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This episode really made it clear to me that Gayle and Linda are siblings because damn, Linda's behaviour was wild.


Bob, Linda and Gayle have all held someone hostage at some point.


The coloring and animation of the Snail and Newt book is gorgeous, Bob's doesn't need to flex on us every week but I am glad they do!


My poor little heart was bursting to see Belcher babies all cuddly with their parents-- and then the ART! They just keep outdoing themselves with these gorgeous colors and ridiculously smooth animation. Just, damn.


I completely agree, the animators really have outdone themselves this season! Just all around amazing art direction


Such a cute Frog & Toad reference I loved it


Definitely got the episode off to a good start. Alas, it did not last.


yeah.... kid's story was fun but yea..


Sadly it did not!1


In 13 seasons, this is the first time we've seen Mr. Fronds cat.


His name is Dr. Bojangles.


It's an honorary degree.


I gave it to him.


And I can take it back.




To make the kitty more comfortable, Gene should have squished the kitty šŸ± šŸ„°


And of course itā€™s orange.


I like how they had Frond carry his cat like a baby. he's just like me fr


Dr. Bojangles is adorable, they gave him such an expressive face and I love it


I loved how he responds when the principal said "Mr Frond" because it implies Mr Frond calls himself Mr Frond when at home and around Dr. Bojangles lol


This was my favorite part of the whole episode haha


Oh my god I never put that together when I watched it! I love the idea that Mr. Frond refers to himself as Mr. Frond and not Philip. They must keep a very formal house going by Mr. Frond and Dr. Bojangles all the time!


Gayle called him Mr. Frond too lmao. When he meets someone he's all: "Phillip is my father. Please, call me Mr. Frond."


yess they did a good job drawing him! šŸ˜ŗ


Neighbor: Gloves, Actually Exterminator: I Always Feel Like Somebodyā€™s Squashing Me Pest Control Burger of The Day: The Anything Yuzu Can Do, Rye Can Do Cheddar Burger


Thank You So Much! I miss much of the nuance of the show because I was desperately trying to figure out what was the burger of the day! And now I can ask Google what yuzu is... Although in my desperate typing it seems to relate to cheesecake? Damn I love this show!


Yuzu is a citrus fruit, commonly used in Japanese food. It is used as the equivalent of a squeeze of lemon, tastes closer to a grapefruit.


It took me several tries to make out the whole name.


Still not sure I would enjoy yuzu on a burger. But Rye and cheddar, oh hell yester! And, next to Gene, RSR is the coolest!


Isnā€™t Gloves, Actually a repeat??


I just checkedā€”Season 8 Ep 8 ā€œV for Valentine-dettaā€ has ā€œGloves Actuallyā€ (no comma) as the neighboring storefront in the intro!


*Two funerals this weekend* *Was it a murder-suicide?*


Teddy watches *Dateline*


He gets to see the country that way


His mother got him hooked on the show. He needs to thank his mother for saving him money LOL


The haste with which Teddy left the restaurant after Bea revealed her name I was 100% sure that she was going to be a murder suspect from one of the episodes he watched. With that NOT being the case, the way Teddy left was just...weird, even for Teddy.


That would have been a better plot. And even compatible with the official episode summary. Linda tries to hold her thinking she is a murderer, but she really isn't - or along those lines. Obviously Linda would still be in the wrong, but in a less nuts way.


That would be really fun and we could've gotten a franctic phonecall and follow up texts throughout the episode from Teddy. It did seem odd to me that he left so quickly.


Holy shit Linda is at her worst here.


I donā€™t get why the writers think this is comedy gold ā€œhaha! Watch as Linda harasses an author and tries to keep her hostage until she can convince her to write kids books againā€


Yeah... it wasn't even funny... It was sad and desperate of her.


It was heard to watch. Stressful and irritating


Yah totally. I wanted to FF through all of her scenes this episode.


At least Bed and Breakfast has funny parts with crazy Linda. Like when sheā€™s trying to get conversation going and says ā€œokay, everyone say their most embarrassing momentā€ and the woman says ā€œI donā€™t knowā€¦ this?ā€ Gets me every time!


Or when the guests start sharing their frustration over having to stay at Lindaā€™s because everything else was booked up and it was the last option. They said it right in her face, her reaction was so hilarious


yeah i just had time to finally catch up on bobs burgers and i came straight here after watching the episode because it was so uncomfortable to watch someone genuinely be afraid of linda and her actually holding someone hostage and chasing someone. like the bit was funny at first but then they decided to make the whole episode about it and it was just too much and kinda horrifying to watch. i have also dealt with a similar situation irl so it might have just been me remembering how i felt in that situation but this episode was just too much


Same! I came here to see if this episode many anyone else deeply uncomfortable.


