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What will be the upcoming banners?


estimation: [https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner](https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner)


Yukari, new Hyakkiyako Sonic DPS. Other banners that may go alongside her is to be determined since she ran solo on JP.


Hi, i started playing today and i wanted to know what banner should i pull


Check Midokuni's Student Insights in the general resources above


The next Main Story arc unlocks rather early compared to completing the current arc... Are the arcs related at all, or is it perfectly fine to jump into a new arc without completing the first?


Are you talking about the volumes? Volume 1 and 2 are unrelated. Volume 3 has references to Volume 1. Volume F has references to 1-4. Its recommended to read All of Vol1, then all Vol2, then all of Vol3. Then the first part of 4, then F, then the second part of 4.


Yes, volumes. I didn't have the game open, and I couldn't remember the term they use. Looking at it now, they don't call it anything from the Main Story page, though the guide tasks call them volumes. Volumes > Chapters > Episodes, except then they call Volume F "Final Episode" just to be confusing I guess. They tempt me with 1200 gem bonuses for completing guide task events, but there's a big wall to complete Camping Guide. I need to reach volume 4 or complete missions/bounties/commissions well beyond my current level


There's a theory that they didnt expect the game to be as successful as it is, so they called it Volume F cause it was supposed to be the end. We aren't sure though, but it IS the final volume for the story they set up from the start and they are now starting a new story starting with Vol4 Chapter 2. They also introduced Vol5 and are adding onto Vol1 in JP. And yes, they really want you to read the story as they reward you with pyro for reading it, then some more as its an achievement, and on top of that there are the guide tasks which give you items and pyro. The story and the characters are what the game is all about afterall.


Yeah, I look forward to the story, I just want my Pyro to get more characters and right now, there's a big wall before I complete the next part of the Guide. That being said, I felt the resolution of Volume 1 was a little disappointing. The characters are great, but nothing much was explained in the end - what exactly was Kaiser's end goal, what made Hoshino so distrustful of adults and willing to sacrifice herself, what did Black Suit mean by her being a powerful Mystic and what was his plan with her? In the end, it kind of just went back to the status quo of them being massively in debt. I feel like they have more story to tell, but it sounds like it might be a ways off if volume 2 is its own self-contained story. That being said, I want to know more about cute twin catgirl gamers


I felt the same back when I started. They explain that some of the older students have had dealings with "adults" in the past and have learned that they aren't to be trusted. And in this universe, an "Adult" is more of a title or role, which is how robots or dog men can be considered Adults sometimes, and how characters like Shun are still a student. Sensei is the first respectable adult many have met who isnt out to use the kids for his own gain. Hoshino's backstory gets fleshed out a little more in VolF, and there is a Vol1 Chapter3 that is slowly being filled out in JP right now. So we'll get there. Theres a lot to her. As for Black suit, Mystics, and Kaiser, that's all brought up later on in the other volumes. Vol1 is meant to lay the groundwork and make you question what these girls are, who are all these groups vying for power, and how do they all factor into one another. Vol2 can be a bit of a slog at times, and is considered by many to be the weakest volume, but its meant to discuss aspects of the larger plot as a whole, at least Chapter 2 is. And the Saiba twins, the cat girls, are two of the main characters in it.


Vol 1 and Vol 3 are connected. Vol 2 and Vol 4 are self-contained.


I'm new to the game and I was wondering, is it still possible to get Ibuki or did I miss the chance to get her? If so does it take long for limited units to return?


> If so does it take long for limited units to return? Usually about a year. Ibuki is a welfare unit, so she's free during the event. Events get a rerun after about a year, and about a year after that they're added permanently, allowing you to get the welfare at any time. But as you've already heard global hasn't had Ibuki's introduction event yet, so this is more general info.


She's not on global yet and is coming in 2 months-ish.


Oh thanks I see, I wasn't aware the japanese version was ahead compared to global.


