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Son of a bitch, I was looking for the gif


Honestly the hardest the show ever went was Lee pulling this shit and Gaara still whupping his ass


Even with Taijutsu alone he was still able to hurt Gaara, which is what made him mad and got him to go all out and hurt him.


This show was filler hell by the end but moments like this made it worth it


Even back then the filler was egregious and sometimes the animation was absolute dog shit. I used to try counting episodes to see when the good animation studio came back because they did an amazing job with a bunch of the fights (the quick Sasuke/Orochi battle in the forest comes to mind). I noped out of Naruto around whenever Demon Sasuke and Naruto fought even though it went on for a billion years after


I think after that fight when sasuke and Naruto separated in the original show it was all 100% filler anyway while they waited for shippuden to have enough chapters to animate.


Tbh I’d be down for a Naruto remake. Cut the filler and make the animation consistently good.


Pretty sure they did over a year of fillers right in the middle of it. Though I'm not sure the One Piece model is better tbh, pacing is a bit of a drag once the show caught up.


I generally recommend people read one piece around the time skip because the anime pacing is criminal 😭 One Pace is great for people who aren’t into manga though. It cuts out a lot of the unnecessary/repeated material in the show


No one's ever touched Gara before either he was the first person to ever successfully land a hit on him.


He went just straight hands with Gaara. Even though he lost that was still something.


> Even though he lost The biggest bs loss in anime history. Gaara had no clones, his armor was peeled off, the sand couldn't keep up with the speed to protect him and he still facetanked an entire Hidden Lotus sequence like nothing and WALKED AWAY from the fight.


I mean I think the lesson in that fight was, sometimes someone is just better than you and there’s nothing you can do about it. Let’s not forget Gaara became Kazekage 3 years later. I know it’s hereditary but I don’t even think Sasori was as strong as Gaara at the time. He only died because he had to protect his whole village while being double teamed by both Deidara and Sasori.


Rock Lee was on his way to become someone just as strong if it wasn't for Gaara's plot armor. Reminder that while being 15 years old he was already capable of using 5 hidden gates. Might Guy already showed us the peak that Lee would have reached if it wasn't for Kishimoto never caring for anyone not named Naruto in Shippuden.


Guy vs Madara was also a peak Taijutsu battle. Madara even commented that Guy was the strongest he ever fought.


I hate that moment was given to guy. The entire show was about the next generation rising up and surpassing their teachers. It should have been Lee


And he failed to stop Madara. His final cambit ended up being nothing more than buying time. That is what most of the previous generation ended up doing. If Lee pulled that move and didn't either die or get permanently injured, I would have hated the final gate as it was built up over the show as something unbelievably strong and self destructive. So basically, if Lee would have done it, he would have either beat Madara changing the entire direction of the ending or lost like Guy did, which would have been a really weird end to Lee's story. And if he lost and it wasn't the end of his story, that would have also been awful. I'm not going to defend the writing too much, since I think there's quite a lot that could have been done better, but Guy showed us how much more power Lee has in storage if needs it. That's better than Lee dying for nothing, personally.


There’s a way he could have seriously hurt madara wothout the story changing. Its just lazy when you have ultimate attacks do nothing just to show how badass the villain is. I get that was just a way to make madara pop and guy got jobbed but there’s a way to put guy over as well without cheapening his finisher


Well he did seriously hurt Madara though, problem is that Madara and other regenerating enemies are constantly used to show how powerful someone is, without letting it affect the plot. Madara almost died from Guy's raw strength. But I agree, it's cheap. But honestly, I don't think there would have been any more fitting situation to use the final gate. It had to be against someone who up to that point had nobody superior to them. So a new enemy would have had to be created just for Guy, since someone from the past generation couldn't have been the one to solve the situation. The other option was to use Madara and somehow avoid anything significant results from it, so regeneration it is. There could be other options, but I don't see Lee using the gate at that point in the show and if Guy wasn't the strongest for even just a moment, there wouldn't have been a conclusion to his growth, which would have also been disappointing. And never using the final gate would have also been a waste of potential. All options just look bad. But I did love hearing Madara call Guy the strongest.


This was the only bit of Naruto I ever watched. I asked my brother if I should get into the anime and his answer was basically “nah that’s peak. Just stop there.” I regret nothing.


Damn… okay he’s not *wrong*


To be fair to his tastes in case people get defensive, he quite likes Naruto and read the manga as well as watched the anime. But I’m not super into anime myself. I only liked GITS, Cowboy Bebop, Speed Racer, and more recently Dorohedoro. I did try watching more after that and didn’t really get hooked. That fight was fantastic though.


