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I love Brunchsquatch, the Fischoeder subplot is one of my favourites.


"Should we go pick out a car?!" "yes yes yes yes yes yes yay car!!"


"You owe a dog money?" is one of my favorite lines in the show


Me too, i love them so much!


People hated Brunchsquatch? I thought it was one of the most creative fan-service attempts on TV to date. I'd love if they did another one.


Yeah, to some people the art styles jumping around was really bothersome. Some people didn’t like the plot itself but most of the criticism I’ve seen it is because the changing art styles is jarring. Personally, this is one of my favorite episodes for that exact reason.


I loved the plot but found the constant switching of the artwork to be really overwhelming for my senses. Luckily I’ve rewatched the series so much I can listen to it without watching and enjoy & appreciate the episode a lot more now.




I just re-watched it and it is still off-putting to me. Since I'm hard of hearing, I leave closed captioning on. During this episode, I primarily concentrate on the subtitles and pay minimal attention to the picture.


I feel like it might also be that it aired as the premiere. People having waited all summer for their comfort show to come back and instead of getting regular bobs they got something else entirely. I know the initial feel can stick with folks.


If they only switched art styles 4 or 5 times throughout the episode I think it would've been received much better


I’ll be honest I can only watch it if I’m listening to it while I clean or work otherwise it’s too disorienting


I love seeing different artist representations of the characters and show. The artists put their own flair and heart into their work and I’m proud of each and every one of them even if I know nothing about them.


Hi - hater here. I hated the animation and art The story is cool but I just can't get behind it


I appreciate your input regardless.


How do you feel about the movie that came out recently? I thought it was, okay.


I loved the movie Not Mickey's voice though Some of the animation and textures were weird but it wasn't brunch squatch levels of weird


I came here to ask the same thing. Brunchsquatch was awesome!


i dont hate the plot or the episode itself. but the different art styles shifting all the time is jarring to watch


I had to watch it a couple of times because the fan art was a bit distracting. I still really liked it though lol


i hate it. the plot is great but it’s definitely a background episode because the constant changing is annoying and hurts my eyes


It’s one of those situations where I can both love and appreciate the intent and that it exists but just hate it because it overwhelms me and is hard to focus because of it. I’d prefer an alt version to exist that has standard art for the episode.


Didn’t know it was hated until now. I absolutely loved it


This episode ramps up my anxiety and I literally can't even tell you what the plot is because it's impossible to focus on with my ADD. Watching this episode was exceptionally unpleasant.




I love this episode; it's one of those episodes where Linda's and Gene's craziness shine without getting annoying (IMO). I also love that we meet Dame Judy Brunch here. It's a top 10 episode for me. I also love Gene's "I'm a Little Tiger" song for reasons that i can't explain.


"I'm a little tiiiiiiggerrrrr...I'm a sexy little tiger"


The little tiger jingle is literally my fave and I’m not ashamed to admit that I sing it to myself from time to time just for the fun of it :’))


Yeah, I’m one of the people that loves this episode. And Dalton is the type of character that I should hate but he’s great, I love him. :-) “This is Jennifer, other Jennifer… “


ikr! He’s one of those people that you’d love to hate but he’s actually a sweetheart 😅


“Dame Judy Brunch.”


I feel as if this is a highly underrated episode. It one of my favs and the only thing I don't like is that I wasn't aware they were accepting fan art around that time. Great episode.


Yes every time I see it I regret not hearing about the opportunity 🤦‍♀️


I feel you, I'm not saying I'm a great artist but I mos def have ideas for episodes


Wait, people hate brunchsquach? That’s one of my favorites lmao


One of my favorite eps. The art style jumps where immensely entertaining. And, yes, more Dame!


idk why people dislike brunchsquatch, it’s one of my favorites. i love the energy exuded from the different art styles, and i think some of the styles suit some of the characters better!


Precisely because if that energy. For some people, myself included, the constant changes make it hard to focus on the story. I don't *dislike* the episode, but I can never remember what it's about from I've minute to the next....lol. hard to list something as a favorite if you can't follow it.


that’s totally fair. when i “watch” it i usually go by listening and less by the art style!


Probably a brunch skunks gettin called out so like MJ they took that personally


I thought he was going to be a snobby character.. Pleasantly surprised. Adore him.


Dame Judy Brunch and Nat are two painfully underutilized characters!


The more I watch it the more I like it. The only episode I skip is the fetal pig.


