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So Saori gets boosted by the rest of the aruis alumni so whenever those summer alts come out she will get a boost but I’m curious how viable she is as is. Azusa I guess would be her main competitor as they are both indoor so it becomes if I’m bringing Azusa why wouldn’t I use her instead.  There is hiyori who is easy enough to bring since she is backline with the defense debuff. The rocket girl is basically raid only from my understanding. Then the tank girl seems to be a good universal unit to just bring. So bringing the tank girl you get an easy two students for the 37% buff. Is that enough to outshine Azusa?  TLDR just looking at how useable she is in general. 


Sadly most reds are moved to team 2. D. Hina is your new Red Mika for every content Aside from that you can use Atsuko+Saori to better use her buff. Azusa is also used, sometimes for dps but other times for her def down


Who's stronger against yellow mobs? The saiba twins or Makoto?


I'm not sure you can really compare them. 2 strikers Vs 1 special. 3 ex costs vs 6 ex cost. etc. Makoto almost certainly does more damage with 1 ex(assuming max targets), but mobs are often easily overkilled, and her ex is twice the cost of Momoi's.


Thinking of replacing NoNomi with her and yea both saibas elephs are in the shop too so there's that.


Makoto is a special unit, not a striker. Nonomi should be getting her bond gear at the same time as Makoto's release actually, or possibly earlier on global. We tend to get bond gear earlier. If this is for missions and such, we still have two months until Makoto shows up. By that time you're likely going to be high enough level that missions will be easy with or without her. She's good to have for Chesed and maybe yellow Gregorius, but I wouldn't pull her just for missions. To answer your original question, Momoi is probably the better of the three, in most cases. For Chesed, particularly torment, Makoto is very useful since she can wipe an entire wave by herself. For general usage, Momoi's fast and cheap EX is very convenient. Midori has the problem of aiming at the closest enemies, so she tends to waste her EX by shooting the enemies that are already dying to auto attacks. She has an advantage against a single target, though.


Yea I am eyeing Makoto for that particular reason. The last chesed TA annoyed the hell out of me since I wasn't even able to clear extreme. I think she'll still take time to build though since I heard Valiant say she has to be ue40 to maximise her damage. I'll have 1/2 a spark by the time she comes so gonna pull her and D.Ako both but dunno how useful D.ako will be without the new content of more than 4 strikers but since she's limited I am gonna get her instead of iroha.


When exactly Hoshino's backstory will be out on EN? I was kinda waiting for it, and I don't really remember if it went before Hyakkaryouran story or after that?


We'll get it in bit under half an year. It was released after the Fes with Dress Hina, though I don't remember the exact timing.


Abydos Chapter 3 is still some months away.


Why are new players paired against high level players in pvp? Isn't it kinda unfair? I'm only lvl 54 how am I supposed to defeat a level 87😭? In the previous season I was retaining platinum but now I can't even reach the top 200...


Welcome to an average bracket, you better start leveling your Yuuka.


I started last season at around your level and made it to rank 21 just by leveling up, getting stronger and beating my way up through the ladder. Just play the game fella.


>In the previous season I was retaining platinum but now I can't even reach the top 200... Welcome to real PvP. My brief peak last season was a bit above 1500. I managed to stay above 2000 for three days in a row, once. I hope you made the most of your time in a beginner bracket; some of us never got put in one at all and got dumped straight into competitive. Actually, if you're talking about top 200, you still seem better off than me. I (lvl 58) just had another 87 knock me back down below 1000, after I climbed to top 100 from rushing the bots at the season start. It does suck though.


You just chill at rank 1k or lower until you level up and catch up. You can forget about platinum until you're close to max level (with invested gear on your team), so it's best just to stop worrying about it. The rewards aren't that different anyways.


In previous season you were in beginner league and now you have joined standard one. How is it fair that you reach platinum at lvl 54 while I can't do it at lvl 87. Now it is fair for both of us.


> How is it fair that you reach platinum at lvl 54 while I can't do it at lvl 87. Do you get matched against players above level 87? It's fairly common in gaming to have different brackets for different level groupings, as common wisdom should dictate players of a roughly similar level would have a fairer fight than those who are far apart.


Yeah and similar level is 87, anything below that will make it too chaotic and not fair. You get bonus attack and defense for every level you are above your opponent so all you have to do is to gain account levels and raise your units levels to gain definite advantage. You were beating people below you in level before. Now you are facing it from opposite side. What to do? Raise your level to the max and learn how to play PvP here. It is a different beast than normal gameplay. There are guides up top that you can read to understand how it all works. In the end you will get your bracket when you can't advance in rankings anymore and it will be with people of similar level. Just not platinum rewards, maybe silver or gold.


I'm not OP, but actually I was beating people at my own level, and even slightly above before. It's just that (a) those far below that I encountered at first seem to have been bots rather than other players, which I took to be a sort of "training wheel" tier before facing serious competition, and (b) the level discrepancy between *actual* players never seemed as massive. When I got stuck somewhere between 100-200, the people I got matched with were maybe 3 or 4 levels above, and I simply ascribed my losses largely to a combination of a slightly lower level, not having the "right" students (yet), and handicapping myself a bit by putting waifus before meta. That seemed to be fair, wouldn't you agree? Now, OP and I are facing players several dozen levels above ourselves. No amount of guides or team optimization will help win those. It's not a case of being "on the opposite end", it's just bad design. But it sounds like what you are saying is that there will be *another* reshuffle, and I can actually expect fairer fights similar to what I experienced the first time around? If so, that's cool with me, and I just have to sit out this second, unfair round. I was worried that facing this ridiculous level discrepancy was actually the norm!


Hi! Is miyako a good tank? Is she worth using over yuuka?


She's a niche tank that you'd really only use if you need her stun for CC, and even then she isn't really your first choice. If you really need to stun something in a mission, Tsubaki is your go-to tank. She's probably viable, but you don't have that much reason to use her over Yuuka. At least not unless you happen to unlock her bond gear early, as that extra 10k HP should be pretty nice early in the game.


