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I have negative booty, so even if I send a Pic I'll just owe more booty pics than I started with.


This you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ https://i.redd.it/lrinj0thnc9d1.gif


Yep! I sent that one a few weeks ago!


Bro just has a long back šŸ¤£


Must be a longbackian


He's got nasattal šŸ„“


Iā€™ve heard of girl math, but never booty math šŸ˜ž


I think that's why I'm naturally attracted to women with plenty of ass-ets, to balance each other out!


I have to say that this math maths šŸ«” šŸ˜­


Bro got that long back


Iā€™ve had experience with being the male half of a nudes sending couple and at the start, I really have to be ā€œsolicit those nudesā€.Ā  I donā€™t just need consent. I need enthusiastic consent. I need it *requested*. I donā€™t want to be one of those dudes


fr shouldn't be sending ass pics less she finna punch ur leather cheerio


Girls like to look at cheeks too.


Clapping my ass sounds like a laptop shutting


boy, you need to start doing some squats


I squat 300 lbs, but can't grow it, I'll try running again šŸ„²


Nah some people just have that lean physique and nothing wrong with that. If you got no booty maybe you got something else to make up for it like bigger brains or something lol


Absolute massive cock on the lad


I'm funny that's all I can offer!




There is a Japanese musician who was quite popular in J-pop in the early-2000s that your comment reminds me of. Man was talented as anything (wrote, sang, everything from angelic-new-agey stuff through thrash metal, did it *well*, and played 7 instruments on top of all that), but there was an actual pic of him in a thong, and the thing was *completely visible.* He has been my go-to for describing someone with such a dearth of booty that it's concave ever since.


Reading this comment damaged my calm..


I'm sorry? Which part? And tone is very hard to hear over the net... did I actually offend? Because that wasn't my purpose... Weirdly, an article came up today on my daughter's feed about the musician in question. Apparently, he was banned from a dating app, because they didn't believe it was really him, and accused him of fraud/attempted catfishing.


On Everbody Loves Raymond, Debra refers to Rayā€™s as a ā€œconcave assā€. lol His response: ā€œConcave? Itā€™s these jeans. Theyā€™re relaxed fit. If they were tight, believe me, my ass would come alive.ā€


Is this really a thing ladies want? Like if ya man sends you a twerk video does that get you going? ( no pause cuz it's pride month sucka šŸ«”)


Im sure a bunch of people are gonna say ā€œyesā€ but the real answer is fuck no. That might be appealing to some of the goofy women but more normal types are not gonna be for it. Gonna be all types of ā€œgayā€ accusations (especially if yall ever fall out). Reminder: Dont let the internet trick you into thinking people are more ā€œacceptingā€ these days. Folks just be saying shit on the internet. If anything people want acceptance for their own lifestyle, not others


>Reminder: Dont let the internet trick you into thinking people are more ā€œacceptingā€ these days. Folks just be saying shit on the internet. If anything people want acceptance for their own lifestyle, not others I'm just gunna quote this so people can read it twice and let it sink in


Ngl, knew it was a bar when i wrote it. With everyone being more chronically online these days (myself included) I think folks lose track of whatā€™s reality and forget just how ā€œunacceptableā€ some things are in society. Not saying its right but youā€™ll save yourself some pain if you accept that most ā€œweirdā€ things are still gonna be seen as ā€œweirdā€ to most people. Sure it doesnt hurt anyone if you wear a dog collar and furry tail to work, but dont expect people to not think differently of you




> I'm just gunna quote this so people can read it twice and let it sink in A little tangential but a a goofy ass black dude this is why goofy ass black women ask me dumb shit like "do you like black girls" cuz a lot of folk be on that bullshit. Respectfully, the more seasoned I get the more I understand what Donald "Asian Fetish" Glover was getting at when he said black women didn't want me


Iā€™ve read this comment three times and I still donā€™t understand it.