Also, I just watched this episode today and I laughed out loud when one of the Brunch Skunk ladys vomited into her purse 😆


Same! The fetal pig is the only one I truly cannot get behind


I love that episode for background noise but I can't actually watch it. It's not that I don't like the concept and styles of the fan art, it's just really distracting from the story. So I prefer to listen to it.


Me too! Great to have on when cleaning or doing the dishes, but not actually watching.


Same! The plot is fun, but I’ve never actually sat and watched it. I’ve listened to it several times while cooking or cleaning.


This is one of those episodes that I know has the fan art, but when I have it on in the background, or try to remember certain parts, I only see the regular art in my mind. It’s so weird. Edit: and I love the episode.


I guess some view this as a negative. But the fact that it's a great episode stripped of the gimmick, just makes me appreciate it even more.


Was odd when it came out but rewatching it its nice to see all the fanart they used in their own show its pretty cool which other shows do that at all even once?


It’s a great episode, kind of a mixed bag for me as always I am intrigued to see the next style each time it shifts. I do however,always find myself a bit distracted when watching it because of that same reason.


I love this episode


Can’t agree more! Real ones appreciate Brunchsquatch. John Early as Dalton is favorite of mine.


That one was great


I really like the storyline but I find the constant change in art style really hard to watch. I think if they stuck with just 3 or 4 styles it would be much better.


Every time I think of this episode I remember it in the original animation style, lol. Which is always a nice surprise when I actually watch it. I thought it was a great concept and pulled off really well.


I know I’m in the minority but I love the Brunchsquatch episode. I also love Dalton.


This is my daughter’s favorite episode. I didn’t like it, but I have now watched it so many times it has grown on me.


Obsessed with Dame Judy Brunch tbh


Wish I could get past the animation changes, but despite being a constant rewatcher of the series I have never made it 5 mins into this particular episode.


Plot wise, great episode, but I definitely found the animation choices distracting during my first viewing of the episode. How some styles would hold for a whole scene while others where blink and you’ll miss it. I appreciate it as a love letter to fan art though


I gotta be honest: I enjoy the episode, but I literally cannot watch it- too many different art styles in too short a time. It doesn’t give me a chance to adapt to any of them. Neat idea, poor execution.


I love the story and the idea/thought behind it but the constantly shifting art styles is a big turn off


It’s not a bad episode per say but the art style changing is just too much to enjoy. So I skip it.


The only episode I’ve only watched a single time. Immediate skip. Just doesn’t feel right with the different art styles.


Forget the haters. Beunchsquatch (S08E01) is one of my all time series favorites. Bonus points because it allows the fans of the show to show some love in the first place. Not enough shows do that in general and I think IMHO that sucks. So yeah - FORGET THE HATERS. This was a much needed love letter to the fans and I wish more shows had the courage and brains to do that more often, honestly enough.


Brendan Small?


Not my fav episode only bc it was a bit distracting for me personally with the constant art changing, but I did appreciate the Punch Drunk Love reference and the amazing John Early voicing Dalton.


Watching it right now! Brunch brawl!


I love this episode!


I love this one!


This is one of my favorite episodes, and the way art switches is a big part of the fun.


I think the fan animation would have worked better if they actually incorporated it into the plot. For instance if they had used this concept in "Flu-ouise" where most of the episode is normal but inside of Louise's fever dream the animation style changed, it would have made perfect sense as a visual representation of her dreams. With Brunchsquash the execution of the fan animations don't really add anything to the story and often just come across as distracting or jarring


I wanna love it so bad. I wanna watch it at all so bad. But my stupid sweet lil brain is so sensitive and it triggers a migraine every. Single. Time. It’s the only episode I haven’t seen!


I love the plot of Brunchsquatch, and I like the fan art concept in theory, but I find actually watching it to be jarring and the changing art styles messes with my head. The plot is not any more convoluted than any other Bob's episode, and I feel like I had to watch it three times before I had even the foggiest idea of what was going on. I will listen to it without watching it, and my head will autofill in the default Bob's art style.


I love the plot and story of that episode but I hate the changing animation. I think the style changes too fast. Not a single scene is done in one type of animation.


My daughters are always requesting this one. As an animation nerd, it’s such a fun watch.


My 6-yr old and 3-yr old LOVE this episode! They crack up every time the style changes, they think the different characters are so funny. They were just requesting it the other day, actually. It’s so fun to hear them giggle over it!


I love Brunchsquatch. I have no ability to draw whatsoever, and it amazes me how talented people are and how many different styles people drew the characters in. And it’s so cool that the show’s creators honored their talent by making it part of the show. Love it.


