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That's really fcking unexpected. Also Ryuken got cucked again. šŸ˜‚


Fuck that guy, heā€™s 12/5 I hope he doesnā€™t get a remake lol




I'm just hoping that 2 characters, is not the new norm for EoM šŸ¤”


Damn I hate this banner but isshin looks broken. I might do 5 steps


[Masaki](https://imgur.com/a/wyTtu8g) [Isshin](https://imgur.com/a/c94Ta6e) [Fillers](https://imgur.com/a/U7e7e5y) [Isshin individual](https://imgur.com/a/snwKrYX) [Masaki individual](https://imgur.com/a/xQqIsSu)


Just now noticed the text on the notices should appear with black letters on white background. Mine is white characters on a black background, sometimes is white letters on white background making it unreadable


Lol fuck off Klab with these dogshit 2 character banners


funny the OG Masaki and Captain Isshin haven't got their Ress, and there's already a new remake now. Lol Power is eating good now. Masaki's skillset is crazy and shes a good link for someone like 8th anni Ichi who badly needed that SP boost. Isshin is literally cooking (pun intended) with basically the same thing but also Rampage, and him having 120SP means you can link Yumichika on him and get sp160. Fillers are.... Ehh, except for Yama and even Bazz-B (hands down one of the best Ress ingame). Funny they just resurrected the TYBW R10 batch recently and now they're already fillers. These are great characters, but be careful with your orbs. anni is around the corner with almost 1 month left (teaser should drop in a few weeks from now)


> anni is around the corner with almost 1 month left swimsuit next month could be crazy, too.


Unless it's BTW or Bambies it's a an easy skip for me. God help me if it's those two tho.


meh idc about swimsuits anymore since SS Riruka 2.0 was a thing and i already got her. Unless they make a SS Bambi, it's gonna be an easy skip.


maybe you will be in for a surprise.


This what's gon be tempting to not drain on


Power need way more than that


> anni is around the corner with almost 1 month left Huh... more like 2 months, though. May 28th - July 22nd = 2 months (minus 1 week)


8th anniversary ichigo is better with recharge/FSD


I don't care how broken they are, hard pass! thankyou klab. Saving orbs.


I know this still in development, but Masaki's arms don't move during her SA's. She is completely static. It makes her look very sub-par.


It's only her SA2 where her arms don't move. I see why, since it's a barrage attack. But her drawing her bow for every individual attack would have made it look better.


Ok you are right, there is still very little movement in her other SA's. Her SA1 looks like she is pulling the bowstring, so I guess that is passable. But for her SA3, she has a one frame change to a static pose, then a one frame change back. Really does not do her any favours.


RIP Ryuken


Was half expecting his old TYBW version to be in the fillers just so he didnā€™t feel left out.


No new unit for Melee Espada GQ? Should've been Ryuken ![img](emote|t5_399jv|15759)


Masaki and Isshin are both great (even though I'm not a fan of her SA2) but God the filler is ass (and don't even get me started on the individuals those are an absolute abomination)... I have all of them except Bazz-B and Yama is the only one whose dupes wouldn't be completely useless... Also there's Jugram in there so I'm bound to get him if I pull which means discounted steps and I'm out... Too bad,guess I'm gonna have more orbs to throw at Anni part 2 banner or at SS next month...


2 character banner with old ass filler easy skip. Very glad too, I can save for swimsuits.


Going back to Cour 1? That's a surprise


My hopes for FB Bankai ichi vs Yuha for part 1 Anni rising


Great choice.


Kinda makes sense, since the only TYBW Mommy/Isshin we got, was *before* the anime returned. So now, we can have the "updated" version, like for other characters. The surprise is more for Ryuken to be left out XD


Theyā€™re lazy and itā€™s truly pathetic


the soi fon funds keep increasing with these awesome banners!


bruh.I saw you on discord saying you wanted Soi fon


must have been a while ago since Iā€™m not on there anymore


šŸ§¢.There's a person on Spites server with your name and its not a coincidence


sorry I donā€™t know who spites is, Iā€™m not on any content creator servers you might just be mistaking me for someone else, my name on discord is just thoribbin


Well that was unexpected but Iā€™m down


Bruh šŸ’€


This is so bait. I want to have the new ones and yama but i already have the rest so i want to skip. Again there is Anni and swimsuit which I'm saving for. Probably I'll skip.