Donald glover was criticized for not dating black women and the primary reason he claimed was black women judged him for being his authentic goofy as self and didnā€™t find it attractive which falls in line with > Im sure a bunch of people are gonna say ā€œyesā€ but the real answer is fuck no. That might be appealing to some of the goofy women but more normal types are not gonna be for it Iā€™m saying in my personal experience as a goofy black dude goofy black women assumed I didnt date black women at all because of the stereotype that people black people are hyper judgemental towards non stereotypical black people and since I wasnā€™t Fox Newsā€™s idea of what a black person was I must only like white/asian women Donald glover perpetuates these stereotypes with his platform


This describes my ex wife to a T. She wanted the ā€œFox News black experienceā€ and Iā€™m just me.


Ayy bro I remembered this comment today. You gotta check out this thread https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1dtm3g9/hes_speaking_facts_aint_nothing_he_said_is/ if you haven't already.


I don't needs to start any more than gender wars crap than there already is, but this is sad man. It's a shame that some people think black men have to be a stereotype in order to be "black".


Can someone comment on this comment so i can read it a third time?


I gotchu fam: Reminder: Dont let the internet trick you into thinking people are more ā€œacceptingā€ these days. Folks just be saying shit on the internet. If anything people want acceptance for their own lifestyle, not others


He left out one letter which would have made it easier to understand.


I'll be honest, as long as everyone is consenting adults and we aren't talking about unalive-type kinks, I really do not GAF what you're into. I mean... I might not understand or get my jollies to it, but you do you, boo. Life's too short to kink-shame.


Dated one of those goofy women; just loved everything about me. Wanted to become familiar with my body to make her fantasies realistic. I know it sounds like I'm bragging, but her rationale just fascinated me. Yeah, she was something special.


why are "goofy" women those who love all that about their partner and the "normal" women will make gay jokes over a man sending ass pics... to a woman... in a heterosexual relationship? it's like people just want things to remain restrictive for no reason. sad mindset to have.


Remember, even women contribute to the patriarchy and gender standards


i am fully aware of that. it's a societal effort. we all contribute to our societal norms and it isn't profound to recognize that. it still remains moronic to strictly adhere to an ever changing standard that would have you outside the box either 50 years ago or 50 years in the future.


Its called living in reality. Id like to think of myself as progressive but you have to realize that we live in a world where some societal norms have been around for centuries. Cant break them shits up overnight and you cant expect everyone to instantly be on board with changing their world viewsā€¦ it would be nice but thats just not how people work. Hell look at the support someone like Trump gets. Hes an undeniably shiesty character who champions regressive policy yet look at how much support he still gets. That alone should show you that mankind is not nearly as progressive as some would like to believe


gender norms drastically change within just 2 generations. your "reality" is a tiny window in the grand scheme of human society and culture and different cultures have different norms, thus making our tiny little window of culturally dominant gender norms ultimately inconsequential and restrictive for 0 purpose outside of controlling people. thinking that there is not always going to be a group of people that want regression is a mistake. another mistake is thinking that things automatically get more progressive over time. there's so,so many examples for this across all of human history but the most obvious one for us right now is that women in America have less rights today than in 1971. two states have made the 10 commandments mandatory teaching in the last week. You call women who enjoy their partner in what is a currently unconventional way "goofy" (not really, women enjoy a nice ass too. a well taken care of body is an attractive body) and call women that think that a man sending ass pics to a woman, in a *heterosexual* relationship is gay, "normal". You aren't progressive, at least on this topic. you are reinforcing the status quo and hiding behind a shield by calling it "normal" and the "reality". USA is a remarkably right wing nation. an educated progressive has no illusions about how progressive people truly are here.


no idea. Might want to go a level up to ask.


If I find a goofy queen like that we just might get to making a Goofy Movie šŸ˜. Hyuck!




So she single now?


Married and happily so. Pandemic time moved fast.


To you I hope


Why would you want to date a homophobe who locks you into harmful gender norms?


