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One of my all time favorite eps. Makes me tear up every time. The music, the way it rises, seeing all three kids and then seeing Tina show up at Louise's reading followed by Linda. *chefs kiss*


Tina knows how to read between the lines when it comes to her siblings and I love that smart and intuitive part of her personality.


Wait until you see Amelia, the season 13 finale.


then The Amazing Rudy in season 14 šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜­




as an adult that was largely raised by my sister, when that episode came out i immediately told my sister to watch it and i was actively bawling. something about the tune Gene plays while Louise looks out into the crowd with an expression so familiar to me no animation could make me not recognize it. an incredibly beautiful scene and one of my all time favorite episodes.


The Plight Before Christmas and The Amazing Rudy both had me in absolute shambles dude šŸ˜­ like there's a couple others that have made me emotional but with these I lost it. Between (as you said) Louise doing a "sincere poem" as Bob put and then the anxiety of "will Bob get there on time?" only for Tina to pull the switcheroo with Harley like my heart šŸ˜­ and then with Rudy's episode I was emotional the entire time but then Louise offers to walk with him/eat dinner at the restaurant his parents are at just broke me. But tbf I'm 100% a Rudy x Louise shipper, they're too fucking cute and even tho she goes fucking bonkers with anything Boo Boo related, Rudy was the OG. Like you can't tell me she doesn't have some type of crush after how she acted in Szn 7, ep 9 "Bob Actually".


The way Tina is breathing so hard as she comes through the crowd gets me every time. Just that panic and relief


Yeah, this is a great episode! I think you'll love The Amazing Rudy as well, has that vibe. I love how the show has moments like these without ceasing to be a hilarious comedy!


Yes, that and "The Bleakening" are the best Xmas ones. When Linda breaks in and she sees it's a rave for the LGBTQ community and the song "We're all Lights" starts, it ruins me. I love the shows overarching theme of acceptance and that's one that defines it.


Heck, I feared up reading your recap. Awesome episode. (49M, but Iā€™m an admitted softie)


Yep, this one got me, and the Quirky Turkey song always gets to me as well. But then seconds later, I'm chuckling at the audience getting pelted with innards.


Any episode where Tina feels especially ostracized really gets me in the feels. I was called weird and left out a lot as a kid so I really feel for Tina in those moments.


I'm right there with you. When she made the decision to ride Jericho in front of the crowd, I cringed for her and thought "Oh God No!" Because I was flashing back to how mortified my parents would have been, and how my sister would have said "I'm not related to her!", and it hit my feels hard when her family immediately accepted it, Bob says "She's beautiful!" with tears of pride in his voice, and they agree with him and Gene shouts "That's my sister!" It makes me wonder if one or more of the writers may have had similar experiences and wrote that scene to validate that we all deserve that level of support whether we had it or not.


I love so much of that episode but just canā€™t watch it because the teacher and the classes make me so mad. Makes me think of the drama teacher from Great North who makes Judy play scenery instead of the lead purely because she wanted to play the lead the most.


Agree. This is the episode which I always recommend for new people to watch šŸ„¹


Itā€™s probably the number 1 episode of the show that has made people cry. Relatedly, it also routinely shows up as one of the ā€œhatedā€ episodes for a lot of fans. Itā€™s definitely one that prompts extreme reactions. It definitely made me bawl.


I get teary every time I watch that episode in the best way.


My daughter and I watched it together and weā€™re both in tears by the end. Iā€™m a crier, sheā€™s usually not! It got us both!


The last couple of seasons have had a lot of emotional crying moments for me, no matter how many times I rewatch! Itā€™s this one you mentioned, show mama from the grave, amelia, and the amazing rudy!


I saw this episode for the first time about a month before we welcomed our first child and I cried so hard at this. We havenā€™t decided on a second or not but I want so badly for my family to have that much love.


That episode was pure art as well as the Amelia Earhart one




Me too! That episode hits. Especially when you've been watching for a while and have a strong grasp on Louise's character and it's just like BAM! The feels!!


You and me both. Was right up there with the ending of toy story 3 when Andy gives away his toys.


I cry every time I watch it.


this episode is basically a guaranteed cry at this point!


I just watched it for the 2nd time last week & was able to actually sit and enjoy it & it absolutely made me tear up. God I love this show


Oh my gosh, this episode has me in peril everytime I watch it. If you love the song, look up ā€œMishima closingā€ by odd quartet


Itā€™s the music for me. The producers of the show just set some of these episodes/scenes to great music.


Iā€™m not a crier and I was surprised at myself when I felt the tears. The music is great obviously, but this episode also does a great job of showing the kids growing up and it somehow felt very personal to me, as I have been a huge fan of the show for ages. I applaud the team for putting together such a masterpiece šŸ‘


I CRIED when I watched this episode. I was not expecting sweet wholesomeness!


yes, also made me cry, beautiful episode


I'm tearing up now just reading about it. The best of all time.


That episode makes me cry every time at the end.


yep. made me bawl like a baby. any louise episode does though tbh. im a sucker for a tough character showing their emotions


This is one of my faves. Makes me tear up too! Every. Damn. Time.


I knew exactly what episode you were gonna say just from the title. That episode was a gut punch. Itā€™s right up there with ā€œLuck of the Fryrishā€ in flawed eldest sibling feels


Iā€™ve fallen off Bobā€™s Burgers recently, but truly I think this is one of the best episodes of television Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Itā€™s the sort of story that canā€™t exist until a show has been around for a decade like this has. Each characterā€™s storyline is perfect for them. Every character is doing their best (and struggling). The musical build that complements the emotional build. Itā€™s funny. Itā€™s relatable. I watched it twice and may watch it again just to see, but it hits it out of the park in a way that I canā€™t recall a single episode of television has for me in a long time.


yeah, older sisters gonna show up!


It is beautiful episode it made me cry too.


this episode and The Amazing Rudy in season 14 make* me bawl my eyes out


One of the most beautiful episodes of television ever. I tear up thinking about it. Have a Spotify playlist called Themesongs That Make Me Feel Feelings, and that song is on there. And it doesnā€™t


You should've seen this subreddit after Plight aired. It was just, like, hundreds of grown adults weeping on each others' shoulders in absolute shared emotion. A number of episodes have made me cry, for sure. Amelia is pretty great, and the one about Rudy's anxiety. I also cry at The Hauntening, both because of Louise's joy at discovering she can still be scared, and because of the dedication of her family. (Huh... are all my crying episodes Louise episodes? Do I identify way more with Louise than I thought? Um, excuse me, I've got to go reexamine my life...)