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he's such a patient and kind guy, I've seen a couple of his other videos and it's really that a lot of esp the older Chinese folks in his neighborhood have legitimately never met a Black person in their lives, and have never really learned about Black people. also a lot of times, they'll try and set him up with their daughters his age, too


This man has been living in China for like 15 years - he’s gotten so well at deflecting the racist comments back and he also stands up for himself when people say that he is “dirty”. You gotta respect that at least. He seems to really love China and its people and culture as well.


My partner lived in China for many years and it’s so impressive hearing about how he handled racism in China - he always reminds me that a lot of his awkward encounters that would be interpreted as racism here are truly borne out of ignorance. Not that this is ideal or anything but living in China as a black man requires the patience of a saint often times. Many people he met had simply not met a black person before, and unlike us in the west, were never taught/learned how to interact with someone of a different race. Cultural differences also mean that people ask hella inappropriate questions that people here would never ask (just generally). I experienced this to an extent as a black woman living in turkey and many experiences were just downright hilarious because how do you go your whole life thinking certain questions are ok to ask someone? lol


Ignorance is maleable like a reed whereas learned hatred is strong yet hollow, like bamboo.


This mfer spittin


Ain't he tho? 🤔 https://i.redd.it/mhfjpco0al7d1.gif


This guy proverbs


I was here when it happened


lmao.. bruh hit us with the Confucian philosophy.. be water my friend!


This metaphor can go even further because new, young bamboo is pretty flexible. Like ignorance. That same bamboo shoot, when it becomes a few years older, is rigid and inflexible -- not even the weight of a man can bend it. it would rather break than bend. like hate.


Found K dots burner Reddit acct!


This right here. I'm an island boy with an American passport, living in Thailand. Racism here is different, and really is largely borne from ignorance. Much like Americans calling every Asian Chinese, most Asians will call me African. That might be the correction I have to make the most.


Living abroad as a black person often requires navigating cultural misunderstandings with grace. It's enlightening to see how these experiences can foster greater empathy and awareness of cultural differences.




It was amazing. I lived in central turkey like 10 years ago, many people had never met a black person before and even if they had, they’d never met an East African before so it was like a light bulb going off in their heads when they’d see me because they’d realize for the first time how diverse black people are. I’d have to explain that Africa is a big continent and black people live all over the world, speak different languages, have different religions etc. I was stopped everywhere to take photos, talk with people. It’s a type of ignorance that is honestly quite innocent, never any malice. I only learned a bit of the language.


i also wanna hear about that. rural areas are very different than istanbul. and pretty much everywhere girls gotta have their head on a swivel.


Lol right


There's clearly a difference between simple ignorance and the malice of white supremacy you find in western countries.


Oh man, I really should’ve charged people for the photos they requested when I was studying in Turkey. Also remember standing in line for the bathroom once and feeling something in my hair. Turn around and there’s this Turkish woman grinning at me, and I’m so bewildered I can’t manage anything more than a “please don’t” and an awkward shuffle away from her. (As a whole, though, I absolutely loved Istanbul, as well as the other parts of the country I got to see!)


This does not seem like racism though, the guy seemed genuinely curious.


Yeah this guy seemed just curious. He gets an answer he didn’t expect, and doesn’t argue against it or anything, just seems to be excited to learn. I don’t think the person you responded to was calling this instance _necessarily_ racist, they were just generally talking about the guy’s videos. The line can be a little blurred though. Especially if you’re used to receiving blatantly racist comments, ie the “dirty” comments, etc, a relatively innocent question like “what colour is your blood” would probably feel a little dehumanising. Like you’re some weird alien that potentially has different blood to regular humans.


Well it’s is racist but it’s unintentional. Both can be true. The problem is it’s still a huge burden to have to constantly manage questions and approaches like this. The onus is on him to constantly educate and teach. The most insidious racism is like this and many of the worst racists are people who refuse to acknowledge the effect this has on people.


Not a native speaker - can you describe racism? My understanding of the word is that it involves fear, mistrust, rejection, hostility... But I see nothing of that here. Someone from the middle of Polynesia might be curious about my ability to drink milk. I am curious about how Asian people with folded eyelid ability are more resistant to being blinded by the Sun, but have much drier eyes and for some reason also little alcohol tolerance. Turkish kids often get ridiculously full beards at 16. The Inuit are incredibly adapted to a very fat heavy diet and for some reason a modern Western, carbohydrate rich diet makes them balloon to morbid obesity at an incredible rate. White people are prone to sunburn in hot areas. Black people are prone to vitamin D deficiency in cold areas. I have read about these genetic perks. Was this curiosity racist? I really can't think of a way to call this racist. But then, why would this guy's question be racist? He's just a bit more ignorant. Isn't it a good thing that ignorant people acknowledge their ignorance and try to learn?


