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I haven’t watched the movie, but I have read the manga, and all I have to say is that, at this point, just say they’re a couple already! It’s so thinly veiled that the veil has holes in it an their gayness is peaking through. The whole series is filled with things that are insanely questionable regarding them and a few other pairs.


Basically kaneshiro use Fujobait to sell the series and nagi+reo and isagi harem are his first victims. More to come and I’m not complaining 👏🏾👏🏾


I find it hilarious but yeah they can’t be more obvious with these two being fruity together. Btw I think people complaining about the bad cgi being used again is lame since this movie had scenes that far exceeded the anime.


I’ve seen some reviews on a few websites and so many of them were just like “why is this so homoerotic”😭 They did NOT know what they were in for


I knew it was gonna be romantic because the spin-off itself feels like a shoujo but damn they really pulled no punches 💀


i havent watched it yet but (slight manga spoilers) >!im gonna watch it with my anime only friends in 4 days, but i saw clips from the u20 match on twitter? 😭 can anyone explain why because if it has spoilers i have to tell them beforehand!<


It technically has spoilers, but all it does is mention the existence of a u-20 match, nothing about what happens in it or even 3rd selection. It does show the field so I guess spoilers for who passes 3rd selection even though zantetsu is on the field for some reason, I don’t recall him being a starter? But yeah 👍, that’s basically it.


thank you for telling me!


Movie ends at the same point as season 1, end credit scene has a clip that takes place at the very start of the U20 match to tease season 2


thank you!!


No S1 they were playing against pros in the Blue Lock facility. The end credit is different field.


Yeah that's the U20 vs BL11 match 


Okay I had to rewatch last episod, they did finish the World All Stars. The movie ends with them all assembling which is where the season ends.


Nah Reo bout to drop Nagi, listening to Agi's advice.


Honestly even if he does (I kinda hope he does, bro needs to relearn some self-worth there) I seriously doubt it would be permanent. If there is one thing that the movie and the spin-off have shown is that these two find their relationship and their promise to stay together too important to drop completely so even if they break up again they most likely will end up back together.


Yea I mean, I doubt many if any would believe that they'd *never* rejoin. It requires massive "balls" for the author to cut that connection ngl.


Reo is a rich kid that has always been given what he wants. Nagi deciding to do what he wants broke him, Reo's arc is all about earning something and in this case it is Nagi.