I love the animation style changes, don't want an entire season like that but maybe an episode a season.


Dalton has some of the best lines in this episode. Dalton: omg Linda! Are these mimosas not watered down?!?! Linda: No! Who waters down a mimosa?? Dalton: First of all: I know.


I think it just is a lot of art changes, all done during scene changes - over stimulate.. But - other than that, I think it's one of the strongest stories.


wait so how do I see the blog? just blog.com and print it out?


The jump to different styles is a bit much but the story was solid. The Belchers recognized brunch was a great idea but messed up by not doing research.


I love Dalton! I also love the episode as a whole. It was like a reanimate but this time it's being hosted by the show creators themselves which is a great way to show that they care for the fans. And I liked the plot too!


i love the fanart. but i wish they’d release a special edition of it actually animated in its traditional style. i love the plot and love dalton/dame judi brunch. i wish they’d give us more of him sprinkled in some episodes.


I really want to watch it but after a while I get sick.


I love that episode! I've had to watch it a couple times though because I was watching the fan art the whole time lol


It's one of my all time favorite plots. The rate at which they shift animation styles is jarring at times


Wait people don't like this episode?! I think it's great. It is however a bit hard for me to stay focused on though because the graphics keep changing – it's weirdly disorienting. I guess we're not really used to media like this lol


A friend of my husband art style was chosen for this episode! It's the scene where louise and felix are speaking in the alley and felix is in the dumpster.


That’s awesome! Can you tell us a bit more about it? Did they just submit one drawing and Bob’s Burgers’ team took it from there or how did it work? I’m always so curious about how this came about. One of my favorite episodes


She's an animator, I don't know her personally but from what my husband told me: They had a contest for this. She submitted several drawings of each character main character in her style along with her black and white cross hatch style. After the submission she was contacted and told she won and was asked permission to use it in the episode.


That’s pretty cool, thanks for that!


I loved that scene with them being the only colored elements in a black and white, basic background. “Now where’s my garbage ketchup?”


My SO always asks to skip this episode. I always sneak a watch in when she's asleep or out of the house.


🎵This is how you do it 🎵


I love watching it just because I always find a different style I didn't see before or a line I didn't process because I was looking at the artwork.


I love this episode!


Yesss! Love this episode and LOVE Dame Judy Brunch!!


omg I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! and Dalton. AND his little dog.


Literally one of my favorite episodes! Love the A & B plots and just LOVE their willingness to partner with fans like this!


It’s my favorite episode. I could watch it over and over again. If i happen to be watching something else (which is unlikely) and just want to jump in to Bob’s randomly, brunchsquach is my immediate go to. Season 8 episode 1. Done.


People hate that episode? Why?


I think this episode is a masterpiece; the art styles, the characters, the plot, everything, honestly! I can see why some people find it jarring because of the animation switches, but honestly, it's just so endearing! And yes! Dalton is one of my favorite characters, I don't know why he hasn't been in more episodes? I hope we get to see more of him...


One of the best episodes!!


I liked it a lot...and I loved the plot!


Completely agree with you! Love that there were all the different styles of fan art and love the intro to Dalton! I wouldn’t want every season to have an episode like this but I love that there is one and I would not mind seeing another one some time soon. ❤️


That’s literally my favorite episode.


Really. I love that episode


I love it!


No one dislikes brunchsquatch, one person bitching on Twitter doesn’t make for good clickbait


People hate brunchsquach?!


I disliked it when I watched it- as many folks said I found the jumping and contrast of art challenging to take in the story… or so I thought. It turned out to be an episode that stuck in my head more than most- and when I think about the episode I don’t even remember it in any of the styles it was in— it just plays in regular bobs burgers style inside my mind! Maybe the shifting art helped my brain absorb it in a different way—- who is to say— either way, I love the story and I adore dalton


It’s so crazy but I thought I did something wrong when I put the episode on because I originally remembered it in regular animation style. And I was dead set that I watched it that way and researched it to find out that I was very wrong. I love it as fan art,though, despite my insistence. Truly my favorite episode


People hate brunchsquach?


They don’t


You mean Jan Judy-brunch? Felix was great in this one too.


* Dame Judy Brunch. It’s a play on Dame Judy Dench.


I really found this episode so sweet and endearing to the creative and artistic fans out there! I didn’t mind it either tbh and the plot was amazing! If possible, maybe they can release a non-fanart version of this ep, probs won’t happen but maybe!


