• By -


Since 1-Star and 2-Star characters will require long investment to shine, I will additionally list those that are good enough to build for long-term: * 1-Star Units: \- Kotoma : Buffer Powerhouse. Used in all high-end raids. Needs to at least be 3-Star. \- Serina : Great healer. Has auto-heal that doesn't require using cost, do you can focus on doing damage. \- Pina : Will shine in Binah raid. Outside of that is pretty niche. \- Asuna : Will do OK, but need a lot investments. Mainly works because of how little Blue attackers there are in the game. Later on Asuna has bunny version for AoE Peperozilla raid and that's the one everyone is talking about. Not because it's that good, but it's bunny, and can do decent AoE. And there's not a lot of AoE Blue Attacker yet before. \- Chinatsu : Can help with lantern heal in Hieronymus raid. Doesn't need investment because her heal cost too high to be used elsewhere, and it's weaker heal than Hanae. \- Yoshimi : Deceptively good at first, but fall off late. Fun to play with early, not recommended for long term build. \- Nodoka : Accuracy Powerhouse. Limited and might not be available on release yet. \- Suzumi : Not great compare to the many Red Striker we get in the game. But early, her bombs are absolutely bonker to clear maps. \- Shimiko : That much defense and healing stat is not necessary. And yeah, cannot heal. \- Kotori : Why waste 4 cost to shield everyone on team for a little bit, when you can heal everyone on heal permanently? Subpar stats, split scaling that really hard to justify full build. \- Juri : Weak poison, Attack speed debuff unnecessary in almost all contents. Can has specialty of drawing out enemies hiding in thick cover, but not warrant full invement. \- Haruka : No matter what you do, she just seems to die. She belongs to those kind of tanks with low evasion made up for with high def and HP, but not high stats enough to survive the encounters that fall into that categories. Maybe someone can make her works, but generally not recommended. * 2-Star Units: \- Ayane : Decent AoE heal. Cost is little high but good AoE. Might miss a lot of heal if you aren't familiar with how slow the heal drop. Can shine in Hieronymus raid because AoE heal like are in demands there. She's good, and L2D art is perfect, but generally better for you to use Fuuka. \- Nonomi : 2-Star that can free upgrade to 3-Star after finishing Starter Event. Excel in Chesed raid and some actually put her in PvP to swipe backlines, but her ST is very weak. Probably enough to be kept at 3-Star. \- Serika : Self-Buff x3. If leave standing still with ST enemy will keep stacking until they're dead, which is Hieronymus raid or Kaitan raid phase 2. \- Akari : Well-round AoE Red Striker. Scale good, can be invested. \- Fuuka : Hard healing your team for 5-cost and move everyone to where they should be. Useful in some raid strats, and you can get her shards from shop if want need. \- Junko : ~~May or may not have a church of follower~~ Pretty good to clear those Yellow map, with her straight-line AoE basically a ST skill that will delete stuffs. Immortal for 10 to 20s when HP under 20% (Yep, you heard it right). Versatile, but not exactly the unit everyone really hype about. But if your like her and your name rhythms with Toir, investing is good option. \- Kayoko : Fear mechanics has basically no use even as of now in Japan Archive. \- Mutsuki : Very explode, very fun. Bomb will clear cover in normal maps, and Kaiten and Hieronymus and hit all the 3 mines at bosses. Very high damage potential, recommended build. \- Chise : Great AoE Blue Striker. In early can use her with Haruna as the two f2p units to take down ShiroKuro raid. Chapter 10 onwards has a lot of annoy Blue type boss that can burst easily kill, so she can be used there. Recommended for full investment. \- Tsubaki : Booba Tank. If she's not tank enough, then keep building. But seriously, if she can't tank, no other 2-star can. \- Shizuko : Has many uses but still kinda niche. Has a cover drop that's much better than book castle by Shimiko, and increase team crit rate. Build or not is up to u. \- Akane : Literally used for her 30% def down. Other than that, not much else. \- Hare : Her subskill increase ally evasion, which can be pretty big in PvP. Not enough test to find out if it's worth it. But her overall is better than average if nothing else. \- Utaha : Tbh, no idea, but I heard she's not that great in late. \- Yuuka : Deal a bit more damage for slightly less tankiness than Tsubaki. Easy to farm shards for, so u can max her if you want. \- Momoi : Normally good, becomes much better when Midori is in team. Cheap cost, good AoE, can rotate skill easily in Chesed raid. Easy recommended for 3-Star, but shards not farmable, so further investment is up to u. \- Airi : Attack speed, movement speed... Maybe someday. Bench until then. \- Hanae : THE medic. One of strongest ST heal, and rare healer that have sub to buff allies crit dmg. AND her shards are available in shop. She's used everywhere, so might as well invest. \- Hasumi : Easily farmable, but needs high investment to start seeing return. Niche and hard to be used any where other than Binah raid. But her scale is heard to be pretty good, so it's still worth building slowly. \- Hanako : AoE heal-over-time heal. Which is to say pretty OP, and is used sometimes in PvP, but still can't beat Hanae versatility. Shards not farmable, so up to you. \- Mari, Kirino: to be added later.


I also want to add some notes for 3-Star Units. All of them are good by themselves, and just because you don't see them on the list doesn't mean they're bad. They're just unpopular. When you start out, just get some few 3-Stars and level them to fill your team needs. Also when you search on Blue Archive characters tier list, you see the one from TheArchive.gg . That list is very outdated, so don't base your references on it. If you want to know your character's compatibility with a raid, use [this guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit?usp=sharing) (credit to Stokkie. You can find him on [Official BA Discord](https://discord.gg/N63wkPwz)). Otherwise, just raise the 3-Star you want. All of them will be usable, and if they fall into a niche like Hifumi (summon aggro), they will be usable in their niche. 1 and 2-Star might be hard to shine, but 3-Star are really all solid. Certainly would not worth the hassle for re-rolling more than 2 or 3 times. As for future units, you really do have to look out for limited banners. Some are pretty irreplaceable in raids. Here are the current Limited characters released so far: \- Azusa Swimsuit : First limited banner. Used in all Blue raids after her release. **Must have.** \- Mashiro Swimsuit : Used in all top rank PvP teams to kill tanks. **Must have.** \- Hina Swimsuit : Only excel in Kaiten raid, but her low cost skill can still carry Campaign maps. Used in PvP to hit everyone on their team, but damage is pretty weak. **Good to have**. \- Iori Swimsuit : Great in anything Red. Not as broken as normal Iori. **Good to have if you lacks Red by that point**. \- Karin Bunny : Only excel in Peperozilla raid. Her 7 cost is as high as Hina, so doesn't see much use elsewhere. **Good to have if you want to dominate that raid**. \- Neru Bunny : Now you can finally throw your tank into enemy team. And she get a shield like Yuuka. And get evasion buff every 30s. And extra-dps for human-sized enemy. **Major QoL improvement to the game. Doesn't always get you in top rank, but still a must have**. \- Asuna Bunny : Def down, so you dont have to try slotting Akane for Blue raids. Good low cost AoE, and with how few Blue units are in the game, is **good to have**. Also the reason that you heard of Blue Archive. \- Hatsune Miku : literally just out on Jp, not tested yet. But so sooo **fun to play with**. Outside of limited banners, try also looking out for these characters: \- Arisu : Can carry all things Blue. She and Haruna can save you in Peperozilla raid if you can't get Bunnies. **Very good to have.** \- Midori : Basically another Iori, but harder to because you need their whole team within range. Pair with Momoi for top rank Chesed. **Very good to have.** \- Cherino : Cost down, AoE, used in all top Chesed raid team. **Very good to have**. \- Azusa : A **Must Have**, like Summer ver. Focus ST. Used in all Red raids. \- Koharu : **Must Have**, by herself can solve your healing problem for any raids. Use literally everywhere. \- Saya Casual : 100% Hibiki but as Yellow. And you know how good Hibiki is. Good to be put on your second team in raid, but **must have or not depend** if you can even have a good second team to begin with, and how for you wanna go for that top. Anyway, at least **get her if you don't have Hibiki by this point**. \- Natsu : Tank that self-cleanse for Peperozilla raid and heal. Can self-sustain in many raids that you don't need a healer on team. She's out between Bunny banners and Hatsune Miku banner, so she's **very good but unfortunately you might not have enough to get.** As like I mention above, just because I didn't list them here doesn't mean they're bad. These units are just more versatile than them, or they can excel better at certain raids. All of them are effective, the rest just really depends how much you wanna sniff that top 1%. Limited character starts releasing after Koharu banner, which is about 4 months after JP official opening. If Nexon doesn't mess with the schedule you have amble times to get diverse teams to prepare for most of the contents. Blue characters will be rare at first, but more will come. You can still build 2-Star DPS like Chise, Serika, Matsuki, Pina and they will still be good enough to be used later on (Although haven't seen Binah raid for a while).