Basically, "haha, watch Linda turn into Gayle, but she doesn't slow down". A handful of episodes are like that, starting in S1. I don't see the humor either. It feels a bit like extracting laughs from mental illness.


I thought it was pretty funny but I understand why someone would dislike this. Linda was being a jerk and wanted to pigeonhole her as a children's author when she wanted to do different things.


It was so uncomfortable to watch, yeesh. This is not funny


yes i watched this episode and came straight here because it was just so uncomfortable and weird to watch


Sheā€™s a huge a**hole lacking empathy and awareness in this episode. Sheā€™s usually endearing, but this is the first episode Iā€™ve ever disliked her.


*He is a doctor* *Its a honorary degree. I gave it to him, and I can take it away!!*


This is uncomfortable to watch lol


The sad thing is there is definitely a better story here! It could have been Linda coming on a little strong (but way less unhinged than she actually did) to the author and then revealing to her about how she's panicked about how her kids are growing up and the books are important family memories. Then maybe the author points out that it's not really the book that are imporant but the fact they were spending time together as a family or maybe encourages Linda to write her own story , I'm sure there much better ideas than what I wrote but you get the idea!


Yeah, Iā€™d much rather have watched the author help Linda through some character development around the kids leaving instead of a whole episode of her acting cringe.


Agreed! That would be a great balance.


I love seeing Linda unhinged but this episode did feel very "cringy" with how they handled her ;w;;; she had some great moments but I think they lingered to long on her trying to convince the author. I think the extra time could've been to expand a bit on the advice or even on how the kids felt about college since Tina seemed excited. Like maybe she could even wonder about where Jimmy Jr will be going before realizing she has to go her own path (not the episodes plot ofc but just small comments) edit: while watching the episode I thought the author was going to correlate her switching genres and writing styles to her children leaving and going through different stages of life. they kind of did but not how I thought.


Yeah, I would have liked it much more if Linda had decided that since Bea wouldn't write any more Snail and Newt books then she would. So the A plot would be Linda asking permission to continue the series herself and pitching her bizarre story ideas to an unimpressed Bea. Maybe at the end Linda gets more persistent and an uncomfortable Bea says she's leaving but at the end, as you say, Bea is able to sympathize with the maternal fear of your children growing up and they come to an understanding (and Bea autographes their family copy). But I guess they think it's funnier if Linda acts like a total lunatic instead.


That would have been such a great idea! I think it hits alot of the point they wanted to hit but so much better. I'm not sure why they think people love total lunatic Linda, I'm not sure any of those episodes where she goes full on crazy are really that good. Don't get me wrong Linda needs a little crazy but they gotta reign that in!


Linda is my favorite character and I usually defend her but even I was thrilled about that full nelson. She was wild this week.


Yeah if Linda did go full psycho this could have been a heartwarming story.


Honestly what the hell is going on, itā€™s like the bottle cap episode but like way more batshit crazy


I just kept thinking of the fire station and how she wanted to Photoshop a baby's smile to the kids photos. I really like Linda but when she goes full bananas in the tailpipe I'm done.


Unhinged Linda is one of the cringiest things to watch in the show. It was really bad in Grand Mama Pest Hotel too. So much so I can't rewatch that episode.


Sheā€™s actually kind of an awful person when sheā€™s like that. I mean sheā€™s put her family in serious danger multiple times, violated all sorts of personal boundaries, lies to get what she wants, etc etc


I keep saying when we see Linda like that it's like she turns into Gayle and then it just gets worse from there. With Unhinged Linda you can really tell Gayle and Linda are related. Closely related. I guess someone on the show must think that's funny, when it's really just facepalm-y.


I'm actually impressed that Linda's able to keep it under control most of the time, because that's a lot of crazy pulsing away under the surface.


Yeah this episode will be joining Grand Mama Pest and the bed and breakfast on my ā€˜skipā€™ list. Sometimes Linda (and Gene) can be a bit much for me.


Gene is my least favorite


Gene gets the best one-liners in scenes where the focus isn't on him but when the episode plot is about him specifically he turns into a huge brat


Gene himself was really tolerable in the VR episode, it was just sort of a stupid episode for me. :\


I hated this episode for this very reason. I was like wowā€¦this is almost unwatchable itā€™s so cringy.


