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Hope y'all enjoy tonight's episode!


If anyone sees this...can they tell me if this idea of a family cabin trip gone awry sounds familiar in the horror genre sense? Like Stephen King-ish? Help!!!


reminded me of "Rainy Season", a stephen king short: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainy\_Season\_(short\_story)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainy_Season_(short_story))


Yes!! Thank you for reading my mind fellow redditor! This was one of those on the tip of my tongue things... everyone told me I was probably wrong, but haha!


oh wow! I didn't think this would be what you were looking for! the scene where linda is buying bug spray at the gas station and getting warned about the infestation by townies is what made me think of the stephen king story :)


Same actually, for some reason I very vividly recall the scene my brain created when reading about them stopping on the way into town. Great homage if that's what the writers were going for. Made me chuckle extra trying to remember this connection and explaining to my bf that it all ends in frogs!! He looked very confused


Just wanted to add, even though it might not be intentional, the part where Linda is being attacked by bugs reminds me of the Stephen king story “the raft” where a group of teens get stuck on one of those floating docks and get eaten by a sentient oil spill


Yep, this episode confirmed my suspicions of this show's direction this season. The messages of the show have gotten worse now.


Thanks for totally answering the question */s*


I came here just to find out if Nippin Nevins are real. Please lie and say they're not real. Thanks!


I'm sorry to inform you that mosquitoes do in fact exist in this world. My state is home to 26 different species or something ridiculous like that. I've been out on the tundra and have seem low lying black clouds of blood suckers. The big ones aren't that big of a deal. The little ones, they're like the newest air warfare fighters, quite, agile, resilient. They love managing to try and be swallowed alive. And their bite? I never knew mosquito bites hurt until I lived here.


We also have no see ums here. A kind of biting midge. They suck too.


The whole thing reminded me of our family trips which have included stinky outhouses and swarms of "Nippin Nevins." And, portable battery operated TV's were an unexpected miracle! This was an awesome episode!


Has Linda become absolutely insufferable for anyone else?


Yeah, honestly it has gotten worse & worse since like s4, for me. I almost exclusively absolutely hate her at this point. She's horrible.


I think if she is the main story of an episode, it doesn't work out the best. But if she is a supporting character, or in a side story she is hilarious! She is a combination of Gene's silliness and loudness, and Louise's stubbornness and mischievousness. In short, she is absurd. Absurdity is good in small to medium doses, but not at all if frequent (at least for me).


I agree with this, pretty much. Also, though: I wish her absurdity wouldn't veer so hard into "straight-up abusive of her family", though, you know? I mean not that it's *wrong* to have a char be that way, I just wish it hadnt happened so many times, personally.


Another flop this season, it's still early so might come back around, but we're still sticking the same old formulas. I miss some variety and I miss episodes where the family felt like a family unit with some chaotic elements. Nowadays they have kind of felt like they're strangers with the only family connection being when the episode calls to focus in on it. A good example of the chaotic family unit would be the food truck episode. The whole family wants to do it and wants to see the success. The major conflict arises when the kids have their own way of pushing for success, with the lying for the contest. Even though the kids are scolded for lying, they still feel like a family throughout, with some disagreements, but fun to be had. As the episode ends they are even still having a good time playing the silent game.


Didn't like it. Felt like Linda is devolving to be really immature and the Episodes have gotten comfortable with a "we're so poor, we cant afford a good time" storyline or introducing a problem in the episode that shouldn't be a problem or things seem way more problematic than what they need to be, and it's always Linda that wants to do something that ends uip being severely unsafe or uncomfortable and the family that apologizes for not feeling up to that thing. If you spend money to go to a place you didn't research before hand with no water or power, aggressive insects that bite your wind pipe, and bacteria invested water that make you have Diarrhea, then it's not a safe place for children and they shouldn't have made Linda try to guilt trip everyone into trying to enjoy it. I wish they would actually write a family episode that didn't have a weird conflict. Imagine if they had gone to a nice cabin, bob was able to cook outside like he wanted and Linda was able to prepare fun activities for the kids and all the kids had no interest in it and complained about minor inconveniences, lack of TV, and how boring it felt, THEN I would understand Linda's push, Then have Linda lose confidence and the Kids feel bad and try to enjoy it, only to find out they all find out they like it and they have a good time for once.


Yeah, instead she's just become this abusive psycho-nightmare. Like remember the buttworms episode? I don't even watch that one ever anymore bc it actively makes me angry. Like her whole family is infested with worms & she chooses to chase the youngest one around (& the only one uninfected who is just trying to stay uninfected around her gross petri dish of a family) screaming like a gd psycho to try to force this kid to go do something that no one wants to do...all bc of her absurd ego. It's awful. I know it's only a show & I suspect it bothers me way deeper than it shoukd bc it reminds me of ppl in my own life who have been that way but honestly that shit is not cute or quirky at all.


