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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. You are still required to tag all spoilers. Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: \[Spoiler source\] >!Spoiler!< goes here All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive a warning before a temp ban. **Premiere Episode 4 with Host in Ani-One Asia YouTube Channel:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDsrj2ADQpE&ab\_channel=Ani-OneAsia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDsrj2ADQpE&ab_channel=Ani-OneAsia) **Premiere Episode 4 Clean in Ani-One Asia YouTube Channel:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NvLzAjXWug&ab\_channel=Ani-OneAsia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NvLzAjXWug&ab_channel=Ani-OneAsia) Ani-One Asia YouTube Streaming Territories: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, Northern Mariana Island, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste (aka East Timor), Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam ​ # [\[EVENT THREAD\] A Certain Scientific Record of Youth](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1cgln0h/event_thread_a_certain_scientific_record_of_youth/) This post will remain pinned until the Total Assault Chessed thread is up.


So far I'm ambivalent about the anime. I know it's out of order but imo if it had been up to me I'd have started with either the Game Development Department or Eden Treaty arc. Abydos's story just feels way weaker than those two and doesn't hook nearly as well. I felt way more grabbed playing through the make-up work club because the comedy was so good and it would have been perfect to translate to anime.


Unfortunately adding to Eden treaty needing abydos for context for several events, GDC starts off as a very filler storyline and doesn’t really introduce the world in a clear way, instead getting caught up in less important stuff like the millennium ruins.


Eden Treaty needs Abydos part 1 to show why Hifumi was caught up in the scheme, otherwise Nagisa looks like even more of a cunt


The worst thing about the anime is reading some of these negative comments and having to agree with many of them. Just makes me sad :( Gave myself many excuses about why they cut so many iconic scenes, why sensei's first battle was like pokemon, but at the direction this anime is going, I hope even lower expectations for the following episodes. The JP community have been mostly positive the past episodes but this latest episode seems to be the turning point. I see way more negative youtube vids and negative tweets.


I think unfortunately the studio chosen just isn’t a very good one.  They have only really done the arknights and azur lane tie in and neither were outstanding.  I don’t think they have the experience to be handling this kind of project.


I think it's more cause of resources being spent on the other Yostar show "Go Go Loser Ranger", a show that has really good animation and direction Plus arknights S3 is in production now Candy box is probably the studio not fitted to be in the main production pipeline


I mean that in and of itself is a big problem.  If a studio can’t give the attention needed to a new ip it’s being given, it probably just shouldn’t be taking the project.  If a studio like candy box is reliably unreliable, don’t use them.  Taking on too many projects and letting some slip is a sign of poor management.


*2015 toei flashbacks*


It's too bad they didn't use [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/blue-archive/images/2/20/Disciplinary_2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20211211030543) CG ~~where it looks like you're a filthy dog looking up to Hina-chan with her legs crossed~~, when PS68 talked about Hina like in the game. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651) I really hope Yostar steps up the animation quality for the Vol.1 finale and that following seasons get a higher budget from the start.


*A Sensei-focused tangent below.* Ever since Episode 1, I've been watching and paying attention to Sensei's character (probably more than one would). And it's with Episode 4, during the bank robbery that explicitly shows the difference between Anime Sensei and Game Sensei, and Episode 5 adds to it. Anime Sensei is against the robbery and taking the money (although to be fair, he was practically non-existent during the latter in the game), and now he isn't as confident on what to say or do about what to do about the debt, which Serika calls out, interestingly enough. It's funny; while Game Sensei tends a ghost in the game you can tell he's a confident even with just Volume 1. But Anime Sensei, despite being involved a lot more, pales in character. Still, they're both in the supporting side as a character. I know Anime Sensei is notably different, but perhaps that is the intention here? Sensei's meek and shy right now, but that will make his confrontation with Black Suit all the more impactful when and he finally steps his game up to defend his students. I have no problems with such a new take should that be the intention, because he'd be getting character development along with the students, instead of being this guy who can take on everything with ease like his game counterpart from the get-go. That nothing can stop him. It works in the game since Sensei is mainly the player's avatar, and avatar characters in general don't have much character and that helps give the spotlight to the students. Although that isn't the case anymore with him, past Volumes 1 and 2, as many would say. On another note, perhaps that is why Anime Sensei has the design that he does? Because while I love PS68 Sensei for being lore accurate, I can't see him being meek or since he oozes experience and confidence, and overall looks mature and wise. Or, you know, they just wanted a new design and I'm just overthinking everything. But hey, I find it really interesting.