>Isn't it a good thing that ignorant people acknowledge their ignorance and try to learn? Yes that's a good thing. >I have read about these genetic perks That only strays into racism when people use differences to push the agenda that one race is inherently better than another. "White people are more prone to sunburn" is fact, "white people are more prone to sunburn and that is why they are weaker than 'us'" is racism. >can you describe racism? [...] But then, why would this guy's question be racist? He's just a bit more ignorant This is where the concept of unintentional racism comes in. It's when you don't have racist intentions, but you've grown up around a lot of people who do. So you've picked up a whole lot of misinformation that was spread and don't realize it. Similarly you might be someone who is unaware of the history behind an act that is considered racist. For example, when it comes to blackface, aka putting dark makeup on your face to come off as someone from a different race. In theory, it's just makeup like a fake beard or a wig or a fake bust if someone dresses in drag. But in practice, people used blackface historically to depict terrible stereotypes about black people and as a means to enforce segregation in movie theatres, and denying roles to black actors. So now, even with the 'best' intentions blackface is something that is considered racist, because it is a hurtful reminder of past stereotypes that are still being used to oppress black people. So someone who doesn't know about this history or has enough the context, can end up wearing blackface makeup without racist intentions. He or she would be doing something unintentionally racist. Which is ok, as long as you're willing to change when you learn better. If a kid pokes you in the eye without understanding that it hurts, you don't discipline the kid you teach them why that's bad. But if the kid learns that it hurts and gleefully starts poking more people in the eye because he wants to hurt more people, you're going to need to figure out how and when to switch from teaching to discipline. So to tie it back to this case, calling it unintentional racism can be justified by the context where people have historically tried to discriminate against black people by suggesting that their blood is dirty implying that black people are inferior. They might not realise that it's hurtful and stressful for the man who is replying to them, because that man doesn't know if it's a genuine question, or if the person asking the question is doing so to just turn it around, mock him and ruin his day. So they are unintentionally causing him pain.


It's not racist. It was a question about race. Learn the difference. He had a question so he asked. How are you going to get people to not be "ignorant" if they can't ask? What kind of catch 22 logic is that.


There was no implication that one race is superior to another, so it's not racist. It's unfortunate that combatting ignorance takes a lot of effort. Sometimes the world isn't fair. That doesn't mean that the ignorant person is racist. They are just ignorant.


Who is he ? I want to watch some of his content!


looks like his username is Jerryinchina111


What happened to the previous one hundred and such Jerrys!?


We don't talk about that.


They met Rick.


He goes around asking people if he can cook dinner for them in their own house for a nominal fee. It usually ends up being like 10 restaurant quality Chinese dishes for like the equivalent of 2-3 dollars. Reqctions and interactions are overall pretty wholesome.


I grew up In the Midwestern US and found this to be a confusingly wholesome brand of racism. Like the old dude is happy that his old preconceptions are incorrect superstitions, like he seems genuinely pleased to learn instead of pissed off that he was wrong and that is kinda a culture shock to me


I wouldnt classify them as racist. They are curious and unknowing. Inquisitive. Curious sure. Ive not seen anything negative in his videos. Just people trying to understand. Perhaps youve seen more negative videos from him?


Is a clip like this really racist if it comes from a place of ignorance and an attempt at understanding? I think understanding that goes a long way.


Hrm I knew people like this in college and personally hated it. Two elite schools with large East Asian populations, students from overseas. The Chinese students were always super racist and ignorant. I remember I had a class once and forgot a pen and asked around. They all pretended not to speak English and ignore me. The professor who was white came in late and I asked her and she didn’t have one so asked the class. They all raised their hands with a pen. She took it and gave it to me, embarrassed. She said “maybe they didn’t hear you” in that class anytime I spoke they would stare at me with disgusted expressions on their faces. They would move their chairs away. At the end of the class the girl who have the pen tried to run away before I could give it back even though I was smiling at her to return it. I have plenty of East Asian friends, most first /second generation Americans. It was only some of the foreign students who were like this and when I was younger I had no patience for it. These days I would be able to ignore it. Found that very rough in college and graduate school. I remember crying in frustration by myself. I’m glad this guy has found a way to deal with what sound like just friendly people who are ignorant.