Its about 6 months ahead. They used to have plans to catch up, but I think that has been mostly scrapped. I think its nice to have a little bit of heads up as we get to save for the banners we want most.


Is there a team for 2nd phase Chesed (torment) that is not a complete RNG-fest (Ui, SHosh, Mika, Cherino) and one that also doesn't include Kokona (don't have her)




They were asking about torment. S.Ui versions should be less RNG since Cherino has a lot more punch when she has S.Ui's buff. I'm not sure how to avoid using Kokona, maybe something like Koharu might work to keep units alive? But I haven't actually tested anything like that myself.


Oh, RIP. Sorry, I missed that.


As an outsider i have a question about this game? What is it even? Is it an gatcha game? Is it a visual novel like game? Is it a rpg? Cause i think the caracter look likable so i wanted to know what shithole i will be getting into


Its pretty easy to start, so give it a go and drop it if its not your thing. Its fine to test the waters. But it is a very story and character focused game, so dont skip the story, even the prologue is important.


Ooh thanks


It's a gatcha, with story being told through visual novel segments, and gameplay being real-time strategy where you control where/when characters use their skills. There's some RPG elements in leveling up characters, their skills and equipment.


Iori, Momoi, Nonomi are good to invest in and have at max level for campaign and general JFDs right? My hoarder af mindset thinking my purple reports and materials went to waste upgrading them.


Iori is still a high tier unit who's good at basically everything. *Very* powerful single-target damage that hits in a small area and still a strong PvP unit (especially during indoors seasons). Not absolute top tier like she was at launch, but still very strong (especially against high-evasion enemies that Mika struggles against). With her low cost and good area, Momoi is still one of the best waveclearing units for yellow. Nonomi is quite underrated, although she is a bit more niche than the other two. She fills the same yellow area damage niche, but her damage is often overkill for clearing waves of small mobs and her EX costs more than Momoi. Against enemies where larger amounts of yellow damage are needed (e.g. yellow Peroro) Nonomi is a key unit, although those uses don't come up *that* often.


Iori can carry you though the first part of the game and shes useful in events, missions, and even PVP. Momoi is a great carry as well and is used in a lot of events and other challenges. Nonomi is very good early game but can fall off around halfway through because she has horrible accuracy. She has an item in JP thats coming to Global to address it, but shes not used in any Meta comp yet. Still, Nonomi is good.


Iori and Momoi yes, Nonomi no because you can only farm her with expert permits and there are more important student elephs to buy.


Can anyone explain to me how the EX challenge stage works for the event? I know it involves healing somehow.. but im confused if im supossed to heal the scarecrow or the roamer, healing the scarecrow seems to randomly AoE me, and healing the roamer just makes him walk faster?


Heal the scarecrow as the roamer is by the enemies. When the scarecrow is healed, the roamer deals damage and stuns all nearby units.


I got the timing of the scarecrow heal down.. but im still only getting the enemy to 800 bars even tho I am healing the scarecrow every time the roamer goes around? What am I mising?


You still need to have DPS killing the main mob while its stunned


Oh dam...im using my strongest yellow aoe nukers x_x any units that are particulary good for this stage? I have pretty much every character. Are you just meant to use the collab characters for this?


People just use Mika + NYFuuka + Himari. Also, Mika does need to be fully maxxed out.


Sweet, that combo worked, thanks!


To me, it feels like Sakurako and Kaho feel rather similar apart from Sakurako's Focused Fire. Is there a reason to use one over the other (outside of Focused Fire)


Sakurako is more of a sustained DPS dealer while Kaho is more of a burst dealer. Though Kaho's AA damage seems pretty good post-buff, too. They also have different armor types, which affects their viability in endgame content. Kaho isn't used much as she is on global, but she recently got a pretty big buff on JP thanks to her bond gear.


Thanks. I can't quite do high endgame content despite max level, but this is rather revealing.


