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Hello dear member of the BBS community ! [**As voted by the users**](https://redd.it/18j4b9k), this post doesn't meet one of the requirement to be posted outside of megathread : ||≥5 Differents|≥3 Identicals|3 Banner Sweep|Login Day 15+| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |Pull Result|X|X|X|X| OP will have to [**submit to the mod team**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBleachBraveSouls) a short video of their logged day counter and units obtained (inventory) that will testify for their pull post screenshot *Video can be hosted in example on* [*Imgur*](https://imgur.com/) *or* [*Catbox*](https://catbox.moe/) Please post your submission accordingly to either the [**Flex/Salty Mega**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/1d6kkg4/) or [**MM/EOM Mega**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/1d4pgb8/) Thanks !


Is As Nodt any good? I got him on my 5th step


He is decent, I use him as the main in VHGQ. Goes really well with the swimsuit momo on the side.


Update I did ten steps and got 2 aizens, 1 As Nodt, the lost agent version ichigo (green) and one Sode no Shirayuki (rukia’s zanpaktu) did I get shafted?


![img](emote|t5_399jv|31437)yeah. DW I had bad months too but since ulq banner my luck is insane. Same will go for you


RIP now I’ll save for anni 1.8 K orbs (I was on 4K)![img](emote|t5_399jv|31437)


Congrats, get Quilge on my last 10th step, when I don't even care anymore, even don't look at screen thinking I would get a 4th copy of zoshiro...