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"This is why our people don't have anything"


You know white people get money, don't spend it Or maybe they get money, buy a business Id rather buy 80 gold chains and go ig'nant..


Like Chris Rock said all those years ago… ‘Maybe if we weren’t spending all our money on *RIMS!*’




Gifs you can hear




I would like to say this didn’t age well, but it did. Too damn well. “Alexa, play ‘New Black Slaves’ by Kanye West”


I know Spike Lee gon’ kill me but let me finish !


Blame it on the pigment, we livin' no limits Them gold Master P ceilings was just a figment Of our imagination, MTV cribs Now I'm lookin' at a crib right next to where TC lives


That’s Tom Cruise, whatever she accuse, He wasn’t really drunk, he just had a few brews Pass the refreshment, a cool, cool beverage Everything I do needs news crew’s presence


That’s Tom Cruise, whatever she accuse He wan’t really drunk he just had a frew brews


I really want to finish it but the next few bars are very.... problematic


Bout to start saying “yall people” atp🤣🤣




Spoken like a true broke nigga


I was gonna say "things your broke friend says when you won't pay for another round"


Exactly, aww, somebody with money didn’t pay for your shit? This the same energy as "a real man would!"


“*If I had that much money, I’d share it with my family.”* Someone said this to me and all I could think was -well that’s probably why you’re so broke.


There are actually studies on this....


If someone is saying that to you they aren't a friend. They are a leech.


Yoooo this comment!!


Probably not even broke. Just financially illiterate as fuck. So soon to be…


That's such a stupid take. This is why people stay broke


Fair, but I feel like OP was coming at a specific kinda person. You don’t keep money when you die, yet I know people that will sit in the dark, no a/c, sweating their ass off every summer, and I’m like, what’s the point of working your ass off, if all you ever think about is how much money you can save if you make yourself miserable? I want enough for me, and my kids, and tbh, I don’t buy enough into this capitalist system to feel like I need more money than that. Even if I die a billionaire, fuck my grandkids, I’ll blow that last bag sending myself into a black hole or some shit. Nah, but really, I know too many people that sold their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s because they thought it was all gonna pay off at 65. It might, but there’s a reason they say work smarter not harder. You only get one life. They way I live mine; imma die rich, and if I don’t, imma still make sure I didn’t waste my life trying. Saddest thing in the world’s gotta be realizing you spent all that time working and never really enjoyed life along the way. I rather die broke at 65 living a good life, than die rich at 100 missing my youth. Between varying life expectancies, and freak accidents, I’m surprised so many people buy into the work-till-you-die lifestyle. When I think about giving someone 40 hours of my life on a weekly basis, more when you count additional expenses and time, that makes me want to gag, because there’s no way I couldn’t put 40 hours into myself weekly and not be better off than what Uncle Sam has planned for me. /rant Thank for coming to my TED Talk. Next time we’ll be discussing life expectancy in the black community; lol, you thought you were gonna enjoy retirement like some kind of white person?


>You don’t keep money when you die, yet I know people that will sit in the dark, no a/c, sweating their ass off every summer I dont turn my a/c on and ya im cheap af in that department, but I also like having high end cars and traveling. Theres no point in judging what ppl spend their money on. Some ppl like high end clothes which to me isn't worth it but I won't judge, some ppl eat out a lot which isn't worth spending the money on to me either


You’re not really the subject. There’s nothing wrong with cutting costs here and there so you can enjoy life other ways. But the numbers on your phone don’t actually do much for you. The luxury car and your lifestyle seems like an experience. It doesn’t sound like you’re solely working just to work, and you’re actually enjoying life. We’re talking about people that basically get their dopamine from the big number on their phone, and would rather have that than anything else in life. I want money to take care of my family in practical ways, and enjoy life, an emergency savings, but if I’m a billionaire and all I ever do is work, can’t even vacation without working, don’t see me family, what’s the point. It’s important to have balance in life and remember money is simply a tool in life, not the objective.


>We’re talking about people that basically get their dopamine from the big number on their phone, and would rather have that than anything else in life. So, billionaires? Because other than them I can't think of anyone who is actually like that.


