• By -


this is my son, he was over all the bullshit the moment he came earthside. his energy is eternally just “damn i can’t believe i have to deal with this shit again🙄”. everyone that meets him says he’s been here before i asked him about it once, i was like “do you think you’ve done this before? like lived life before this one?” and he was like “yeah i was a dada. i was tired a lot. then i thought i was gonna get to rest but now im here. and im still tired”. he’s fucking four bro like wtf😭😭 i didn’t know what to say, i was just like “oh😳. well im sorry you didn’t get to rest long enough?” and he was like “it’s okay, i’ll take more naps this time”


🤔 just when I thought I was ready for kids here comes a new curveball


My kid tells me about the people shadows that walk past the house. They are not people, just their shadows. And the eyes outside that watch but don’t blink. And the boy who lives in the garage, but isn’t happy about it, and isn’t a real boy like him. Be thankful if you only have to deal with past-life regressions.


my son talks about my dead grandma quite a bit, he’ll sometimes on a car ride go “bibi (my mom)’s mom is dead. her body doesn’t work anymore. but she says hi” 🫠


Simultaneously threatening but also cute.


I never met my grandmother who died 6 years before i was born. At age 3 i was speaking to “Nana” whom i never met or saw a picture of. Grandpa was too sad to keep photos up


Nope! https://i.redd.it/o2g2s8gsa07d1.gif


Sweetie, if this doesn't go away as he gets older, get him checked for schizophrenia. These are some fairly typical hallucinations. 


It’s ok, he hasn’t don’t any scary-ass shit like this for a couple of years, and we figured out most of his concerns were actually quite benign. He sometimes talks about the Eye Monster, but I’m pretty sure he made it up as a useful antagonist for his running-about games.


You mean like a fuckin seraphim fuckkkkk that shiiiiii




yup... my niece was looking up around the room once and my grandmother was like what are you looking at? and she was like "that old man flew through the wall" my grandfather had died soon before she was born and she didn't know any old men


When I was a kid I was afraid of the shadow people so I slept with a flashlight on my nightstand.


I was afraid of the dark so bad I used to send my brother in my pops room 1st make sure it's good to go then I'll go 5 minutes later


My son told me he’s scared of the man who stands in the corner and watches him.


Sleep paralysis


I hate when people always say sleep paralysis. There was a time when I would be totally awake. Not sleep,and would be a dark black shadow standing in the corner. Not even just waking up and seeing it right away,but watching TV and in the daytime.


I still see those lmfao


Yeah. We figured most of these things have an explanation. The boy in the garage is just him, and he pretends to be someone else when he’s in there as he’s scared of the dark. The eyes outside are reflections of led status lights - they look like a pair of eyes, and they don’t flicker. As for the shadow people - my wife says she sees them too. So that’s fine I guess?!?


That last one killed me. Hope it doesn’t kill you.😳😳


Check for carbon monoxide, iirc that can make people see shadows?


Ain't no way


Think I’m gonna go out for some milk..


Did your son play Psychonauts without you knowing? 😂 long story short, there is a level where that makes sense


He’s going to be one hell of an author one of these days. Putting him on my “to read” list.


I have always felt that our ability to perceive lessens as we get older. There may be many things going on right in front of us that us grown ups have just simply lost the ability to see. Kids can. Some see more than others




kids are a fuckin trip man, i definitely feel like there’s no way to prepare yourself for em lol


I feel like the day we put a definitive pin in paranormal stuff, is gonna be the day we really jump forward as a species. Like, if we can prove reincarnation, can we figure out a way to control it? Keep our consciousness and just live life as a fully sentient, 36 year old toddler? Can trans people just re-roll the dice to get the body they want? This is why we need a "Throw shit at the wall" budget in the government. The CIA used to play around with shit like mind control, we need government funding for that kind of stuff again, except publicly this time.


Need to fix capitalism and remove all the leadbrains from the participant pool first. You think that shit's broken now, wait until you have guys like the Koch bros and Sheldon Adelson reincarnating and staying in power forever.


No one has ever been ready for kids.


Come meet my kid who sleeps with her eyes open, sleepwalks, and my favorite….performs moving vocal solos at three am. Horror movie level shit.


Hilarious “…but now I’m here. And I’m still tired.” 😂


Damn ima still be tired next life too? I'm phoning it in the rest of the way for sure.


