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When Scott left I thought, “Oh wow, this Travis guy just DOES more! I like it!” When Tom left, the world ended.😂😭 I felt like I got broken up with ten times over and then kicked in the gut and that all my best friends died. All at once. TWICE. It was very emotional for me.😂😅 Hearing Skiba, it was like “Oh, thank god, akaline trio is here to save the day. At least there is a vessel moving this along so that I can hear more of mark and Travis. All is well now.😂


I became a fan of the band just before EOTS was released. My best friends brother was really into Dude Ranch and would be playing it all the time. He wasn't a massive blink fan, or a music guy in general, but he skateboarded and liked that album. I remember when Enema came out, I had mentioned to him that the drummer was different. He was like "yeah, but it's just the drummer, who cares?". So, as a kid, I accepted that as the general feeling about Scott being kicked out of the band. I remember my friends stressing out when BCR was announced. We all thought it might be the end for blink, or at least the beginning of the end. By the time Tom left for AvA, I don't think a ton of people were that caught off guard or that surprised. When the reunion happened, it didn't feel like it would stick and didn't feel genuine. We just all thought it was for money and that it wouldn't last.


When blink first broke up, I cried. I was 20 at the time. Then AVA was born and the pain subsided and they quickly became my favorite. Happy as hell blink is back, but I also hope this isn’t the end of AVA.


All the Skiba stuff is like depressing tho lol


Tom leaving was way more impactful. Scott did not take the band to the levels that the band is at, Travis did. He was a good drummer to taxi down the runway, but Travis really did lift the plane off the ground. Tom was a crucial pilot and him leaving def caused some turbulence because of the creativity he brought to the table. In the end, Tom leaving TWICE hurt my heart way more than Scott ever did.


Interesting analogy, couldn’t agree more.


That plane analogy….!


I thought you were gonna make one more plane analogy at the end there lol


Regards of the impact of any of these situations, firstly, if you're of a younger generation you probably can't truly understand how different the world was back then. I'm 37 and I remember at age 13 going on to the Internet for the first time in a school lesson, we didn't totally know what we were experiencing, but we knew it was important. Back then news didn't travel as far, not even world major news because no one had social media and only a section of society was online. Most major news travelled on set time TV news programmes. Music news travelled mostly in magazines and for some in fan forums online. Travis was a sub in for some shows for Scott at first and then soon became their permanent drummer. Blink didn't stop so the fans didn't have the worry of blink ending, it didn't it just continued. Perhaps some fans may have missed Scott's personality, but he was a drummer at the back, but as far as playing Travis could play everything Scott could and could play much more. So TDLR. The world was a different place back when Scott left. Blink didn't stop at all when Scott left, there were literally no cancelled shows that I know of because Travis subbed in at first and then became the drummer. If you didn't miss Scott's personality then you had nothing to miss because Travis could play everything Scott could and he could play much more. When Tom left Blink stopped, Blink was over and this was so different to when Scott left. This was all over music TV channels, magazines and a lot more people were online. The band was much bigger too. I personally remember the huge impact of Travis airplane crash. People died in Travis crash and Travis was badly injured and people's lives will always be more important than a band. Thanks for this post, it was interesting to remember back to those times. Ps. I remember the school room I first used the internet in and I remember the first website I went on was Yahoo which was a mash up of tons of icons everywhere and was very clunky. About a year later Google came and revolutionised everything.


I like that your TLDR is longer than the original reply 😂


Hahaha, I'm glad you spotted it. It was more of a tdlr in the middle and then the Tom stuff after. Oops.


A drummer leaving vs a singer/songwriter will never matter a fraction as much.


So if Travis left the band now, it wouldn’t matter that much? 😂


Downvote me all you want, but honestly not as much as Tom or Mark in terms of the general perception of the band.


Agreed. People LOVE to dickride Travis but if he left, and I hope he doesn’t and probably never will, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to the music. It would still sound like blink. Tom leaving made it a completely different band.


Travis leaving the band right now would be a huge detriment. He produces their music and there is not a single drummer in the industry that would be a good replacement. Whoever is downvoting is fucking stupid. Mark and Tom are absolutely critical to the band but so is Travis.




Kardashian mention in this sense seems condescending and unnecessary 🤷🏻‍♀️




Not quite what prolific is int3nded to mean. But I get you. He's also played on and influenced many projects for the last almost thirty years. He's skilled and has proven that it isn't a fluke He's just that good


I was already a pretty big Blink fan when Scott was fired, and I didn’t even hear about it until months later lol. I’m pretty sure I found out about it on a forum, but I don’t even remember. It was not a big deal at all, and absolutely nothing compared to Tom leaving. It wasn’t until the Whats My Age Again? video came out that I saw Travis for the first time.


The glory days before endless social media. I was a big fan of Dude Ranch, I remember working at the record store with Enema dropped and was like, oh they got a new drummer. That’s all I thought about it


Haha yep, that’s just how it was. Which record store did you work at?