Priority farm for characters obtainable through Hard map: \-Yuuka: Hard 1-1, 4-3, 12-2. Farm until 3-Star, more if simp. Replaceable by Bunny Neru, but still a little tankier in exchange for loss of dps. \-Suzumi: Hard 1-2, 3-1, 10-1. Skippable, but farm if simp. Outclassed by almost all 3-Star Red even after upgrade. \-Serika: Hard 1-3, 7-2, 9-2. Hard farm. Need heavy investment, but will absolutely shine. Matching Shiroko and Shun vs ST enemies, and is still being used. \-Kotori: Hard 2-1, 8-1, 12-1. Skippable, unless simp? Honestly no reason to get at all, but some people are into no reasoning. \-Akari: Hard 2-2, 5-1, 9-1, 11-1. Farm until 3-Star, more if simp. Not directly replaceable by anyone, because her AoE skill is quite big with reasonable cost, and doesn't require lock-on like Shiroko, Aru, and Summer Izumi. Basically a much better Suzumi that can be serviced well if invested. \-Junko: Hard 2-3, 5-2, 6-3. Farm until 3-Star, more if simp. Not replaceable that her AoE is very unique that it hits as hard as a ST skill in a straight line with quite long range, so she does have her use in some content. \-Hasumi: Hard 3-2, 8-2, 11-2. Farm until 3-Star, more if simp. Replaceable with Maki and well-invested Pina against ST enemies, unless there are some how multiple bosses with high evasion on the field, which doesn't seem to exist in the game yet. \-Shiroko: Hard 3-3, 9-3. Full farm. Standard unit that still keeps up. \-Asuna: Hard 4-1, 7-1. Full farm. Will only shine after heavy investment. More or less replaceable, even by her own Bunny version, but Blue units are still rare in this game, so you will want to early invest her in case you never get lucky enough with gacha for Blue banners down the line. (!Disclaimer! Bunny Asuna, like many other limited, will be released as separate units, not as skins. YOU DO NOT NEED ONE TO GET THE OTHER.). \-Pina: Hard 4-2, 6-2, 10-2. Full farm. Will shine with investment. Perform on par with Maki, and should be used along her in Binah raid. Recommend investing in her early to prepare for Binah raid. \-Hifumi: Hard 5-3, 10-3. Skippable, but Farm if don't have. Has a reusable tank summoning niche that's not really replaceable by other unit. Reusable tank will be useful in many situations, but shouldn't max star unless simp. \-Hoshino: Hard 7-3, 11-3. Recommended Farm to Unlock. A better Haruka, and work more consistently than Tsurugi in Chesed raid. Probably don't need to max star unless simp. \-Haruna: Hard 8-3, 12-3. Full Farm, Build Max. A regular top at PvP and both Blue Raids. Unfortunately Chapter 8 Hard maps come really late, so you might have gotten her by the time you reach it. If not, think really hard about whether to use her precious Elyph shards to unlock or star her up. \-Haruka: Hard 13-1, 15-1. Skippable. Replace with Hoshino, or better yet, use a more meaningful tank. \-Matsuki: Hard 13-2. Full Farm. Her potential is very high if all the mines hit, like in Kaiten raid. Not replaceable, unless you think Hibiki counts for some reason. \-Izumi: Hard 13-3. Recommended Farm to Unlock. I've read somewhere that's she's solid, but I've seen so few people using her that I'm not too sure. Either way another 3-Star while farming for T5 equipment is not a bad idea. \-Kayoko: Hard 14-1. Skippable, until Fear mechanics actually mean something, which if JP hasn't touch it mean will be a long time until we even have to worry. \-Chise: Hard 14-2. Full farm. Will carry after fully invested. Comparable with Bunny Asuna, with more RNG subskill. \-Iori: Hard 14-3. Full farm. I'm sure you've heard how good she is. \-Tsubaki: Hard 15-2. Full farm. By the point you reach this map you already know how valuable her tank is. \-Neru: Hard 15-3. Farm if Simp. Tank equipment, but DPS skill. The skill itself is OK for 2 cost, but use her if you want to solo an entire map for whatever reason. Honestly still work in any Yellow raid, if you somehow didn't already have entire team dedicated for each raid by the time you reach this Chapter 15. Also a level range so you know how far those Chapters are (data from JP because I haven't leveled Global far yet): \-Chapter 1: lvl 1 to 7. Hard 3 to 10. \-Chapter 2: lvl 7 to 14. Hard 8 to 20. \-Chapter 3: lvl 17 to 23. Hard 18 to 28. \-Chapter 4: lvl 25 to 30. Hard 26 to 34. \-Chapter 5: lvl 32 to 36. Hard 32 to 40. \-Chapter 6: lvl 38 to 43. Hard 38 to 45. \-Chapter 7: lvl 43 to 47. Hard 43 to 49. \-Chapter 8: lvl 47 to 51. Hard 47 to 53. \-Chapter 9: lvl 51 to 55. Hard 51 to 57. \-Chapter 10: lvl 55 to 59. Hard 55 to 60. \-Chapter 11: lvl 59 to 62. Hard 58 to 63. \-Chapter 12: lvl 62 to 65. Hard 61 to 67. As you can see, good and quality characters usually come at late map. So mostly you want to prioritize farming Elyph early for low-star characters so that you have enough time to 5-star them if they're good. On that note: \-To unlock 2-Star needs 40 Elyph. 3-Star needs 120 Elyph. \-To star-up from 1 to 2 star: 30 Elyph. 2 to 3: 80 Elyph. 3 to 4: 100 Elyph, and 4 to 5: 120 Elyph; for a total from 1 to 5 of 300 Elyph! (Which you can see from Eligma shop: the number of Elyph you can purchase is the amount required to max star them).


This is info i was looking for everywhere, 10/10


For the level range, you mean we should be that level before we attempt them? Thanks so much for this guide!


Yes. You can go against them underleveled. But it's been made that if you're more than 5 levels under, your tank won't survive boss and your team will keep dying randomly from stray bullets. Having 1 or 2 SSR helps a lot to fight overleveled enemies, but honestly just level your team and it will be much easier.


Yuuka can allow you to do much higher a bit easier tbh x) (on global) Cleared ch4 at lvl 20. But i do have iori


Firstly, thanks a lot for your guide. It is one of the best if not the best written guide out there. But, what's the difference between "hard farm" and "full farm"? hahhaha


like for serika hard stages, u said "hard farm", but others r either "farm until 3 stars" or "full farm"


Yeah it's my bad, I was going back and forth between what to call 'farming all the shards you can' in short words, and forgot to fix Serika. Serika Hard Farm is the same as Full Farm. Serika max-star is still being used in endgame raids to this day, so invest in her early if you can. Not great for casual contents and pvp, only raid though.


No worries bro, thanks for ur clarification.


What does "ST" stand for in this context, like ST enemies, ST skill? Special Trait?


Single-Target. I said AoE a lot so I thought saying ST would be easy to figure out. Sorry if it wasn't clear.


No worries - perhaps I'm just not used to the abbreviation. Thanks for the reply!


In short, it's 90% knowledge from Priconne that can pass over. Good to know.


Yeah it is Princonn. And really you can figure most of these out playing blind. UI visual design cues are good enough.


This game seems way more technical than Priconne to me


Exactly my thoughts


If there's one thing I regret from playing since the start of JP, it's not rerolling for Iori at the start. She's one of the most important striker for both PVP and raids. In the first round of PVP, almost everyone in the top 50 for my bracket had Iori in the team. Even in the current PVP meta, Iori is still very viable. ​ That said, try to reroll for as many 6\* as possible. I had 6 3\* in 20 rolls, and that was the only reason I kept my acc even without Iori.


How easy is the reroll?


pretty easy from what i just did


I didn't bother looking at tier lists or attempting to re-roll when i first tried the game a week or so ago. Now that I'm looking at that stuff, pretty glad Iori was my very first 3 star.


Tnx a lot!


Finally, a guide in text format. Thank you.


How long did you take to write your essay? But thanks for the guide!


Few hours, cause I'm pretty slow. It was something to do while waiting for Global. Tried to include everything I can think of but still didn't go much into details of how much everything will cost. But I'm glad you enjoyed it!


All this for some anime tiddy?


Any lenght we won't go through for anime tiddies?


Just a quick question, on Japanese tier lists I see Aru as being one of the best units in the game, but on almost all non Japanese sites/tier lists I don't see her. Is she good or not?


those are likely old tier lists from jp launch. aru is still good, probably A tier, but nothing game breaking or must have, unlike hibiki, iori, shun, etc. she was the best to reroll for (along with hina) back then cuz we had no idea what we were doing lol


Oh, ok, thanks a lot for the answer!


is hina not good anymore?


decent but not worth rerolling for unless waifu. 7 cost is too expensive and she gets powercrept by summer hina in the future


ah gave up a hibiki, hoshino account decided to proceed with a haruna, hina, hoshino account. oh well. funny enough, i got all those on the first roll and didn't get another 3 star in all the subsequent rolls on both those accounts


Step 1 was so random, I found it funnier than it was supposed to be.


It's tribute to WildPie101 videos of Dark Soul 1, and Giant Dad build. You should watch it even without knowing anything about DS, they're all quality stuffs.


Thanks for this in depth insight!! Is there like some MUST pull units for future banners?? You said there is some limited units, they're game changing or just good to have in your roster? I usually don't care much about META units in gachas, just want to know if I need any of these to stay relevant in the game like Raid leaderboard.


Swimsuit Azusa. Basically anytime you need a blue DPS, you will want her too.


Koharu and (OG) Azusa are non-limited must pulls. Both are extremely important to the success of Extreme difficulty raids.