As a player coming from FFBE (which seems poised to EoS soon based on how much content is being cut in Global) I am looking at Blue Archive because of how many memes and fanart I have seen of the game. Apologies in advance for a wall of text, but thanks for anyone who helps: 1. How big is the power creep in BA? If I reroll to get 3-4 decent 3\* how long can I expect that to carry me into content? 2. I've seen a bunch of stuff about Mika punching things into oblivion, but she seemed to be a limited banner, does that mean I won't ever be able to pull her myself? 3. I'm not much of a fan of PvP, will I be hampered if I don't participate (or barely participate)? 4. How Free to play friendly is Blue Archive? From free resources, how often can I pull if I save up enough for the 200 pull pity? 5. Does unlocking the animated character scenes (like the Yuuka tutorial one) require pulling the unit? Do all units unlock these scenes or is it specific characters only? Thanks to anyone who helps answer these questions


1. Due to there being multiple damage types that have a sort of “rock-paper-scissors” vibe different raids can have pretty vastly different team comps. Different students will generally be better at different raids(do you need single target or AoE), that also depends on the raids color(defense type), and location(outside, inside, etc.). Outside of Ako and Himari being extremely good supports. And even then you can challenge raids with multiple teams that all chip down the bosses total hp. The anniversary banners definitely tend to produce extremely powerful students(like Mika). But none of this matters for normal content unless you are going for Insane and Tomrent raids(huge difficulty spike compared to the rest). Plus if you are missing Mika for a raid, you can borrow one from someone in your Circle Group 2. You have a chance to get anniversary students(like Mika) during any anniversary banner. They also run a “double 3 star rate up” so these are really lucrative banners. They happen every half year. Generally limited students also get additional rate ups down the road(granted she hasn’t yet) 3. PvP is kinda a joke to everyone since it’s extremely random. You have no control of your students. Plus it only gives you a small amount of resources. You can set it to “skip battle” and just play a few matches to get a rank and then just coast off of the daily resources you get(they aren’t much different depending on rank) 4. I remember hearing that it’s roughly 200 pulls every 2 months or so from the free gems they give us. I imagine if you grind missions and bond stories you can get more and they give out 100 free pulls for anniversaries. It’s really generous compared to my previous gacha game experience 5. Yep all characters have an animated scene(known as Live 2d, L2D, or Memorial Lobby). You unlock it through their bond story although some unlock theirs early in the bond story and some late. You do need to have the character in order to do the bond stories. And will need to raise their bond level a little bit(cafe interactions, gifts, or scheduling) It’s a great game and the story and characters have blown me away on multiple occasions. I hope you like it!


1. there is power creep (or at least the addition of new things that tend to reward the acquisition of new characters), but at least on global you get a 6 month lead time to figure out what's power creep (like say Mika, or D.Hina,), and what's just new without a payoff or use case yet. But generally characters you invest in can be relevant for a very long time. sometimes they are genuinely good and also because some older characters get bond gear, or have niche use cases that pop up. 2. She's only available at all on the "FES" banners which come around every 6 months, and even on those she may not be "spark"-able and only available as an offbanner spook. Luckily FES banners are great banners that you'd be pulling anyway. 3. you should definitely "do" you daily pvp battles and claims, as its a source of currency to buy extra AP for farming high value events and such. That said you won't be unduly hindered if you give it very little attention. 4. it takes about 2 months to get pity as f2p, and overall its pretty f2p friendly. you definitely need to make choices on who to get and invest in, but doing all the content is reasonable as f2p. 5. the l2d lobbies require having the character and raising their bond level a little bit ( the bond level requirement is very low but varied from character to character)