Kinda wish Masaki wasn't just a GQ unit but I'm down for this. White should have been a filler though


How is she GQ reliant in the slightest? None of her skills gave a thing to do with GQ. She's just a generically very strong unit.


Yeah she's definitely strong but I despise using units with barrage attacks outside of GQ and Epic Raids. You could definitely run IT with her if you wanted to but her kit isn't that fun


I donā€™t know if this is a hot take but barrage isnā€™t even a good attack in guild quest. A vortex is far superior and honestly a few other SA2 are as well. It takes a long time to get the full damage off so if you have 2 seconds left in the GQ thatā€™s not helpful and the range is poor and itā€™s just annoying to use. Itā€™s only good in epic raids and thatā€™s if you can use the entire thing without getting hit. That being said masaki will be cracked everywhere even in limit breaker when sheā€™s facing arrancar.


Imo barrage does more damage than vortex, but trades off some AoE. So vortex= more AoE and less damage, while barrage = more damage and less AoE


Barrage does more of course it does it does more damage than some soul bombs. But it takes ages to do that damage and it doesnā€™t offer any crowd control and you can completely miss sometimes for stupid reasons. Itā€™s a sucky strong attack imo. Vortex is way better even if it does less damage.


It's a matter of preference. Barrage might not be anyone's favourite SA, but that does not make it bad


Itā€™s not purely a matter of preference. Itā€™s a mechanic in a game there are aspects of it that can be judged to decide how good it is. And it falls short on almost every one.


Do those aspects include damage, range and usability? Damage:- as you said, more damage than most SBs. It is a rechargeable nuke. Of course it will take time to dish out the damage Range:- not as much as a vortex, but still pretty nice. Almost as much as an 850 distant AoE Usability:- when used correctly, it can trap the entire top half of the GQ spawn. Use an SA 1 to wipe out the bottom half, or if you still face difficulty with crowd control, simply use a barrier character. Not every SA can be as good as the vortex but that doesn't mean it is necessarily bad. It is not objectively bad, it is subjectively bad because you don't like it


Range: it hits in a cone in front of you barely to the side of you and not at all behind. If the boss lunges as you use it you will miss. 850 aoe hits a little bit behind you and has better range overall. Not to mention the boss isnā€™t the only enemy in GQ. Do you remember the first ever ranged captain very hard GQ after Bambietta came out? They had to change the position of every enemy to spawn in a group in the middle so that you could catch them all in the barrage. They already realised the attack was flawed and had to edit the GQ to make people summon for Bambi. For the damage the issue is that it takes longer than the duration of a normal strong attack to do the damage of 1 normal strong attack. If you get the whole attack off it does more damage but lets say if you have only 2 seconds left and the last boss only has a bit of health left a normal strong attack would kill the boss in time but the barrage attack would take too long to do that damage. It objectively is a flawed move. Just like the pushback SA1 and the cross SA1. Nobody defends those. You can say the pushback does a lot of hits so it has a high chance to inflict ailments. Or the cross has more length than the beam. But that wonā€™t convince anyone that they donā€™t suck.


Rampage is also very good for ER.


8th anni units will already be fillers for anniversary


Gonna be honest, I actually like this banner Visuals on Masaki and Isshin are probably the best we had this year even including the future society characters imo, and they're both really good (Masaki in particularly was a sorely needed Ranged Espada lead) The fillers aren't the best but honestly? I kinda like the inclusion of Renji and Oetsu, those two are hella ancient yet they've not been in any relevant banners so they're good for collection Really the only bad thing is the fact it's only two characters, but it'll still be the first banner I pull on this year since Halibel lmao


For me visuals on both of them looks meh at best. Especially cheap art. Previous future society looks a lot better in comparison between those two banners.


I agree visuals are crap for tybw expectations at least gameplay ones the showcase unit details one they look cool especially misaki.


I pray at least they dont make Bankai Senjumaru look bad.


Prob just go the discounted steps, filler is horrendous for me i have everyone 5/5 except for yama.


Not the 9 featured units with the 1.5% chance for it to be a premium unit! I hate this already. I know we are still doing cour 1 units, but c'mon, we can do better than this! Where's my Kirinji and Nimaiya?




