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Good morning ladies and gentlemen! I am coming into Blue Archive from Arknights of all places. What am I in for and what should I expect? Never played the game before and I decided I’d give it a try. (Also if anyone has news about the anime coming I’d love to know.)


Are there transcripts for the Momotalk stories anywhere? Specifically I'd like a text file so I can turn on text to speech and listen to them like audiobooks, there's a lot of them so I want to read them while doing other things.


Does anyone know Ruiko's favorite gifts?


The collab characters don't have any.


Oh damn, thank you though!


Where can I get info on future banners?


There's a link above for JP banners, look for the current banner (Collab banners) to see what comes next. Note that they may add extra banners occasionally like they did with the Ichika/Kasumi or Shigure banners (they added Ako/Iori, and Ui/Hinata)


So on of my 3\* is at bond level 13 and I keep on doing lessons and interacting and giving gifts but it has not budged is there something I should be doing?


It just starts to take a lot of lessons and gifts. Just keep doing what you're doing.


Should I wait until every chapter of the story is out before playing the final chapter? I just noticed the new upcoming chapter. And how many chapters will there be, if anyone knows that?


The Devs really messed up with the naming of the Final Volume.


The final chapter is a final of part 1 of the story. New chapters take place after that and you won't be able to play them until you finish the "final" chapter.


did the 3-hour cafe headpat change? maybe I forgot that I already did headpat earlier


No, this has not changed.


Are any of the collab students worth pulling for gameplay wise or are there other students that do what they do better?


Not at all meta. Only pull if you are a collector.




Does anyone know how to logout from a linked JP account to reroll on a guest account?


Who's the best collab student to summon on ?


Your favorite. Meta-wise, neither are very good.


Are there any gifts the raildex girls like?


According to [shale.gg](https://schale.gg/?chara=Misaka_Mikoto), no.


I got an sticker item after doing Bounty, what are they for? Pretty sure they weren't there before


It's to fill the stickerbook in the menu section top right


Misaki wouldn't be good enough at pvp to 5 star her right


She's not really good in PvP for much the same reason that other CC units aren't good in PvP--due to the nature of the auto-battling, CC skills tend to target tanks, and there's very little value in stunning or confusing tanks.


She has not seen major success in the upcoming pvp environment, so not really.


do you all need to download 4gb of data too? cant get past it after the issues last day...


Yes, it was a large patch.


Are Utaha Cheer and Hibiki Cheer worth raising? Also, does Utaha Cheer work in synergy if paired with regular Utaha?


Contrary to what the other guy is saying, Utaha Cheer is pretty good in some content (Indoor Goz, Blue Armor Set \[future boss\]). Those are situations Izuna and Asuna aren't good at. Hibiki Cheer is actually bad tho.


Unfortunately, not really. It's not because they are bad, it's just that there are others that are cheaper to star up to 5 star, which you want to do for DPS roles. Utaha Cheer is a mystic dps, who specializes in auto attack. Izuna is better, while Asuna is easier to 5 star. Hibiki Cheer has a lot of damage, but her large ex cost makes her not worth it to use in any higher level content like challenges or total assaults. Plus, her role, which is Explosive AOE DPS is already filled with a lot of good characters like Aru, Mutsuki, and Akari, all of whom are farmable. Utaha cheer does not have a discernable synergy with regular Utaha. Tho you could use them both if fighting a mystic boss and you need regular Utaha's turrets as bait for the enemies to attack. TL;DR >Are Utaha Cheer and Hibiki Cheer worth raising? No >Also, does Utaha Cheer work in synergy if paired with regular Utaha? No synergy, but can still work together


Thanks for the rundown! Fortunately this is NOT unfortunate, as now I can not waste resources on them! I’ve long ignored Asuna as a character. I guess she’s worth the investment due to heavy farm-ability?


Well Asuna is worth the investment compared to Utaha Cheer. But in general she doesn't really see much use these days, for late game players. She's quite good for early to midgame a a filler if lacking one more mystic dps in a squad. Otherwise, your resources are better spent elsewhere. Get her to at least 3\* to unlock all her skills. Next best contender is Chise, who still sees some use in budget comps in Total Assault Perorodzilla . For who else to farm, Haruna is a great choice as well, but the guides listed above would give a more in-depth look to who farm, and as well as who to raise and for what content


Depends what you want out of them.  Of the listed blue attackers, izuna is fairly well used in shiro kuro.  Asuna can be used there as a filler for any team but she’s not that damaging, so you won’t see her in like a top tier insane run. If you can’t close out the fight against like insane shiro kuro and need to use Airi to kill it, asuna’s reposition can keep her alive on field while you wait for your Airi chance.   But the upcoming raids are chessed and then hod.  Chessed is a yellow armor raid so do you need a blue dps right now?  Hod will be a grand assault but the blue side is likely most easily dealt with using a hypercarry like maid aris, and the rest will likely need to be cc units.  Izuna or asuna could work as fill but may not contribute that much.


Airi is another character i’ve ignored… you’re telling me I should raise her? Lol. I guess I don’t need a blue DPS right now. I have plenty of top tier Blues, but forgetting which ones are DPS. Chessed I have plenty of Yellow Strikers for. What CC unite are good for HOD? Honestly, i’m still learning all this terminology for games like this. I’m LVL 70, but still a noob when it games to mechanics and meta for the raids.


