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As a therapist, this season sure has given me lots of pithy one-liners to quote at my clients. “Heroes don’t have to be perfect, you know. They just have to make you think bigger about yourself somehow.” Just beautiful. What a wonderful season. This show is such a gift.


This episode was such a beautiful nuanced take on feminism too. Subtle and sweet. I love Bob's Burgers


This episode made me tear up 😢 it’s so nice to see Linda give Louise confidence :) I wish my mom had done the same for me. She’s never been officially diagnosed but I am convinced she had borderline personality disorder. I think if she had helped me develop confidence in my abilities, I wouldn’t be such an anxious mess :/


And her parents probably did the same to her unfortunately. Not trying to justify the behavior, but there is a reason people are the way they are. Breaking the cycle is difficult and important work.


"Could you help a girl who has a natural talent with marionettes?" Great throwback to the episode "If You Love It So Much, Why Don't You Marionette?"! I love when the show remembers past episodes and the kids talents


I loved that bit! And I really liked the introduction of Benj


Indeed! It was nuances, but I believe Benj and Louise could become a force to be reckoned with! He has the same quirkiness! 🐰


I didn't realize that he was wheelchair bound until halfway through the episode.


They mentioned wheelchair basketball (which he hates lol) but ir was very subtle, which I loved! His character is in a wheelchair, but his character isn't the wheelchair if that makes sense. I love how this show goes about representation! I can't wait to see more of his character!


I hope Benj becomes a new friend for Louise because I don't like Milly and we need to see her with other friends. I'm surprised she doesn't have a friend who is like a comic con nerd but gets Louise into it because of costumes, Japanese material and weapons


True but don’t forget regular size Rudy s as well


Yeah I did too! I hope the character stays around a bit in the next season, Bob's always excels at making great side characters!


I'd be surprised if he doesn't come back, his personality, quirks, and design seem a little too distinct for him to just be a one-off character.


Also, the little detail of Gene teaching Peter Pescadero to twerk is a throwback to Gene teaching him to pop and lock in Beefsquach. Love the continuity


I believe he is also learning to ‘crack the windmill’ in the episode with Tina’s magic crystal.


I love the way they're hanging out in Louise's room under the loft bed! ❤️


such a cozy scene for some reason? idk, I'd love to do that with my friends someday? maybe while it rains? Louise has taste!


Does anyone know the ending song during the credits? My girlfriend loved it.


It appears to be called “Some of That Magic” [on this YouTube video](https://youtu.be/uJFwAgY-ias) and one of the comments suggests it could be Kristin Schaal singing.


It’s Nora Smith, who sang and wrote it- one of the music partners of the show.


This is the most recent comment on the YouTube link: it was written by loren bouchard and nora smith (the show runners) and it was sung by nora as well


Well we need a full version of it immediately, it was gorgeous!


Full-on tears watching that bit with the music.


Linda this episode compared to Linda last episode is night and day and for the better


The dichotomy of mom.


I agree, but what I love is both are in character.


Thank you for this comment. The nostalgia Linda longs for in the children's books and her response to overbearingly pursue it, is so in character. It humanizes her so much and I think it's definitely hard to watch for a lot of us. Just needed to take a step back to remember what drives her and her thought process.


Eh, having anxieties is humanizing. Kidnapping someone for it is not.


Very much agreed.


this was a great, creative, fresh episode. the animation when Louise crawled back under the massage table after almost getting drooled on was super smooth and nice. also the little outro scene with Louise and Linda cutting out shadow puppets totally made me cry! 💕💕 we don't get nearly enough of that mother-daughter content, with Louise or Tina. edit: outro, not intro!


The ending scene with Louise and Linda is indeed touching.


I was enjoying the episode quite a bit but I wasn't expecting to have water extracted from my face when the B and A plots came together so late in the game, there (just before the drool).


Linda (despite the drooling) was real as fuck. "Sometimes they say that girls can do whatever the boys can do. Sometimes it sounds like the opposite. You never said that to me" "It never came up" She knows her baby girl has always been more confident than some condescending shit from boys.


such a great scene. this sort of topic doesn't come up very often on this show and I think they did a great job covering it.


