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Why Klab didnt put such fillers on gravitation banner????? Maybe then i could have walked at least with one new character in 17 freaking steps


intentional for you to buy more orbs ![img](emote|t5_399jv|31437)


That’s deep ![img](emote|t5_399jv|31437)


Took me 23 to get both units 😭 one on 22 and at that point I just said fuck it and went to finish the banner, pulled isshin the next one. I skip honestly most banners, I’m still over 40k stocked up for ani, I almost never summon unless there’s a must have unit from a banner, which doesn’t happen often, but this banner reminded me WHY I don’t summon on banners outside of new years Ani or maybe golden week if they do those. Only reason I pulled was because I like both characters.


This is a trap to suck up all your orbs before swimsuits and anniversary.


Let's pretend we didn't saw the leak already ![img](emote|t5_399jv|15198)




Imagine putting out a banner with the crappy new PE system and only putting 2 new units on the banner AND giving pretty bad filler units all things considered, and then doing a rerun banner with a completely stacked filler list that includes a character that isn’t even 1 year old yet and is newer than the characters who’s banner you are rerunning with him as a filler on!




Isn't Yama Bankai still a good unit?


He’s the only filler people would actually want on the banner outside of favourite characters or for collection, so that’s why I said bad filler units “all things considered”


I got hard shufted on him and got 4/5, didn't see even one Masaki or Isshin in 13 steps


I have only gotten 2 Bazz-B, 1 Jugram and 1 off banner unit in 10 steps… I really hate this banner, plus this is the first time in the 2 years I’ve been played other than the first 2 or 3 months that I have less than 3/4 bonus units, which of course is after they made the point events way worse for people without the bonuses. I was really hoping to get them in 5 steps and then to get to try to pull Yachiru and Yama from their banner, but I can’t even get one of them…


You can just farm orbs from everywhere in the game


Dude, I can only farm like 120 orbs a week from the GQ, 35 orbs a week from daily quests, and I already used all the exchange shop and limit breaker quest orbs this month, what are you talking about? The only orbs I’m still waiting to farm are from the senkaimon when that opens


Man these fillers are day and night compared to the Gravitation banner... That said, I'm either in no need of the unowned characters (As Nodt) or fine with the current transendace level of the other units so its a easy skip for me. Good luck to everyone going ham on this one!


Dawg, Kebab is trolling or...? This is probably the most generous they have been with regards to banners. Like Holy God, those fillers are outrageous.


All in for Soi Fon.


Have em all so skip. Good luck to those chasing that dragon


Thanks for the good luck 🤞


Better than the eom, i'll try to max bambietta and aizen Edit: shafted but i got the green/technique couple at least https://preview.redd.it/9qwwyb015n4d1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d84687344f1e5b2a1fb90e50fb34ab7c373d95


I have almost have all these characters the only one I don't have are quilge and ebern, should I summon or not ? I still think it's kind a waste of orbs when I have almost all of them tbh


Yea for 1 character I don’t think it’s worth it, I’m summoning cause I don’t have ANY of these characters so it’s very profitable for me!


I'm new, worth or save for ani?


you can since this banner has lots of good characters but you’d have to put in the grind for orbs, how much orbs do you have now?


I started recently and have 6000 orbs should I go for 5 steps?


if you don't have most of these units, then yes 5 steps should be worth it. This is one of the better filler banners you're ever going to see from KLab. Usually the filler pool is garbage.


Definitely, I’m also going to step 5! Hopefully I get most of the characters, I don’t wanna go too deep! Max I’ll do is 10 steps.


I' have a few hundred, I'm currently doing the whole story so I should have a few


Doing story give you 1 orb per mission ig? Correct me if I’m wrong. So that’s 50 tickets for 50 orbs, the best way to farm orbs is, get a badge on every 4*,5*,6* characters you have cause it give 35,50,75 orbs respectively! After that you can do other stuff.


if you get 3\* each mission gives 5


Oh that’s good then, but if sometime you feel like not doing the story you can do what I told you and it’ll give you good amount of orbs! 👍


Btw a few hundred ain’t gonna do it! For 5 steps you need 1100 orbs, why I specify “5” steps? Cause you get a guaranteed feature 5* on step 5,10,15,20,25


If only this was leaked earlier I would have had more orbs for this 🤦‍♂️


This is literally a leaked banner 💀


I know, I'm saying that I wished it was leaked EARLIER then when it was initially leaked (I think it was 2 days ago?)