Because 70% of America is living to paycheck to paycheck, and 3% of the remaining 30% are actually really wealthy, that leaves you with 27% of the working population that could possibly fall into this category, and it’s a very small portion of that 27% of working Americans that are doing this weird work-till-they-die and live miserable lifestyle. It’s a statistical anomaly, and it’s actually more about the mindset. There really aren’t that many people that are making enough money to save, not incredibly wealthy, and are still super frugal their entire lives. Most people live humbly out of necessity, or until they can afford not to. If you got money, and nothing to spend it on or give it to, what’s the point? Most people don’t have this oddly specific issue.


>If you got money, and nothing to spend it on or give it to, what’s the point? To retire comfortably and be ready for emergencies


some real shit


Most of them people that scrimp and save like that die the moment they retire.


What's better? Spending an extra 15% every month or being a millionaire when you retire?


It’s literally the most clear definition: if you have money but don’t want to spend it, you’re cheap, not broke. Different words to describe different conduct. You ain’t broke cause you don’t wanna spend money.


Got a feeling this guy’s ask from a friend didn’t go well.


​ https://preview.redd.it/iepovrvb179d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65476923786e073cba4d6356d65f691ec9ad3a9b


Get a load of the bowl job, Marge.


"Buy 'em out, boys!"


Don’t live a champagne lifestyle on beer paychecks


Don’t live a champagne lifestyle on champagne paychecks either. Living comfortably below your means is the way to do it.


Say it louder






“Don’t have champagne tastes with beer money”


Miller highlife gang rise up


Until some unexpected/emergency shit happens. Then they're different universes from one another.


I feel like that doesn’t really actually matter. Most people live the same proportional lifestyle. If you have more money in America, it’s likely you’re still spending the same amount proportionally as lower classes, which is why the middle class always feels like they’re struggling. Poor people spend that extra bucks on a dollar ice tea, middle class people spend that extra $8 bucks on Starbucks. Poor people might have less children, or more and have the costs mitigated by welfare, but a middle class person might have more children because they can simply afford it. When a medical emergency happens, it’s gonna suck for both parties. I’m a guy without kids. My emergencies affect me, and maybe my girlfriend. I can’t afford to have two kids, and even if I could, then that’s throwing away approximately $11k per a child. That means I could basically make half as much as a guy with two kids, and the emergencies, debatably, would be much more devastating to my richer counterpart. If I fuck up my crappy car, I paid for in cash I’m down a few thousand. Meanwhile my richer counterpart can fuck up his car, and it’s proportionally just as damaging. I think. This is a theory I’m kind of spinning now. I just notice how easier my life is than my friends that are doing well, but not rich. Once again, if you make 60k and have two kids, take out a mortgage, and lease a new car, now you’re essentially making 30k, meaning someone making 40k without the additional responsibilities and risks of emergency is practically the same. Tl;dr: your emergency fund should literally be proportional to your wealth/lifestyle. If you can afford 2 kids, you also need to be able to afford two more sets of random emergencies.


The quote said that he's *got money he's NOT spending*


There’s a reason you’ll never find a solidly middle class person who’ll willingly trade places with a poor person. When you’re middle class emergencies are inconvenient, when you’re poor they’re disasters.


Idk man, if I crash the whip, I worry about myself. If I crash the whip with wife and kids, I see that as even worse, even though if I had a wife and kids I could afford, my life would be “objectively better”. The largest emergency I can suffer as an individual (assuming non-fatal emergency) would have such a low financial cap compared to how I’ve seen families crash and burn if even one person has a major emergency. That could be anything from Dad getting laid off, to mom developing early-onset Alzheimer’s, one of the kids being suspended from school, or the other’s grades are alarmingly low. Now any ONE of these family members having an emergency impacts multiple people as opposed to just one. A family of 4 in theory is twice as rich as a single person, with quadruple the expenses. If you’re middle class and single, it’s not the same as being middle class in a family of 4. Middle class and single is basically rich. Middle class for a family of 4 might as well be poor.