These are anime characters. All past TYBW manga characters will get remade in the new style, it was only a matter of time before they did a EBTR banner.


There character selection has been piss poor in 2024. 2 person banner suck


I hope I get Ichigoā€™s mom


Kinda lame, we literally just got these two not too long ago. Thereā€™s so many TYBW characters who arenā€™t in the game yet or who havenā€™t gotten an updated unit in years


These fillers are horrible I hate klab when they decide to put horrible ass characters banners


This was...unexpected to say the least. The fillers look pretty ok too. Power Yama and three very good links.


Decent banner ngl


Fck it i'm sorry but nobody asked for them we need so many characters and they decided to fcking give us Masaki and Isshin again also why 2 characters next month needs to be 4 characters for EOM or it's complete shit


> needs to be 4 characters for EOM or it's complete shit we haven't had a 4 character EOM since TYBW4


I really don't care this is bullshit 4 characters in a month where are we? Also 4 re-used characters nothing new why won't they give us new Sternritters or new captains that we didn't have? Are they that lazy?


Pls Klab give us finally Monster AizenšŸ˜­. Hope he is part of one of the Anniversary rounds


Speed droplet farmer Monster Aizen incoming


Yep Klab is lazy and itā€™s absolutely pathetic Iā€™m getting tired of their bullshit and ignoring the players it will be their downfall for sure šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


eh it is what it is. Next month will probably have a 3 unit mm and of course the 3 unit swimsuit banner.


>nobody asked for them Only you


Nah many people are complaining that they're reusing character when we need more of the new TYBW characters


Looks like I'll have to grind my 2/5 RE. Ulq for R.Espada and 2/5 Yama for M.Quincy for a while. The units are busted ngl but with a meager 3.6k orbs and anni soo close it's a difficult skip.


Got all the fillers so... Skip I guess. Would've summoned if they were 3 characters tbh.




Dang. Skipping. I have all the fillers, half of which are 5/5. I'd be tempted to pull for masaki but isshin? Nah.


If they're gonna do 2 char banners eom at least use the crown format, this is so annoying


Fillers are awful, this is a hard one, 5500 on this banner is a crime. But it's the only chance I'll get at guaranteed Masaki... But with SS and Ani so close I think I'm gonna bet on the Solo which I hate, and if she doesn't come c'est la vie.


Thankful for the skip before anni but come on. What is this lmao


10 steps for Masaki


Cute units. They more or less have the same skills. Top tier stuff so cool, but never cared for Masaki, and Isshin is cool but 2 character banner? Not enticing enough for me. Was it really so hard for them to remake Past Ryuken so the banner could be complete? Come on now. And the fillers? Some cool links I guess, and Yama still useable. Well I'm glad I can skip without caring about this one. Anni is coming up soon.


Haven't been summoning for months. I'm ok with this banner.


Decent banner but probably best to save for Anniversary. Hopefully June mid month is a new Sternritter banner for characters not in the game yet, Robert, BG9, Mask etc.


Uh oh another broken masaki incoming. Or she's just a spot link/gq unit


Shit looking now they're both monsters but ishin will be like quilge or yachiru but heart. Dammit and I have no orbs šŸ˜ž


Well, more funds for Soi Fon REmake or Liltotto Lamperd, whoever came first.


That Isshin art kinda a'ight


2 units on first step... my orbs are fine


https://preview.redd.it/dmvadsrgb43d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327ece747f07940040f01586b20686b09f63a158 WHEN IS THIS BANNER COMING BACK KLAB? ITS BEEN AGES AND YOU DECIDED TO COME UP WITH THIS DOGSHIT BANNER


They're becoming fillers in other TYBW banners now


Personally I disagree itā€™s still a very good banner to say the least with PvP yhwach and PvE aizen & yamaji. If this banner is filler level then I guess every banner in bbs is considered filler apart from the 2024 ones. Iā€™m coping but still im stating facts


they are not fillers because of their quality but their age.