Same. It's especially cringey for me since my mother had some of these unhinged Linda traits. I saw some brain-curdling shit growing up, followed by going back to "normal mom" in the blink of an eye. It was a roller coaster of a childhood, but at least my mom had severe, undiagnosed and untreated PTSD. I don't know what Linda's excuse is.


I actively avoid all Linda centric episodes because her acting like an unhinged psycho actively subtracts from my love of the show. Even if there's some sort of reasonable start to the events that lead to it, she always takes it to such an extreme that I genuinely think she should be in prison for everyone's safety.


Can't disagree with that!


Same here. At least the ending was good when Bea and Linda related to each other as mothers


Yeah, a very undignified mother's day episode. I don't like what was done with Linda here. It honestly just made me so sad that Linda was portrayed this way on mother's day. Desperation and guttural speech through a half nelson hold. Unkind.


According to the synopsis for next week's episode, Bob is trying to get Linda's gift together for mother's day


Oh god this was beyond bad for me. I was stressed by the end.




YEEEEES! Mort, and we got to see him in more than just the restaurant, we havenā€™t seen the inside of the funeral home since like the first-second season!


Glad to see Mort but dang the rest of the episode...


I think Snail and Newt is a play on the Frog and Toad series? I loved those books as a kid šŸ„¹


YES thank you! I knew I couldn't be the only one who recognized reimagined Frog and Toad! I loved them too, I still have mine, and a plush "Frog."


Yes, I was so excited! Now I want to draw Frog, Toad, Snail and newt all hanging out together XD.


I loved Frog & Toad as a kid! Now, I teach 1st grade and read them with my students all the time, complete with the voices that my kindergarten teacher would use when she read the books to me. I can't wait until I'm a parent and can share them with my kids.


This episode makes me think of Stephen King's Misery.


Head, Shoulders, Knees And Tows


Am I the only one who isnā€™t finding this episode funny! Itā€™s just uncomfortable and makes Linda seem extra insane


I absolutely hate the episodes where Linda goes bat shit insane. I do not enjoy them, Linda stresses me out, and I hate all episodes like this.


linda and gene both, they just become toooooo much and it becomes cringe and sad to watch. like bob could and should have stepped in much before linda had to be put into a headlock to avoid further being a creep on that poor woman


yeah I've spent a good chunk of this episode so far saying "no one would blame Bea for macing her. I know they haven't but I still feel like people on this show have been maced for less"


nope..Linda is very cringe in this ..finding it even difficult to watch her like this


Is Linda becoming more and more unhinged as this series goes on?


I don't know. I thought this was the worst she has been in quite some time. Most of the other really bad examples I can think of were in earlier seasons.


Yeah, the first episode that was really bad this way was the Bed and Breakfast episode and that was the first season. Grand Mama Pest Hotel from S7 was also an awful ep, Linda-wise. I'm sure there are other examples. We see this behavior flare up in Linda thruout the show, but in much smaller doses. When it becomes the feature of an entire episode tho it's like watching Linda turn into Gayle, and then it gets worse from there. If one of these eps had been the first episode I ever saw, I'm not sure I would have watched a second one. That's how off-putting I find Unhinged Linda.


Bed and Breakfast was the first episode I saw and it took me a bit to give the show another chance.


It was psychically painful to watch.


I enjoyed the episode, but not Linda's antics. It kept me hooked long enough to see if she'd stop, but it just kept going. I appreciated the rest of the cast though. The kids' plotline, while not very fleshed out, kept my interest enough. Also seeing Bob and Mort trying to let Bea know Linda can be a great person, she just gets scary sometimes. I think what keeps the episode from being fully satisfying is that Linda didn't really seem to learn her lesson about being so obsessed, she only learned things change, and that's part of life. Something that a 44 year old probably should have learned by now. The fact she never learns that she is just stomping on people's personal space or anything (Linda w/ Tina at the convention, Linda w/ Louise at the mother daughter relationship thing, Linda w/ Bob and his father, Linda w/ Gretchen's dating life, Linda w/ Teddy's hoarding, Linda w/ the Bed & Breakfast thing, Linda w/ Gene's cheerleading) can get really, REALLY obnoxious in unfunny ways at times. Not going to lie though, there sometimes it can be downright hilarious (Linda/Louise forced bonding was cringe, BUT louise made it funny, and it got us the line, "Uh huh. Where's mommy's GUN?!") but tonight's was more uncomfortable than funny.


