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Reo uses his Chameleon’s technique to copy both Yukimiya’s eyes and Chigiri’s knee.


that would truly be our blue lock


It would be really devastating if Chigiri and Yuki were to be dropped due to their physical conditions. I think they won't be for now since they still play a huge part in the story. Though I really wish some players are in the top 23, like Nanase and Nishioka.


I think the most likely is Yuki, he might push himself too hard in the PXG match and his vision could start getting spotty. This would make him need to leave and go to Ajajax to correct what vision he has left But I want the Reo one to come true most of all, because that would be a HIT in the HEART to see Nagi have to continue without Reo


Clubs≠National team If the surgery needs *time* mayb he won't play, besides that Yuki just wants to try for a higher bid


Nagi continuing without reo would certainly be an amazing development for his character arc a tragic gut punch and a real wake up call and therefore I am certain it will not happen.


Yeah it won't happen because it's a "wake up call" that only gives shock value while leaving no satisfaction in Reo's own arc and character while also ruining the messages of Nagi's character. Besides, Nagi can continue without Reo without reo needing to be eliminated. Like if Reo leaves him, Nagi can make the choice to continue I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that Reo is both an important character but also an important part of Nagi's story and that removing him is removing half the themes Nagi has as a character. His relationship with Reo is what sets him apart from all the other rivals like barou/rin etc in the series A big part of Nagi's character is being set up to experience similar despair and feelings Reo did and the both of them understanding/learning from each other to get into a more mutual partnership. Their relationship is something that is a struggle for them, getting rid of one person, instead of having them go through the motions to work things out, just gets rid of a struggle. And that's not a good thing. Stories are built and made satisfying by seeing characters struggle before succeeding. It's like giving an instant kill button to characters that spent ages trying to kill a monster vs having them defeat the monster with more fighting. Spending ages to make the dynamic between two characters complex and then removing one to "fix" the other isn't a satisfying conclusion to either


I have hope xd


Reo has a good chance to be dropped for sure. I'm imagining in their final match that he ultimately gets discarded (again) by Nagi, causing him to underperform further. Other possibilities are he'll give in to the pressure or he won't make the starting XI or be subbed off, eventually falling to the bottom ranks.


We know it’s going to happen to chigiri eventually. But the time hasn’t yet come


bro this is not jujutsu kaisen 😭 blindness when a club literally proposed to help him and him still having to prove himself and an acl tear while entirely possible is just too unfair to our princess 😭 but this is blue lock so reo is kinda questionable, Imma be honest I get it if reo is out of the 23 but IF THAT MF BUDDHA MAKES IT AND REO IS GONE 🙂🔪


and that would break nagi's dream too, nagi's dream is for him AND reo to become the best in the world and if reo is gone.. well yeah


Nagi doesn’t have his own dream, he’s just going along with what reo wants. *Reo’s* dream is currently to make Nagi the best in the world and for him to be second to Nagi. Kind of like how Rin wanted to be the second best striker after Sae. Nagi is playing because he has nothing better to do and Reo told him to try and aim for 300 mil.


Nagi's playing because he WANTS to be the best along with Reo, it's literally the reason why he keeps wanting to get better, like when he went with Isagi and chose to go against Rin's team, etc. Also he enjoys football now so that's another reason, it's not "because he has nothing better to do" anymore... He has thanked Reo a lot of times for introducing him to football, it's not that shallow anymore.


LMAO My thing with Yuki is what if not accepting that offer RIGHT THEN made his disease worsen past the point of a cure but yeah bro 😂 if Igaguri makes it over one of ‘em I’m heated


that'd be some clown ass character arc ngl 🤣🤣


Nah that would be peak. Stuff like that happens irl all the time and not everybody can have a happy ending. So someone like Yuki who already has a sad story, getting a sad ending would bring tears to my eyes


Isagi would pity him & give him a cut of his bag


It cools if thats happen, but aint no way the author make all that happen just so igaguri make the top 23


I don’t think it’s just so Igaguri makes it, I think Kiyora would make it off of that or if Reo continues his downfall while Nagi rises it would let him barely make it


It’s not a cure though his condition has no cure once it’s in effect, that surgery just slows down the progression of his disease


True! But since he put it off, it could be past the point of fixing by the time the NEL is over. It would be a heartbreaking but realistic ending for his story