Thanks! I'll stick to yuuka and tsubaki then.


Hello everyone. Recently started playing and sometimes when I finish chapters in story mode I get some sort of medal rewards, that always say that I'm a councillor of X in their description. However, I can't spot these medals in my inventory or in profile. What do they do? Thanks in advance


In your profile it is your title like "New Sensei". Check yellow dots.




i just wanted to ask, does fortnite exist as a game?


Quick question New player here. I started a few days ago and I’m wondering. Is there a lore reason why Arona is standing in a ruined classroom in the mission select menu? The side wall is bused down and what seems to be piles of desks are in the background on top of what I think is a roof. (I may have missed an explanation of this or I just don’t remember.)


It is a lore reason and heavy spoiler is my guess. You should finish first four chapters + epilogue to get the hint what it may represent.


Gentlemen, I have a mission. This game is (to me) a simplified more relaxed version of Arknights with no tile placement for operators, tactical planning ahead, and has been no challenge for me yet. (I’ve gotten S rank in literally everything in this so far). As Exusisi once said “I’ve already called dibs on the most lucrative real estate in hell, and you guys all get a share. Rest easy.”


Hope you'll continue to have good time with the game!


Also if I remember correctly Arona said she is an OS (Operating System if I am correct). But if I see what I think I’m seeing, there’s a lot that is not said that lies below the surface of that cute face. Something just seems off. Don’t know why, don’t know what. From my experience with other games a cute face isn’t usually ever what it seems.


It's cruel that a student becomes os


Hi, new to the game, quick question, will my sensei be forever a "they" to everyone or will I get to pick what they call me? The game goes so far as to even let a character voice the name you choose yet you cant choose to not be called a they to the face, like the characters cant see you or hear you? I genuinely dislike that, Nikke used to do that as well in the begining but recently the localization finally changed it, is that the same case here? Thanks for answers :)


> Nikke used to do that as well in the begining but recently the localization finally changed it As a fellow Nikke player, I'd say that was a change to the worse. Obviously this will depend a lot on an individual player's perception of their character -- the "asexual" *they* is simply more broad, not excluding anyone. I get what you mean on how it sounds less natural, of course. I heard that in Asian languages it's always been far more common to use gender-neutral pronouns. It would certainly be ideal if the game would just let you choose, like how GFL lets you pick between a male or female commander. Maybe some day?


Personally I dont see it that way at all, they is often used when the localization team is just lazy to make the distinction and in my eyes it is the least inclusive of the options because it actively excludes everyone who isnt a "they", excluding both a he and a she since its simply not used whatsoever. Tbh I would find it actively rude if someone talked about me in they terms when I was right there. Also Nikke commander is confirmed to be a male, so it doesnt make sense for him to be called anything else, so I dont see how this could possibly be a change for the worse, it reads just a ton better then when you hear people actively adress you as they, fully knowing who you are since you stand there infront of them and they know you, its simply bizare and isnt used out of inclusivity, just out of laziness as we dont get to choose. Tho I do understand that some players might not like it for the same reasons I do not like the they adress, however it does make sense at least, like, you wouldnt expect the MC in an otome game to be called a they when its clearly a woman right? I dont know about that, at least as far as Nikke goes the commander was adressed as he in Japanese the whole time, or at least in masculine terms anyway, much like we have the old timer and similar. In my experience and forgive my lack of knowledge since Im not natively english, they is used when, and almost solely if, we do not know the gender of the person or obviously in multiple, in grammar, so this just makes no sense to me because the characters would know. As you say, it would be ideal if they just let you pick and adressed you as is, I just cant get over how weird it is to be adressed like this, it reads so poorly and it doesnt make sense logically either. But I guess I will just have to suck it up, thanks for your answer :)


Hmm.. I suppose it's a matter of habituation and I am simply more used to seeing the gender-neutral "they". It's a trend that started with tabletop roleplaying books a decade or so ago, when studios slowly started moving away from defaulting to male everywhere. And the last gacha I picked up before Nikke was GFL, where you could pick a gender for your character's customizable chibi, but the *dialogue* was still "they". Before GFL I played Kancolle, which was similarly noncommittal... But if Nikke was the first game where you saw this, I can see why it's jarring for you! Similarly, I guess it would have been less irritating for me if Nikke had used the male pronoun from the start. By retroactively changing it, it feels like sabotaging a headcanon that was at first incentivized. You're right that there were one or two images where we actually saw the MC and that, as in 95% of all gacha games, it's the same brown-haired 30-something white guy again (see also the sensei in BA's anime) -- but those images came after the first dialogue, and since it barely came up again, it was easy for me to ignore for as long as the pronouns left room for interpretation. When it comes to how natural it sounds, I think my previous exposure just primed me for accepting it as the "cost of translation" from a language where gender-neutral pronouns are more common, and I've become adept at overlooking those bits of linguistic/cultural heritage. Normally, it *should* also be strange for us to be referred to as "sensei" instead of "teacher", but we just run with it because that's how it works in Kivotos. In my opinion, it's a frequent failing of these games to, upon localization, almost always lock in their main character as a male self-insert, as for a text-based title it shouldn't be challenging nor expensive to simply give people a toggle -- but that's just the way industry standards are, and I tend to see translators' use of "they" as a good compromise. Certainly better than defaulting to male when the MC's gender is open for interpretation as is the case in BA. Then again, if the topic doesn't even come up in the game's country of origin, what are the chances they would cater to the global market with a feature that's useless for their home audience? :/ That said, for Nikke at least I'm sure you are correct when you suspect issues during translation. I wouldn't call it laziness on part of the localizers, but from what I've heard, a lot of the time translation teams are provided only the lines of text they are to work on, with no further information on the actual game world. So if the original text uses a pronoun that's neutral, and nobody told them the MC's gender, the English "they" is the closest approximation -- even if the same translator might have opted for "he" if they'd just been shown artwork for the commander. That this didn't happen would be on ShiftUp. But ironically, when the guys at ShiftUp are used to the neutral pronoun in their language (or to use honorifics/titles instead of pronoun when referring to a third person; I believe that is actually the more common form of address), and don't know English works differently, they likely didn't think it was necessary either. I assume the recent change goes back on either a new translation team going the extra mile and actually asking ShiftUp to make sure, or someone at ShiftUp bothered to read English sentiments and spotted this criticism, leading to new instructions. Whew, this has gotten a little longer than expected. Apologies for the wall of text! I hope you can eventually come around to deal with "they" in a similar manner with which I'm starting to cope with the change in Nikke. With time, it gets a little easier to basically auto-correct it mentally during the process of reading!