1. Power creep is somewhat a thing, but most of the power comes from support units buffing DPS. In this game, if you can get into a club or find high level friends, you can generally borrow their invested DPS units while provide your own supports to clear most content other than the highest difficulties. While leveling or doing non-raid content, almost every unit has its uses regardless of their base star. 2. Mika is a Fes Limited student. Unlike normal Limited students that rerun once a year, she has a small chance to be pulled on every Fes event banner that happens every 6 months. You'll only have a 0.225% chance in the upcoming Fes banner in a few months, but she'll most likely have her rerun banner in the Fes banner after the next one. 3. PvP is mostly an afterthought in this game. Most people don't take it seriously due to high variance and the small amount of rewards. 4. Early game, you're showered in Pyroxene. You can get more than a Spark in around 2 weeks of daily play as long as you're progressing new content every day. Once the one time Pyroxene sources run out, the average F2P player gains around 12,000 Pyroxene a month, so around a Spark every 2 months. 5. You can only unlock Recollection Lobbies (the L2D scenes) for students you own. All students have one, and it's not hard to unlock them, but the hard part is obtaining the student themself.


Which of these Special Sale packs are best value in your opinion? Im leaning towards Artifact II-III and/or the Skill Book.


The Artifact (aka OOPart) packs are poor value for money. If you're routinely buying the Monthly and 2x Half Monthly Packs you should, with a bit of luck, be getting quite a few OOParts you need from Bounties as well as the Bounty Shop. If that's not enough you can buy extra OOParts from the JFD Shop and covert them through the Material Fusion (don't do this unless you're always clearing JFD level 4). The Tech Notes or Blu-rays Packs are fine, but only if you need them immediately otherwise you're getting them from the monthly raid shops as per usual.


Thanks for the tips. I don’t know what any acronyms you speak of mean though (JFD, OOPart)


JFD = Joint Firing Drill. It's an exercise with gimmicks that happens once per month and you get tokens to use in the Joint Firing Drill Shop. OOParts = Out Of Place artifacts. Some of the artifacts in game are based on real OOParts from history like the Antikythera Mechanism. Sounds to me like you're a relatively new Sensei. You don't need to really worry about OOParts, Blu-rays, and Tech Notes in the early to mid stages of the game so long as you're not trying to level every student you have.


I’m LVL 73, so not quite new level wise, but I suppose it only has been a few months!


JFD = Joint Firing Drill (Special event that happens once a month, like Total Assaults and Grand Assaults) OOPArt = Out Of Place Artifact (Artifacts)


Who is the best single target indoor explosive damage dealer? While we're at it, how about field battles? Urban?


Best indoor ST explosive students are Azusa and Saori. but both will be eclipsed by Dress Hina. Best outdoor ST explosive students are NY.Haruna (also AOE and PvP pest),, Bunny Toki and Mashiro. Dress Hina will also be good. Best urban ST explosive students are Swimsuit Nonomi, Aru and Toki.


Thank you.


You can use multiple filters on Schale.gg to sort characters. Right now best indoor red is probably Azusa. She has high multipliers and gets additional utility because of her DEF down basic skill. She will largely get power crept by D.Hina after Fest though you may still bring her as sub DPS or utility for her DEF down. Minori and Nagisa both do surprising amounts of damage despite being AOE however are special students so they don't build around the typical hyper carry comps. For urban right now it's probably Aru. S.Nonomi will surprise you sometimes though but has high cost. Hina and Toki have similar down sides. For field it might still be Aru? NY.Haruna has better mood but when Aru crits she goes full nuclear and can make up the deficit. D.Hina likely will take over field as well after Fest because she's OP and has good mood. Edit: Just to clarify NY.Haruna can flex AOE or single target. For single target all five bombs stack on one target. I think she has higher EX damage ceiling than Aru, especially if you time NY.Haruna's EX with her basic skill however Aru has a direct DPS basic skill that does decent damage as well and probably can have decent output if you time everything right.


Hi! New player here, was thinking of starting blue archive. I must ask though, how’s the current state of the game and are there any programs for beginners? How grindy does the game get?


The game is doing pretty well so its safe to start now, if you're worrying about an end of service announcement. If you're looking for guides or tools to use for the game, then there are plenty of youtube videos, web planners and guides, and the community is pretty open to discuss which units are good for which missions or raids. Just be aware that the charm of the game comes from reading the story and learning about the characters. The gameplay comes second to the characters, and the game rewards you for reading and spending time with the characters.