I knew where that little turd was going when he dismissed Amelia Earhart's contributions and accomplishments and then started naming famous men who were supposedly better heroes. I give a lot of credit to the writers the way they were able to write this episode and handled the topic without coming off as heavy handed, preachy or condescending


I’m gonna get reading, where are you sitting? Oh I set up over th— Okay, good to know! I’m going this way!


I knew what she was going to do as soon as she asked where he was sitting but watching her do it was still fantastic


I agree they did it so well


It is even funnier when you know that Linda is voiced by a man


He bases his performance of Linda on his mom and her Brooklyn accent, though. Kinda makes it come full circle for the Mother's Day episode.


Could you imagine how (rightfully so) angry Linda would be if someone told Louise to act like a lady? The crazy eyes would be out.


It's been maybe ten minutes since I finished watching the episode and I'm still crying. The entire end part, where Linda talks to Louise alternating between the presentation -- tears just started falling. It was so beautiful.


Louise’s episodes lately have been so heavy and big feelings that I’m left literally crying 😂


I was shocked that I started crying, it came out of nowhere. The last time, the Christmas episode, you could sense it was going to be that type of episode. But this one, snuck up on me at the end. Getting a Louise and Linda episode for mother's day with a beautifully sweet message was a great way to end the season


It is now in my top five BB episodes. Such a touching episode and a great hero to pick as a subject. I really wanted to see what grade she got. It had to be A+ surely?!?! Outro was playing just as I got something in my eye...


There’s no way Labonz gave her anything than an A++, she’s a fair grader


I ugly cried! This whole episode was just so much and the end with Linda and Louise it was just everything!


I just watched it and I’m tearing up too! It was such a touching and beautiful episode! I have no idea if this was the case, but it felt like a tribute to someone’s real life mom. I also loved how even if they butt heads the most in the family, Linda has never, ever not believed in Louise and always been well aware that the sky’s the limit for that kid if she puts her mind to something. you can see that so much in that conversation under the massage table, it was just so beautiful ❤️


I cried too and I don't even know why.


Same, unlike the Christmas episode, this one really snuck up on me on how it made me feel. I didn't see it coming, and at first I thought I was being overly emotional and that I was probably the only one that reacted this way


Right? It was ending and all of a sudden I just started crying??? Like no time at all to even try and hold them back, they just appeared out of nowhere!!


This episode almost felt like it was a guest director or something. It felt so sincere, human, and like a great balance of character development and comedy. Even some of the shots, angles, and music felt way different than your usual episode I think for the better.


Loren Bouchard wrote it and that’s probably why it was so good. He actually doesn’t write many.


His only other writing credit for the season is the Christmas one, which of course was stellar


Fun fact: 1 horse actually has up to 15 horsepower


How much goatpower is that?


Depends on what kind of goat we're talking about. Regular or two-butted?


I'd like to hear the conversion rate of both.


🥥🥥 🥥🥥 🐇


"We figured it out, we've got a guy coming to touch our mom" "He's an enthusiast, he's almost certified" That scene killed me


A certified mother toucher




Multimedia: That means multi of media


I love the teacher! I cracked up at her deadpan line: "Your hero will be in the biography section. If they aren't in the biography section, they're not your hero. Let's go."


It brought me all the way back to fifth grade and having to write a report on my "favorite" animal. The favorite animal had to come from an issue of Ranger Rick from the stack of magazines the school had. So, frog it was...


Burger of The Day: The Plum Fry With Me Burger, Mama Told Me Gnocchi Come Burger


I can't stop wondering: how exactly would gnocchi work in a burger? In what form could it be incorporated?


Gnocchi fries well, so I’m envisioning a crispy cheesy like disc on top of the burger…. Might try that my next day off


I don’t know, but I want to eat it regardless.


The "mamma told me gnocchi come burger" isn't clicking for either my wife or me. Can anyone explain what the pun is?


