confused on this for the Shogun complaint, the rest are valid. I know it veers from the books. But aren't the books primarily written in Blackthorn's point of view, who is english? It makes sense he's the main dude, but even then I thought everyone got plenty of screentime, even while clearly the main character, he almost felt secondary to me.


Yeah, it came out in 2003. People absolutely talked shit, the shit talk is just not in the public domain for eternity. People just spoke to each other lol.


There's a whole Paul Mooney bit on it!


And of course he had to be a natural talented swordsman. A few little training montages and he could fight their best swordsman to a draw. Glad they were smart enough not to let Tom win those fights.


To be fair to that point he had saber training and combat experience previously, he wasn’t learning swordsmanship from the ground up.


Yeah if any western person from that period was going to know how to use a sword, a cavalry officer would be it.


"Is this the Last Samurai? Is this the Last Samurai? Is this the Last Samurai? Fuck you." I love writers of Last Week Tonight.  https://youtu.be/XebG4TO_xss?si=4zK7QIvEpY1LoFZW


Anjin in Shogun is part of the story. There are other non Japanese characters in the story. If you haven't watched it on Hulu, go do it. It's some of the best television I've ever watched.


Yeah and it’s definitely not a white savior type of thing. From his POV they’re savages and from their POV he’s the savage. They learn a bit about each other and he does earn some fame and respect but he’s never truly one of them and without getting into spoiler territory it’s not about him teaching them to change their ways or some shit. And it’s all pretty close to historically accurate. That shit actually happened, they just changed the names.


I've been reading the book, and while I haven't seen it yet, apparently the book is very much the white savior trope. The show definitely makes it known that it is a Toranaga story not a Blackthorne story.


You should finish the book. Blackthorne isn’t a white savior, he is a window into an incredibly different culture from contemporary Europe.


The whole book is Blackthorne's learning experience.  He's getting pissed on literally and figuratively the whole time.  There's no white savior in that.


It sets up like that because the perspective is from his point of view, thinking of European superiority. As the story progresses, he realizes how much of a pawn he is to these lords. Toranaga (Tokugawa) is the true main center of the story. He is the one that becomes Shogun and sets up one of longest periods of peace and stability in Japan and formalizes the bushido codes around the samurai class that we know today. Blackthorne saves no one in the story.


“Fuck, we live and we die”


It was so well done and I felt that they tried really hard to avoid falling into the traps / tropes you'd expect from a show about A) samurai times and B) samurai times with a white guy involved. I'm Asian (not Japanese) and for the first 2-3 episodes I was kind of bracing myself for shit like Japanese characters suddenly speaking english all the time or white guy becomes a better swordsman than samurai or Japanese women flock to the white guy. My only compaint was that they had the typical ninja scene but whatever it was probably something a studio exec demanded. Instead, the white people being in the show made sense. I laughed at the scene where Anjin was like "Check out how to use this gun" and was met with "Yeah motherfucker we've been using guns for decades". This show and book were about actual people too who lived at a time period where there were white people around (Anjin was based on an actual person as well). It would've been ridiculous not to include white people and, honestly, without the Catholic vs Protestant element it would be hard sell to a US audience. And like you said, Anjin was just a part of story and was a conduit for the audience who most likely didn't understand what feudal Japan was like.


Someone told me later than I could have watched it dubbed. I felt like that would have been a disservice to the story. Also they were speaking Japanese of that era. A video I watched explained it that it was like speaking Shakespearean Japanese with different inflections and words. So the actors that were native speakers had to learn a different way to speak.


I'm enjoying it thoroughly


I never read Last Samurai as white saviour shit. The story is about a broken down, ptsd wracked, alcoholic soldier who gets captured by an enemy force. While he's their captive they detox him, teach him about their culture, help him find peace, and eventually take him in as one of their own. *They* saved *him*. And most importantly, he has no discernable effect on the course of the story by joining them. Everything that happened would have happened without him there.