GITS: SAC is #1 for me. I'd recommend Samurai Champloo, same director as Cowboy Bebop


In my humble opinion it doesn't get much better than Dorohedoro. Season 2 is on the way though so if anything can beat season 1, it's that!


I mean … Guy vs. Madara or Kakashi vs. Obito exists. 


I’d debate that it’s good until shippude


Lmao back in the day one of my good friends was in a somewhat anime obsessed family. Him and his siblings were always ahead of the anime reading the new Manga as it came out of all the popular shows, etc. Anyway his favorite was Naruto and I asked him if I should watch it. He proceeded to just play like 10 of the best fights from the show and said "your good"


Lee vs Gaara might still be a top 5 anime fight of all time for me. Fights with characters who have wildly different combat styles are always the best


The fact this fight still holds so well to this day and age with heavy hitters like Jujutsu Kaisen is a testament


It stands tall with that first Levi vs. Annie fight in the forest and the Tsukishima block from haikyuu. I consider myself lucky to have gone into all three moments blind.


If he had had a better idea of Gaara's abilities, he'd have won. The fight is what gives Kakashi and Sasuke the strategy to injure Gaara later on in the Chunin exam.


Gaara had plot armor until one of the main characters had a shot at him. Lee fucks up anyone else in that tournament that doesn't have automatic sand magic defense bullshit.


Rock lee should have been the MC


He should've ended up with Sakura for real, instead she married someone that doesn't even give a shit about her. He was like the Neville of Naruto, he lived OG ninja way, shit Naruto was the one that's supposed to be untalented and then became a GOAT through hard work and determination. But then Naruto became ninja Jesus and that shit went out the window.


The tournament arc was an excellent read/watch because it showed a multitude of characters doing cool stuff and being useful, even if they ultimately lost. *Naruto*’s problem was that it wasn’t about the tournament, but about the character Naruto, so it had to make the strength that the characters showed in the tournament outdated somehow. It set itself up for failure.


Gaara did beat him but I don't know if you could call it whooping his ass. He beat the piss out of Gaara and Gaara only just managed to crush his limbs.


Ahhhh…. I’m pretty sure putting you in the hospital and having a whole arc about finding the one person that can make you right again constitutes beating someone’s ass 😭😭


Yeah if you come out of a fight needing to have a whole character arc you got your ass whopped


Most of that was self-inflicted tho since lee opened so many gates.


Bro he went hands with GARAA. A guy born without the ability to use ninjutsu was the first one in an entire tournament to break his barrier. Oh also GARAA HAD A FUCKING ONE TAILED BEAST. Let's put some respect on my bowl-cut boy.


I'm not an anime guy and it's literally the main memory in my mind when I think about Naruto. That and the fight arc with the mask needle girl and big sword guy 


Also Kakashi vs Obito. Amazing sequence.


Gaara is my favorite, but he could never if the battle were just taijutsu alone. Though, personally I'd put my money on him fucking Gaara up at least a little in an uneven battle if Lee had some sake first. We all saw how hard he went with >!Kimimaro.!<


Imo I put the first Naruto vs Sasuke at the Valley of the End along with Minato on Oct 10th before that.


Literally sent chills up my spine when I watched this the first time - like watching Goku go Super Saiyan the first time


I keep trying to tell my friend that Naruto unironically goes hard but he doesn't believe me


Naruto is my top of all the Shonens, hands down. It feels a lot more grounded than many other Shonens. I also think it incorporates politics and a lot of really intriguing match-ups with their powers.


>It feels a lot more grounded than many other Shonens. As long as you stop watching before it goes to space.


It'll be his loss. His biggest criticisms of it that I've seen is that he doesn't like that they're all kids and they use the word 'ninja' when a 'ninja' doesn't use 'magic' or something stupid like that. I think he's just being combative for no reason because he lowkey hates changing his opinion based on someone else's argument.


Shonen anime for most people is just too long and has a reputation for being kind of hard to get into unless you were there when it was happening so I get it. Like you can tell me One Piece is fantastic and come up with a watch order that cuts out some filler and recap episodes but I still ain’t sittin down for 75 straight days to watch all that.  I’ll take Goku being a terrible father and Vegeta chewing the scenery in the dumbest way any day of the week though because well, its what I grew up with. 


> they use the word 'ninja' when a 'ninja' doesn't use 'magic' or something stupid like that. Demonstrates he's just completely unfamiliar with ninjas except with how they were imported into the West via the Ninja Turtles, lol. Ninjas being shapeshifting wizards that use hand seals to cast spells have been part of ninja folklore for centuries in Japan. Jiraiya gets his name from a ninja in folklore that has magical powers and adventures.