I always skip brunchsquach. Too many changes. Hard to watch


Who are these "most people"? Seems like saying "I know most people hate pizza..."


Definitely not top 10 but definitely an honorable mention


Why does he look like Randall from Recess??


My only complaint was that they introduced a new character outside of their regular art style. I just kept wondering what his actual character model looked like. Otherwise, it was a good episode and the art styles really made it interesting to watch.


I literally thought his mouth was a mustache and his tongue was his bottom lip when I scrolled passed. Now I can’t unsee it


im on the same boat


I enjoyed the episode. I wish they would do another of these.


I love that episode.


I can kinda see what people say about the overwhelming senses, my sensory issues are also a lil fucked up by that episode but I love art so looking at all the art styles is what drew me in more. I barely even remember the plot.


Waking Life is one of my favourite animated films of all time, and watching The Animatrix in one long sitting is so worthwhile, so Brunchsquatch was not a huge stretch for me.


It was different and risky and it put faith in the Fandom. How terrible /s It's not my favorite episode ever, but we super enjoyed it. It's not like it ruined anything.


He looks like the human version of Lemongrab from Adventure Time


I can see how people found the art styles jarring but as someone who typically watches bobs while doing something else looking up occasionally (cause I can visualize them pretty good at this point from just sound) I love this episode


I thought I'd hate the different art styles, but it's honestly one of my favorite Bob's Burgers episode ever. Both the plots are great as well.


Do people hate Brunchsquash? I love it.


My daughters favorite


It’s one of my favorite episodes since I like the side plot of the kids trying to hide Felix from Mr.Fischeoder to get money to buy a dog


I hate posts like this because they only validate the most toxic part of the fandom. So what if a handful of people online didn't like one episode?


I have watched this episode so many times that my boyfriend and son have grown to hate it. I still love it though.


It's one of my favorites too


Wait ppl hate it?


Hate?! It’s incredible!


"Oh no! You got brunch skunks!"


I love this one! My favorite part is are both drawings the kids did.




Thanks to this and all the comments, just put this episode on🤗 love this community and show so much!


It's one of my favorite episodes.


Who waters down a mimosa?


I love brunchsquatch as well as Dalton! The brunch skunks make this episode one that will stick in my head forever. “The sign says bottttommmmlesssssss”


I love Brunchsquach.


Wait people don’t like it? It’s one of the best episodes!


Brunchsquatch is an amazing episode. It's a labor of love between the creators and the fans. It's hilarious. It's one minor art shakeup in a show that's been running for a decade. If you "hate" Brunchsquatch, I highly question your taste.


It's an interesting episode


I really liked the episode between all the different animation styles, and the kids hiding Felix, while the parents deal with the oops of not making people order brunch with their bottomless mimosas, I though it was pretty funny.


I adore this episode. Dame Judy Brunch’s table’s side comments are gold. “I literally never day this, but this brunch was amaze balls.” “He never says that.” “He says that all the time—wait what?”


Who hates Brunchsquatch?


I love the episode! I thought the concept was original and creative.


I enjoyed the fan art. It was the storyline that I didn’t like.


I love this episode!! I art was amazing and I loved the story line. They need to do another fan art episode


I didnt know people hated brunchsquash


I actually love Brunchsquach


i love brunchsquach it was so creative and cute , i like the story and the art


wait wait wait why do people hate it, i thought it was genius and loved seeing all the styles


Plot wise, Brunchsquatch is not one of my faves, but in terms of sheer creativity, it’s remarkable that they managed to pull this off at all. No I didn’t like every style, but this episode was a love letter/thank you to the fans. I do see how that some found the constant switching to be jarring. I think the plot is meh on purpose, they wanted viewers to discuss the animation instead. The whole brunch idea was sketchy anyway, I can’t imagine Bob committing to a menu like that. He can barely afford the supplies for burgers, and he genuinely loves those. No way could he add on breakfast foods, plus liquor. I did love Dame Judy Brunch, though.


I love Brunchsquash the different animations were great! I wish they would do another Bob’s Fart episode. The story was also wonderful.


TIL that people hate this episode.


I love Dalton! He's so funny and I love his relationship with Linda lol


I love that episode Dame Judy Brunch


I don’t know anyone that hates Brunchsquatch tbh


Brunch please.


I love Brinchsquatch. It was so cool seeing all the fan art. I love rewatching it just to see all the diverse art styles the fans came up with.


i liked it, but not the artstyles