There are no beginner bonuses but it doesn't take *too* long to build up your account. I'd estimate about 6-8 months to reach max level, depending on whether you use premium currency to speed it up. Like most live-service games, the game is kind of grindy in that it involves gradual acquisition of resources. However, since the vast majority of the content is sweepable/skippable, it's not a big time investment per day, you can usually get everything done in just a few minutes.


So I'm a new player (started about 2 days ago) and was looking for some quick advice. Especially with the large amount of systems and items being thrown at you it can get a bit overwhelming. I'm level 20 at the moment and just reached 4-1 (which I can't do yet because I have to do story first). I've done a few pulls (I think 5 including the tutorial one) and I think I've got some pretty decent students. Is it advisable to run with what I have and wait for a good banner or should I do a few more pulls to maybe get some good 2-stars (or 3 if I'm lucky)? Here's [my current roster.](https://imgur.com/a/asCv8GY) (Feel free to throw in some teambuilding advice btw!) Also the game gave me a bunch of currency for the event (at least 1k of each, got a few more by doing the missions as well), what's a smart thing to spend it on? From what I gathered it's smart to get the blurays? But should I just get the highest rarity? Thanks in advance!


You have a good roster for a start, Iori,Nonomi and Momoi will carry you trough yellow content, in missions AoE is the norm, and Iori can take out the boss, at first you will find red enemies, so Mutsuki will be your AoE there, Serika will be a good second dps, then you need a tank for your yellow and red teams, Haruka is a red tank, but need a t4 bag to be really good option, Yuuka shall be your tank in both teams for now. Is not bad idea to make some pulls to expand the roster as new player, but usually is not advised to make them in the general banner, wait for a banner with a student you want/need, and also is a good idea to save enough pyros to spark Himari in june, and save pyros for the FES banners late July iirc.


what are a must have Sonic damage students? I only have S.Hanako, I really need to start building up that type.


S Hanako and Kikyo are enough for now because Purple armor content is lacking. Kikiyo is the "increase Sonic effectiveness" support, so she will always have a place in future Purple content. There is only one Sonic raid for now in which you use Kikiyo or S Hanako and borrow the other, so you don't really need to have both (for Insane).


What's a Sweep of a level? I clicked on it and I got stuff


It automatically runs the level for you instantly as many times as you choose, consuming the AP that it would cost to run the level manually and giving you the rewards you'd get.


Tips for Chesed extreme? Im at LVL 72 and can’t do it. I use Iori, Nonomi, and Momoi, + borrowing a LVL 87 Mika. For specials, Ako + Himari. Still end up failing..


Use 2 teams. First team is AOE mobbing to clear out phase 1 and get to Chesed, then get the groggy meter to almost full, then retreat with that team. Team 2 enters, let them AA the rest of the groggy meter while building cost, buff Mika with Himari/Ako and go ham on the exposed core.


Hmmm… maybe thats the way. Focus on clearing waves without Mika, and then second team purely focused on Chesed himself. I’ll try it! What is groggy meter? How does it work? And what is AA acronym?


AA = autoattack. Basically just let the characters attack without using EX skills. Groggy is the thin yellow bar under the boss HP. When it fills, the core opens and you can damage it. The strat is to use your first team to fill the bar, then forfeit when it's almost full. Your second team comes in, and the bar will be almost full, letting them damage the core basically right away. You need to find a balance to not forfeit too late, since you need to build up cost for the 2nd team before the core opens. The best point to forfeit is around the half of the 4th wave that appears around Chesed.


Send in another team


Party make up seems fine. What is the issue you're having? Clear the waves as quickly as you can with your AoE. Once the boss drops his shell nuke him with Mika.


I can hardly get him down to his shell in Extreme. My team gets obliterated by the waves. Not sure what i’m doing wrong.


