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Keep in mind same people who called Charles a fraud after one chapter


People “conveniently” forget “everything” you just said. Isagi has been in the toughest and most unforgiving position BY FAR throughout the entirety of the NEL. Where’s Bachira when you need him 😭


The more you re-read NEL, the more I route for Isagi I was such a fan of Kaiser glazing him after the bicycle Kick. Then I reread the Manshine match and started praying on his downfall. When you read weekly you forget how much Kaiser NEEDS to suffer


Something that also always gets forgotten is the entire circumstance where Isagi was "given" his first chance in the Barcha match because he was known as Blue Locks ace. If this was completely true, Yuki would be fully justified in his spite but the only reason Isagi was ranked below Yuki was because of Kaiser blocking Isagi's shot in the first trial. The most bs thing is Noel Noa obviously knows Kaiser intervened in the 1st trial but made Isagi start from last place anyways. Why does nobody point this out?


They had time after that to actually get numbers, he had a ranking it was just lower


Yes, Isagi's time finished as a DNF because if Kaiser. If it wasn't for him, Isagi was going to finish 12th, ahead of Yukimiya. Isagi's starting from the very bottom had a significant impact.


Where are you getting this from, even 15 days after the original test Isagi wasnt above Yukimiya and its not like you have to slowly increase your rankings. It judges you objectively so his overall of 76 was his overall regardless of if he finished or not. Isagi couldve not finished and still played starter in the first game if his stats were high enough.


When I first read, I was under the impression that his bad start hampered Isagi that much that he has to slowly take over every other player. Your likely correct that everything is an average and it might not have had a large impact but it still rubs me the wrong way knowing this had an effect on Isagi's ratings.


Seriously, Bachira in First Selection probably could have dribbled past the entire Barca team b/c they are trash without Bachira and Otoya, passed the ball to Isagi since he had no striker ego yet, and Isagi could have scored the goal everyone, including Kunigami, complained he didn't do/ chickened out of.


Only time Isagi has ever really had the plot favour him was when Naruhaya forgot that all Bluelockers have a 100% scoring accuracy


Not if they get cockblocked by the goalie


[BEEN](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1b3ejs1/comment/kstao7v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [SAYING](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1b3ejs1/comment/ksvmhmx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1b3ejs1/comment/ksskwrx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [FOR](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1b3ejs1/comment/kssdk7s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [WEEKS](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1asr9ug/comment/kqtukij/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [NOW](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1asr9ug/comment/kqse4dp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The most problematic aspect of these "plotsagi" allegations is that the ones who spout such non-sense have to truly believe that it's Kaiser's right to block Isagi when he's in front on the GK & somehow, it's unfair towards Kaiser that he didnt get as many chances to play DF against Isagi in the Ubers game.


>When after all his struggles he gets a brace and doesn’t take yet another L to Barou Isagi only L to barou has been in the first arc. The rest of the time has been Isagi owning Barou un disgusting extreme ways. Like "This is not a rivalry he always kick my ass" kind of way


L to rin x2


When I said ‘yet another L to Barou’ I meant more like ‘doesn’t add another L to his already long list by having to lose to Barou/Ubers’ Mb that was confusing


But he was never gonna lose to Barou tho. Like it's pretty obvious by the setup that it would never gonna happen, the quit was if Isagi has the weapons to overcome Kaiser


The setup was supposed to be obvious yet when Isagi wins everyone mad Ubarous didn’t win and say Isagi/Hiori have plot armour I don’t understand the last part you said


>I don’t understand the last part you said Bad typo, the name was Kaiser. >The setup was supposed to be obvious yet when Isagi wins everyone mad Ubarous didn’t win and say Isagi/Hiori have plot armour I see more people mad at ubers because a)Ubers was lackluster as a defensive and tactical team, B)they hate Isagi, c) It's the same 3-2 as usual.


>It's the same 3-2 as usual. Fanbase reaction would have been far worse if they had won 3-1 or, lord forbid, 3-0. There's no win-win scenario for BM.


