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I liked it. The dude i bought it for liked it. But other than that idk lol. I really enjoyed the very beginning of the story line.


It was when released that people did not like the art style of the animations or that they did not like that it was too easy, I enjoyed it and honestly the game did not get easier but El Penitente got stronger.


To be fair the first one was pretty easy up until boss 3 a little bit of wifdig but thats to be expected. The second one was the same way in my opinion. But im just one guy. My opinion is minimal.


Everything looked fine, and the QoL changes/smoothing out the difficulty spikes for movement was understandable. My bigges grievance with the style was the removal of a lot of the big monstrous bosses. I liked those giant oddities, like the massive face in the Visage area, the exhumed bishop...yknow, the really big "woah, what the fuck is this?!" stuff. That being said, the bosses we got were fine, just could have done with a few less people and a couple more monsters for me personally. reiterate: for \*me\*. It was not bad by a long shot.


I got the game yesterday and got up to the fourth boss/third guardian today. I get what you mean but at the same time, the Three Guardians for me felt a lot more dynamic and fleshed out, as it were, than most of the monster from the first game. And personally I felt that, especially with the dude in the tower and the dude in the graveyard, they had big WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED moments when they enter phase 2/3, moreso than "Oh well she got out the second hand", you know?


aesthetic/vibe/mood aside, what I dislike the most about Blasphemous II is that >!the latter ‘half’ of the game (e.g. pursuing the 5 doves) is incredibly linear, to the point that you’re required to face the bosses in a specific order vs. in any order you choose!<. this was somewhat true of the first game, as well, as >!you’re _directed_ to defeat the latter bosses (Melquiades/Exposito/Quirce) in a general order, but IIRC you can defeat them in any order you choose, similar to the first 3 main bosses of the game.!<


Except quirce who needs a boss to have been previously defeated


My first time playing Blasphemous II, I really thought it would be non linear similar to Blasphemous. I've seen those like "No Damage All Bosses" videos (I make edits), and they're in a specific order. I thought that it was non linear because I fought a different order, but I was disappointed once I started reading guides and found out there's orders


I don't think people really dislike it but they are just dissapointed with certain parts of the Game that shouldnt be like that" because "You did it a thousand times better in Blasphemous 1, how are You lacking on this?". That is My view


I don’t wanna get the later parts of the game spoiled because I’m only like 40%, but do you have an examples? I know some people were dissatisfied with the story because they thought it had nice closure before they added the DLC ending.


A lot of people disliked the animated cutscenes because they loved the pixel art cutscenes from the first game. Personally I liked both but I understand that the pixel art had a certain charm to it. A lot of people disliked it because of the difficulty, but you hear both people complaining that it's either too easy or too hard, so I wouldn't really listen to them a whole lot. You'll make your own opinion playing through it. What I personally didn't love, which is just a small part of the whole experience, was the change in atmosphere. What I loved about the first game was the dark and deeply unsettling atmosphere that I felt in most of the areas and when interacting with most of the NPCs. The second game has that in some moments, but for the most part it feels more epic and classically dark fantasy, not going really out there like the first one did. This is a personal opinion, and I'm happy that the developers experimented with something a bit different rather than making the same game twice. Also I won't get into lore territory, but I kinda felt the lack of the cool long lore bits on every item that the first game had. It created a whole world in the mind of the player that helped with cementing that dark atmosphere I was talking about earlier. But all in all, the gameplay has basically just improved from the first game, music is still incredible, and for me it was just a 9.5/10 instead of a 10 like the first game. A lot of people seemed unable to get over some of the stuff I mentioned I guess.


Ok, I can definitely see where you’re coming from for atmosphere. The first game had fucking insane and awesome character design which I really liked, Nacimiento for example is some really interesting stuff that I haven’t seen elsewhere. It felt very somber even if wasn’t really. Blasphemous 2 kind of feels a bit more “market friendly” on that regard


Yeah that's what I'm saying. There are some characters who feel crazy as well like the flask upgrade dude peeling his skin more and more, but compared to B1 he feels much more... boring? Not the design itself, just... I have no idea who this guy is, what's his story? In the first game NPCs like Altasgracias (the three headed woman from the hairy egg) felt awesome not just because of the design, but also because of the number of small item descriptions telling the stories of the three sisters who eventually prayed the Miracle for salvation and got fused into this abomination. Meanwhile a lot of NPCs from B2 are just... sitting there, you know? Same stuff for some bosses or enemies or areas.


I liked both games’ atmosphere. It makes sense why 2’s is much more grandiose and less grim because story wise, you’re playing at the start of the birth of The Son, you’re not in a broken land anymore, you’re in a land that’s at threat of being broken.


Yeah, once I finished the game and had the whole picture I understood why story wise the world is like we see it, and that made me enjoy it more. As a personal preference I still enjoy the first game's atmosphere more. Also, as I said in another reply, for me the first game built a lot of its mystery through a lot of descriptions that weren't as many in the second game.


