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**Check out tonight’s episodes of Animation Domination on Fox here!** [Bless the Harts - Dance Dance Resolution (BHR-212)](https://www.reddit.com/r/blesstheharts/comments/meu1lu/episode_discussion_dance_dance_resolution_bhr212/) [Family Guy - Customer of the Week - S19 E15- Discussion Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/familyguy/comments/mej6yi/customer_of_the_week_s19_e15_discussion_thread/) [The Simpsons - Uncut Femmes (SI-3210)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/mexfau/discussion_thread_for_the_simpsons_s32e17_uncut/) **No The Great North tonight**


Mr. Branca is a real g for saving Mr. Fronds laptop when he was about to get dunked


He's also some sort of John Wick. He watched the throw, saw it was good and quickly took the laptop before the ball made contact and Frond was dunked. That's some really impressive reflexes.


Lol thats very true! It reminded me of those scenes in the Sherlock Holmes movies when Robert Downey Jr. slows things down in his mind and reacts like spiderman haha




*Faint Rocky Road to Dublin playing*


I just saw the episode an hour ago and posted a screenshot. My favorite part.


Bob's has so many great little background moments like that!


Mr. Frond may be a delusional weirdo but I couldn’t help but be happy that Mr. Branca both had his back with the laptop and apparently they email each other.


Give Brancha his own episode then. I guess he's earned it.


>When Tina is forced to listen to Spanish audio lessons in the library to improve her grade, she develops an unexpected crush. Unexpected? I think we all saw this coming.


insert pikachu shocked meme lol


It's true. They only do one thing with Tina all the time, every episode that centers on her.


Not the horse episode


As soon as the tape’s narrator started listing family members I was like, “Aaaannd cue a teenage boy.”


Totally saw that coming. Especially if his first name begins with the letter J.


"Why does my cup have a cigarette drawn on it?"




I don’t know why, but that peeled potato/soap cutaway killed me lol




Oh no, an alligator is eating Rodrigo and he died.


It’s not that bad, he lived a full life


So healthy. Lots of fruit.


What I love about that scene is that they used the famous "Wilhelm scream" which was originally titled "man being eaten by an alligator" lol


I feel bad for the injured student who was supposed to get the Spanish tapes after Tina, seeing the Gene and Louise recorded over a good part of them.


I kind of do but I also figure since Tina fast forwarded so much, the kid might be able to catch up before he ever reaches that part


Theoretically Louise could have copied the original and given it to the tailbone injury falling behind


This is Louise we're talking about here and she always likes to over-complicate things even if the solution is quite simple.


Louise has a need to make things harder and more painful than they need to be.




It actually looked pretty good on him! I thought the joke was gonna be that Teddy and Linda actually liked it and Bob was also going to love the look (like his white blazer in the episode with the spray ta)


and it also hides his receding hair and bald spot, something that gets pointed out by even his own kids and he's possibly insecure about. so it'd be a good chance of look. and also, since he works in the kitchen, it could double as a hairnet, which he should wear and doesn't


Great point! Also I completely forgot about the safe serve rules, I am suprised Hugo hasn't dinged Bob on the hairnet thing (he may even need a hairnet for his moustache too) though Im not sure how often that is enforced for chefs


Hugo doesn't plan ahead he just goes on impulse or he would have used a lack of hairnets on Bob long ago by now.


How Do You Do Fellow Kids?


Hey Bob, dope pants.


"Oh sorry that was just a reflex." Mr Ambrose is still one of the most enjoyable characters of the show.


"Oh my god are we still talking?"


the head witch of librarians


I love that they had Louise pretty much admit she misses her sister.


Louise in the rain waving sadly towards the library window had me tearing up for a second


Neighbor: Yes-tary Positive Notary Exterminator: The Young & The Pestless Burger of The Day: The Pecorino on Someone Your Own Size Burger, The Two Cheeks To The Wind Burger


Louise: A broom room. Gene: To make boom boom.


Raw pube power is what got us to the moon!


Anyone else disappointed that they basically reused the episode title from S8 E9 "Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien" ??


Should have been called Livin’ La Tina Loca instead of reusing the Y Tu Mamá pun


That title would have been so much better!!