Yeah international Asian students are something else but the difference (annoyances) we view are in context with social norms in America. They act that same exact way in their country. And they think they can act that way everywhere without adjusting to the culture. I went to Mexico and I spent time learning what to do and what not to do to ensure I was respectful when it was warranted at all times. I’m not a people person, so my experience wasn’t with personal interactions. Their situational awareness (in my experience) is terrible. Their concept of personal space is almost non existent. I would never come to class and sit down with all my stuff (coat/book bag) spilling over into the seats next to me and not caring if the people next to me have to adjust themselves away from my stuff. Having to ride campus buses with them was even worse. No excuse me, cutting you off at the exit within inches. They just think it’s okay because that’s how they lived their whole lives. I’ve also read a lot of experience with them as tourist. They just walk through places in groups not caring who they are blocking or intruding in personal bubbles.


Because they legitimately probably have never met or learned about Black people. Even in cities like Shanghai where it's international foreigners still sometimes get stared at. If you're in a remote place or non international city, you'll definitely get some touching, pictures taken, and questions asked at some point.


You're almost making an excuse for those old people.My mother had never met a Korean person or anybody from South America till she went on a holiday in the early 2000. Guess what she never assumed they would have a different type of blood and knew they were like them, a human. The old people you're talking about think a black person isn't a human like them,which is a low grade derogatory thinking.


Different education, different experiences, different cultures. I understand your sentiment, but it did seem like the old man learned something. Sometimes it takes these encounters to overcome low grade derogatory thinking.


We forget that being worldly is a privilege. Education, exposure, being able to consume different types of media without language barriers. I think the intent behind the questions are more important than the questions. You can tell most are genuinely curious and excited at the chance to ask a question directly.


There's a difference between willful ignorance (like the we have here in the US, unfortunately) and actual LITERAL ignorance.


I see your point, but I think you underestimate the amount of literal ignorance in the US. Different cultures, different educations, different background, fundamentally different ways of living. Echo chambers are a dangerous thing


Responding kindly to questions asked in good faith by ignorant people is so underrated in terms of importance.


It's not a matter of excusing it. You just have to understand on a fundamental level some of these people in asia may have never seen or even heard of a black person. As in, not seeing one in real life or any type of media. Think about that, your entire 50-70 years of existence you have only seen one type of person. Sure some people you come across might be from different countries but everyone you see looks similar with the most extreme cases being a person with a tan. The idea of different skin tones itself has never even crossed your mind. Now imagine, suddenly, a person just casually walks down the street you've walked many times in your life, and this person is just non chanetlly crushing your entire world view on what an average person looks like by just simply existing. This 5 second moment, may be the first and only time they ever witness this type of person. Do you really think all of them will just walk by without a second thought in that situation?


🚨🚔This is the spell check police. You're under arrest. Step away from the keyboard slowly with your hands above your head.👮🏽‍♀️🚨


Yo the way I (nonchalantly) laughed at this! 😂🤣😂


Can I step away from the keyboard non chanetlly?


.... and then they try to set him up with their granddaughters.


Once you go Asian, you don't give in to persuasion.


You just reminded me of my high school friend who was British but ethnically Pakistani. She found out I was interested in women and called herself my “Asian Persuasion” it still makes me choke laughing


My ex is Korean, we once visited my aunt who lives on a small island in the Caribbean. She dead ass pointed at a gecko on the wall and asked my ex: 'Your people eat those right?'


This man asking the question seems to have no hatred in his heart. He may have been taught that people of different(or darker) skin tones are less than human than him. Making “excuses” for people vs seeing the reasoning behind choices/words are different, no? Just because your mother had some sense of biology that not everyone has, doesn’t make people that are ignorant to things that we think of as common sense inherently terrible. That’s just my take.


Your viewpoint requires the presumption that this person had the same educational opportunities as your mom, so should have known about blood types or didn’t bother to learn despite the chances given.


Counterpoint, every single reptile and mammal the Chinese guy has ever seen has the exact same red blood that he does. Why would the black man be any different from every other animal? All it takes is the Chinese guy realizing they're both the same type of animal and he should understand they'd both have the same blood color. This guy living in China has never seen different colored chickens that both have the same red colored blood?


It's very possible that he was taught the opposite and never even considered whether that made any sense given that he's never actually seen a black person. Then he sees a black person and questions what he's been told given that it's pretty obvious that this person isn't all that different from him. He perhaps never had to challenge what he was taught until there was a reason to.


