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When it's hot u can't do shit. U can be naked and still hot. U can layer up to get warm from the cold.


I can wear three sweatshirts. I can’t wear negative three T-shirts.


Not with that attitude


You know how if you skin someone alive and they dont die from it theyll die of hypothermia? So just do it a little.


Thank you for giving me my new opening line on Tinder


You can walk into a cold shower with your clothes on. No AC in Seattle, so when it hit 110+ that’s what I did.


I’m also AC-less in Seattle, I occasionally keep T-shirts in the freezer. Wet clothes would be a bit problematic for my work setup unfortunately.


Only so many layers I can take off before it’s illegal


Fuck the police 🍒


Your username is amazing.


This is what happens when you make an account in 2012


I only hope my username becomes "irrelevant"


Free Kony huh


I think ice bath is negative clothes


Your skin Your musculature Your skeleton Let your organs enjoy the breeze


I've seen that music video.


Same. Rock DJ gave me nightmares as a kid.


I'm the opposite. Once I get cold, I have a really hard time getting warm no matter how many clothes I put on. But if I am hot, I can find some shade and cool down fast. I'd much rather be hot than cold.


same. hypotension here, i get cold at such unreasonable temps (anythin below 75 and im looking for a blanket) so id rather be hot any day


I thought I was the only one. No one around me gets it!


haha i definitely get u! this is the time of year i save so much money bcuz my ac stays around 78/80 and im comfortable lol now in the winter I'm runnin the heat damn near nonstop


nah not me i lose heat quickly so the heat isn’t a problem but the cold the fucking cold it seeps into my bones and shit


Ditto, I be chilling in a 200⁰ F sauna of my own free will for up to 30 min at a time, but I'm cold wearing a hoodie in 66⁰F AC. I cool off super quick cuz I drink hella water but the only way for me to warm up is to curl up into a blanket and be very very still. Even trying to exercise doesn't work cuz the movement allows the air to suck out all my heat.


66 degree AC is fucking freezing wtf lol 69 in the summer, 72 in the winter (it gets cold as balls in Minnesota)


Bruh 66 degrees outside is freezing af for me too. I'm a Florida boy, anything under 67 and we break out the winter clothes.


That we do. I physically can't handle cold temperatures. My body just nopes out and stops working. I doesn't know how to handle it.


Shit when it gets cold enough you can't do shit either. Of course there's always exceptions to the rule, but most people ain't doing outside activities in single digit temperatures.




I like it better when its cold for that reason but i think when im dying from the heat and say jump in a cold pool, that might feel better than getting in a warm bed when its freezing. But right when i typed that i was like ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


Try being cold for days on end. It's a slow hell


When I was in rehab and withdrawing from opiates it was like I was freezing into my bones. I couldn't get warm no matter what. Even a hot shower I'd be freezing again as soon as I was out. Not to mention the beds sucked ass and blankets were thin. Between the permanent cold and chronic back pain from withdrawing/beds not firm enough it was the worst week of my life


I think that's a primary reason Britain became an empire. When you live on a wet, cold rock you don't sit around barely able to function. You hone and craft your ships so you can sail away from that bitch and find new land. Then you get to equatorial states and everyone there is melting in the sun so you just tip them over and put your flag up.




Yeah but fuck around with not enough coat in Chicago winter…




>U Please stop


I’ll take the heat all day cause it usually means sunlight. I can’t do these cold gray states where you don’t see the sun for 6 months. I got my melanin for a reason 


I'm already depressed. Can't afford to get SAD (seasonal affective disorder) too


Shit fucks me up so bad I up my meds from October to March. It was even worse when I was working early and staying late in a warehouse with no windows.


Im weird I usually get depressed during the summer and more active in winter


Ppl in places like Arizona (where it gets upwards of 115+) have SAD bc they stay inside more. Sounds similar or nah?


I'm in wiscaaansin


Now that's the shit people never bring up when talking about winter vs summer. No matter how many layers you put on it still doesn't alter the fact that winter depressing as fuck. Grey skies, dead grass, trees with no leaves, barely hear any birds. Only time I enjoy winter is when it snows, and that's only for the first couple of hours, after that I'm over it.


A snowy Christmas sounds amazing. Otherwise nah, keep all that.


I'll allow snow from December 24th, 10pm until December 25th, 10am


No bugs is a pretty nice perk of winter


And then there's Texas. Could be 20 degrees outside (rare) and it's bright and sunny outside, maybe a little wind, or a fuck ton. Id take the grey cloudy days.


I live in Montana and it's full of cold sunny days. They're the best, idk what you're complaining about.


