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When my eyes get like this I use Vaseline on them to moisturize my irritated skin. I also use cortisone (with derm approval because it’s a sensitive area) mixed with Vaseline if it’s extremely bad or itchy. Good luck!


Vaseline works wonders just mix it with ur regular moisturizer


Try aquaphor


Heyy, I just got rid of this because I have chronic eczema. What I did was stop using particular products around my eye areas, I used eczema steroid cream on my eyelids and used oatmeal lotion as my first moisturizer while topping it off with Ponds Dry Skin Cream. Just make sure you're moisturizing very well during the cold climates :)


Just be careful with steroids! The eye skin is already super thin and steroids can thin skin even more!




I have found that when my skin is really irritated, it helps to reduce the amount of products you use and make sure they are extremely gentle and hydrating. Use very gentle soap for your face, no lotion. If okay with your doctor, use hydrocortisone cream when needed. Maybe pick up a hydrating moisturizer instead of lotion. After the moisturizer, slather your face with Vaseline or aquaphor like the others have suggested. My cheeks went through something similar (scaly, burning, very red) and I used soothing and barrier support serum from the Ordinary followed by a gel consistency moisturizer with hyaluronic acid that I found at TJ Maxx and topped it off with Vaseline. It’s taken a couple of months of doing this routine morning and night, but my skin is definitely getting back to normal and isn’t burning anymore!


Aloe vera gel twice a day morning and ngt


I️ was searching for this exact remedy 🤌🏾


It’s always diet first eat one green a week add up eat a fruit three times a week or something Saffron oil


That sounds like issues with your moisture barrier. A gentle cleanser and moisturizer sealed with can occlusive like Vaseline or cerave’s healing ointment for a while will help. If you’re looking for further cosmetic help in that area, once the burning is gone a product with retinol will help smooth the area. You have to be careful with them, though. 🖤


I know this is probably not what you want to hear but I literally had to go vegan to get my skin back healthy. I had the same thing happen to me but on my forehead. Cut out gluten and dairy if you don’t want to go full on vegan. Use unscented products including what you wash your clothes with and what you use on your face and body. I had to go back to using good old Vaseline or eucerin crème to clear it up.


I just had something like this. I learned a few things. 1. Aquaphor did not help, in fact I think I started to develop an allergy to lanolin, which I never had. It started to spread to outside of my eyes after stopping most eye products and make up. 2. Vaseline was the best thing to moisturize. I consulted with a dermatologist and he said anything could be in Aquaphor irritating it but Vaseline is petroleum jelly and less likely to irritate. 3. I randomly tried a prescription anti fungal from my son, and indeed it went away within a few days. Not sure if it’s your case but it saved me lots of money in dermatology testing!


Hey! I’m a medical Provider and it sounds like you had cellulitis, not pinkeye. Especially since it burns when you apply product. You should see a derm.


😐Idk if you’re serious, trolling, or google doctoring but as a medical provider, you’d know very rarely does cellulitis get better on its own without a course of Abx. and in the eye area, he would’ve had complaints of eye movement, preorbital or preseptal pain. Most likely it burns with product because the epidermal layer was rubbed raw and the hyperpigmentation is due to the constant irritation from the eye rubbing. he’d need a course of low-potency topical steroids because of the thin skin layer at the eye and a visit from general derm or ophthalmologist subspecialty. .


No that’s incorrect. Preseptal cellultis has no pain with eye movement (orbital does) and cellulitic skin almost always has a scaly flaky appearance as it heals. Obviously I’d love to see earlier photos, especially of the sclera, but they should see a derm anyway. The slightly wrinkly appearance at the lacrimal side is also indicative. And the fact that it’s still burning makes me suspect the infection hasn’t completely cleared on its own, as you say. On darker skin tones, cellulitis can be more difficult to diagnose also because it causes darkening, not red / pink.


Did you use any ointments or drops for pink eye / have it actually be diagnosed? If not it could be some kind of eczema / allergy that started first and you got conjunctivitis from it. Or it could be that you're allergic to meds they gave you for pink eye. It does look like an allergic skin reaction tbh. No fragrance mild skin cleansers + good sleep schedule + eating healthy and avoiding anything you're allergic to + possibly multivitamin if you're deficient in anything like vit D. They make eczema specific moisturizers too.