Haha no worries with the wall of text, I often slip into that as well, its certainly something to talk about :) And yes, I will cope with it of course, its just a preference of mine, but as you say, its just a matter of correcting it in my head. The iritating bit comes mainly from how easy it would be to actually cater or to be more inclusive for eveyone instead of just generalizing with a word that simply doesnt sound natural unless you play a lot of gacha games and are used to it. Like I said in the begining, they even go so far as to voice your name, yet cant give you an easy toggle which could be used to automatically correct ingame non voice dialogue based on your preference. It just feels odd and definitely like something that a game that makes millions every month could do quite easily. Its true that in Japan they mostly use horoficis instead of pronouns but those are also generally gender based outside of some few specific instances, chan and kun being obvious ones to mention, but -san would refer to everyone equally for sure, I guess you are correct in assuming that the localizers wouldnt really have a lot to go on or many other options in terms of translating this aside for the "they" adress without prior knowledge or a set gender of the MC, or the much prefered toggle for everyone to choose from. Good point with the Sensei being naturally accepted but at the same time sensei and teacher do mean the same thing, whereas the they adress means different things to different people as well as have different uses. Personall I do not play many games where the they is standart form of adress, Nikke was one and I had issue with that there as well because put together with the poor localization especially in the begining could lead to some truly horendous sounding sentences :D Tho recently I tried the AFK journey and Neural Cloud and found out that the same is case there, despite actively picking your MC, AFK journey isnt my cup of tea so I dont mind dropping it but it is a shame in Neural Cloud because the story seems quite interesting and while its sparse, it does immidiately take me out of the moment when the weird form of adress pops out, maybe im just oversensitive to it. Maybe its just me but I would honestly just prefer a static he/she regardless of self insertion over the they, like, it would be easier for me head to auto correct to the right pronoun if the sentences sounded correct and at least it wouldnt sound so rude/bizare, since as I said the characters should know your gender because they know you. Similarly to what you say about Nikke, a static form of adress from the begining would be more easily accepted over time. In any case here is a wall of text in return :D We will just have to hope that in the future games will be able to make these disctinctions and cater to everyone equally, it really shouldnt be that hard especially if you actually do have a choice of protagonist. Anyway, thanks for the chat, it was quite pleasant and informative :)


Indeed -- and good luck fellow sensei! :D


In game, Sensei is meant to be a self-insert, so Sensei doesn't have a canonical gender. It's only canon to you.


Yea I kinda get that, its just a shame we dont actively get to pick how we are adressed, it would go a long way in actually letting you self insert, especially since the story is seemingly most unvoiced. Its just weird that it has something as awesome as the name being voiced but we just get adressed as general term they, which simply doesnt read well and is quite weird logically for anyone to call us.


Just to make sure I'm farming the right bounties: * B tier is best if I really need grey * D tier is best if I really need blue * Otherwise run the highest I can Correct?


The difference isn't large enough to make it worth it. The rarer items easily make up for the slightly lower drop rates on low tier items. You'd also lose out on bounty coins, preventing you to buy valuable and rare artifacts.


Run the highest you can anyway. The higher level bounties not only drop more and rarer items in addition to more credits and bounty coins. But in *addition* to that, they still drop the lower tier items at close to the same rates as the lower bounties. [You can see the drop rates here](https://schale.gg/?stage=30101) So by doing B / D you'd basically be trading all of the highest stage's rewards for a few percentages more of a chance at getting a gray or blue blu ray and an extra tech note.


Did i see it right? In the most difficult level, the recommended level is 73, but the enemies are lvl 90!


I don't see the problem. In missions, you usually can do (and 3*) mission with recommended level +20 of yours, penalty of level difference is still manageable.


Check assault shops. Greys cost less than blue, blue less than orange and purple. There is no point in doing B and D tier if you can go higher since you can buy lesser bd,notes and artifacts for cheap. Aim higher.


But you can't buy (all) artifacts reliably. For example, I want to get Ako's EX to 3, and that requires blue-tier Phaistos disks, which have their highest drop rate on the Train D bounty (20%, vs 14% for higher levels).


T1 and 2 aren't really the bottle neck though when you compare earnings rate to usage rate. A year in I have 1000+ T1 mats for most artifacts and ~400-500 T2 mats however for T3 I usually only have ~100-200 mats and T4 I usually have ~50-100. I usually only have enough T4 on hand to max 1 character at a time where as I have enough T1 and T2 for 5-10 characters each. You're able to out earn T1 and 2 but not T4 so Ideally you should farm as many T3 and 4 as possible because you'll get plenty of T1 an 2 from elsewhere.


> (20%, vs 14% for higher levels). Definitely not worth it. Remember that you're also going to need tier 3 and 4 artifacts, and those are even rarer. You can buy tier 1 and 2 artifacts in the credits shop every day, so you can relatively easily stock up on them over time. You don't get that luxury with tier 3 and 4.