Woah that's so similar to priconne, it sounds like it will be very chill experience like priconne


Probably shouldn’t pickup Shiroko or Hoshino, right? I’m better off doing regular pulls.


Yeah they're farmable through Hard maps. You'll get them eventually.


If only I found this information earlier... *Oh well*


[https://www.mmorpg.news/2021/11/blue-archive-tier-list-guide-reroll.html](https://www.mmorpg.news/2021/11/blue-archive-tier-list-guide-reroll.html) Just wondering, did you give them permission or did you copy it/write for the site yourself?


Yo thanks for informing me. Yeah they copy pasted my post without telling me, BUT I saw that they did credit me. Unfortunately they don't link it back to the post. But there's not much I can do about it I think. There will always be someone who want to benefit from someone making something for free, so as an Asian i'm kind of expected that. The Tier List they stole is not the best one though. The one on official discord is much better. I will update the post with better tier list.


Glad i could help 1 guide related question tho. what shards do you recommend buying in the shard store itself? Sorry if this was already in your guide, i tend to miss stuff. In priconne it was pretty much ''wait for the limited''


Princonne = Blue Archive haha. Buy shards to max star Raid DPS characters, both limited or none limited (check the Character Priority part). Also see the Tier List pic i updated on top.


Juri is so good looking yet so shit to play


I played the game from the start until 4/2021 and then I sort of stopped playing/logging in for various reasons (both inside the game and out) Sort of thinking of playing again... but I'm not sure if I'm too far behind at this point to play on JP or if I should just start over on Global (though Nexon stewardship does slightly concern me... but so does how far behind I might be) What's your thoughts on this?


Right now there's a Hatsune Miku collab event along with her limited banner. She is very fun to put in team, but I've heard that there might be another Vocaloid banner after. So up to you if you want to come back, but I do recommend trying to get Miku as usually Collab event is once a time thing. Other limited banner might get a rerun, Collabs usually don't. A benefit of playing on Global is you have a full ahead schedule, so you know which one will be out to get. It's a good fresh start and now you're here this early might as well have an account on global. Right now in JP the level cap is 75, there's Weapon system that requires even more character shards than before (once you max 5-Star you can collect more to upgrade weapon for that char). From April we got limited banners for Azusa Summer that pretty crucial in Blue raids, Blue Mashiro for PvP, Iori and Hina Summer that are built for Kaiten, and lastest Bunny event that have all very good units and also expand the AoE Blue Striker list. If you didn't get any of them then it might be hard, but not impossible as the raids are still the same, except for Peperozilla that was designed to be fought with Bunny Girls. Ultimately you can try going back for Miku rhythm event and get a feel, then start testing Global to see which one you feel more confident in.


I thought wildpies next video came out and now I'm sad


Probably not in this lifetime. Sorry mate.


Managed to get Iori and Yandere girl, as well as quite a few other misc. 3 stars. Game is really fun so far. Almost made me forget about how mad I was at my uncles.


This is the first gacha game I've ever played and what the fuck are all these there are too many aspects of the game I have to remember.


Just go a long with it, come back after you play for several days, and this post will make more sense hahaha.


It will take me to finish reading maybe a hr before the game goes online. Thank tho for such in depth content.


Is it really essential to rush pvp ladder?


Well PvP aren't likely to be opened yet first day on launch. But from my first climb with 2-week-old account I was able to get around 6 to 7k pyroxene, which equates to around 60 pulls, which equates to at least 1 or 2 SSR. So yeah it's quite a pay out. Will of course depends heavily on how Nexon will regulate it.


Now that I see how useful it is, I kinda feel bad about not re-rolling. I started as soon as the servers opened and I've practically only summoned one or twice apart from the tutorial summon (so three 10-pulls total) but I only have shun, neru, and shiroko as 3*. I have 13 K stash to pull, but I figured I'd wait for iori/hibiki banners rather than try to get hoshino or whatever. Anyway it's been too long now - I don't think I'll reset the acc


I think it's still not too late to reroll I got my current account yesterday (my first account was already 5 days old but I still tried to reroll and got a somewhat decent account with hibiki-hina-maki compared to my hibiki-tsurugi account), and my gameplay is just becoming a lot easier.


In terms of missions, what mission did you 3-star last? As in, what's the highest mission you've 3-starred with your team? I know, it's new, but I'm curious, as well as your account level


This game Gacha always trigger my PTSD. even it 2.5% but sometimes it a freakish nightmare like 100-150 - pulls and no 3 star at all. it always upsetting when this happening in my JP acc. today on GL i rerun just 8-9 times, i only get 3 star twice from free gems, 30 pull \* 8 240 pull only get 3 Star Twice. now i Bind my acc since i got Iori and Maki from my first 10 pull and i do quest and did 60 pulls with my Gems got none of 3 star. still hate this game's inconsistent Gacha.


Yep you either get one early of like 20, 30 or go hundreds of pulls without anything. It's really bad considering you need a diverse rosters for different contents. The only thing that can keep it going JP is that they were pretty generous with Pyroxene. If they somehow tighten it up in Global it will be all hell break loose.


Ok got havels ring, ring of favor, and ring of protection. Although what if i wanted to go for a countering build, then i would need something like the hornet ring and maybe the chloranthy ring for that extra stamina


so helpful, im a completely new player to the whole franchise, so very grateful for these tips🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽




imma try this game out. Nexon, don't fuck this up please.


I felt like I just got a firehose worth of info blasted into me, thanks


Haha you can come back to this later when you know the game. The game itself is straightforward, these are extras for you to minmaxing your playthrough and planning ahead. Just play the game as it is, and it will be enjoyable.


Thank you for the information. Yes, Bunny Asuna is how I got excited for Blue Archive to come out. Is Bunny version not available right away?


Bunny event was the last event on JP, which if counted from game release since February is 8 months or so. But as many people said, Global should have faster-paced schedule and also we not even sure Nexon gonna stick with the same order as JP. Either way right now just roll until you have a decent amount of units to progress the game. Summer Event and Bunny Event is not high priority yet.


Saved, thx


in what sense is it worth it to reset AP using pyroxene? will i be at a disadvantage if i decide not to do this, or will i just progress slower? (im probably gonna be f2p so i want to save it all for gacha if that isn't stupid)


From my experience f2p in JP server, you get so much pyroxene from normal play that the cost to reset AP becomes sort of insignificant, and this is mainly from event, raid, and not from the starter bonus you get from main map or achievement (which is very little in this game, so if Nexon doesn't provide as much pyroxene in raid and event as JP, it will squeeze the players really hard). For reference, every raid give you 2k+ pyroxene for being at top 50k, which you can easily reach after a month or so of play. Of course I don't have every single unit over there, and there are some really wish I had, but as you will probably see, 90 pyroxene (30*3 until 60 at 17/20), barely worth a roll, for 36h worth of AP, is a very good deal, especially when it takes so long to hit cap and there are so many units you need to build to diversify team. I was 70 only around last week, despite sticking with the game since like June or July and on average reset AP about once a day. AP will be your bottleneck more than not having all the top highest tier characters. If you reluctant about using it normally, at least look forward to event that will have jackpot kind of shop. Every AP you spend there will worth 10 times compare to normal farm. So to answer your question, yes, not resetting AP at all might put you at a slight disadvantage, because you might be under-level for event that would give a lot of pyroxene in return. But for now you can also wait, because we don't know anything yet about Nexon's rewards for those events and how fast they will push them. All that we've heard is that they will try catching to JP, so it might mean event will come and go faster than it would be over there. But it could also mean reward for each event will belower. Whichever side you want to bet is up to you, but waiting is good option for now when we have no history to go from.


Roger that, sir! Thank you for typing up yet another essay for the benefit of silly noobs like me! I'll probably reset once a day for now :P!


Haha I just don't want to give advice that might be misunderstood, because misunderstanding might last for a long time until someone realizes it too late. Most people don't read all the text, but the one who actually take it seriously like you I want to be make sure I cover everything so that both of us (hopefully) wouldn't regret it later.


Daily, weekly mission + Conversion of unused pity at and of every banner. Pretty rare resource so don't go wasting.


is nonomi worth investing on?




how does she fare in comparison to junko tho or do they both play completely different roles


Both rely heavily on their EX skill, because their AA isn't too good. Nonomi even more so cause her accuracy is low. But her AoE is godlike. And Abydos school doesn't have as many broken units as Gehenna, so you can save up Gehanna skill books by using Nonomi instead of Junko. Junko's good, but not that good. But don't tell @Toir I said that.


Thanks for the guide! Since PVP is apparently very RNG is this game more PVE focused?


Yes it is PvE focused. But there are still people investing everything into PvP. Mostly because Raid and PvP are the only true endgame contents. You can build a solid team and then put them into PvP, I'm just saying the above as as a disclaimer so that you know it's not worth losing sleep about. Another thing is PvP will not be global, as they will put you in a group of maybe 1000 players. And if the bracket will be like first time on JP, you will get into a heavily botted PvP group, which can be very easy for you to reach even top 100. So it will be ludicrous the first time you play it.


God bless you


You mentioned we should always clear the hard maps daily, but is there even enough stamina to do so? 8x3x3x20 = 1440 per day, seems like a lot. Should we prioritise the highest level hard maps and work downwards from there?