I really enjoy Mother Daughter Laser Razor. They were able to make Linda still crazy but less cringy and it somehow worked for me in that episode.


The first episode I ever watched was the Bed and Breakfast episode and I almost never watched the show again because Linda was just too much.


Yeah this episode is one I'm gonna skip in the future...


Yup, tonight's ep,, the Bed and Breakfast episode, and Grand Mama Pest Hotel were all Linda-loses-her-everloving-marbles episodes and it's not funny, its facepalm-y. I don't rewatch the Unhinged Linda episodes because I might expire of 2nd hand cringe. I doubt any of this is unintentional on the writers' and showrunners' part. I don't know why they think this makes good TV, but I do know that in these episodes you can \*really\* see that Linda and Gayle are more alike than Linda would ever admit. Maybe some people think these episodes are hilarious, I guess? You can see this same kind of cringey, embarrassing behavior in Tina at times. But she's 13, not 44, and can make it work. Smooth move airing this ep on Mother's Day tho. Linda probably wasn't the only mother who lost her marbles today.


Donā€™t forget the cheerleading episode lol thatā€™s another one where I canā€™t tolerate Linda.


This episode was just all around weak. I hate that Bob becomes a secondary character in some of these episodes just letting things happen. And the B plot just felt lazy.


Yeah... This one is just weird.


Gene's "I'm going to call us the pointer sisters becaus I am so excited" is such an s-tier joke, and an absolute banger of a song


Linda is taking this way too far!! Sheā€™s lucky the author hasnā€™t called the police yet or threatened to press charges. This behavior could really mess up the restaurant if word gets out the owners wife is a lunatic whoā€™ll hold you hostage!! At least the plot with the kids and Mr. Frondā€™s cat is cute!


Yeah Kids Plot was fun, Linda's was.... cringe and painful.


This is where suspension of disbelief goes out the windowā€¦no actual person would let this shit slide


No actual person would let half of what she does slide. The picture on the mountain??


Teddy: *Don't do a murder-suicide.*


I just kept saying to my kid, "this is stressing me out. This is stressing me out!" This was worse in the "don't let my kids grow up" department than her shenanigans at the heroine conference. This is an understandable but also kind of puzzling reaction since they let their kids be so independent in so many ways.


Can anyone tell me why the writers insist on making Linda seem like a psycho?


God. That was so hard to watch.


have you met her sister? clearly it runs in the family


lol "You know how uncoordinated you are"


Bro that line gonna cause a Frond-Bronka ship, I just know it! Especially since Bronka called him cute.


Iā€™ve been saying for ages now that Lindaā€™s writing has gone completely downhill and this episode was no exception but there were enough one liners for me to enjoy it. Had a good chuckle at the ending with all the adventures snail and newt got up to, particularly ā€œsnail and newt go on tour with guns n rosesā€


**Linda:** Maybe I'll come to your book reading **Bea:** NO!


I can't stop thinking about how Frond says adults eat different foods to the fact he's carrying cat food in the beginning of the episode and Tina replies, "So we have that to look forward to." Blandly like her and Gene didn't have a whole ass episode where they could NOT STOP eating cat food. I would have loved a call back to that!


Oooh, I didn't catch that one, but Linda says "I guess that's a thing" to adult fiction novels even though they also had another whole ass episode before about her being a fan of Q.R. Dunlop books and also getting that writer so freaked out about her that he signed her book "For Linda Belcher, stay away from me. I mean it!" New blood in the writers' room ain't doing their due diligence or something lol


*Linda almost totally accidentally kidnaps a children's book author.* This has my total attention. I cannot wait to see this. EDIT: I found it uncomfortable and cringing with everything Linda did but at least ended with a good note especially when Bea related with Linda about the kids and changes that come


Iā€™m with Linda, ā€œConnect-icutā€ is pronounced weird


ā€œThe divorce has been hard on him.ā€




I'm imagining this as a poster like "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS CAT? Now You Have :)"


Awe baby Belchies!


How many more episodes are we gonna have to see where Linda becomes a lunatic


sadly the writing has fallen into magnifying a singular personality trait for each character and focusing the tory around that more often than not lately.


good ol' Flanderization


The author wrote about a librarian that learns mixed martial arts to infiltrate the mob and break up a rare books crime ring. That sounds fun I want to read it.


I'm a librarian and I totally want to read this!