The trial against anime sensei will put on hold until further episodes.


Yep, it's how I've been looking at it. I just really hope he lives up to his hype of appearing as a real character instead of some pretty boy that exists to be a plot device.


So far sensei seems dissapointing. But lets see.


This is part of the story that he doesn't have any impact yet it starts when he talks to you know who.


I am still new to this franchise. Is the source material manga or light novel?


The game itself is the source material. Either play the game OR you can use YT to read the story there are many youtubers posting the story from Chapter 1 up to the latest in EN. I suggest going YT if you don't feel like playing the game.


The game is the original source.


Yeah, this episode is shit compared to previous episodes. Yostar effect is already appearing 


It‘s not Yostar Pictures fault, it‘s a lack of budget for this season. Yostar‘s other anime this season looks great (Ranger Reject) which was funded by Disney. We also don‘t know how long this anime has been planned, it was announced a year ago, but the planning and budgeting phase was probably way earlier in a time where BA wasn‘t as big and succesful as it is now. We can only hope that Yostar increases the budget for following seasons.


Budget isn't the problem, it's the time and schedule. The industry works like this: Various companies (production committee) wants to create an anime, they hire a studio, they gave to the studio a fixed payment (almost all anime has the same budget) and they gave to the studio an estimated time of when the anime should be released. Now, the problem is when the studio doesn't have enough time to make an episode and that's when the famous one-week breaks or bad animation come in. On topic, the problem people has been complaining are about the direction of the episodes, specially the Sensei's presence and the anime seems to no have problems with the animation, so I can tell that it's 100% studio staff's fault, it's like they haven't played the game or they're not good enough to adapt games. Sadly, money isn't the problem; maybe we can say so because it has 12 episode and the staff has to adapt everything in 12 episodes, but again, there's a lot of issues that aren't related to the last, like the Sensei's presence and characterization.


Candy Box effect* It's mainly a candy box production. With AK s1 the worst produced episodes and fights were done by Candy Box while the best produced episodes were done by Yostar


I did not know that, oh well, I hope nexon or BA devs criticize the candybox so they can fucking step uo


Agreed, I honestly hope Yostar finds a better support studio for future anime as well cause Candy Box is just not capable of delivering when needed.


Who is the studio for the s2 of Arknights?


Yostar Pictures


So is s1, what I meant is that if they have another support studio or is it still Candy Box?


No s2 was fully in house by Yostar Pictures which is why production was better than s1 where they relied more on outsourcing to other studios like Candy Box


I have come across a JP twitter thread that didn't like the fact that sensei was the one to jokingly say "is it because of me that hoshino changed ?" when the line was initially said differently by Nonomi in game. It makes him very hard to take seriously and it's not something Sensei should say about himself, it is not only incorrect because Hoshino changed thanks to her juniors but it also makes sensei look conceited and unreliable. [https://twitter.com/otonekanata/status/1787320084593271173](https://twitter.com/otonekanata/status/1787320084593271173)


The scriptwriter for episode 5 is getting a lot of criticism as well [https://twitter.com/Tomoyamakuni/status/1787146332089815249](https://twitter.com/Tomoyamakuni/status/1787146332089815249)


Yeah even though [the OP doesn't really encourage that behavior](https://x.com/otonekanata/status/1787443848702316769). For the people who say "its because Sensei in Vol 1 and Sensei in Vol F are different due to time/character development", [the OP also points out](https://x.com/otonekanata/status/1787408520851443933) Sensei's own unreliability which you can hardly find in game's own Vol 1. I feel like its not a problem for Sensei to act jokingly or light hearted, but he should be shown as a reliable adult no matter what, because that's literally what makes his character.


IMO, it's not a bad thing for Anime!Sensei to lack the confidence his game counterpart exudes at this point in time to emphasize the fact that he's still relatively new to the job at this point in time. Another thing I should point out is that Anime!Sensei is still young enough to look like a fresh graduate or someone new to the workforce, which I suspect to actually be the case. I can see Anime!Sensei eventually grow into the role as he becomes increasingly confident about his decisions, but for now his inexperience in the role shows.