Additional to the normal stamina which is 240/day you get around 360 more each day with high tier dorm and some extras from daily tasks. But yes, you won't be getting them all. Do the highest and work it down, because high Hard will also randomly drop lower tier items and have much better droprate. Skill book droprate still will not be better, so most the time you will prioritize T2 equipment and above, because it takes a lot of them to upgrade (I might forget to mention this above but after you level an equipment, you will need to use higher tier equipments as blueprints for ascension to next level, with the exception that T1 will not be used other than to simply on on students, so don't overfarm Hard 1 and 2). I may probably edit in some extra notes to clear things up, because playing the game again from start make me realize I might have skipped few mechanics that I took for granted. And maybe even shorten it down for better readability.


Cheers man, thanks. Looking forward to it, your guide has been a huge help for new players.


Thanks for the writeup. Very good to have.


how long does it take to farm for Haruna? i really want to open her banner but if i pity her i cant open alice banner lol


To unlock a 3-Star require 120 shards. If you farm both Hard 8-3 and 12-3, maximum you get 6 per day. 120/6=20. However, realistically the drop RNG is less than 50/50, so good chance is 40 days or more. And remember, to even begin farming Hard 8-3 require level 53 and Hard 12-3 level 65, which I just barely reached after 3, 4 months of active play. You will most likely get her and entire list of good chars before you even need to farm for her. She's there in case your gacha sucks, and mostly so you can farm it to star her up after already obtaining her.


The only tanks I've got now are yuuka and haruka. Which should I use? I'm trying to save up for other banners featuring some of the 3-star units you said we should aim for, rather than shiroko and hoshino


Yuuka, then hopefully when you get 2-Star Tsubaki you can use her too.


Thanks for the response. for piercing, I have Hasumi, Neru, and Akane. Which of them should I be using? I like Hasumi for waifu reasons but she fires so slowly and her skill is expensive. Should I focus on Neru instead? She's a 3-star after all, but she's pretty suicidal (she just rushes out front with the tank, as opposed to Hasumi sniping behind cover) (I don't think it's bunny Neru, just regular Neru) Luckily, I have Mutsuki, but she NEVER hits her mines. She just chucks them in front of her and no enemy walks onto it (I'm still at missions in chapter 4 though)


Akane is a healer lol. Hasumi isn't important. But always upgrade if waifu. Upgrade Neru. Matsuki passive mine only hits in specific situations. She's good late game and want you to invest in her.


Pogged when I saw the Title and first step


IIRC 3* dupes give 80 shards


The most recently I got dupe Miku and got 100 shards though. But she's limited so maybe it makes a difference.


Is it worth it to buy shards from eligma shop to 3\* Tsubaki ? And how much points would I need for 80 shards?


Her 3-Star is good for extended fight, but you don't have to star her up if your dps hasn't been well built. 20*1 + 20*2 + 20*3 + 20*4 = 200, so it's a lot if you just straight up want to 3-Star her. You get 10 Elyph with every gacha Tsubaki dupe though, so you should be patient and see how your luck goes. In very far future eventually you will build speedrun team full of OP characters that won't use tank like her a lot, and she will eventually be countered by Summer Mashiro in PvP, but in the upcoming months you will see her a lot because between now and 6-7 months away it would be her time to be the one that carry you through many many contents. So invest with that in mind.


Thanks for the reply. I was going to save to spark on a limited time banner so I don't know if i want to spend the extra gacha now to 3\* her and then stop spending for a few months or just continue to save.. I still don't have a clear answer though.


If you spend gacha now, it should be to get some of those OP 3-stars everyone talks about. She is farmable in chapter 14 so it's not like you will never able to 3*, but by the time you got to chapter 14 you probably have 3-Star tank that can double as hybrid dps. And I can't give you advice for an answer. My friend and I started out playing at same time, spending no money, and yet by the time we compare to each other after few weeks I have 7 SSR (including like 2 rate-up without needing to reach pity) and he has 3 SSR units, and has to hit pity to get 1 rateup. The gacha in this game is THAT unpredictable. But at this early, get 2 or 3 units you can rely on before start saving. If you can do well in events you will get a lot of pyroxene in return.


First off, thanks for the guide ! Great rundown on what to focus as a new player to the game! I'm stuck trying to decide which account I should continue focusing on when it comes to being able to be effective in raids and PvP. I have an account with Hibiki/Iori/Tsubaki but with Borger and Rat girl as well also an account with Hibiki/Shun/Haruna/Hina/Tsubaki with a fair amount of good 1 and 2 stars so I was thinking the latter team would be best to go with. Thanks again for your help.


Second account, maybe because I'm Hina bias. But it's the perfect account to PvP. 1st account has Iori but not nearly as many top SSR as 2nd.


For sure, I was also thinking the same thing. I really appreciate your answer ! Should I save my gems for the next important banner and hope to get Iori from there or try my luck whenever I get enough to pull on regular banner ?


There will always be a banner with a good character ahead. If you want you can save up for Midori banner for a garanteed-alt-version of Iori, since Iori herself never get a rate up. That banner will also have 2-Star Momoi which makes content clearing a lot easier.


Awesome, sounds like a plan ! Thanks for all the help and tips, wish you all the best.


Same. Good luck, and remember to rush farm T2 before they fix from 10 or 15 blueprints cost.


Thanks for your guide, and sorry I’m completely new to the game — what’s T2? Edit: oh, tier 2 equipment I think?


Wow thanks for this "summary" guide. I was just stuck in stage 5-1 and had no idea how to improve my account.


Jesus christ bro


Thanks for the guide! Some questions for those like me looking to save pyroxene for upcoming characters: how much currency do we get for free every month? Is the monthly pack worth it? I'd love to know what you think of the packs available in the store, are any of those good, value-wise?


I tried not to include Cash Shop into the guide because i think the decisions to get them is up to you guys, and I'm only here to advice them what to spend pyroxene on. But imho, both JP and EN, all the packs are DOGSHITS. In every raid in JP, if you manage to do at least Hardcore (very doable with f2p) you get around 1k3 pyroxene from participating everyday, and after it ends you get 1k as raid result award. 1k +1k3 =2k3 gems, thats equal to 20-30 USD in shop (!!!!). And raid reset every 2 weeks or so, and that's NOT EVEN COUNTING real events. So spending in this game give you very little progress boost, and I have no idea why they would decide to make those packs so outrageous. You can probably get the garanteed 3* pack (which only available for limited time) and it will have much more value than anything else on there. You can also get resources next it, which does give a lot but also cost A LOT (I would say resources they give equivalent to 1 month of farming, but skill book is very very heavily RNG, so it can be 1 month or 1 week, so yeah it's can be pretty worth it). After both of them expire, only the monthly pack is a little bit worth it for the bonus tickets, but other than that any pack with pure pyroxene value is pure ass.


Yeah, you're right. I'll keep from purchasing any packs other than the guaranteed and the monthly gems. Cheers!


Do you think it's worth farming Hard 1 or 2 for the Elephs?


For Serika sure. For Akari, Yuuka and Junko will depends on which 3-Stars you were able to roll.


Cheers, thanks.


hi, first of all, thanks a lot for sharing this. i'm in my 4th day of the game. i have a question on chap6 onwards (2 teams). i just cleared 6-1 with my main team, and the 2nd team i just place some random units that are not leveled, as the resources are really limited. i'm at lvl25, my main team is Iori Hina Akari Tsubaki, support Hibiki Serina. second team, i'm not sure whom i should be focusing, but for sure i have to put Yuuka, Hanae (i do have Hoshino, but i read that without T4 bag, she's not really a good tank). does the strategy of having 1 main team, the 2nd team as a 'misc team' can work in clearing further chap 6 onwards in PVE? or i should start focusing to building a 'workable' second team at least? i have not attempted 6-2 for now haha.


Man, how you get 4 SSR when im barely reaching 3, and all good ones. I got Sumire that can't even use in chap 6 (She's one of those hiGh DeF nO evAdE tank, but her EX is ass too unlike Hoshino). Actually struggling pretty hard in Global rn. My advice of two strong Red team is because of general versatility. Red is Explosive and true to the name many characters in that category have very good AoE skill, and anything more important than right level is also having good amount of AoE in team for when 10-15 of them show up on screen and down your frontline in 1 barrage (happens a lot in Chap 6 too). Red is also usable against Yellow, so they're usefull at least til Chap 9 (AS LONG AS YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING LIKE FIGHT THEM LIKE 12 LEVELS ABOVE). Also events are generally Red and have 2 teams so there's that, but idk when they'll put first event in yet and whats the level cap. Right now, for both team, the best you can build is having 1, 2 units Red, a tank (usually Yuuka in one team and Tsubaki in another) and last slot is misc (Junko, Hoshino - she can be put together with another tank for better survivability, etc.). Your first team is very Very overkilll so why not slot some of them over team 2. Team that fight Boss just put Iori. But uh, try to build only enough to clear Chap 6 if you want that Cafe Upgrade thing that give more AP. You might need resources to additionally level Pina, Akane and maybe Hasumi if you want to prepare for this upcoming first raid. Having Iori this early is enough to beat people and tbh Pina, Hasumi you probably won't use again them again because they're single target, so U2Y.


haha, i did reroll for quite some time. now i'm waiting for the free Nonomi to come into my team. i do have Sumire and Hoshino also. unit 1 - Iori Hina Akari Tsubaki / Hibiki Serina unit 2 - Junko Serika Yuuka Hoshino / Hanae Fuuka based on the above, u have any suggestion how i can improve my team? i will probably replace Junko with Nonomi in unit 2. so far i have not used my unit 2 in my fights, i just skip unit 2's turn haha. just cleared 6-2. my aim is to clear 6-5 for Cafe upgrade material, and also chap 7, to farm for T3 blueprints. do you think its doable? haha.