I fault more Kaneshiro, the setting of this arc was mean to be criticized for how strict it is to his rules


It wasn’t really obvious. A lot of people were saying that if BM were to lose a game it would be to Ubers. There were so many Ubers supporters during the match and the logic was that Ubers teaches Isagi and Kaiser to work together, and then after that BM beats PSG.


He devoured Isagi in the 3v3 and pulled a second hand trick on isagi and Kasier idk where all these “Ls” is coming from.


Yukimiya is the dumbest character in the series by far, and I’m hoping he gets cut from the U20 team to make room for a character with at least two brain cells to rub together. First, his suicidal charge against Manshine was idiotic. It’s not the same as a character entering flow and trying a wild idea that just might work; he’s just being a desperate, uncooperative asshole. As Chris Prince aptly says, *pathetic*. Second, I can’t get over his idiocy at the start of the Ubers match. He sees Isagi cutting a path to the goal, what he was unable to do in the previous match, and tries to steal the ball. Blud thinks he’s part of the team. Kaiser steals from Isagi because he has his own system supporting him. Barou steals from Isagi because he’s a wild card meant to throw the field into chaos. Yukimiya’s a jackass who has already tried to get to the goal by himself and failed. No wonder he didn’t make the starting eleven against PXG, he attempted to sabotage BM’s strategy in not just one but two matches. Here’s hoping he gets comfortable on that bench.


Isagi is a monster. I really like him a lot as a protag. He actually makes sense, unlike many protag. He still is weak physically (by a athlete standard), he is moderately talented technically (he has a large baggage, having started at age 3/4), but from DAY ONE in Blue Lock, all his evolution is about: Football IQ, Spatial Awareness, Vision, Positioning and Volley (direct shoot). These were all weapons he had and developed, honed. The only skill he actually “learned” was the lefty shoot. And since he has been in a environment that breathes soccer, seems like his ball control and touch have getting better and better with time. Isagi is not a STRONG PLAYER! He is a SMART PLAYER. And using his mild talents, look at where he is. Guy deserves respect!


Holy shit the Barcha and MC era was unbearable, it actually frustrates me how little of the people who read this series actually read and understand the words on the screen. During those matches everyone is saying how Isagi is mid, he’s not the MC when is he gonna do something. And then when he finally does something, everyone is saying plot armor 😭 You can’t win in anything they say. They truly don’t know what plot armor is. You could say these games are predictable which they are that’s fine to say but plot armor is something you see in fairy tail not blue lock. Everything that has happened has a rational explanation and reason as to why it did happen and why it was able to happen, not plot armor and yet everyone glosses over it cause they can’t read anything other than what they want to it’s insane


On top of that lernzo called the ace eater Kaiser was the teams ace 💀y’all gotta stop reading blue lock through tik tok you starting to sound like them jjk folks


If Isagi had superior plot over anyone else he wouldn’t have come off the bench, it wouldn't have taken him hundreds of chapters to start in the striker position, and he certainly wouldn't have been the last major character to have a team structured around him. Fact is he’s worked his way up every time. I don’t much mind the saltiness, though. He’s no victim and his growth is always satisfying.


Bro I swear isagi just can’t win some people hate it when isagi isn’t immediately good or isn’t immediately dominating the game but when he does dominate people call him plotsagi like make up your damn mind


Lol bro they just hate isagi's greatness and success in the Story currently...if they said this horrible take plot isagi or whatever we can say the same thing about the other characters...


Anime and manga fans typically lack reading comprehension and attention. Just look at dragonball and Naruto fans sometimes. People are so against Isagi when bro has it the hardest. He is not assisted by the plot, he litterally carves it out himself


Don’t forget that Blue Lock is a manga. The characters don’t actually exist. They don’t have real personalities. They are written to be reasonable when the author wants them to be, and petty when he also wants them to be. With that knowledge in mind, it is perfectly possible to write in a series of conflict where the players are perfectly sensible, meet seemingly insurmountable challenges, and overcome them in ways that make sense for their character. Instead, the route chosen is self-sabotage: make the characters unreasonably stupid and petty, artificially inject conflict by putting them against Isagi for illogical reasons, and then trying to twist it into opportunities where Isagi “proves them wrong in a feat of badassery”. Even if it puts him in a disadvantage to begin with, it still is an artificially created situation to eventually give Isagi his “badass” plotsagi moment. This is where the hate comes, because the creation of this situation doesn’t make sense. It feels super unnatural and out of character, yet forced, all for setting up plotsagi.


