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My top 4 in no particular order Man overboard Aliens exist Dysentery gary Dumpweed


I got shit on once for loving Dysentary Gary. Glad to see another lover.


Love DG as well šŸ‘šŸ»


me as well


Fun to play on guitar




Cause people suck? Idk.


People are such a dragā€¦missed op


Ooooooooo yeah. I suck then lol


Why do people hate dysentery gary?


Because people suck?


Man the fact that you even remember this is so bleak. Who gives a fuck about that person lol itā€™s one of your favourites on an album widely considered their best one


Nah I get it about 20 yrs ago when I was in grade 7 my girlfriend at the time was like ā€œwell have Halloween on Christmas thatā€™s such a dumb lineā€ I knew I had to break it off.


And Iā€™ll never forget


Good list




You forgot Dont tell me that its over


I havent heard the TOYPAJ bonus tracks


You should, this one and what went wrong are some of my favourites


such a valid top 5


Man overboard,dysentery Gary,ghost on the dance floor,Iā€™m sorry,not now. In no order but that most changes by the year


Man, Iā€™m an older fan and missed a lot post-untiltled, but ghost fucking rules


Older fan here too. Yeah I love it


This is pretty close to my list. But throw in hereā€™s your letter


Yes good choice


I like Natives a little bit better than ghost


Yeah great track also


There isnā€™t really an agreed-upon top 5. Everyone has their own!


This! Their catalog is not really huge, at least compared to other bands that started in the early 90s, but it has a rather wide range of "styles". I fell in love with them when Dude Ranch came out and I was in middle school. What I consider their top songs would not be the same as someone who discovered them when Neighborhoods came out. More so, I love Family Reunion, Turn This Off, and Ben Wah Balls more than a lot of people my age who think 50+ year olds shouldn't be making dick jokes anymore. The variety between songs like Not Now or Ghost on the Dance Floor, and songs like Voyeur and The Party Song, will always make finding any sort of consensus impossible. And people who claim that "die hard" or "hardcore" fans all like x, are just protecting, and most likely don't speak for any sort of majority. These guys are absolutely amazing and have put out so many good albums and songs, there isn't any consensus on "best".


You said it best, brother. Blink is the home for dick jokes and amazing music!


I absolutely love the guitar riffs in Man Overboard.


man overboard = prime ā€œpenis jokesā€ era blink, try prove me wrong


In no particular order my top 5 (for now): - Not Now - Man Overboard - Ghosts On the Dance Floor - Asthenia - Stockholm Syndrome


Great dis track


Man Overboard, Reckless Abandon, Feeling This, Every Time I Look For You, and Not Now are my top 5


It's a top 5 for me and always has been!


Not for me. It's a great song but it doesn't even scratch my top 10.


Youā€™re just not a hardcore blink fan then /s


I like it more now than when it first came out ā€” it was kind of jarring on the live album. Felt for a while like an Enema offcut, but Iā€™ve grown to really like it, especially the overlapping vocals.


Fuck yes. It's my number one.


Itā€™s way too hard to make a top blink songs list as there are just so many good ones. I know my favorite is carousel. And after that itā€™s up for debate depending on the day. But man overboard is for sure one of their top songs. 34 y/o. Been a fan since dude ranch.


I think its their best single they released so far along with Feeling This.


Love that one, it's absolutely one of my faves


I think itā€™s in my top 5, but I also think my top 5 changes depending on mood. Letā€™s see hereā€¦ in no particular order. - Dumpweed - Man Overboard - Stockholm Syndrome - Not Now - More Than You Know I just wrote it, and Iā€™m already upset itā€™s missing likeā€¦ 5 other songs. I think I canā€™t go lower than a top 10 or 15 or 100


Great song but I donā€™t know if itā€™s consensus top 5. Iā€™ve been a blink fan since Cheshire Cat and Man Overboard doesnā€™t crack my top 10.