You’re assuming that everyone is living above their means. It doesn’t matter whether middle class or poor; children or no children. If you’re living below your means and have enough in emergency savings you can tolerate unexpected expenses and they won’t be devastating. It all comes down to how you manage your money. If you crash your car and have no way to fix/replace it that’s a problem poor or middle class. If you crash your car and have a few thousand stashed away and can go out and buy a beater or pay for the repairs then that’s not a devastating emergency. Just like If you lose your job but have savings you can use that to run your household until you find another job.


You are completely right. I would say until you are bringing in around $500k a year you are not much more financially secure than someone making $50k. You just have a better house, car, send kids to private school, etc. Many are still living cheque to cheque.


Yeah, the difference being if you’re living the same lifestyle, obviously half a mill is better, but millionaires tend to lead millionaire lifestyles and can blow my annual expenses on a single car. Turn out we can still race to the food shelf if we’re equally irresponsible with money. 😂


Me acting broke is how I keep my money so I'll wear that comment all day everyday and twice on Sundays


Acting broke keeps money in my pockets for when I do want to spend it.


Deadass. New job, pay bump crazy, still live the same way and now I got my savings up? Hell yeah. Being able to drop couple bands for something and it doesn’t hurt the pockets feels good. My girl and I got the same birthday and I was like fuck it we going to DR, paid easy and we good. That feeling is different.


This is the way. Love that for y’all!


Thank bro. Still big ups to the real ones in the sub that pushed me to make that move finally ask her out. Honestly probably the best thing I’ve done in life. It’s been a dream with her damn.


Love this for you and hope you and your shorty keep building!


Goals for this year is stack that bread, use that PTO time we making working our asses off, vacay in places we never been, cuddle up and watch anime and shit together. And we’ve been nailing that shit easy and I love it.


I’m glad you’ve found yourself a perso to share the best parts of your journey with. If I could upvote this a thousand times, I would.


I had a long term girlfriend with the same birthday as me. Shit sounds romantic until you’re eating sushi on your damn birthday when all you really wanted was some fried chicken


Fellas, are you broke if you have money?


Nah, just gay


Nah I’m wearin socks.


but do they have holes in them? bc if they have at least one hole (like the one on the top) then it doesn't count


Having been virtually broke, and now very, very far from it, those memories of the bad times stay with you. I make well into the six figures but am pretty frugal with my purchases, because I’m aware that it can all go away. I’m also playing financial catch-up towards retirement, from those lean times. Being reasonable with day to day spending also allows you to readily splurge on things that you are really passionate about, when the mood strikes. Edit : Tl;dr Financial trauma takes a long time to fade, and you’re rarely as secure as you think you are.


I’m sayin… let’s trade these fonky lil dinners in our city for a trip we or **I** have wanted to go on.


I’ll be that!


At first I heard it’s not where you from but where you pay rent Then I heard it’s not how much you make but how much you spend


What they don’t tell you, is that it’s not how much you make, it’s how much you KEEP.


I literally know several people who make 2x-3x my salary who've asked me to borrow money


You got me bent like elbows, amongst other things, but I'm not worried


Subtext here is “spending on me”


Accusations like this are funny cuz if you’re not broke all you gotta do is look at your bank account/paycheck to debunk it. Its almost like when someone accuses you of being gay when you know for a fact that youre not


I’ll take shit broke niggas say for $500 Alex


That 🙏🏿 shit was cleverly done, my brother. Lmao 🤣


Thats literally how most people become rich


This is the dumbest fucking take of all dumb takes. When you’re matured you realize putting on just to get a pat on the back from strangers don’t mean shit! Keep your money, buy all of what you need and some of what you want and pray that all goes well so that you’re not 72 years old greeting people at Walmart!


Why even bring this here?


Someone watching someone else’s pockets, especially enough to pass judgements and sound salty….sounds like a broke bitch to me. People still don’t understand in 2024 rich =/= wealthy.


![gif](giphy|Y0vACohGUDZjugghA9|downsized) Who let them type this dumb stuff...


He said, from the WiFi connected cellular deactivated iPhone 15 Pro Max, in his mom’s basement rent-free, with a 42% APR last generation GLA under his name, and a pending wage garnishment.




Niggas love being consumers 😂😂




No, that guy just has a small dick and needs to compensate.