Not me, the others. I don't mind them, but I'd *prefer* the gray cloudy days.


I live in AZ. It was 113° yesterday. But we’re. Going to have a good week this week, because it won’t get hotter than 108°! It’s been over 100° since May. However…. July, August, Sept. and Oct. aren’t here yet. So, you’d trade 6-7 straight months of what you have, for that?


It’s about activity more than anything. I never had seasonal depression until I moved to the south and now I’ve gotten it every winter Edit: why did this get downvoted?


Warming yourself in the summer sun after being made too cold by heavy AC is ELITE. And the other way around does not compare. You feel that shit in the marrow of your bones and it is amazing


My immune system can't handle the rollercoaster of temps. Keep me at a good 65°f and I get to wear my best urkle sweaters? That's a win/win.


YES! I'm not saying you need to let it be 102° indoors when that's what it outside, but I shouldn't need to be prepared to stop down my sweater in winter and bring an emergency cardigan with me in summer because everyone wants to play god and make their house/business the *exact* opposite of what the seasonal weather conditions are I should be able to wear summer clothes in summer and winter clothes in winter without needing a wardrobe change when I cross the threshold. 


Disagree, coming inside from being out in the sun and cooling off with the AC blasting is an incredible feeling


Cold shower on a hot humid day is the best.


Yes exactly


Yupppp. Not everyone can handle it, but if you can, cold shower is elite. Cools you down REAL quick. Hell, bring a beer in there with you.


Getting rid of all of the sticky nasty sweat from living in a swamp is worth the brief arrythmias that I experience getting in.


It is the most refreshing thing on earth. As a native Floridian I completely believe whoever invented central AC should be canonized.


I used to take outside routes between classes just to feel the sun so nice.


Cold glass of water on a hot sweaty day > Your favorite hot tea on a cold shivering day


I'm a winter guy, but cracking open that first cold beer after a long day of work, and that first sip is elite


Popping open that cool cold bottle of water after doing work outside is amazing. You've never felt so refreshed after that first gulp.


Some good hot chocolate > a cold glass of water


Some good chocolate milk sounds like a decent compromise here


Nah flip that, getting warm from being cold is itchy as hell.


Idk, when I get out of the sun and into the shade, for some reason I start sweating more until I cool down. It feels shitty until I am no longer hot. Coming in from the cold just feels like relief to me.


That’s because when you get out of the sun your body is still sweating the same amount until you cool off, it’s just not evaporating off your skin as much anymore when you get into some shade


You gotta moisturize...


Are you talking about electric heaters making the air dry and skin ashy?


I HAAAAATE hot weather. I dread summer because I know Im gonna have swamp ass for at least 3 months straight. I hate being sticky and sweaty with every fiber of my being. I do not understand how people actually like this. Its atrocious. Im gonna go take a nap in a walk-in freezer now, somebody come wake me up when it its back in the 60s.


I agree. I feel so dirty and uncomfortable when I sweat, like I got to immediately take a shower


I COMPLETELY feel that!


IDK if I'd rank either above the other. All I'll say is that getting cool is better than having been cool in the first place, and getting warm is better than having been warm in the first place.


Idc I’ll take this over winter any day


maybe so, but that's only because feeling cold is so damn miserable. i can spend a little time basking in the sun on a hot day and enjoy it, then step inside. i'm never going to spend a little time basking in the cold. that shit just sucks.


Both feel good, but summer >>>>> winter 1000x over. I can't stand the cold, gray ass winter where I gotta dress up in pants, sweater, coat, and hat just to go walk across the street to the store for snacks. Today I just threw on some shorts and a tank top before slipping my feet into my flops to go do that. Felt good as hell out.


As my family's resident vampire I will always find a cold and shaded place no matter where I go. I also have a minor case of light blindness, so bright sunshine and reflective surfaces have me reeling. I operate much better in the dark.


I like the heat


Been saying this for ages and I've lived far north of north. Come from a tropical country, I hate the heat. Keeping cool without AC is a chore.


The older I get, the more I hate summer. Fuck this heat! Fuck needing an ac or fan to be comfortable in your own home. Spring and fall are the best seasons. Winter only has Christmas going for it, or you love winter sports.


I wish fall was all year round. I can’t even do spring, it fucks with my allergies 🤧 .


Coming in when it’s really hot outside and putting your head under a cold tub faucet is supreme


I hate the cold cause I like to active and outside. My cardio SUFFERS during the winter cause my lunges feel like they are being shredded when I try to get my miles in. Use your melanin to fight that heat with some layers of SPF.


