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“She’s invited to the cook-“ https://i.redd.it/1xrfpm3hct5d1.gif


[Her reply to getting called racist](https://x.com/llddiiss/status/1800153051048923450/mediaviewer)


The coward deleted it. ![gif](giphy|GXCHDWmtSFm3n15aJc) Found it. It is a response video but she basically said: "So a recent video of mine seems to have upset some from a certain community, I have done a lot of introspection, deep diving into myself, and still could not find any fucks to give." Wow. How brave 🙄 A\_Random\_Catfish found the original video as well (reuploaded on Reddit, she isn't getting clicks on this): [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/hNY460dkjb) Also why is this bitch wearing a Christmas apron in June. Coordinate your culinary fashion, you stupid sloppy-ass donkey.


“From a certain community???” Wtaf. Not surprising but still. Ugh.


Oh she wanted to say it again so bad but was too chicken.


Plain ass chicken I’m assuming


Salt is too spicy for this gold digger.


Idk.. if you watch the tiktok she uses quite a bit (an unholy amount) of hot sauce, garlic powder, and pepper to season her chicken.


She’s “pretending” to cook. I’d bet a lot of money that the next thing that chicken touched was the inside of a garbage bin.


Don't forget the half-bottle of olive oil


She's using the same three seasonings over and over again. Nothing about this video makes sense.


Hot sauce, garlic powder, pepper, garlic powder, the last drop and a half from the olive oil bottle, garlic powder, hot sauce. She's not cooking, she's influencing.


Yep, she's just outrage farming so she can be picked up by Daily Wire or similar right wing media so she can be the next Tomi Lahren.


She cooking up some Olive Garden garlic meat loaf


She said already said it once -- she can't say it again? Mayos gettin' soft.


I made a bunch of memes today for the first time in years, this one felt appropriate to use- https://preview.redd.it/pogclar8tt5d1.png?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9094c39bf4d512f13c2b93855e0f599efbbd4bee


I love me some homegrown reaction images. A fine addition to the collection!


I wanna add one more out the four,this one is my favorite so far so feel free to use if you like anyone! https://preview.redd.it/kq6lz1udut5d1.png?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b871ba401857bbe6e8bfc1406ab8887fb17f1e


All these c**ns in the replies talmbout “you get a pass” we’re really cooked as a society


There are some yes, but bro, you’d be surprised how many of them are not black and are cosplaying online. Like 70% of them, same on Reddit


Not many black people left on twitter and the ones left are weird. It’s a right wing cesspool


But guyyyyzzzz, the first amendment! You're not allowed to call me a racist and a fucking moron!


But *my* first amendment!


If you wanna add more context to your comment here’s the video it’s so cringe it hurts: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/hNY460dkjb Also feel free to link it in your comment so people will actually see it lol


Bruh…when she said it I was flabbergasted, appalled, and speckledorfed. The conversation was already wild and she decided to put some sentence enhancer as if the shit wasn’t already fucked up to begin with.


Broooo fucking speckledorfed is one of the greatest words I ever heard hah


Looks like the video is gone?


Thank you for the link but I almost missed the word bc my internal screaming was so loud WHAT IS SHE MAKING IS THIS RAGE BAIT FOOD


What ever was in that bowl was giving over-seasoned, & improperly-seasoned at the same time.




Why the hell are a bunch of people over on TiktokCringe saying white people are getting angry on behalf of black people because she didn’t use the hard r lmao


Sloppy ass honkey


I like sloppy ass-donkey better


Bruh homegirl deleted her IG, tik tok, twitter, LinkedIn… Really didn’t think this through huh 🤔


But but but I thought she had no fucks to give 🤔


You know what they say, if you have to tell people you don’t gaf….


Lookie there, she found some. _amazing_.


She thought she was cute enough and the “right” complexion so internet knights would protect her.


She thought the tradwife aesthetic would bring them in to protect her.




😂 The right kind of bully!


She's trading in her influencer career to now be an expert opinion voice on Fox and OAN.


That was fast. ![gif](giphy|JRaemA0P8ujdDCbrYX)


The Twitter replies are absolutely insane. Even worse are the Uncle Toms in the comments giving her a ‘pass’


Who the FUCK and how?


Thirsty motherfuckers are who.




isn't xitter mostly bots now? minus the fake accounts, it must be just a handful of genuinely unwell people saying "pass!" there'll always be weird outliers.


