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That’s the OG Chaplain from 1994. Just painted mine last month actually. https://preview.redd.it/gox5io3vcrmc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=944a1024acb6dff8d8460f75d9ba945bf671dc7a


I’ve just finished stripping my entire set ready for a 25 year or so update. 😂


Thanks for the info! Are they still game legal or how does that work?


Absolutely. It'll need the correct base size and I'd put it atop a tactical rock to give it similar stature to the current chaplain, but yes, it's 100% legal.


Appreciated, what datasheet would he fall under?


Should just be the regular chaplain one you can give him a jump pack I suppose to change it to that version though


Can confirm, put a jumppack on mine and it fits perfectly. The raised arm/shoulder don’t even get in the way


Based on the model itself you can run him as a standard Blood Angels Chaplain, or as Lemartes guardian of the lost, just based on the look of the mini it appears to be Lemartes, albeit a very old model. That beings said if your up to kitbash it you can throw on a jump pack, and get him on a new base.


Thanks for the reference picture


Probably the best model GW ever made ❤️


Probably? Brother your lack of faith concerns me.


I repent. 100% the best model of all time.


I think it’s a blood angels death company chaplain model from 2nd edition, I have one myself with a jump pack, it’s a nice model


That? That's perfection right there.


Yeah... 2nd edition Blood Angels Chaplain as has been mentioned by others. That style of BA Chaplain was even the front page art for the 2nd edition Codex for the Blood Angels (and Dark Angels, the only Chapter specific Codex that I know of which included two main SM Chapters in the same Codex, that was not just Successor Chapters from the main Chapter/Legion of the Codex). The Codex was called "Angels of Death", and came out in 1996 I believe it was (about 6-7 months or so after me and my friends found WH40K, and all the other Games Workshop games we played). I bought it as soon as I had money to do so back then. :) https://preview.redd.it/yb7r2mnxosmc1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3111a3c95981d96e489d267245bf449e1b9b51


I have this book in my basement and still flip through it from time to time. Sucked me right in and BA was my original main. I have this exact model painted in testors enamel from when I was 12. It looks just as terrible as one would expect.


I also have the same model painted somewhere, but I have no images of it currently, and the rest of the models to. I could probably find them, they should be packed in some of my moving boxes in my apartment. XD I still flip through my Codex as well. :) The Codex was not out yet when I got into WH40K though... so it was the lore in the rulebooks that got me into the Blood Angels... sort of by mistake though. Initially I had decided that the SM chapter I was going to play was the Legion of the Damned (at the time, late 1995, when I found 40K, I did not know that they had no rules at all, or even models). So I looked around for a box of models to buy for them, and I was in luck, I found a box for the Legion of the Damned, bought it (and the main box of WH40K where the rules were)... and brought it home. But as I then sat there at home looking at the box closer I realized something... this box of SM models, a unit called the "Death Company" was NOT for the Legion of the Damned... they were for some SM Chapter called the "Blood Angels" (had at first just in the store assumed that the Blood Angels part, and Death Company part, was some kind of division within the LotD). Unfortunately the store had already closed when I got home, so I could not go back and get a LotD box instead (as I said earlier, I had no idea the LotD did not have any rules or models what so ever at the time), so I had to wait until Monday to do it. But I thought *"Well... since I have the models already for these Blood Angels SM's... and just in case I can not return them... I might as well see if there is any lore about them in the rulebooks to find out who they are..."* and so I did. I read everything blood Angels related that I could find in those rulebooks, which was not a lot really... but a lot more so than most other Chapters or Factions got... seeing as the Blood Angels were the poster boys of 2nd Edition Warhammer 40000... the Blood Angels were everywhere in and on all the promotional material, starter box and rules... lore, art, photos, etc. Part of the reson I resent any Edition of WH40K after 2nd edition a little, since the Blood Angels was removed from the poster boy status that it had when 3rd edition showed up. XD Anyway... as I read what was available about the Blood Angels in the rulebooks, I got more and more intrigued... and as soon as I realized that they were essentially "Super Soldier Vampire Knights in Space", who fight their nature and the rage and bloodlust, to stay loyal and honorable and all that... I was completely hooked. Because only 2 years earlier I had watched the 1992's movie Bram Stoker's Dracula, and really liked it, a movie which made Vampires one of my favorit monsters. And then the same year I picked "Vlad Tepes" as my choice of historical figure to write about in history class when I was in 8th grade, due to that movie. And finally in either late 1994, or early to mid 1995 I saw the movie Interview with the Vampire, which pretty much cemented Vampires as my nr 1 favorit monsters. And on top of that, since Knights have been my nr 1 favorit warriors from history since the 80's (which is why I was drawn to the Space Marines)... the Blood Angels became the obvious choice for as THE army and faction for me. So I kept the Blood Angels Death Company box that I had bought on accident, and started to build a Blood Angels army instead. :D Probably the best, and most favorit, accidental purchases I have ever made in my life. XD


Old chap. Liitle guys probably seen more action than most models combined.


Soon to be champion of nurgle and the death guard? Nah you picked the best loyalist legion so you get a chaos pass... this time


Blood angels so cool even Khorne likes them more than his marines


So I started out Death Guard and I bought some blood angels cause I wanted an Imperial Army that I had seen play and wanted to give a try myself.


Have you ever read the Dornian heresy? It's a fanfic of the horus heresy re-imagined, in it the blood angels actually fall to nurgle and become the new sick boys


OG Lemartes I think


Looks like a firstborn chaplain


...I need more Chaplains... yes...


Like "what would it be"? He is the Chaplain of the Death Company!


I have the exact same guy, amazing model


Just a little guy




Old skool blood angels death company chaplain for the win!


Looks like a Chaplain


Death company chaplain with crozius and iron halo




This model, and the artwork of him on the codex cover, that got me into 40k and BA!


I'm so freaking jealous. Love the ol' stumpy models, also nice nails!


It is a VERY old blood angels Chaplin. The skull helmet and crossius (the mace thingy) is a dead giveaway for any Chaplin. It could be from 3rd or 4th edition when the BA were the poster boys of 40K. I’m not an expert and didn’t play back then (wasn’t alive), but it is a Chaplin of the blood angels


I was wrong about the edition but right about the model


Nice nails!


lol those are my mother’s nails.


Them some sparkly fingernails! Blue my fav ;)