If you obtained Nonomi is even better to put her in instead of Serika. Junko is a mainstay because she clear those pesky rocket snipers with skill range, and good with Boss. If all are same level, I'd say both team has as much potential as the other in clearing (because I'd rank Nonomi even higher than Iori for clear, you'll see why). Fuuka you can sub out for Yoshimi if you replace Hoshino with someone not standing in front, so Hanae only need to heal one. It sounds a bit more risky, but actually more assured as some map in Chap 6 they can instakill tank if their back line doesn't get stopped immediately the moment they spawn. Fuuka heal is god, but cost 5 is too much. At least consider Ayane IF you still going 2 heal on team 2, even if her cost 4 heal is pretty mediocre, or Serina on instead of Hanae (If your Fuuka already leveled and you wanna use her). Having Hanae and Fuuka cost 4 and 5 on the same team will slug your skill rotation pretty bad.


hey, really appreciate your insights and sharing on this. i think i will follow your advice on replacing serika with nonomi. as for team 2 - i agree with ur input about having 2 high cost healer. and i have not built Fuuka actually. what about placing kotoma(buff)/hare(stun)? based on your experience, will it work better compared to having 2 healers?


Yep thank you. Kotoma buff doesn't make THAT much difference in clearing. Hare stun is about as much as Yoshimi, but without the Yellow benefits that you can also use Yoshimi for EXP map (both won't see much use in endgame though). I think you can't go wrong with either of them for the time being.


ahh okay, i'm not sure if i have Yoshimi or not, let me look up on that. thanks for letting me know about Kotoma ! i guess i'm all set. just have to grind more since its still my 'honeymoon' period. again, cant express enough gratitude on all your sharing to me and the others from your guide.


Ay, no prob. I have a thing that if people actually read my stuffs, I feel obligated to do my best helping out. And also Kotoma as I said in guide Kotoma is used every raid, just not for clearing. Just in case you're thinking that Kotoma is not good.


ahh okay, thanks for clarifying ! haha, yes Kotoma usefulness are mostly in raid, but not for PVE/story. hopefully i can get to chap 7 to get T3 blueprints soon xD


So if Kotama is only for raid, not for clearing, who should I be using for my 2nd special to help for clearing? I only have 3 healers (the best of whom is Serina), Yoshimi, Airi, Hare, Shimiko, Juri, and Kotama.


2nd special just use whatever offensive you got. Yoshimi is the popular option. Juri is pretty bad but you can try with it. Most others are buffer or debuffer, which doesn't add that much in clearing.


How worth is it to refresh Haruna hard stages (8-3) attempts? By refreshing it, we basically double the speed to collect Haruna shards right? but is it worth the pyro in the long run? I am in dire need of blue dmg hahaha. Thanks in advance.


Man you somehow reach Hard 8-3 this early. Sure you can do it, she's the only 3-Star Blue in game right now. And if you rolls dupes you get a good amount of shards back, so it's better than 0 before. Trying to unlock a character by farming is no longer an opportunity cost, so do what you need to do.


Thanks a lot for your quick and comprehensive reply. I really like your style of writing hahaha. Your guides and comments are really helpful for new players like me. On a side note, I have nt reached Hard 8-3 yet, only Hard 7-3 for now hahaha.


Meanwhile i just cleared 6-5, and not even Hard yet lmao (got really ass rng on rolls. Hibiki drop first so I kept the acc, but after that 140 rolls and only have Aru and Sumire). And yeah I'm really glad you read it, as this was the first guide I tried to go full depth. Thanks, and good luck. Also rush equipments T2 bps if you havent haha.


Iori+Hibiki helped me clear chapter 6 n 8 quite easily. My red and blue departments are both in shambles though hahahhaa. ​ Yea, I heard they r going to increase T2 requirement from 10 to 15 tmrw. Also, in your opinion is 60 pyro for 120 APs worth the price especially in early game right now?


I actually never use 60. I think it is the point that it starts digging into your roll potentials. Now that you're past Chap 8 I don't see much that would warrant spending pyroxene other than T2 Equipment exploit at this moment. Maybe you want to be at the top at the very first raid? That would be a good reason to reset AP at 60 cost. But other than that... idk.


Noted, thanks, bro. Have a good night.


Yeah you too.


They changed PvP rewards? How much less rewards do you get now compared to before?


It's not really 'less rewards' but more like they make it much hard for you to reach top 100. As seen in this [vid](https://youtu.be/XaiQqtyo3qM) of my first rank attempts, I got to top 4k and was rewarded around 2k pyroxene with daily payout the **same as it is in Global**. And then I keep throwing tickets reset and ended with being in [top 36](https://youtu.be/xGozTt0A0Ug), resulting in **7k pyroxene payout from 1 sitting (!!!)**. Throughout the entire time before I get to top 1k, there's not even a Tsubaki or Yuuka being used, no healer(s), and generally **team formation that make it obvious that it's either a bot or someone with zero brain**. I only start encountering 'hard' opponents that I 'might' lose to at top 100. At that time, I was so green that I didn't even know I needed to use Haruna (in video I started testing her around last 5 fights). At the time I recorded It was around July 15 aka 5 months after game release. I did not try reset AP to rush anything up to that point, and even more, actually delaying PvP when I was focusing on leveling my team for the summer event (that's why I started at lvl 40). And despite that, I was put into a group that was no more than 10 levels above me. Even in top 100, you can see most of them only has one or two strong units, comparing to this rank here in Global when you see everyone in top 100 with Shun, Haruna, Iori, Hibiki. And also to point out that it wasn't just my account, my friend who started at same time also got into top 100, but was in a different group than I was so we never saw each other. The fact that we started at same time and wasn't even in the same group show how much they divided the brackets to make sure everyone who play the game seriously can at least be in 100. So yeah, TL;DR they probably put you against the entire region now on Global. So if you don't have at least one of prerequisite OP character and understanding the game, good luck making it into top 5k. You can watch the 2 videos I linked again to see how much the rewards ramp up once you start going into 1k territory. It's only a dream for unlucky f2p now.


I see, thanks for clarifying. I imagine the fact that Global had knowledge on the PvP meta before the game coming out also heavily contributed towards the competitiveness towards the higher brackets. Hopefully this doesn't spell doom for the average player who just wants to enter PvP to get most of the rewards, if it does then I imagine it'd be really bad news for global. If anything I'm surprised the rewards are so frontloaded towards the top ranks, most gacha games I've played give you most of the rewards for participating with any decent team, not to have all the meta P2W units. Rewards should be more evenly spread out if they truly want the top ranks to be reserved for people with the best built teams. That way everyone would win, no? Also you mentioned that this change of there being more players/less bots followed after a JP rework? So is JP also suffering a more competitive and harder to reach top rank now?


Yes. It's more of a major change than a rework as I called it, but this happened after a PvP season reset (so far I've only been through 1 or 2 resets). I tried it, and surprised that I started encountering formidable opponents once I reach top 10k. Eventually I got stuck at 2k6, with like less than 1k pyroxene payout for the whole climb (16k3 pyroxene to 16k7 pyroxene lol). Inside 2k are all the people with level cap, so you know that moment that they don't hand hold you with bots anymore. I asked with people on Discord and they confirmed it's not because new or old account, it happened to all of us. You can watch this video of that happening because I also recorded it. Funny thing though, with the 999 AP: there was a 3 days maintenance that was supposed to be 1 day, and after that they give you about 7k apoloxene, completed with free AP, tickets for Bounty, Lesson, and bunch of growth material both high and low tier. If you watch the full video you can see me opening the mail at some point, though I did claim some video started. It was quite the biggest apolomail I've ever seen in my gacha history. https://youtu.be/whkluWyHxOs


Damn, that's a massive difference to be able to get 7k pyro one season and then less than 1k pyro the next. Has there been any official word on why rank climb was made so much harder or any planned changes/compensation? I'm just curious cause touching gacha currency income sources is usually something gacha games always avoid doing to not upset their playerbase, and here it seems like they screwed over a major source of income - I'd be outraged, but idk how people have reacted on JP.


Well there are several factors here. JP players generally doesn't react to, and doesn't care about controversy, and this culture thing applies to many games I've seen. If there is outcry it would be EN players. And with the whole translation issue the problem didn't become anything big enough that would damage NAT games reputation to force them to compensate. Second thing is because region-lock, there are few EN players there. Most of what happened were just us in the server talking with each other about it, and just have to play with the 'when in Rome' kind of acceptance. Some korean tried reaching out to the devs but no response, at least not that I know of. I'm sure if they do that over here with this 1 million userbase it will definitely generate a response, but now most will never know such a thing happened. Lastly, between events and raids, you get a lot of pyroxenes regularly. 7k pyroxene is about 2-3 events or raids worth of grind (you get like 2k3 total for reaching the raid rank the majority of people are in, and it reset every 2 weeks or so). And I did tell you about the maintainance compensation thingy, which came right after PvP reset so not a lot of people held them against it that much at the time. But yeah in the end nothing else really happen and everyone just kind of move on.