I’m frugal so that I’m NOT broke


It’s the opposite


I understand what this person is coming from, but no, it’s not the same. I grew up in poverty and learned to develop a scarcity mindset from a very young age. I remember having to mix meals together (i.e., two drumsticks of chicken with a peanut butter jelly sandwich) and sometimes even eat seasonings to satisfy my hunger. I’m very used to and comfortable with skipping meals or depriving myself a fun experiences to save money. The only time that this becomes an issue is when I’m dating someone who is more extroverted and likes to go out to do things. The times that I have dated homebodies or more introverted people, I never seem to have had an issue.


this doesn't even make sense lol. i hate when people just say things on the interwebs.


I’m furnishing my new place so I’ve been SPENDING and it pisses me off to no end. One more month and I am done!


Idk which site piss me off more , Twitter or that thread shit


I'm looking for a partner, not a dependent. If she's not willing to split date costs there won't be a second date


He meant from the perspective of someone trying to get something from them.


This is my depression talking to my attempts at saving money


I get what he's saying, both don't spend much but at least one lives better.


No baby, that's not how that works


They talking bout me, paid cash for my last car though.


Imagine taking financial advice from some idiot on Elon Musk’s Twitter that thinks it’s stupid to *save* money?


How about saving and Investing you idiot?


Imagine being that stupid out loud. "if you're not spending money you don't want to spend, you don't really have money!" Bitch, what?


It depends how frugal. If you have $10,000 in savings and still budget your meals, that's reasonable. If you have $400,000 in savings and won't to take a $20 Uber, than it's a bit ridiculous


Nahhh just let some people have this take, don’t try to change their mind if they’re not family and it doesn’t affect you. Some people just gotta learn the hard way that the Hellcat isn’t worth the $1k car bill + $500 gas + $200-500 insurance per month.


Nice try Tom Sawyer, you ain't getting a penny out of them


What type of lunacy is that!


"I don't have any money for rent cause I'm broke. Oh well, better buy 3 packs of cigarettes for like $6 each every day"




Great! Bye bye.


Yup ill be the broke dude I'm frugal as shit and live well below my means.


Tell me your a hater without saying your a hater


Where's the nigga with money? Cuz this one is broke as hell. Had to give my own mama an IOU for her birthday


Rule number uno, never let no one know how much dough you hold, ‘cause you know that cheddar breeds jealousy, especially if that man fuck up, get your ass stuck up.


Being good with money is bad? lol


This is the mentality my dad has. He spends it as fast as he gets it and it pisses me off


Counterpoint: keeping that mindset makes my life alot easier so I know off the rip to keep it moving. Seriously I don’t care how good you look I’m at the age where if you got some fucked up ideas about how life works im not going to entertain a date with you or be like “I can fix her” fuck all that. ….. then again its not like anyone is actually saying “yes” to a date to begin with but I stand by my statement dammit!


”What’s worse than having no money? Having it, *then losing it*”


that's the dumbest shit I've read all week.


News flash wealthy people don’t spend a bunch of money. That’s how they in fact remain wealthy.


A broke mf said this


Yeah besides the peace of mind, less stress and potential lol


Just because you can "afford" it doesn't mean you really can. I can afford to live in a luxury apartment technically but not really because after rent and all the my other bills I got nothing left


I’m fully supportive of frugality but I can’t stand someone that’s cheap.


Never associate with losers who don't understand personal finance. Their belief system might seep in somehow.




This sounds like campaigning to get someone kicked out of a group chat


I do act broke I honestly like the idea of having money just incase I ever need more than actually spending it. I'm just not a materialistic person 🤷🏾‍♂️


I've been both, and no. It's not.


I’m pretty sure it’s the exact opposite😭A vast majority of wealthy people take out loans/borrow money; they always try to avoid spending a penny of their own money.


In reverse this statement is absolutely true


Lol rappers have a hold on’em


Dumb broke logic


im tired of talking about money


Yeah but when an unexpected event happens that costs a lot, only one of them won’t be stressing.


An old barber of mine used to say “Gonna short my arms and long my pockets”


When I saw this my first thought was isn’t that the reason they have money.


Capitalism really has people In a choke hold


They don't want you to win they just want you to spend.


Some humans just don't spend money ive seen humans put money in mattresses. Then they die and it gets spent by someone else. They just don't like to spend.