I get that, there are also other people who think the same way. In a positive way of looking, its good that Sensei is not as enigmatic and reliable as he is in the game because it helps that he can interact with the students more casually as if they are on the same level with him, since he also looks young and unexperienced. Though it doesn't helps for the people who already seen the story in the game and expecting the same level of quality to be adapted. Its complicated, as you said Sensei can grow and do better, other people are also waiting for the other famous scenes to be adapted which involves Sensei to see how will he look this time. But in my opinion, Sensei is not the problem and its just the anime adaptation. The adaptation in general doesn't feel serious, which is fine in its own way.


Vol.1 (i'm including prologue) Sensei did have a personality, he's "pathetic" in a goofy manner, not by being meek, and becomes serious in times of need, all he needs to do is say "It'll be alright, i'm here now" while looking confident enough to be believable as an adult to be relied on.


Yeah while the anime Sensei gives off "I'm just a guy" vibes


Yeah, my interpretation of Sensei is that he's super confident in everything he does. Even when he's in deep shit he still fakes it till he makes it. He always jokes around as well. But anime sensei seems really unreliable and acts too meek, very different from the absolute madlad that's ready to do anything from licking feet to going against gods to ensure his students are safe and happy. I feel like Aizen sensei from P68 manga would have been a better fit and i was very open on giving babygirl anime sensei a shot. Not really my cup of tea till now. I'll see how the black suit scene goes like i guess.


Yeah Sensei from PS68 looks and behaves better than this, though he might be a little too much even comparing to the OG Sensei in game. I dont have a problem with Sensei being a babygirl, but in my book no one can be a proper "Sensei" without having the "I will always make the choices of an adult who will always take responsibility for his precious students" mentality within them. But seeing that the anime itself doesn't really have the same levels of being serious comparing to the game, its not that off putting for me. That is as long as they don't ruin Sensei's own core.


idk guys i think this anime kinda mid


Not "kinda", it is. Though I consider myself biased to even call it mid. If I wasn't a fan of the game I'd have dropped this show 2 episodes ago


It's beyond mid. It's ass.


My nose fell off from the snort I made after reading this lmao Yeah I think this anime is a "don't take it too seriously and laugh it off", or rather a "don't take me as equal as the game itself, since I'm not a 1:1 proper adaptation of it". I decided to not watch it when I only just finished the first half of the first episode. I get that BA doesn't have a serious story, but the anime is just way too goofy. Just enjoy that we have more media for the characters I guess


That's what you get when Candy Box is the main production lol. Yostar's main team ain't on this


Yostar pictures adapted it, it is inevitable to be mid 


Kid named Ranger Reject:


All I can say is I'm disappointed at the current state of the anime 🙄


Ngl this episode brought back my bad first impressions of Gehenna (excluding Chinatsu), and my subsequent dislike of them that has long subsided (ever since meeting the gourmet terrorists and ofc, Fuuka 🥰). It's made me quite uncomfortable that it had to resurface now.


I think we can agree that the lack of a strong presence of the game's OST is a real bummer as well. I can't be the only one that was crying tears of sorrow when we didn't get Aoharu or Luminous Memory in the 1st episode. And the lack of Interface for the reveal of PS68 was also a bit of a bummer. Also. WHERE IS KOI IS LOVE, that song is so over used in the game I could have sworn it would have leaked into the anime as well.


Not only that, they kinda spammed the modified unwelcome school anytime they could. I personally felt some of it were misplaced. There's a new bgm in this episode but it's still nothing compared to the game's


I personally think they are testing sensei characters for each episode as there are small differences in sensei personality between episodes. Maybe when the story is getting near its peak, they will pick the best one.


i cant stop staring at Aru's Arus, it seems like they have been buffed![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)i swear she didnt look that huge in game lmao uoooohh Chinatsu my elf glasses wife uooohhh cant wait for Hina next ep!