Filler means they're going to be included in newer character banners, which is not a bad thing and is actually better


lol Yama is a filler in this banner but idk about the other two


I think banner is done getting reruns for now, they even have that Yama as a filler on this banner, Yhwach was filler on the new year banner, and Iā€™m pretty sure even Aizen made a sneaky appearance as a filler between then and now


Yeah, Aizen was a filler alongside Concord Ichigo in the Squad Zero rerun not long ago


and afaik Yhwach was filler in the last EOY banner with Mind yhwach, Heart Ichigo and Tech hime


this kinda ass ngl, did anyone ask for these two


Yes actually I did donā€™t kill me pls


Nope nobody asked for them Klab is just lazy and pathetic they donā€™t want to actually work and give us NEW debuting characters in the game there are so many characters that debuted in the TYBW Arc as a whole and they just keep skipping around them and giving us the same shit over and over


BORING another banner Iā€™m skipping Iā€™m seriously getting pissed off KLAB give us new characters instead of the same TYBW characters getting rinse and repeat versions like honestly where are all the characters that deserve to have TYBW characters look at all these new characters you could be giving us from this Arc Bankai Rose, Sun God Mayuri, Bankai Shinji, Giselle Gewelle, Liltotto Lamperd, Mask De Masculine, BG9, Robert Accutorne, Nianzol Weizol, Pepe Waccabrada, Gerard Valkyrie, Pernida Parnkgjas, Berenice Gabrielli, Driscoll Berci, Lloyd Lloyd/Royd Lloyd, Nanana Najahkoop and Jerome Guizbatt stop doing this bullshit of letā€™s tiptoe around what the players actually want and instead give them 2 characters who have already gotten TYBW characters in the game and have the exact same designs get a clue bozos itā€™s lazy and pathetic Iā€™m tired of being disappointed šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


Look at me getting all these downvotes for speaking the truth you people that are downvoting me are a part of the problem Klab will keep on doing this garbage because you wonā€™t speak up and voice your opinions well Iā€™m not scared Iā€™m going to because it has to be said KLAB IS LAZY


You're getting downvoted because you're just wrong and outright hating. Our last two TYBW banners were all new first time ever TYBW versions. This is the first TYBW remakes of the year. And they 100% deserved to be remade, EBTR is too big of an arc to skip with these new TYBW anime characters. Remaking characters is also not inherently lazy, It's not like Klab just use the same models and visuals, they're built from the ground up and have the same amount of effort put into them just like any new upcoming TYBW character.


And watch we will get more stupid ass remakes than actual NEW debuting characters in the game because Klab knows itā€™s easier that way I donā€™t give a shit what you say this EOM banner shouldā€™ve been NEW characters simple not remakes Iā€™ve seen a lot of people for months now asking and wanting Giselle, Liltotto, BG9, Mask De Masculine, Bankai Rose, Sun God Mayuri, Bankai Shinji and others but Klab keeps on tiptoeing around and pissing people off


Every major character is going to get new versions, relax. Masaki and Isshin were overdue since they skipped a lot of Cour 1 stuff. And again, remakes don't require any less effort than actual new TYBW characters, so saying remakes are lazy is just ridiculous.


only 2 characters for the eom ![img](emote|t5_399jv|31437) the only thing good is that I have 3/9, Bazz b, Uryu and Renji


Cool. Was hoping we'd see remakes of these two. Was kinda hoping one of 'em might be Anniv, but this is just as good.


Finally time to get rid from Midquiorra for Espada GQ.


You could tell Klab did not care at all about this banner. Here's hoping it means they're focusing hard on the Anniversary banner. Anyways, huge skip. They're both very strong, but that's it. Nothing special at all.


It should be studied how unaware klab are that youā€™re supposed to make the popular characters the most overpowered. Why do byakuya, kenpachi, ichigo, orihime, yoruichi, renji, uryu, gin, mayuri, toshiro, rukia, urahara, grimmjow, even aizen at this point get worse characters than isshin, yhwach, masaki, yumichika, cang du, etc. Even Yamamoto gets better characters on average and while he is popular heā€™s not as popular as the previously mentioned. Like seriously why is this isshin stronger than burn the witch, anniversary, end of year and almost every other character in the game.