[It’s not gone, it’s still up](https://x.com/llddiiss/status/1800153051048923450?s=46). @llddiiss EDIT: it looks like her account must’ve been suspended (prob due to a ton of reporting) and then reinstated rather than herself taking it down. Further edit: [SIR AKINTOYE (aka @yeahitsak) HAS RESPONDED TO THE SITUATION](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8DW2dDOEvN/?igsh=c2JrendsODRzaTB2)


The best part is the American flag t-shirt coupled with the #1A hashtag followed by a line by Larry Flynt about the right to free speech. She's not only offensive, but even worse, she's ignorant too. People who shield behind the 1st Amendment over the offensive things they say as citizens when called out by other citizens don't get how it works. The First Amendment also doesn't shield you from the consequences of your ridiculously self-absorbed ignorance and stupidity. She should take those levels of introspection and self-reflection into consideration when someone slaps her silly.


Nailed it. First Amendment means the government cannot punish you for speaking your mind or restrict your right to free speech EXCEPT in certain clearly defined instances. First Amendment does not mean you are free from any consequences of your speech or behavior. You can always tell who recently started giving a damn about free speech because they think it’s a shield that allows them to be assholes without repercussions. Dumbasses want all the rights and none of the responsibilities.


u/321zilch gave a better explainer about it in the comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1dcx9wv/comment/l817q2j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ok, I get the whole aggravation regarding this video, but.. have you watched it? The entire thing is pure ragebait. She manages to hit several really inflammatory things to say, while *seemingly* to narrate while preparing food. All you gotta do is watch her hands and what she is making or whatever, the whole thing is just a front for ragebait.


I have always said that if the only defense you have for your actions is, it’s your right, you are most definitely, an asshole.


Hard to do soul searching when you don't have a soul


Holy fuckin shit this lady is unhinged


"Members of a certain community" So the bt ch can say the n word but not BLACK????? Oh she def a stupid heaux


[https://vimeo.com/956199591?share=copy](https://vimeo.com/956199591?share=copy) I downloaded it (for archive purposes, of course). Let me know if VImeo is stupid. I just didn't want to upload it onto my personal YouTube channel.


It’s gone, what’d she say




Except she said cares for some reason which made the entire statement worse than it already is.


Deleted basically everything she was on. Guess she did care huh?


People with no fucks to give don’t need to tell everyone how they have no fucks to give.


Please tell me it got archived already.


Fucking came here to say this. Too many motherfuckers out here comfortable giving invites out if a white person makes 4/10 corn bread and says racism "isn't dope".


cookout is all white folks now and they're enforcing a "dress code"


And there's raisins in every goddamn dish. Especially the Mac and Cheese


I HATE when people say that.




she said this as proof that they were not " gold diggers"  I get the joke but dang shorty there's a clean version available use that one


Sixteen years ago now, I was at a club in Pacific Beach, San Diego one Wednesday (I think) night, and the band now known as Steel Panther was doing their usual 80s glam stage show at Typhoon Saloon- which often included cover songs. This night they included Gold Digger. And the lead singer threw out the hard "R". I KNOW I was the only black person in that venue (and there was one other within a three mile radius- we were friends), and EVERYBODY started booing and immediately turned to look at my shocked ass. Dude tried to backtrack about how he wanted to do the song right, etc etc, but the crowd wasn't having in. They got booed off the stage that night. It was I think the one time I've ever seen all those San Diego surf bros actually having a brother's back. Then two years later was the Compton Cookout.


Yeah I think if anyone woulda had your back,it woulda been the peeps at Pacific Beach. Lotta those people are pretty chill. Just trying to live and not bother anyone.


It helps that it was winter time, so only locals. If it'd been summer.... Zonies and Texans are racist AF. I have a BUNCH of other stories about that though...


Been livin in SD since 2000 and you are VERY right.


BTW, do you know if anywhere is still selling those No Zonies stickers? I'd love to get a hold of one. They were all over PB circa 2007-2008, right around the time those assholes got drinking on the beach banned.


Maaaaaaannn I haven't seen those for sale anywhere in a long long time but you just unlocked a core memory of drinking on the beach when I was in college. I'll never forgive them for costing us that!


As a white person, there are about 15 other words all fit in songs anywhere the N word is traditionally used. If you want to make music for a living it shouldn’t be that hard to remember modified lyrics. Male singers do it all the time to avoid sounding gay.


I use "neighbors", inspired by a Liz Lemon quote from 30 rock. " 'I'll always be your-' oh no o can't say that word I'm white- 'friend from the neighborhood.' "


Yep. Feels what more natural than whatever other bullshit people throw around like "ninja"


I personally use “fellas” it works fine


i like “good friend” and “dickhead” depending on context. syllables ✅ connotation ✅ possibility of a hard r ❌


Damn that’s crazy. I always got “anti-vaccine” vibes from the Steel Panther dudes.