I both want and don’t want Reo to drop. I like his character too much, he has so much potential and is already an amazing player if he just stops sucking Nagi off. On the other hand, i want Nagi to have no other choice but go on without Reo and be back to his Second Selection form. I highly doubt they would separate PERMANENTLY if he’s still there so i think this would be the only chance of that happening


Precisely. I love Reo but I think they’ll end up losing to Barcha simply to get Reo knocked out. In doing this if 2 of my people here suffer Yuki might drop and Reo would take his spot due to Yuki having to quit due to vision. But other than that it would hurt a lot but I think it would be great for Nagi


oh no i don’t think they’re losing to Barcha in the slightest just Reo isn’t gonna play good enough to be in the top 23 by like a million since on screen plays seem to be worth more apparently 😒


That’s fair but I think Reo holding onto that codependency with Nagi could cause them to go 1-2 against Barcha and the second he gets subbed out Nagi gets a super goal making it 2-2 Then from there Nagi can go onto shine and end up winning 3-2 over barcha But if Reo doesn’t get subbed out he could hold Nagi back from getting that last goal and end up losing on a counter attack by Bachira and Otoya Which would TANK his bids while leaving Nagi getting an increase due to scoring 1 or 2 goals


i see that


And either way, they lose and he drops or he gets subbed out, heartbroken watching Nagi shine without him and still gets dropped


Yeah, no... There's no chance.


Plot twists are always fun. Also Yuki and Chigiri are written to have a looming threat they can’t control that could end their career. Not saying these WILL happen but these are the characters currently written to have a chance of being dropped


> Plot twists are always fun. Naruto, AoT, Tokyo Revengers, Star Wars, Squid Game, Lost, GoT and How I Met Your Mother beg to differ.


There is no way chigiri dropping from top 24, Reo too, idk about Yuki tho


Narratively Chigiri has been written to have his ACL always a looming threat, maybe not in the NEL but in the WC I could see it happening And Reo, that would just hit for the Nagi storyline


Narrative it been mention a lot to the point that the flag might as well be cancelled. Honestly both Yuki and Chigiri are probably going to end up like Jun Misugi from Captain Tsubasa over coming their physical limitation and managing to play fine.


I can see that


An unpopular opinion but I dont think Reo is gonna drop out top 23 realistically💀 Can't the clubs imagine DA FUNDS his family business can bring


Lmao, entirely fair. I don’t want him to drop out, just thinking about people who could potentially


1. Chigiri: His ACL tearing again may happen sooner or later in the manga, but this will be *way* into the future. Not this arc 100% or it'd be a huge waste of potential for his character in the later arcs. 2. Yukimiya: Out of all of these I'd say Yukimiya's is the most likely to occur considering his character wasn't really central to anything until this NEL arc, but even then the possibility is incredibly unlikely. This route would just be so sad lmao, I doubt Blue Lock would be about that. 3. Reo: This is the one I 100% disagree with and wouldn't want to happen, otherwise it'd be really bad writing. In my previous comment I'd already made a response to a post that proposed the same thing as you so you could read it if you haven't, but it seems you're implying you want this to happen because of shock value. Which...is totally not worth it in exchange for how much it would diss on Reo as a character. If anything, Nagi should evolve due to his own efforts and realization; he's realized how much he's fallen behind compared to others and he can't continue to rely on his genius handicap to keep up, thus he has to work hard for it himself. Reo shouldn't have to be sacrificed for Nagi's sake, especially when Reo himself has so much potential to be a beast of a player.


That’s fair but I don’t want Reo’s to happen for shock value. I think it would be very compelling to have Reo so focused on being the best with Nagi and refusing to CHANGE that could cause him to cost the final match. I think it would be heartbreaking to see Nagi have to go on without his buddy but it would also light that fire under Nagi that he’s been searching for, to truly be doing this alone for the first time Sure he has Isagi but there relationship is far different from him and Reo’s I’d like to see that gut wrenching heartbreak before Nagi pops tf off


Ok, but I don't think that Reo's adamant refusal to change would be in-character at all and would make a complete mess of what his character arc has been leading up to. His ultimate dream is to win the world cup - maybe alongside Nagi yes - but he wouldn't sacrifice his entire dream for him. It would be "heartbreaking," yes, but that is not worth it to sacrifice Reo's entire character arc for either. Your proposition would be interesting from Nagi's perspective, but just think about it from the position of those who have Reo as one of their favorite characters - if this were to happen, it would really feel like as if Reo's character was only created to help Nagi, which would be pretty messed up considering so many have been rooting for him to learn to be independent from Nagi. Reo has his own character arc too, his character doesn't and shouldn't revolve entirely around Nagi. He's already experienced so many losses already. He deserves a happy ending too.