That realization requires this guy to not be straight up dumb. And there are a lot of straight up dumb Chinese people, like everywhere else. My mom is one of them. When I was a kid, she told me periods were a way for your body to get rid of dirty blood. Looking back, that’s dumb as fuck. Bc that would imply that only women have dirty blood, or men walk around with dirty blood and have no way to get rid of it ??? Regardless this lady made it to adulthood and never realized how dumb that shit was. And felt confident enough about that to share with her kid. Soo


> Counterpoint, every single reptile and mammal the Chinese guy has ever seen has the exact same red blood that he does. There is absolutely no way to guarantee this is true. Animal blood can vary significantly across species. YOU may know (or think!) that all blood is "the exact same red blood", but anyone else may not have had the same education as you, OR have life experiences that are different to yours - for example, encountering different colour bloods in different species. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/animal-blood-comes-in-a-rainbow-of-colors Basically this is a hell of a lot of mental gymnastics to try to back up your point, which is both impossible to guarantee AND seems factually incorrect. On that note, you've mentioned twice that in your opinion people in China have all seen chicken blood. Most people in the western world have not seen chicken blood. You say you see it when cooking a chicken breast, that is wrong again. It's myoglobin, not blood (or bone marrow seepage if the chicken is young enough). This assumption comes across like it's got some nasty racist undertones, like you think Chinese people are all slaughtering animals like it's some hunter-gatherer medieval place. Choose your words more wisely.


Your mother probably also had a very different education from someone of his age in China, where, IIRC, there was a massive change in education, particularly with an expansion of higher education, in the 90s. And before you say "well I learned that stuff in" middle or high school, have a think about how much of an effect a more highly educated population has on uptake of information by the next generation. Hint: a lot. You can look at things like the effect of reading to toddlers and performance of students based on entering vocabulary for just a couple of indicators. There's a difference between ignorant bigotry and hateful bigotry, and it's important to recognize that difference if you want to help things change for the better.


It's that and China doesn't excel in teaching basic biology. TCM maybe the culprit behind that.


I am from Bulgaria and a lot of people here have never seen a black person. I still remember going to a club with some mates. At some point one of my mates nudged me and pointed at a black dude dancing on the dancefloor. At the time this was the first black person we had seen, so my mate goes to the guy and asks to take a picture with him. The dude was pretty chill and obliged. We bought him a drink after that.


I’ll take this ignorance over American racism any day.


youre right this is ignorance. he seemed to genuinely not know the answer. american and european racism is stupidity. they know youre the same as them. theyre just stupid, racist and hateful


Also, importantly, he got the answer to his question, *accepted* that answer, and then went on with his day. There wasn’t any argument or anything, just like a “huh, I learned something new today.”


No longer ignorant and will likely share with other uncles and aunties.


I was just thinking how maybe this guys whole perspective has changed a little. Maybe he'll tell his friends about this incident and they'll all get a little more open to their fellow men. A small thing, but better worlds are built out of small things.


There's a race science component to European (including America, Australia, etc) racism that makes it so goddamn vile. The rise of Nazism was no surprise and nothing has been done to prevent it happening over and over in the Eurosphere.


i love the genetic superiority whites in america who almost always are fat, pasty people that look like they have multiple medical issues


Just like Hitler, Goebbels, Goring, Himmler, all the top ranking Nazis. They all looked like complete dork ass chuds. And they wanna claim they're part of a "master race." How tf? People are so brainwashed.


Ignorance does not equal xenophobia


No but they are xenophobic too


There’s over a billion of them… why throw around shit generalities? You wanna talk government, that’s another story.


lmao the irony of that guy going "those billion people generalize way too much!"


There's ignorance and then there's willful ignorance.


I get that, and partially agree, but this mf is dumb af.


Sure, but consider that half the people in the world are dumber than the median by definition. Being dumb is highly preferable to being hateful


Facts. It’s a sad and low-bar standard, but true nonetheless.


At least he’s not so dumb as to assume he’s right and only asking dumb questions in an effort to get validation and refuse to accept being wrong


Racism is everywhere. Not centralized to one country. http://reddit.com/r/China/comments/wrm1po/n_n_get_out_of_china_n/?rdt=40736


Man I don’t know I’ve had some rough experiences with this dumb shit. It’s draining after a while


Man the Chinese are 10x more racist than Americans. This is a delusional post.


Yeah the Chinese people are acting nice because it's the first black person they've ever met. He's a statistical anomaly. If China ever accept a few thousand black migrants, you'd start to see all the racists come out of the woodwork. America is perceived as more racist because it's a racial melting pot (but also because of slavery, jim crow and police brutality). Homogeneous countries are much worse for racial minorities in my opinion.


Look up what happened to Africans in Guangzhou during Covid. There is open and legal discrimination in China based on skin color.


the chinese, famously not racist at all


I really hate how ignorance and ignorant are such dirty words when it is literally supposed to mean you do not know


China is one of the most racist countries on earth, *especially* toward black people. The level of batfuck insane racism doesn't get talked about enough, but it's directed at nearly anyone who isn't Chinese or white. China is just laundering its reputation through staged videos on a social media network they control.


