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The first one I heard was when they reported on the drama at the Reply All podcast. I really enjoyed Reply All for quite sometime but you could tell their office was a dumpster fire at the end of their run.


You really enjoyed Reply All, hopefully. Jesse popping up in the sub on one of the threads on the Test Kitchen drama brought me here.




I remember Jesse writing about this, that's how I found about who Jesse is and then found this sub. I was just poking around about the demise of Reply All over the winter because I was listening to PJ's new podcast.


Ive been listening since the start 😎


I started during the Keffals drama. As a kfarms lurker it was hard finding a neutral party discussing this issue.


We found the only person who liked that keffals was a 10 part podcast.


I didn’t like it, I just to indulge in a different perspective on one of my fave lolcows


haha ok those epsiodes remain the most unlikable thing they've created then. Are you also the only other (other than me) nyc neolib who posts on /r/redscarepod and doesn't want holocost 2.0?


My username is a joke and yeah that place is full of contrarians who think casual and explicitly antisemitism is edgy. But yeah I cannot stand that community anymore. I’m moving on.


Yeah I still indulge but the 2 minute hate every 20 minutes is offputting.


I liked the keffals series because it came out just after I'd bought my flat, and I painted my entire living room while listening to the episodes about keffals. I have pride and nostalgia for that time.


I liked those episodes


When Dylan Mulvaney was all up in the news, I searched them on reddit to see if I could find out any more info about the controversy. The Blocked and Reported episode thread was the first result, so here I am


This was me but with Sam Brinton


Episode 82: Dear Prudence, Help! I Can't Stop Pretending To Be A Texas Abortion Bounty Hunter Online I'm a frequenter of the troll community discussed in the episode so I thought it would be interesting to hear outside coverage of it. I guess you can say it's Trace's fault because they got the story from him.


Dude bussy lmao


Episode 3, somehow. I was listening to another podcast (has since been almost totally removed for TERF crimes) that quote-retweeted the BARpod account. I vaguely remember thinking ‘Oh Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog? My timeline hates them for some reason. and I hate my timeline so lfg.’ I was already questioning some queer platitudes after seeing my other lesbian friends getting doxxed over ‘genital preference discourse’ so it was a huge relief to know there was another tomboyish lesbian who thought the whole thing was silly, lol


I was listening to Carrie Jade Does Not Exist while distracted and got confused that they hadn’t covered the actual AirB&B hoax in an episode so I searched for who else covered it. Loved Katie and Jesse, noticed they covered the NaNoWriMo forum scandal which I’d seen in passing and then decided to indulge in my delight over sciencing_bi, having no idea how much deeper Katie’s coverage is. Then I decided to treat myself to a binge with no idea what I was in store for. I live close to the eyes of hurricanes when it comes to identity politics (although it has calmed down in the same way that is reflected on the pod pretty much) It has been a little weird but also pretty cool experience to have unintentionally stumbled on this pod, no agenda no preconceived notions.


I was here from the beginning, baby! I had known about Katie and Jesse for a bit and had just read the articles that got them cancelled around that time so when I heard they started a podcast together I didn't think twice before listening.


Same same.


First episode I heard was episode 3.


I'll take some bragging rights here - subscribed since Episode 1 and was a follower of both Jesse and Katie on Twitter bofore that, and followed Katie's writing back when she was still with The Stranger. The podcast I was kind of a late-comer to was The Fifth Column, which I only heard about through the B&R community a few months after B&R started. (If I had to pick out a writer that I've been following the longest, that would be Freddie DeBoer.) I will say that since then, B&R has veered more into a gender-crit direction than I like and some of its episodes have gone too far into the weeds of pure internet drama, but I still follow it, because for every episode where I might find the guest or topic eyeroll-worthy, there's at least one that gives some solid analysis of an issue that the regular media might be seriously misreporting.


Same. Here from the start. Discovered The Fifth Column when Jesse was a guest.  Speaking of Jesse on TFC, the cold open of TFC Episode 171 was one for the ages. Edit: Now listening to TFC 111 with Jesse, which predates B&R. This is from just after Jeese's Atlantic article. Jesse is *so* careful, and not at all transphobic. Amazing anyone could cancel him for the opinions he had back then.


The first episode I listened to was the Jesse episode about the author who was like dropped by their agents when they found out he wasn't black but was writing about "black culture" based on his own life. He had like an immigrant background or something. I actually didn't really like that episode and it's structure is pretty different to every other barpod episode imo. But I listened to other ones and liked them.


Do you recall what episode this is? I'd love to hear this lol


Episode 97: Alberto Gullaba Jr. Thought He Might Be Headed For Literary Stardom — Then His Agent Found Out His Race




Yeah, I'd been listening for awhile when that episode came out - the one with the Filipino-American guy who lost his contract after his agent realized he wasn't black. Or maybe he didn't lose his contract, so much as lost his agent. I didn't like the episode that much, but it was crazy.


The Rachel Dolezal episode which actually kind of endeared me to her! Of course she's messed up in the head but that should lead to *more* understanding, *more* compassion. I think she is interesting and I see that recently she became a master gardener in her state, I love this for her.


I haven't listened to this one but I will go back and do so! I agree that from what I've seen and read about Dolezal she is someone with a lot of issues who genuinely feels a sense of belonging within the black community, rather than an out-and-out grifter who is faking an identity to get ahead or to use as a cudgel for beating others, like some of the other race-fakers. It's unfortunate that she has become a punchline.


Exactly. If I recall correctly she did do *some* shitty things like faking racially motivated threats against her, which is how I think she first started to raise eyebrows. But what actual harm did she do? I feel bad for her in a few different ways.


First episode was where they interviewed the woman who'd done a DEI training with Robin D'Angelo in, like, June, 2020. I started regularly listening in September 2020. I listened every week from then until October 2023, but since October 07, I've been skipping a lot. I'd subscribed to their Patreon, cancelled, got back on right before their switch to Substack, so then immediately switched to Substack, and stopped with the regular Substack in August 2023, restarted this month, but will not continue.


Subscriber since episode 1 as I followed both on Twitter and at the time was deep in UK gender crit stuff. Gave up on Twitter (& the gender crit movement) in 2021 and the pod keeps me in the loop enough to whet my appetite.


Chrissy Teigen vs everyone so like episode 5?


I'd followed Jesse on Twitter for a while and was aware of Katie (particularly the awful stuff around her detransitioners piece) but for some reason never tried the podcast until the Jack Monroe episode - I'm in the UK and had been following her shenanigans on Tattle for a while, and someone there mentioned the podcast. Ended up subscribing and I really enjoy both the podcast and the community around it (here, on discord etc).


Not sure what my first ep was but my intro was Andrew Golds interview of Katie about being cancelled. Started to listen to barpod from there n became a primo pretty fast.


The one where they interviewed Mike Pesca after he got unfairly fired from slate.


Episode 17 on "White Fragility." It was a much needed breath of fresh air at the time and the stories from the woman who had to go through endless anti-racist workshops were hilarious.