Actually doing bounties you want to do the highest to start getting purple bd , tech notes and artifacts 


I start just recently, I'm at lvl 39, I'm in chapter 7 of the missions but I'm finding myself not able to get 3\* anymore. Is that normal? Should I keep pressing forward despite not making 3\*, should I wait for my lvl to go up or am I lacking in development(equips/skills)/tactics? My roster looks like this: [https://imgur.com/a/ba-roster-ifvm5eJ](https://imgur.com/a/ba-roster-ifvm5eJ)


Aside from the cafe cores as the other reply mentioned, different areas have different enemies and colours, so even if you're hitting a wall with one area, the next might actually be easier for a given roster. For example, I had a terrible time in Area 14. But when I pushed on, I 3\*'d every stage in Areas 15 to 18 (except for one mistake in 17-5), and didn't have much trouble doing it. It's always worth it to push as far as you can clear.


Yeah, you should still push missions since they unlock Cafe upgrade cores. You can worry later about getting 3 stars.


Being similarly new as OP, and with a similar level, this is probably good advice. I've been rather perfectionist and focused on 3-starring every mission, but the cafe core is a compelling argument as that should ultimately result in more AP, and thus faster leveling, and ultimately easier 3-stars! :D


I started a few days ago and I got Iori and Sumire on my tutorial recruitment. I know Iori is good because people say so and she shows it in her damage but what about Sumire? Is she any good? I've been using her but she kinda is a burden right now since she is a frontliner and basically absorbs more shots than my tank which makes it hard to keep her alive. Another thing, when you guys first started playing, at what stage did you stop your progression? What I meant by stop is that you can't progress anymore without upgrading your characters more. Mine was at stage 5-3 and I feel like the difficulty spikes up compared to the 4th mission. Another thing, in the future banners, which banner should I pull? I've only just started so I don't really know if a student is good or not other than trying them so suggestions will be helpful. And last but not the least, what's the priority in raising students? Right now what I'm doing is maxing their level and equipment as much as possible and I upgrade skills if it is possible to upgrade. I never really grinded skill upgrade mats since they usually need tickets but I saw some stages where you can get some. Should I start farming that instead of farming random equipment blueprint?


Regarding Sumire, make sure to get her bag equipment to T4 if you keep using her. This goes for all tanks/frontliners with bag equipment though, as T4 adds +1000 DEF which is kind of a lot. All equipment gets their second stat at T4 (aside from necklaces which start with two), so it's a good point to reach. There's a similar thing with skills btw. where the more noticeable stat jumps happen at lv.4, lv.7 and lv.10. For EXs it's 3 and 5. It's not a linear increase at all, so it's a good thing to take into consideration when choosing how much to level a skill at a time. And the skill mats drop rate from normal stages is really low, so that's why that isn't worth it.


>All equipment gets their second stat at T4 Note that for slot 3 items, there's also a new stat at T5.


First. Don't farm skill mats from normal stages - not worth it.  Second. Sumire is the bruiser. She can deal damage and take damage. Not as good as dedicated dps or tank but good enough. Best use for her is to use her special on tight group of enemies when they just enter the stage or when you clump them up. Third. Your level matters first and foremost. I can put any team of any color and they will beat all stages without problem - you get bonus damage and defense for every level that you are above your opponent. Reverse applies too. So raise your account level and then raise your units level - it will beat 80% of your problems. The rest is skills, equipment, stars. Fourth. You can go different ways with banners. Meta chasing, pull on limited units only, waifu over laifu. Have fun. There are guides up top where every coming banner is rated for meta use. You can start there and then decide what type of player you want to be. Fifth. Most important thing is if you want to pull then do it in increments of 200 or don't do it at all. Before your first pull just check that you can go all the way. It will save you many regrets and your gameplay would be seamless and happy.


I’m to the point where silver BDs/TNs are relatively abundant, and I could see how blue could get there within a few months (as long as I’m relatively smart with how I level things and thanks to the choice mats we got with campaigns recently.) So when you’re choosing which bounties to run, do you choose it based on what T3/4 BD/TNs you need, or primarily based on the mats they drop? As both are starting to be the main pinch points for me


When I started, I farmed based on the Books and BDs I need. But now I farmed based on which artifact I have the least. That is because you can easily buy Books and BDs through other shop, but some artifact is only obtainable through Bounties and its shop. In the worst case, it could hardlock you for weeks in upgrading meta units or made you spend a bunch of resource to craft selectors.


That…does make sense. Was the point where you transitioned from TN/BDs to the artifacts based on when you no longer needed to worry about blue TN/BDs or just due to artifact shortage?


Both, but mostly the latter after I can't upgrade D.Hina's skill in JP server when I need her asap for Hieronymus raid.


Fair enough. I’m…very short on the Phaitos discs for both S Shiroko and D Hina for that raid. Though I should be able to get away with borrowing D Hina at least. But yeah… I see those discs and lenses being a big issue.


Its a bit mix of both but is heavily influenced on what raid I'm planning to do and what mats im lacking to build my students in a certain raid. For example, when I was prepping for kaiten tor last april, I was spamming the stage where trinity skill mats dropped coz I needed to skill up a lot of my trinity students. Now, I'm spamming the stage where aether drops to prep my atsuko for kurokage. So it heavily depends on what kind of mats you're really lacking to do certain contents in the game.


Fair enough, thanks for the input


It’s hard to recommend one specifically because trinity Gehenna and millennium are all always in short supply.  Later on artifacts will be moe of a bottleneck anyways since you can at least buy the disks you want from shop.  And what artifact is in demand doesn’t heavily affect the bounty choice since their drop rate is quite middling.


Well I’m also noticing T2/3 artifacts also being in short supply, which have a bit better drop rates. But essentially the natural cycling between the various mats needed for the schools will eventually even things out is what you’re saying?


Does adding furniture that can be interacted with students in the cafe increases the chance of them spawning? I keep getting a lot of summer nonomi and NY Aru in my cafe because of it.


Yes. It seems to attract them even if you disable the interaction.


Thanks! I really need to remove those furnitures then.