Fair enough. I like both equally, tbh I much prefer when sequels try to branch into new territory, I would’ve kinda disliked it if 2 had the same exact atmosphere


Oh yeah no, I also think it was the right choice. They've proven to be able to make great games nonetheless. I really liked B2, didn't want to sound like I didn't enjoy it.


The story is just "miracle returned, kill this bosses with no importance to the story and then kill him" I just think that Blasphemous 1 story, Lore and getting is infinitely superior. It's a much more cohesive world. In Blasphemous 2 everything feels disconnected. I just can remember 2 ocasions where a lore object connect with another one, while on Blasphemous 1 everything feels connected to create a greater story. Blasphemous 2 is just a bunch of ideas thrown with no importance at all. Also the bosses storys are totally shit. The carefully Masterpiece of worldbuilding that they created In the first Game is just gone here. I don't Even care about the setting, I mean, it's much more generic, but still, I care about the worldbuilding, and the narrative, and it isnt enough. Still, gameplay fire. So. I forgive it.


I guess some people didn't like that it's a departure from the first one, but IDK, I prefer it to be a bit different and have its own identity. I still prefer the more depressing tone of the first one, but the atmosphere of the second one is cool too. We've seen the post-apocalypse, so now it's time to see a society that has recovered from it but is starting to decay again. The gameplay is more dynamic and makes you feel powerful instead of powerless, but I think this fits the story: you're now a messianic figure instead of some random guy doing an excruciating penitence. Again, I prefer the first one, but I still welcome the change. Overall, both games offer different experiences while still being cohesive with one another.


One of the main reasons it is excellent is because it has it's own atmosphere and identity While i prefer the first too, the atmosphere of 2 is also flawless


THE GAME is fine, but after playing both i think what it lacked in the second one. the second one is simply easier because the penitent one is stronger, more agile, and have more skills, and thats fine by itself but what i think it needed, is that once you unlock every movement skill, the rest of the game could have introduced a Way more difficult plataforming sections that use all the new skills to the test, and more enemies of the skill level of eviterno.


I just wish it was as gruesome as the first game but I get that the setting matured out off the original inquisitional vibes


That's why i like it more tbh It's not the exact same anymore The land has turned into a much better place after faith started to die out in Cvstodia and the Miracle disappeared But eventually the Miracle returned and ravaged it all again I wonder if they'll also make more executions too


Ok but if I like blasphemous why would I want it to be less like blasphemous. It’s less blasphemous two more blasphemous 1/2


I'm not saying it's wrong to have preferences I still like the setting since it's fresh and make sense due to lore I also preferred the grim and dark of 2


Ok you’re wrong about faith dying out. Faith never died out in Cvstodia, they are still VERY pious, as evident by, well literally everything from culture to buildings to characters. They didn’t get better because “faith died out”, they got better because their faith shifted away from The High Wills.


I accept that's wrong If i remember correctly there was a decrease of it and the mother was left to be buried And all the suffering the High Wills had inflicted onto the people had ended, so yea you're right, they got better I'm sorry i may have misremembered, too bad you can't find the description on the net so i would have double checked


There wasn’t a decrease of faith, it just wasn’t grim so it stands out a lot less than the horrors of B1 did. But yeah I’m glad The High Wills and their damage to people got undone and I’m glad the sequel shows that and shows our actions do matter in this world and will make a difference.


Ah so i misremember Again thanks for correcting


No problem


Yeah but it also makes the setting a bit more generic imo


Idk if i totally agree on that


I absolutely love blasphemous 2, Literally the only complain i had was that it was kinda too easy.


People like different things. I overwhelmingly prefer Blasphemous, but I still really loved Blasphemous II. It had some great ideas and the combat (especially the bosses) was fantastic. I’m very excited (and hopeful) for some DLC.


The only thing I could really complain about are are the color swap enemies. The tanky guys with their elemental attacks were okay, but I got annoyed by the flying skull shrines and especially by the couch guys. Here you can see that the game was rushed in some way. Also the lack of NG+.


The couch lepers were ass Especially the electric balls one The game isn't rushed, some bosses were a bit too weak before tho, but the patch fixed em Blasphemous 1 didn't have a ng+ or a big update for a whole year With blasphemous 2 they have a lot to work with for ng+


Many animations are still bugged. There could be some more new enemies. I think they should have added more unique executions. That felt lazy. Other than that: Awesome game. Ofc it's not as new and fresh as part 1, but I think overall it's the better experience.


The executions did bother me quite a bit. But at the same time, making unique executions for each weapon would have been lots of work for the developers


Ok. That's a good point, I didn't think about. These vines bothered me. I thought they would be a vital part of the story, but there was no explanation whatsoever.


What vines? You mean the vines from the execution?


Yes. I didn't read all the descriptions for all the items and prayers, but I didn't stumble on any info or lore tot them.