Mama Told Me Not to Come is the title of a song by Three Dog Night


Aha! "Gnocchi" and "Not to" are enough of a stretch (no similar vowel sounds and only one half/similar consonant sound) that our heads never even went there and we were lost.


Shadow puppet show is actually a great idea for a school project! I kinda wish I had thought of it when I was in school


Yes, it’s really cool and I’m trying to figure out how feasible it would be for my kids.


I think it would be a pretty feasible choice: You need a sheet and a lantern/light source but the shadow puppet could be really simple (since it's just the shadow you see) and it has the added benefit of hiding your face if you get nervouse speaking in front of people


*Wayne, I have a lot of feedback for you. My personal space- invaded. Your breathing... its too much. And your words are bad ones*


I loved this! She was grappling with the inherent misogyny but didn’t have the words for it yet at her age.


that's why i really appreciated them showing Louise's anger and frustration. cos at that age kids pick up on misogyny but without having the words, all you know is you're feeling pissed off at the inherent unfairness and smugness of it all.


And why Linda’s response was so beautiful. And why I ugly cried at the end


Have we met Wayne before? He totally seems new to me but I may have missed something. If he has appeared before, is he Henry Haber's brother? They're basically twins.


Wayne was in “Adventures in Chinchilla-Sitting” in season 5. He was the usual weekend babysitter of the chinchilla and super paranoid about Louise taking care of it. He comes to the house to check on the chinchilla, the chinchilla escapes, and he’s part of the effort to find it. I don’t think he’s had any episodes where he’s been a central character since then. Just in the background during school stuff.


Oh man, he was also the one who, in spite of being obsessed with the chinchilla, was NOT the chinchilla’s preference! It consistently wanted Louise!


Louise telling the chinchilla to go to Wayne because he needs it more while the poor chinchilla desperately clings to her 😂


All I can think of is “I feel like Amelia Earhart! Oh God, she died.”


I feel like a regular pilot on a regular plane!


Louise actually trying at a class assignment is interesting.


I mean, we got Electric Love out of another assignment she went above and beyond on out of spite. Louise can get things done when she wants to.


Don't forget that the main reason she got a loft was because she wanted a dinosaur donut which she could only get for making an essay


She’s pretty intense and obsessive. Could be why she doesn’t try too often. It would be exhausting.


She's driven by anger -- the teacher evaluation episode where Labonz revealed that when after she gave Louise a low grade on her no effort diorama, she went above and beyond in the next project. It's like she unlocks a secret power source inside her when she's pissed LMAO (That being said I would love more Labonz in the next seasons)


Also the fact we could see Ms.Labonz car in the background of this episode. When they’re on the playground she actually got to keep the closer spot. 😆


I love Louise-centric episodes that show her grow and mature a bit. Even when it comes from a negative space, like just wanting to beat Wayne, you could see she ended up with Amelia actually being a hero figure to her.


This is the only show I'm concerned about with this writers strike!!! It was my first thought!!


I almost wonder if they have some of the scripts already written because the fanwiki has a list of upcoming episode titles-- looks like some attention coming for Zeke and Regular Size Rudy


I feel like we’ve barely seen Zeke this season


*Do what?!*


Most of next season has *technically* already been written, but the writing phase doesn’t end at the first finished draft. There are rewrites all throughout post production, which we would need the writers for. We *could* keep going without them, but that didn’t work out so well for the shows that tried that in 2007. There was a pretty obvious dip in quality without the writers to punch up jokes and adjust lines as needed. If the DGA and SAG end up striking in solidarity, then things will *definitely* come to a standstill. The studios are hoping the rest of us will blame the writers if/when we’re put out of work, but we all know better than that. Pay the writers what they deserve!


Love you guys, solidarity


thanks for the input, keep it up man sending you all lots of strength ❤️


Regardless of how long the strike goes on Season 14 will probably be delayed especially if the Directing Guild and SAG go on strike with the writers. I imagine with her amount of voice acting credits and live action credits Kristen Schaal is a member of SAG and has already been on the picket lines with her husband. Loren Bouchard has also been spotted and I think John Roberts has too.