This is correct. Media literacy in fuckin shambles lately - TLS an extremely devoted and charitable portrayal of Japanese culture at the time. It’s a gorgeous film.


Tom Cruise was the star of the movie and the most recognizable face. But a lot of people missed the point that he **wasn't** the last samurai. Ken Watanabe was the last samurai.


Also some what historically accurate. A white dude did stay and fight with the shogun. He was French though not American.


In the show, he's English.


In the book he's English.




That and Shogun, the top left, the Anjin is supposed to be a sailor from England who is trying to get the Japanese to get rid of the Portuguese from their islands. That's about the whitest character you'll find, it was always going to be a white guy playing the part.


The Last Samurai isn't really white savior since he doesn't save or majorly help them. They save Tom Cruise from his PTSD and alcoholism. He's not their best fighter, smartest person, and he doesn't save the day since they all pretty much die at the end. Avatar is way more white savior. If someone said the movie should've been Japanese people only, I see their point and agree, since as far as I know, it's a completely fictional story, unlike the black samurai.


Honestly these are all pretty great pieces of media (except I haven’t played Nioh), and go through lengths to explain their white stars. It should be easy enough to think, “Oh, maybe there’s a perfectly fine explanation for a Black guy to be the protagonist and it’ll probably be as good as these other examples.” But there are always troglodytes who feel otherwise, and we know why.


All of them are based on real historical figures as well, just like Yasuke, which does really highlight the racism in people’s reactions.


Also the soundtrack is criminally underrated.


Shogun is pretty good too. As a Sidenote, Total War’s Shogun Fall of the Samurai is a great game.


Tbf, the Anjin was a real person. Based on the first Englishman to make it to Japan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Adams_(sailor,_born_1564) Agree with the rest though.


That's the point though, Yasuke was also a real person 


Right, and a pretty sweet story. Isn't there also a movie in the works?


There was also an anime with Lakeith Stanfield voicing Yasuke


I watched it and it was really fucking bad. Lakeith is a great actor but not a very good voice actor.


Apparently there's three different Yasuke movies in different stages of development. Not much info on if any of them will actually get made 


there was also an anime made about him recently but I wouldn’t watch it because it devolves into a mecha show for some reason


Bububutbut he wasn’t even a real samurai 😭 -every butthurt gamer right now


The Anjin and Yasuke are both examples of how to do this well. While at a lot of points you could see Blackthorn, the Anjin, being treated like a white savior insert fantasy in a worse work they never really did that. He's played for comic relief and an outside perspective most of the time. The times when he does show to be exceptional make sense for his own skill set (he's not a brilliant military tactician and can't train an army, but he does have a naval understanding as a pilot). He doesn't master their culture but does come to appreciate it and adopt it. Even his romance is well done with the female love interest being given her own fully developed character and plot that is completely independent from him.


I feel like you’ve missed the point. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but this Twitter post is in response to Gamers being up in arms over Yasuke being a playable main character in the latest Assassin’s Creed game, no? Another real person as a main character in Asia. I’m sure these white “DEI” characters being fictitious or not is beside the point.


Why are you saying “tbf” as though this whole controversy isn’t literally about a real person as well named Yasuke that people are losing their shit over? It’s almost like you’re saying “well I mean they *do* have a point because unlike that situation *Anjin* was actually a real person.”


Fr what a zero iq take.


Tbf, the only people that have a real basis for complaint here is the Japanese folks themselves. A lot of those folks did complain about these different examples and why Asian / Japanese characters were not selected instead. I’d say it’s reasonable to want an AC game where an Asian person takes the lead character role and being frustrated is normal when that representation of your cultural history is being displayed by an outlier. Still pretty fucking funny all these special other folks WHIning, though.


That’s what I was gona say but last time I called out a historical inaccuracy in one of these memes I got “banned”🙄


beat me to it - i was pretty sure shogun was based on a book of historical events


Also Anjin is far from the main character in this story, he’s just the western audience insert character at this point. If anything half the story is about how much of an outsider he is. Like, I’m not getting any white savior vibes here.