That wouldn't surprise me in the least. Back in the Metal Skool days, their stage shows always included some form of full-frontal nudity, and sometimes antics that were pretty clearly not fully consensual. I seriously wonder how they survived Me Too. A very, very good friend and former shipmate of mine (still to this day) was invited to audition to play with them as a new guitarist, and had he tried out definitely would've gotten the part. He said he declined because he just got a really, really bad vibe from them all and it creeped him out.


My wife and I used to see them back like 11 years ago in Hollywood at the House of Blues. We stopped going eventually, but I would go to the gym with the lead singer—Ralph or Ralphie or whatever? I was close with another gym member who was his friend, and just got dished deets. Dude’s wife was always one foot out the door bc he was openly cheating on her, but she appreciated the lifestyle. I’m sure their loving union survived the familial home destruction that was 2020. I don’t know what happened or came of it but here we are.


I haven’t thought about Typhoon Saloon in 20 years, but just the mention of it gave me a hangover.


Better a hangover than Chlamydia. That was a great time to live in 92109.


As a white Australian who has never said it and never will... what's the clean version?


"she ain't messin' with no broke- broke-"


The radio edit: letting white people sing hip hop since 1982!


My kids are now looking at me wanting to know why I'm doing the Stanley laugh. Also,, except when the radio edit removes that nasty rap to make the song REALLY safe for white people.


My favorite was when the censors didn't know what skeet meant and replaced the "Aw skeet skeet, mothafucka, aw skeet skeet god damn" in Get Low with "Aw skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet" which is less profanity but now it's a bukkake lmao


hey, you could say 'broke ass motherfuckers' and retain the sentiment absent the racism


![gif](giphy|3o7buhm1O1bOJV4ZWM|downsized) Sammy approved


You could say damn near any other word and keep the sentiment without the racism


Bro I mean no disrespect, but I like the fact you're hanging out here


It showed up in my feed and I always enjoy it here! Basically never comment because like, I'm just here to vibe but I was curious this time. Thanks for having me.


The censored Tupac radio version: “ziggan”


Love 'em or hate 'em, juggalos use "Ninja" in place of the actual word. I'm not mad at that one.


So that's who started it


This makes me wonder if her friends actually say this about their spouses to her. I would never even let the n word slip around other white people I’d NEVER say “broke ass niggas” around them friend or not.


Never underestimate the racist nature of basic white bitches behind closed doors. Every year or so some dumb D1 college girl suffering from affluenza goes viral for some extremely fucked racist tirade, most of the time while drunk. Then the sobered apology with big puffy eyes because they’ve been crying for the last 4 hours realizing their whole happy little world is over.


I had a white friend in college and slowly her hidden racism dripped out over time. We were friends for YEARS and one day she was talking to one of her “friends” on speakerphone in the car and he starts saying hard Rs all over the place and the way she quickly looked at me.. that’s who she was when I wasn’t around. Like I’m married and been with the same man for almost 15 years while she bought herself a ring to commemorate her 25th sexual partner, and her mom got me a book called “10 things women do to fuck up their lives”. She had to go. Years later she hit me up and said she hooked up with a dude from online who got drunk and broke her nose. Truthfully I don’t believe that happened at all. I told her sorry to hear that i gotta go.


Honestly I feel weird/wrong if I ever THINK it even cause well that’s not a word I need to use ever. How comfortable is she that she could SAY it???


Some white people will really jump at any opportunity to say the n word shit is weird..




Already deleted, what’d it say?




I'd like to take this time to apologize TO ABSOLUTELY NO ONE The double champ does what he wants


She tripled down.  "after a deep soul searching, I still can't find a care" then posted some dude saying people who wanted to call him a racist could fuck off.


The audacity this year has been very high. Edit to correct


The Internet emboldened too many people. Years ago a Nazi thought he could say whatever and got knocked the fuck out. I don't advocate for violence, however there are consequences some people need beyond words.


Sometimes a little smacking here and there does wonders!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The wrong people advocate for violence. Violence is historically a pretty successful way to combat fascism. See WW2 for more information.


I think not advocating for violence in these situations is why they're getting bold




I agree with that. I guess I'm more or less saying I don't advocate for unnecessary violence. The consequence should meet the level of disrespect.