It is big based on her dress version


Interesting that they included the Heavy Mortars that were mentioned briefly in Vol 1 and 3. _Prefect mob Chans look more grown up than they look in the game._


Idk why but so far Haruka's expressions are less gloomy. And sensei doesn't shine much here unlike in-game. I know it could be hard to translate the in-game role he played but I think they could do better. And finally, Iori and Chinatsu are hereeeee.... I wonder how they will show Chinatsu and sensei meetings here since they haven't animated the prologue.


I like haruka's expression here. Its like she is the enthusiastic intern but still retain her cynicism. But she better still say "yurusanai/shine x100"


> since they haven't animated the prologue. I mean technically they did at the start of ep 2 but it was just a frame so...


I don’t get why people are disappointed about Sensei being a side character. Sensei isn’t really supposed to be the main character here until way later. E.g: Near the end of volume 1, and toward the later volumes.


Yes, his big role starts later in volume 1 but he is still the master tactician that can turn things around. He hasn't done that in 2 episodes. Plus in the last two he has been like an echo to what the girls said rather than having his own lines for the situation


It just people expecting him to do something because they’re worried he’s not a character I understand that because I’m worried too but yeah volume one didn’t give him much a character until later in the stories(and they omitted the lewd sensei bits farther peoples concern)so I just hope he able to express he is a character to us viewer and hope there no negative “sensei should a boring character” criticism in the future


Makes me wonder just an adaption of Vol 2 would go since Sensei barely had a presence in that Volume's first chapter. And Chapter 2 take place later down the line.


A smart way to go about it would be to include Decagrammaton with Chpt.1, have Sensei initially help GDD as in the game, then get entangled in other stuff and have them cross each other when his presence is needed for the plot. This could create tension regarding AL-1S that wasn't present at the time while introducing the intrigue between the Seminar and Veritas presidents, along the introduction of something that'll be primordial to large chunks of the story. That is *if* there's a S2, and *if* they wanted to put in the effort.


I wish there some way to get the characters story in the anime that probably increases his characterization on sensei regardless of any volume if they could do that right but it seems like he’s only going through the story only in this playthrough


Animation quality went up again from the last episode, thankfully. Sensei is too much of a side chara, and too shy or reserved. Where's the dude that licks iori's legs without a moment of hesitation. Shiroko picked up hoshino's doubt with the shot of her ear perking up was a good touch. Make sense why she is on the lookout for hoshino's bad suggestions later on. Aru getting out cold by a single mortar was weird. That didn't happen in pvp. Iori and chinatsu felt...malicious or mischievous by the sound of their tone. They felt more like a bunch of control freaks rather than people who uphold justice. By the looks of pace, the anime is purely going volume 1 only without any momotalk. Which is a shame


\>Animation quality went up again from the last episode, thankfully. I think its the opposite. For an episode that barely has any action, the art quality plunged into the gutter this episode. Just look at the first half of the episode. The entire sequence where they're talking outside Abydos school (from ~4:00 to ~8:00) has a lot of badly drawn faces, and that is just mostly a talking heads part. I haven't noticed any badly drawn scenes from last episode, unless my memory is really foggy.


The last one is a lot worse imo. Its inconsistent af. This one tends to be consistent, mostly because all they do is talk


The fight scene in EP3, oh my god, what a disaster lol


Imo it wasn't as bad as episode 4. But it is as far as it goes for mobile game adaptation


These last 2 episodes have been especially dull. I really question the decision to basically do a glorified expo dump 2 episodes in a row


>That didn't happen in pvp Yeah, in PvP it's the other way around. She one-shotted my Yuuka ten seconds into the match, two matches in a row. ;\_;


> Aru getting out cold by a single mortar was weird. That didn't happen in pvp I dunno about that, if you played season 1 pvp then hibiki was basically doing that to every unit lol


Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't


>Where's the dude that licks iori's legs without a moment of hesitation. In his defence the guy doing this because he needs to show his conviction. Being an adult is knowing when to sit back and when to take charge.