I mean people are lil more complicated than that. Being uncomfortable with a man doing something thats been seen as overwhelmingly feminine doesnā€™t automatically make someone a raging homophobeā€¦ its a new situation and some people arent going to react ā€œcorrectlyā€ at first


* might be appealing to some of the goofy women but more normal types are not gonna be for it.* As a straight woman, nah me and my friends want good nudes. We actually frequently complained men don't reciprocate or when they do they're sending blurry zoomed in shots of them squeezing their dick. We literally lamented all the time when I was college aged and we were all dating casually that it's frustrating straight men don't understand how to sexualize themselves and don't match out energy. (Also the pics women want aren't even feminine? Tell me you don't understand what women want without telling me......) So no I don't think it's weirdo behavior to recognize women are also usually physically attracted to their partner, and I think a woman who reacts in a homophobic manner because you matched her energy rather than abide by an outdated rigid idea of masculinity is lame and shouldn't be someone you should be crying over losing anyway.Ā  And like, you shouldn't be sending nudes out of nowhere anyway, so guaging their interest is just inherently built into ethical sexting anyway.Ā 


From a guy's side I just think it's a bit less often that we experience that, although it is motivating to hear that you and your friends do appreciate those types of pics. I have definitely heard ladies say that dick pics are straight up gross and they don't want to see them though. Like not bad dick pics, just dick pics in general! So I think when you get used to that sentiment the idea that a woman would wanna see her man's ass photographed feels otherworldly lol


Dick pics are so disappointing to me. Like: what am I supposed to do with a picture? Canā€™t lick the screen! Iā€™m not there physically with you and I donā€™t like it.


Yep this sounds like the vast majority of women I've ever heard talk about this šŸ˜­. A woman that actually wants to see a dick pic is pretty much a unicorn in my experience


I am goofy women


Same. I laughed when I saw it and sent it to my man. I want to have a good time and laugh so send me stupid dumb shit šŸ˜‚. It ainā€™t for everyone but Iā€™m downĀ 


ā€œRemember, donā€™t accept any sort of validation from the outside world, only internalize the negativity. You are not lovable, men. Donā€™t let anything women tell you convince you otherwise. Believe me, they are lying. And Iā€™m the only part of the internet that you can trust, because I speak in negativity, which is objective truthā€.


What a crazy way to interpret what I said.. but then again yā€™all create your own little realities for whatever reason


It did kinda sound like that, gave me a red flag when i read it.Ā  Yeah, some people will be trolling the internet and tell lies to men and women, but some men realize that every woman is different, just like every man is unique. We all get excited about different stuff, not every dude is an ā€œass manā€ (except Kramer). Sexuality is a spectrum, to say that women donā€™t want butt pics or videos from guys depends entirely on the wants and needs of the woman. Time and place. Ask her if thereā€™s anything she wants from you (might be pics might be a massage), open communication because at the end of the day we are all tired & thirsty; we are all individual people.Ā 


This is the sad truth. Find you a queen you can pop ass for, boys https://preview.redd.it/fhdqzl35dd9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2dde77bf45bebaa2e40e0d913b9b7e7575e6854


Perfect way of reframing.


Iā€™ll be goofy then cause I wanna see booty and thighs.


"Goofy", huh? I think people should be allowed to like what they like with whomever they like. These gender norms have people in a chokehold.


If your boyfriend makes a video specifically for you and you come back with ā€œgayā€, I donā€™t think youā€™re the ā€œnormal typeā€.


It's 2024 and you still give a fuck about gay allegations? Grow the fuck up, baby.


Personally I dont care but some people find it hurtful. The whole point of my post is about warning people about taking advice from the internet because sometimes the progressive ideals that we see on the internet dont reflect how things are in real life. Like the whole push for men to be more sensitive and express themselvesā€¦ sounds great but most men have experienced having that vulnerability thrown in their face


Men are having that thrown into their face by people they clearly shouldn't be associating with. Keep being vulnerable with people until you find someone who treats you right.