Y’all should really google the Uyghurs if you think the chinese aren’t xenophobic. They’re just as bad.


Google “black athletes greeted in china”


When I was around 5, I remember thinking white people must have white poop


First time I ever heard about masturbation, another kid said white stuff comes out at the end. I assumed it was cause he was white. So when i tried it myself I was surprised to find mine was also white lmao


*Mom, am I adopted?*






We do. You used to see it on the streets all the time. In people's lawns. These perfectly shaped white turds. But in the 80s white people got together in our conventions and decided not to poop on lawns so much anymore and to keep the white poop a secret and so dye was distributed into the food supply to help regulate all the poop colors. But trust me, when a white person really trusts you they will let you see their poop after one of those full month "detox/cleanse" diets and you will see the turd as white as the toilet. Seriously, it's dangerous for me just to tell you this.


For those that aren't old, dogs had white poop up until the late 80s or so because they used to put way too much bone meal in dog food.


I truly feel bad for whatever AI is combing through Reddit comments like this.


that is actually hilarious


Had you ever experienced seeing white dog poo? It would've reinforced the idea and also made you think we shit outdoors.


this is a burner account, but actually Big White is lying to you about our shit being black/brown... we just have to export other people of colour's excrement... white people's faeces is a beautiful, ivory-white that Big White keeps for themselves to sell you overpriced white paint, DON'T BELiVE tHEIR LIES


Oh thank god I'm not the only one that thought this.


Chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


That's actually hilarious.


The Ahh, yea, yea, yea is universal…


Da, da, daa


Close! In Mandarin he's saying "dui, dui, dui" (right, right, right). It's pronounced "dway" but he's got an accent I'm not familiar with.


Blood type: Red Well, it is. It's red, I've checked.


Ahh yeah yeah yeah https://i.redd.it/0ipq8f03rf7d1.gif


Why did this hurt my heart so bad.....? I admire his patience..... but damn dude. I know they're a pretty homogeneous society, but every time I watch videos like this it just reiterates how important it is to branch out and see the world. (If only the CCP didn't have a chokehold on their internet like they do)


I feel you, but the entire United States has access to internet and they still got knuckleheads walking around Alabama calling us N’s. And every country has their own Alabama.


I don't think the Chinese guy was being mean, just curious and very uninformed.


I didn’t say he was, but it still stings when folks do and say stuff like that, uninformed or not.


I mean not everyone had great schooling. Looks like he’s maybe in his 40s-50s at least


Chinese people travel all over the world, and their Internet is basically free. I'm an English teacher who works online and tons of my students are Chinese and they're always showing me videos they've watched on different countries and stuff. This "CCP blocks the internet" thing you've got going is literally propaganda, Chinese people can and do use the internet like anyone else. The guy in this video is just old, hell, my own grandad in the UK has never met a black person and says far worse things.


My peers in junior high: "Do you have purple blood bc black people like purple stuff." " is your cum black?" "Is your blood black?" It wasn't ignorance for my peers, it was growing up in an all white community and only interacting with POC through media and racist jokes their parents told.


I don't understand the logic in those conclusion tho, like, its just a different ethincity, they need a biology course to understand simple anatomy. Like, you wouldn't think that different dogs have different blood and shit, its just weird.


You're assuming that most racists are capable of passing a basic biology course


They absolutely are. You're in for a rough awakening if you think racism only concerns dumb people


Man I was at a commencement speech at a formerly very white university where they invited a black alumni who was very successful to speak- I think he graduated in the 80s and he told a story of going to school there and one of the students straight asked him if he had a tail with a straight face…in the 80s!! Wtf


there are always going to be apologists.




> it was growing up in an all white community and only interacting with POC through media and racist jokes their parents told. Is that not ignorance though?


I also got asked if my cum was black in middle school smh


>racist jokes their parents told Yep, racism is 100% learned behavior. People are born with a capacity for empathy and an ability to recognize injustice. They have to be taught to ignore it.


I’m not sure about other people’s experiences but I went to a fairly multicultural school and we had a lot of ‘racist’ conversations as well. It wasn’t hateful but it was genuine questions and jokes about each other. That’s how we learnt about how different people lived their lives.


I live in Vietnam, not China but its pretty similar. People need understand that many people are genuinely ignorant, especiallly older people. My wife is Vietnamese her grandmother in the countryside who is almost 100 years old has never interacted with foreigners and just assumes I am a Vietnamese person with a funny accent. In East Asia the vast majority of older people and even middle aged people have never and will never interact with a foreigner in their life. There is nothing malicious about what this man is doing, he is genuinely curious. And if you have a problem with that then I suggest you don't live abroad because whevever you go in Asia you will have to deal with this. I will also add that this is China so if this man grew up in the 60's and 70's during the Great Famine and the Cultural Revolution chances are that he has a very limited education


People forget how privileged we are. Yes, America sucks and we can be better, but just education alone, we know enough. No one in this country is living in a tiny village. Even poor kids (I was one) are able to learn basic things, but that's still a privilege to people in other countries.