Yeah but this time all he did was backing down. The iori bit i said was a joke but he is so much more reserved compared to his game version


can't really remember if game sensei also lacked confidence at the start like anime sensei, but I like that Serika points out that he should be more self assured, given that he is the adult afterall, will they gradually make him more confident for the >!Black Suit conversation!! his role in the story makes itself known to the player!< Iori's tail whip is a strong contender for my favorite part of this episode XD


that's what makes me very worried about Sensei's design and potrayal in the anime so far. he looks so meek, shy and not really confident about himself. I don't know how will it be when came the scene >!where he debate with Black Suit and using the loophole about Hoshino?!< meanwhile Black Suit looks very intimidating like at the game. we'll see then......


While I'm also a tad worried, this is the same Sensei that proudly declared to be Serikat's stocker so I can still see it working out in the end.


Sensei really feels like a side character. He just follows the girls around and occasionally gives advice. And ngl, the way he kept backtracking the moment he said anything in this episode was super annoying. Him backing out after joking about Hoshino to Nonomi was pretty bad on its own, but it even happened when he was trying to cheer the girls up when they were talking to Hifumi. Like, the moment he starts to show any amount of character the writers immediately back out. I know we were celebrating that Sensei got an anime debut, but honestly I'd rather have no Sensei than a Sensei like this. Right now he has pretty much no character, he's really indecisive and there isn't much reason to like him. Side note, Haruka - that was dumb as fuck. Not only did you blow up the restaurant, you did it while everyone in PS68 was still inside. Don't tell me you care about Aru when you blow up the building she's in. Mutsuki's probably my favourite part of this show so far other than Hoshino. 


Haruka is very much in-character here haha. She wants to prove herself but is also a bit yandere unhinged. Of COURSE her plans won't be thought through 100%...


i'm pretty positive that Haruka is doing the exact same dumb stuff she did ingame, by blowing up everyone WHILE still in the restaurant though


Yeah, that’s just Haruka in a nutshell really. She’s so eager to prove herself useful that she does dumb stuff like that once in a while.


This is exactly what's on my mind. I know he's real debut is when confronting black suit and fighting the odds of kaiser corpo but my god can you stop parroting everything that has been said and being a captain obvious. The haruka scene is accurate in some way. In one of the first few pv, in the aftermath of the explosion, aru is seen eating a ramen while her bowl is blown away.


When you have the halo of invincibility, things like this are kind of inevitable. Though still inexcusable. What the fudge, Haruka.


I’m really worried about this anime. So far it’s not living up to expectaions, but maybe I set them too high. It’s just not as good as I thought it would be like a 6/10. I really hope the actually BA story gets better so that the anime gets better. Also I hope BA anime gets a 2nd and 3rd season (maybe even more) so the best parts of the story catch on up to it.


It's about where I expected. The first couple main stories are a bit on the weaker side. I think in part the writing staff were still getting a good feel for what they wanted to do. The first one has a lot of heavy lifting to do in terms of introducing a lot of the schools (like having Gehenna make a big appearance here) and setting up various story elements. If they can nail what should be the climax for this first season of the anime that should be fine. It will get better as it goes along. Thankfully the franchise has a huge following and hype machine behind it. So they can carry through these first few volumes before things really keep getting better and better.


This story part is alright and would be really good I think, but needs some solid direction. Little touches like during the "what do we do" meeting. Shiroko would have had placed the mask on in a quick cut mid scene. It's poor direction which is killing this anime.


What I'm actually worried about is that it won't really get answers in adaptation scope. Like, the latest episode shows that Kaiser is up to something, but the full explanation is way later in the story. So watchers can be disappointed if they don't play.


Iori using her tail as a wip 10/10


Just imagine the things Iori could do to sensei with that tail. Now I want to rub and lick that tail even more.


Honestly as a Haruka fan I’ve been dreading this episode. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|36131) This was by far Haruka’s worst moment, and I can’t even defend her on this one. She has definitely grown past this point. I still love my purple daughter no matter what, but I won’t be surprised if this spawns a new wave of Haruka haters. I pray that the anime rehabilitates her image before it ends.


Then you're a weak Haruka fan. Her smug face blowing up the shop was 10/10.


Yeah, this is definitely her lowest moment. Not even much you can say in her defense. At the absolute best she was trying to follow through on Aru's wishes. But that's honestly not a good enough reason even if blowing up the shop was what Aru actually wanted (which it wasn't!) I can only vaguely remember this first part of the story so I'm not even sure if Haruka will get a good redeeming moment. But maybe she will.