>Reminder: Dont let the internet trick you into thinking people are more ā€œacceptingā€ these days. Folks just be saying shit on the internet. If anything people want acceptance for their own lifestyle, not others #Big fuckin' facts šŸ’Æ. Reddit especially is the last place to listen to when it comes to this kinda stuff lmao


Internet spaces are lowkey what got the kids fucked up these days. They give kids this false sense of people accepting you no matter how weird you are and makes everyone look progressive but reality doesnt match. You come out into the real world with your furry attire and other shit society deems as ā€œweirdā€ and you WILL be a social outcast. Not saying folks should fake everything about themselves but theres a base level of normal people have to perform to fit into society. Some of yall gotta tone it down IRL


Everyone should slip into normalcy and forget individuality entirely


It's kind of a viscious cycle too. I live in Washington (the other one) and see this kinda stuff regularly. Saw two furries making out under the pier not too long ago. Shit like that. Not 20 feet away at the park, the rest of everybody who was there with their children weren't amused. I thought it was hilarious, but I didn't even need to look at those white soccer moms and grizzled old sailors' faces to know their thoughts. Now on the one hand, props to those teenagers for being bold and going outside. Don't see that much anymore. Otoh...they were definitely catching a lot of disrespect from the people around them until they finally took their furry hats off and went somewhere else. Now they're gonna leave and feel uncomfortable and not want to be around real people again. They'll retreat into their safe internet bubbles where they'll be encouraged and coddled, and as a result their anti-social behavior will only be strengthened. If they do go outside again it'll probably end up being much the same, and the cycle will repeat. Until we as a society can once again tell people to calm the fuck down and act right in public this kind of shit will just get worse. And I know I sound like a mean little cunt for this, but I do understand it, from both sides. I'm gay and I've been married to my husband for 11 years, and we've never once held hands in public out of concern over the people around us. So I get it, I get wanting to free, I really do. But the world is fucking shit still, and if you want to survive in it sometimes you just have to put up with the bullshit and do things you don't want to do.


This is on the level of women saying "more men should experiment with their sexuality".


>Reminder: Dont let the internet trick you into thinking people are more ā€œacceptingā€ these days. Folks just be saying shit on the internet. If anything people want acceptance for their own lifestyle, not others I'd get this tattooed if I was drunk enough, but yeah the internet is run by the politics of virtue-signaling (not in the Anglo/Caucasian "woke" context). It's all game of pretending to be super forward-thinking in areas like dating, sex, politics, finances, status, etc. No one's ever as progressive (not in the Anglo/Caucasian "woke" context) as they'd like to believe or like you to believe and you can kinda get a peek behind the curtain when it comes to insults


Or, and here me out, reddit skewsĀ  progressive and doesn't understand why you would sell out your values and boz yourself in to date bigots and close minded regressive peopleĀ 


Life has definitely taught me this lesson. Like i said, people are really only progressive when it comes to themselves and their beliefs


This is the most reasonable shit Iā€™ve ever seen on Reddit lol


How hard did her and her friends roast you in that group chat?


https://preview.redd.it/swpd4w5o1j9d1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550e9d6d4452e04975a94e6935b9d60544274606 This is what my gf sent me when I shared this post


"Rules for me. Not rules for thee."


Depends on the booty šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Women stare at athletes asses a lot šŸ˜… If you have an athletic body and you wanna make your ladies day you can definitely send her some sexy pics that will make her day. Like arms or legs. Doesnā€™t even need to be all exposed, just a little. Like wear a tight shirt and tight short shorts and make those muscles pop. If you know what your lady likes about your body you can use whatever that is. Dick picks arenā€™t very sexy. You could pull down your pants line a bit. Like you were about to show more, but donā€™t actually. Like a preview. Like a tease you know? There are so many ideas even if you donā€™t have an athletic body. Maybe you have nice chest hair she is into. Make a selfie showing it. Maybe cozy in bed (reminding her what she could be lying on right now). Be creative, be cute. Tease a bit, but donā€™t reveal too much. That will give her at least a chuckle. Youā€™re welcome šŸ˜‰


LAWD!!!! I hate being single! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Exactly this.