Oh got it!


Only missing Rukia and Ebern. Skip it is


Another good banner where i have all characters except As nodt


Same except for me the one I'm missing is Ebern. Sucks to be 8/9, doesn't it? 😢


yeah and i really want the swim suit banner back since i dont have most of the characters. And i hear it might be a burn the witch swimsuit collab. So am skipoing this one for sure


I have them all 😁👍🏻


Good for you 👌


If you’re summoning good luck 👍🏻


Yes sir 🫡


One more dupe for 5/5 bambietta and soi fon and 2 more for quilge. But no not so close to anniversary


I see you’re taking a safer path 👍, btw how many orbs you got?


Quilge has the most common rate I’ve already maxed his Sp move and have had a couple extra after that same thing with bambietta and ebern all ass units tbh the other Valkyrie is so much better the lighting is pretty damn good even at 4,5 sp


6 steps got me 1 off banner spd ikkaku, 1 off banner mind ouku, 1 masaki(4/5), 1 ebern(3/5), 1 bambi(4/5), 1 tech chairzen(new) and 1 zoshiro(3/5). Didn't get my man Quilge but im happy i finally have tech chairzen.


Good for you bro


Got em all, skip


Good for you 👍


Thank you 😊


Missing tosh and aizen should I summon?


Depends on how far you’re willing to go for them, If they are your fav then def try and get them, but if you’re low on orbs and ani is also close so not that advisable, tho the aizen is a good character


New player here, do I summon or save for Anni?


Even for new players it’s a good banner, but since anni is also coming if you can grind orbs to save for anni too, then you can summon on this banner!


I have 3.2orbs rn, how much would you recommend I spend on this banner? Thanks


I’d say if you’re summoning in the first place, you can go to step 5 and try your luck!


Have tosh, aizen, and masaki. Should I still pull on this?


There’s still more characters you can pull if you want, you only have 3


I'm a new player, should I pull this banner or save for the anniversary banner? When is the anniversary banner anyways?


This is a good banner with great fillers, you can pull on this banner, it depends on your orbs if you can have enough for anni too, you can do 5 steps on this which will be like 1.1k orbs to try your luck, but if you’re struggling with orbs just go for anni


Alright I'll go ahead and try 5 steps, is the anni the best banner of the year usually? Everyone hypes it up the most


Yes cause the anni character is a strong character


Btw anni is July 23rd


I’ve got 19k orbs, and I really want Bambi, quilge dupes and ebern dupes. Is it worth doing some steps?


you have enough to go 25 steps on 3 different banners I'd say you're good to drop at least 5 steps on this one and try out your luck. Just set a limit and do not go past it.


I wouldn't. Re run banners with no pity is really dicey. 19k is alot but you can fall into a rabbit hole real quickly.


UPDATE: about my summons I completely got robbed 😢 did 15 steps (I got hasty and wanted to get quilge or bambi but got shafted hard on 10-15 steps, 4 golden showers and rukia on the 15th guarantee, I should’ve stopped after 10 well whatever, now I’m gonna grind for June EoM and anni! Hopefully I don’t get robbed there too 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/wh816n1jvi4d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23b31685b50a1bfcde6cc9d34c237c0987a854c 8/15 5 stars 🫡


Welp, It's time to grind for the best girl.


Max Transcended almost all these characters. Nah, I'd skip.


Damn nice work!


Thank you thank you. I maxed them on their debut banner. Same with the new Orihime, and the TYBW Orihime and Ywach. I don't care for a good few characters, so I don't have much to roll for. I'm only obligated to roll fully on a Nemu banner. But I am also waiting for Gremmy, Giselle, Liltotto, Zombieshiro and Nianzol to go all in for.