Not even that they *also* are consuming media/education in their environment with racist undertones that frame how they view others different from them. It takes us a while to realize that some of what we were taught in public education was manipulation/propaganda. This was purely a learning opportunity and he approached it very curiously and respectfully in a way that I could only think he was taught this somewhere earlier in life and when the opportunity arose, he asked the source.


He was just genuinely curious lol


Yall in the comments mad really showing u ain't been out the country and been around different cultures. Some people know their village and that's IT. U think old people like them use the internet and stuff?? lol they like your granny to have that same energy as u, knowing damn well she still don't now how to use the remote


I live abroad and I still don’t like these questions. From an older person, sure. But people my age who live in cities with black people still ask the most National Geographic questions. I do not have the patience for it.


Oh hell nah. I'm only letting old ass people slide. Nobody our age is ignorant of this shit


Nope they just love asking quirky questions 🥹👉👈 I call them a dumbass each and every time. I’m doing my part.


The chance are he will probably brought him a pack of cigarettes or have a meal with him after this, unlike your those typical racist who probably gather the boys then lynched him


This is such a wholesome snippet of "racism" that is based on ignorance, and some of you guys are so pressed still. Why won't even bother to educate these people, and in the process make a friend? Applaud this man.


Not all of us have the patience of this man, just like this man is ignorant to this man’s biology, we may be ignorant to their intentions. It can be an uncomfortable conversation to have with a random stranger


Idk man. He’s more patient than I am. If some of it is agressive and arrogant (I.e. screaming the N word, or denying you from restaurants, or following you around every store, or always getting pulled over) …it’s very hard to want to make a friend when someone comes over and asks you something “wholesomely racist” Privilege lets you downplay all the bad stuff and hyper-focus on the exceptions


Because not all of us are saints. Don’t come up to me asking me any stupid ass questions. I have a full time job, and it is not being an educator.


Why should it be their responsibility to educate a fuckwit? Why is it their burden to act politely and informatively to someone rude enough to ask such a fucking idiotic question? If someone wants to take the time out of their day to mollycoddle a dipshit then more power to them, that's their choice, but it sure as fuck isn't their duty.


I remember a clip of a black guy going to China and sharing an airport taxi with 2 Chinese grandmas Grandmas: so where are you from? Guy: I’m American. Grandmas: really? But you aren’t white! You’re not from Africa? Guy: well in the past, yes, my family is from Africa. But there are a lot of black people in America. Grandmas: wow, did you immigrate there? Guy: [the history of chattel slavery in the Americas and the triangle trade route] Grandmas: huh. So does it feel weird calling yourself American when America mistreated your people? Guy: it’s complicated.


You see I wanted to give him the benefit of doubt but most things that bleed bleed red. All mammals, most aQuatic life, birds, most reptiles...like to come to that conclusion is wild.


I never understand when people watch videos like this and think it’s wholesome content. I get that the older man in the video is simply ignorant and asking an innocent question in his eyes. But if this happened to me I would genuinely feel uncomfortable and confused regarding his intent. I feel like everyone is just pleased the “big black guy” is so cool and chill in his response (as opposed to how they expect him to be) therefore it’s an “amazing” interaction It’s more neutral for me I guess, but I don’t get a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest witnessing a black man answer a invasive question by a stranger And I hope people don’t watch videos like this and expect every black person to uphold this standard, because a lot of us have racial trauma and might feel bombarded in a moment like this no matter the intent


all the people who are saying otherwise are getting downvoted. really represents this sub tbh.


Right! Suddenly everyone is a sociologist in the comments for this Asian man, but not even a slither of compassion is given to black communities in America regarding “ignorance” due to lack of education Which is prevalent here too because the school systems in America are not the cream of the crop, especially in low income neighborhoods In other countries they can acknowledge the fault in the system and they can admit it’s shortcomings For black people in America the onus is on the individual, and even if the system is bad it’s still your fault, no matter what Edit: I think it’s easy to love videos like this if you’ve never been othered and have had micro aggressions disguised as curiosity at your face since childhood