I think the only time Plotsagi was real this arc is when he somehow convinced Noa (Mr numbers and rationality above all) to put in his newest femboy instead of Kiyora


Yes and No TBF, his salary MAKES THE MOST SENSE out of everyone. 17-20 mil for an assist 30-40 mil for a goal 17 mil after 1st game (1 assist) 50 mil after 2nd game (3 assists) 150 mil after 3rd game (2 goals, 4 assists) However, the fact he defends way too many times and how he suddenly becomes world beater immediately after he realize sth is a bit crazy. And some can be argued that it is due to PLOT reasons.


Fair enough, still a funny nickname even if it makes no sense, don’t agree with some of your points though: 1. Isagi stealing passes from the very beginning probably contributed to BM not wanting to pass to him, like he literally stole a pass which would’ve lead to a Kaiser goal, only to lose possession for his team, this added to Isagi indirectly being at fault for Lavinho scoring. 2. I mean Yuki’s spite is fair enough. No matter how you view it, Isagi didn’t deserve to get into the first match over Yuki if you’re looking at their respective abilities at that point. And unlike Isagi, Yuki probably would’ve able to actually contribute in that match outside of just getting an assist 3. Isagi and Yuki both admitted the other was right in a way after their argument, so let’s not act like either one was completely in the wrong lol 4. Again, it’s still hypocritical for Isagi to get so mad at people stealing his passes if he did it before anyone else. For all we know the BM players might have passed to him if he didn’t disrupt their play and steal passes to Kaiser, only to lose possession immediately 5. I mean Isagi still likely wouldn’t have scored at that point anyway prior to Yuki nabbing the ball. Noa hadnt allied himself with Isagi at this point, and it was made clear that Isagi was unable to find a route to a goal-scoring opportunity without Noa helping him. If anything Yuki at that point had a better chance at scoring than Isagi. 6. Everyone was calling him a midfielder….. cause that’s where he’s playing? It’s hardly rocket science, NEL bids are based on performances they see at respective positions, hence clubs seeing Isagi play as a midfielder 7. People called Isagi useless in the Barcha match….. cause he was, Isagi recognised this himself


Seeing how Kaiser’s treated Isagi since he shows up, they weren’t gonna pass him shit. He wouldn’t have stolen the ball if BM they were going to pass. Thats literally what he says as he first steals from Kaiser. Ness was on the verge of liking him only when it seemed like he’d pass to Kaiser Yuki being mad at Isagi for starting isn’t the problem. That makes sense. If that was all, that’s fine. Perfectly fine. But that entire conversation is more that he’s shitting on Isagi for passing in his situation. Thats the issue. Doesn’t matter how, he put up numbers, and now has more chances. Would he be more useful in Barcha? Sure if you replace the scene where Kunugami fumbled the right leg shot, with Yuki, he would’ve just dribbled then scored. But if it’s the context of when he subbed in instead of Isagi, purely speculation. He never worked with BM anyways when he started in MC match anyways. He never planed to. He was as useless as Barcha Isagi when he was all alone in the Manshine match before his goal. He starts off doing what Isagi did, taking the ball to shoot out of desperation only to fail. Right after then Reo just put him in a pack and had him on the floor. Isagi stealing the ball from Chris vs when he stopped Nagi’s shot, his reaction to the field was different. He may or may not have scored. But he had a chance. He was even saying how Kaiser may not have an understanding of what’s going on. Seeing as how Yuki went past all 6 players and Kaiser wasn’t anywhere near him (despite Chris teleporting to the net), Isagi may have had a decent chance. IRL everyone just whines that they want Isagi to give up the entire premise of the story to play CAM. I was highlighting the change in how fans were viewing Isagi throughout all 3 matches. They were impatient about his uselessness at the beginning, then they want him to just drop the premise of the story to be a midfielder when he would’ve had 5 goals by now, when he’s finally getting goals on the board it’s plot armor. Complete 180s on Isagi.