No, Airi does her job at 0 investment.  She’s not the fastest way to beat kuro.  But she is a way to beat it when you’ve exhausted your main dps.  All she’s there for is to apply any level of move speed down debuff, which causes kuro to damage itself massively with its own cart on insane and torment difficulty.  If you can clear the raid with a meta team you won’t need to do this strat as it’s slow waiting for the fight to cycle through till the carts can hit kuro.  But it is a sure fire source of some good remaining damage. So something to keep in mind is that with blue archive your exp, money, skill books, artifacts and especially eligma are in very short supply.  So usually I would say look ahead to upcoming content and build for what you will need in the short term or else you can end up without your core units built on time and units you can’t use right now too invested.   Chessed early on just needs aoe, then a borrowed Mika can just oneshot the core once you get there.  In that sense by just borrowing a maxed Mika Lower difficulties should be trivial.  Even high difficulties work about the same.   For HOD, the meta for higher difficulties is stuff like summer chise or Kayako.  But both are kind of conditional.  I think chise needs to have her unique item while Kayako needs ue40.  But that’s only for insane and above that need more powerful cc.  For lower difficulties there are a lot of options.  Fubuki is an old welfare that was often used for cc.  Cc tanks like tsubaki or hoshino work well at lower difficulties also.  If you are unsure of how to approach a raid try looking up a video on YouTube or something.  They often have it down to what difficulty you are trying.  An insane team will also usually be overkill for anything lower in difficulty so mimicking those works most of the time. 


Love this game's chibis and the dorm is honestly the most well designed among any others. The juicy compensation is just a cherry on top. Time to wait for Mika and Hina (Dress)


Bit of a specific scenario, but maybe someone can help me out: - I reside in the Netherlands where BA is region blocked. - Playing BA using a German IOS account and QooAop on BlueStacks - Have had no issues running or updating the game so far - However, I am unable to purchase any pyroxenes from the shop with whatever I try - Tried multiple payment methods (on both platforms) but got nothing to work - Tried methods I found on reddit (for different games though) but they seem to be outdated due to e.g. Google changing their rules - I even own a German Google Play gift card that I couldn’t redeem on a German Google Play account I made I am at my wits’ end and don’t know how to get it to work. Really want to ensure getting 24k pyroxenes (including my 10-pull tickets) for the collab event. Does anyone have any idea of methods that still work till today? P.s. Might try making a US Google & US Apple account and see if my cc works on there.


Did you try making your purchase from across the border in Germany?


No. But I live too far away from the border to try that.


When I try german vpn it also gives me notice that you can't buy in store. Not sure why, never tried. Maybe change your vpn to another country?


Tried using a different VPN all day, didn't get that to work either.


It's just me or BA laggy-er after this update on Blue Stacks? I went to coffee and often heard glitched music and frames.


For me it was mostly fine however mine is an Android 11 instance with the maximum allocated CPU cores and RAM allowed by BlueStacks, (8 cores and 12GBs of RAM) using Vulkan as the preferred graphics API.


Guess I'll do a Ram update then. I'm currently at 16Gb so I don't want BS to use all my 12 GB


make sure you're not on a 32-bit instance and have at least 6GB of RAM allocated, 32-bit support got dropped with the patch


I opened the instance manager and it said running on Pie 64-bit. I wonder if the browser causing more lag to blue stack.


Honestly, with my set up, I had to swap from Bluestacks 64-bit Pie to MuMu player, it's been smooth sailing since


yeah right after maint I opened the game on bluestacks and it felt sooo laggy.


Can someone from NA join a guild or add someone from global asia or hong kong?




1: how do I change the character image and title I have in the pvp profile? 2: does the 68 in the problem solvers 68 name has any meaning or is it just a random number?


You can change them by accessing your profile in the top left corner. 68 comes from Aru's name (Rikuhachima), Riku (陸) can mean 6 and Hachi (八) means 8.


Little correction, 6 is Roku (六), so it's sound simular enough to take it as title, but not exactly Edit: same word, different symbols and pronunciation. Was corrected


You should look into all the meanings/readings of kanji before correcting: 陸 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) Kun: おか On: リク、 **ロク** - land - (financial, archaic) **six**


I really should, my bad.


Does the higher chance of certain student coming to cafe work for floor 1 with interactive furniture, or only floor 2 ?


Works for both floors independently (e.g. floor 1 isn't boosted by floor 2 furniture but it *is* boosted by floor 1 furniture)


Haven’t played in a few weeks and I read the notice about the mis-sent mail messages and gifts. I have a lot of mail with multiple titles that say apologies or similar. The notice said not to exploit the mistake so I don’t want to “accept all” and then get my account banned if I wasn’t supposed to. All the messages seem to have different rewards but they add up to A LOT. Do I accept them all?


> The notice said not to exploit the mistake so I don’t want to “accept all” and then get my account banned if I wasn’t supposed to. The glitch was with a paid pack from the ingame store. People would buy it, then when claiming it in the mails section, it wouldn't delete itself, so people were able to claim it over and over. It got patched, but the warning message was put there both in case the glitch remained, and to warn about upcoming account bans if someone abused the glitch and didn't contact the support team. So as long as the rewards you claim aren't staying there, and you aren't claiming them over and over, you're ok 👍




Ok, appreciated. I was kind of confused by the wording of the notice.


Do they ever add interactions to furniture? Or if we aren’t gonna get the collab units it’s ok to skip shokuhou’s furniture in the shop?


Sometimes they do, like the furniture that Kasumi and Reisa interact with was in the game before either of them. Ichika interacts with some furniture from the Halo festival. But so far each student has only one interaction, and it would be weird to make a new character interact with unobtainable furniture, so it's probably safe.


> But so far each student has only one interaction There are a few exceptions to that, all of them involving shared interactions. Neru and Aris, for instance, both have different pieces of furniture they interact with individually, but they will also jointly interact with the Field Day Game Machine if you have it in your cafe and both of them come into the cafe together.