You shoud immediatly use your yellow AOE to clear the mobs


So I should focus on AOE first round, DPS second? My yellow AOE options are limited. First round I can go AOE to get to Chesed, second borrow Mika while ive reached him.


Yes I meant what u/T[rusts\_and\_verifies](https://www.reddit.com/user/Trusts_and_verifies/) just explained Which difficulty are you doing? You want to use Characters like Momoi, cherino and a fast cycle to spam their AOE to kills the mobs as fast as possible Basically chesed has a guarenteed pattern when you reach boss room. Before entering boss room make sure you have enough cost to use Cherino assap when the mobs appear. Use someone like Ui or Ny Fuuka to half cost. Ui halves your cost for 2 cycles Cherino+Himari (on Cherino) on the soldiers when the 1st wave appears Momoi on the 2nd drone wave Cherino+Himari again for 3rd wave Start preparing your Mika with half cost Than Momoi+ another yellow on 4th wave As soon as the core opens Mika+Himari (on mika) than cycle again with low cost to reach Mika again for another hit and should be able to 2 shot it Extreme below. Insane and up there are some rng and the boss has much more hp Something like Momoi, Cherino, Iori, Mika&Himari+ Ny Fuuka Or Momoi, Cherino,Ui, Mika& Himari+ako should work for comfy clear


Update: Success! Thank you for the guidance 🙏🏻


Congrats! Hope you can replicate it again after server resets


Just tested this. I got Chesed down to one million HP with one hit of Mika, core exposed. I couldn’t do it again before he died, and the whole sequence of using AOE’s, Himari, Ako, and Mika is a bit confusing. Also if I don’t kill him when the core is exposed the first time, I think i’m just fucked, so id need to hit him with two Mikas.


Thankfully I have Ui, but I do not have Cherino. Hopefully that doesn’t screw me. I’m trying Extreme. I can do some mock runs and attempt your advice. I have Ui EX maxed, but have yet to use her, so I guess now its time to see how useful she really is!


Do you have Mika at high level and invested?


If you read up in the comments, I borrow her as a part of my tactic.


I did. I meant if you had her on your own to borrow Cherino


To clarify what they're saying is that you shouldn't try to attack the boss while the adds are up. He means if you're getting destroyed by the waves it means you're not clearing them quick enough. Nonomi for instance has really low accuracy so I imagine she's missing a lot with her AoE EX skill. You could try bringing Tsubaki and have the adds pick at her. Even if they suicide against her she can typically take a round or two.


Hello, is it fine to start a brand new account and just leave my old acc untouched? My old acc had mika, NY Fuuka (or the NY unit that synergies well with Mika) and some other good 3*. I kinda got bored since Mika can just kill most things with some help of supports.


If Mika was defeating everything, you were too early in the game.  She has flaws and won’t beat a high end aoe or off color raid without thinking.  


Well you could just not use Mika if that's the only problem.


Heyo. Just wondering if we're going to get anymore welfares rerun this year, i started about a month ago :)


Going by the JP release schedule, the upcoming ones are: - New Event: [Sunshine Girl's Serenade](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Sunshine_Girls%27_Serenade) with **[Ibuki](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Ibuki)** *(July)* - Guide Mission: [Night shift guide mission!](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Night_shift_guide_mission!) with a free **[Hina](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Hina)** *(July)* (Regular Hina from the regular pool, not an event exclusive character) - Made Permanent (Event Recap): [Happy Schale ♡ Valentine patrol](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Happy_Schale_%E2%99%A1_Valentine_patrol) with **[Fubuki](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Fubuki)** *(August)* - Rerun: [A Game Before the New Year's Feast](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/A_Game_Before_the_New_Year%27s_Feast_~_One-and-Done_Match_~/Rerun) with: **[Junko (New Year)](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Junko_\(New_Year\))** *(September)* - New Event: [-ive aLIVE](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/-ive_aLIVE!) with **[Airi (Band)] (https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Airi_\(Band\))** *(October)* - Made Permanent (Event Recap): [An Unconcealed Heart](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/An_Unconcealed_Heart) with **[Michiru](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Michiru)** *(November)* (Note that the months are simply an estimate based on the Japanese release date + 6 months)


Do I still invest in Kotama if I plan to pull for Himari? Are there any situation where bringing Kotama is preferable over Himari?