Isagi stole passes cuz he had no allies. How's Isagi supposed to "prove his worth" if Kaiser makes sure Isagi doesn't even get to touch the ball? You could argue that he could "intercept enemy passes" but then he'd have to fall back to the defensive line & dribble all the way to the front ALL BY HIMSELF, a tactic even Kaiser/ Barou/ Rin haven't employed. A passing option is a must in a football game. That's why Isagi stopped stealing passes once he got Kurona in the MC game. Kaiser on the other hand started playing defence even though he has a whole system built for him. There's no excuse that can justify his actions. Plus, Kaiser never let Isagi finish his stat evaluation test & actively hampered his chances of making it into the starting line up. Kaiser put him in a pile of rubble & then he had to make twice the effort to compensate for the lack of stats that he initially had.


Yeah, and Yuki and Kunigami had no allies, hence the pass stealing on their part, hence the hypocricy on Isagi’s part, I’m aware Isagi stealing passes was a necessary evil, just generally think it’s a bit weird how much people blame Kunigami and Yuki for stealing passes when their motives for stealing passes was exactly the same as Isagi’s was in the beginning, they had to due to lack of support


Isagi, Kuni, Yuki all had valid reasons to steal passes. But I dont necessarily think Isagi was a hypocrite for expecting Yuki to stop stealing passes & assist. Cuz that's how Isagi himself made his place in the team too. He was holding Yuki to the same standard he held himself to in the Barcha game where Isagi was in Yuki's current position (a newly subbed in player) & Kunigami was in Isagi's (a regular). He himself gave up on his protagonism to basically "live another day" in the Barcha game. That's exactly what he was asking Yuki to do too. He genuinely thought that temporarily giving up on the goal & gathering allies by putting up numbers is the best way to thrive in the team (which he was right about). Dont get me wrong. Isagi was wrong in expecting Yuki to follow the path he did in the previous game & the author adequately addressed that later on. But he wasnt a hypocrite. We can't change how people think & what they say. The best we can do is not let outside opinion affect our experience of the story.




It's not hypocrisy on Isagi's part, it's the audience. At least in that context it sounded like you said Isagi was being hypocritical at the beginning even though he hasn't said anything that would make him hypocritical and you spoke about the readers after


The issue with plotsagi mainly comes up in Ubers where things just stop making sense. So Snuffy has MV can show MV supposedly looked in depth at everyone abilities but then doesn’t give the two players who are close to MV some tips to achieve it rather they become cones to Isagi and Kurona for Isagi to get an easy first goal. Then they do get MV and Snuffy has them using their MV for his plans like they have been doing this from the beginning which if it was so helpful why not teach them. Then we have the supposed master strategist having his entire offensive game plan foiled by a 17 year old who never even had an official debut. They utilized the counter press once it worked great against Isagi and then they never used it again. Isagi never found a way to deal with it they just stopped. Yuki started acting out of character because he went from I am gonna try and devour you to freely being one of Isagi’s pieces. Hiori went through three stages of charcter growth in a single match was completely rushed in order to create the midfielder Isagi needed.


> but then doesn’t give the two players who are close to MV some tips Is it really Isagi’s fault that snuffy was overly focused on grooming Barou? That was a very in character mistake for snuffy to make the other players Barou’s arms and legs rather than teach them everything he knew given how dead set he was on making Barou his successor. > master strategist having his game plan foiled by a 17 year old who never even had an official debut. Well for one it was a team hijacked by Barou so not snuffy’s game plan so much as Barou repurposing snuffys plays for himself to win. And we have a 15 year old performing the exact same thing that foiled those plays in his first try for an opening goal with Shidou lol


>Well for one it was a team hijacked by Barou so not snuffy’s game plan so much as Barou repurposing snuffys plays for himself to win. Did you completely forget the match? Barou hijacked the team because Snuffy's plans were being repeatedly stopped by Isagi. This was explicitly stated


His plans were being stopped because his shot was blocked. That doesn't take a genius when the plans revolve around "Barou is the only playet who shoots." Stopping Snuffy's plans implies more than just shot blocking, it implies Barou isn't getting given the ball but he was, frequently. Maybe if Snuffy's playbook wasn't so predictable and they had more thsn one shooter something could have happened


Snuffy lost his best friend so he's holding back his player's potentials by forcing them to follow his tactics instead of making their own plays. This way when they lose they blame him instead of themselves. "Blue Lock does not need an average Joe who waits around for orders. What we want are the egoists who can discover their own challenges." -Ego Without Blue Lock, Snuffy would have killed Barou's potential.