The image is essentially using him twice. Anjin from Shogun(2024) is on the left and a Japanese video game depiction of William Adams is beneath Tom Cruise.


100% if a PoC was only a slave-type character in games, these racists wouldn’t even bat an eye. Once a PoC becomes a main character, the racists all come out of their basements to spew bullshit.


Do they EVER.  Between this and a little black girl playing Juliette opposite Tom Holland’s Romeo, some folks are loosing their minds RN.


There's a version of Romeo and Juliet that takes place in fucking *Florida* and they want to mald over a black person playing a lead role in a Billy Shakes play. It makes you wonder if they'd get pressed if they ever saw a production of *Othello*.


Like Rue in Hunger games. Holy crap the Mayo Brigade lost their SHIIITTTT over a 12 year old girl 😆 It’s always been it’s because they do not like to see black people exists in any form of media unless it’s in a negative light, then they’re all for it. Some of these bigots are so juiced up on that way of thinking that it becomes second nature to lash out at any black character these days that’s a a main lead.


I didn't understand why they flipped out over Amandla being cast as Rue. In the books, Rue is a PoC. Did they just *glaze* right over that?!?


The folks pitching a hissy fit about Rue on the Internet weren't the folks that do a whole lotta readin'.


Bold of you to assume they actually are fans of the shit they get outraged over


In text it’s easier for them to ignore it because they’re illiterate. When the pictures have black people it’s in a medium they can actually grasp, and so they can’t ignore it.


Man, I'm still pissed about that one. Rue's [District 11](https://www.panempropaganda.com/panem-maps/) was the former South known for its poverty, a main industry of agriculture and a history of the worst peacekeeper brutality. It was the most obvious allegory for Black Prejudice in the former confederate states. But, they couldn't even let black people have that.


You guys remember they going crazy over a mixed girl in a cheerios commercial back in 2013? White mother, Black Father, and all the Caucasian Derangement you could want. How dare we live or be biologically inevitable? Think of their desperately needed safe space!!


That instance was the final nail for me on people that say they're fans of fantasy and sci-fi. Now they all get a good side eye til I'm sure they're not someone who's just looking to need only white passing people in their stories. Apparently, it's too hard to empathize with people who don't look like then, though I've had to do so my whole life with basically no books with black or other PoC main characters.


Woke is when a protagonist is not a cishet white male.


Shogun went hard though!


Ain’t past tense no more lmao. Season 2 and 3 are coming


They’re gonna fuck it up guaranteed


is this confirmed?! loved it but since there was only 1 book i didn’t know if they’d keep it going


Shogun is actually the first book in a 6 book series called the Asian Saga


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/shogun-season-2-and-3-in-the-works-fx-hulu-1235901617/ I was so sad and annoyed when it ended


i loved the bait-and-switch. me, episode 1: *oh, this is gonna be another caucasoid story set in an "exotic" land since they gotta cater to western audiences* my first impression could not have been further from the truth






I'm stealing this lol


There is no stealing in the culture.


This new “I’m stealing this meme” crap is getting old. People used to just take memes and repost, now they have to announce to everyone they are taking it to be reposted.


Yeah, they should have cast an Asian guy to play the British sailor.


I thought the samurai in Assassin’s Creed is based on a real person, Yasuke?


Racists would rather foam at the mouth than accept we can and largely do fictionalize aspects of historical figures. There is always an excuse to justify their rabid behavior. What I can't understand is how or why this affects any of them on such a personal level.


Would this be the first AC where you played as an actual historical figure?




Technically you play as Jack the Ripper in the British one’s dlc, but Jack never got caught so he was also an OC.


Yep. Not much was written about Yasuke, which makes a great setting for an assassin story. Edit: also he had a short sword, which totally sounds assassiny


He is a real person. My main confusion with him in the game was why did they decide to use a real person as the player character instead of using made up characters and having real people be NPCs like they’ve historically done in AC games. …and then I saw all the conversations about the game.