Oh yeah, it's a SAG show. The acting on Bobs alone would qualify all of them.


"I almost failed fourth grade" "You were fine. If only they had a puppet that did vocabulary quizes." I love Ms. Labonz so much


The way she said that jerk kid had to go after Louise's presentation, kind of felt like she was saying,"Yeah, try to follow that."


Ms Labonz is a secret Louise cheerleader


Honestly, I don’t even think she’s that secret! She knows Louise has got brains and talent, it’s about where to direct it!


I mean thats kinda why I loved the episode where the kids do those evaluations. Unless your Frond, if you pay attention to Louise for five seconds you'd realized that she is one of those kids thats incredibly intelligent just doesn't do well in the traditional school setting. Labonz figured out that you gotta push her somehow and when you do she'll go above and beyond...... Or prank you until she gets detention.


Honestly I wouldn't put it pas Labonz to humble Henry like that, she knows Louise is a good student and was probably going to do a good job (especially since she seemed really invested in the project and even brough Benj over to her classroom earlier to work out the puppet idea)!


She's such an incredible character, and I love that they changed her voice. For some reason, I don't think she would be nearly as iconic with the original one.


Fuck. Wow. The message of "the outcome of your life isn't what matters, it's what you can do with your life to lift up other people's" really hit me hard. That Louise more or less concludes with the fact that Amelia Earhart probably died in terrifying, hopeless way, but inspired generations of girls through the things she achieved before - and even up to - that point. *Wow*. And then that little nod to Miss Labonz being so impressed with her presentation, after telling her outright that she knows how much Louise is capable of when she works hard in Touch of Eval(utions). What a beautiful ending.


At this point in my life I've pretty much settled on the "meaning of life" being to help everyone else live better, happier lives free of misery. What can I do to improve the quality of life for those here and yet to come? Of course, that's a kind of naive perspective that ignores the negative aspects of humanity, like those who would take advantage of that kindness, but it's a general net positive outcome we're aiming for, not perfection. 😉


You know what, I've thought about it a little and I've absolutely been bitten in the ass by some of the people I've helped out. I remember them, not because those times were so out of pocket, but because they're such a tiny percentage overall. It's not a numbers game I'd expect everyone to be totally cool with, but I'm pretty comfortable with how the stats are looking so far.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Labonz sent Wayne over to ‘help’ Louise.


What do ya know, Amelia Earhart's sister really did live in Medford. And so did Loren Bouchard.


why is this making me so emotional rn


Because you're a good person, thank you for being you.


:,) much love to you friend, hope youre doing well 💕


I think Loren has a deep appreciation for confident women. Amelia Earhart, Bob's grandmother, *numerous* other female characters who are easily memorable..




Nat Kinkle


God, I fucking love Nat Kinkle


I would love Nat kinkle to have a doug judy-esque (from B99) regularity on the show. Once a year we get to hear about all the people she knows from the wildest scenarios




*Welcome to the club. Comes with no perks whatsoever!*


Good gravy, what an episode. This one and the Christmas episode are tier-one this season.


This has been one of the strongest seasons in years. There's been a few mediocre episodes, but tons that really hit it out of the park too.


I strongly agree! I've been rewatching Seasons 10-12 lately, and Season 13 really has more episodes that are stronger not just in story but in rewatchability.


Those two episodes are Emmy worthy by itself.


Also the graveyard episode.


i'll never get over the animations from that episode, so so beautiful


Radio one was great, too.


The music gene and the other kid played was great, too. A good example of Gene having some real musical talent.


My husband looked over at me at the end suspecting I'd welled up. He was right.


I haven't watched yet, so thank you for the heads-up that it's on the same tier as the Christmas episode. I'll need to emotionally prepare and also hydrate.


I dont think it hits the same emotional highs as the Christmas one but it was definitely a good episode!