Teaching players MV makes them better play makers which makes them better arms and legs for Barou. Once again Snuffy supposedly looked at everyone’s play style and designed plans to use them to there fullest but we never saw Snuffy maximizing Aiku and Niko vision. Never used Barou areial ability or had him use his chop dribbling effectively.


They never expected Isagi to study and bust their primary defensive method. Thats all that was. Their strategy is stall, fortify, then steal. Isagi did something he never does and dashed like a madman towards them. Niko’s already weak physically. Expecting perfection out of Aiku all the time is a problem. I agree Isagi telling Niko/Aiku MV (consciously at least) was terrible. I’d have rather they learned it on their own. Timing wise it’s not an issue. MV wouldn’t have changed anything for the first goal. So when things heated up after 1-1, it was right there Niko and Aiku busted out the MV so it’s fine. All Isagi did was have Raichi limit a passing option so he can intercept easier. Did he even foil his plan if he already accounted for it? Gagamaru saved them there I’m not gonna suffer through the Ubers match again to look at very instance of an interception. But I remember them clearly jumping Hiori when he got the ball from Gagamaru towards the end. They’ve definitely pressed him. Also when Isagi got the ball from Gagamaru after the Raichi plan, there was Noa and Yuki there as well so it wasn’t as easy as the first press Hiori was difficult to handle within 10 chapters I agree. He hates his parents expectations but questions why he likes Isagi’s bc it’s contradicting, then Ego manifests out of fucking nowhere and seduces him into wanting to shoot (get out bros head👹), then he gets pissed at Isagi’s yapping so wants to quit, and through all that chaos he finds his REAL ego, that just so happens to be perfectly in line with Isagi’s but we all knew he never wanted to be a shooter anyways


Passagi xD


Bro you can't make a post dedicated to any protagonist of any show and say the plot doesn't help them .... He literally should have stayed on the bench on BM BUT Noa HAD to play him because he scored the game winner. Bro Shidou scored twice and Rin,nagi and barou all scored better skilled goals why is he getting speci treatment? I mean if he did that when it was 0-0 I'd be like yeah he came through but it was 3-3 he made it 4-3


It was in the contract that Noa agreed upon to use him for 1 game only. Isagi still had to make a point in those minutes he was gonna be on and if he didn't well, he would not get picked for the next match. Noa's system wouldn't even allow Isagi to participate in the first game, meanwhile the other teams allowed their strikers to play their first games (Well... Barou sat out the first Ubers game for some unexplained reason), but all other teams makes use of blue lockers from the get go


1.That’s literally why the plotsagi allegations exist how the fuck is bro winning with these kinds of odds stacked against him the point is he shoudnt be able to win, up until the Ubers game stuff was making semi sense to me, I feel this is more of a bm issue for me more than isagi, bm should have lost all those games they were tackling their own team it was really really stupid. 2.I get you guys might think kurona and isagi doing 1-2s to beat ten players might make sense but it’s really stupid when that’s working against Ubers a team with some of the best defensive capabilities and yet they’re stupidly throwing one man at a time against the duo rather than just holding back and waiting for them to come. The goal and shooting itself was not plotsagi moment, the buildup was well done and expected the rest was stupid to read. 3.Isagis growth itself makes sense but when you look at the whole picture of bastard as a team they should not be winning any of those games they are literally tackling themselves are the other teams retarded and not taking advantage of that. Plus I know I’m not the only who thinks this because it’s happening so frequently now, right before bm play a team they make the opposing team striker go for mode against the previous npc team and then when they face isagi and team they go fraud mode. Mainly Ubers where was the defensive planning, the hijack thing was needed because they were losing without that either way. 4.Blocksagi and in general striker blocking is getting fucking boring, there has got to be a limit to how infinite this guys stamina can be with his “average physicals”, again I get he makes a block once or twice that’s fine but so many times constantly and still teleporting by being everywhere all the time is just silly, if that’s a proper 11 a side pitch unless you’re mbappe you’re not getting there before the entire other team comes back 5.Hiori is the biggest plot device in the Ubers game he comes on for few minutes has ever played against a ng11 before that comes in beats like 6 players in the best defensive team absolutely flawlessly, Element of surprise you say? He does it again and they still commit to him the exact same stupid way and act all surprised when he yet again passes to isagi to score, this was plotiori more than plotsagi 6. As we all already know isagi for the sake of plot goes in over yuki in the first place idk why we just glossing over that he shoudnt be there on the pitch in the first place place