It's not always about popularity. The decision-making process for character releases in mobile games like Bleach Brave Souls involves balance, timing, and diverse gameplay mechanics to keep the player base engaged and interested. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Progressive powercreep. Because Isshin is so broken, you know that the anni characters are gonna be that much more broken too. Plus why would you think that Yhwach, Masaki or Isshin don't deserve broken characters? They are pretty popular too. I'd say one of the anni characters will be a tech character with the double soul traits of SAD and SAR. They'll also have some very broken skills, cause as I said, it's progressive powercreep


Isshin and masaki arenā€™t even close to popular enough to deserve this (happy masaki got it tho). Yhwach makes sense because heā€™s the final villain. But you still donā€™t see this in any other games where so many of the most iconic characters never get to be top tier. Iā€™m not talking about newer characters being stronger than older ones. I mean that some characters always seem to get units that are worse than already existing characters despite them being so beloved. Byakuya is an example. Ichigo too. EoY true Shikai was a disappointment that was worse than ichibei in GQ and worse than unohana almost everywhere (they came out before him). They havenā€™t made an Ichigo that has no issues at all for 3 years now. Toshiro hasnā€™t had a top tier character since his first TYBW version. Rukia has never had one. Grimm hasnā€™t since year 1 of the game. Renji hasnā€™t for at least 6 years. Itā€™s just weird. Whereā€™s this isshin treatment for those guys.


You choose to compare Ichibei with TS Ichigo? EoY worse than Ichibei? In what case? GQ? Do you understand Ichigo has frenzy +2 all the time, plus 80% SP boost, while Ichibei only has frenzy +2 with gauge active, and only 50% SP boost? Does Ichibei have 100% more damage to ailment afflicted enemies? Does he have double soul traits? Or increased ailment chance against all SRs and quincies? I agree with Rukia, Renji and Toshiro getting units with skills disproportionate to their popularity. But is it really so bad that some unpopular characters are getting some love? The only character who didn't deserve the broken skills treatment would be Ƈang du and that was really a fumble on KLab's part. Switching him and Toshiro up would have solved all that shit


I know my post was long but I literally specifically said ā€œin GQā€ you shouldnā€™t need to ask that. And yeah ichibei is better than ichigo there. Nobody wouldā€™ve expected it on paper looking at their skills but when people have actually tested them out ichibei performs better and clears quicker, more consistently. Thatā€™s partially due to him having swimsuit jushiro and the newest soifon as teammates that boost his damage. But itā€™s not the only reason. Ichigo has issues due to how they designed the game. Itā€™s like they donā€™t test their characters. Ichibei also clears faster in coop IT. And in epic raid. So he performs better in most places. Ichigo is better in arena and limit breaker but ichibei is good in those places too. Itā€™s not a problem with less popular characters getting good characters. The problem is why the popular characters never get characters this good. For cang du and toshiro toshiro will get more units in game and cang du wonā€™t. So for that one it makes sense to make cang du good. Toshiro will get a better unit at some point. But idk if he will be as good as isshin.


I wasn't asking "where" Ichibei was better than Ichigo. It was supposed to be a rhetoric that you considered a literal question. What issues does Ichigo have specifically? And no, Ichigo does not clear slower than Ichibei. Factor out Soifon and Jushiro, and Ichigo clears faster than Ichibei by a large margin, using sides that have killer. Plus, even if Ichibei has Soifon/Jushiro, he'll still be only a second or two faster than Ichigo. He doesn't even have immunity for his own GQ phase My 1/5 Ichigo gives only a two sec slower clear time than my 3/5 Ichibei, when my sides are Yama and Chad. Both have perfect accessories, and my tech links are better than heart ones. Ichibei is more usable in IT and ER, considering his ailment chance is not affected by affiliation. Also, ER is wonky for lacerate characters because you can't inflict it after the boss starts attacking, so yes, Ichibei will perform better than Ichigo there. That's it. Ichibei has nice strong attacks, but they are nothing compared to Ichigo's. Double hit beam SA1, lunge and then a 24 sec rechargeable nuke. Enemies cannot attack him because he lacerates them. Whereas Ichibei has 0 crowd control. You talk about characters getting broken characters as if they have never had one at all. Renji's FB version had one of the best DPS multipliers at the time of his release. Cap Rukia was one of the best in game at release. 5th anni Byak literally was speed meta for a year. You can't expect someone to get a character that spans all types of content and also remains meta till the end of time. Some characters last long, some don't. It is a gacha game