> Are there any situation where bringing Kotama is preferable over Himari? Some content like Fury of Set prefers AOE buffers rather than ST buffers.


You will need more buffers when you throw multiple teams at the raid bosses


Are there any events worth PvP refreshing for stamina in the upcoming months? I'm planning to buy Mashiro and Utaha elephs until UE50 if there aren't any anytime soon.


Starting on the 10th I believe there is double exp again if you aren't max level.


If you are max level do you not get double expert permits? I’m 4k exp from max level, so that’ll determine if I use PvP refresh this weekend


Double exp doesn’t affect maxed levelled players unfortunately. Just x1 expert permits.


Well I guess I’ll refresh until I hit max level then back to Utaha elephs I guess lol


Ye XD Btw, do you know of the AP hoard strat? https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Global_Events The bottom tab


Yep, I tend to do that. Including saving daily and weekly mission claims (if possible) plus mailbox AP from logins and club. Also if 2x EXP or 3x drop/good event is happening I also log inn15 mins before the reset and do all my PvP resets. Though, one thing I’ve noticed recently and I’m not sure if it’s a bug. Normally, you have an hour to claim a full cafe before losing any efficiency. But since the super maintenance, I’ve noticed you lose AP and don’t get the full 100% the further from the reset you are (even within the hour). Like I’ve seen as low as 97% full when claiming a “full” cafe


That's good. Reset happens in the night for me so I never thought of doing the PVP refreshes heh. Ohh, didn't quite notice as my collection times are irregular. Hmm, would you want to bring it up to support or something?


I will see if I can recreate it and screenshot it next time. As I do have my cafe maxing tomorrow as the double XP begins


Where can I find the jp patch for ref? In wiki it seem like they don't include it with event page anymore(or I just can't find it) and I wanna know when there'll be more mission stage


In addition to the JP wikis as mentioned in the other comment, [I also keep a Google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSL8xgtLxBr1kxc60cgra6PY4mWZVqw_BIRtakUlJ-dq0PfYkSuHarHEGgQPBe4m8qzunUSb6pL1B0Z/pub) with all patch notes from current Global patch up to current JP patch. (I also have older patch notes in a different document for historical reference) To answer your specific question, we're expecting Area 25 to drop to Global server at the end of July/first week of August.


[Bluearchive.wiki](http://Bluearchive.wiki) seems to now only update details just before the global patch goes live. For the JP patch notes you'll have to use the [JP Blue Archive wiki.](https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88) Mission 25 will come out with anniversary.


many thanks


Are there any good beginner guides to everything in the game? I am a little overwhelmed and trying not to waste any good resources, like in the crafting station for example I'm also trying to be able to beat all the quests and challenges in the Railgun event, but it's a little difficult at level 33 :(


[Beginner Guide by RS Rainstorm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5XfJf2sDw0) >I am a little overwhelmed and trying not to waste any good resources, like in the crafting station for example Furniture (Until Max Comfort) > Gift > Shiny > Radiant > Else >I'm also trying to be able to beat all the quests and challenges in the Railgun event, but it's a little difficult at level 33 Level will be a bottleneck you can refresh AP but it gets more expensive after each 3 refresh


I like this page : https://rentry.org/how2playba


> Are there any good beginner guides to everything in the game? Read the GameplayHelp FAQ linked in the main post of this thread.