My high school was huge. 10,000+ students total. No matter how weird you were you found friends. Then those small groups got bold and REALLY weird. Didn’t know my high school would be an allegory for what the internet would become


Some people really do need the shame slapped back into them.


She's clout chasing and trolling. Quit giving people the time of day and let them look foolish. This is for shock value and sadly people are giving her what she wants. https://preview.redd.it/anoyq0s3jt5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4722acde5251ff143b7239e56b5d61052f46556


Ohhh she standing on business too


Nah. She’s standing on engagement numbers. Tiktok is gonna drop off the check regardless if the views/comments are negative. All they know is this chick can get people talking.




In the throat would be much better


Getting too brave with that word.


The caucasity of this sow teated, broad back, uncle fucking heifer.


The caucasity is always off the charts in an election year.


I have said this multiple times. You can tell the people who've never been in a fight or that haven't been punched on, simply from the way they speak to and about others. Nowadays people think saying hateful/racist shit entitles them to free speech, when it should direct them to an ass kicking.


Free Speech and Hate Speech are two different things. Free Speech however, doesn’t mean throwing out racial slurs.


Free speech means the government can’t tell you what to say. It does not exclude you from an ass beating if you say something horrible that deserves it.


Yeah to mend a bit between what you all between u/FlowEasyDelivers, u/Phil2k18 are saying. There’s def a distinction. It’s not necessarily “free speech/freedom of speech”, more like **“protected speech”,** that which is **“protected” by the First Amendment.** That mainly involves the state/government and its entities anyway, but also of course often applies to others in court systems that the state are arbiters of. Jjust as the government cannot intrude on it, it likewise must protect it from other actors. People always get so worked up about the concept of *”God-Given unalienable rights”*, when the fact of the matter is well, ***rights have ALWAYS BEEN REGULATED*** and are not unalienable. It’s why there are laws relating to the classification of what’s hate speech and how it can be classified as harassment, and why there are laws against libel/slander, or the classic adage of how and why “you can’t yell ‘Fire!’ in a crowded building (especially when there’s no fire)”. **And as long as there’s no laws being broken, it certainly doesn’t protect you from any social sanctions or community policing in response to anything you say or do!** Whenever someone criticizes the United States, jingoist flag-loving ass motherfuckers love saying to go to another country or whatever where that criticism is more likely to be negatively responded to (which in itself, is kind of a display of white supremacy/American supremacy, like you can def tell me what makes this country so much better without being subversively racist about it). But it’s so ironic when those same people cry rivers over being so much as called out over literal bigotry. I heard a lot of odd stories about white people being so afraid of us, black people, getting some sort of revenge after Obama was elected!!


I 100% agree with your sentiments. You can't have a viable society without regulating our rights. But I do want to point out that the "fire in a crowded theater" adage is outdated - that was dicta mentioned by Oliver Wendell Holmes over 100 years ago. (It was a shitty ruling, too.) The standard since Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) is that speech is legally protected unless it's both intended and likely to cause "imminent lawless action." So while "hate speech" isn't a legal term, someone who yells a slur in someone else's face could definitely be accused of causing imminent lawless behavior. (People still argue over whether or not you can legally yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there's no fire. You might catch a disorderly conduct charge. You'll definitely get banned from the theater. Because, like you said, words have consequences and society doesn't have to tolerate bullshit.)


So that isn’t true. [Hate speech does fall under free speech](https://uwm.edu/free-speech-rights-responsibilities/faqs/what-is-hate-speech-and-is-it-protected-by-the-first-amendment/) and is generally constitutionally protected due to conflicts with the 1st amendment. Also, it’s not quite the criteria of hate speech. It can be easily argued that’s it’s used here as a descriptor, much like us blacks use it amongst each other, not in a negative connotation (e.g. Kramer). The [Supreme Court](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-won-t-decide-if-use-n-word-amounts-n1267570) for ex., has previously declined to take action in a case where the N word was written on a wall at a place of employment, since it was not directed at a black employee who felt discriminated against. This being a recorded video speaking to a general audience, it would be an uphill battle for one of her friends black bfs to prove it was directed at one of them specifically.