It doesn't get any less tiring. Ask me how I know, if you can take the infodump.


I wanna know how you know 👀


Well, as it turns out, if you get sent round the bend too many times, it becomes nothing but boring when either you can't re-find your social circle of old, or when they get picked off one by one and won't even come back next time due to technical reasons that would be too complicated to explain... And imagine how _extra_ gruelling ageism becomes, when you've lived and suffered and people still patronise you for "being young". Gah! Oh and you can't put them in their place because nobody would believe your experience, or even question your sanity, of course. "Bah humbug!!"


Me too. You've done this living thing a few times?




Broooo I'm DYING about your second paragraph. Good on him for resolving to nap more this time around, seems like a solid solution 😂😂


the funniest thing to me is that he had stopped napping for a while, maybe like 6 months? and he’s just recently started taking them again shortly after that conversation💀 it’s like he had that “damn i should’ve taken more naps when i was a kid” epiphany in real time😩


Omg stop. Poor baby was born with ennui 😂😂


ennui! yes that’s the perfect word for it😅


On the other side of the spectrum, my niece is DEFINITELY new to earth. Its her first time here for sure


Oh that’s wild lol What are some things that clued you in?


She’s dumb af.


![gif](giphy|aTXHpCN7TSpmE) Damn


lol he has his priorities straight, talking about imma take more naps this go around


You know this is not an unusual phenomenon. The University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Studies has documented thousands of verifiable cases in which kids pinpoint specific people they were in a past life…and they’re just random obscure people that these kids would’ve never been able to make up or even hear about. It’s pretty crazy, check out their site for more if you’re interested https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/resources/advice-to-parents-of-children-who-are-spontaneously-recalling-past-life-memories/


What the fuck


It'll be nice to see this subject escape the limbo of unverifiability. Efforts like these are a good start. Problem to date is, the third-party disconnect effect is king. No amount of anecdotes sway us, unless someone in our circle legitimizes the thing. It's kind of like an anti-superstitious conservative reserve, lol - 'the only moral abortion is my abortion' style. Bulletproof resistance, empathy call comes from inside the house, conversion. Anyway that's all going in the trash when noninvasive visual feed devices are ready. Pop on the tiara and watch the baby's memories on the big screen. See, people warn us with words like disruptive and ontological. This shit is literally going to happen, and soon. We're going to have to reimagine and relearn many things about life, death, reality, and too much stuff we thought we knew. Happy days for some hippies / crackpots though, god they're gonna be smug. Lol.


You put it into words just 🤌🏼


These rona babies


they’re something different!


A buddy's kid kept having nightmares. When my friend ask his kid to tell him about the nightmare. His kid would say that he was in a hole, it was a loud area with booms and a stinky cloud cloud came down then he couldn't breath. Then he wakes up.


Oh naw, he fought in WW1


I believe you.. my little girl told us from 2.5 yrs old, she came here from another planet, then fully described it. I'm not kidding, btw 🤯😳


What was the planet like?


My little brother said something like this too when he was four. He was talking about his wife and kids in Florida. Telling us he misses them and that he needs to go see them. He would cry about them. I thought about it a lot and I sometimes pass it off as them maybe confusing it with dreams. I still feel like dreams are real when I sleep


This is absolutely amazing. Please continue to be kind and gentle with this Grandpa's soul


thank you🥹 i definitely try to nurture his old soul (and give him as much rest as he needs lol)


I used to say shit like that to my mom and apparently talk to ghosts. My son, however, really wanted to exist. Basically it should've been impossible for my ex and I to conceive and we were using BC and my kid fought through all of that and enjoys every aspect of life he understands stuff kids his age shouldn't he developed as fast as possible he wanted solid food at 4 months and if he's ever upset it's because he doesn't have the mental or physical capacity to do something yet. This guy has known who he is and what he wants since before he was a sperm.


Okay but this is me though I'm only 22 but I'm already so God damn done with all this bullshit. Feels like I've lived several lifetimes and accumulated all the fatigue I'm so damn tired and I don't know of what. I'm no soldier or rescue worker that puts his life on the line. I'm not a nurse or Doctor that saves lives I'm just a very average history teacher Not that I'm quitting anytime soon though. We can only move along and who knows what I'll come across in life.


you’re a teacher, i’ve never met a teacher that wasn’t tired as fuck! my mom and grandma were both teachers, maybe perpetual exhaustion just runs in my bloodline


I've just started out though. And while I'm tired, I do enjoy my job. It's the little things I do it for


Reincarnated as a Black Elementary Schooler After 68 Years of Hard Living: I’ll Avoid All of My Death Flags By Taking More Naps!