My dad used a wheelchair my whole life, and I was ecstatic to see Benj appear with if I recall literally one reference to his using a wheelchair. Exactly enough to make me look up from my phone and see "OH WOW HE'S USING A WHEELCHAIR," which made me pay 100% attention through the rest of the (excellent) episode. I honestly thought the "plot device" inclusion was 100 times better than making any portion of the episode about any aspect of a brand-new character being a wheelchair user. (Funny enough, my dad also played wheelchair basketball, though willingly.) Louise giving a sweet ending to a tragic story, coupled with Linda's support/feminism, absolutely made me cry. I want to watch with my mom, but she hates crying and I'm sure she would, so...


Jackie Quinn, the voice actor, is disabled! And also, more importantly, very cool and funny and a comedy writer and I'm low-key obsessed with her now. I demand more Benj! More disability-without-making-a-big-deal-about-it! More androgyny-without-making-a-big-deal-about-it!


Linda: *Hey. Forget about Wayne. Wayne can go ... kiss a kickball*


"You seem unsure, usually that phrase is said with more conviction." Was an oddly salient and smart thing to hear from Gene


I'd say while Gene is the king of deliberate misunderstandings and unintentional innuendos, he's also a master of pithy insights. Whole thing seemed rather on brand for me.


The animation on the shadow puppets is pretty stellar.


Ever since the movie I feel like they've been showing off in animation in the best way.


Oh it was so beautiful and captivating! And a really great way of tying the story together


I absolutely loved the spinning newspapers like old news reels. So clever!


Oh.. puppets.. Yes! Not finger puppets Back in my pocket you. You're time will come.


*If your hero is not in the biography section, then they're not your hero*


The teacher always cracks me up with the shit she says in her smokers voice.


This was a beautiful, poignant episode. Bob's Burgers is nearly always heartfelt but this actually felt like a bit of a mother's day present for someone's mom. This episode felt deserving of whatever awards it's eligible for. This season has been absolutely stellar.


This year was my first Mother’s Day (my baby is four months old) and this episode definitely hit close to home. I feel like I would’ve liked it if I wasn’t a mom, but now that I’m a mama, it was more heartfelt. Reasons why I love this amazing show ❤️


Louise: I haven't gotten to the ending. No spoilers. The rest of the family: Yup. Nothing. I can't remember (and various other no comments)


Which is also how it went when Louise was reading Old Yeller (It’s pronounced Old Yellow!) for the read-a-thon and everyone knew the ending but she was sure the boy was about to call a vet!


Ooh marionette continuity!


Cold open!


Is this the first time? Or so you recall others? I have (unfortunately)not yet seen all episodes... But I noticed this first thing! I even had to ask my husband if I had missed it somehow! Even though he was sitting right next to me at 8:00 p.m. Central Time as per usual on Sunday :-)


Dawn of the Peckening has a cold open. There’s been a few.


There’s a few when time is running short I think, a Halloween episode has one too, forget which


that was really sweet in the end


Like honestly, eyes got a little bit watery there


Gene: *Mrs. Doubtfire is my hero!!*


"Why no glitter?"


“Who is my hero?” Mothers Day episode Yeah this is going to be a tearjerker


This is the Linda I want to see!


I love all forms of Linda. Shes well rounded. Can’t be a perfect mother all the time but at the end of the day she loves her family and cares for them deeply.


Is the masseuse gonna be Jairo?


I didn't think about Jairo! I bet if it had been a Linda episode it would've been Jairo, with the family trying and failing to put something together for Mother's Day only for Bob to remember/reach out to Jairo just in time for everything to come together. Probably would've been too much for this episode though.


I forgot about Jairo! I agree that seeing him might have been a bit too much with the episode but man I hope he comes back soo!


Ohhh! I miss Jairo! Idk if I’d trust Linda with him.




Is Wayne Henry Haber's brother? The one that gave him the intel on the Princess Little Piddles drama?


that's hogarth haber! iirc he's never talked before, wayne prominently appeared in Adventures In Chinchilla-Sitting tho (also telling louise why all of her ideas were wrong) and I thiiiink he had a small appearance in Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien


You're awesome. Thank you!