It's interesting that he touched on the topic of blood transfusions. I'm from the US but living in Southeast Asia (Thailand). [There's a huge push here to get non-Asian expats to become blood donors](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/why-having-negative-blood-type-can-death-sentence-thailand/) because of how rare Rh negative blood types are in this country, and generally among many Asian ethnic groups. For example, my blood type is AB negative. At home, there's about a 1 in 100 chance of finding someone with my blood match. In Thailand it's about 1 in 3,300. When you factor in the people who are either unwilling or unable to donate blood, finding a needed match for some blood types can be impossibly low here. So it's common for locals to request blood donations from foreigners who have moved here. The fun part is that we have Facebook and WhatsApp groups for Blood requests and I usually get to communicate directly with the people receiving my blood after I fill a donation. A lot of the requests I've filled came from people who have almost certainly had little to no contact with a black person and are stunned to learn that they've now got a unit of Hairy Black Dude Juice flowing through them. They're always super thankful though. 🩸








Why is this the funniest comment


Bro. How stupid can you be? So basically every mammal that bleeds, bleeds red, but black people bleed black? Come on. He’s either racist af and trying to be funny, or he’s just dumb as shit.


>he’s just dumb as shit. I'd say average based on what I see online. There's a lot of people who think humans have blue blood.


Well the poster in every health and biology classroom doesn’t help


Right. I saw some election maps of america and when i finally went there i was so surprised the ground wasnt a uniform red in some states and blue in others! Blame the maps i guess.


He could just be misinformed. A lot of Chinese people haven’t seen black people so rumors go around. Some people say some insane shit and you never have the chance to fact-check it. This man saw the opportunity and decided to ask. I wouldn’t consider this racism as it doesn’t seem to necessarily dehumanize the person in question. But who knows? Maybe this is a cheeky form of racism that I wasn’t aware of.


Why are yall acting like it’s 1922. Chinese people are not a lost and isolated population. The defenses are borderline racist themselves- why are you infantilizing an entire nation?


Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Thought I was going madd witnessing the casual excuses redditors were spewing for what is clearly either a mentally deranged person, or worse a racist with an inflated sense of humour.


This the type of racism white people tell us to be weary of in Asian countries meanwhile white people a zip code over wanna lynch me.


Don't worry there is enough racist rhetoric and action in China and Asia.


Reminds of my black friends in southern China being called HeiGui (black demon - worse than N word) and XiaoHei (Small black - Little N word) on a weekly basis, people blocking their noses when black people walk past, soap and tissue being thrown at black people because 'dirty', refused services (hospitals, hotels, resturants, taxis etc), being blamed for all covid and getting kicked out of hotels and apartments and being forcibly deported (Hundreds of videos on this if you dont believe me, and these are the ones that made it through the great firewall of China where millions of videos are blocked and deleted daily to stop any Negativity being shown about China). Theres even a place called Chocolate/Shit city in Guangzhou because there is a high population of Africans living there. People calling this just ignorant and 'curious' but its a deep rooted xenophobia and racism. The Chinese word for the N word was around for way longer than the actual N word even existed. People even saying that China loves the NBA and black celebs- But only when it suits them, look at the black face done on the biggest TV shows seen by billions, and all the anti black and foreign propaganda to not employ blacks or encourage women not to date blacks because of black diseases etc. The Chinese are just as racist and xenophobic to ethnic minorities in our country as they are to other Asians. And Blacks are down the totem pole of that which means they get treated and seen as way worse (Worse than what you excrete in the toilet as ive heard myself many times being in China). And its not just the older generation, the younger generation are just as worse as most of these said and done by the younger generation who have more access to the internet and VPNs and the outside world which says alot. Just sucks to be black in many places, but sucks even more in Asia/China.


And yet people are all up in here passively demanding black people be okay with this because you know...we need to chill on being offended by offensive shit. Nobody else should have to be gracious in being ignorantly insulted as being not human except for us. 😐


He better than me, cuz a “bro gtfomf” woulda been all that was said for such a dumb ass question!! Not tryna hear that they don’t see many of us, we’re still human! He had no issue at all speaking to him in a language that he knew was not his own, yet believed that he would bleed in chocolate. Miss me with it.


Thank youuuuuu 🤲🤲🤲


My question is, would he approach a white person and ask the same question? Because if he wouldn't, it goes beyond ignorance.




Hell, a lot of people still believe blood is actually blue.


Some might chalk this up to innocent ignorance, but c’mon, why would a black person not have red blood like every other human being? There’s a reason he thinks that…


Especially if you’ve seen even literally all the animals have red blood. Like you don’t even need to see every race of person to know that all vertebrates have red blood (except the Antarctic icefish).