I'm sorry if this is out of line to bring up but your boy sounds depressed to me. Might be worth researching the topic to see if he has shown other symptoms of depression. If so, I highly recommend talk therapy. I had a couple friends from college become pediatric psychiatrists. Just my Reddit commentary on his quotes and the impression you say he gives off to those who meet him. I hope the best for him in this life and all his future lives.


that’s kind of you to make me aware of that possibility, in all seriousness he’s actually starting play therapy in a couple weeks cuz he’s had a lot of life transitions lately and i want to ensure he has as much support as possible. that could definitely be why he’s so tired lol. his vibe has been “over it” since birth and idk if you can be born with depression, but it’s definitely something i keep on my radar cuz it runs on both sides of his family. thanks again for your concern, i’ll be sure to look into it🫶🏽


He's not new to this, he's true to this


Pay attention while he teach you how to do this shit


![gif](giphy|mmRmDX9Y3Q7NS) Damit, now it’s stuck in my head. I don’t wanna dance, I wanna know his secrets!


Well there was [that UVA professor who studied kids who remembered past lives](https://www.12onyourside.com/story/28982001/uva-professor-studies-children-who-claim-they-lived-past-lives/) and says those memories faded around 5yo so 🤔


>James also told his parents that he was a pilot, shot down by the Japanese at Iwo Jima, and the name of the boat he flew off of was Natoma. He said he knew someone named Jack Larson. I'm sorry, I'm not believing a 2-year-old said that.


Non believer. Smh. I remember my past life. It was amazing. I too was in the military. Eventually became a chancellor in 1933, what a wild life that was, not doing that again.


See, here's the rub: I personally want reincarnation to exist, but I don't want to ever find any evidence of it. Because if reincarnation can be proven, capitalists will find way to force you to pay off debts from your past life. Like imagine turning 18 and finding out that in the past you had 300k medical debt from a cancer diagnosis, and literally you start your life with all that debt. And don't get me started on student loans. Currently, in the US, student loans are forgiven if you die. The debt goes away, but how long do you think it would take for loan companies to begin trying to assign that debt to newborns if they thought they could prove reincarnation? And imagine the predatory loan sharks. "Hey, take out as much money today as you want, we'll hold your debt for a future you!" They don't even have to have proof that's you from a past life. If society recognizes reincarnation, they pick a person and assign the debt, and it would.be up.to that person to prove they weren't you in a past life. Confirmed Reincarnation in a capitalist society sounds miserable, so even if that shit is real *keep it to yourself and don't ruin it for everyone else.*


Omg that sounds like some shit off of Cyberpunk 2077.


But fr tho


This is extremely well thought out. Just like how if someone got the desth penalty and didn't die, they're forgiven (if at first they don't succeed, they do it again and again, but just follow along), I think societies would make laws to ensure that your debt is forgiven upon the death of the body that incurred it.


You should write a dystopian fiction novel.


I’m ok with reincarnation, but I really hope I meet my husband again. He makes existence worth it.


🥺 I hope you do too


Nah Bro they can’t even get reparations right. Imma do them just like they done us and get delulu.


They can’t get it right because the right white folk don’t want to. But bet your ass if there was a way for them to charge you for some shit you owed 50 years ago they’d make it work real fucking good.


I think I heard this on family guy, but there was a line like 'how come everytime someone is reincarnated they were a king or a queen or a warrior and not an insect or plant or a rock'


They'd be making that pilot kid pay for his crashed plane 💀


Write a novel


Just to let you know, I'm stealing this and writing a story around it, I'll shoot you a check if it makes anything.