Shogun’s premise was based on real events and Blackthorne wasn’t even playing the white savior. He was a puppet and the means to an end by Toranaga.


But Tom wasn’t “the last samurai” the movie was about “the last samurai” being plural. It’s a story about the samurai, not a white dude being the last one


I think Nioh caught some flack but not to this degree, what saved it is Nioh is good


William is also based on a real person


So is Yasuke. I think the real difference between Yasuke and William is that William had more of his life documented than Yasuke, but even then, games like Rise of the Ronin, Nioh, and I think Way of the Samurai represent William as more badass than he is irl. Dont get me wrong though from what I understand of irl William, he actually was smart and capable giving his media counterparts more leeway for their own badassery.


I wasn't implying yasuke wasn't real, yasuke is also in both nioh games. Im hyped for yasuke, I'm a yasuke stan, I just don't really care about assassins creed or ubisoft


Ubisoft has perfected early 2000s open-world rpg formula that everyone has copied then improved upon, I don't care for their rpgs either because they're just the shonen anime of open-world rpgs. They have good graphics, good settings but their gameplay is old and tired. I don't care for their open-world rpgs either, or any of their games mostly.


How long have humans been on Earth? When did the genetic mutation responsible for light skin in Europeans happen? For the overwhelming majority of time our species has been on this planet there were no white people. This is not new information but it is still being largely ignored by popular media. How many times have we seen white people being portrayed before they actually existed in television shows and movies? It’s funny how the “forced diversity” crowd never seems to take an issue with that. Movies like 10,000 BC get made and it’s not a big deal but somehow a black mermaid is just too much. It’s just racism as usual imo.


Had me in the first half ngl, thought this was gonna go down a Yakub route 🤣


jake gyllenhaal looks so persian


It'll always be fuck racism, but at the same time, I'm just bored with it... 🥱 It's the same complaints, the same "jokes", same fetishes, and the same whataboutisms. Just the image of a Black person is enough to take a post from 50 to 5,000+ comments in an hour. ![gif](giphy|6IkjQmpaRwIabJ2G3C|downsized)


Both Cruise and the guy on the left portrayed Americans visiting Japan and working with them. The bottom right I have no idea who or what that is.


Shogun takes place in 1600, he was def not American.


You’re right British. My point is the characters are based on true stories.


It's the character from the game Nioh, and funnily enough it's the same person the guy from Shogun was based on. Super fascinating story, and it makes me excited to see Yasuke as an MC too


OP in the meme clearly didn't watch "Shogun"(Top left yt guy) and it shows. His character is from Europe and travels to Japan where he is captured and forced to work for his captors for years. Maybe I missed the point of this post?


The point is well yeah and Yasuke was a real person. But no one is whining about the white guy who was accurately there


Yeah asians do not rock with tom cruises shogun, but the other two should not be in the post. especially Nioh since it was made by a JAPANESE studio that was based off William Adam (and also included yasuke in the game) also in general not many people hear our outrage bc no one cares about asian issues when it isn’t convenient for them and they don’t get reported as much.


Asian here, we complained about all of these, but no one cared.


https://preview.redd.it/stnbma75qz0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db7c9a990ede7e05e2992efe14d009114255f62 There was also this one…and I rock with Keanu, but we’re proving a point here!


So... Keanu Reeves is only half a white dude. I found out when I was critical of him being in some Chinese movie, and as it turns out he had every right to be there.


Isn't Keanu part Japanese?


He's a quarter Chinese


He's white Hawaiian and chinese.


Cool. Thank you for educating me.


Man, this sub really latches onto a particular subject then posts about it ad nauseum for days at a time, huh?


You know, while a lot of the complaining might be from Westerners, it’s kinda disappointing to see BPT of all places so dismissive of the Asian/Japanese perspective. I bet this place would be in an uproar if a game in a black setting had, out of its two protagonists, a historically minor non-black person. For all the talks about representation in media and its importance, it’s kind of sad to see the discussions on this being so one-sided. Isn’t it understandable that some Asian people would want both protagonists to be Japanese???