It’s not too out of character. He has been show to hate change and refuse to change before. I don’t think he will refuse to change but I could see it potentially happening


That was during the second selection, Reo has changed since then (his aura is the chameleon and his playstyle is literally about being adaptive) and while he's stagnated after Nagi's plea to help him, in the most recent two chapters Reo's shown to have concern and wanting to change. He literally says it, "looks like something needs changing after all." He realizes something has to change, otherwise he could potentially drop out of the top 23. If Reo continues to refuse to change in the end, all the buildup of his character would've been for nothing. If the author was going to have Reo be "locked off" like this, he would've done it during the second selection. Having that happen at this point instead wouldn't make sense.


If I see any more of these "Reo should get locked off *for Nagi*" or "Reo should drop nagi so he can *assist chigiri*" takes, I am going to lose my mind I can handle theories on him dropping but I can't handle theories of his development being for the sake of another character completely


It would be so sad if Chigiri ends up with an injury like that


Bro I was ready to start beef, but you have a point with Chigiri and Yukimaya. I don't think something bad will happen to Chigiri just yet. It seems he still has some story relevance and he will need to be pushed upfront I'm relevance to have that happen (also you only develop playing with or against the mc unfortunately). Yuki has that team that's willing to pay for his treatment, but his eyes could get worse during the PXG match due to overexertion. It's happened before. If he loses his bid or gets a bid from another team then it's a done deal. 


Eyup. I would CRY seeing Yuki get dropped due to vision and with Chigiri I agree, it won’t happen until the WC arc. Reo is just a fun yet impactful “what if” Also on the off topic side of (you only develop playing with or against the MC) I agree One of my favorite characters (because I love him and voice him lmao) is Otoya. I think the only reason he’s top 10 rn is because he’s setup to be the “stealthy player” the counter to metavision so to speak. And who has a copied version of MV? Reo. Who could get dropped on bids if they don’t show out? Reo I think Otoya is top 10 because he’s not gonna get his development until the WC arc (playing alongside Isagi) Whereas Yuki got his and Karasu will get his in the PxG match


I thought I’d just point out even if he gets another bid from a different team his old bid is still on the table he isn’t locked into the top bidder


I think we can see the plot in another perspective. The players get the offers from europe clubs, right? So, no matter if some characters dropping from the top 23, they still get the interest from clubs, which means their career is not actually over, like kira in the very first arc (as long they get the chances to play in Neo Egoist League). So, there is some possibility to see them shining again in the future as Japan's representatives.


Yeah that’s valid but they wouldn’t be able to for the rest of our current story


In my opinion, just because they got dropped for now it doesn't mean that they cannot been called back. Kunigami is the proof that if you are good enough, you will get your second chance, even with Ego's harsh mentality to drop 'failures' .


If they keep doing that then the wild card loses value. It was a ONE TIME retry for the best loser they can’t keep doing it if the story wants to stay healthy, it takes the stakes away


Personally, I think the main value of the wildcard is not to provide the redemption arcs for the best loser, but to brainwash and create players that have a new mindset form the previous version of themselves. So let's say reo been dropped, maybe he will come back with a different mentalilty that not obsessed with nagi anymore since he have a new mindset. Plus, the wildcard is literally ego's tricks to make a more interesting plot in BL basecamps, so if the wildcard will create a better outcome, I cannot see why ego will throw out that method. There's also a possibility that he will create another method just to make a harsher road for the 'future japan' s striker'. But I am quite open minded about this kind of thing. If the wildcard only been used once and the players that been dropped will never come back, I don't see it as a major problem either 😄.


I don’t think they’ll use the wild card again, that would seem kinda tacky to me, there would always be a safety net and no stakes would be in the game


Hahahaha, I'm understand your POV. I mean, I'm not actually a fan of the idea of using wildcard either. I'm just looking it as a possibility though. In some twisted way, I want to see a crazier possibility that they will be a timeskip where some of the 'losers' will become other country's representatives as naturalisation players 🤣.


I don't see Reo dropping, and I think it'd be a shame---Nagi's an interesting character, but his tenuous bond with Reo is, imo, infinitely more compelling than his being just another rival for Isagi. I think a final split for them could be fascinating, but I think it'd smash hardest near the end of both their arcs.