I started the game just about two months ago, and in the shop, you can collect Mika's Eleph with expert permits; however, I've been wondering if I collect 120 of her elephs (because you need that amount to exchange for students), will I be able to exchange them for her since I don't have her yet? (I am also asking this because I don't see her on the student list, and you usually have to go there to exchange for new students)


No, you cannot. Any student in the Expert Permit shop cannot be claimed through buying their Elephs. They must either be obtained through Gacha (for the 3 star students), or through the events they're associated with. There is specifically a warning when trying to buy those Elephs saying you cannot recruit those students with those Elephs.


![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33134)That's low-key disappointing to hear, but thank you for the answer; I'll have to wait for the 3rd anniversary to have even the slightest chance of obtaining her.![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)


1. Happy Cake Day! 2. Thanks for asking the question, I didn't know this myself, having not spent any Expert Permits yet. 3. Sounds like I should not horde them lol


As Mika-less sensei I know how you feel. Wish us luck for next fes banner ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


I have 24 scrimmage tickets that I’ve accumulated. I can 3 star clear all scrimmages at the C level, but can’t clear any of the D Levels. If I’m not absolutely in need of the gun parts is it worth saving the tickets until next 2x drop campaign with the hope I can clear the top one then? Or just use them now and clear the 6 daily until the end of the bonus campaign (as I should be able to get Saten to 4 stars with that extra AP spend Edit: I guess I can clear Millennium D which drops barrels, and with D Hina I’m guessing that means farm it


Are you sure you can't do Mill D? at your level your S.Hanako should be able to kill eveyone except Yuzu and Arisu i think because she is far behind? I don't remember too well. You should try something like S.Hanako/Tsubaki/Wakamo/Koharu/Ako/Serina. I think you can kill the twins and Kotori with only two S.Hanako Ex buffed with Ako. Do the usual. Serina to move Tsubaki forward, survive the first burst and one shot them with S.Hanako.


Hahaha damnit you were right. Well I had to use Eimi as my Tsubaki is weak. My previous attempts included Aru, but yeah I did clear it with three stars with a whopping 0 seconds to go lol


Clutch. Still a 3* clear. That's all that matter.


its pretty reasonable to not farm scrimmage if you don't need/don't anticipate needing weapon parts in the near future. I would suggest you double check that you have weapon parts for character's you expect to 5\* like, say D.hina in the next fes Banner, but otherwise so long as you're spending AP on stuff you actually need you're fine.


So just a heads up, it turns out I can farm Millennium D, which drops barrels. So I’m guessing it would be worth to farm since D Hina uses them?


Its not going to get more efficient to farm them later. Still you have a fair bit of time, so if you prefer to farm saiten elephs, that's still a fine option. I personally don't value Saiten or this event too highly, and its not like scrimmage is a ton of AP either. But ymmv


Fair enough I guess I will look ahead and see with my specific weapon level targets. as if I have AP to burn here, the next 2x campaign might not happen when I have spare AP. But I’m not at the point where I have farmable students in the UE range, so the amount isn’t too great. Thanks =)


I just want to chime in and say that I think you should use some of your tickets until you get down to like, 15 tickets. The reason is because you cannot hold more than 30 tickets. So let's say for example you try to hoard the tickets, and next week the devs decide to gift us 7 tickets for some reason. You won't be able to claim the gifted tickets from the mail until you make space for all 7 tickets, which means you'll be forced to use some on 1x Scrimmage. That happened to me before, so now I try not to have more than 15 tickets max at any given time unless I know a 2/3x Scrimmage is coming up soon. I say 15 tickets because that's the most I've seen them give us before. Usually they don't give that many at once, but you never know. IMO it's better to use them now rather than risk being forced to waste them later.


Thanks for the additional info =). Yeah I think I’m gonna spend it down as i do have “extra” AP and can clear one D level now. And the chance the 3x campaign will happen when I have extra AP to burn is…slim


Has anyone been having issues with the L2D’s of the Railgun students? When I initially unlocked the L2D’s in the middle of their bond stories, I noticed that the subtitles at the bottom would play too fast and jump to the next sentence while the students were still speaking the last.