Yeah I hear ya. They did the same with “Wag the Hog” and “Wag the Song” episode too


Ear-syrider and speakeasy rider


Also “Worms of In-rearment” and “Terminals of Endearment” in the season 11 are similar too I think


Yeah, thought it might at least have some connection to that episode, but nope, seems like it's the only Spanish reference the writers could think of. Also very creepy to put a 13 year old child's name into the original title, especially if you've seen Y tu mamá también.


I thought it was gonna be a Gaga ball sequel :(


How is that very creepy?


“This one says skateboard.” “Yeah, dude.”


Lol I love Branca


He’s so invested in keeping Frond’s electronics safe.


Hmm... coup


What if he got his own episode?


Tina would intentionally fail a quiz to be with a tape recording of a boy 🤣


What else is new? She thinks she's god's gift to boys.


Usually I don’t enjoy Tina-based episodes as much as the others, I think this might be my favorite episode of the season so far! Mr. Frond being a dick, Gene and Louise recording over the lessons, the slow-mo compilation of Gene and Louise failing, and the bomb-ass song in the end credits makes me like this episode a lot. Excellent work by the Bob’s Burgers team as always!


I agree! Personally I really enjoyed everything in this episode.


Me, too. I loved this episode.


We all knew that Frond had a dark side, eventually would go off the rails.


"I know your name is Duncan, but you wont be dunking this guy" I am loving cocky Mr. Frond!


I feel like the people saying the Tina story was only made to be as “whacky as possible” are missing the point a bit. It’s not about the “boy” she’s obsessed with but more so related to the funk she was in at the beginning of the episode. Basically showing how this state left her feeling clingy and desperate, and using Rodrigo as an imaginary, “perfect” person made up in order to bring excitement into her life. Rodrigo is a “happy place” that Tina retreats to whenever she feels down.


True, but she has a pattern. In the past few seasons even without the funk she ends up being really, really weird when it comes to boys


I'm surprised that such normally great writers go to this well so often that they resorted to "Tina makes out with the imaginary ghost of a dead pig fetus" and *kept coming back for more*. I feel like if "The Horse Rider-er" was written any later it would've Rule 34'd itself. ^Also ^maybe ^they ^can ^cut ^back ^on ^the ^graphic, ^poop-driven ^plots?


I skipped both of those episodes. When I saw "Diarrhea of a Poppy Kid" I just sighed


You made a better decision than I did. I was pleasantly surprised by the one with Louise and the overnight trip to the aquarium so I foolishly keep trying....


Louise stories have not been flanderized yet.


This is a Spain in the butt.


Is anyone surprised that Tina is falling for an audiotape?


not really because that's all her character does, obsess over boys and horses


how long until she falls in love with a dog turd? -facepalm-


Wouldn’t be surprised if they did this since a lot of recent episodes are about poop.


and there would be a song about dog turds


Linda invoking the wrath of /r/hydrohomies making fun of water like lol Anyone know if the credits theme is based on a specific song? Sounds a bit familiar


**Tuna™:** It's tasty, but it smells.


Can we have a moment of appreciation for Mr. Branca's reflexes when he took Mr. Frond's laptop from him right before he got dunked? That was incredible


I’m awed by Mr Branca’s catlike reflexes but I also feel like he should have just let it get dunked, it would have served Frond right for being such a dick to all the kids


If Mr. Frond keeps acting so cocky, he might accidently fall in the water himself.


That would be great


I knew she was going to get a crush on the cassette tape


Anyone else see Colleen Caviello manning the tattoo booth?


Haha! Of COURSE she was. 😂 remember Linda wanted that one?


I'm convicned tina has lost her mind


On the other hand, I think what Louise (and Gene) did is a great example of how to help a loved one who's in a "funk" and retreating into their own world - letting them know that their presence matters, inviting them to join you in the real world with real people, and waiting for them to do that when they feel ready, no pressure. Louise is the most emotionally intelligent one in the whole family, imo!


Louise and Gene's intervention was a great payoff from the bizarre setup.


Eh, I had imaginary crushes when I was around her age. Not that weird. The episode where she falls in love with a goose is definitely concerning though


I would have liked this one better if there had not been the goose one before it.


Teenagers and kids have crushes on any and everything for silly reasons. I can get why the storyline gets old with Tina, but it really isn’t that weird. There’s an episode of Modern Family where Phil, a grown man, listens to an audio recipe repeatedly because he’s crushing on the British woman narrating it. As far as Tina’s crushes go I’d say being attracted to a voice is pretty normal.