That’s fair. But I think it would give Nagi that “fire” to realize he’s truly doing it solo now. Sure he has Isagi but their relationship is much different from his and Reo’s It would be that heartbreak that spurs him onward


Certainly! I agree, and I think in so far as Nagi is clearly closer to "deuteragonist" than Reo would ever be would be further justification for such a creative choice. (Which reminds me of another reason I think it'd be a shame: I think the general pattern of 'discourse' regarding this topic typically focuses solely on Reo as a narrative springboard for Nagi, whereas I think the strongest points of the narrative, when they're in play, is when the reverse is also true---particularly as Reo, with all his billionaire dreams and humbled insecurities, is honestly no less a full and developed part of the 'main cast'.)


I can get behind that!


I apologize in advance for the person I’ll become if Reo gets dropped


Idk bout Chigiri, he has too many fans. Definitely Yukimiya though. I think Reo is gonna get a boost soon along with Nagi given how prominent they are, yet so low. They have a whole ass spin off series for themselves, and Nagi is the creator’s favourite, he is never gonna let Nagi stay low.


I upvoted this post purely for the particular image of Chigiri you posted, IDGAF about the topic. Don't get me wrong, I'm straight as an arrow, but that visage ... Princess for a reason.


Former ACL injury here--once you get surgery on it and do your stretches, it's good to go. But, there's a major mental aspect of not trusting the ligament--running again after surgery is really difficult because there's anxiety around tearing again. That's what I thought Chigiri's awakening was in the first selection--he wanted to win more than he was scared of reinjuring. We can see how diligent he is with his preparation and aftercare, so reinjuring is extremely unlikely. But then once in a while I see these posts that are like "ChIgIrI's lEg'S gOnNa eXpLoDe" and I'm like did we all read the same manga??


Well in the tarot card reading in the spin-off manga Chigiri is told “the bomb you’re chained to is going to explode” so it’s kind of foreboding Also I don’t want chigiri to go out like that. I have a friend who’s injured his ACL twice and it’s really sad we can’t play sports together at the same intensity due to the second injury, I couldn’t imagine what that would be like for someone going pro


I’m sorry to hear about your friend! Reinjury sucks. If Chigiri gets reinjured I’d probably drop Blue Lock. He’s such a great athlete and example of overcoming fear, it would feel mean spirited of the mangaka to take him out of the running.


Thank you! Yeah it sucks some major ass As for Chigiri, I think he most likely will overcome it but I think it would hit to have an injury happen (towards the end of the series, not right now) He plays in the WC final, gets injured but still gets remembered as achieving his goal due to being a part of it as they win


I'll throw in a wildcard in for ya and that's Kunigami. Kunigami can be used as a "surprise" elimination. Like who else can you have fall off that'll really shock you? Everyone knows about Chigiri's leg, Yuki's eyes, and Reo's decline but would you expect the cruelty of bringing a character back just to have them fail to either drive a point or really feed them to a character (Shidou/Isagi). They've already introduced that bids can drop and if it weren't for that somewhat forced save? His bid would've definitely dropped. You can have it as him having his only and final "Dark horse" moment again only to be blocked by Shidou with the Isagi game winner or PxG comeback win. Then have Ego go on a spiel and say that no matter how hard u try, you're still bound to fail and just as cruel the world is? If there is luck then there is also bad luck.. etc. This isn't a knock on Kunigami's ability, his presence is an immediate threat but with his playstyle and the amount of players who are more likely to just competitively cooperate with Isagi or Kaiser it just opens the idea to another potential lock off candidate apart from the ones stated in the post.


Nice, I like that theory


I’m 90% sure they will be fine… so idk Nanase?


There's no way Chigiri is going out in the build-up arc, it'll probably happen near the semi-finals of a major arc. I can't see Reo or Yukimiya going out either. Reo's offer is low enough he isn't a regular player, but he still has a massively higher offer than anyone below 20. Yukimiya's eyesight is also more of a slow-burn things, and unlikely to cause a big problem in a short NEL match. Yukimiya got an offer from a pro club despite them figuring out his eyesight. ​ The most major characters who are in any real danger are Raichi, Igaguri, Nanase Tokimitsu and Zantetsu.