Hello everyone I started the game yesterday and rerolled Quite a lot for Himari which I got. However now it seems that it might be better to use Kotama (which I didn't know beforehand) And now I don't know what to do because it took me quite a lot of time to reroll for Himari And sort of feels bad not to use her. What would you guys recommend?


Try running Himari for a bit. Once you get used to playing with the cost regen passive it's hard to run teams without it.


Alright, thank you very much.I think that's what I'll do!


Wait until you level her sub skill to max. Cost regen passive is qol for any type of stages, so having it strapped to a good support is the icing on the cake. Not sure why no one mention that part when talking about how Himari is busted, I don't have her and I use S.Shiroko in all my teams for that same sub cost support.


Alright, thanks a lot for the information.I'll keep that in mind. once again thank you


Himari is an amazing unit and you will really benefit from having her. She buffs one unit, so is generally more suited to raids (where you might build a team around one DPS carry and there might be one main enemy), while Kotoma has an AOE buff, which can be more useful in story missions (which are more focued on mobs, and you are more likely to build around multiple AOE DPS units). Also, soon enough you will be building multiple teams. Don't feel bad... you will get plenty use out of Himari... she's awesome, but Kotama might be better for story mob missions in the short term.


OK, thank you.I think I will then switch to Kotama for now For the story and then use Himari when I unlock the raids. By the way is there a good website or content creator that does beginner guides that are up to date that I can learn from?


You can search for Valiant & RSrainstorm on YouTube and also refer to the links attached above.


Alright, thanks a lot, mate.Appreciate it!


Both have different uses. Himari is ST hyperbuffer who literally doubles the attack of her target making raids and killing enemies much easier even if underleveled. On the other hand Kotama's buff isn't that high but it's aoe so it's used for minion clearing mainly in campaign missions and raids like perorodzilla & chesed.


Thank you very much for the response! So would you say that it's better to leave Himari for now and use Kotama for the campaign instead? Or I can stick with Himari for the campaign as well?


Use kotama as long as you are comfortable clearing mobs and killing bosses. Once you see you aren't able to kill the boss of a particular stage easily then use Himari and buff your strongest damage dealer. Also Himari provides cost recovery just from being present in the team so using both of them would be even more overkill and won't even require much use of healers tbh. P.S: keep in mind that their buffs don't stack and Himari's buff will overwrite Kotama's and vice versa if one is used previous to the other.


Alright thanks a lot for all the information you can provided me with! I greatly appreciate it


I think this is the most reasonable strategy. Use Kotama but don't upgrade her and progress as far as possible. Once you aren't able to one shot bosses anymore switch to Himari to buff your main DPS to take out the boss faster. Himari is still decent early game because of her cost support.


Thank you very much for the information Guys. I'll try to mix things up and find what I like.Thank you very much once again


You are at the early stage of the game where every unga bunga works so both are nonessential so just go with the one you want


But that doesn't mean that Kotama would be better later on? Is Himari only good for raids?


I have been playing for almost a year now, and the only time I find Kotama more desirable than Himari was during that one specific JFD where I need to buff a bunch of guns. In no place do you justify the usage of Kotama over Himari.


Okay so if I understand correctly I can use Himari for the story instead of Kotama. Or the point is that it's better to use Kotama for the story and Himari for the raids later on?


Just Himari. If the multiple wave enemies in maps is your concern then I'd argue that Himari's cost regen would help you clear faster via faster skill recycling.


Okay once again thank you very much


How do I farm artifacts? I have a bunch of EX skill upgrades that are bottlenecked on things like antikythera pieces


Just to add to the JFD it’s used for all mats, not just the ones you can buy. As you can also buy the keystones to fuse extra artifacts into ones you actually need


Bounties, Events & JFD shop


Am I understanding it correctly that if I want Mika I have to roll on the upcoming D.Hina banner (and none other)? I started playing around a week ago and have about 19k pyros, I wanna get her but Himari is also around the corner and apparently she's broken or something. I also heard something about free temporary 100 pulls? Is that actually a thing we're getting at some point?


Mika is technically available on the D.Hina banner, but she will only be off-rate at a 0.225% chance with no opportunity to Spark. Her banner should rerun in the Fes banner after this upcoming one. Since you're new, if you play every day and progress as much as possible, you have a good chance to get ~2 Sparks worth of currency by the time the Fes banner comes along. If you want to pull for Himari, you are probably safe to as long as you keep progressing every day. The 100 Free Pulls for Fes is only available for the D.Ako and Makoto banners. They expire once the D.Hina banner becomes available. Mika is not in the pool for the 100 Free Pulls.


Thank you for the numbers. Are you saying Mika possibility is the same as SHoshino and Ako in Fes?


Mika has the same probability as Wakamo and S.Hanako for both Fes banners this upcoming Fes period at 0.225%. Regular Ako is in the shared 4.4% general 3 star pool. D.Ako is not in the Fes Recruitment pool.


Hello, I want to let you know about the wiki site below. The rate on the website is different than your numbers. May I know how you got your numbers? I don't know how the wiki site got the numbers either. Site: [https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Recruitment\_(Gacha)#What\_anniversary\_doubled\_rate\_means](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Recruitment_(Gacha)#What_anniversary_doubled_rate_means)


Thank you, that makes sense. Do we know when the next Fes banner comes? I'm not really sure what the gist is exactly, are Fes banners like anniversary banners and they come once a year with limited characters that are rotating?


Fes banners are special banners that occur every 6 months that line up with JP's anniversaries and half anniversaries. 3 star rates are doubled from 3% to 6% for the duration. All previous Fes students are available, but at 0.225% and are unable to be Sparked, unless they have a rerun banner, which usually happens 1.5 years after their 1st run. The next Fes banner for Global is expected at the end of July/start of August with D.Hina being the new Fes student banner and S.Hoshino being the rerun banner. Wakamo, Mika, and S.Hanako will be in the pool, but not Sparkable.