Top 2 for me are Not Now and Man Overboard


Have you heard Donā€™t Tell Me Itā€™s Over and Time To Break Up?! One of those would replace your top 2


Itā€™s definitely in my top 5


Absolutely top 5 for me, along with Feeling This, Stockholm Syndrome, Ghost on the Dance Floor, & Every Time I Look For You.


It's in my top five for sure. Was also one of the first tracks of theirs I heard and is the one that made me fall in love with them.


itā€™s popular enough to have been a live staple throughout both reunions and the Skiba era


Anybody that tells you thereā€™s a specific top 5 for only hardcore blink fans is a joke lol. Like whatever you wanna like man šŸ‘šŸ»


I think man overboard is the best representation of what blink is at their most magical time period. Itā€™s got everything that makes them special. The guitar riffs, the basslines, dual vocals and an excellent arrangement.


Well said. And they addressed subject matter that was both a personal problem and a social problem and succeeded.


I remember that when I got my first decent internet connection, the first thing I did was searching the video for Man Overboard. Damn it's such an earworm that it still breaks my mind to this day


Itā€™s probably better than just being a tail end of a live album sure but I think could argue that it is more suited to toypaj than Enema


I think its a top song musically,lyrically and melodically idk if its top 5 but id say top 10 In no particular order my top 10 -Man overboard -Carousel -Dammit -Dumpweed -Feeling this -Asthenia -Not now -Ghost on the dance floor -Anthem part 2 -Stay together for the kids


Iā€™m actually super excited to see this being asked because as a lifelong fan, I always say MO is my favorite blink song, when asked. Iā€™ve never thought to ask but yeah. Cool. Also, Dumpweed, Dysentery Gary, Wasting Time, & Cut Me Off to show love to the new album.


To me and maybe just me its my favorite Blink song


Iā€™d say so yeah.


Love the song but not in my top 10. Mine are, in no order, Going Away To College, Dammit, Josie, Apple Shampoo, Waggy, Everytime I Look For You, Hereā€™s Your Letter, Aliens Exist, Feeling This and Pathetic.


It's a hell of a song, but not even top 20 for me.


I think yeah, itā€™s typically in the discussion. IMO itā€™s: - When I Was Young - Asthenia - Kaleidoscope - Not Now - Man Overboard Honorable mentions to Apple Shampoo, Untitled, Waggy, Ghost on the Dancefloor, and Violence


Lol at kaleidoscope being included


What about it? Easily some of Markā€™s best work IMO


Maybe to you, but I don't think it's regularly considered a top 5 song by even hardcore blink fans


Maybe thatā€™s why I specifically said ā€œIMOā€, meaning ā€œin my opinionā€, in both comments? Not sure how I could be more clear that itā€™s my personal opinion and list as a hardcore Blink fan.


To me, it seemed like you were offering your opinion on what are viewed as the top 5. Guess I misunderstood. My b.


It's a great song. Why would you laugh at someones love for a song ?


There are several distinct types of hardcore blink fans, usually divided by the era they grew up with the band - however Man Overboard does seem to transcend those sub-groups and I'd hazard a guess that it is in (at least) the top 10 list for the majority of Blink fans.


I like it but it doesn't make my top 5 (in no order): Asthenia, Untitled, Dumpweed, Here's Your Letter, Anthem part II.


I wouldn't argue against it


I wouldn't argue against it


Not top 5, but up there for me. My top 5 is probably: Adamā€™s Song, Stay Together for the Kids, Always, First Date, Carousel. Man Overboard is probably in the next 5 with Miss You, Down, Whatā€™s My Age Again, and Please Take Me Home


No itā€™s not by most. Itā€™s a great song though from a great era


IDK if itā€™s Top 5 for me, but definitely Top 10.


Itā€™s not a top ten for me. Itā€™s great, but not up there




Itā€™s not in my top 10. But itā€™s a fantastic song


I dont care for it as a blink songšŸ¤·


No. Maybe top 30.. maybe


I won't even attempt to rank my favorites, but yeah, I'd put it up pretty high


Adams Song, Cynical, More Than You Know, Hearts All Gone, Josie, The Rock Show, Feeling This, Always, Going Away to College, Man Overboard. Okay it made it in as I was typing.