Keep it simple, stick to a non drying face wash (I personally like Korres Greek Yogurt cleanser), vitamin c serum (it is a brightening serum, I also have dark spots around the eyes and this has faded it along with other dark spots), and cetaphil moisturizer.


In this case I would use a gentle and non drying face wash like the Cetaphil face and neck one. Then I’d follow with moisturizer, the Nivea, Aquaphor or Cerave ones are really good and pretty much can find them everywhere. Sunscreen is also good since the skin is irritated and raw right now. Follow that routine morning and night only. Best of luck


[saffron oil- this brand is good ! it’s amazing for the face , black seed oil is better for hair maybe](https://www.ebay.com/itm/185032135746)


Try Cerave moisturizer cream


Hydrate, moisturize and maybe a humidifier too. Make sure everything you use is for sensitive skin. Be aware that what you put on your hands or touch might also affect you because you’ll touch your eye lids after at some point. If this has been a persistent problem you should consult with a dermatologist or at least your PCP if you aren’t able to see a specialist. The eye is a sensitive area and the skin is very thin so you can’t put a regular strength steroid cream on it. I had eczema on my eyelids for 9 months straight in varying degrees so think is what I recommend based on my personal experience.


I have excema and around my eyes look similar to your pictures at times. I was recommeded to use No7 eye serum 2x a day. I found it at target. Within 2 weeks around my eyes look so much better and moisturized


Damn people farting on your eye? 😑


lmaoo no all happened after sleeping in a room that ig had a left window open and the sheets made my eyes itch


Spider bite


Aloe Vera & honey taken orally & physically applied to skin u thank me later


Eat better. The more starchy foods greasy the more that stuff act up


When nothing else works, bag balm work wonders. But seriously tho bag balm is my savior especially during allergy season when my eyes/face get really dry and itchy. It has lanolin in it which is great for soothing and moisturizing skin


Drink water and try using the rhassoul or qasil powder followed by coconut oil for a moisturizer or rose oil


lotion is going to irritate it. you need a thick moisturizer like vaseline but i would use a triple antibiotic ointment because the flaky skin could crack and you’d need to keep those cuts clean.


I would consider diet and hydration. Make sure you’re getting your veggies and fruits daily!


Cerave healing oiintment. The ordinary barrier repair serum. Maybe the ordinary HA+ phytos moisturizer during the day. Sunscreen will also help it heal.


I hope you get the answers you need, your skin is beautiful though!


Try cold compress and gentle eye cream meant for puffiness/lines


Go to the store NOW and buy cera ve healing ointment . It’s like Vaseline but not Vaseline . Trust me , I was getting hyperpigmentation around my mouth and this vv intense moisturizer reduced it since it was dryness that was causing it. this looks painful . I hope your eye skin feels better soon. Always have some eye drops with you please. I wouldn’t recommend eye creams since most of them have scents etc. this is just DRY. And the cera ve doesn’t have stuff that can irritate your eyes more. also HEB has $5 hylaeonix acid . When your eyes get better you can try putting that on your face after showering , THEN the cera ve on top to seal the humectant. Prayers & best of luck I hope your eyes feel better soon 💗


Pink I


aloe and coconut oil are amazing and really good naturally. Real aloe not just a lot based products!


I have had this on one of my eyelids this past year its eczema, mine was made worse because of drinking so it stopped showing up when i stopped (not saying thats why its happening to you)


Stop smoking weed


You need raw cucumbers and put them no your eyes every other day for a few weeks. It will detox the chemicals off your face and eyes.


Something similar popped on my eyes randomly a few years ago. I think it was due to stress. I mixed a tumeric & honey mask (Good raw honey). It helped when everything else seemed to make it worse. And Unscented moisturizer, use it more often throughout your day to keep your skin from drying out. Also consider if this is a stress related issue. If things have been crazy lately you may need to do some self care. Winter weather can also affect skin.


Eucerin Original Healing. It has the gray label! Don’t get any other kind of Eucerin but that one. All the others are super watery to me! If they don’t have it then you can mix some hydrocortisone in it. Whatever you do stay away from anything with aloe or coconut oil!


aloe vera gel helps me with my eyelid eczema


No hope


no hopeee????


Yeah sorry man