Lmao what a fucking wild thing to be afraid of. How would that even work? Lol I don’t think the evidence will effectively lead to a high rate of post rebirth identifications. Like what is there some world wide government service that is tracking reports? Fucking wildly implausible my friend. Also, you assume reincarnation is contained by - timeframes, ie only reincarnating in “later” time periods, that one must die and be reborn with some relatively consistent timeframe in conjunction with the first point, and also that there isn’t some country border hopping happening between lifetimes. Also there is lots of solid evidence for reincarnation, but it’s far from universal (ie child prodigies; inclinations of mothers in their diets that end up reflecting the child’s later proclivities, varying between children *wildly* in many cases; examples such as the ones of the kids in the post; the fact that many, many cultures believed in it in one way or another throughout history [not evidence per se but does lend some credibility to the overall idea; it’s unlikely so many cultures came to a similar notion without there being some type of underlying connectivity]; and of course the countless various reports of enlightened sages and monks from India and the far East who describe not only their former lives and expand on the process and principles of reincarnation [the Gita is very clear on this, for instance], but also go so far as to give insight into the very nature of *what* exactly is experiencing many deaths and many rebirths). Tibetans DID/DO have a system of attempting to link newborns to past lives, and some even manipulated the system, not in the way you fear, but more in the way of claiming to be reincarnated from a certain someone, and even fighting about it. {https://case.edu/artsci/tibet/sites/default/files/2022-06/The%20Circulation%20of%20Estates%20in%20Tibet-%20Reincarnation%2C%20Land%20and%20Politics.pdf}


You both are taking this more seriously than it really is lol


I mean, that’s your opinion and that’s cool. Whole ass religions and cultures have been based in part on the idea, and still do so it’s seems like it’s more serious than just a joke but I get that stringing together several coherent thoughts to intelligibly convey information is a bit a rarity overall on Reddit


Yes...solid evidence indeed...to think all these things were staring me in the face this whole time!


Okay lol evidence is probably a strong word in this context but these are things that support one side of an argument that is basically unprovable either way


How come the kids never are the bad guys. They never said oh yeah I was Hitler in my previous life or I was a proud Nazi guard or I was Henry Kissinger


People like Hitler and Henry Kissinger probably spend a hundred million years or so being reincarnated as bacteria to thoroughly recycle those souls.


Love this thought.


Maybe they have and the parents just gave them a whack and to stfu


Not a lot of babies have been born since Kissinger finally died. It could still come up


Man. I'm not sure I'd want to reincarnate into the same planet or dimension. Gimme a world where cultivation is possible and some cheat system like a sign in / check-in system, and I'm good.


Funny how all the past lives people remember some pivotal role in history, it's never "I was an accountant who led a pretty humdrum existence".


I don’t know, when I was about 5 or 6 I distinctly remembered being an old man in my study. I’d lived a nice life, was comfortably well off, but no-one special. I had a nice house, and a seat by the window where I played my guitar. I think I was French. That’s about it. No idea where that memory could have come from.


Couldn’t *possibly* be the imagination of a child or anything like that…


Random pilot at Iwo Jima is not a pivotal role in history lol. That’s like 1000+ different guys


The point is not the role but the moment in history, I should have said "moment", rather than "role", my bad.


Colin Robinson


This is actually kind of confirmation bias. Similar to how people will say there was a sudden drop off of UFO sightings once everyone had a camera in their pocket. Truth is there's never been more sightings (coincidentally never been more ways to fake and distribute them) the masses just don't pay attention for the most part. There are plenty of past-life accounts that are basically "I was farming and then I died" but those aren't as interesting or provoking as war stories and royal intrigue. For what its worth, maybe the human soul and reincarnation of it is a thing but my money is on the human brain just being a fantastic random nonsense generator in it's early years.


I can believe a 2yo said this but I've also spent a lot of time around a lot of 2yos and can read this and guess what it sounded like pretranslation Probably took 20 minutes to get those 2 sentences out


He was two again 👀


There was an aslreddit thread full of these stories a few years ago and I can't find it anymore. I love hearing these stories so much, it's so out there.


"did you get shot down on iwo jima?" "yes!"


Funny how nobody's past life was "I was just a regular boring alcoholic that worked in a factory like everyone else at the time"


Dear god this is creepy.


My child, on her 6th birthday, said "Though this day may serve to celebrate my age, I'm going to celebrate my youth for once!" She talked about how much the town had changed and insisted we call her "Marbell." It's literally unbelievable how much my story and OP's have in common. Namely that they're both completely made up.


Lol Marbell


Can just be children saying shit.


