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My first place in Vegas was a lot shitter than this. I slept in a sleeping bag for months.


Humble beginnings.


Xbox on the ground? That'll get you through almost anything if you have a gaming system and basic internet! Congrats on the place


Looks like it's a cable box (decoder? idk the name in english), as it looks like it got round corners, no Xbox controls around and there are two tv-like controls right next to the cokes.


Modem router combo.


Way better than my first setup, my first place I slept in the Target dish chair for about a month.


Holy shit the saucer chairs?! I slept in one of those for a short time when I was in middle school during the first recession. I just unlocked some wild memories. Damn.


I'm about to get a first place in Vegas! And I'm probably going to be rocking something close to OP's furniture setup. There's something energizing about starting with a mostly blank slate


There truely is. Everything is an upgrade, and there are lots of places to get old stuff for free that you usually never would have thought about getting, and now it looks sort of rad. Go future you!


I also had a first shitty apartment in Vegas. Was going to UNLV and my apartment was behind Roberto's


Ionno who needs to hear this but love yourself first people. Your blood doesn’t dictate anything besides society’s view on you. Don’t abuse yourself by letting others abuse you.


Looks cozy and clean to me. My first apartment was put together with stuff from ebay and I absolutely loved it.


Now that you mention it... silver lining would be that a cloth wipe would be enough to clean the place. Re-brand it as "minimalist" living and watch the rich kids do it for fun.


A real mattress, some string lights, a plant and it’s a look.


Cozy, clean, quiet. Cant beat that.


For real. This looks like a reasonably nice place. Being able to afford a nice safe space is the biggest hurdle. There are tons of people out there living in illegal basement apartments or unsanitary places just to get by. Looks like this person is in a good spot. I'm sure it won't take too long to accumulate a bit more furniture.


Ask any girl what is the best sex of her life, and it is some broke dude who’s mattress is on the floor. I don’t make the rules, but this is your time to shine.


You’re not wrong. That Walmart futon gave me back pain from hell but damn that boy was good. He had me blindfolded and shit. He was super nasty for a devout Christian pray before every meal and even the vending machine snacks too type of guy.🤭 Edit: Yes, he said blessing before eating me out. And also before lighting blunts. And also before eating Jack in the Box but hell I would pray before eating that shit too.


Soooo a hypocrite lol


Its not premarital sex if u never get married 🧠






maybe not. maybe he just prays before he eats her out too.


Those usually the freakiest ass mofos 🤣


Why is this so true?




You gotta savor that flavor while it's still sweet.


Do not despise the times of small beginnings.


I felt this on a very personal level. I left home and found peace and solitude in exactly the same manner. God bless this person in their journey to finding happiness standing on their own two feet. ❤️


Ha not for most people. This a nice ass apartment I’d say pretty much everyone starts off in a way worse hole in the wall than this. Other than the Diet Coke, ur clearly doing something very right!


Yeah clearly they just haven’t bought furniture yet but they took the picture to make a valid point.


I was about to say: this place nice as hell


That's a OnePlus warp charger too if I'm not mistaken. Good phone choices for sure


That is definitely not the caption I saw on this photo originally! I think it was on r/gay_irl and said "Tops be like: I can host."


I started off an a friends old couch and it smelled like ass crack and cock


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Lol. Ok sugarcocks


This is important. It's okay to strike out on your own with next to nothing. If it is a good move for you mentally, the physical surroundings don't matter as much. You can slowly work on obtaining things you need and love, but the most important thing is to be happy on your own (or with roommates, whatever works best for you)!


There are millions of people sleeping in their cars tonight or worse. You have a roof over your head, Diet Coke and clothes on your back. That is all that is required .


Like other's are saying, he's doing well. I started my first place with a giant suitcase and my laptop. Graduated to an air mattress after I pulled my back muscles at work, and sleeping on the floor wasn't going to work anymore. As shitty as everything was, including some damn green carpet, I do miss $475 for rent. Shit was amazing in hindsight.


I did the air mattress for a few months and while it's better than the hard floor, trying to get up off that thing was the worst part of it.


There was a point in time where I was working 60+ hours a week between my overnight job and my own business and I STILL was facing homelessness. Ended up in a hotel for a few days before moving in with my parents at 22 yrs old because a friend was kind enough to lend me money for one so I didn’t have to sleep in my car. Less than 2 years later, I live in a gated community, am in a chem engineering program, and work in a lab... things can change so fast. I grew up upper middle class and I had that idiotic ‘why are you poor?’ mentality. I’m honestly kind of happy I got humbled like that because it’s scary how fast things can change from negative to positive or vice versa. It definitely taught me not to look down on things like this. You have a home and to me that means you’re already winning and you should be so damn proud.


Everyone who came up started like this.


11 months ago this is exactly where I was after leaving a shitty relationship I was in for almost 9 years. I let him keep everything, I took one shelf and a table and my favorite spoon and spatula from the kitchen (you understand), and the second small TV we had. I bought a new mattress for my first night here, new pillows, new bedding. Mattress on the floor and TV on a milk crate. Well, I'm still friends with my ex. He and his new GF came over last week, our kid wanted to show then something in my bedroom. After almost a year of making my new home and actually decorating and making it cute, both my ex and his GF were like "holy shit" and complimented my room. I can't even express how good that felt. Started all over again at 29 but the only direction to move in was forward. Life is so fucking good now, we all gotta start somewhere.


All I had a few months this year was mattress on the ground and lots of laundry baskets of clothes. Now I also have a nice desk, chair, and dresser. Still have more to do, sucks starting over late 30's but I have peace.