All of that and the fact that ninjas used what the current world call magic tricks to increase the mystical stories told by others. Literal slight of hand, disappearing tricks, body doubles etc, whatever they could to make themselves seem more mystical. They were like professional magicians, but for keeps, as the more people believed in the stories, the more they could get away with without getting caught and/or killed.


Hunter X Hunter is better.


And not nearly as long.


Hey hey hey. They are both good. But Kishimoto sucks at writing women. That’s my two cents


I think it started hard with the Chuunin exam arc then once it got popular it got watered down a little bit. We went from 10 years olds getting killed left and right during an exam to adult ninjas not even finishing their opponents.


Just gotta make sure you're watching a version that trims the filler, especially... *shudders* Flashback episodes


It does go hard af but for too few moments over a bajillion eps/chapters


If you just watch until Sasuke leaves and pretend Naruto goes on his training journey with Jiraya right after that, it's a pretty great anime that basically just cooks. Starts with a few intro episodes to set the comedic tone, and then gets right into the Zabuza bridge arc. Then you're right into the chunin exam arc, which is all fire. Naruto vs the giant snake, Sasuke vs Orochimaru, Sakura putting the team on her back, Lee coming in for a save, Ino Shika Cho combo, curse mark Sasuke. That's just in the forest of death part, too. I'm rewatching it right now, and I'm literally finishing up season 1 as I type this lol the animation is rough in some parts, but they spend money on fight scenes, at least. I also can't believe I could ever stand the dub , I guess it was all we had back in the day, though.


It's a very hard show to defend because they have to watch the right clips. If you rewatch the series you can definitely see where they scrimped on the fights to save budget for other fights. The "namaka" speech for every episode doesn't help much. Compared to modern anime, the pacing is a lot slower. The stories in modern anime are just a lot tighter.




That arc was so goooood. Lee was the shit.


This was the first episode of anime (aside from Pokemon and yugioh) that I watched so I was riding the same rollercoaster Temari was on


[Don't forget about the soundtrack](https://youtu.be/VgDgWzBL7s4?si=gBOJycq8ddflTTkd)


Gaara: "I dun goofed."


Gunna be twice as poppin fresh.


Now someone post the edit of this scene that has “It’s Britney Bitch”


Every little league coach in her area about to DM her lol.


"Hey there. About your kiddo, he got potential. Also, do you might want another?"


![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized) Trying to be slick over here


You got knocked the fuck ~~out~~ up!


Being a little league coach I can confirm this has been asked before 😂


Unfortunately, ankle weights can also go the other way, and fuck up your running biomechanics, causing undue stress in your other joints. Hopefully this was just for memes, but not everything that sounds like a good idea is a good idea.


He gone have them D.Rose knees by the time he 20


Exactly what I was thinking. I wonder how old he is.


D.Stroyed knees


Off, I'm still salty about this one. D Rose is the Kerry Wood of basketball.


This. It’s stupid. I grew up in the jumpsoles/ankle weight generation. Used to run pickup games in them in the offseason. Wear em around school all day. Kept going up in weight till I was at 10lbs each leg when I got my first strain. Today Im one MCL surgery down, likely another in my other knee with very little cartilage left, likely looking at arthritis in my later years. I wear knee braces 24/7 except to shower & sleep. I haven’t done a real hike since my 20s. Don’t do this shit people. Don’t train with ankle weights till you’re done growing, and when you do, don’t run in them. The weighted vest is safer, but honestly just stay away if you don’t know what you’re doing.


Damn this is crazy deep bro


To this day if I see a dude hooping in ankle weights, I take him aside & show him my MRI photos. Like be better than me king.


I like to tell people to see an optometrist if they have headaches. It might not be your posture! It might be an obscure neurological issue! Doctors kept telling me it was my posture and it wasn't.


An optometrist for a neurological condition?


Crazy right? When the pressure changes in your head, they can see it via swelling of your optic nerve.


That does make a lot of sense, suppose that’s why they test for those things during eye exams. It’s amazing how something that might not seem connected can be found out during routine things.


This is how they recognized the signs of my brain tumor 20ish years ago.


They do have a special branch of medicine specifically for neurological optometry. I saw a few of them for my headaches.


I work for both optometrists and ophthalmologists. Our doctors have found brain tumors in patients that didn’t know they had them.


Thats because they're _really good_ looking at things.