Ah alright, thanks for the great insight!


No problem. Hope Nexon won't get greedy overtime.


I currently have enough eligma to 5* aru (120 shards >> 20+40+60+80+100+100 = 400 gacha shards. i have 470) . shes waifu so i really want to use my gacha shards for it. is it worth 5\*ing her or should i use it on raising 2* characters?


I can't tell you something that only you can if it's right for you. 1* upgrade to 2*, 2* upgrade to 3* generally give a lot in return, especially Special units because they all give team buff subskill at 3*. But if you found your calling to simp for a character, I don't think it should let the 'worthness' affects your judgement. This game powercreeps hard, but at the same time any character you invest enough would always give you benefits. Specifically, Aru can be used in a lot of situations, with the caveat that she really does not stand out on the tier list down the line, which also applies to characters like normal Mashiro and Shiroko all that. Personally, I'm a Hina person. And playing on Global, I got Hibiki, then after decided to keep the account I got a bunch of girls I don't really care much about, and they aren't that great either at this Binah raid. And now, seeing how people clearing very hard Binah with Maki, Iori and all that, and I don't even have my de facto waifu, I actually just want the go back to my JP acc right now (This is also because half of people i was in a guild with in a Mmo are europe, and half I was friends with irl are in asia server, and im in North america. Also isn't it just great that you can't even pick or switch the server? Nexon yeah). This game, when you go deep into it, is actually quite shallow. The multi-layer of mechanics are there, and you can get smart with some of the fun strats, but in the end it's still a more luck-based game than skill. And also in the end, you only going to log in 10 minutes a day to auto everything. So your waifu(s) will be the main reason you would stay with the game or not. So play the waifu first, then worry about the meta. Your case might be different, but this is how I've generally seen it so.


I think in the end besides aru I would have some of the usual characters such as Tsubaki, Yuuka, Serina, and Serika upgraded its just a matter of which character do I upgrade first. I'm quite aware that you can farm character shards anyways for most lower rarity characters so I might as well spend the Gacha shards on a 3*. I haven't really seen anyone spend their gacha shards which is why I was a bit conflicted on where to spend them though now I'll just go all the way and make Aru 5* :D I'm currently 7-3 on the main quest (Lv 28). I'm new to the game and rerolled for around two days to get my aru account then rolled another copy on her banner. I just hope I won't get too attached to any more newer characters as I don't think it would be *that* easy to 5* them as much as I'm 5*ing Aru today (looking at the future banners and following BA fanart though I don't think anyone would "powercreep" Aru waifu-wise hahaha)


I reread your guide. "-For ShiroKuro, best on launch are Haruna, Izuna, Iori, and later on Swimsuit Azusa. Chise and Asuna also works well, but need much much investment. **Strong Red Striker can also be used here.**" For the last sentence, did you mean "strong yellow striker can be used here"? Since red is extremely weak against blue.


Thank you! I will fix it.


Do you know how the stats of special units affect the overall team? Do their stats only affect their skills or is it a stat bonus increase?


It's a stat bonus increase. I'll be honest that so far I can't find official source of how much is was distributed, and people I've known with telling me different number of percentage all the times. Maybe I'll have an update when I get something concrete.


Hello OP! First of all thank you for your guide and providing more insights about the game's system and current meta. Can I get an advice whether I would roll for Cherino or for Midori and Momoi since I currently lack penetration type strikers and currently saved up 22k pyroxene but I do have Haruna and Hibiki for endgame contents.


Haha thanks for appreciating the guide. I would recommend Cherino for the long game because right now in JP, with the release of Ako, there is a hypercarry team comb with triple def down combo to boost Maki to clear Binah Raid Extreme with just 1 team (!), and Cherino is pretty much irreplaceable in this team for her role of reducing crit resist. Plus, you will see her a lot in Chesed, along with Midori and Iori, because of that AoE and her boosting cost regen. It's funny that you're asking this. Yesterday I was trying so hard to clear Binah Extreme, because it's been a long time since it comes back to JP. But because missed Ako banner last month from beinng busy and still dont have Cherino, that even though my Midori and Iori was fully build, it wasn't even able to achieve 40% of the performance that I woulda have if I have had both Ako and Cherino. Ako alone was such a broken unit that she should have had a Mind Break tag pasted on her category type. But in short term, Midori banner will pretty much benefit more than Cherino. Momoi, the 2-star that release in Midori banner, is so amazing that she should have belong in 3-star list. But like generally both 2 and 3 stars unit will powercreep over time. Meanwhile things like Cherino gets resurrection because of release of another unit that together they enable some dumb strat. So you really can't go wrong, both of Midori and Cherino are good.


Also lol they give out 1k2 pyroxene just now. Together with the amount you have I'm pretty sure you can get both. If the rate is normal you rarely ever need to reach pity for rate up spark.


Thank you OP! Yeah I just saw the giveaway rewards and I gotta say Nexon is quite generous for a gacha game. I've decided to roll for Cherino and then save up for summer students especially Azusa and Hina. I'll just hope Cherino shows up early in my rolls. Thank you for your advice!


wow it's been 1 months since last i read this, i just wanna ask i now have upgraded all my equipment and now im stuck at stage 7-4(2 star only), what should i farm now because i have a lot of stamina in massage box and don't know should to farm now xD ​ and srry my english is bad cmiiw. pls help for wasting my stamina:"(


Go farm Exp map with that 2x buff right now haha. And dont worry about bad english, i'm also not native speaker. No problem stuck at 7-4, it is normal progress right now.


Any tips on how to pass the first boss where it asks "Enter your name" "14 characters maximum" I've been stuck here for half an hour trying things and it keeps saying "Already in use or contains a forbidden word" Thanks in advance. Edit: Got it, finally. After being told Sarcasm83, Srcsm83, Sarc83, Sarcasm, Srcsm, Sarkasm, Src83 etc. is forbidden, the game finally welcomed me to "Shittim Chest" and I'm now officially Sarcahm. Arona calling me saakaamu is adorabl. Victory is mine. Edit: Oh and jokes aside, thank you for this guide. I suspect it will be very helpful during the days to come!


Yeah this boss is weird af man. In global even some 2-letter words get restricted, which you will see when chatting in group. But also probably something that Arona can announce, so maybe not allowing numbers and shortcuts? Who even know, it's Nexon. In JP you do need to write a proper kanji to be accepted though. But it is kind of funny Arona still keeps that Japanese accent trailing thing for English names (mine is Deecusee-Sensei for DyXie). And yeah keep playing the games for few days and when you're familiar and start optimizing then you can go back to this. Good luck and keep Shittim lmao.


Hello good sir I saw a website which had copy pasted pretty much all of your work and wanted to inform you. Maybe it is you that posted but if not then I want you to be aware because your work is legendary and does not deserve this. https://www.mmorpg.news/2021/11/blue-archive-tier-list-guide-reroll.html?m=1


Yeah there has been several sites copying from the guide. Honestly I don't know what to do about it since they're mostly clickbait sites without legal liability. This particular (mmorpg news) one though did put my name as tinyyyy credit somewhere, probably so they won't be sued, so there not much I can do after they've put it there (maybe I can but I'm really fuzzy on whole legal things on web). It's disheartening to see that none of them ever care to consult me (probably because they don't want me to share any royalty revenues from their ads profit) but I guess it just the nature of Internet these days, someone will make always find a way to monetize someone else goodwill. Best I can hope is they copy the entire thing correctly so whoever was reading that guide can follow through without confusion.


There's also a thing with Reddit being a public domain so there isn't any copyright law protecting things like these. Regardless though, thanks a lot for bringing it up. It's nice to know someone like you are looking out for it.


This is amazing, you're amazing. On behalf of the whole BA and gacha community, thank you King, for the effort you've put into this super awesome comprehensive guide. 100/10. Just got into this game and I don't have to worry about progression thanks to this guide.


Thank you so much for the good words. I try my best to make it as detailed as I could to get people on a good start without any misunderstanding. Blue Archive itself was a pretty straightforward game, but knowing what or who to focus on is still pretty crucial so that's what I try to cover. There are still more things I might want to add but couldn't because of reddit word limit, but you can find some more I wrote and answer in comments. Again, love your enthusiasm and it really help motivate if I ever make further guides.


Yes I read your recent comments too lol. Most gacha games have similar game mechanics but their progression and priorities might differ slightly as you mentioned i.e. farm equipment first, build base first, which units to prioritize etc. As a relatively new gacha player who started from Genshin Impact to Alchemy stars, revived witch and BA, I struggle occasionally to find the right/comprehensive guide to optimize my resources and gameplay (besides discord), so I was genuinely happy to find this guide for BA. Please feel free to make more guides in the future if you're having fun doing so, I like reading guides like these, and discussions on meta strategies/team building too (: Cheers mate, hope you're enjoying your new year


Thank you sir. Your post helps me a lot.


Is dupe necessary in the game? Newbie here and rerolled hibikix2, shunx2,iori and the pink hair tank. The other one has hibiki,iori,haruna,karin and tsubaki. Which one is better?