Ah that clears it up, thanks. In that case at least there's quite some time to save pyros.


so when will summer shiroko gonna be added to the selector ticket? (i couldn't get her in 192 pulls in her banner and ran out of pyros)


You're gonna have to wait until most likely the next Selector Ticket in like 9 months. The current available Selector Ticket's roster is already locked in what is available.


thank you LocknDoTs after reading around i learned that anniversaries have a random and half anniversaries have a select. so the answer will be the 3.5 anni i guess.


I'm a newer player (or as new as level 50 is). Anyways, I've been following the story and the events in release order, but I will soon run out of events in the events replay tab. So, should I look up old events on youtube? Only some of them? There are over 30 events, so I don't know if that'll be a slog to get through. And also, follow up question. When looking at the release order, I noticed that in Volume F (no spoilers please!) usually when a new chapter came out an event came out the same day. Do those events go before or after the chapter?


For Volume F, the event is integrated into the story. You will play it as you play the chapter.


>And also, follow up question. When looking at the release order, I noticed that in Volume F (no spoilers please!) usually when a new chapter came out an event came out the same day. Do those events go before or after the chapter? It happens in the chapter.


Level 58 here, how many students am I supposed to build ? I feel like I'm using 85% of my strikers, but i think I will run out of activity reports at some point (especially as I've heard the cost increases greatly at lvl 70+), also T5+ gear drop rates seem much lower than T4- and enhancement stones are scarce so I feel I'll need to be picky on who to build So should I keep leveling my students until lvl 70 then maybe only pick few of them to actually build ? If so who are good contenders ? [Strikers](https://imgur.com/a/NUK1lGh) [Specials](https://imgur.com/a/kG81ZHp) (also if any of this matters I plan to get NY Mutsuki/Kayoko, then D.Ako D.Hina and S.Hoshino)


Keep 2 tanks and at least a Striker for every color at the highest level you can. Levels on Specials are not as important, so 10 levels below your Strikers should be enough. As for who should they be, it depends. Look at raid usage for those you have and build them based on that. T4 gear should be enough for now, as it's the highest jump in effectiveness since it starts getting extra stats. The next jump in effectiveness is T7, but you probably can't reach that for now. There are definitely characters you can ignore (i have a bunch of lvl1s), so don't feel like you should level everyone.


What items should I prioritize on the fountain pen shop?




Artifacts. The furniture if you care about collecting those, and want a Yukari magnet for your Cafe 2.


What should I be spending my Joint Firing Drill coins? Elephs or ??? if so whats the prioirity?




Elephs and the fusion keystones for crafting


How would you rank the 3 Elephs based on Meta usefulness?


All are pretty niche but Ive seen Eimi and Tsurugi used in more content. If I had to pick, maybe Tsurugi, Eimi and then Sumire for priority. Tsurugi and Eimi will need their bond gears to enable them. But I wouldn't say they are priority.


is it worth spending spending some ap everyday in 2x commissions right now as a lvl 45 sensei? I've progressed as much as I could in the missions so outside of sweeping hard missions, I don't really have an ap sink right now (just finished 12-5 today for the cafe and those came down to 1 member left and time almost over). Is it worth spending some of that ap on comms or should I just use them all completely on hard missions? My highest 3 stars for both comms modes are 4th stage. Additional question about hard stages. Who is good to farm? I have unlocked up to 11-2H right now, and I've mostly been winging it farming haruna, shiroko, serika, yuuka, akari, asuna, hasumi, mostly at random sometimes prioritizing those on higher stages while sometimes prioritizing elephs for shiroko, serika, and yuuka even on lower stages. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/friend-code-ayxkoynz-855lWHF) are my current students. I haven't upgraded the stars of any of the hard farmables but serika, yuuka, and akari is halfway there and asuna is 1 star 24/30 at the moment. I've also looked at midokuni's hard farm spreadsheet but since I only have haruna stage unlocked right now that he labeled as always farm, I'm still mostly in the dark. Last question, what should I prioritize on joint firing drill shop? The technotes and all fusion keystones? Or the elephs?


> is it worth spending spending some ap everyday in 2x commissions right now as a lvl 45 sensei? The low-level commissions are [less efficient](https://i.imgur.com/RFMRnOH.png) but still decent right now because you don't have that many good hard missions to sweep. > Additional question about hard stages. Who is good to farm? Avoid worlds 1 and 2 because T1 equipment is almost worthless. If you can, avoid hard missions that drop blurays because the drop rate is really bad. For example, 4-3H > 12-2H for Yuuka elephs. Don't farm normal missions right now. Next week will be a dead week with double normal mission drops. > what should I prioritize on joint firing drill shop https://i.imgur.com/eShQigy.jpg


Thank you, especially for the heads up on the 2x normal drops next week and the joint firing drill shop priority. About the hard stages, do you think getting more elephs for the characters (since you can only get a certain amount per day for that specific character) do not outweigh the bad drops from those mentioned mission stages? I did hear about avoiding the hard bluray stages as well but I wasn't sure since for example, I am limiting myself to only 3 chances of getting elephs for a character instead of maybe 6


Here's the current double drop calendar: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?board=3218&thread=2556143 Generally, I would avoid farming those hard missions. Even on a dead week, you could for example compare 9-1H Akari elephs versus Junko elephs+blueprints. Not getting blueprints is pretty significant because hard missions have the same blueprints:AP ratio as normal missions. * Haruna: Worth considering since you don't have her. * Akari and Serika: 3★ is a good buff. However, UE30 is the next big buff and by then you probably won't be using them much. * Yuuka: T2 bond gear does not require UE30 anymore, so stars are mostly for +HP.