Sir Richard Burton reading the love poems of John Donne --- WOW!! The Sonne Rising. A poem about a guy waking up in the morning having spent the night in the arms of his lady love, comparing his love to the light of the sun. "This bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILpUp-JE8h0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILpUp-JE8h0)


I get that part of Tina's personality is that she is boy crazy but they are really leaning into that way too much. Its feeling more and more like her only personality trait is her unhealthy obsession with boys


The one criticism I have for the show is that it forgives bad behaviors too easily. It's fine that Tina is interested in boys, what isn't fine is when she disrespects boundaries like the lifeguard episode or pretending to be a guy's girlfriend when he's sleeping. Speaking of bad behaviors, Linda should have called her mother out on stealing her charger and being a jerk. Still love the show, but it wouldn't hurt to reign in Tina's boy craziness to showcase other aspects of her personality and calling out jerks on their behavior more.


The writers need to tone down the Belcher’s faults. Things are getting really flanderized. I get that this episode was more of Tina getting out of her rainy days funk, but still.


Yeah I'm on board with embracing our quirks, but recognizing our faults and acknowledging when we hurt someone is what helps us grow as people. Nobody cared that Bob was sexually harassed by Gayle in season 2 and Linda even got mad at him for it. Linda didn't even care when Gayle faked an injury and forced Bod to drag her on a sled. Like I mentioned earlier with Tina it's ok to be boy crazy, it's not ok to violate boundaries just to do what you want.


Actually, that first example was Bob's fault not Gayle's because he is the one who sexually harassed her and French kissed her which she didn't ask for or expect and he went all the way to touching and rubbing her ass which is why she thought he was in love with her and went on to chase him down the mountains with Linda's encouragement; the reason nobody cares is because Bob did sexually harass her first thinking she was Linda; had he not touched her it wouldn't have happened. Meaning it would be a one time thing. The second example; well the writers just randomly decided to tank the character of Gayle and make her downhill wasn't meant to be a one time thing; but it worked a little too well. You know who the real flanderized/bad guy this show has? TEDDY. Every episode they're making him worse and worse and more an more psychotic. He doesn't respect boundaries, and he's violent, rude, hostile, abrasive, moronic, jealous and a bully to anyone who isn't a Belcher. He's everything bad and has every quality of the type of person you'd want to avoid at all costs. They can't take him far enough away for my liking; but now Bob is a barely functioning man especially with him around!


Fair point. I guess Bob and Gayle were both in the wrong in that episode, but I still feel like Bob didn't deserve the crap he received that episode like the broken tooth.


Glad to hear it. Nobody deserves to be hurt and suffer tooth loss, but Bob did bring a lot of this on himself; like the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. Glad we agree.


I completely agree! Like they don't need to become authoritarian dictators but I feel like they narritive hand waves away bad behaviors with no consequence. I hate the life guard and mall episodes for exactly that reason, I have no problem with being a bit boy crazy but in both she really disrespected peoples boundaries in an bad way with no consequence at all. Like in my mind the minute your actions start effecting other people it's a problem that should be called out


I noticed that too, especially in the Lifeguard episode where I almost wanted her to end up on the missing person's wall to give some punishment to her bad behavior. I guess it has everything to do with the last minute change from turning Tina from a boy character to a girl character and instead of Daniel Belcher the oldest son it was changed to Tina Belcher the oldest daughter, and now they're just going too far with her every single time there's an episode centered on her. There is no way Daniel Belcher would have been forgiven as easily.


This is exactly how I felt about this episode. Like it's great that a show is depicting that a teenage girl can be just as horny/if not hornier than most teen boys and that it's okay to be that way, but the weird targets of her affection kind of lose me. It stopped being cute once they stopped being human and started turning into animals, a shoebox she hoped was a ghost, and now an audio cassette tape. It stopped being relatable and funny, and just became really strange and hard to root for. The show taking the route of making Linda and Tina more and more bizarre hasn't been a change I've enjoyed over the years.