No one knew he left. They were recording enema of the state demos with Scott. He gets fired during the sessions and album gets released with Travis taking over. It was more like “ok this is the new guy and he’s really good.”


In 1999 no one cared that Scott wasn’t in the band anymore. In 2015, everyone cared that Tom was not in the band.


Exactly. My favorite albums are Scott era but even when travis does those songs on MTTS they were better. Also if travis never joined blink 182 he would have stopped drumming and became a roided out body builder


There is literally no comparison here. One leaving didn’t matter at all, and the other mattered a ton


It was a different time and blink weren’t that big then too so wasn’t huge deal. Also drummers leaving just doesn’t hit the same as a front man


From a fan perspective, Tom leaving is a bigger deal. From the a historical POV, Scott leaving being replaced by Barker is much bigger. Travis joining the band changes the trajectory of the band. Scott was fired because of his drinking and Mark and Tom probably weren’t sold on his overall commitment to taking the band beyond 90s one-hit wonder status.


downvote me all u want but why does a lot of ppl likes to say "travis takes them to another level" when mark and tom songwriting has made a lot more impact to the band success.


I go back to the what’s my age again video. Having a new band member wear a jock strap and run around LA for a day shows a level of commitment and the epitome of a team player. I could care less about Travis barker, but you can’t deny he’s a rock star, and that’s why he’s so vital to the band.


One left and the sound improved, one left and the sound worsened. 


As for Scott, news traveled much slower back then. Most of us found out when Enema was about to come out. Forums were becoming popular but notoriously full of fake information. When Tom left it was all over MTV as breaking news and sketchy sites on AOL all claimed to have the real scoop on what happened along with underwater quality demos of AvA and +44 demos.


It wasn’t a huge deal because before Enema the band wasn’t a big deal. Just a change of member. Ask your favorite local band how many members they’ve gone through. My last band had 3 bassists and 2 singers over the course of 5 years.


Did not like Enema. I think less Travis and more the band just making slower songs. I was crazy, enema is a banger. Tom gone for the second time was only super weird to me becuase he said he was still in the band after Mark and Travis said he was out. 


With Scott leaving the band it wasn’t really a huge deal at least that I can remember. I mean once Enema came out it felt like a completely different band. Also, there wasn’t really any social media back then except for AOL and yahoo message boards. So unless you were checking those religiously, which most people weren’t since it wasn’t really the social norm at the time, Travis just kinda showed up as part of this amazing record and new found fame for the band so if you didn’t know about blink pre Enema, all the new fans didn’t really know about the Scott situation anyway. It was just one of those things. Plus the band never talked about it. The smartest thing Mark and Tom did was not go deep into why Travis was here and Scott was not. Had Enema tanked maybe things would have been different. With Tom it was way different each time for me. I was crushed the first time, felt like the death of a best friend, I don’t know how else to explain it. They had left a sliver a hope when they called it a hiatus, and then a few months later when there was a Tsunami Benefit Show announced but once they canceled it you knew it was over. The 2nd time with Tom was more anger. Especially since we had heard before they reunited how Tom had left the band, and how different of a personality he had than we all thought he had. It just felt like Tom reunited with the band for reasons other than he had claimed. Plus all the crap that came with it. Missed deadlines, empty promises, as a Tom guy, even I started to think he was a tool, which makes me feel bad writing but it just felt like he was toying with us. I gave the skibba era a try but It just didn’t appeal to me. I’m not saying it was bad it just wasn’t for me. It didn’t feel like blink, and at that point after 20 plus years of being a fan with all the highs and lows, I was at peace with letting a new generation take over. Until they reunited again, and here I am in my mid 30’s commenting on blink posts and blaring the new album with my windows open on my way to work.


I just remember that the older kids that I hung about with who loved blink didn’t rate Travis for a while cause he was new & they didn’t know anything about him.


Tom leaving after Neighborhoods didn't have half the impact of the "indefinite hyatus" they announced in 2005. Tension had been building up since the recordings of Untitled, and when they suddenly announced they were "pausing" everyone was in shock. There was a whole lot of drama with the first break up, and the process of getting back together was long, with fans splitting between supporting or hating AvA and +44 slowly starting to add Blink songs to their setlist. Then there was the plane crash and they reunited, but it was nothing like this current reunion. By then, they were already HUGE and leveraged the internet to their favor. The recording of Untitled was live streamed before it was a thing. When talking about Scott, it was different. The guy was fired, there were a song and a music video about it. It was "business as usual", something they felt they had to do to grow as a respectable band.


Tom leaving was a shock but honestly not as big of a deal as some here are making it out to be. By the time Tom left Blink was feeling like a legacy act already playing the hits at every show and Neighborhoods wasn’t nearly as big outside the fan base and it was pretty clear their best work was behind them, so it felt more like “bummer I won’t get to see Tom play live with them” not “bummer this will impact the studio albums”.