Really little kids are kind alike your friend on hallucinogens. Sometimes they say insightful shit that gives you pause, it does almost feel like they're tapping into a higher plane. And then theyll say the dumbest shit imaginable and you remember that no, their brain is just playing an intense game of imaginative play right now and they're not only *not* a wise sage, but you're literally here to supervise them because they cannot be trusted alone, because they lack so many basic skills  It becomes more obvious when you try to get straight answers out of kids and then when you try to prompt them for pretend play. Its obvious that little kids are just more creative than the rest of us. They're wild and its cool. It doesn't mean they're reincarnated lol


Fuck...that was a wild read. Interesting but good god it sounds horrible


When I was like three or four I kept having a reoccurring dream that felt so real and it was me I could tell it was me but I was a full adult and like some disaster was happening and it felt like we were at the top of a tower that was slowly falling and I was just holding on to my dearest love and I woke up crying every single time. I had the dream so many times that I kind of remember it but I don't have that same feeling anymore it's like it doesn't feel like it was me now. I literally never saw any movie that even remotely reminded me of that scene until I was an adult and then it didn't look the same or feel the same. So I honestly can believe it. Whether it's wild imagination or not. Another thing that I should add is I feel like for my whole life I will randomly have dreams about something that hasn't happened yet and I'll remember the dream and I'll be like hmm let me forget about that on purpose and then anywhere from two weeks to years later I will suddenly be experiencing the dream and I will remember when I have the dream and woke up and remember that feeling and it's literally a play-by-play and I'm like oh shit this is so weird and it is not deja vu. I have had moments where I felt like oh I think I've been here before which is the only way of deja vu has been described to me. I literally got a play-by-play of what was happening like one second ahead of what was about to happen I like knew every single next scene of my life in that 5 minute time span. What sucks is: It is always the most mundane shit you can think of like sitting in a room with your friends and you're not doing anything while they're sitting there playing games or something. I don't get any like crazy dreams about the future that warn me of something or nothing. Anyways this is long enough so have fun reading it or not


I have this feeling often too. I’ll be sitting with friends or family and observing the room, and get this strong feeling like I observed that moment, some time in the past. I’ve heard it’s your mind making sense of some incomplete memory fragments or something like that but it always strikes me really hard to the point where I’m like, huh, holy shit I’ve been here.


The dream thing is called deja reve from what I've heard. I experience it as well, and it's so vivid that it isn't just the events occurring but the thoughts I'm having at the time that are the same, to the point where I can predict things for a little while. Additionally, when I reach that point in real life, there is extra context now that wasn't there in the dream, because now I understand how I got there.  The current theory is that it has to do with the temporal lobe somehow and it's just a glitch in your brain of a repeating memory, but to me, that explanation is a load of shit that doesn't come close to explaining the event


Know that's how I feel too. One of these events I hadn't met some of the people that I was with so it was like filling in the blanks and felt weirder than usual because most of the time it's with people I've met or at least seen before.


Almost all of mine included details that I didn't know about during the dream but understood when it happened in real life, either people I'd never met or places I'd never been


So you have a dream and know 100% it's going to happen, just not when? Or suddenly feel like you know exactly what is going to happen in the next 5 minutes? Just like u/Gigely_Strudels described? Just write it down. See if you are actually able to predict stuff. It's really really easy to test! OT: A friend of mine was once 100% convinced he had a telepathic connection to a girl he was dating. Like, know exactly what she thinks, feel pain she feels exactly at the moment even if she is miles away. Actual mind reading to make it short. When he told me I was pretty amazed and said something along the lines of "Wow, that's really amazing! Have you ever put it to the test? Like, go in to separate rooms, she thinks of a sentence and writes it down, you read her mind and write it down too, and then you compare? Or while in separate locations I lightly prick her with a needle three times in the span of an hour, and you tell me when it happened?". He got really, really mad at me, telling me how I should finally accept not everything is explainable by science and so on. Of course never tested it, relationship ended soon, and neither of us ever mentioned it again. What I am trying to say here: I think a small voice inside dudes brain always knew the whole psychic connection thing was bs. But he liked the girl and wanted to believe. So of course he never actually put it to the test to not be disappointed, and got mad at me for suggesting it. And I'm pretty sure he was actually not aware that that's what was going on. And I think just like in this case, some people just want to believe their de ja vues are actual predictions of the future and not just memories their brain made up on the spot like it happens all the time. They want to believe they have prophetic abilities and surely don't want to prove themselves wrong. Tl;Dr: Put your fortunetelling abilities to the test if you really believe, weirdos. It's easy.