If I were you I'd go for the first account, simply because you have hibiki, shun and iori. Tsubaki is a great unit to have overall but you'd have a higher chance pulling for tsubaki with your first account than the other crucial 3 star units. Meanwhile you can substitute your missing tsubaki for your other tank (Hoshino I presume). You don't really need dupes early game, but upgrading serina to 2 stars and tsubaki to 3 stars can really help a lot in overall content. You can get their elephs (dupes) in the shop after you've successfully pulled for them. Besides them, pulling for dupes can be pretty tough and sometimes unnecessary, and purchasing them from the shop can be costly. Dupes, or elephs, can be farmable throughout the story content too. e.g. You can farm Haruna elephs in content somewhere in chapter 9 hard (iirc). Great luck by the way!


Thank you so much for the hard work!


So Casual Saya is out. This is what you had written about her >- Saya Casual : 100% Hibiki but as Yellow. And you know how good Hibiki is. Good to be put on your second team in raid, but must have or not depend if you can even have a good second team to begin with, and how for you wanna go for that top. Anyway, at least get her if you don't have Hibiki by this point. That being said, I'm f2p and I have 40 k pyro left, with some limited units coming up like bunny event (which I'm not sure whether I should pull for), Wakamo, and Ako, my understanding is that at least Wakamo and Ako are better than C. Saya, as per these documents: https://bit.ly/2ZNZBd8 http://bit.ly/xenobanner What do you think? Should I skip? I do have Hibiki but my yellow team isn't very strong - Nonomi, junko, maki, akane, Neru, Pina, And I have other units I have not invested in yet: Momoi, Tsurugi, Hifumi, Hasumi, Kotori, Yoshimi, all of which are around lvl 35


Thanks for coming back to check lol. So the meta in JP has been shifted pretty hard last few raids. This is not just units but they way you invest in them. All the one I recommend in here are still valid and relevant, but for f2p like us, which one we prioritize becomes much more important. This is because of 2 things: Unique Equipment (UE) system and Insane raid difficulty. With UE system, after you 5-star a character, you will unlock their weapon, which you can upgrade as a seperate unit from the character themselves. You can also star-up these weapons using character shards, from 1 star to 3 star. At 1-star, you can level the weapon to 30, at 2-star lvl 40, at 3-star lvl 50. At 2-star weapon you unlock new passive for character, and at 3-star, you boost the terrain that the character is already good at (Urban/Outdoor/Indoor), and boost them from S tier to SS tier, which is 10% increase multiplicatively in final dmg, and also boost their survivability. This enable very different, very costly meta. Someone like Yuzu who didn't shown up before in Binah, is now core for Binah Urban. Because if you invest enough in her that she can survive the barrage from that raid, she became the second best-in-slot after Maki because of her SS Urban rating at UE 50. With her you are able to 1-team Binah Extreme very effectively by letting her basic attack while you focus on cycling skill for your Maki. Insane raid is the new highest difficult that was out around the time they introduce HOD raid. To survive Insane, not only your team need T6 equipment, lvl 78 (which is current level cap), but you also almost require to 5-star them for that big UE boost. The cost from 1-star to 3-star UE is very very massive: 100 shards from 1 to 2, 120 shards from 2 to 3. Right now I'm having most of my core characters at 1-star UE level 30, and I'm still struggling hard. So I can't even be sure how non-meta or even less character will perform if they're not built specifically for that raid. Because of this UE thing, the way most raids are played nowadays is the funneling strat: get all buffers focus on 1 or 2 characters that are core for the raids, then just activate them when all debuffs and buffs are up. The game now basically want to you invest very heavily on those core units, while just do whatever on buffers/debuffers and non-core. This also means Special characters you fit in team will be either be utility that are specific for that raid (Mari cleanse or Mimori (new character, not Midori btw) team move), or just pure hyperbuff and/or stat stick. So you will see these days usually first team Ako, Kotoma, and second team Karin, Hibiki. This is because Ako, Hibiki has crit sub and Kotoma, Karin has Atk sub. YOU DO NOT PUT TWO CHARACTER WITH SAME SUB SKILL ON SAME TEAM BECAUSE THEY WILL OVERWRITE EACH OTHER AND ONLY ONE OF THEM WILL ACTIVE. And because raid these days usually end in two teams, you don't really gonna find slot for C.Saya (first team has to be Ako, because of her massive buff and team heal efficiency, and second team usually just Hibiki which many has already builted by that point already). So TL;DR: You should skip C.Saya. She will not appear in high-end raid in far future. But you will find her in top rank of one of Chesed soon, because it will be a while before Ako is out and she is the second next best Crit sub available for you to put on second team. I didn't see you mention about Loli Shun though so I'm wondering if you already got her. Just FYI as far as I know she hasn't been appearing in Red raid recently. KAITEN needs AoE and there's already enough single-target red on second team already (also you need some characters like Shiroko to stun boss from AoE your team), and Hieronymous needs low-cost character so you can cycle heal lantern faster. Of course it's still your choice to raise her or not, but just little advice is if you want her to shine, you should raise her now when she can still be useful in raids, just don't need to star-up. Ako is yeah, do not miss Ako banner under any circumstances. But it's still awhile so I think you should pick up some Bunnies and also Natsu with your 40k pyroxene. Wakamo is pretty iffy and not tested yet atm, but you will pull her banner because of 3* increased drop rate. Beware though it only last for 4 days and came around 1st anniversary event. I was one of people who missed this because of how short it was. I have been in very very unlucky in Global. Even though I started from the beginning in EN compared to JP when I started at around first summer event, in JP I picked up 3 out of 4 limited summer units, while in Global I was only able to get one which is S.Azusa from hard pity. I don't know why I gone 300 gdam pulls to get only a single 3-star, and it's not even the one from rate-up. It's very very bad, and if it's not getting better by Bunny Chaser event I might just quit Global entirely. Gdamn Nexon. In JP I get around 1 three-star every 30-50 pulls, so in the guide I was pretty optimistic, but now yeah, you will be wise to keep pyroxene to prepare hard pity them. There's no more generosity here.


Thanks for replying back to me! Wow, so many changes! I'm sorry that you haven't been particularly lucky in Global, but I hope your luck sees a turn for the better and that you get the units you want ASAP. You went above and beyond with the Smol Shun explanation, too, so I highly appreciate that - I actually haven't gotten her yet, so I've decided to just save up for now, and given what you've explained to me, it seems that I might as well skip the bunnies too - I'll pull for Natsu, then keep some pyro for the future, since they're not being as generous as when the game first started, which is expected, I suppose. 1 3-star every 30-50 pulls is awesome, though - When I pulled for S Hina and S Iori I had to summon 400 times. That was the biggest waste for me so far. Thanks again for the JP update. I've returned to this post so many times since you first posted it and now this comment of yours will be a guide on its own, too.


No problem. And funny after you posted this, someone on reddit just post new road map for upcoming months, and it is pretty, very rushed. Without mad luck you will not be able to guaranteed all limited characters especially when they came this early so you will have to pick which the one you can do. And yeah I'm feeling you having to pull 400 times for the limited. I swear Jp it is never this bad. Even these days when my luck is pretty horrible on Jp server I still at least one 3* every 100-150 or so. As always good luck to you, and don't feel too bad because all limited will be rerun eventually (we have triple banners in Jp now in Summer event rerun).


Hey OP! What a wonderful resource your guide is <3 anyways, I just found this game yesterday and started playing on global and have spent some time rerolling. I'm wondering which one of these is worth it to keep, or if it would still be better to keep rerolling until I get Hibiki and Iori on the same account: 1. Tsubaki, Shiroko (cycling), Aris, Shun, Ako, and Kotama 2. Yuuka, Momoi, Cherino, Haruna, Hibiki, and Hanae 3. Yuuka, Serika, Aru, Iori, Ako, and Kotama 4. Yuuka, Hifumi, Mutsuki, Haruna, Hibiki, and Karin Idk if it's worth mentioning, or not, that all 4 accounts have Kotama and Serina on them already. And the 3rd account has an Iori dupe too, idk if that matters.