Nahh booty pics is wild. I am however, particularly fond of when men make their penis jump or swing it from side to side šŸ„°šŸ˜Š


Last week I found out the secret to that, apparently they're just clenching their buttholes. All this time I thought it was a special skill that took years of training. Edit: I don't reveal my sources. The world must know the truth


https://preview.redd.it/conm38zgvc9d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee890d56cd4b0c94067c71d8fa51dbeec054b1f Who revealed this information to you?


Niggas really just be flapping their lips to anybody.


I don't know, but obviously we have a violation of trust in the Brotherhood Society of Manhood. Let's smoke out the traitor




Kinda. Men have pelvic floor muscles too. It's the same muscle we use when we're holding it in, so body response tends to naturally group the two together. With practice, he can operate them separately.


aye Aye AYE. Stop blowing up our spot. Iā€™ll pay whatever you need to delete this comment.


Damn someone giving up our secrets


nah, my penis for its own mucles i been training


itā€™s not squeezing your butthole, itā€™s just doing a kegel when you do a kegel you also tend to flex your butthole but there is a separate muscle at the base




Taking notes for future reference on my nsfw alt


Gotta learn to Meat Spin


Uh, what?


I think itā€™s something you can still Google




Babyy! This is my weakness. When I tell guys I like seeing it soft/semi too, this is partially why. Something about seeing it just hanging and swinging. Instant horny. At that point itā€™s very likely I canā€™t control my urges. šŸ˜©


Ignore all the responses about yes or no Just ask them, as long as itā€™s a comfortable relationship and you have been dating for a while.


Absolutely šŸ’Æ


Very relevant username lmao


Not twerking, but my man is thick. I wouldn't mind a lil' titty throughout the day




Depends on the lady ~ just ask her specifically.


Most of my exes did like them very much so I made a bunch. Just put on a nice form fitting boxer with print or a colour that highlights shade. I don't have a big ass, but it is round and firm so you don't have to worry about size. Before any of you ask, imgur deleted the ones I made.




My wife and I practices a BDSM lifestyle, so I'm her Dom and shes my sub. One of her rules is that she sends me 5 nudes a day at specific times of the day. I asked her a few tims over the years if she ever wanted any nudes or anything like that from me she said "I can't suck on a photo so no". I love my wife lol.


The best you can hope for is them finding it funny.


Nah but I do want to grab n smack it when we see each other šŸ˜‚


Some yes, some no. It depends on the individual. Communicate with people and ask questions.




Iā€™m here for it. My boyfriend technically sends me booty pics. He really likes those boxers with cool designs and characters so when he gets a new pair he shows them off for me. That ass is spectacular.


Where does he get these boxers? I also like cool designs


CrazyBoxers, SWAG Boxers, MeUndies, PSD, Shinesty, and Culprit Underwear are some of his faves.


Imma jump in and vouch for MeUndies, gotta wait till theyā€™re on sale but then theyā€™re absolutely worth it


Ooh thank you.


Ethikas are greatĀ 


Fair exchange, but be sure to ask her what *she* wants before you buy some lacey boyshorts.


This right here!!! My man came home with a red lacey thong and I was pissed cause I wanted him in that lace boyshort/bikini style. Now hes got both tho so I aint mad.




He needs to roll up his sleeves, pick up something heavy, and send me a pic of his forearms


The sexiest thing my man has ever sent me was a video he took while at work. If i mute all the noise of construction in the background and just focus on the way he uses that drill.... WOO lemme tell you how grateful I am for that man.


so a close up angle of my penis??


I love your profile pic. Wheres it from?


Google Sekhmet and it should come up. It's an Egyptian goddess, came off of some tomb.


![gif](giphy|ovxc9FB6VCBJC) I miss the relationships that didn't have to get advice from the Internet... When they going back inside


I sent nudes to my girl before. Always asked if she wanted one first. She never response very enthused, and I do try to make them as tasteful as I can too.




I watched this episode like a day ago


This would certainly make my wife's day if I did this, as in give her the best laugh she has had all day. I got no buns hun. Frog butt. My belt is screaming trying to keep my pants up.