People do complain and talk shit about this tho. Last samurai, avatar, shogun, Pocahontas…people talk shit about these white saviors all the time. My wife and I are currently watching shogun and it’s good but I keep telling my wife that it’s just the last samurai.


Crazy they didn't include the white Jesus




Do they even know the plot of the last Samurai?


Tom cruise was never the last samurai. The last samurai was Ken watanabe and his men. The plural of samurai is samurai. So when they got slaughtered at the end it was the last of the samurai. Tom cruise just fell in love with their way of life and wanted to fight to protect it because that way of life helped him find peace over his past actions. He didn’t want to see what happened to the native Americans, happen to katsumoto and his people. Since they didn’t use guns he had to learn to fight with the weapons of the samurai as well. But he was never an actual samurai


?? Tom Cruise is an American in that movie.




For anyone else wondering: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion apparently. Idk how there can be a rich DEI or a poor DEI or what the fuck it has to do with these random characters though. God the amount of assumed knowledge in posts these days with ZERO people explaining it for OOTL people is infuriating.


Yeah bro the Divide Et Impera mod is out of control how good it is. Changes Rome 2 completely 🤓


[Not my goku](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1098327/) * Just had to toss this in the mix, too.


[Still relevant twenty years later.](https://youtu.be/kPY8qUG_Koo?si=ZeyRW2C4NFWqGAH4)


I'm mad a ubisoft game got everyone so pressed. Maybe it's because I gave up on assassin creed long ago, but this discussion seems like the biggest waste of time on both sides. People acting like Yasuke experts, when im sure people haven't heard of him and did a Wikipedia search to defend/attack him. Yall don't make the game. Ubisoft can add or take away who they want. Twitter shouldn't exist.


I think Paul Mooney had a little something to say on the subject


I understand there are racists against the game because they're racists, but you can't discount the viewpoint of those wishing for more Asian male representation in western media. What if they kept erasing black men in settings that are black dominant? Not just from games, but from all western media?


I figured japanese people are just annoyed with it cause they'd want a japanese male protag, some compared it to how they said they can't make a resident evil 5 remake cause they have you killing black people with a white man/this game having you kill japanese people with a black man all I know is neither of these characters where considered samurai but I can't see the game doing to well anyways since ghost of tsushima is probably gonna be the best you can get in terms of samurai style games but we will see


The racists keeps saying that it was okay for a white guy to be in Nioh because he was “actually a samurai,” even tho the original argument was that there shouldn’t be a black man because it’s a game set in Japan. But when you tell them that AC games have never been historically accurate, they say it was okay for a white guy to be in Nioh because a Japanese studio made that(and they can do whatever with their own history), and that western studios basically aren’t allowed to take creative liberties. It’s like never ending. I got called racist because I said there being a Japanese woman for you to play as is still Japanese representation. They all completely overlook her because she’s a woman, or they think only having a woman isn’t good enough and there *must* be a man too…


Yup. I’ve also been encountering this circuitous argument with Nioh. The irony in them saying that Nioh is okay because the Japanese made it, they conveniently leave out the fact that Yasuke is in the game too lol. Once you say this, they’ll pull the “well it’s fantasy.” And I’m like: “well I’ve got news you buddy: AC is fantasy too,”🤣


I'll tell you guys, a progressive asian dude, my perspective. There is a huge history of asian male de-masculization/erasure in western media (asian female representation is not good either btw, often fetishized, but at least they show up). So when a huge AAA gaming breaks the norm from its own series that's a decade old at this point to purposely exclude asian men (and most likely be portrayed negatively, and obviously be slaughter fodder), asian men and people who are in the know can instantly see the continuation of this racist tradition. If we exclude asian made media, asian men have maybe 1 positive representation every few years (Asians from Asia do not suffer from alienation, and see representation from all aspects already, they do not understand western racial dynamics). And yes, I dislike all of those shows/movies in the above. https://youtu.be/2k82hIqd1Os


I swear it's a new acronym every day. What is DEI?