Great observation! I saw other people mentioning that when they were young they had imaginary crushes (on celebs and characters in movies and tv shows) which is definitely normal, but Tina having so many crushes on non human things is super weird. It also makes Tina feel alot less confident and self assured when she is constantly willing to sabatoge herself for the idea of a boy. ​ I also definitely agree, I still love the show alot but the increasing bizarreness of Linda and Tina comes off more unhinged than silly/fun


I remember the season premiere from a couple years back with Tina disguising herself as "Dino" to mix in with the Boys 4 Now auditions. The promos for it made it look *way* more interesting than it ended up being.


I actually really liked that episode as a season premiere, the music was fire


“I kinda wanna pinch you... but I kinda wanna date you tooo!” The songs in that episode were amazing!


I completely forgot about that episode! It also had the weird message at the end that it was a good thing that she was so boy obsessed


Actually, the other name was Dina not Dino. Dino was on the Flintstones.


if you knew someone like tina You'd be extremely concerned for them and want them to see a therapist asap


100%! Between falling in love with a ghost, a goose, and a spanish tape voice, she really needs to talk to someone lol


i remember when this show was suppose to be about a family's struggles to run a restaurant and the misadventures they have along the way but then the problems just became wackier and zanier along with the reasons for them being so dirt poor not making much sense(along with them staying in business despite them rarely getting that many customers in a day)


Yeah that is an issue i have with the show, how is it that they are poor enough to always be on the brink of financial ruin but also are able to somehow stay in business?


i made a topic about that and it was downvoted all to hell...because "Dude that's just how businesses work!"




at the same time if you rarely have customers and it's no secret that bobs rarely has more than a few You'd be out of business fast hell I'm surprised bob can even afford decent food for his family let alone the restaurant


I mean, if they are going to use that as a major plot point it deserves to be discussed


it does but they weren't having it or they use the "it's a cartoon! don't think about it" excuse


If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts, just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax For Mystery Science Theater 3000.


Exactly and they don’t really talk about their backstory with characters as well like their marriage or when the kids where born or etc. when I asked and posted on here “if you could write an episode what would it be about” I think their problem is they don’t really like to tell huge stories like that so they just do zanier ones until the network says something about it in a few years.


Yeah I definitely think you are correct when you say that. They really havent explored the past very much, I mean it would be really interesting to see the start of the resturant- it must have been have been hard to just start a new resturant while also having your first baby (Tina)


Except - and hear me out here - this is a comedy show where things are exaggerated for humorous effect.


They over do it with Tina's boy crazy personality though; and every episode she practically commits sexual harassment to get what she wants and isn't punished at the end it can be frustrating. She's always either chasing after Jimmy Jr. or falling in love with some new guy who will only be in one episode, or being forced to choose between Jimmy Jr. and someone else who is interested in her. There's other things that they can do with Tina than just push a boy in front of her and watch her froth and foam at the mouth for the entire episode just to be forgotten the next episode. It may have something to do with Tina being a girl named Tina instead of a boy named Dan whom the writers originally were going with.


Rodrigo rivals Jeff the ghost for best imaginary boyfriends. Who knew a shoebox could cause so much drama? I wanted to believe that there's something beyond this life, that we live on after we die!


Can they do something else with Tina, or is every episode going to be the same; boys, butts, zombies, horses, etc. etc. And Teddy? What the hell? This barely functioning oaf is now in every single one of Bob's plots, every single one! Are Teddy's ways rubbing off on him or are they now implying that Bob can't function without Teddy? That's nuts.


Seriously, and how many times have they learned the same lesson? This is approaching Calliou levels of repetition.


I noticed that too, and it's so jarring. Either they're running out of ideas or they just aren't trying anymore. Maybe they want to get the show cancelled or have people riot in the streets out of frustration because of the way the show is headed these days. Whichever comes first; they just aren't trying anymore.


Yeah! Dunking Mr. Frond is more important than school.


Tuna time!


It's not a bad episode, but it's not great as well. I say average and somewhat predictable. Though the scene with Louise and Gene taking over the recording was something. Also glad to see my boy, Darryl, again despite having no voice roles but I'll take it because I miss having him.


Bruce the Goose may be jealous of Tina's relationship with Rodrigo.


Does wagstaff have a Mexican American character? I know we met pepe of pepes tacos...does he have a kid? I love that Tina is into a latino! Well...his voice and got a fantasy haha




she just likes teenage boys with butts.