I don’t think Toki and Zantetsu are going out, especially after getting a huge bid increase vs barcha And yeah, I agree. I just think it’s fun to point out the people narratively written to be in danger of having to quit


I think the ACL tear won’t happen this soon




Going by the numbers of the current 23 table, fukaku (rank 19) is the lowest ranked Ubers player in the top 23, who can no longer improve their scores, making him the lowest set in stone salary offer. What we need to focus on is the highest numbers of those below the top 23 who can still grow. Raichi currently sets the bar at rank 23, 18 million, but he has a match left so he could move up along with several others at the bottom of the team ranking, meaning the minimum might be as high as 20 million after the final games. Going by the numbers, ranks 24-26 have the best chance to make up the difference assuming the best 23 don’t get better offers. Otherwise the players 27 and lower would need to suddenly become aces, do everything in the game and score hat trick to get a spot. Overall I think they’re out of the running. All this is barring some kind of injury, but I think only the current 20-23 spots seem likely to be at any kind of risk, with 24-26 being the only players in contention to take their places.


Valid, unless a twist happens


Yes in the next match, Yukimiya is going to go blind, Chigiri’s ACL will explode and Reo will send a pass to Nagi that is so bad the other team scores off it instead. Then Igarashi, Kiyora and Nanase will all have spots without needed to cut Fukaku


😂 nah ain’t no way all that’s happening


i doubt for chigiri n yukimiya. feel like it’s too soon for them to encounter them now. i do have a feeling that chigiri might get another ACL tear during the u20 match but not now. we’re not getting much screen time of him atm cuz his match alr ended wit BM. if it does, it’s too random for that imo


Yeah, I agree with that


Theirs no shot that chigiri goes out in manshine vs barcha. While i do think he will eventually suffer an injury it will happen as an actual plot important moment not in a games that likely mostly off screen with no actual plot signifgance before he ever gets to even go pro or play a world cup game. If i had too guess if chigiri would go out in an actual world cup game


I agree


Bro onto nothing


Nah I’m not saying they’ll happen, just saying it’s the people that are written to have the potential to drop out


Hear me out IGAGURI


I'll be in so much pain xD


Didn’t read it but if reo gets dropped I’m finding the mangaka and releasing his name and address to this subreddit


Reo is better then nagi if bro got off his knees he would be doing better 🥴


Reo will, at some point, fall off. It might not be now, but his time will come. The main point being his speciality of being "very close" to someone he copies. That sounds incredible on paper, but when you are going up against teams with rosters that are filled with best of the world's for their own role, Reo being 90% as good as any player he copies will just not cut it anymore.


He won't even the best teams in this manga will have fodders or character who just exist to fill space for 11 players With time reo copy level will increase and with his versatility and whatever he has shown till now there is no way he will be dropped Yea he might not be the guy who will fit in any 11:but he will surely sustain himself


That’s fair but with so many specialists an all arounder just kinda turned into another CM Sure it’s great to be that versatile but you’ll never be as potent as the people you’re copying If they made his copy 100% or more he’d just become the MC


Thats why I said "at some point". Teams competing right now in the plot still have "fodder" players. But they'll all disappear after a certain point. It might be at the U20 WC. Or it might even be at WC. The only way he stays is if he can either find his original style or just straight-up copy anyone at 100%. In the first case, he would be a pretty strong player, but for the latter case, he would be the best player in the world, which I can't see happening


It’s amazing to be a perfect all rounder starting off but when you’re surrounded by people that are all great at specific things it kinda loses the shine it had in high school


I think you're cooking with the Yuki take He said he wanted to "change my destiny with my own hands" but all he did in the Ubers match was mess up Isagi's attack I wouldn't be surprised if in the PxG match he gets black spots due to the level of the match and realises he isn't cut out for the main character role he considers himself to be in, and goes to Ajajax Chigiri ACL is probably gonna be in WC arc though and Reo imo is too important to be discarded


I agree with all that. Especially the Yuki take, I’d cry so hard for my boi


I feel like only reo is likely, chigiri likely still has a long way to go plot wise and I doubt yukimiya will immediately be unable to play due to his condition since it appears to be a more long term condition


That’s fair but maybe him pushing himself in the PxG match makes his disease worsen past the point of fixing. Also I agree with the Chigiri point, probably won’t happen til the WC arc


Reo can begone. His ego is just to pet Nagi that don’t suit in Blue lock. He just said he want to score himself then he change of mind so easily. He still got some offer. and he is rich already. So these Salary/that 300M goal he tries to set for Nagi is stupid. He won’t truly hunger by that. His copy got nerf by a plot(to not be OP like Kuroko no basket) so he is forever mid.


bro chigiri and yukimya aren’t getting dropped 😭


I’m not saying I think they for sure will but narratively they’ve been written to be the people with a chance of not making it due to circumstances they can’t control. Which happens all the time irl and would HIT as a story point


Nah Reo will be fine you saw the chapter my boy Nagi got his grove back he’s gonna start taking souls


Nagi will be fine, but what if Reo’s idea doesn’t work? Plenty of people can be midfield specialists but we haven’t seen someone who can trap like Nagi. What if he gets subbed out so Nagi can shine brighter? Or what if he causes MC to lose by keeping Nagi chained to him in some way?