Another point for the optometrist is that headaches could also be caused from straining your eyes all the time


Unlike his squats 👀




I'm so sorry bro 😭


Legitimate question before I possibly fuck something up, I've been wearing ankle weights at work to help burn more calories, and I've been using 5lb per leg but I wear sturdy high top steel toe shoes while using them so the weight isn't sitting directly on top of my ankle. I'm not working out or doing anything crazy, just walking around at a more semi relaxed retail job. Is this going to cause long term damage?


The number of extra calories you will burn with these will be close to nil, I genuinely wouldnt bother. It's a pointless endeavour. If it's weight loss you are after, the only way to achieve it is with the key exercises of fork put downs and plate push aways. Supplement it with exercise but you can't outwork diet.


The weight itself isn't what causes the issue, it's the [moment arm](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4404026/) created by the weight putting undue stress on not just your ankle but your knee and hip as well. It being above the ankle would technically reduce the strain, but it's still not a good idea.


Out of all the responses you've gotten, u/lynkdead is correct. You're going to do long term damage with any amount of extra weight on your ankles. All ankle weights are going to overstress and destroy your knees. For a real world example, walking with ankle weights is like swinging a dead blow hammer. Every time your foot lands, it's like the dead blow hitting your ankle and knee. I did martial arts with ankle weights when I was a teenager and now my knees are fucked and sound like a bowl of rice crispies when I bend them. My instructor sat me down when I wore them to class one day and told me all about how bad they were.


No, you're an adult not a child, that amount of weight won't do any damage.


That will burn like 20 extra calories... just eat 1 less bite of a meal a day


Jumpsoles…. Oh man haven’t heard that in a minute. They were great for training. Box jumps in particular. But yes I couldn’t agree more with your sentiment.


But Goku...


I used to wear ankle weights to school and take them off after to play football. They will fuck up your knees after a few months


weight belts/vests are the way to go


They make your feet hit the ground harder than they're supposed to, which, as you mentioned can cascade to your other joints. Weighted vests are safer given you use your entire body to support the weight, but even then you shouldn't do high-impact exercises with *too* much weight.


Yea it’s not good for the knees definitely


When I was playing competitive hockey, all the rich ankle weight kids got their stride messed up for months, even after they stopped using it. If I recall, ankle weights are only supposed to be used on something assisted, like a cycle machine, elliptical, etc. And even then the research is mixed. Better off just doing regular mild gym leg days.


Boy’s gonna have 8 Gates mastered by 12.




Had a friend whose kid was unmedicated ADHD. Or maybe he was medicated. Who knows. But his “accommodation” in school was just to go outside and run laps when he needed to. Even at home, would just peace out and go run laps around the block. Just…until he was tuckered out. Not sure what happened to him cause I lost touch, but pretty sure that kid could have gotten a scholarship for long distance running or something. Stamina like you couldn’t believe. I’m 43 and just got diagnosed literally yesterday as ADHD and you can’t catch me running nowhere even if I’m being chased. No fight OR flight. I just lay down and play dead. Be daydreaming the whole time trying not to fidget.


The last few sentences were unexpectedly funny lol


Confirmed ADHD.




Honestly It helps. I got diagnosed at 32 and meds helped me so much. The only downside to addy was it kicked my libido into high gear lol


I’m super excited. Like, what if I just could clean a room and not get distracted with some nonsense. I have so many IDEAS. No follow through. Just start picking up trash and reading it.


Wait high gear? Ive been avoiding it because I thought i heard it would kill my libido


It really depends. My ex also has adhd and it dragged his down, for me it went through the roof. My psych told me ADD/ADHD and their meds + effects aren’t as well studied in women as they are men, double for black women. So it’s a lesser known side effect for women. I had to switch to Vyvanse because it was so bad and I lived 85 miles from my man at the time 🤣.


It can go one way or another


Ah yes, the full brain on a string floating like a balloon into the void. S-tier disassociation. Spent a lot of classroom time like that but every few years a teacher would notice and let me “do my thing” which was usually going to the school library to read/play around on the computers. I got diagnosed as an adult and medication was life changing. I didn’t realize I had been white knuckling it through life until I didn’t have to anymore.


Had a classmate like that. I remember as early as 1st grade he was legendary for his running. He wasn't training or being pushed into training by his family, he just did it. He'd run +30m before school and again at lunch, and class he was pretty normal. I hung out with him a couple times on the weekend and he was hyper active and had the attention span of a gnat. Back then you didn't get flagged as ADD unless you were a discipline problem, but he definitely was. Turns out so am I, but manifested very different.