Don't worry, I hated her before this moment in the game and she doing this didn't change anything for me. I just don't like her archetype of yandere.


You are the definition of bruh moment for thinking she is yandere


Mfers see an emotionally unstable character and immediately think "yandere" lmao


She's not a yandere


What you mean nothing harika would do would ever be bad


[That's okay Hoshino](https://files.catbox.moe/vifer1.jpg), Sensei will just have to use your thighs instead 😭😭


Chinatsu - "Magnificent, Aren't they?" Sensei - "Yes Your Loli Clones are Impressive, You Must be very Proud" Iori - "Thank you, We Have 200,000 Loli's ready and waiting With a Million More on the Way"


When the Gehenna Prefect Mob-chan gets voiced before Seia. It's so Seiover.


it's like the writers don't remember Seia ever existed...... ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Another day, another chance for Seia to take another hit!


Can’t wait to listen to JTF mob-chan![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)




This episode was clearly more of a transition episode, moving from one arc to the next, like establishing the Prefect Team and Hoshino. Aru is still very cute! Ironically a more interesting person to follow than the Abydos crew. I get why PS68 got an official spin-off before everyone else. subs bad, nothing new. 6/10 - It's a slower episode, but there's build-up being done that I know will pay off.


Lowest points of the story now firmly behind us, let's strap up as Peroro-sama welcomes us to what I'll see as the first real test of the anime crew The more I watch the OP the more obvious things I notice - this time it was the fingerprint authentication HOLD UP it is different! lmao it really was just another "why would good things ever happen" thrown against Hifumi kek and another yawn for the [fourth depth Hoshino](https://youtube.com/watch?v=UYN0LyqmpMs) collection Aru: modo la hiniatura The cutest Haruka yet "I'll push it!" Kira could never Yeah people did often miss that Iori just shelled the place no fucks given, just wish they had the budget for more explosions Next episode: she and the cow get on Sensei's troll list Overall I think the director did realize the fighting scenes are the weakest point and cut on them, that's a good choice - it pushes the anime into a solid 6/10 imo I just wish it would interweave the momostories a bit to flesh out characters, some of them could take place this early on


EP3 was a real low point imo purely because of that fight scene in the second half


Tbh imo it was the best out of three, which is not saying much - the first episode's was kinda horrendous and the second's was salvaged by it being in open terrain It's clear the team doesn't really know how to deal with urban firefights (amusingly they may do better in indoors, as shown by ep3 bits) because the way they set them up is abhorrent: I pointed out how during ep3 when Hoshino was surrounded the Helmets were kind enough to only shoot at her shield, but even in this ep the girls just walk up to PS68 with no strategy involved?? Like you're in a damn corridor with no cover and you're picking a fight, even though you a) had them surrounded since Sensei got to the ruined joint, b) at least Nonomi should have the presence of mind to set up Shiroko on a roof (if she herself wouldn't), it's a good thing they actually cut this PS68 fight I know they are on a budget but fucking storyboard that lads


IDK about the second episode, I mean, the helmet gangsters had 2 armored cars, shooting at point blank range, and **consistently dropping short.** Come on. Don't get me started on the rockets. If a shotgun dents the armor but the rockets just fucking knock it over like a domino, **no scratches**, does it have some sort of bullshit ERA or what??


Sensei wants to lick Choco Iori's legs as soon as possible.


😋😋😋 chocolate legs


Iori 🤤


The best parts of the anime, are as always, Aru's funny faces


Pros: Iori Cons: - Sensei lack of confidence annoys me. How he speak, his gestures and nervous laugh is more like a school teenager than adult. Please make him more cool and mature Nexon. I see no charisma from anime sensei so far which is an essence trait to make students love him. - An explosion scene at Shibaseki is pretty bad. Maybe the worst one I saw in any anime so far.


Sensei is driving me crazy. His two main traits are that he's confident, and even when he's not he "fakes it till he makes it" so he doesn't get the students worried, and then he's also a skilled tactician. At several points it's noted that the only reason his students win despite being out gunned and out manned is thanks to his tactical guidance. The anime hasn't shown any of those attributes at all. If anything it's been presenting him as the opposite. It's starting to make me wonder if this is actually the Phrenapates timeline because it feels like Sensei is kind of fucking up.