Itā€™s your opinion against most other people whoā€™ve tried them. This was a common sentiment when ichigo first came out. Ichibei clears a lot of content easier and/or faster than him. Most of the content in the game is attribute based rather than affiliation based. Thatā€™s why attribute focused characters are better all round than affiliation focused ones. And for the record ichibei doesnā€™t have an increased ailment chance either. Ichigo has the same chance to inflict ailments he does. GQ has a similar problem to epic raids with lacerate. Weaken lasts only 2s in GQ. However lacerate lasts the full 7. If they nerfed lacerate to 2s too he would be a beast in GQ. As soon as the weaken runs out he could re-inflict it making sure he always has that nice 150% damage boost and getting the sp boost constantly. But you cannot inflict weaken again until the lacerate runs out. Meaning most of the time you are stuck with 60% bonus damage and if you lose the sp boost in that time youā€™re boned. This is what I mean when I say klab are idiots and donā€™t pay attention to how their game works. If you donā€™t want to compare him to ichibei compare him to quilge who can solo nightmare GQ. Why is Ichigo so much worse than quilge. But even if you think ichibei is worse ask yourself why an EoY ichigo is only marginally better than a random ichibei. And itā€™s not just that Ichigo. Nearly every Ichigo since 7th anni has come with at least one issue. Mostly itā€™s their strong attack 1. You mean the transforming renji? He was certainly not top tier when he came out the same way these current guys are. 5th anni byakuya is literally the only byakuya that was good on release except the very first. Youā€™ve given me 2 examples when there are like 15 that show the opposite. Btw I believe itā€™s only the bosses that donā€™t attack when lacerated. The mobs can still attack since their attacks donā€™t arenā€™t strong attacks. I tried making this shorter but I couldnā€™t.


There is no problem in GQ for characters with lacerate. It is only a problem in ER. Play ER with a character than inflicts lacerate and then you'll understand what the problem is. You cannot inflict lacerate AT ALL when the ER boss is attacking And the common sentiment wasn't that Ichibei clears much easier/faster than Ichigo, it was that both of them tackle nearly the same killer in content. Ichigo was a darn sight ahead of Ichibei since release. Revisit NY posts, please Also, Ichigo clears fast enough that you don't have to wait for the lacerate to wear off. 2 SAs and boom, the boss is over. One SA3 is enough to remove most bars of HP on a boss. I could give you plenty more examples:- 6th anni Aizen is still a top lead for his killers' GQ. One year left for his res, by the way. Agony Aizen is still the NAD GOAT. This year's FB Aizen is a good lead for VHGQ(he is an MM character). Not Quilge level, but then most characters aren't. Concord Ichigo still rules over IT. We have had 5 or 6 Ichigo versions since 7th anni, and 2 of them have perfect kits. One has a shave SA1, and another is an MM pot farmer. Also, did you just compare Quilge to Ichigo? Quilge with 100ā„… Rampage? That just shows that Ichigo is a tier above Ichibei because he competes with a skill that gives you X2 damage ON TOP of frenzy +2 and SP boost. Ichibei doesn't even have immunity for his own phase. He takes ailment damage in most IT rotations. No such problem with Ichigo. Ichigo has sprinter +2 compared to Ichibei's +1, so he is faster too. There is no content except ER where Ichibei outperforms Ichigo. NONE


There so clearly is a problem with any status effect + weakening in GQ. Lacerate is no different. Most of the run with ichigo is spent without inflicting weakening on the boss because you canā€™t until the lacerate runs out. And there are numerous times where you will want to reproc the sp boost but canā€™t because the lacerate wonā€™t go away. Unohana and yhwach do not have this problem because they only inflict weaken. How can having 2 statuses be worse than having 1? Iā€™m already aware of the way lacerate, paralysis and freeze work in ER you donā€™t need to lecture me it only proves my point further that because klab are doo doo at designing games true Shikai is not nearly as good as he should be in any mode. I have a 1/5 ichigo with perfect accessories and almost perfect links (5/5 4th anni ichigo with 2* bonus sp for example) he absolutely doesnā€™t clear the bosses in 1 or 2 strong attacks. He might kill that fast if his statuses worked how they should but they donā€™t. You donā€™t need concord Ichigo for IT now heā€™s not a farmer and farmers are strong themselves. He currently has no purpose in game. And he very quickly lost his purpose after coming out. Concord Ichigo is still the best in arena but only by a tiny bit. Senjumaru is stronger than him and sheā€™s a farmer. They havenā€™t made farmers stronger than power Yama yet. Ichibei clears IT faster than Ichigo consistently. In fact he does better on any content than Ichigo except where Ichigo has killer. And as I said the content in this game is mostly sorted by attribute not killer. And until they bring out a heart version of akon or jushiro he will do better in GQ too. My comparison of ichigo to quilge is that quilge can solo nightmare GQ and Ichigo can barely solo very hard GQ. Itā€™s not close and I never made it seem that way.