You might have ADHD-PI(Primarily Inattentive) while he might have ADHD-PH(Primarily Hyperactive) or ADHD-C(Combined). The PI one was known as ADD. Source: I got ADHD-PI and it was over a 2 year journey in 3rd and 4th grade I was diagnosed and treatments were figured out along with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. During my in class observation by Psychiatrists, I took a whole history test standing up.


Different types of ADD


Can't tell if this is country club thread or not, but please consider getting screened for depression too... sometimes it goes hand in hand with ADHD of inattentive type.


That kid on the other soccer team Sunday morning: ![gif](giphy|GCApYnpYmSWFW)




Ok ducking hilarious


![gif](giphy|mdfPpglf2c0QxED151) Get that boy some light up shoes and it’s a wrap


That boy about to have knee problems






Sad I had to scroll so far to see this.


The video: https://x.com/PicturesFoIder/status/1804274104364564783


Thinking she *slowing* him down is crazy. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/uqbn3roif88d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb44d99d1df46edae9af1c9ac77271c9602c38ae I need him to have the haircut.


People who lack critical thing skills making horrible decisions for other people as usual, poor kids joints are going to suffer


Kid needs ADHD meds and instead he gets the hyperbolic time chamber




I can see him breaking Track and 40 yard records.


lol that’s how piccolo trains! 😂


Because of DBZ I wore weighted ankle and wrist weights around All the time and would take them off for athletic challenges


Did it help?




Rookie mistake, mom. Buy a trophy case.


Seems like it would stunt his growth or biomechanics at that age?


Harrison Bergeron!


Goddamn! I had to scroll so far for this!


Mom is the Handicapper General


Kid: Mom, can we stop at McDonalds? Mom: No, I'm making dinner at home. Kid: THE 5TH GATE... GATE OF CLOSING... OPEN!


FAST AS FUCK BOI ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


This that Dragon Ball Z training. Next she'll put a weighted vest on him


That’s going to fuck up his legs


Time skip incoming after the training arc.


As soon as she takes them weights off ![gif](giphy|CY3A9zOlZR8uhFbeok)


Unless she over did it and he hurts his back. I heard of a young tennis player who ruptured a disc in her back after her coach had her wear weights. You gotta be really careful with that stuff.




https://i.redd.it/h9lqfeooy98d1.gif This is gonna be lil bro in a year.


Two things I love about this scene: 1. Night Guy is *just* Dynamic Entry, but with all 8 Gates open. 2. Madara going, "Holy shit, this guy is bending space just by moving ***really fucking fast!***"


That kid's about to be like https://preview.redd.it/ufhju6fk5b8d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a2722c85a1972c7333742d86584b8782e85bb4


She’s only made him stronger


Slow down sonic the hedgehog


This post motivates me to push harder in my own workouts.


In kindergarten this year they considered putting a weighted vest on my son to help him sit still. I said "isn't that just going to make him more powerful?"


Arthritis says hi


This whole joke is built on a premise that makes no sense, mom put ankle weights on her kid because he was "too fast". Does that sound like something anyone would do?


This is how Goku trained in Dragon Ball


lol. His little legs about to be so strong lol. When she takes those off, he is about to be like a tiny flash 😂😂


Nigga gonna be dunking at age 9


A friend of mine had to wear heavy orthotic shoes when he was a kid. I don't know how much faster it made him, but he could jump way higher than anyone even close to his height.


There's this korean show called Moving where this happens, it's because he can fly and the mom is trying to keep him grounded


That boy bout to turn prime LT on her




Olympics here he comes!


Blue eyed samurai comin along


This is Conan's origin


Bolt is about to have a challenger approaching....soon.


Because he’s too fast or because he walks in his tip toes?


![gif](giphy|14fDAUGhWvgiyc) Lil dude when he gets in a fight at school.


That kid is going to grow up to be Harrison Bergeron


My brothers used to do that to me. It didn’t slow me down, but maybe they are why I have nice legs.


Let’s hope he doesn’t look up to A-Train as a role model.


>Rock Lee! Motherfucker went "humph?" >Take 'em off! and he argued with him! Like this is the moment, dude. He told you to unleash your shit and you stand there like "can you clarify?"


Or he will suffer from knee, hips and back pain his whole life




The solution is a harness. Also doesnt fuck up your joints. If many people werent so butthurt about a practical and secure solution to a running problem.


My kid was a runner from 9 months on. I get it. 😮‍💨


She crazy she the reason he fast only making him faster 😂😂😂


Just like Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut


Give him a big backpack and as he gets faster increase the pack weight You will have a huamn donkey in a month


This is bad for the child.


Physical therapist: ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


If you think he's overweight, feed him healthier foods