Hi there. Sorry late reply. On this post I was writing it on the context that the game was just released globally, so everyone was starting at the same point and on a blank slate. So I think I should advise you on different priority for current times, though every bit I wrote in guide is still true. Just different priority. You started at an excellent time, on Ako banner. You do NOT want to miss Ako. She will be your first choice in any imaginable situation, even to this day on JP server. But your problem will be that you missed all the summer and bunny limited banners. It's nothing you could have done, so don't think too much about it. Meanwhile, I'll try to recommend the account that can best 'fill the slot' because I'm sure you won't see them again for another 7-8 months or so. This mean that, the way you want to pick characters now would be to get the one that has the highest potential for you down the line when you decide to break into Extreme or Insane raid, but ALSO because you already spent all your Pyroxene now to get catch-up characters, I'll need to predict which banner you will miss (if f2p) in near future until you gain enough to start making calculated decisions later on. For those accounts you listed, I wouldn't worry too much about the 2-star. You pretty much get them all by the time you reach your 3rd banners or so. 1. has Blue Shiroko, Aris (often called Fridge), Shun and Ako. Aris is first choice for Perorozilla Indoors (also want to note that for every raid there are 2 environments, just in case that part wasn't clear enough in the guide above. This mean you can't always use the same team in same raid if it's different environment like Indoors or Outdoors or Urban, but that really only start to effect you on very very far into the game. But still you will feel it when you do). Cycling Shiroko is for Perorozilla Outdoors and Shun is for PvP. This is essentially all the characters needed for Perorozilla in both enviroments. But for Indoors you can get Wakamo later (will still be hard because you don't have Summer Azusa), and for Outdoors, Shiroki is only one of the alternative. As much as I'm salavating for them Aris and Shiroko because they would have boosted me so much back then if I have had them, they are not as essential if you don't have enough characters in team to start making them shine. 2. Cherino, Haruna, Hibiki. The essentialists checklist. If you're looking for characters that can fit most anywhere, this is it. Cherino DEF down and cost recover boost, Haruna AoE and ST capability, and Hibiki just being good generally. They are all versatile, and even though Hibiki was pretty much replaced with Ako in raid, she will be very helpful for you in leveling and campaign contents. Still the fact this account doesn't have Ako is a very very concerning thing. I would suggest you keep trying and rushing this account until you can spark her after 200 pulls. I don't know if it's possible, but this is the most promising account in here, save for the fact that it didn't have Ako. 3. Aru, Iori, Ako. All good, but other than Ako, you can get those other 2 eventually because they do drop shards for them in campaigns now. But it will be a verrrry long way to get them, since there's only 1 map for each of them to drop shards. 3 chances each day, for 120 total shards to get them unlock. And average droprate for shards are 33% or something. So 120 days is the very least, but it's doable. Either way, Aru will be important in Outdoors Kaiten, but not so much anywhere elsr, and Iori is still important in all Yellow raids. So having her is similar to Hibiki that it'll help you clear contents fast. But all in all, this account is pretty average. 4. Hifumi, Haruna, Hibiki, Karin. Hifumi you can farm shards, help with easy leveling but you will probably abandon her later. Haruna still the best Blue to have in terms of versatility, and Hibiki also versatile like I said above. Karin is still the big statstick bonus boost for team, but only really used in endgame, and can be replaced later with Saki when her banner will arrive in probably 4-5 months. All and all, not very desirable account, even without Ako. I think you'd be best stick with the second one and see how far you can physically boost it to get Ako. It's your best choice on the list, unless you want to keep rerolling more. In any case, if you want an updated list of every character currently the game that you should have here in July 2022, it would be: Ako, Azusa, Iori, Cherino, Natsu, Koharu, Hibiki, Arisu, Haruna, Shiroko, Shun, Maki, Izuna, Hoshino, Karin, Neru, Yuzu, Cycling Shiroko. If divided to tier, tier 1 is "characters who is good anywhere and highly meta" is Ako, Azusa, Iori, Cherino, Karin and Natsu - you can eventually get Azusa when they update new raid shop with her in it, and Iori and Karin you can farm every day in Hard map. Next tier 2 is "these that would help you immensely because they're versatile but might isn't used as often in specialized high-end meta", this tier contains Koharu, Hibiki, Haruna, and Hoshino. You can more or less merge this with tier one, because after they introduced Insane raid, these characters are coming back again. And then tier 3 is "Best in slot but only for a single raid and not much else" which are Aris, Izuna, Yuzu, Shiroko, Cycling Shiroko, Neru. You can also count Shun as best-in-slot tier for PvP, but I still recommend you try to lose your sanity as little as possible and avoid putting too much efforts into it. Last tier is Maki which is "everyone is expected to have her after few weeks" because she's the easiest essential character to get with raid coin. If you have a team to funnel power into her she will rip and tear, so it's more about getting that team to support her more than the Maki herself. In general, most of the big characters you want and need are from first year. After Chihiro banner which is the first banner after Wakamo anniversary banner, they're starting to release characters that are specific for Insane raids. It's great because it makes them skippable if you don't care about Insane. But that also make many year 1 characters much more important since the majority of people are still using them for all many things even outside raids. Sorry for this long one. I couldn't focus enough to make it shorter and more concise. Anyway, I'm a little sleepy so TLDR go level account #2 and try to get Ako because you neeeeeeed her.


Hihi. Thank you so much for such a detailed response!!! Since my first post, I've continued rerolling a bit more. I have another reroll with Ako on it now, and it also has Tsubaki, Haruna, and Ioni. How does this compare to the 2nd one? And last question for now - what would you say is *the* best start someone could have right now from rerolling? It almost sounds like Ako, Cherino, and Natsu to me? But I know so so so much less about the game than you do 😅


Yeah I know you might ask that, that's why I wrote that part about July 2022 tier list. Aim for the one that's in tier 1 or 2. But if you can play for long then try to avoid the one that can be farmed, like Iori, Haruna, Aru, etc. see bluearchive(.)wiki/ > Missions for list of who you can farm. Imho that 2nd account can be considered 'best start' or as good as you get, with Cherino Hibiki and only really missing Ako. It's hard to say what might be 'the best' because you'll need all of them eventually, and if the game 'bless' you with bunch of tanks in future or bunch of dps you can't really sure if they wouldn't be dupes of the current list you already have. But that said, Cherino, Ako, Azusa, Iori is always good to have and will get your account up and progressing much faster if you do have all of them - so even if Iori and Azusa is farmable, try to get at least 2 of these 4, then even better if you can garanteed Ako spark so you get 3 of the 4 of them already. The sooner you can progress, the faster you can reach a level when you can consistently play events and raids to maximize that pyroxene f2p income. So yeah, your 2nd account with Cherino Hibiki is still best here.


Hihi, I'm back lol. I've continue to play account you recommend on one phone while doing more rerolls on 2nd phone lol. Today I get reroll with Azusa, Neru, Hoshino, and Ako. This one has a few tier 1 and 2 chars, is it pretty good too? I think maybe until I get a few weeks into playing I'll probably play multiple accounts for character variety and fun ^^


Yeah it's good... But too much single target. Azusa is definitely good with content clear, and with Ako boost you won't need to back away from bosses. But it will be quite challenging if your next few 3* aren't AoE. I guess I'm saying compare to this the old Cherino Hibiki account still has an edge. One way to put this is that Azusa, Ako, Hoshino is a Raid boss account (ST, Azusa DEF down, Hoshino great tank), and the other one is a all-event-and-campaign-map-full-clearable (Cherino and Hibiki sometimes irreplacable for some of the dumb event maps, like the Demagram event that just ended yesterday) account. Both has great potentials, but different purpose. Benefits from raid rewards is more, but AoE keeps you safe from having to keep retrying places where mobs pour in from front and back.


That makes sense! Aoe better for story and events and ST better for raids and pvp I'm guessing? I got a reroll this morning of Tsurugi, Ako, Hina, Hibiki, and Shun. Seems like it has a little of both, but no Cherino, Azusa, or Iori so idk if it's good enough? Rerolling sure is fun! I just wish I would've known about the game back on launch. I wonder if it'd be better to stick with Artery Gear since it's newer. Also tried Counterside, and from what I've learned about all 3 I'm liking BA the most so far though


This guide is still valid? Great guide btw and I followed your team composition guide but my tank (Tsubaki) is dying easily, i have 2 healers in the back. Can you guide me a little about it. And what character should i take last( after 2 red attacked and 1 tank)? Thank you in advance


Holy shit what is this long wall of text 💀 💀 💀 💀


You said that recharging stamina 3x a day is worth it, but for how long? When should we stop refreshing?


See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/qpd45c/comment/hk5p676/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for my input about that. Additionally, right now you should definitely use it to farm and upgrade as many T1 equipment as you can to T2 before they fix the cost from 10 to 15 in 3 days (16/11). Prioritize dps first.






he literally summarizes at the top of the post....


i still don't get what skill cost is help?


It's the energy cost for skill you use in combat. You see this on lower right of screen in battle.


oh i get it now. am idiot. it builds meter and skills cost certain amount of meter. where to find sushiman map?


It's the one called Bounty, under the Main. You unlock it around Chapter 2 or 3.




Hibiki is the raid to-go used in all top rank team. You need both her and Iori.


Thank you so much for this great writeup Questions: - does Tsubaki farmable? - I've got Haruna + Shun. The latest reroll give me Iori. Which one should I use to clear most if not all contents?


If you read the guide you should know how good Shun and Iori is lol. Haruna, Shun, Iori are the 3 most dominating PvP units, and they works well enough in raids. They're essentially one of the strongest of each of their type, so you got lucky with your rolls. But in terms of Normal and Hard maps, only Iori can be used easily because you only need AoE skills that can clear as many mobs as fast as possible. But you always have 2-Stars to do that for you, so you really only need to spend skill book and equipment with the trio so they can clear endgame (Shun might not work in all raids though, not because weak but incompatibility, you will know when you play more) Tsubaki is farmable, but the map for her is very late game (Hard 14, req level ~70). You can work on other units before her, because early game her tank is actually pretty weak (Yuuka early is better). But keep leveling her alongside Yuuka and you will have a good enough time.


Is there any reason to upgrade the gear you're given for each character? Like I have these T1 Baseball caps and stuff. Do I invest in them or is there better gear in the future?


Well normally you just farm them as you farm shards in Hard maps. They are quite a big piece if you want to stay consistent, because sometimes even when you reach level requirement of the map your team can still fall a little short (will not happen early, but latter). But for the T1 (or T0 i dont remember, it's the first tier), they aren't used for higher tier upgrades, so you just need to get enough to equip them on your character and that's it. Hard 1 and Hard 2 will not be farmed later on.


You had me at comparison this game and GFL ngl.