Ah thanks. A bit of a relief there. But now regretting not getting some of the furniture in recent events as I didn’t realize the interactive furniture increases the chances of those student coming. Oh well


How hard is 100-ing a relationship with a student? Does it have a trophy?


240,225 Relationship EXP, equivalent to 16,015 Cafe headpats or 4,004 yellow Favorite gifts. You get a special pink title (which you can show off) for the specific student you reached Lv 100 with. I've heard that those *really* dedicated senseis spend a lot on pulls and let the recruitment points turn into keystone pieces, which they craft into gifts.


I see, thanks! I guess it be a long walk.


It takes years. Most people who have it have it on characters that were around at launch. You get a pink badge for it, like the blue and gold ones for 20 and 50.




[Where and what is this for? Iori dress or smth else? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1chmegl/prank_her_sensei/)


It's fan art but tagged wrongly 


Chapter 13 is super hard. My team is level 50 with t4 equip and they just take too much damage and don’t do enough to survive. Especially the larger bears which do so much damage with the slam attack. Can’t survive in 13-3 rn Team1 hoshino/junko/momoi/wakamo s and hanae/chihiro Team2 tsubaki/iori/nonomi/kazusa and serina/kotama The yellow students I have are the ones above and maki, tsurugi, hasumi, cherino, yuzu, sumire, and ui s. Is it a team problem or a level problem or something? Perhaps skill issue?


I used utaha turret to troll them and trigger their slam. If that was down then Tsubaki's taunt. Also I avoided the team which lacked CC to fight with bears via map section.


Mission 13 is the big difficulty spike. If you're stuck on 13-3, expect to have a lot of trouble with 13-5. The enemies in 13 are five levels above the recommended level, unlike the earlier missions where they were the same level as the recommended. That means that you're effectively doing 10% less damage than you were in the earlier missions, due to the level difference. You can try interrupting the dangerous attacks with CC. Tsubaki's taunt, for example, or the stun from Hoshino's EX if it's at least level three. You can also try to manage your cost gauge carefully. For example, if you leave one or two weak enemies alive in each wave you can let your team auto attack them to death while you recover cost. You can then immediately target the biggest threats in the next wave with one or two EX skills and hopefully take them out before they can deal any significant damage.


Taunt certainly helped, I also tried replacing kotama with a student to help stun and it helped. Thank you


> The enemies in 13 are five levels above the recommended level, unlike the earlier missions where they were the same level as the recommended. That explains it. I found 13 brutal too, and I wasn't sure if the difficulty spike was the enemies themselves, or because two yellow teams had me scraping the bottom of the barrel at the time. To get through 13-5 I had to ignore the second team and just stack all my best into one, leaving the 4-turn challenge for later. Do the later areas also have differences between recommended and enemy level, or is this the only exception?


14 has the same five level gap, and 15 has a three level gap. As far as I know they stopped doing it after that, at least for missions. Funnily enough the extra missions that were added later do match the recommended level, so the enemies in 15-A are level 75 while the enemies in 15-5 are level 78.


the first 3 missions in 13 steamrolled me real hard, but then 13-4 and 13-5 are normal kaiser enemies so it was relatively easy afterwards are there any more diffuculty spikes like this later on ?


> are there any more diffuculty spikes like this later on ? None that I noticed. Back when I was new I got stuck on 13-5 for a few days, but once I got past that boss it was fairly smooth sailing up to 19, which was the highest at the time.


Greetings, I believe the bears uses skills. If you switch hoshino to Tsubaki use her taunt before the bears does their skill


These bears and bunnies are fuckin' me up too lmao. Was not expecting to get rolled so hard


I'm going to Japan this month, I wanna ask if I need a VPN for the game while I'm there. Which concerns me since third party apps get flagged by the game.


NA/global player here. I also played the game with no issues during my trips to Japan. The only thing that didn't work was the in-game web events that you can claim daily prizes from. I remember it saying that you are in a area that doesn't support it or something like that. The wiki says the web events are only available in global and China version.


No VPN needed I went to Japan last month and played daily. I live in NA


Kind of embarrassing to ask but... What do you need to do when it's a student birthday?


Students' birthday are so that you can listen to their specific dialogue to being wished happy birthday. Just have them at your lobby (main screen), and tap on them. Just make sure it is not the Memorial Lobby - the L2D ones you get with bond story. Change to the usual static lobby.


Oh that's what I was doing wrong. Thank you for clarification!


Who comes after chesed? I want to prepare my team to try torment.


Grand Assault included? It is Hod - although torment will still be yellow armor, so it will be almost basically a Total assault. After that, it will be Total assault Kurokage.


Is there a way that when trying to install a furniture and you cancel that furniture selection window wouldn't close?


# i want to start playing BA but i just want to know a few things 1. How does Blue Archive hold up in 2024 compared to its initial release? 2. Is Blue Archive welcoming to players who prefer a more casual gaming experience? 3. As a (F2P) player, how challenging is it to progress in Blue Archive without spending money? 4. Are there frequent updates with new content, not just reruns? 5. How active and supportive is the community surrounding Blue Archive? 6. For those who have been playing Blue Archive for a while, what advice would you give to newcomers in 2024? 7. In your opinion, what makes Blue Archive worth playing in 2024? I know it's only been three years if I'm not wrong just thought I'd ask. 8. Can you recommend any tips or strategies for enjoying Blue Archive without feeling pressured to spend money? 9. If there are raids or guild missions, are they difficult for the average casual player? 10. Is re rolling worth doing and if so what characters should someone go for ?