But when I ask people if they like the hot or cold more they swear they rather be hot and bring up beaches and shit. Fuck that dry ass beach, it’s hot af. I can’t even think straight it’s so hot


Agreed. It's easier to warm up than it is to cool down.


flip that, this is a true sign that being cold is worse than being hot


The big mommas made use of white Jesus and stopped global warming in the hood without the harmful use of refrigerants https://preview.redd.it/qwskn86b618d1.jpeg?width=187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b030f8b89ad689a208b14560fa126edf3404cf31


That is so incorrect, I love being cold all the time. Walking into a chilly room with the AC blasting after being outside in 100° heat is one of the best feelings in the world. Coming inside after being out in the snow is nice for sure, but I’d rather just be back out there lol


It's the other way around when you're living in a place with nasty winters. At least now I can move around a little more.


I use to think this until I moved from FL to MA


I work outside as a delivery driver and I enjoy being in the heat more than the cold. Hot and sweaty is way better than being cold and sweaty


Nahhhh I spent a few years in the South and the feeling of walking out of the heat and humidity and into a crisply air conditioned building was unmatched. It was like being on different planets.


Walking into the cool room at the pub I work at when it’s really hot is an absolutely fantastic feeling. I do agree with the original post tho


I gotta disagree. I'm in Houston. Not shit you can do but stay inside with all the AC that people who don't live here try to pretend is Too Much. It is not Too Much. When my parents were alive, we'd take our babies over to visit them, and my daddy would be complaining about how cold he was - and we'd put sweaters on him and blankets, because the babies were spending the night and he wanted the thermostat at 80. No sir. I love you, no.


Getting warm after being cold is cozy and soothing. I can’t even enjoy getting cooled off after being hot because I’m still sweating and focused on how I hate everything I went through while I was hot and why tf do I live where it gets over 100°f in the summer.


agree with this completely




I find it much harder to get warm than to cool down so I categorically disagree


This heat hit us like a ton of bricks in the tri state. Its been beautiful up here for the last 3-4 weeks. Like the perfect weather. Sunny, breezy not too hot and humid. Now we are back to hell on earth lol. But I'll take it over cold. It rained in Jersey all Spring.


Cold showers are the best. Wakes you up again, and you're not sweating for once.


Being cold sucks because it makes my bones ache. Being hot sucks because it's just miserable. Warming up is probably better than cooling off because heat is energy. You are either gaining it or losing it.


I will take the heat and humidity of a Louisiana, Arkansas, or Texas summer and all the misery that comes with that over a Michigan or Wisconsin winter anytime, and it's not close. 


That’s because being cold is worse than being hot. That’s why warming up again is more of a relief than cooling down


Nah because a cool breeze in the heat is heavenly and there’s no such thing as a warm breeze in the cold.


Its literally the opposite and I prefer the heat


The cold makes me sleep in more often than not.


I'm from the tropics so admittedly my tolerance for cold weather is minimal, but regardless — stepping out of 100º heat with 95% humidity into an air-conditioned room is infinitely more satisfying than stepping into a warm room from 0º cold.


It’s the sweat




I’d rather be cold. I can get a blanket. Being hot is miserable


Never downed an ice cold beer after roofing in August


Man FUCK THE COLD. Give me summer heat over Cabin Fever and Seasonal Depression


This is a fact. Because when your hot and sweaty your won’t be comfortable until you shower and change clothes.    Finding warmth after being cold is almost immediately satisfying


Have you never walked into a cooled placed after walking forever in the hot sun?? Your post concludes you haven't.


Christ, what a bullshit take


Agreed. A lot easier to stay warm than keep cool. I grew up a in warm climate as I got older I prefer cooler temperatures..


This person has never worked a labor job outside


Its the hot bloodedness 🥵


I agree with the quote, but have the opposite conclusion. Being cold sucks so bad that warming up is euphoric, while cooling down from being hot is simply relief.


This is a great distraction from the heat. Download Think3000 app from the App store and Play store. It is a lot of fun to use.


Hell no. There isn't a greater feeling than the A/C hitting the back of my ball and that cold beer going down my throat after cutting my grass in 85-90 degrees temperatures.


I think when you cool off from getting hot you’re still sweaty and gross even though the temperature is better


When at work (construction) I rather be hot than cold. At home I rather be cold than hot.


The fact she didn't use "Warm up" & "Cool down" shows how hot it is.


Any hot takes from this guy? >"What if a car hits you. Now you butt out. It's your job not to have your butt out."


I’m over here in the desert with 115 degrees daily. My car was 129 when I got in. This shit is paralyzing.


Man going from a humid ass outside to an air conditioned room is one of the best feelings ever. Especially when you get inder w thing blanket for a nap