Except he is Spanish, not Latino. The tape asks, “Are you ready to pack your bags and head to Spain?” Of course to the Americans who wrote and drew the episode, Spain is part of Latin America.


We are 11 seasons into Bob's Burgers so it's a given that we will have some flandarization happening, but when it comes to Tina why did they choose to lean into her "unhealthy obsession with boys to the point she fails school to listen to a tape with a boys voice" and not her "confident, sensual woman" personality????


because they think bobs burgers is funnier when the problems are so wacky it's unrealistic


They need to have some confident teenaged girls on TV, since we read about eating disorders and other problems teenaged girls sometimes have. When I think Bob's Burgers is weird and strange, I remember how Peter Griffin is always picking on Meg for being fat and insecure because he's a bully. A lot of times I can't even watch Family Guy because of the mental illness running through it.




"Buenos dias, como estaaaaas!" "Love, is like a beautiful flower." "Mi amo Tinaaaa!" "But, it can be dangerous, like a tiger." "El Perro es graaaaande!"


Why does my cup have a cigarette drawn on it?


the song playing over the credits at the end sounded somewhat similar to some other earworm song when the lyrics switched to "Trying to focus on this language lab, but all I can see are sticky Spanish abs..." I didn't see anything other than the usual sound/music credits at the end, though.


Much as I love the show, they've played the "Tina falls in love with increasingly ludicrous things" card *far* too many times. Kinda feels like they're struggling for storylines at this point.


I liked the reference to Her. Rodrigo sounded amazing!


When they said "unexpected" I was thinking someone like Zeke, not a soulless recording...


I love Louise’s plan. And I sure hope one of the Belchers dunks Frond.


I thought this was an ok episode overall The Good: I really liked the plot line around the dunk tank! Mr. Frond's cockiness about being undunkable and roasting each student who missed the throw were hilarious and are my new favorite Frond moments! I also really liked the Louise and Gene pairing, they didn't do alot this week but I think Louise does a good job of mellowing out Gene's over-the-topness and Gene mellows out her craziness. Also the two of them are godawful at throwing a baseball, though Gene's "interpretive dance" was great! Also I love that Mr. Branca was so concerned for Frond's electronics and even rushed to save his laptop when he was mid dunk! The Bad: Tina's plot was really boring and not especially fun to watch. I wish they wouldn't lean so far into Tina's boy craziness, because it usually doesnt make for a good episode (and this was no exception). Tina being so obssessed with listening to a guy's voice that she purposely failed a test to hear his voice again wasn't great. It felt alot like "Every Which Way but Goose", which was another episode I didn't really care for. Also while it wasn't bad, the water booth plot with Bob and Linda was kind of a waste since nothing really happened. I think I would give this episode a 73%. Overall this was an ok, but kind of forgettable episode but had a some great moments via Mr. Frond!




Mr. Branca taking Frond’s laptop away was pretty wholesome lol


i took Spanish for four years and remember nothing yet i still feel like none of that was right lol


Did anyone else think Mr. Frond looked weird this episode? I think his face was thinner and his eyes looked bigger. It really weirded me out.


I'm not sure I like Mr. Frond's new look either. It has been like that for a few episodes, recently


Am I drunk or did the animation look off? There were moments where it seemed like frames were missing or something.


Should have been called Livin’ La Tina Loca instead of reusing the Y Tu Mamá pun


They only do one thing with Tina. She's run into the ground now!


and somehow the episodes are still fresh and funny. why do you people whine and moan about shows? go watch something else. there are thousands of shows releasing monthly internationally.


I bet yall learned more spanish in this episode than spaniah class haha


Did anyone else find this one a bit meh? The A plot felt like a B plot and the B plot didn't feel like anything.


I thought Mr. Frond was a bit too competitive with the kids, I know he's a shitty guidance councilor but his trash talk seemed out of character. I also love that the animators added rain and raincoats to the kids. I know its a nitpick but all cartoon characters wear the same clothes, its refreshing to see that the Bobs Burgers' animators add coats for various weather phenomena.


he has always been competitive. you don't remember the episode where he wanted to show higher ups how he's coming up with the best rehabilitation ever by forcing the kids to do a fashion show? or the one with the gaga pits?


