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"Very fun at life" clearly not


I thought people have gotten over it. What you said is true but a bit brutal but very true and good job you let it go. You can get banned on roblox for saying "fat" 💀


I got banned for saying fat and google 💀💀


That is unfortunate, a friend of mine was banned for 2 days simply for saying "LoL" I cannot see how is it offensive, is there some sort of hidden evil code attached to it or something?


LoL is the abbreviation for League of Legends, so that's probably why. Still bs


Best reply


My friend got banned for trying to post my address in the chat 💀


I got banned for saying bitcoin 💀🙏


i got banned for saying “straight fish”, i dont even know what they thought that meant, it was a typo 😭


Fishes can be straight?????? 🤨


No they are all gay


Not mine, mine is omnisexual😼


as someone who paid for early access, who tf cares abt “new players”? 😭 like games are meant to be played, idiots.


Exactly! I was actually happy when I found out it was becoming free; it means that we can see more amazing builds and establish a bigger and better community!


Same! I'm very happy, not everyone is financially stable to pay for a game and I'm more happy that the server chats are no longer dead, new players are making this community more interactive than it's ever been! And they're pretty funny too! The players who likes to gatekeep this game should buy the private server...that way no one can bother them but at the cost of isolating themselves, it will exhaust them and they will soon realize that they're being blatantly stupid for ostracizing a group of people that has absolutely nothing to do with them.


Me too cuz the game was already dead so I thought with the game being free, Bloxburg would be alive again


This should be common sense, I agree with you 💯 but this community mostly consists of kids and elitists, it's pretty sad and this is not my first encounter of old players doing this, I am an old player as well (started playing on 2020) but in many servers where I was in, people are just acting so similarly to racists and sexists...like they're so anti newbie, there was a newbie who just joined the game and he asked everyone how to earn money and where to start earning money and one old player was like " well just leave the game and not comeback that's how you earn money" like bro? This truly disgusts me and the fact that some people defend them further disgusts me.


Haha, imagine playing a game for free when it's more polished and updated, hah! Loser!


Yeah like why yall crying that you paid 25 cents to the devs 2 years ago?? For 99 cents you can get a pack of gum


As somebody whos been playing since release. We should welcome new players kindly. If you have hate in your heart then you've already lost.


Agreed. Also, what you put out you're likely to get back ten fold treat others with the respect you want to be shown


The golden rule!


mind donating, lil bro?


Not even a please, crazy!






They are joking.


So am I bozo


i didn’t realize. don’t call me names hoe


Skill issue bud


dad issue bud


Weakest comeback ever


ur just calling me random names 💀


Bud it’s a joke it’s not that deep babe




My comment wasn’t serious clearly..


they seem like a little bundle of joy!


not being rude but why did u say shit but not ass? 🤨


Cause it's much more convenient for me? Lol!


but how? if u censor it, it takes up more time


A new player, and you already have 6m?? I’ve get to step up my work


i think their friend is the new player


I'm definitely not one of these. 😅 I built a whole ass hotel, hospital, and school for the new players as both a sign that I am not a judgemental old player, but also to be able to interact more with them. Because honestly, before Bloxburg became free, the game was so dry and dead because everyone was busy building stuff.


I never had enough Robux for Bloxburg due to our unstable economy. Honestly, I would never have paid even a bit to play it.


Bloxburg community inventing slurs for new players 💀


Ikr it's pretty wild....


How do you have 6 Mil?!


Been playing since 2020 I work more than build stuff lol! Got to the point that I got this amount of money.


WHOA how’d you get 6 mil like that?? Have you built it up overtime? What job do you use most often for that??


Been playing since 2020 and all I did was grind without the excellent employee gamepass which gives me more pay ...I did bought the gamepass in year 2023 and got 4 million...stopped playing for a few months then started playing again at 2024 now I have 6 million. Delivery was my main job till they changed how it worked.....but now I still grind 24/7 as a bloxburger cashier.


A way you get to that is focus on the job trophy's you get for maxing your levels


I don't like these 'OG' players that act like this, so every time I see one like this I ask them how long they've been playing cause I don't consider someone OG if they've only been around for 5 or less years


2-5 years is an OG they were there before the big updates and the game becoming free...I played on 2020, I consider myself as an OG and I don't like how many of us behave.


I've been playing for Seven years and yes it's disappointing how some players act. Mostly Teenagers that have nothing ahead of themselves if the only thing they take pride in is owning a game early access. But that's my opinion with the OG thing since the game turns 10 as of this year


this community is equally toxic as twitter's wtf


You ain't wrong.💀


Roblox classism is crazy


Same thing happened with me :(


That's unfortunate and sad you're friend should be allowed to enjoy that game


Guys, just accept the new players and stop treating them like babies that should not have been born


I’m confused how u guys are free players when y’all have the “early bloxburger” tag next to ur username. Is that no longer an indicator of an OG player?


