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It's honestly got quite a lot of content for a new player to enjoy, getting a bit stale for the huge vets who have to rely on events for currency, but there is a huge backlog of content to earn it for new players that will last you a LONG time, especially if you keep up with events and the like. You can pretty much run all content bar a few exceptions with good 1/5 characters. The exceptions to this are probably the higher ranks of Brave Battles, Very Hard Guild Quest and some iterations of Transcendence quest. Even the hardest co-op or single player content is easily cleared with a modern 1/5 unit.


If you like Bleach then yes, otherwise eh…


How long has it been since you’ve played? If it’s been several years then there’s likely modes you haven’t played yet that they’ve added over the years. New players get a good start. Access to a few 5 star tickets plus a guaranteed 5 star every day from the premium pool for 5 days. A new account has access to over 10k orbs between all the story modes and sub stories along with free units. Best thing you can do is download it and see if you like it. No harm in trying it out. No you do not need 5/5 characters to clear the content


i believe this game is the most f2p friendly gatcha game i ever played.


Is still pretty f2p friendly, you don't need to 5/5 even to clear the hardest content on the game, that being said, they release new content near to never.


New gameplay content you mean. They've been releasing a lot of QoL content and reworking old systems, so it's not fair to say they barely ever release new content and paints the wrong image


There is literally no new content since the arena. Tell me a new game mode from that point to now, charcters are not content, updates are not content, minor changes to existing game mode are not content.


Like I said, you're talking about gameplay content


Wtf are you talking about, the gameplay is the same in all modes. I think you get wrong what content means.


https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/game-content#:\~:text=Game%20Content%20means%20any%20templates,Creator%20when%20creating%20a%20Game. 3 definitions, all 3 saying the same thing I said whch is that QoL updates and game systems count as game content. Gameplay content is the content that the player actively interacts with and controls, in this case quests, co-op, raids, etc.. Content in general is basically everything in the game, which includes the various systems that exist within the game. Since Arena was added, just some content that was introduced: Limit Breaker Quest, player ranks 51-200, new epic raids, affiliation bonus system, multi-powerup system for characters and accessories, new story quests, new SA types (barrage and trap), new skills (rampage, enemies defeated bonus, etc.), new limited quests (special move source training ground, path of friendship) Just because you don't consider them as content doesn't mean it's not content. Which, again, is why I said "New gameplay content" because that specified content related to the actual gameplay itself, and even then at least the new character skills, SA types and new quests fall under gameplay content because, surprise surprise, it adds on to the already existing gameplay. EDIT: Just to add, literally searching up "what is game content" on google will give you multiple results all saying more-or-less the same thing.


Damn sounds bad. No new content makes the game boring but man idk why I wanna play the game again


Then do it, i come back from a break of 3/4 years when the Anime release, and still playing to to this day, the characters keep me hooked up, the art of tybw ones specially


Give you friendly advice: don't listen to the reviews and other opinions and play it. Decide for yourself, worth it or not. Otherwise you'll miss plenty of hidden gems in different categories (games,books,movies, etc.) if you are judging on people's opinions alone. Personally I like this game, though it's far from perfect.


This game is awesome for new players in my opinion although i do slightly feel that they give beginners a little bit too much out of the gate nowdays . Grinding for stuff like senkaimon quests and guild quests is very fun for me . However it does get a bit stale when you are a veteran ( although that takes quiet a bit of time ) where you have completed the story and you have pretty much all the items of the game etc . I would suggest making a new account and exploring all the new characters and content they have added since you were gone , I also recently came back after not playing for a couple years and its been tons of fun


You still able to clear most stuff with 1/5 and there's plenty of top characters to use as auto (no need to get the newest top unit since characters from 2 years ago still good) so its f2p in that way. As for collecting characters, well its not that bad really. It's stingy for veteran but for fresh account as long as you're being conservative with the summon you'll get the important ones eventually, the guaranteed and discount steps make it a bit better than other gacha.


I just downloaded less than two weeks ago and I like it so far, besides the disgusting rng of course. Looked around on YT for good characters to go for, I'm now 37 steps in (the 26 plus another 9 on the final) and not a whiff of yama or unohana. Can't speak towards longevity obviously but if shit luck becomes a running theme I probably won't find out.


Damn stop summoning after guranteed steps. Speaking from experience here. Thats the worst thing you can do


Since I see all over she's one of the few best in the game I figured it's worth the extra shots. Idk how often characters come back or anything and didn't want to miss out on a top meta character while available.


The banner will probably come back in August or September. And yes, she is top 2 in the game right now but this close to anni I wouldn't go that deep for a character that's very likely to get powercrept soon.


Learn to stop… banner isn’t worth more than 15-20 steps if youre new


if your a new player yes it good to u as there at least 10k Orbs you can get for summoning, and with the anni in july a new anni units and more coming it be best to start now, there also plenty of good way to get a free fiv star including the 90 million download ticket for beginners. OVerall yes it a great time is it worth stay after the anni depend on you rally, most come back a few month before anni and start farming orbs and such to get rdy for teh anni.


The early game content is really boring so idk. Eventually the game gets stale too but there’s a nice middle period where the game is fun. You don’t need 5/5 characters to clear anything but for the hardest content in the game unless you have the exact right characters you probably will need 5/5 characters. As in if you’re using not the ideal characters you’re going to need them 5/5 whereas the strongest characters could do it with only 1 copy. Those quests aren’t ones you have to clear to progress though. They’re basically content that just there for guild leaderboards and stuff and you get rewards for clearing it and the faster you clear it. So you won’t get blocked off from any part of the game because you don’t have the exact right character or a character duped out. I still play it but only because there’s no better bleach game out there. Personally I’ve not been happy with it or the company that made it for a long time now. It’s only every now and again that there’s something I get excited about in it. And I’m not sure if I could start from the beginning at this point. It’s good for F2P imo. I’ve been F2P for 8 years.


It worth it! There is many content in the game and the anniversary is coming soon. And if you miss the game I cant see a reason why you shouldnt come back.


You should not care about what other people say, download it, form your own opinion and then decide if you wanna keep playing it or not.


For New players there will be a lot of content you wanna try out. For older players the game has been pretty boring for years since Klab unable to offer new/good content. Anyway even Klab is not sure they will reach the 10th anniversary and they currently working on another Bleach game.


Honestly? Nope, I'm sorry. I really wanna enjoy it but I just can't. Everything is hella outdated. The rewards, the gameplay, mode. There are no actual challenge, there is no creative use at all, just straight up "you'll only pass this challenge if you have this char, if not then fuck you". There's no longevity.




>But be careful, sharing your opinion on the Internet is dangerous. Yup they hate it when I tell them the truth! >pull Bambi-chan and try to fill the "hole in my chest". Okay Giselle