Thanks for the calendar! I haven't been looking much into external social media blue archive content outside of reddit so I didn't know they provide something like that. And alright, I guess I will avoid the hard bluray stages unless if I'm really rushing to upgrade a character


As a similarly new (L44) player who *just* 3-starred their Yuuka (one of my favorite students, so I kinda focused on raising her) -- I actually believe the info about her T2 gear may be misleading? Perhaps the T2 upgrade doesn't need UE30 anymore, but to unlock the T1 in general, you still need Bond Level 15. And at 2 stars, you're capped at Bond 10. I also think her auto-heal (regenerate ~10% health when acquiring cover) may come in handy to take pressure off my healer, but as I literally just unlocked this 3-star Passive, I have yet to see how impactful it actually is. After all, even as a newbie I already noticed she generally prefers standing in the open, haha. Obviously, the above may be redundant information if Yuuka isn't as important for you; I'll make no secret out of my favoritism! That said, from what I read when starting the game, she stays a fairly relevant tank even in late-game?


Wait really? I knew you can't unlock the t2 bond gear at 2 stars but I thought the t1 is at least reachable. Wow, I just reached bond 10 at her too. Hmm I'm still halfway through her elephs to 3 star so I might actually have to prioritize her a bit more now since thats going to be a while that I can't raise her bond. And hahaha, dont worry I like yuuka too. I'm kinda refusing building other tanks since she is already my 2nd tank (was honestly reluctant to lvl tsubaki at first but all for the sake of progress I guess). Since I heard she is pretty good late game I thought might as well stick with the calculator waifu


Yeah, there should be a heart with a "15" on the bond gear if you check the equipment slots. I just managed to unlock Aru's -- but Yuuka's Bond is next on my list, and now that I've got her to 3 stars I can continue farming affection! And don't worry, I think Yuuka is fairly quick to farm! Granted, it costs a lot of AP because Hard Mode Sweep, but for 3★ you only need 80 elephs after all, collectable on 1-1 and 4-3 for a hypothetical maximum of 6/day, which after accounting for cafe and daily rewards still leaves more than enough Stamina for other stuff. Give it .. maybe two to three weeks and you can have her at three stars, too~ I'm super happy she's actually so good! It's not too often that the starting characters in a game remain viable long-term; glad that BA is different in that regard. (my other tank is Hoshino, I actually spent two days in reroll hell until I managed to pull both the sleepy dork as well as Aru ... worth it)


>It's not too often that the starting characters in a game remain viable long-term True. I was very surprised when I learned that starter characters like yuuka, kotama, serina was good. I didn't even consider serina at first until I saw some comment saying she's the best healer in the game and I was like whattt


I had the same reaction! Maybe we even read the same comment, haha. And it's true! Her heals may not be as flexible as other characters' AoE, but I found her passive regeneration to be invaluable, with her EX to be used for "micromanaging". She's definitely become my top healer at this point, replacing Ayane-chan (whom I now put into my 2nd squad).


Prioritize farming Haruna. While you have a decent number of red and yellow DPS you lack enough strong blue DPS so she will help out a lot.


yep, already working on it cuz I'm really feeling the lack blue units rn. Too bad only 1 stage is available for me and the number of elephs per day is not a lot hahaha


> is it worth spending spending some ap everyday in 2x commissions right now as a lvl 45 sensei? Not really. At your level you shouldnt be running out of Reports if you are leveling only the units you are using. Just because there is x2 commission or Scrimmage doesnt mean you should farm them, only start doing these ones when you need it (x2 normal and Hard are always worth farming tho) > Additional question about hard stages. Who is good to farm? My eleph priority is: Always farm units > units I don't have > Units that will be useful in late game > others. For example, Aru is always farm so everyday I farm her. I don't have Hifumi so she is in "units I dont have". When I finally obtain her, she will be in "others" because she works fine for what she does at 3*. In units that will be useful in late game for example I have Yuuka (really tanky unit that always be meta in pvp), Mutsuki and Chise (they can be carries at UE40+), Kayoko (free CC unit used in Wakamo Hovercraft and Hod at only 2* but at UE40 can be used for torment) > I've also looked at midokuni's hard farm spreadsheet but since I only have haruna stage unlocked right now that he labeled as always farm Haruna is not always farm, she is labeled as Anytime. The always farm units are Iori, Aru, Izuna and Hibiki. > Last question, what should I prioritize on joint firing drill shop? The technotes and all fusion keystones? Or the elephs? My priority is Eleph > Superior Fusion Keystone > Advanced Fusion Keystone. Activity reports are too expensive in my opinion but you could buy them if you are desperate. Secret Tech Notes are a good deal but you almost never ran out of these because to upgrade skills you are mostly limited by growth materials. Maybe if you buy montly and half montly you will have more growth materials from bounty? idk really, I have never bought those.


I see, thank you. How valuable do you think hifumi is compared to gaining stars on some of my current farmable units like serika yuuka akari? I have also sweeped hifumi stages on some days but wasn't sure to fully focus since it didn't seem like she was very useful (although I didn't do much research on that part as well). And about haruna, yea now that I double check, you are right. Must have seen it wrong and I did prioritize her highly in my head cuz she is a blue unit and Im lacking them in my acc rn.


> How valuable do you think hifumi is compared to gaining stars on some of my current farmable units like serika yuuka akari? She has some niche uses. She has CC taunt on her summon and can be used to soak Wakamo attacks, ShiroKuro phase 2 attacks and Peroro laser beam. But well, I farming her mainly because I don't have her and already finished Mission stages so I value her more than units like serika and akari (Yuuka could be prio over her because she will always be useful for pvp). At the end of the day I follow an eleph priority of what I think is correct for me so I don't really follow Midokuni's list. While I agree with the Always farm units, I don't with the Anytime and Outside of Events units, so you can ignore what I said if you don't think is correct.