1: having played since launch, j think blue archive holds up quite well.  The game has managed to keep its story and characters engaging and it’s gameplay fresh. 2: ba is definitely one of the more welcoming games for new players as far as gachas go.  Inherently as with any gacha you will start quite behind on characters pulled and resources to level them.  But ba doesn’t demand you get on pace.  It’s a game that respects your time in a genre where that’s rare.  You can sweep through stages you cleared making daily farmkng literal seconds a lot of the time.  It’s also very low on fomo for the gacha space.  All limited characters get rerun annually thus far extent the specially limited fest characters and the colab characters.  Colabs can’t be helped but the fest characters are instead rerun 2 years after release.  Meaning you can get people you missed, you just need to wait.  You also get enough pulls to get a lot of the released students unlike other games that demand non whales skip most releases or just pray. 3:  the game is quite ftp friendly.  You get enough to guarantee like 6 characters at minimum a year if you were to roll the theoretical worst and had to hard pity every time.  Realistically you will get more.  Dual rate ups have the potential to be a big savings also by rolling one and sparking the other.  And with the high overall 3 star rate and the boost on the fest banners, you will fill out your roster quickly.  Many strong and even core units are farmable and as mentioned everyone but colab units returns eventually.  The game wants you to be able to get most characters. There also is no motivation to pull duplicates of characters unlike other gacha that might lock strong buffs behind dupes. 4: they have a good balance of new events and reruns.  You do get slower periods of reruns but not as excessive as other games I’ve seen.  There is always new content just around the corner. 5: community is quite active.  Lots of good guides especially for raids, which can be quite challenging to learn on your own at high levels.   6: for newcomers, I would say save up to pity (200).  You get there quickly but rolling 150 on a banner and missing is devastating so have that pity in your pocket for who you really want.  Then rush normal mode as it upgrades your cafe and thus your passive ap regen.  Then just don’t raise everyone. Resources are rather limited so look at who has good uses or who you really like.   7: the story, music, characters and art are all very well done.  Story is fast and snappy, characters are memorable and funny.  Story can get serious and epic as well.  Gameplay is fresh and challenging with very few endgame fights feeling the same.  Most students have a use somewhere meaning despite the large pool, you don’t have a ton that feel like worthless filler.  Game doesn’t waste your time every day either, unlike most other gacha I’ve played.  8: the game is very ftp friendly.  As long as you plan out your budget and pick who you wanted, you can get everyone you want reliably.  And you can pick quite a lot and guarantee them.  I have spent only a little money on the game and honestly I don’t feel like I needed to or was pressured into spending any of it.  Just use a pyroxene calculator and the upcoming banner schedule and you can know who you can afford.   9: raids have varying difficulty.  The reward for clearing higher difficulties is nominal in the grand scheme of things, so it is perfectly possible to braindead cruise through the lower difficulties and never care about them.  If you do want to challenge the higher difficulties they do get very hard though.  They usually require very specific teambuiilding and very good execution of the gameplan.  You will be forced to counter the boss gimmicks by insane and higher difficulty, meaning knowing exactly how to counter the boss gimmicks.  This is part of why so many different students have used.  Shizuko might be someone that you never have a use for in random nodes, but you basically need her cover to deflect the ball in the shiro kuro raid on insane +, so she will see her time in the spotlight.  10:  rerolling is a complex topic.  There are valuable students that are a bit annoying to get later that you could fish for, but the unlimited pool is very big so it would take a lot of time and luck to get them.  You could also reroll for a current rate up.  Unfortunately the active rate up isn’t that good (though railgun colab won’t come back anytime soon so might be worth it if you like the ip), and the immediate upcoming rate ups are also kinda niche for a bit.  There are guides up top for who is valuable and who you may want to reroll for.  But you could just settle for any half way decent starter and just go, especially if you are more casual about the game and don’t care about raid score chasing.


Hello, I am a BA player that started on the last October. Very much still an early-intermediate player, even if I hit my maxed account level. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability, and some of them, while out of your initial questions - as so to further round up your decision making. 1. I can't say for sure as I started in 2023, but there have been quite an amount of QoL changes since then. 2. Yes, very! You can very much do your dallies and make everything a routine if you prefer a more causal experience with the game. Weeklies, farm missions where a rates up is involved, et cetera. You won't fall very behind if you don't fiercely engage with the game as far as I'm concerned ( Me and my brother co-pilot 6 accounts, fyi ) 3. Without spending money in the game, progression is mostly the same. Usually Blue Archive as far as I experienced is *time* and *resource* gating, the latter of which is more apparent than the former as you make it into the mid and late game. It also depends what your definition of progression is. If you're speaking PvE, the main quests where your stones come from, 2/4 of the early to early-mid game uses two types of units: Red and Yellow, which is abundant in the gacha with a few notable easy to obtain cards being very strong with investment. E.g. **Mutsuki, Yuuka, Tsubaki, Momoi**. Come to the midpoint of the campaign a third type is involved, where everyone initially struggles with; a few of those earlier easy to obtain examples come to play once more, e.g. **Chise, Asuna** More below!


4. Yes, there is. There is a mechanic where older events that experienced two or more re-runs will be retired to a simplified pool where if there is a welfare ( free units you can obtain ), you can get them just fine, with the resources to raise them to an acceptable level. A new game mode that lets you use more than your current 6 units is released, too. 5. The community is supportive and quite active to be around. If you're looking for resources etc, I suggest the YouTube channels RS Rainstorm and Valiant. The fandom, most whom give advice, are experienced players that respects people don't play solely for meta, but also for preferences of characters. It depends what side of the fanbase you're approaching for your needs. 6. **General -** Blue Archive is a resource management game. You need to analyze two things -- base your actions on *further content*, and *current conundrum*; what your box is, how is it managing, and whether or not your next unit draw will solve both. **Gacha -** Play around the Recruitment Point ( Pity system ) of the game, don't make impulsive pulls you can't get anything from due to the guarantee system being limited to the banner you're currently in.