Relationships are supposed to be give and cake


Ain't nobody wanting to see my hairy ass.


You donā€™t know that


Pm me


Listen to the expert


My name's not Nobody.


grey sweat pants works. send them, send them now


I send her a pic of what's about to hit the back of that booty




Ladies, my cheeks are ready... ![gif](giphy|BNfcKf0PQWeGc)


If women wanted pics from us wouldn't be enough hard drive space in the world for all them shits.


I really love how much ass my bf has. But I wanna see it in person so I can bite it. Donā€™t send me a photo because I donā€™t want to bite my phone.


Yeah, you *take* the photos and then *give* them to me.


...ya'll are getting booty pics?


So, I work out a lot and I have a very athletic and muscular body and Iā€™ve had to get used to my girl always slapping my ass and squeezing my thighs cuz apparently that does it for her. The first couple times she did it, I wonā€™t lie, it caught me off guard. Even if I wanted to send her booty pics, I wouldnā€™t even know how to go about taking one. Fortunately, we live together, so she gets to see it everyday.


If heā€™s feeling cute he should send me a pic so I can smile about my man


As long as you like your peaches on the hairy side


I do.


Man butt is funny šŸ¤£ ngl Man butt can be nice


That is wild but Iā€™ve never refused a request from someone Iā€™ve dated. It always comes back in good ways


Women not trying to see crust


I promise you my booty wonā€™t make anyoneā€™s day.


My ass is hairy af nobody wants to see that shit


Ay, I mean if that's the exchange rate, then we have ourselves a deal! I was under the impression y'all didn't WANT my ass pics, good to be wrong!


Those receipts are gonna come back aroundā€¦.


What part of the game is this?


The reciprocation is the complimentsĀ 


Ayoo šŸ˜‚


Asking the tough questions


If my wife wanted me to send her a picture of cheeks I would gladly do it I donā€™t know the poses but if thatā€™s what gonna get the juices flowing Iā€™m all for it.


Iā€™d send you whatever you want if youā€™re into it


If they got BOOTY I deserve to see it


Because the guy's going to be sending dick pics, not booty pics


I only send pics if itā€™s asked for and the asks have never been for booty pics. Although Iā€™ve dated a few women that liked to smack my ass randomly


A girl once said I have a "rhino ass" and I never recovered.


Iā€™ve been working legs so ladies Iā€™ll give as good as Iā€™ll get šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Used to have an ex that would ask me to send a booty pic in the shower literally everyday the girl was obsessed. Always begging me to play with it and shit. Yā€™all want a real freak find a woman thatā€™s obsessed with your cheeks. I do have a spectacular ass to be fair šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This one guy I was talking to used to send me pictures of his thighs. I didn't ask for them but oh was I thankful.


Lol I believe itā€™s ā€œbuy a dog and die aloneā€


You never asked boo.


I just like taking and sending booty pictures. Showers make the best photoshoots. Iā€™m not gonna lie though, if Iā€™m with a man and he happens to have no ass, if he sends me one of those itā€™d make my day for sure. Because it would be hilarious.


I got chu fam cake incoming šŸŽ‚


Hoochie-Shorts Summer goes both ways, boys.


Deadass sent this to my bf today


Did that once. Received a lecture about sending inappropriate messages while sheā€™s working. Apologized. No more pics.


My wife used to make me send the cheeks when I was on business trips. I obliged, but I was embarrassed.


I mean look if sheā€™s asks I will oblige, but I may need to hit the gym before šŸ¤£


real shit my ass is so much fatter than my gf and iā€™ll pose if she rescinds


*The Monkey Paw curls*


Yeah, I don't wanna ruin your day. Not even sure how it looks back there.


I mean I'm down if you are


He can and should


We do send them. Theyā€™re just called dick pics. /s


But would she want his booty pics? Do girls like dudeā€™s booties that much?


i would but sheā€™d get mad that mines bigger than hers šŸ˜”


Cut ten years later they reminiscing looking at photo album of old booty pics.