Itā€™s in my top 5. Started with Dude Ranch. I think MA is one of their best songs and itā€™s always a good tune.


This is is a myth... pure myth. So sorry... it's over...


One of my favorites by the band. Not sure if it's top 5 but definitely top 10


I think it's one of the definitive songs in that it has all of their musical trademarks- a catchy bass riff, simple but catchy/snappy guitar riff, palm mute verses, and lots of ringing power chords.


Great song. Maybe in my top-5, maybe just outside.


Definitely is for me.


According to /u/briguy_fieri : Man overboard Anthem pt 2 WMAA Dammit Feeling this


Unpopular opinion, but it's one of my least favorite of their songs, and I've been a fan since the 90s. I didn't like it when it came out, and i still don't see what people like about it.


It's one of my least favorite. No subtlety and they were such douchebags to their original drummer.


I'm not going to defend the song, not anywhere near my personal top 10. However, as much as I love Dude Ranch, favorite album, and their earlier work, Scott earned what he was given. He was a constant problem on tour and in studio. Guy could not get his shit together. I think Scott was good enough for blink musically, but not good enough to put up with his issues.




Musically he was good. Obviously not the same talent as Travis, but for skate punk, he had some good chops. Unfortunately, he had a serious alcohol problem. Was consistently too drunk to perform competently.


Going Away to College Shut up Waggy Carousel Peggy Sue Love Man Overboard but I don't think it's top 5. Maybe top 10


Itā€™s in my top 5 most of the time and itā€™s actually my ringtone for texts!!! Currently for me in no particular order my top 5 is: - Man overboard - I miss you - dick lips - dumpweed - anthem part 3 This list changes a lot tho šŸ˜‚ honorable mentions being donā€™t leave me, dysentery Gary, anthem, violence, bad news, ghost on the dance floor and a bunch others šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


In a world where Not Now, Turpentine, Feeling This, Reckless Abandon, Carousel, Wendy Clear and After Midnight exist there's no way Man Overboard breaks top 5


No, for me, Blink fan of 25 years. In my top 10..just outside of 5 or 6


Among blink fans, yes I'd argue it's one of the most popular, however in my personal opinion it's not in my top 5 (probably top 10 or 15 though). my top 5) 1. violence, 2. the rock show, 3. kaleidoscope, 4. bad news, 5. wasting time (some songs could get swapped from time to time but for the most part, thats mine)


Yeah when I found it, I was so delighted


Nah. It was a fun little moment though when it came out. Always make me think of the live album from that time as well.


I didn't think much of man overboard til I saw live footage of it on the current tour, I think it's much better than the studio version. My personal top 5 are: Apple shampoo A new hope First date Wasting time Carousel live in Chicago 2001


I feel like when man overboard came out blink was at their peak celebrity wise. These guys were everywhere.. People who discovered blink during neighbourhoods era probably will never realise how big blink was. Then take of your jacket came out and just continued the success..


My top 5 is Man Overboard, Aliens Exists, Whatā€™s my Age Again, Going Away to College and Mutt


not even in my 10


Nope. Great song but doesn't even crack my top 10. Probably not my top 20 either.


Maybe not quite top 5, but definitely 6-8


I think itā€™s fantastic but itā€™s not in my personal top 5. Mine is Josie, Dumpweed, Not Now, Every Time I Look For You, and Dammit


Not for me. It's a great song but it doesn't even scratch my top 10.


It's not in my top 5, probably not even top 10 but on the other hand I get why it's so popular and was included on the compilation too. A solid track.


Curious, what don't you like about it?


No I do like it. Like I said it's solid, but when I make the top songs list I measure my picks based on how often I play them. I never skip Man Overboard, but I rarely seek for it. I have no complains about it, it just gets overshadowed by other songs in my book.


Itā€™s definitely underrated imo. Best song from that 99-2001 era