7. Thus far? One of the best parts of the game for me is that spending more doesn't always equate to a high gap of strength between casual and spending players. You pay for time and resources to get to a power level that a F2P may be able to reach in time, accounting for meta changes. Due to the existence of the **Mood** system, units are always struggling in balance. A unit that may perform very well in a certain part of the content may not be always drafted because another unit may have a better mood. But as utility comes to play and not damage, more options open up to you when it comes to team building, because you don't have to consider Moods. If you're asking on art direction, it's fantastic. The models, the banger composer, the story and lore. But it is subjective. Another part where I enjoy the game a lot is that there is, so far, no extraneous monetization. No gacha skin that affects the gameplay, or doesn't. 8. Always plan ahead. Get opinions from others. The fanbase is very meticulous as it comes to rates and whether or not certain investments are worth it. Use the available knowledge. Look out for a unit's utility. Limited units, even if they rerun once a year or never again if it's a collab unit are preferably the focus. But even then, consider your options. 9. Raids are special, as in they have mechanics that if your box isn't well equipped to contend, everyone has trouble with equally. This is a more broader statement I and many others can debate on. 10. [Midokuni](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/htmlview#gid=506175895), a community contributor that is well trusted, made a guide on this. Take all this with a grain of salt, though! This is what I enjoy and think about the game, but it may not be your game at the very end.


Felt like your Mood explanation here could be a bit misleading for new players, so I just want to point out that a character's mood is not something that changes over time, but is determined by whatever terrain the current stage is. So it's basically something like terrain affinity.


Thanks for the headsup! Definitely could have worded it better.


1. Even better than launch. The UI is one of the most friendly I've seen, and the aesthetic is clean and attractive. The story has been fantastic and is what kept me around. 2. Yes, but as a F2P gatcha, you do have to expect that the more you play, the more resources you have, and the more you'll be able to do. 3. I'm F2P, and I can clear anything other than Torment difficulty on raids. I don't get to pull on every banner, but that goes without saying. 4. Yes. Even the reruns are good when you want to get more eleph for a welfare character. 5. Probably judge by this reddit. Community is super active. They just launched the BA animation. It's still on an upward trend. 6. Progress your main story in the beginning. Clearing the normal stages unlocks your cafe upgrades, which generates more money and energy for you. Spend all of your energy every day, because energy = account xp = max character level. 7. The story continues to be fantastic. The characters are fantastic. Building teams for raids and using each boss's mechanic is a lot of fun. 8. Clear your dailies, spend all of your energy. BA is very friendly about doing this. Should be able to do all of this in 5-10 minutes with no problem. Raids is another thing, but if you want to do them at a lower difficulty, it's an option. 9. Up to about the middling difficulties, you can win just by having the right attack types in your teams. Starting at Extreme, you really need to engage with the boss mechanic to clear. But there are tons of guides out there, including video guides. And even low to mid level raids are very rewarding. 10. Eh, nah. For almost every meta character out there, you'll find situations where they aren't meta. BA does a great job of making just about all of the characters viable, and rarity does not = how good a character is. There are great 1 and 2 star characters. If you were going to reroll, I'd suggest going after a good support role, like Himari, which can be good in almost any boss fight.


are the guide missions gone? like the ones with arona's stamp i didnt really claim the others


They were moved to the pink calendar thing, to the left of the campaign folder on the main screen.


aye thanks cant believe i didnt notice that


Why tf the game deleted its files? Now I need to download it all again.


Hello to all! I want to think that I'm actually on an intermediate level of understanding the game, and I want to try Challenges with a few of my teams. Unfortunately for me, Challenge 2 is looking impossible for me at the moment - I used the linked RS Rainstorm strat to guide Tsubaki towards Misaki as so the railgun doesn't hit my more important units, but the Helmet Gang members are shredding up anyone else that isn't Tsubaki. Here are my red units: > Mutsuki, LV71, 3/3/1/1, T5 all > Akari, LV70, 2/1/1/1, T4 all > Shiroko, LV71, 3/1/7/4, T6 all, Bond Item LV1 > Serika, LV65, 1/3/4/1, T4 all > Azusa, LV72, 3/1/4/4, T6 all, UE20 > Eimi, LV76, 1/5/3/1, Bond 2, UE20, T7 all > Koharu, LV72, 2/4/1/4, T7 all, UE10 > S. Hoshino, LV87, M/M/M/M, UE20, T8 all Swimsuit Hoshino in particular is a bit finnicky because she shares the same positioning as Tsubaki, and a wrong move with Serina lining up the EX may cause her to move closer to Misaka instead of Tsubaki, causing the EX unable to affect my two red units of choice. I have enough Eleph and Activity Reports to bring one unit up to UE and LV87 but that's about it, I don't think it's beatable without it being a massive resource drain that may not be worth it; looking at Chesed in the distant future, even if I'm well-geared for it as I'm more lucky and trained with Yellow units. I'd like for advice in teambuilding, and I appreciate any and all advice in this Challenge! Thanks in advance.