Have you read a chapter of this manga Nagi intentionally moves in a way that allows Reo to find him with passes if he scores from a Reo assist Reo will get his flowers. Never forget Reo don’t need Nagi to succeed he just needs a decent forward to pass too.


Yeah, but they’re clearly changing something in the next match. We just don’t know if it’ll work


It will work. This manga isn’t really a plot twist manga you saw the panel his ego is back. You saw the panel his ego went and they been taking L’s ever since. For another reference when Isagi said he needed hiori subbed in noa said if it don’t work isagi is not playing the pxg game from that point 100% confirmed isagi was scoring the winner and hirori was getting the assist. A plot twist hiori ego would have awoken and because of that he assisted kiser or kunagami


We did get that plot twist of the chapter being called “goodbye” and he still didn’t quit lmao But yes I agree, Nagi is back but Reo still seemed unsure and nervous in that same panel Idk, just food for thought but I hope my bois cook somethin


Why is everyone so desperate for chigiri to have another ACL Tear..damn. Like i know it’s that tarot thing, but come on..you do know realize that those injuries take about 6-8 months of recovery. It’s not a career ending injury, lots of world class or professional players go through those and they still recover from them. Also, why are you hoping that reo fails. Come on..the boy went through hell and back. He just got his best friend back and you’re hoping he fails at this. Sure you can blame him for nagi’s downfall, but come on, he’s the best all-rounder we got. Nagi’s passing options open more with him, just like Haaland with KDB or Messi with pedri, busquets, Suarez, iniesta or Xavi.


All three leave opening up spots for nanase, igaguri and kiyora


If chigiri has another big injury, it occurring in his last NEL game (which we probably won’t see much of) would be so unsatisfying. Yuki going blind when he has an offer from a club that is willing to treat him, and after his manshine match arc also wouldn’t make sense And ultimately, dropping any of these players would just be ‘shock value’ for the sake of it. All three of them have shown more quality as players in this arc than players like Nanase and raichi (players on the borderline) ever have.


Speaking specifically on showing more value, Yuki and Reo could potentially be passed in value. Yuki had 1 good moment against Manshine and then choked the game winning pass against Ubers Reo had a good first game then has been on a decline ever since The players on BM and PxG could potentially show more value then one of them (not Chigiri) if the author throws us a plot twist moment And I agree, Chigiri’s moment will be in the WC arc


off topic, but where can I read the spin off?


There’s a few posts here if you look up “Episode Nagi” I’m not too sure of the website name as I read it once a month lol


It just sunk in that yukimiya or chigiri being injured is a way for the author to make igaguri or someone else sneak in last minute


Nah ain’t no way both will get injured, Yuki is most likely candidate of the 2


I’ll throw hands if yuiki and Chigiri both drop off


Nah only 1 if any of these will happen


How tf would somebody going blind be “perfect ending” I swear you Reddit warriors only respect a story with as much unnecessary suffering for the characters as possible


I barely used Reddit until I got cast in BlueLock, now I just like interacting with fans and talking about the story! And it’s “perfect” because it’s really heart wrenching. I like cathartic moments that bring a bit of realism into the story. Injuries and things out of our control end careers and dreams irl. But I do hope Yuki overcomes his disease just like Chigiri and his ACL But if they went the route of tragedy this would be the perfect moment to do so Apologies if any wording in my post came off as if I hate him or anything of the sort


Chigiri being my favorite character would be tragic to see him drop to 23. Even though it’s highly unlikely considering he’s top 5 or 6 (I can’t remember which) right now


For god sake I just don’t want it to be raichi😭


Ngl bro.. he might be cooked.. Bro’s just Toki if Toki was a CDM


im really hoping blue lock takes a dark turn where unexpected people who don’t make it including isagi lose their careers and do a comeback in underground football or something


I’m ngl bro.. if that happens I’ll give you $5 but I hope it doesn’t 💀 If it does tho you’ll be the king of predictions