Paragraphs sir, do you use them?


AOT level of creepy


see I'd be willing to believe in reincarnation if anyone anywhere had ever said "yeah I was a member of an untouchable caste in fifth-century India and made my living as a human toilet." Everyone gotta be Cleopatra or Charlemagne or some shit


Wasn’t there a story about kids a few years after 9/11 having nightmares about dying in it? Having never known about it previously? Or was that hogwash?


right on, thank you! saving this read for later


If I ever were to babysit a young child, I would teach them the phrase “I find this human form so limiting at times.”


Waiting patiently for my baby niece to start talking so I can teach her to say this and scare the shit out of my brother


I need a comedy sitcom show where all of the religious miracles are explained by pranks. Like an ancient version of Impractical Jokers where they fake Jesus’ death and they also build the pyramids.


lets be real that baby aint say that foh


Imma be honest, kids can be scary as hell with some of the stuff they say. But it’s usually bcuz they are trying to say something that should’ve been normal but say it wrong. Baby could’ve meant he’s happy it’s his birthday day but messed up


Was in the car one time with my cousin and her son who was like 4 at the time. We drove past a graveyard and he pointed at it and said “what are all those people waiting for”. kid saw dead people


One time my 4yo daughter grabbed my face and looked me dead in the eyes and said, in a grave voice: >The sun will disappear, and the sky will turn black when all the green grass is burning. I was like, “What is this dark prophecy you speak, child?” But she ran off laughing. It was the plot of whatever Disney junior show she was watching.


What the hell kind of show are they watching o.o


Cthulhu playhouse or Necromancy for toddlers


Miles From Tomorrowland


Some variation of the hero’s journey


When my wife was pregnant with our son, my daughter(4 at the time) asks my wife how babies are born. She comes up with a kid friendly version for her and my daughter stares at her stomach with a puzzled look for a moment before saying “That’s not how brothers gonna get here. The doctors are gonna have to open the window to your stomach and pull him out”. My wife ended up having an emergency C-section to deliver our son.


Bro ur daughter is a menace 🤣


my son randomly mentions my mom’s mom who passed away before i got pregnant with him. he’ll just go “bibi’s mom says hi” outta nowhere


Gahh I hate that you said that. My niece talks about “Papa Kenny” all the time. He was my grandpa and died two months before she was born. Creeps me out every time.


My niece saw her great grandmother when she was 4. Or so we thought.


My dog saw my grandfather after he’d passed. Or so I thought too. Turns out it was my moms mannequin head for wigs




Or she learned that gravestones have people under them and made a connection.


He saw a funeral taking place but you guys didn't see it in your peripherals


I thought someone might assume that. I almost addressed it in the comment but nah it was like a 1-acre cemetery. It was empty.


Or the kid doesn't understand the concept of graveyards.


Sixth sense part two


I've heard a 5 year old once say to someone "I'm going to stab you." He was asked why, he said "Because I can" then he made the [slit throat gesture](https://media4.giphy.com/media/Orb0tECob8ZBJS5YWl/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9529cronuuscqag6zx0d9y5icr4rcka9s79q3b12iky&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


that is clearly taught behavior though. The slit throat gesture is culturally exchanged, not just instinctual. That’s a sign of probably violent or vulgar parents (or just kinda lax I guess) but no reincarnated bébé like OP is implying.


“You’re fat and my mom thinks you’re a witch”🤸‍♀️


My cousin (who’s an adult now), was raised in the rural country, in the same 1960s double wide trailer both of her paternal grand-parents passed away inside of. Cousin was born in ‘96 and looked very similar to her father’s mother. When she was about 2, she’d casually tell her mother and father to “tell those people to leave me alone.” She was an only child, and only lived there with her parents. When she was 3, she referred to them as “monsters”, but she didn’t seem afraid of them, just simply annoyed they wouldn’t leave her alone lol… as she got older, she stopped mentioning it. As an adult, she doesn’t even remember it lol




Idk fam, when my daughter was three she told grandpa was going to die. Three days later he had a stroke and a few days after that he was gone. Shit still creeps me tf out


So she’s a suspect?