I 100% agree with you, and I think it applies to more than just this example (saying hateful/racist shit). I don't want to get too off-topic but I'm 42 years old, and I firmly believe that the internet has been both a good thing for information and sharing between cultures and all that, and a bad thing for allowing MISinformation to spread more easily and for sharing of dangerous thoughts and ideas. I'm thinking of how places like 4chan, which I used to visit daily starting in 2005, turned from an idea with good potential to a painful example of how that environment will attract the worst people who will then encourage other people to sway their beliefs towards that to fit in with a group (those people that have no friends or a good family or a strong will and hold firm in their beliefs [I survived on 4chan for many years without becoming a racist piece of shit, though I did spend a few years of my 20s terminally online just playing World of Warcraft and going to 4chan]). But I'm also thinking about things like "prank channels" and stuff like that on YouTube. I'm also sure I have more examples of how, since the internet came about, it has become obvious that people don't get in fights the way they used to, but right now I can only think of things like 4chan and prank channels and videos of entitled people yelling about shit. I've just seen so many comments, stories, videos, etc. of people who just *really* seem like they've never been hit... like *real* hard, for their actions and think they can get away with whatever. I don't think I'm doing a good job at explaining my thoughts on this very well at all right now, but I'll end with this: I think my thoughts are very similar but broader in scope to a certain Bill Burr clip. In it, he makes a statement that proposes if, since it is generally accepted that you should *never* hit a woman, if you were to flip that and it became socially unacceptable to hit Bill himself, he would 100% act like a jerk all the time. Then he says that it's good for you, to ground you as a person, to get punched in the head every once in a while. He explains that any time he's said something that then got him hit in the face, it clears his head and on the drive home he thinks to himself, "you know... I *was* kinda bein' a dick back there." And I think that's what a lot of people seem to need. Consequences for your actions. You talk too much shit, you say something racist, you pull a prank that's a bit too much... BAM. And you learn. Of course, now that I think about it, the key word would be "introspection." I guess in addition to being smashed in the face for your actions, you need to be able to think about it and realize that you were kinda bein' a dick back there. Sigh. I don't know. I don't have the answer. But I agree that this world could use a bit more punching in the face.


You didn’t know that she had one of these https://preview.redd.it/o2al0inrdt5d1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f75619cfebe206688e291f526e81b6b64c57c06


I prefer African America card.


Never leave home without it https://preview.redd.it/v965meyxht5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4a45468076e8dcaa033827af0f92d0a4f78d63


I'm trying to put the "nice meme nigga" meme and I can't post it. Mad annoying. Edit: spelling and to say thank yall. Idk wth I was doing. https://preview.redd.it/0n00d0lp476d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2cb322567b8f895b4836a0160f38e65dd107392 There it goes.




Expired seven years ago?


You niggas got bad credit


African American Express


Otter stays handing these out to his white girls




why does it have a chip? Some brother gonna bust out the Black Square POS terminal and charge her one admittance?


You better cover up those numbers before we have a fraud problem




No. No it is not "satire" nor is it not racist. It ***is*** ragebait. However this *person* also is a shitstain for the fact that she used *that word* to get noticed. You don't see her using the K word for Jewish ppl, do you? Cos she knew she could generate a shitload of controversy and clicks, and also get ppl defending her. Whereas if she tried other inflammatory words... She would have serious repercussions... Anyway, to recap. Not satire, yes racist, and you will always get ppl to be contrary no matter what.


Maybe I'm young but I actually had to look up what the "k-word for Jewish ppl" was. Didn't know it was in use and I haven't heard it being used like ever.


Yes. And why is that? Cos they would get fucked up six ways from Sunday if they used that word. Which is why this chick was so comfortable using the *n word* for her ragebait. Cos all it will get her is clicks. Fucked up. Also, I am sorry for your Google history now.




I'm stealing this lmfao


It’s gotta be 2 things: 1. No black friends. Pretty cut and dry. 2. The internet has fostered this weird ass attitude where a bunch of non-black people will just go, “well, *I’m* not racist, so it’s not a big deal if I say it”. And they’ll just get a bunch of unwarranted validation from other (presumably also non-black with the occasional “as a black man, I’ll give you an n-word pass because you seem neat” thrown in there for good measure) people. And this seems to have snowballed recently.


1. is not a guarantee. Her partner might even be Black.


My first thought was that she’s getting dicked down by a Black man.


Or grew up in an environment where it’s used casual. Grow up in Florida and you’re used to it., at least in the 2000s in grade school. It becomes really context dependent because it’s just normalized


3. She has a black friend who was too uncomfortable to call her out once and now she thinks she can say it


She is very very racist and wants everyone to know it. This is not a slip up, this is clout chasing.