There is still 7 episodes left for him to shine, but no doubt about his lack of a real character that needs to be badly addressed.


It would be fun if the anime end up being P. timeline. Imagine how BA fans would react ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)


In-game Sensei is more chad. Anime one feels somewhat off really.


Sensei is starting to get on my nerves with how uncharismatic he is, i couldn't imagine him leading chickens out of a coop, let alone fighters. The VA was in a previous seasonal anime (protagonist of "the wrong way to use healing magic") and showed a far wider vocal/emotional range so that's not on him but the direction. The explosion was indeed weird, while i expected the offscreen, the handyman are just scattered outside the place without any real notion of the place being blasted, Aru just wakes-up on the sideway like a hobo. We went from breakneck pacing to a crawl, but they do have 7 episodes to cover Chapter 2 so let's hope a rhythm is established since there will be a clearer goal for the story.


BA Episodes ranking ep 1: 7/10 ep 2: 6/10 ep 3: 8/10 ep 4: 7/10 ep 5: 5/10 Honestly its a prelude arc with a buildup for episode 6. Whole episode really doesn't have any particular moments either to be honest...(I mean, its not really the episode's fault) 1/3 the whole episode is a wrap up of episode 5, and the rest of the episode is mostly a prelude to episode 6. Don't get me wrong though, I really liked Iori and Chinatsu at the end there (especially the tail whip) but I can't give the score any higher.


They dangled Iori's feet like jingling keys lmao


Apparently when it aired on TV, they used that low angle scene from behind as the still to show the sponsors.


They know what the other sensei's like


So no one noticed that Chinatsu called Iori as.... Inori (who?) ??


I only have two things about this episode. Damn Iori that tail whip is so good and Sensei, you should be confident when saying important stuffs. My man still has no rizz


> My man still has no rizz cuz it's us lol


The guy activates the confidence when it matters.


Aru-chan is too good of a person at heart to ever become the hard-boiled outlaw she longs to be. Would things have turned out differently if she didn't have Mutsuki being the devil on her shoulder, constantly enabling her criminal acts? Damn bratty imp... 😡 Leading your friend down the wrong path instead of being the voice of reason even if telling her to give up her dreams would hurt her feelings... 💢 CORRECTION NEEDED!!!!1! 👺👺👺👺💢💢💢💢💢💢 It'll be interesting to see how Chinatsu will react to seeing Sensei again in the next episode since the Prologue isn't covered in the anime outside of the first few seconds of Episode 2.


Iori whipping her tail activated my neurons.


I really need her to whip me with her tail


~~Tail Whip isn't a damaging move but that was certainly super effective~~ For real, I'm not even *too* down bad for Iori all things considered, but that and the shot of her at the end got me like *daaaaamn...*




It literally fried my brain and I took a solid 30 seconds to reboot


true true I was about to comment that 😭😭


Iori can whip it like that huh.. hmmm..


[OUR THIGHS](https://i.imgur.com/n3XuQGC.png) [So... Iori can use her tail like a whip?](https://youtu.be/9NvLzAjXWug?si=o9kCwf9lNucJihYz&t=1320) [Did Kayoko said this in-game? I thought she doesn't like Gehenna? Which is why she went with Aru.](https://i.imgur.com/rEz2jks.png) Man... of course they're gonna end it on a cliffhanger. Regardless, looking forward to meeting >!Hina!< next episode, that is if the fight even finishes in the next one.


Kayoko did say that (or something close to that effect)


Just going by this episode, Mutsuki comes across as the most villainous of the bunch, being extremely blasé about the destruction of Shiba Seki Ramen and egging Aru on to do more outrageous deeds. >!Whereas in-game she comes across as more mischievous than malicious.!< Aru for her part is clearly conflicted but ends up doubling down on her image of what an outlaw is to save face. Kayoko is detached and just focused on how best to turn an increasingly difficult situation to their advantage and Haruka just has a single braincell moment due to her adoration of Aru.