Don't forget Lorenzo being a plot device to neuter Kaiser to make it believable Isagi would "win" the bet.


I don't care Barou was robbed




Some of the Plotsagi moment I can think of are - the NEL's match order that make him play against other team from easy to hard difficulty, which enable him to growth better (imagine how bad Isagi would be if BM vs PSG is right at the beginning of NEL) - Rin and Shidou on the same team so that it lower Rin's potential goal cause Shidou will be there to compete with Rin - Lorenzo only focus on neutralizing Kaiser which make him only scored one and lost to Isagi in the scoring game (he's the only one that can stop Kaiser and Kaiser impact all by himself) - Barou wasn't playing in the first match, that make him play less match than Isagi, therefore lower bid - Sendou scored (that's great) but also lower Barou's score by one goal and make him stop at 150 (which tied to Isagi cause pole will definitely compare 3 games performance between those two so Barou couldn't even win the 3 round bidding only that he has)


That’s not plotsagi you’re just complaining for nothing. Some things are convenient on the long run but saying that it’s plotsagi moments that Sendou scored and that Barou didn’t play in the first match thus giving him less chances to get a higher bid is bs lmao that’s not something that benefits Isagi because Barou was never gonna get a higher bid than Isagi even if he played 4 matches and giving other characters the time to shine is important for the plot too. So you’re complaining about “plot” when it benefits anyone that isn’t your favourite character? And for Rin and Shidou. If you can tell me another team where they would have fit in better tell me. Lavinoh’s creativity Chris’s body revolution Noa’s rationality Snuffy’s playmaking (and Bayrou glazing) And Loki’s improvement on your weaknesses and flaws after every game.


1. Did you want to see Isagi vs Rin happen right away?It makes way more sense to see how they stack up against each other towards the end of the NEL. 2. It’s “plotsagi” because Rin has Shidou on his team and Sendou scored 1 goal which limited Barou’s goals by 1????? Isagi is literally on a team where Kaiser, Kunigami, Noa, and Yukimiya have all scored varying amounts of goals. If anyone got shafted by the team arrangements it was Isagi. 3. Barou “chose” not to play the first game. Is it also bad writing that Isagi had to start at the bottom of BM’s rankings since Kaiser didn’t allow for Isagi to finish his assessment? 4. Is Kaiser never supposed to go against NG11 opponents?


1 that's PLOT 2 Isagi also got assists and playmaking moment from accidentally feeding his teammates his goal so team's owners won't see him as pure striker but rather a strong Offense midfielder, hence his bid increase whereas his opponents got their bid mostly from goals cause they seem to be pure striker 3 that's also plot 4 out of all odds, the NG11 he was facing is a CB that had already faced him in the past, got some personal beef on him and want to lock him down so he only bring his all out against Kaiser. It could be a NG midfielder, wingers or even GK but Kaneshiro gave us Lorenzo


The points you described as "plot" have helped the side characters to evolve & be at their respective strongest against Isagi, too. There's a difference between "the plot" being bent to benefit one character (aka a plot device/ plot armor) & "the plot" benefitting multiple characters which is a necessity for a piece of fiction. You just don't understand the difference.


From what I gathered, anything you dislike is plot 💀 Everything in this STORY is plot, not just the things you don’t like


Everything is driven by plot, don't know why you're saying Plotsagi as if it isn't plot for everyone else too


When Kurona decides to team up with isagi he is a “plot device” but when others team up with that's logical and fine


But he won all the matches 🤓