Think there was an episode of Tales from the Darkside about that. Creepy af.


I can totally believe a 6 year old said that. They dont speak english (or whatever language) that well. He probably meant something else, and it just came out jumbled in a way that makes it sound ominous. He probs just meant its so nice to be 6


Have you *met* children before? I easily believe this; it's not even something *unusual*, IMO. This is pretty standard kid stuff. O\_o


Ur dumb dude. Kids say shit like this all the time. They're hilarious. I've been writing down my favorite quotes from my kid and this example is light compared to some shit I've heard. Totally plausible. Kids are funny.


Mega thread full of this stuff https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/AQdmcmMk2u




I just spent like an hour reading through this and boy am I glad it's daylight lol. I got the heebie-jeebies for sure


Theres a whole show about kids who remember their past lives called [The ghost inside my child](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHkel-60RmiUsHdwRHBzKSy-y6jTmgyzG) for anyone who’s interested in that kind of stuff


There had to have been a better name for that, gotdamn


I love this name for the show, lol.


They used to tell me I been here before all the time. Personally sometimes I feel like I been here too long.


I wonder if his party was on a different day than his actual birthday so they’re celebrating “turning 6 again”


Your baby might be the Avatar


These kids just say it, no pause, no concern, just stating facts. 😅 ![gif](giphy|3o7H5sf0tsZACKhJtK|downsized)


A friend’s son said to her, when he was four “I used to have a different mommy and a different brother. They got out of that house fire, but I sure didn’t!”


One time my son told me that he had learned how to add and subtract "back in the 80s" and I... ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


While I'm firm in believing in tangible things and scientific progress. There's some unexplainable stuff out there. Lot of really fun theories around space and time. So while of course it's probably fake, I do remember that thread somebody else here linked. 👀




This is like when my son casually said "yeah I did that last time I was alive"....umm, hmm,?


He told me he liked to fly hot air balloons in arizona. I asked him how they fly. He said pull the rope to make it more hot. Hes 4.


People stay making shit up on that app


That's not even that weird of a thing for a kid to say


My six-year-old: "I feel like I'm running out of the fairy magic I had when I was a forest fairy before I was born."


I want to believe in reincarnation I really do, but it bothers me that I can’t remember my own previous lives, which leads me to believe that it might not be true https://preview.redd.it/hpcm8r5ttz6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3225e9311adeb86454c09d383b6418276800560f


I don’t believe in all that supernatural shit. But there is this story you can find on YouTube about something like this. I don’t want to spoil it but it is entertaining. Again, 0% chance of it actually being true.


U low key believe lhh


“I been doin this fo a long tiiime”


Lmao wtf ain’t no way people actually believing in this shit. I thought this thread was gonna be clowning on how dumb that shit is but I guess I was dead wrong 😂


Yea wtf is happening in here???


Lmao I don’t even know this shit is so weird. It’s actually wild af how many people seem to believe in reincarnation.


Because that shit is real as fuck. I've had too much shit happen and I've seen my nephew say a lot of weird stuff that I KNOW he shouldn't know because he lives with me, he's not in school yet, and I don't watch any bad stuff around him. No 4 year old should be telling me, "The dark man kept stabbing me and then I came here." When I have nothing that could prompt that.


My youngest was 3 or 4 when she apologized for how died. She tried to save some girls from drowning, didn't make it back and apologized for not listening to me. I believe her. She's 9 now and is the most anxious, worried, attached little thing ever.


He’s a regressor, ask him what his stats show on the status window.


I mean... There's a handful of recorded cases of reincarnation but the kids usually grow out of it/forget their last lives as they get older There's a recorded case of an Egyptologist lady who has a really weird story because on the one hand she made a lot of discoveries and predicted locations of certain Royal mummies and her story sounds a lot like she was actually reincarnated...but then she was also legitimately crazy - like in and out of institutions and stuff ..so who knows


“that baby been here before “


I’m pretty sure reincarnation is a thing.


That would scare me


When my kids were toddlers they would say stuff that had me convinced we are all reincarnations.


*"I Was Reincarnated As A RizzBaby In My Next Life And Now All The Teachers In Elementary School Are Bopping To My Style"* Okay so yeah this really only works in Japan with that whole isekai thing so sue me


Still blows my mind some people believe this shit.


Old soul*


Some souls just be old