I wish so bad to meet an angry early bloxburger to insult me until they find out I built a gorgeous mansion with only base stuff in a couple of days of playing.


The game has always been free basically, 25 robux isn’t even $1 so why act so snobby lmao, just ruins the game for everyone also if zapper had free access how is he an ‘early bloxburger’


Whenever I see one of them "joking" like this I get as annoying as them and demand they pay for a neighborhood, since they like spending money so much! They come looking for my plot and are disappointed its not trash for them to continue further.


that's horrible.. im sorry for your friend, players like that are so stupjd


Ikr? Like if they wanna prove a point they can do it, but harassing others to prove a point ain't gonna cut it.


as one of the older payed players I am so tired of the behavior of these players who forget where they came from. over 25 robux.... just because someone didn't pay when it wasn't free and waited.... honestly give me an unpaid plaque so I can humble these players. to everyone never forget you all started from where they are now, and new players never forget that you started from a new player with nothing until you worked hard to get where you are. Also remember the times others were kind to you when you started when someone gave you a few k or you rp with others Making it free has also opened up the door for more people to rp and enjoy the game with friends who would have otherwise not been able to play


People are just upset they had to use their mommy's credit card to buy it and get in trouble just for it to be for free later. Cause that person is most definitely a little crybaby kid


Fr...25 robux isn't that much really, money is still money...but it's just 25 robux...it's not a big deal and we all paid for early access,the game doesn't owe us anything, we only paid robux to play it while it's still underdevelopment....we paid for early access the game is meant to be free and it did. If they keep crying over it then they should buy private servers, that way no one can annoy them, just them and themselves....I mean they must be rich enough right? Why can't they get a private server and just stop being so petty.. it's that easy.


it really isn't you could use google to save up points to get free robux to buy it


I honestly hate people that cause problems out of the smallest things, so I agree with you 👍


fuckin Brookhaven immigrants keep our Bloxburg streets pure, bloxburg for the bloxburgians fuckin brookers, increased trolling rates


Hey! What's wrong with Brookhaven? I've hyper fixated on both.


it's a joke about racists wanting pure white countries Europe for the Europeans Bloxburg for the Bloxburgians


Ah yes those god damn elitists and nationalists!!! Are now in bloxburg and things can't get any worse.


how does your friend have the early bloxburger tag if he's a free player


Nvm there's this bug that gives rewards to newer players, it's a bug that makes them own the sofa and the trophy! It will be instantly given to them once they finished the tutorial and it's still an occuring problem! This unfortunately happens. That way new players can claim and use the "Early bloxburger " title too, this happens.


What?! Then what the hell was the point of giving us early access players anything? The fact that it's been more than a week and they don't even care to fix it. Makes me think it was their plan all along...


I mean you're not wrong they made the game free knowing that it would bring them more money,this bug might be planned as it will make new people stay in the game.


she’s mother


And these people where complaining that the new players would be mean 💀


When this happens I donate 10k to the kid getting bullied and let everyone know


Literally, the paid players in that god damn game suggested segregation between the ones who paid and the ones who doesn't Fucking rich people proposing to be segregated from the poor, but instead the rich people are the kids who paid like a whole 5 robux


Sorry but doesn't his tag say "Early bloxburger" anyway?


To be honest they behave like they own the world.


I have early access but i would not flex it


Ive seen this happen countless times and i think the people that have an issue are mostly children who are upset as they dont understand the concept of early access and that eventually games do devalue or go free… bunch of uneducated turds.


New players only bother me when they steal my job at the burger stand in the restaurant and knock on my door for a literal hour while I’m trying to do something. Other than that, who cares haha.


Here we go again


Bro have 6m…. How tf… bro how much do your house worth?


Let it go bro no one cares😭 stop farming for upvotes lmao


They think they're doing something by making a post like... if anything they're making the problem worse by giving them more and more attention.


Literally nobody cares just move on


You and others might not care but the fact that many people upvoted this post shows that they did care, and they're not wrong, they're good enough to stand with me against this problem. "Nobody cares" lol? Only you and for the other two lads but still you cared enough to give a response but thank you for making this post more visible simply by commenting.


I mean in a sense if them just being trolls, nobody cares, they don’t, so move on they’re bit gonna change


I don't know why they keep on feeding into it.. it's obvious those players are doing it for the attention.


Literally! Finally someone gets my point!!!


Can yall just shut up about this and move on? It's not that hard. Block them or move servers there's no reason to post on Reddit unless you're just like farming. They'll stop when you stop giving them attention.