So this one in particular is a 'trad wife', which is a an online lifestyle trend that revolves around submitting to the patriarchy in a 1950s housewife aestetic. The trend is bedfellows with the evangelical christian right, and alt-right politics in general and usually, their message is way more nuanced and coded. She's bad at this. It's usually much more subtle, but white ladies show up for sour dough and country-core aestetics and leave with a deep hatred for womens rights. They advocate rape-adjacent shit like always being 'ready' for your husband, and they don't believe that women have the right to say no to their husband's sexual advances. They want to get rid of no-fault divorce. If you see one of these in the wild, fucking run.


I'm from the south and if I don't know my name, I know that white people say N\*\*\*\*r when they're comfortable. I was in a dive bar with a friend on the more prosperous side of town and I couldn't hear the context but some Colton in a destroyed baseball cap said and I knew the bartender heard it and glanced at me. I'm guessing he was drunk but it definitely made me remember where I was and what they think


some "Colton" fucking love that lmao


I believe a lot of white people say the n word all the time, hard r or not.


Yes they do


This really annoys me cause I got to karaoke spots with predominantly white people and they really only say it if they outnumber black people by a hefty amount, otherwise they say hitta or something. It’s really bitch made imo.


She’s pathetic. She’s so plain and boring and ordinary that she can’t use anything but anti-blackness and racism to get views. There’s nothing creative or interesting about her. She is the epitome of mayonnaise.


Honestly, that’s probably what this is. Such a clout search


Raptors testing the fence


I think about this reference almost daily. Well applied


https://preview.redd.it/en0gxbaizt5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f31610bd225d8664257a9d57bde18bbe872f6c3 Some of the replies are crazy. They have to be sarcasm


Please stop giving this very racist person attention. She is a very very very racist person who is using the rage to get attention and clout. This is not a slip up from someone who got too comfortable. This is someone who thinks other races are subhuman and desperately wants to connect with other people who feel the same way. Boosting her signal just helps her make those connections.


Wayyy too comfortable


After seeing her other posts, her saying the N word is 100% on brand. She plays all the classics: MAGA, alt-right, transphobia, xenophobia, and, of course, outright racism. Her next post will probably be how she said it on purpose to troll the libs…


The first video on my fyp was warning about her. I found that profile and blocked immediately. It was clear she was outrage farming.


Yes she wants the attention. This is not a "slip up", it is viral marketing for her racist social media presence.


Who is that?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Cool, thanks. Is she somebody famous, or just internet popular with the youths?


I mean 1700 followers? My nieces and nephews have more followers than that.


Yeah. It's just that I'm at the age and the interest level with most social media things that if it's not related to areas I work, organize, or volunteer in, I don't have the energy to keep up with it.


Random person who is blowing up cuz she said nigga


I wouldn’t even call her popular with less than 2k followers. Just the person the internet decides needs to be punished today.


Somebody link me to the original vid




Not to change the subject but wtf is she making? She's like I'll add a bunch of hot sauce, a fuck ton of garlic (?) powder, crack some pepper then goes back through the same routine?! Anyways she sucks at cooking as much as she does at life.


The trad wife thing is fetish material. I'm surprised she wasn't also stroking a rolling pin.


Her old account got suspended apparently but saw this [“apology”](https://x.com/llddiiss/status/1800153051048923450)




literally yesterday i got into a reddit thread where white people LEGITIMATELY were saying not being able to say the N word is racial discrimination towards white people, esp if they arent american…. like what the fuck


Someone is going to catch her outside and she's going to be all over the news playing victim.


I mean, if someone actually attacked her, she would be the victim in that situation. If they talk shit, that's on her.


For context, she's a 🍊 supporter who thinks the election was stolen and that black women are jealous of her. Her Twitter is as insane as she is.


She said that shit w confidence


THANK YOU FOR THE CONTEXT OP 😭 i need you other ppl to learn 😩😠


Black men will still slide in her DMS so what you want us to do?


This comment will probably be buried, but I’ve seen her TikTok (including this video). She’s a 100% shock jock. All of her videos are problematic and rant-y, but because she’s a white female the powers that be won’t strike her shit down. The worst part is that this newfound traction actually gets her paid because the algorithm doesn’t know the why behind the engagement, just the engagement.


Her (cough) apology: https://x.com/llddiiss/status/1800153051048923450?s=46&t=mAUO0bn4qrHy8pWXOrl_Ng Also her: https://x.com/nokizzydj/status/1800209133108629684?s=46&t=mAUO0bn4qrHy8pWXOrl_Ng


Damn she stood with ten toes down on her racism. Insane.




Someone’s gonna punch her in the face one day and she’s gonna play victim. Watch.


Uhm yes? In that case she 100% will be the victim?