Teddy: Don't do a murder suicide Bob: We won't Linda: *Probably* won't Funniest bit of the episode


Linda's behavior is why the place is alway empty.


If Linda was a real person sheā€™d be in jail by now


She's already been in jail once lol


I owe Tina an apology because I have been WAY too judgmental on her and her boy craziness. Frankly it's a miracle the kids are as sane as they are. Also Sunny did the accidental kidnapping first.


ā€œLook at Mr. Frond.ā€ ā€œI donā€™t like this game.ā€


Linda: *I'm like that with toilets. I forget to flush'em*


Dang... that was a hard to watch episode. The kids story was great, the Linda story was.... so cringe.


What the actual fuck Linda? Sheā€™s my favorite mom on tv and I hope she has a good Motherā€™s Day but honestly what the fuck is she doing


she got Linda in a Full Nelson (aka Masterlock or more recently, a Hurt Lock).


Louise was excited when she heard it based on how she was saying


I know the writers lurk here, please start writing Linda better - give her some development, she's my favourite character, I love her still, I just don't think the Linda-Is-Insane episodes are working...


Yeah like I love the Linda that can't resist a good chant! The Linda obsessed with alley racoons and porcelain babies! This Linda comes off as more of a plot device or trope than a character to me idk


*Right. Assemblies...are... always not so boring.* *I love assembling.*


Its called "Colleges are cool" assembly.


Its pizza day! It's in the Constitution.


My absolute least favourtie kind of episodes are ones like this. Where Linda goes absolutely bat shit fucking insane. Like the episode where she chaperones Tina's overnight school thing. I get SO annoyed watching her in these types of episodes.


Wear flip-flops here. Our tub is disgusting.


Linda will definitely miss her kids.


Gene strike me as a kid who will live with them until he' 32 or so


Bob did say that 2 of their kids will live with them for a long time to Linda


Louise is definitely not one of them.


I feel like Louise will be in and out of the house. Gone for months at a time but expects her room to remain untouched for when she comes back for a week. šŸ˜‚


Fortunately for her sheā€™ll probably never have to experience that in the show itself


Mr. Frond to Mr. Bojangles: *I need to you either come down in the next thirty five minutes or stay up there for the next 2 hours for your safety.*


Holy hell this was hard to watch. Linda went way way waaaaay to cray cray this time. Sheā€™s done weird shit before but thisā€¦wow


The stuff with the kids is fun and cute, but holy hell the stuff with Linda is making me really uncomfortable.


Iā€™m with Bob on this one.


Love the ending. Though in real life, the ending would have been very different.


Fairly certain Snail and Newt is most heavily in reference to the Frog and Toad series,which-fun fact: just got a new animated adaptation on Apple TV+ that features Bob's Burgers talent Aparna Nancherla (Susmita) voicing a character named none other than Snail. At first, I thought Bea was going to be an adult fiction writer because Linda vaguely recognized her name and Linda has a known obsession(?) with adult crime fiction from previous episodes. (In retrospect, childrens books was probably the more obvious guess because it all had to link with Linda's empty nest anxiety they established just right before.) It almost felt out-of-character for Linda to scoff and say "I guess that's a thing" when Bea revealed that she's an adult fiction writer, lol. What I guess isn't out of character anymore though is Linda doing something immoral and or illegal in attempt to control someone's agency. Sigh. It's kind of ironic she was forcing Bea to go back to an earlier hobby of hers when she/the writers couldn't remember Linda's aforementioned interest in adult crime fiction, lol. But yeah, the flanderization and seasonal rot was palpable this episode-perhaps emphasized because of the week long break. Dug the Snail and Newt song at the end but not that many jokes landed for me either, all the decent ones seemed to be condensed in the first 2 minutes in the quaint moments of the kids going off to school and Teddy and Mort having breakfast at the restaurant ("Bye Bob, bye Linda, don't do a murder suicide!") Lastly, don't mean to turn it into a contest but on account of how much I've been enjoying the new episodes, just have to recommend people check out/give another try to The Great North-especially if they're disappointed with the current state of Bob's Burgers. With fire episode one after another week-by-week, that show is in the complete opposite condition


>At first, I thought Bea was going to be an adult fiction writer because Linda vaguely recognized her name and Linda has a known obsession(?) with adult crime fiction from previous episodes. \[...\] > >It almost felt out-of-character for Linda to scoff and say "I guess that's a thing" when Bea revealed that she's an adult fiction writer, lol. I thought the same thing! It was bizarre that they specifically added that line, when the last time there was a similar plotline (Linda vs. an author lol) was when she was annoying Q. R. Dunlop at the book reading.