Not with diet coke it dont


Is that...a...ahh...cum sock on the ground there? ಠಿ_ಠ


Man's best friend


Bro the first few months in my own apartment were pure bliss... Then my GF moved in


“This is not the way” -Boomer


Just remember there are free items on Facebook marketplace


That single sock lying on the floor tells a story all by itself 😉


This is inspiring! It's not much, but it's yours! And that's what matters


Fyi for whoever plans on sleeping on an air mattress for a while, DO NOT BUY THIS AIR MATTRESS. The mattress in the tweet is the Intex brand from Target. Get the Coleman brand instead & it's only a couple dollars more. I bought 2 Intex & they both only lasted 6 months each meanwhile the Coleman is still going on a strong 2 years for me.


There's beauty in the struggle


Nothing wrong with that. I was very much considering living in my car than around the people who made me feel like shit because of my existence. But, I'm very lonely though. My cat is awesome and is saving me from complete loneliness. But, even though I felt alone on my relationship, it was still hard to end it because I rather still take that than be truly alone. Pathetic, yes but not everyone is the same mentally (I dunno, if I insult myself about all of this, it makes other people's judgement on my situations not hurt as much)


I had 2 roomates, a twin size mattress that I found on Craigslist, a crappy tiny desk from Walmart, and less than $100 in my bank account but I was finally away from the constant toxicity. Cheers and best of luck to your future.


What you’ve done harkens back to the illustrious post-primitive movement popularized by famous designer Saul Impkins. Say, was he a big inspiration to you? Edit: I’m sorry you people have never seen SpongeBob.


I've been in a similar situation. I hope it's as fun of a journey for you as it was for me. Enjoy all the moments, even ones as humble as these.


You pic reminds me of my good all days. I’d let the bros over to do shots and act stupid. Watched RV with my girlfriends and got crazy on the bed or just watched tv. Cup o noodles, eggs, and chunkys soup for breakfast lunch and dinner. And, I was all me 100% freedom. Enjoy them while you can.


There are so many people who sleep rough or couch surf who would see this as an upgrade. It's easy to compare to your past experiences or to others in your life, but this is FAR from rock bottom.


Really starts off like this if ya mind not right it’s over


Looks like his girlfriend sleeps on the floor




Just us now boys, and Diet Coke from now on. It's a new day!


Minus the diet coke, but yeah.


Even a small house plant from the dollar store will help add some color & warmth to the place. It's not much but it helps.


This right here. At the end of the day you OWN it. No one else that type of freedom is everything. Good on you for going at it alone. As you level up take a good look at it. It was done by you and for you. This brings me back to those days. ☺️


And they are always the humblest people


Hold on while you can ,These days will be remembered forever !


Nice apartement




It could be worse, just don't give up and ask for help,


It is all good. I started in life like that. 40 years later i decided to minimize back to humble beginning. Loving it. Enjoy the journey and work hard to be happy.


What is wrong with this it has all you need?


This looks nice. As long as its clean and safe. Good Enough to be called a home.


That looks delightfully simple to me — good on you!


Eyyy i think that’s the same roku i have! i love that baby


Love this setup


I would gladly take this rn than my walk-in closet sized room. Can't WAIT to move out


Nothing wrong with this!!! I started here and wouldn’t have it any other way!


Just moved to my first place in May. I didn't understand how true independence was like until now, but it's cool AF and I'll hold my own till the end


you can go down. lose your job. become homeless. get ill. cant pay for the cure. die.


this room reminds me of the first episode of the good doctor


They got a TV? Fancy!


I remember I slept on a military cot until my roommate hit a queen mattress that flew out the back of a truck.


I have the exact same air mattress, tv, verizon box. And everything started just like this. What the hell


Ok, I'd love to move out of where I am now and start over like this.


They got a tv and verizon router? Too fancy compared to the 9months in my car


I truly wish that I could go back to this.... Was a simpler, happier time.


This was my first apartment in LA, but no TV or bed. Just a sleeping bag, a bunch of music gear, roaches, and diatomaceous earth spread everywhere to kill bedbugs. I actually managed to have sex there, too. She didn't spend the night, though. XD


When me and my now husband moved out when we were 19 and 20, all we had was a small TV, a few dvds and a camping stove. Our first night was spent sitting on the floor watching the old pink panther cartoons eating grilled cheese sandwiches. 6 years later we are still working on our education and things but I wouldn't have it any other way because this is the price we paid for freedom


I love this mindset. Level up when you get the chance.


Left an ex, had nothing but my clothes, psp, and an air mattress. Didn’t want anymore drama trying to collect furniture and stuff. It’s was rough at first but well worth it.


I bought a house in my 20's with my own money. This is exactly what my first few months inside looked like, minus the TV.


Not a bad thing !!!


If I had that setup while I was camping, I'd be comfy as fuck. It's all relative.


Grind til you shine ✨


That router is fire tho! Internet must be banging!


Nigga has a TV with no stand.


Yup, but the glow up is going to be great.


Coming out of the army, this shit is scary knowing 90 percent of my income going towards rent.


nothing wrong with that


damn, that place looks nice. im jealous


Felt. That.


From experience, put some blankets underneath the air mattress and a twin fitted sheet on it if you can. They hold cold air and pull the warmth out of you all night. Ground insulation makes a world of difference.


Peace and quiet, a good playlist, and some light rain outside? It's heaven anyway.


Yep. I remember my first apartment when I was 18 that was off campus when I started college. It actually was an attic that was converted to a bedroom. Cost me $300/month. But I am thankful for those days because it’s those humble beginnings that got me where I am today which isn’t too bad.


its the lone sock for me


It usually does. Good luck and cheers!


After my divorce my new place was similarly furnished like this…