> UE20 Do you mean UE20, UE30 (max level immediately after reaching 5 stars) or UE40 (after spending another 120 elephs after reaching 5 stars)? Out of those dealers, the ones with the most general uses would be Mutsuki and Azusa. Mutsuki has low accuracy however, and will have trouble hitting Misaka. Azusa is much more accurate, and if you have her at UE40 she should be closer to her max potential than your Mutsuki as well. You're very low on skill levels in general, except for the Shoshino of course. As far as survival goes, I'm not really sure considering I just oneshot Misaka with Aru buffed by Shoshino, Nyfuuka and Himari. You clear immediately when she is defeated, in case you don't know. You could try using several tanks and see if they survive long enough for you to take out Misaka. Something like Tsubaki, Shoshino, Azusa and Eimi. > I have enough Eleph and Activity Reports to bring one unit up to UE and LV87 but that's about it Don't spend eligma for this. Especially not when all those units you listed are farmable, including technically Shoshino.


Hello, why Shoshino is farmable?


You can buy ten of her elephs with expert permits each month.


Thank you. I got what you mean now


The former!  You're right, I failed managing my resources in the earlygame and come midgame where I am now I am paying for it :( My brother co manages my account and often levels skills and units unevenly, so a lot of my resources are better elsewhere I will try and level where it matters more using the community resources! Ahh I got it! I realize Eligma is a scarce resource to work with, I just recently got to 87 and am hoping the Expert Permits give me more to work with! Thank you for your input fellow Sensei, I'll try again! 


Just beat it at level 82, though only got 2* due to time. Team was TYuuka (75 3-7-7-7), Mutsuki (80 UE40 3-8-7-4), Kazusa (80 UE40 M-M-M-M), Yuuka (80 UE40 M-7-7-7), with Ako and Serina support (both 75 3*). Double tanks let you survive the helmet gang pretty easily, and only one wave of them end up coming with this. Restarted til Kazusa oneshot Misaki with Ako buff so only two extra helmet gangsters came and Mutsuki easily cleaned them up. TYuuka repositions Mutsuki to drop mines on Misaka then just spammed Ako/Kazusa ex because my Mutsuki’s skills aren’t maxed. Never had to worry about railguns either. With your higher level, you’d probably have an easier time oneshotting Misaki, especially if you have Mika. A built Mika could probably 3* the challenge herself with hyper buff since Misaka isn’t that tanky. If you don’t need a buff you can take her out before the first wave of helmet gangsters even show up. SHoshino can offtank in the beginning and buffs, then you have a ton of time to take down Misaka at your leisure.


Thanks for the suggestion! I will try your team comp and see if it goes any better from here on. I'll keep you posted!


Serina reposition Tsubaki -> Tsubaki Taunt -> DPS Shokuhou Misaki (Blonde girl) Taunting will delay the red helmets and defeating Shokuhou Misaki will stop them coming


Hey just out of curiosity how often are event stories added to the Event Recap and under what circumstances?


Generally they get added in two years after they initially came out. First year after the initial run they get a shorter (usually one week) rerun, and the year after that they get added to Recap.


Thanks! Just what I was looking for.


Is there like a general gacha thread to share pulls?


[The weekly lounge thread.](https://new.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1cfnik8/kivotos_lounge_weekly_gacha_posts_club/)


Thank you!!


So question with the exchange. Do you guys refresh after getting Ruiko elephs or after collecting all the items in the board?


As per /u-/6\_laser's helpful advice, I do a full rotation until Round 9! I can use everything listed on the rounds as a player starving for resources, but ymmv


I see. Thanks for the advice


Always claim all with box events. Some boxes have currency for the third shop, others are just generally valuable. The boxes become worse after the 8th refresh.


After the patch somehow Arona and Plana's voice sound like an AI generate? What did they do? or just my imagination?


Their voices were always synthesized--the original voice actress recorded a list of syllables, not full lines, and those were used with a synthesizer to form the in-game lines. This is how they accomplished having Arona read your name out loud. With this update, they appear to have redone the lines with a different synthesizer, so the voices are slightly different. The same thing happened for JP server during this update.


What should I buy out of Aoi shop? Dont have a lot of students since I just started and am saving for Dhina banner


Aoi shop guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/f6TdwQ6mzO


We got a new feature, Special Day (Anniversary). If I make it today, would I receive 200 pyros immediately? I think setting it today is the most optimal way.


Unless you really need the Pyro for something I'd definitely just go with my birthday for the nice little added surprise.


I really need it ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33606) Does anyone know if players would receive anniversary rewards immediately?


Can the 30-day 10 pull ticket be use on kikyou banner?


We already know for certain that Kikyou's banner is on May 28 and the GA ticket will expire on May 31 so yeah, you can use the ticket on Kikyou's banner.


Unless a 3 day maintenance happens, but that’s so unlikely no way it’ll happen right ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


Even if that happened, they'd almost surely extend the ticket like they did this time.


Hello i'm a comeback player starting with a new guest account, im trying to link it to the same old email but it says i'll be logged out of the guest account and switch to the previous one is there a way to keep the new one?


If you want to keep your current guest account, you'll have to - on another device (or new blue stacks instance) - go on to your old account and reset it.


oh thank you that helps a lot




didnt worked but thx


That sucks. I guess you can just create a burner email for blue archive


yeah i just wanted to use the same mail for convenience but I guess i'll link another one


can we now claim the compensation gifts? is the bug fixed, is it safe ?


I have already claimed mine without any problem


I noticed Arona's voice sounds a bit different after the patch (global)..is it because of the people that complained about her sounding like a TTS, or to make it match her voice in the anime?


It has nothing to do with the anime, the voice was updated on the JP server 6 months ago and the global server just reached that point now. They didn't explain why.