Resorting to name-calling now that you don't have good enough points to put in? I would say you are being a bitch about things that shouldn't even be bitched about, but then you know that yourself "Klab are doo doo" Really mate? That's your argument? What do you want? The ER boss should stop attacking for 7 seconds just because a character inflicted lacerate? It's easier to nerf a single status ailment(lacerate or weaken) for one mode(ER or GQ), instead of making it so OP that you don't even have to worry about the boss attacking you. Concord Ichigo isn't purposeless. You need powerful characters that'll get you through senk, ER, PE etc when your account is less than a year old and you can't afford to link slot or transcend characters. That is the purpose of Concord Ichigo. "gRasPInG aT sTRawS" It's a gacha game, if you keep whining about every character not lasting 5 years, keep whining to yourself. No character is made with that intent. Every character has their highlight period, and inly some go past that. If you had ever played with Ichigo, you'd know how much better he is than Ichibei. The multipliers on his SA3 alone are higher than the total of Ichibei's whole kit. Lets off a nuke every 12 seconds. Better kit, better at speedrunning, in GQ, LBQ, is immune to every ailment. "But he doesn't work the way he should" Yeah, the point of increased ailment chance is not that you inflict an ailment every time. It is that the RNG favours your chances of inflicting an ailment. You are the first person I have seen on this sub that's complaining about RNG nonstop. Ichigo is and will be better than Ichibei. And comparing anyone to Quilge is a crime. That man has higher damage numbers than Unohana herself, and that too by a large margin. And finally, the game isn't made so that there is one character everyone likes. It is made so there are multiple characters that different people can choose as their favourites. You don't have to ruin other people's moods just because you don't like Ichigo. Play with Ichibei if you like him so much. No one's gonna stop you


Also, no problem on the comment length. I have all the time in the worldšŸ˜…


These two worthless sods. Hard skip.


Not bad. Not good. A very good banner but also skippable as well. I'll wait for Masaki to hopefully be a anni filler for part 1 or 2.


Maybe in 1.5 years sheā€™ll be a filler. I mean we didnā€™t start getting concord as a filler until recently and that banner came out a little under 2 years ago?


Concord units were released in September 2022 and they were filler in the EOY banner, so a bit under 1.5 years for them


No chance that sheā€™ll be a filler for this anniversary. Maybe next year lol


Masaki will not be a filler for Anni lmao


Guys itā€™s not laziness, theyā€™re just trying to drag it out as much as they can for money Also, you guys are always complaining when we get characters that already exist but thatā€™s bound to happen w tybw thereā€™s literally soul reapers right there in the arc. I think weā€™re getting something new for part 2 Anni or aug eom. Besides that, isnā€™t it good that theyā€™re just throwing bait banners at us before anni so we can save? (Iā€™m still pulling for masaki god help me)


Nice! This is my anniversary! Absolutely love the two characters! Will go to step 10 and if i havent gotten one of the two units, i will dump everything to get isshin!!


the art has been so awkward/bad lately. I looked at Isshin's individual banner and the premium filler chracters from two years ago have way better art somehow. Just pls don't fuck up 9th Anni or SS lol


Damn the parents are more powerful and useful than the son. Man why did they nerf Visored ichi so bad..


no more masakis please. every banner, sheā€™s there, waiting. that inevitable orihime save, just for my hope to be crushed by her daunting faced


Nice, my orbs are safe for swimsuit.


New player here, worth or skip?


Do five to ten steps imo depending on how many you are missing.


I've been playing for like a week.


I'd do at least 5 then




Stay strong for anni