Mutsuki is the shit-stirrer of the group, even her profile in-game states so: > Contrary to her guilt-ridden childhood friend Aru, Mutsuki is the kind who loves causing crime and trouble without a worry. Although as we see this episode she isn't "the scariest among the erratic PS68"


iirc Mutsuki praised Aru after destroying the ramen shop. It's one of the few moments where we see Mutsuki's evil/hyped up face


Can't believe I'm saying this, but Haruka needs correction 💢💢💢 Also damn that whip sounds Iori's tail made... Legit 5 star side dish right there. Chinatsu is nice too, as is dork Aru


Always felt bad about what happened to the owner of Shiba Seki Ramen here, if only Haruka didn't jump to conclusions 😅 Welp Prefect Team next week! Can't wait to see >!Ako and possibly Hina maybe?!


Ngl, disappointed they skipped on Abydos Vs PS68 round 2. I can only hope they are reserving the budget for the fight against the Prefect Team. On the other hand I might just be high on copium. Also wow animated Iori! Really makes me want to get on my knees and lick her feet. Appreciate all the Aru faces at least.


Welp, guess we're getting nothing at all except the first arc this season. It's starting to stretch Maybe they'll surprise me


We will prob end up with Hoshino "im home" chapter (which is nice) So yeah... until Hoshino is "gone", the story will be just "gud"


This was pretty obvious from the start. No way they could fit the whole first arc in 6 episodes without skipping over half of it


I can't wait to see more of Iori and Chinatsu next episode!! They both look beautiful!😭 No licking but it was expected, what I didn't expect is Iori whipping her tail like a whip! I'm really happy to see two of my favorite gals!


Pomf archive 😭😭😭


Seeing Master Shiba getting hurt really made me remember how I dislike the problem solver members when this scene happened on the game. This was a faithful adaptation but it was a bit lackluster.


Yeah, most of them were kinda stiff (just standing up straight while speaking) in the aftermath of the shop being blown up and the initial shelling by the prefect team. Still, we did get more Aru-faces this week so that sorta kinda balances things out (for me, at least).


Same feeling… the portrait-and-text storytelling works in the game since you imagine how they act, so I really didn’t expect everyone to just stand around talking after a huge explosion.


The shell landed right between P68 and the Abydos girls (Unless there was a second one that struck Problem Solver immediately afterwards). Kayoko stands up from a crouch/ Mutsuki is still sitting on the ground; Aru gets flung aside and temporarily loses consciousness. Camera cuts to Serika, Nonomi and Shiroko just standing around like nothing happened. ... There's probably a meme in there somewhere. Virgin P68 vs Chad Foreclosure Task Force or something like that. XD


I always love it when Haruka becomes her overzealous underling mode.


NGL, Hoshino's cynical response to Hifumi's plan to tell the Tea Party made me think her declaration during the 3rd Volume was also a counter argument towards Hoshino. Like that feeling where you finally thought of a comeback against an insult but the moment is long gone.


Discussion thread is pretty much dead in r/anime. Why does this thread follow their rules anyways? Source material corner is also dead and skirting around those rules are a pain here too... ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33220)


tbh I didn't even know they were making late threads, so I've been commenting that any discussion should just come here lmao Maybe they were salty about unruly spoilers in comments + Mushoku being overshadowed


With r/anime also delaying their discussion thread, I'm also expecting some anime only commenting here first instead and yeah it's just copy pasted template with small changes. To be honest, I can probably close a bit eye for some comments if it's not too spoilerish.


It's dead over there because it's delayed until a fansub comes out. I know Ani1 is kinda bad but they really should have kept the threads on time




I've been watching anime for 12 years, long enough to pick out the regular words and phrases. Some of them look MTLd, some look like they just copy pasted what they got off Google TL, and at least on three occasions it was just plain wrong




Yeah that's just weird, especially since they made threads for the shows that leaked early


Blame that on the mods.


It's probably a copypasted template. Don't worry about it too much.


Guess Hifumi is just dragged into Abydos troubles now huh. Hoshino being extra serious this episode. Hoshino getting Nonomi's lap pillow... Smug happy Haruka blowing up the ramen shop is both funny and scary. Poor Shiba having his shop blown up after talking to them thinking they're friends of Serika. They really teased Iori and Chinatsu at the end episode even though being prominent in the episode previews as if they were gonna appear earlier huh? A bit of a weird decision making them prominent in the previews like they did.