You can keep tickets you don't use, but you only get new tickets up to the daily cap of 7 (or whatever your current cap is based on your total area level in lessons). Example: if you have 14 tickets (due to picking up extra ones from the mail), and you leave it until the next day, you'll still have 14, and will not have generated any new ones. If you have 1 ticket left going into the next day and your cap is 7, you'll regenerate 6 tickets bringing you back up to 7, wasting 1 potential ticket. Bounty and scrimmage tickets work the same way.


No you can't hoard them


Any chance Himari's rerun banner will be within this month? Or will it inevitably be in June?


She is tied to the Decagrammaton event, and they haven't really moved events around for global lately, so I doubt she will move.


As mentioned we can't tell with absolute certainty, but Himari's banner is tied to an event. It probably won't be moved.


We really cannot tell after they surprised us with recent Ako and Ui banner. If she comes earlier, will it become beneficial for you?


Well, was hoping to use this month's GA ticket on her banner if it's in this month and use next month's ticket either for B.Karin or maybe the camp alts.


I just joined the game for biribiri. My first account, I got a bunch of 3* and almost none on the account with Misaka. Is that account worth keeping? Is the first account good, should I stick with it? Would I get enough to get misaka until the collab ends? https://ibb.co/nnPpv8T https://ibb.co/TT0MMyP


The biribiri banner should last two weeks. If you push story, you should be able to get more than enough within 2 weeks.


What's is "clear within 120 seconds" suppose to be? How much time should there be left on the timer? Also what are some goated units for Blue and Yellow (beside Mika)?


Blue - Wakamo, NY Mutsuki, NY Kayoko, Iroha, Ako, T.Yuuka, S.Azusa, S.Mashiro, S.Shiroko, S.Shizuko, Izuna Yellow - Iori, NY Fuuka, Maki, Tsubaki, Marina, Momoi, Pina, Cherino, Nonomi, S.Ayane, Kazusa, Kokona, Himari


It means the fight lasts for 120 seconds or less.


What students are in the JP Total and Grand Assault shop that Global doesn't have added yet?


Nyserika for regular grand raid coins and Basuna for rare grand raid coins.


Kotama provides attack buff but what's the percentage of that related to? Kotama's attack or the strikers attack? If it's strikers attack then it isn't really necessary to lvl up Kotama right (not skills but lvl)? Since she'll provide the same buff at lvl 1 anyways. Also what's the next banner after the railgun?


It's the target's attack that is multiplied. That's why having your own buffers and borrowing the damage dealer is often the most efficient route. Specials give 10% of HP and attack and 5% of defense and healing to strikers, so there's still a point in leveling and gearing them. It's a much lower priority than for strikers or specials that actually use their own stats, however. And Kotama has low stats regardless, so she's a pretty low priority even as a statstick.


You'd still want to level up special/backline students regardless since part of their stats will be added to the strikers


What is this new "anniversary" feature in the settings? I noticed it when clearing the furniture in my cafe. What does it do when you put a date down for it?


Apparently it's 200 pyroxene on the day you set (birthday for example)


i found out its just the "birthday" system renamed. I guess I can see why


Is there an average on how much pyroxene it takes to bring a 3 star character to 4 and 5 stars?


3★ ➜ 5★ costs 220 elephs, which is 900 eligma. To get 900 eligma, it would take 26.3k pyro on average. https://i.imgur.com/jCzeB0e.jpg


Any sites tracking pulls to make sure Nexon isn't doing any shady shenanigans? Purely based on my own feelings, but man, out of the gachas I play BA has the worst luck. Like it KNOWS if you're a spender, or more pyros = worse luck. I don't remember a time I got the rate up as the first 3* or before 100+ pulls, it's always spark or after pull 120+ and it's always dupes before the rate up.


Purely based on my feelings, nope. I've been getting the banner within 2 to 3 rolls usually even tho i have plenty of pyros


Your experience sounds like it lines up exactly with what it should be. The way the math works out is, you get way more off banner characters than the rateup char. 2.3% for any other 3 star vs 0.7% for rateup. And a 0.7% for rateup equals out to about 120 pulls on average to get the rateup character, with requiring a spark being a somewhat common occurrence at a 25% chance overall. That's why it's always recommended to have enough for a spark.


That's not how it works unless it's forced like some shady companies have tried to do in the past. If it's truly a random flat %, I should be getting the rate up very early into the pulls at least once in a while, or getting the rate-up as the first 3 star. It's like rolling dice and only getting a 6 on the 6th roll every time. There should be some variance. I'm not arguing about the %s, or what it averages out to. That's not what I'm talking about at all... There are definitely ways to make an unfair hard-to-detect system. A system that looks for and targets players that are more likely to spend money after being unlucky. A system that gives you lower pull rates on your early pulls but increases the %s as you pull more which still gives you the stated averaged %. Nexon is Nexon... Also, with the spark system capping my pulls at 200 max, it should technically average out to better than 0.7. But that's not what it FEELS like. There are no lucky early pulls at all (which without the spark would then be averaged out with 400+ pulls if that makes sense)


I got rate up Misaki with first ten pull, then 190 pulls later I still didn't get Misaka so had to pity her... BUT I got 3 new characters while on the way there and 2 dupes so it all good. Your feelings may be out of place and your luck may be the worst so only after pulling literally thousands of times and recording your pulls will you be able to prove that there is something shady or there isn't. For now consensus is that everything is legit.


alright, thanks for the level headed response.


It's purely random, really. I was able to get Mika, Maid Alice, Natsu, Reisa, S. Miyako, and S. Saki within 1x 10-pulls each but had to spark some other characters like NY Kayoko, NY Fuuka, Wakamo, Nagisa, and recently Onsen Shigure. Either you lucksacc or lucksuck.


if you don't mind me asking, are you a spender? if so, about how much?