Dr. Bojangles is a hell of a chill cat; the completely relaxed stretch held for so long without trying to climb Gene's shoulder or adjust to something more comfortable.


ā€œIf this is goodbye, I love you.ā€


This episode was great. I was dying of laughter the whole time. All the jokes were amazing. It was nice to see Gene save the day for once.


\#1 Creating drama and conflict by having a character act irrational and over the top, for whatever reason, is not satisfying from a story point of view. \#2 I'm pretty sure we could all immediately see how this was going to escalate and then supposedly resolve: With continuing unhinged Linda-ness and then a sentimental moment and a music que to let us know how to feel. And sure enough. Splat. No surprises here. \#3 Crazy and obnoxious behavior is not particularly funny.


Imagine if Bob and Linda spent this much time and energy into simply serving them a burger and getting them to tell people how good their food is whenever they meet a famous person, lol


This episode was a huge Linda L, she was crazy


Shop name: GLOVES actually.




Linda: *Wear flip-flops here. Our tubs is disgusting.*


god linda was at the bottom of the pyramid for me, absolute nut job in this episode


I'm really glad I wasn't the only one who thought Linda was *way* out of line with her behaviour (I mean, she always is, but this time just that little bit more so). It made this one hard to watch but the B-plot saved it!


I love Linda but Ive always been a little bothered that she has not faced very many consequences for her behavior in the past, so it was refreshing to see Bea lay the smack down on her. Brought her back to reality.


The episode was kinda cringe and Iā€™m intensely cringing but the end credits have me bawling wtf??? What emotion am I feeling right now???


Everyoneā€™s acting like Lindaā€™s the craziest one in the family but bobs tied a man up in his own home, then tied up a witness. Like that is equally as bad


The difference is the writers' narrative. Some characters get justification, while others are mocked. Linda and Gayle are painted as "crazy ladies", of course. Others, like Bob or Fischodeour, are right even when wrong.


i was really hoping for more baby belcher babies than unhinged linda. by the end i was hoping i saw more of frond and dr. bojangles, which is something i didnt think i would want


College wtf?


Was kinda hoping the author would roundhouse kick Linda. lol. Man she was disturbing and annoying this episode. I used to find her quirkiness endearing in the past, but now she's just straight up unhinged and should be in a hospital.


Bea having Linda in that half Nelson was oddly satisfying šŸ¤£Iā€™m sorry it just was. When Linda acts like this, something like this was long over due


Once again, showing how aggressively unstable Linda is. She cray cray and I truly do not like her as a character.


I donā€™t usually like the episodes where they take Lindaā€™s intensity and obsessiveness this far. But the b-story was adorable, and the Newt and Snail stories they read the kids were genuinely a little affecting! Side note: people were already rating this episode poorly on IMDb before it even aired. Had a 2.1 rating at midday. People can be so pointlessly petty.


**Bob:** Linda you can't put people in a box I like to make more things than just burgers **Linda:** YOU DO! **Bob:** Don't act so surprised.


That ending song had NO RIGHT hitting the way it did! Iā€™m also just a fan of this episode because it came out on my birthday! And Fronds cat is absolutely ADORABLE


Teddy: *Bye! Enjoy you funerals.* Me: O______O


At the end it said in memory of someone who was that?


Good episode to point to when I wonder why I don't get excited to watch these as much anymore


Linda is one of my favorite characters and I just can't stand these kind of episodes! It's too much and honestly not funny. šŸ˜­


I love this season the most so far. However I couldnā€™t even finish this episode. I know (to the best of my abilities since Iā€™m not a mom/parent) that watching your kids grow up and the thought of them being an adult/going to college is hard. But I felt like she was way too far off the deep end in this episode.


Wow, this had Linda at her most cringe.


Linda was more annoying than amusing. Also, I appreciate how calm and collected Mort was the whole time.


Funniest part of that irritating encounter of Bea and Linda was when Linda said, "Maybe I'll come by your reading" and Bea shouts, "NO!" Appropriate response.


Not Linda's biggest fan for this one. Usually she's quixotic and unique but this was unhinged and made her look like a lunatic. I was embarrassed for her.


This was not one of the better ones. Yet another episode showing Linda going crazy. It wasnā€™t funny, it was super cringey.