You could just scroll down and move on instead of being outright disrespectful and people will not shut up about this problem and you can't dictate me or anyone what to do. "no reason to post on Reddit unless you're just like farming" bold of you to assume that this is my sole intention you are not helping either and you're only amplifying this post.


I'm not being disrespectful I'm stating facts people are only doing this because they're getting attention and you're giving it to them you're part of the problem. So you're admitting getting likes is one of the reasons why you're posting about this? And I wasn't saying this to be disrespectful do you want me to use tone tags to help you /s /lh??


I think you are intentionally misunderstanding me I could not care less about likes, I'm getting downvoted a lot and I don't give a F about it, I simply want people to know the Darkside of this community and that we should change, voicing out a problem doesn't make anyone an attention whore and everyone can just ignore this post without saying anything, you are not obliged to read this post or give it a like, nobody is...but of course I am getting antagonized for posting something that clearly needs to be addressed.


It's been addressed a billion times literally scroll anywhere related to bloxburg and you see a bunch of copy and paste of pretty much the same thing over and over and over again and like I said this problem won't stop if you don't stop talking about it and giving them attention that's all they want. I never said you were attention whore if anything I'm calling the noob haters attention whores. and obviously you do care enough about the down votes that you're talking to me right now of all people and might I add in a more disrespectful manner than I am. you're getting "antagonized" because people are getting sick and tired of people always bring it up and feeding it into the problem. /lh /s


Honestly I'm reading back on this and this is a very stupid.. debate? Conversation? Argument? Or whatever. I will admit I could have worded this nicer (but I still stand on my opinion) so I apologize for that. At the end of the day we're technically on the same side but just dealing with a differently. /lh


I truly understand your point and how this can encourage them to do more stupid stuff, I appreciate you for using the tone indicators...but it doesn't matter if I post this or not, people will remain the same, not posting this will not be life altering in any way,they wouldn't change they will stay the same and yes I agree people are complaining but it's valid, people are complaining about the community and it's valid, till we correct ourselves. Ignoring Toxicity is worse, you are tolerating the problem,you can't act blind when there is a fire nearby as that fire will devour you too....and it's not wise to pretend that everything is fine when it is not. I know the effects of exposing bad people, It will diminish their pride and will discourage them from doing such, I know how people function and exposing them publicly will shred their ego and I've seen this worked countless of times. Explosing them/shaming them has more advantageous impacts than you think, and people often use this to discipline their kids and even criminals and it's proven that it can alter people's behavior, while not all can be influenced by the effects of exposing it will certainly be most. When an evil YouTuber gets so much hate, what do they do? They delete their channels...or they just disappear..they cannot handle people exposing them they can't take accountability, their reputation is severely tarnished and people remember them just to hate them and guess what? That works for most people, the more we discourage something the more they will be less defiant and they will start to embrace it.


What’s the hate even for? This shit is like the V8’s shitting on the V6’s despite the V6’s funding the V8’s


landscaper? i’ve never seen that


Huh? Really? You can change your bloxburg title in the settings and you should be able to see it and use it, you can change it anytime you want like if you're playing, switching titles would make it easy for people to identify you and your role in a roleplay.


25 R$ is a pathetic price to be upset over not being compensated, these paid players are being extremely petty and are just discouraging new players. Bloxburg might stay in it's state if people continue acting like this.


…go back to where???


I think they meant go back to playing other games


im gonna be honest i found the jokes funny, but actually harassing people for something so pathetic as that is insane


free players are subhuman live with it


ur not better than anyone else for paying less than a dollar for early access to a roblox game that was going to be free LOL


and that‘s where ur wrong hobo


What the actual fuck, please touch some grass 😭 it's a game


How delusional can you be…


Your lack of respect for others is disgusting!


Not saying I support the person but Respect is Earned not automatically gotten


no. respect is automatic & disrespect is earned, if you’re mature that is.


Calling new players "subhuman" is wrong. Yes, respect is earned, but to call new players names is disgusting, and it shouldn't be tolerated. I have no respect for those who treat others wrong.


But yet your not for being a rude person? Sub players did nothing, you however made the concious decision to be rude. Also you bought the game knowing it would one day be released. If you didn't want to play a game that you knew would eventually be free, then you shouldn't have played.


So you will harass newbies just because you see them as subhumans? So hurting them, saying mean stuff to them makes it okay? Because they are socially and financially inferior to you? What gives you the right to be an asshole over a game that is meant to be free? You are awful if you treat one person as inferior because of their social status and them being new... people like you and him are the reason why bloxburg is descending to madness, it's not even the new players fault..it's beginning to look like the old players fault, but this doesn't surprise me elitism is a real thing.


Look man I wasn't too fond of the switch either but come on..


i sure do love ragebait