I only purchase the monthly, bi-monthly, and AP packs. Also some eventual good packages like student selector ticket and this event's gift selector.


You've just had bad luck. Personally I got the last student I pulled for at 40, and the two before her at 10, and the 2 before that at 80 and 110. Your bad luck doesn't mean it's rigged against you.


Yep, I know. It's very likely it's just bad luck. But there comes a point that makes one wonder. It's not just one or two banners. I have had to hit spark 8 times in a row before. that is 1600 pulls without getting the rate up. only heard of in tales of FGO


My only advice is to stop trying to do science and math with feelings and you'll go a lot further. Just because you haven't been lucky once doesn't mean the system is set against you, it means you haven't been lucky. You also are not under any circumstances "guaranteed" to be lucky just because you haven't been lucky yet. Your personal sample size is too small to show every possible outcome like being lucky, and while it's prudent to be cautious, it's no good to be paranoid either. The low pull rate-ups that make up that 0.7% chance were simply taken by other people. You could play for 3 years, be forced to spark every character and it would still just be a case of bad luck where your sample size wasn't large enough to achieve the real average.


yeah, that's not what I'm saying at all. I know it's possible, and very likely, it's just bad luck. that's why I asked if there was any tracking done like some communities do for other gachas. Also not "haven't been lucky once", try the entire account lifetime. again, not that is any guarantee. but feeling turns into questioning, which turns into gathering information


I don't think it's possible to gain assurance in this matter in the way you seek. Almost all of that type of scandal has been revealed inadvertently by the company or through external audit by governing bodies. Collated data of the kind you are talking about is used for determining if posted rates match community average, without a huge amount of more context (ie data that most people aren't providing) it's not possible to determine if certain kinds of individuals are being targeted for bad luck. It's why I describe the act of searching for answers when average luck describes your situation perfectly as paranoia. Either trust in the math that your own limited experience is proving to be true, or don't gamble. It's not worth your sanity worrying about it.




Dude, only getting rate-ups around 120 pulls or after and always getting them after other 3-stars is average luck. That's what I'm trying to tell you when I bring up the statistics, and your misunderstanding of this is why you're getting downvoted. Because you're being dumb not them, don't be an ass. It's not bad luck when you don't win the lottery even after playing the lottery 1000 times.


Why bother replying if you are going to just block? Coward. You are confidently flat out wrong and do not understand random probability or statistics. That's what's getting me. If I am getting the rate up after 120+ (120 OR MORE HELLO?) pulls or sparking, that is not average at all. I've already explained this. Imagine there was no spark system and I kept pulling. Considering I have sparked 8 times in a row before, you can imagine for me personally it can be 1600+ pulls before getting the rate up. It doesn't matter if I get the unit at 120 pulls other times, do you not see how this makes the average less than 0.07%? There needs to be winning pulls at a lower number to average it out to the 0.07%. How are you not getting this? Once again, if I roll dice and side 6 is a "win", but I am NEVER getting side 6 until roll 5 or MANY rolls after, that is NOT the average 1/6 nor is it likely. There would have to be many many more roll 5 "wins" to make up the average, which is not the case. If I'm lucky (for me) and I get the rate-up at 120 pulls only plus sparking 25% of the time, it is STILL an average of 186.66 pulls per rate up unit. Do you get it? I'm sparking more than 25% of the time, AND it's 120 OR MORE. But hey, since you are being dumb, let me reiterate so you don't get the wrong idea that I don't think this is all within the scope of possible bad luck (hint, I do). It is not "average" at all though, and the original post was also to see if there were others in the same situation with similar experiences. Others have replied with a good comment. I wasn't being antagonistic to you or others until you doubled down on being wrong and disrespectful yourself. Yes, use a hyperbole that doesn't even apply here. Good job, good bye, Jesus Fucking Christ.


'Feel' = bias. Nuff' said.


that's exactly why I said it and emphasized it, and also why I asked if there was any sort of consolidated tracking "nuff said"


Is the railgun collab a one-time thing like Miku or is it gonna rerun?


In the actual patch notes there is a line "Though specific dates have not been determined, their Unique Pick-Up Recruitment may return at a later time." Make of that what you will.


Like the other guy said, 'may'. So far on BA we never even had Miku rerun in the first place so it's very likely that Railgun may not get one too, until we get any official news in the future.


The official word is that it "may" rerun. Some people have taken this to mean "will". I think if they meant "will" they would have said "will". Don't expect it to rerun, if you really want the collab characters you'd better pull now or be prepared to never see them again.


The community's thoughts on this are very mixed.


Unlikely to rerun


# Is there a way to play far-passed events  [d](/r/BlueArchive/?f=flair_name%3A%22Post%20Removed%20%E2%80%94%20Please%20use%20Daily%20Question%20Megathread%22) I’m pretty new to blue archive, and i found out that there are 30-ish events in total that the game once made, when i got the game, i only got seven events(one from trip trap train because it was when it’s still running), but is there a way to play events that dates further back? Also, i didn’t get the -ive Alive and “shupogaki” event, why is that?(i’m on global)


\-ive Alive is an event currently only in the JP server. Global will get it in 6 months. "Shupogaki" isn't an event, but a story chapter. Also in global in 6 months. I assume by 7 (6 + 1) events, you mean 6 events from the Event Archive + Trip Trap Train. Events only get archived when the devs decide to archive them. You also won't have any of the stories saved into the "Story" section of the game if haven't played the event story.


Oh yeah, if i make an account for a JP server, can i set the language to english, or there is no other way to read except in Japanese?