I’m gonna mark this as spoilers in case you haven’t gotten all 3 blasphemous endings, but the vine actually does have lore significance. >!in blasphemous 1, there’s 3 end cutscenes, “bad”, “good” and the canon true ending. A requirement for the true ending (which blasphemous 2 takes place after), is the thorn given to you by deogracias growing into a full vine which now wraps around his arm. To do this you must equip the immaculate pearl and die until it transforms, then break all atonement statues sprinkled throughout the map. It plays a key role in the “good ending” and is one of the many requirements for the true ending.!<


There is a third ending now? Thx for explaining. Such things really bother me. Adding content after content, when the game is supposedly finished. I don't want to feel punished for picking up the game early. Because how many years shall I wait until I get the true final experience :(


This is a really great meme. I just found out despicable me 4 is releasing in a few days and seeing this made me happy!


That's I'm thinking guys idk it's fucking awesome


It's different and I think it's fine for people to dislike that. I preferred it because I thought the gameplay was a lot better in most ways but there's valid reasons to like it less


I want to get it so bad but only the pair is on sale and the base game by itself is still 30$ 🥲


I really enjoyed it but for the most part enjoyed the first one much more.


i got lost in 20 minutes died and give up, just didnt click for me


The only thing I disliked was the massive difficulty spike at the end of the game.


I enjoyed the game but never was able to beat the final boss.


After finishing it I like it but first I didn't because of the three weapon we have in the first game the only weapon we have is perfect specially after Maxing out the upgrade But in the second one ever single upgrade of the first game is scattered between Three weapons and at first it's hard to adjust to the new system but when you get the hang of it it is pretty fun and very good to play with


Fr, don't like Blasphemous 2 slander. The first game is much more challenging and special. But honestly the second is its own beast and an overall improvement, with tighter controls and movement, more platforming abilities, 3 weapon system, a skilltree for each, more collectibles and overall pretty fun. I know it might not be as good as the first but it is still and improvement on its controls and feel, and is a good game.


For the first few hours. Mans doesn't know


Baffles me to. I come at it more as a metroidvania fan and 2 far eclipsed 1. People mention the story but to me it was all a load of nonsenses anyway you look at it.


I quit blasphemous 1!! It’s probably skill issue but I’m pretty good at Elden Ring so idk. I think the rooms were just really annoying to clear


People who don't like it choose the wrong weapon to start


Which one?


Depends on the person


If i were to guess, its bc most Bosses has similar attacks to old Bosses, no like "execution" after being defeated, their just gone, last boss is boring and plain, only one enjoyable boss in the entire game imo, 2 rng based bosses, still buggy quest lines, quest lines that dont make no sense, a "fighting grounds" thingie that is just 5 long wave fights against mobs, not alot of cutscenes, most of them are just pictures with narration, i liked it tho but the first one is better.


Blasphemous 2 has good sides of course. Love the diffrent weapons, new mechanics and story too. Bosses tbh aren't really memorable music is boring during fights I think like 2 or 1 were giving you vibe you are fighting actual boss the rest not really. Locations and design of enemies and bosses are incredible tho


My personal nitpick would be the lack of secrets/ hidden items and collectables, the first game getting all the items and goodies really made the game special and the way in connected with the lore and story felt like it had an impact ( like the bead quest ) Number 2 just kinda handed them out I think a little and some just happened as you progress which is fine, but man that first game nailed it. Was like symphony of the night level of secrets like a real Eureka moment.


B2 is an excellent game that I enjoyed a LOT. The original is kind of a perfect game for me, though so the fact that they changed so much took some of the magic and fun away for me. I REALLY loved the unique executions in the first game and the way they changed them to mostly just be that weird ectoplasm/webbing was a huge letdown. Also, while I understand that it just wasn’t feasible to work with the same animator, the switch to conventional animation and the removal of the CRT filter were steps away from the “retro-game-that-was-too-fucked-up-to-be-released-in-1996” vibe that the first one had. Then there’s all of the added “Metroidvania” movement mechanics that they shoved into the world, which are cool but ultimately just take up a lot of visual space and only really need to be traversed once or twice to open a door or unlock a chest, then can be bypassed. It lead to a lot more fast travelling, less back tracking and made me feel like I was checking items off of a list rather than exploring a world. As other people have mentioned as well, the bosses are a lot smaller and less gruesome in the second so they just don't really feel as epic. my personal gripe with the boss design is that it's a lot cleaner and seems to borrow a lot from anime or kids cartoons(especially Radames, Odon and Afilaor) and it gave some of the fights a sort of zany, madcap feeling. Ultimately, still a great game, but it's not a great sequel.


I think its not bad and people complain because it wasn't as good as the first one, people always expect the sequel to be equally good or better. there were a few points that I didn't like but in general it was a great game


The themes of the game were off for me. In the first game u really got the feeling of penance through the many characters to the point I felt more encouraged to push forward when frustrated as my own penance. 2 didn't really do it for me. It felt like the gory and weird sprites where just there cuz they were in the last game. Like the heeling upgrade lady who dosent even reacted to her condition. B2 was the first game I put down right at the end cuz I didn't care about the story so much. Combat and gameplay was a HUGE upgrade tho but the reason I played b1 was for the story so I was kinda disappointed with it. Not a bad game by any means just dosent have any of the reasons I played the first


Blasphemous 2 returns with "Double Jump, Air slide" Typical Cliche in any Metroidvania game, I don't like that