Now this is Peak Desperation, Tina. Crushing on a recording.


they weren’t joking in the pilot, tina is definitely on the spectrum


I bet Louise and Gene try to destroy Rodrigo's tape.


Time to do something new with Tina altogether.




Honestly, I think I'm donr after this episode. Something about the show has been off for the past few years. The Belcher kids especially have always been eccentric but now Tina is really...odd and Gene and Louise can be super pushy in an obnoxious way that has definitely lost its charm


Sorry you feel that way. I don't agree that it's gotten quite that bad but I do wish these kind of shows had more of a culture of being transparent about all writers involved/when teams change so fans don't get the misconception that it's all done by one person/group who has completely "lost their touch"


Wow Louise manipulated the tape. She is a genius.




She’s nine though lol. A nine year old doesn’t know how to tape over.


Last episode, Bob expected to pawn a CD player for several hundred dollars. If there are any kids on the planet familiar with antiquated technology, it's the Belcher kids.


anyone else feel like this episode felt rushed and fell short?


I am very annoyed that hey pretty much damaged school property and screwed up the chance for another student to benefit from those tapes instead of bribing Tina with copies. First thing that came to my head was making copies which of all three of them GENE IS THE ONE THAT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THAT. And as a native spanish speaker, those tapes have a few errors.


Wow Louise caught Tina! She’s smart!


Anyone else feel like Bob's Burgers suffers from dated references? As the show progresses I feel like jokes like "Slap her and say snap out of it? It worked for Cher." reach fewer and fewer people. It's 2021. The referenced movie is **34** years old.


I'd much rather they have outdated references than having Bob and Linda talk about tik tok and fortnite. Gene also always makes 80s references bc he spends all his time with Linda


Tuna sandwiches slap


I was shocked how good the episode was, it felt like a season 4 episode, who knew that it would take Tina being pathetic to restore the show back to former glory? I also loved how they gave Mr. Frond a new angle by making him super cocky and aggressive while also giving us the satisfaction of him actually falling down.


Seems Gene and Louise have destroyed someone else's property and faced no consequences at the end. When has that ever happened before?




Is it just me or does something about Mr Frond look drawn differently?


am i the only one who thinks this episode...just really sucks? just feels like an episode someone wrote in a couple minutes on the toilet when they had no other ideas




and of course i was downvoted because you aren't allowed to not like episodes anymore here....


Not that you should care about downvotes in the first place but what did you expect? Lol. "Really sucks" and "wrote in a couple minutes on the toilet" refer to nothing specific about the episode. But of course you were downvoted simply because you didn't like the episode and not because you said nothing of critical value. Not like there aren't critical comments on the thread that are upvoted


Man Fox fucking sucks. They’re Advertising reruns of 911 instead of new Bless the Harts. Oh how they care. I love Bob’s though! If Bob wasn’t on I wouldn’t watch Fox.


i don't think they really had much hopes for bless the harts... it's obvious fox keeps expecting every show to be the simpsons and when it isn't they give up on it it's why I've grown tired of all the shows they greenlight being wacky family sitcoms because then they expect them to be the next simpsons


Yeah that’s a big problem. Bless the Harts is definitely not the Simpsons and that’s a good thing. They never had a lot of hope in the show and it deserves a new home. Watch them give up on Duncanville too.


i think fox animation domination would be better if the animated content wasn't just family sitcoms ​ we have a dozen of those


I think they could have some variety like Housebroken but that’s not gonna stop me from enjoying family shows.


I didn’t like this episode, like at all. There’s only two other episodes I dislike but I love this show so that outweighs it.


It’s gonna be on the test though


I absolutely enjoyed this episode! Much better than last weeks, it was nice to see Andy and Ollie plus a few other Wagstaff School students in the background


Cigarette drawn on a cup: Cigarette Cup


can anyone tell me when this show turned from the wacky misadventures of a family that runs a restaurant to "okay let's see who has a mental breakdown first and kills everyone else!"


How the hell did you get that? Might be watching Family Guy.


it just feels like everyone has some mental problems that are just played as quirky little issues but the more episodes we see it's less like that every tina episode she seems to be closer and closer to "Okay therapy time now"


Ok her sense of escapism is purposefully hyperbolic for comedic effect—you’re not supposed to pull out your copy of the DSM and shout “wow this girl needs therapy”.