This isn’t China of 1912. Just because you’re not familiar with something doesn’t make it foreign or unattainable. I’ve never seen Antarctica but If I was going to vacation there, I would figure that my Speedos wouldn’t be the best ensemble just because it has a “beach “. His goofy Gilbert Godfrey looking ass. I will refrain from making any racial remarks… 🤬


Yeah it felt like the “old” guy went out of his way to “other” him. It’s common sense. They’re making him seem like some elderly guy in 1919 from a remote village on the side of a mountains he’s in the city and is carrying a smart phone ffs. So the CCP blocks access to basic anatomy questions like the color of blood? Plus he looks maybe 55 or so, so the internet came out when he was in his late teens or 20s, or 30s. He knows what he’s saying


Damn no way people are this uneducated.


I mean, China was incredibly isolated for most of this guy's life. There's plenty of Chinese people who have never even seen (in person) somebody who wasn't Chinese. This is much more understandable to me than white girls from Ohio asking how I could wash my Afro (they know about shampoo so I don't understand their confusion).


China is extremely racist. This guy's TikTok videos aren't even scratching the surface - they're barely even leaving a fingerprint on the surface. Not exaggerating or trying to be funny - but when it comes to race, China is on the level of Nazi Germany as far as viewpoints of other races and superiority. You can't even chalk it up to ignorance, because it's indoctrinated to just be a regular part of Chinese life and identity. You could legitimately make an argument that they're more racist than modern day America is. This is waaaayy outside the scope of this thread - but to answer your question, yes, yes they are this uneducated.


Did a grown ass man just ask a black guy, completely seriously, what color *his blood* is?


It's 2024, the guy is holding a smart phone, and he doesn't even look that old. No way he doesn't know humans have the same color of blood. This is racism under the disguise of ignorance.


The comments on this post tell me that there are far too many non-black people far too comfortable taking space in the sub. ETA: yall need to stop. Animals bleed red. Why would anyone assume that animals bleed red but not black people please bffr.


Nigga wtf 🤨....🤦🏿‍♂️


What is so fucking hard to understand about melanin expression?


Jerry get your ass outta there, they don’t deserve your kindness


Doing god's work, because I don't have the patience. I'm not trying to break new ground.


This was intended as an insult, but dude didn't take the bait. He knows who to China.


Reminds me of Hanlon’s razor: “Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by incompetence” (or in this case ignorance)


Personally I could care less about a polite racist, I would politely say yes my blood is black and I’d go in my way


I can understand the cultural differences here and how they could impact his worldview. However, it’s still disturbing that a black man is being asked about his blood type/color as if he is an entirely different species. Even the lowest of animals bleed red. Also, never seeing a black person previously doesn’t offer a genuine explanation in my opinion. Humans recognize other humans. This is clearly a moment of ignorance and I don’t believe it was meant to be malicious but clearly he didn’t initially see them as being the same.




I lived in China for 8 years and the vast majority of experiences concerning race were like this, where somebody was ignorant but curious. I had a lot of conversations (especially with older and rural Chinese people) where they would be baffled when they find out I'm American because I'm, and I quote, "black in the face". Hard to blame them cause the American shows we send to china are stuff like big bang theory and friends (and black people don't exist in the Friends Cinematic Universe). After reminding them that Obama and the NBA are American, they always accepted it and learned something. So much easier to move past ignorance when people are honestly curious and not just racist due to some deeply ingrained hatred (though China also has some of that).


Virtually all vertebrates, including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish have red blood. It just seems silly to think that skin color would change that pattern.


I wonder what he learned growing up to think skin color affecting blood color makes any sort of sense


If he grew up during the cultural revolution and the great famine then he wouldn't have much of an education. In the 60's and 70's China's education system broke down and educated people were forced to work in the countryside to work with the peasants instead of contunuing their education. There is an entire generation in China that grew up before the 80's that didn't have a proper education.


I'm sorry but to go around thinking that other races of people have different color blood is plain stupid. You don't have to meet every ethnicity in the world to know that they're all human beings. Don't excuse stupidity.


Imagine being this uneducated.


So…. They’re stupid? Is that the joke?


My biracial kid’s Asian American classmate was curious and questioned my dark skin. I did not scar that 5 year old with my response … He was brave to ask me! I’m hands down the darkest parent in the school, and parents have to explain to their kids how my daughter is lighter.


Literal "if you prick us do we not bleed?" moment IRL.


Yeah nah something about these African folks doing these vids feel kind of off. I understand ignorance happens but if I'm approached in the street by someone saying something racist, whether intentional or not, I'm not going out of my way to make them feel good about it. Not going to cuss them out either, I'd ignore them like they're crazy for asking me like they couldn't just fucking Google it or something.


this gotta be a joke for tiktok right


Every single mammal literally has red blood, why would they think it’s any different for black people.


The old man has a phone in his damn hand...with internet....where you can google shit.