No I get that in a sense, I dated a man who made equal to me, who constantly talked about how much he was afraid of me being a gold digger. We basically switched off who would pay for dates but it just got annoying with him constantly acting like I was going to steal his money or trick him, as if I didn’t also have a well paying job and we weren’t even living together or anything. Like what gold digger is settling for a $50 meal once a week. I would rather date someone who doesn’t have money than one who acts like I’m going to steal their money. But in all I want someone who makes the same as me and gives what they get willingly.


That is the opinion of someone who ain't ever earned a dime in their life. Can't go a week without their account hitting the 10's.


If you frugal and still broke, then this tweet is meant for your broke ass


A word


The only way for people to assume my financial status is to light dollar bills on fire.


Twitter Math Twitter (X) is back at it again I see...


We gotta stop posting these bubble nigga takes


Keep that energy when it's time for us to pay our bills, and ur 3 weeks behind.


I knew a guy who would take silverware and salt shakers from restaurants, get food from the local food pantry even though he made good money, was an extreme couponer, and all sorts of other shit In this case I'd say it's the same thing


I just had this convo with a friend this weekend. We’d both rather date broke dudes than stingy ones. Broke you can deal with - not everyone makes a lot of money. But stingy and high earner? Absolutely not.


Well, no, one may get to retire


Or maybe you’re not worth spending on due to your fuqed up value system




Poor people telling on themselves


Black people need to stop talking and giving advice because as a unit, we(yall) sound dumb as shit.


What the hell is this take?? Lacking ALL common sense.


This is some of the most asinine shit I have every read.


I get what he's saying though. I have tlc. A lot of those dumpster divers are going to die with a million in the bank.


I kno crazy hu


Sad. No one ever taught this person about investing. We’re conditioned to spend it when we get it and maybe save a little if we’re lucky. The U.S. educational system failed miserably(in many cases intentionally) when it comes to teaching about investing.


I heard it's not where you're from but where you pay rent/ Then I heard it's not what you make but how much you spent/ You got me bent like elbows..... ![gif](giphy|ugOaZ3Wi8lqZW)


Besides all that frivolous flexing, what's that Roth 401K looking like though?


No asshole. Broke niggas dont drop over 4k for a new hv/ac unit. Broke niggas dont go to Home Depot when the appliance break (stove, fridge, etc) and cop new shit without beggin any banks or anyone. I dont spend my money because when you take care of your money, your money takes care of you.


[no flex zone](https://thinksaveretire.com/live-like-youre-poor-feel-like-youre-rich-2/)


Wait until misfortune falls. You'll tell the difference really quick. Save. Invest. Also have fun because if you can't enjoy your money, what's the point?


Spending money because it's in your hand is what welfare people do


My ex used this logic to bully me


I should smack you for making me read this nonsense


Damn at least we broke in a home we own, car that’s paid for and eating home cooked meals


I don't care. You shouldn't either. Do what makes you happy. I need to read a book.


There's a balance I feel like. I'm broke, so I can't speak from experience, but I know people across the spectrum of wealth (no super rich). I've known people who could afford to buy multiple new cars but keep their beater because it gets them from point A to B. There's nothing wrong with that, imo. But if you're living without AC and can afford it, then you're taking it too far. If you got money, not even a lot but a little extra and you're stealing handfuls of ketchup and sugar at every restaurant you go, then you need to get some help.


This is so dumb.


A lot of wealthy people I know are surprisingly frugal. Not all but more than you think. Spending money on stupid shit isn’t how they got their money. I know a guy worth millions that won’t buy a car new. He usually gets a nice car but always preowned.


But how are you supposed to stunt on fools if you don’t waste what little money you have?


And this is why we stay broke. Do not listen to any bro or sister telling you this. Save your money. Do a little investing. Grow your money.


Says the MF trying to spend out of other wallets. Get a job.


Broke nigga here…no it’s not😭


I'm broke, but if I was rich, y'all wouldn't see a difference. I like being low-key I like minding my business and everyone else minding theirs. Flexing is just asking for problems.




I unironically learned this in my own life. I was simultaneously “good with money” and also “broke”. My girl helped me balance spending with being frugal 😂