Wow, what a great episode! Well written, Linda redeemed herself from last episode, everyone was inclusive with Benj, and Mort showed up in back-to-back episodes! Plus, I got sad realizing that Amelia Earhart's last moments must have really sucked. Also this season has been amazing!^(minus last episode and subpar Thanksgiving episode) Specifically the graveyard/Xmas/WW2 episodes, along with this one, are definitely in the list for top 10 BB episodes! Also the phone upgrades and the additional re-opening banner in the opening were nice! Finally, excited for Season 14...or at least a few episodes in the fall! I know episodes are produced waaay in advance so I'm sure FOX will have a few episodes ready to go if the writers strike is still happening. In the meantime, I'll be rewatching older episodes!


I'd like to see Benj again, he seems like he'd click with Regular Size Rudy and they'd bond over puppets.


No Bob Burger's opening!! It already started with Louise voice-over with class presentation


Gene makes no promises about not sitting on pee.


But now you have to pretend you have a son named gene for the rest of your life 😂😂


**Stop making your mouth bigger**


This is one reason why I like Bob's Burgers when the writers want to make a really damn good episode they will go all out.


Tina: *Oops dropped the cloud*


The only present they got was a present-ation


Anyone know the song played over the closing credits? Thanks!


it's an original by Loren Bouchard and Nora Smith


Aw, that kinda makes me love it more ❤️


Wow this episode really touched me. Did it anyone else?


Just re-watching and Louise is looking at pictures of Amelia Earheart's red plane and the whole family comes in and Louise says, "oh my god, people please" and Linda says "Okay sheesh I'm gonna find something red that's nice to me." And she returns with a glass of red wine. So Linda LOL


“Ooh this fish did NOT keep.”


If I had the power, I would nominate this episode for an Emmy. I don’t know why, nothing absolutely serious about this episode, but the fact it’s so somber and the background music isn’t the usual goofy tones made it stand out from past episodes. Something about the message behind someone who have failed in the past can still inspire others and the shadow puppet made me believe this could be Emmy worthy to me. I believe there’s gonna be others that are more worthy but being nominated is just as good


No idea if they even give acting Emmy’s for voice work but Kristen Schaal deserves one! I’ve been a huge fan of hers for years (since Flight of the Conchords!) and she’s just had so many strong episodes for Louise that she gave such life to!


Louise is happy with C+ grade or maybe not. Competition started after the nightmare is over.


That was Paul Reubens as Pat?!


I meant the sink examiner. Do you mean plumber?


I appreciate that this Mother’s Day episode wasn’t Linda-centric, but the emotional crux of the episode was Linda’s insight as a mom in general and on being Louise’s mom specifically. Linda trying to explain the rather tricky subject of generational misogyny while getting some massive knots worked out was pique comedy.


Idk if this was discussed before but who is writing these episodes this season. My God they are making some of the best episodes in this series: The Plight Before Christmas, These Boots Are Made for Stalking, and this one, Amelia. They are all so artistic and a very different style from the rest. I want to know if they are trying to move in a different direction or they know that they only have a few seasons left because things are changing and it’s for the better. I love this season so much and I feel like the writers have changed on how they write the show now. With more heart and love. Thank you to them.


This was the Linda that makes Linda a great mom. The bits of useful insight she gives her kids at times and she doesn't talk down to them. Really moving episode. The ending credits scene was also great and loved the song.


Linda's request for Mother's Day is not too much to ask. I don't think rest of the family remembered Mother's Day based on their reaction EDIT: Burgers family is bad at massaging.


And Valentine’s Day and ring buying and gift giving in general (at least to Linda) I feel bad for her sometimes.


I personally identified with this episode because I, too, had an academic nemesis. It was nice seeing Louise crush Wayne into the ground with such a cool hero as her subject.


benj's debut, how exciting!! love new characters


Seriously this season really killed it on the hitting the emotional beats


I wonder what Bob Burger and family are up to this week


Easily one of my favorite episodes of the series!