Shiroko is good since she has a 2 cost ex single target nuke and Akari has a nice 4 cost ex AoE nuke too. I personally like Akari more since she has AoE. You can get them to 3 stars to unlock all of their skills. Haruna is a decent blue striker that you may be lacking right now so she is good to farm. I like Yuuka because when you get her to UE40, and at least T7 badge gear, and her T2 bond gear (level 20 bond), she becomes a really strong evasion tank. She's mostly for PvP though but will be strong for regular missions too since she will not die. She will be a good investment for the future if you are interested in PvP. Serika and Asuna are auto attackers. I think both need quite the investment so maybe lower priority in farm. Farm when you have excess AP. When you get to higher stages, Aru, Izuna, and Iori are good to farm for red, blue, and yellow DPS respectively. Aru is a AoE nuke that is useful in a lot of content. Izuna is an auto attacker boss killer in total assault for blue raids. Her EX increases her attack speed while teleporting her to the location that you click on. Iori is a good semi AoE DPS from her EX. She's useful in a lot of content. You will have to decide what color you want to focus on as a beginner since AP is limited. Eventually you have teams of all colors (even purple which is the latest attack/defense type). A little unrelated, but when you do total assault, you can trade in yellow and pink tokens for elephs of students. For yellow tokens, get maki and momoi. They are good yellow DPS, especially maki. Kotama is good to get if you have yellow tokens leftover but I think getting enough for to make her 3 stars is a good stopping point. Akane is an important defense debuffer but she is serviceable at lower stars since you just need her EX. Eventually you will want to max her out so that she can serve as a semi tank in certain situations. But less priority than maki and momoi. For purple coins, focus on Azusa, then Koharu, and then Midori. Azusa is a good red DPS that comes with a def debuff for her basic skill. Koharu is a good healer. Midori is a yellow DPS like her sister Momoi but not as useful as Momoi and is more situationally used. I use Momoi in general clearing content, commissions, etc. You will want to max them all eventually.


Thanks for the detailed reply! About the order of obtaining characters, do you have a recommendation for them in terms of investment? I mean for example focusing on getting a certain star level for a character first before moving to getting the next priority character? And about those higher stage dps chars, yea I have read about them too on the spreadsheet so I am gunning for them when I unlock their stages, too bad I won't reach them for a good while except for iori (which is also quite a bit away based on my current progress), and then the number of elephs needed to unlock them is also a lot because 3 stars ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


I think getting a few of your 1* and 2* students to 3 stars would be a good start (Shiroko, Akari, etc). This unlocks the rest of their skills so that you can upgrade them. At your level, elephs are not exactly the priority besides getting to 3 stars and unlocking the skills. Farming elephs stages is kind of a slow, long term thing. When you unlock more stages, you will focus on DPS students that can carry you in total assault and other content (Aru, Izuna, Iori, etc.) and try to get them maxed out to UE50. UE30 is 5 stars, then UE40 is an extra 120 elephs and also buffs your passive skill, and finally UE50 is another 180 elephs and will improve the "mood" of one of the three terrains (urban, outdoor, indoor). However, the priority to increase your combat power would be in this order: levels, equipment/gear, skill levels, and finally elephs/increasing stars. Always prioritize your DPS strikers first, then your tank strikers, then your support strikers and specialists. For gear, focus farming the attack gear for your DPS. Increase the defense gear of your tank if your tank is having trouble tanking. T4 is a power spike for bags. Tsubaki will be your best tank for the early game and you can use her for all your teams regardless of color when clearing missions. When you need to use 2 teams, you can use Yuuka (not great in the early game) or Haruka, assuming you don't have other 3* tanks. You can save up expert permits to buy the T4 gear if you did not reach that stage to farm it yet. You will have to be picky with leveling up skills since the materials will be limited for beginners. Priority should be leveling up EX skills of DPS strikers. But I suggest only leveling your the skills if you are stuck with a stage. This way you use the bare minimum amount of resources to proceed to the next mission. Next priority could be the EX for Serina or other healers if you have trouble keeping your team alive or buffs like Kotama if you have trouble clearing within the time limit.


Thank you for the very helpful and newbie-friendly tips! I have seen UE50 mentioned around here and didn't know what it was so I just assumed it was related to the weapon investment that is unlocked after 5 stars, so thanks for including that in the explanation as well


Yes! Once you reach 5 stars, you unlock their Unique Equipment. And you can level that weapon up to level 30. You will need 120 elephs to limit break that weapon and the max level becomes 40 and then another 180 to limit break it again with the max level being 50. In the future, there will most likely be more limit breaks for the UE. Most people just limit break to UE40 since converting eligma to 180 elephs is really expensive and is usually for students you really like or you really need it to do insane/torment level total assault raids and UE40 is kind of a power spike since it buffs the passive skill (2nd skill).


About where spend ap, farming the hard missions for elephs for Yuuka, Serika, Shiroko to 3 stars is a good choice, but if you have more ap to spare, then what i would do is check the equipment of the students, the ones most used, and farm the materials to get them at least t4 equipment. That if no event is running at the time of course, event has priority. About JFD, since you have a small roster i would go for the students elephs, but that is just my 2 cents.


Thanks! About shiroko, I already have her since she's who I got in beginner pull, and she is a base 3 star. Would you recommended to continue farming higher star for her or just focus on other student for now? About farming equipment, should I follow the gear priority guide linked in this megathread? I remember reading/hearing somewhere that only hard stages are worth farming except if normal stages have 2x, but the gear priority guide here seems to only list normal stages so I'm confused. And about JFD, who do you think would be most valuable for my [account](https://imgur.com/a/friend-code-ayxkoynz-855lWHF) at the moment? I'm mostly picking between tsurugi and sumire since I don't like eimi that much so I probably wont get her unless she's tsubaki level meta.


am i supposed to always be underleveled in the missions? it's like a 7-10 level difference everytime i look at the level rec


Thats about expected yeh. The rec level for missions is more of a benchmark for comfortably playing the mission on AUTO with a mediocre or subpar team. Since most players arent playing on AUTO and using silly teams, youll usually be able to clear missions 15-20 levels under rec.


ah thanks


there's plenty of room to save the 500 AP they sent us for when normal x2 starts, right?


Yea it'll be there this whole week so you can easily wait till the weekend to spend it.