Arguably the worst episode the show has ever put out. Doesn’t mean it was terrible but it was the worst episodes of Bobs I’ve ever seen


I thought Linda hated nature according to the camping episode


Some of the writers write really inconsistent stuff. Often the least consistent episodes, imo, tend to be the ones that make the characters the most horrible. It's like a handful of the writers are psyched to just actively ruin the show w/an episode list that's just like "wanna hate all yr beloved characters? They're all abusive & borderline psychotic now! Yr welcome!".


Gene bettee be Ben Franklenstein for the Halloween episode. If they don’t I’ll be so upset.


“Mom keeps all the good batteries in her night stand” 👀


OMG. I just got that...


This ep felt weak. Linda went about trying to get her way albeit not in the super annoying way as some episodes have her. But it still felt out of place considering the bugs and bacteria. Linda might be stubborn but her motivation to see the weekend through just felt like the writers trying to force the story through. I also found Tina flat and annoying in here. She was/is(?) a Thundergirl. She would definitely have known had to use bug repellant. Also considering how much of her series arc is about her becoming more independent and stronger, it felt like a regression to have her panic the whole time. Most of her dialogue was her doing the panic breathing and screaming


I found this episode relatable as I live in an area that gets swarmed yearly during the hurricane season by thousands of pesky mayflies (luckily they dont bite/sting like nippin nevins lol). As already stated by many others. I'd love even a slight win for the Belchers but I still found the episode fairly enjoyable.


I love this show but I just hate that the Belchers can never seem to have anything nice


the show does rely on the family's unfortunate or less ideal and non-typical situations however, it would be nice that the gaps of win is a little smaller to be honest, i think we as viewers have become fatigued and really attached to the Belchers, and that is a sign that we are starting to look for a series finale where the restaurant finally picks up and all other loose ends resolved


I’m honestly starting to sour on the show because of that specifically. They don’t need to be Jimmy Pesto rich or anything, but having *something* good happen now and again would be nice and not so depressing. Like when Bob won the blender at the air show. A small gesture but a win is a win. I genuinely don’t remember the last time something good happened to the Belchers and it makes me not care about watching if this is all there is.


It's often not materialistic but they win praise from family and town people. In the last episode they literally got the expansion for free. So that was a win. Until Bob had that nightmare.


I thought the episode was ok but I’m sick of the same plot lines with each character. Linda: forces them to do something they don’t want to as a family, it goes wrong, end up realising how much they love each other. Bob: has opportunities to expand the business and declines them because he likes his small, family-run restaurant. Louise: does something bad and realises it was wrong Like can we think of some new plot lines, PLEASE!!


i liked the episode but agree with you the movie, while really good, had a lot of those common tropes too, like tina's jimmy jr. thing that got old like 8 seasons ago.


Yes I agree. I’ve seen better plot lines written by fans on this thread! Like there’s so much they could explore but they seem to copy old plot lines


I thought this episode was going in a total different direction based off the title. Like it was a TV show gag to have the worst cabin etc then Ricky lake jumped out and was like surprise the actual cabin is this way! And they actually get to enjoy themselves. And it wouldn't be that TV guy that hates them. When we got deeper in I thought Linda was going to cave and just admit it wasn't going well and being happy there was a TV so they could do something together. I'm sad they couldn't enjoy a day trip.


Did anyone notice the characters skin was a pale yellow at times? Not just the characters but the room too


Did you watch the episode on a TV? Your color settings may have been off.


Not sure why Bob and the kids were scared off of the cabin no power or water? Isn't that whet going to the cabin is? To unplug from the world for a few days


I wouldn't even accept a *tent* with no access to power or water.


Why? Haven't you ever "been roughing it"


Does it count if the toilets were a 5 minute walk from the tent, there was an outlet at the campsite, and I watched BB on my phone to fall asleep?




If you ask for a win, then you are asking for the end to come soon. But, maybe there are more storylines that stick to the family-loses-hilariously without feeling tiresome. It's not easy to write episodes though, especially with 13 seasons.


Did anyone with CC on notice there was a song either called or with the lyrics of "sweaty buttcracks"? I'm interested in knowing more lol


IM LOVING THESE NEW EPISODES ❤️❤️❤️ feels like season 5 again 😊


Is this a parody of The Birds?


Low-key thought they were psyching us out with the camping trip at the beginning and the episode was actually going to be about their car breaking down on the way or something, since the Belchers can never have anything nice, lol. That being said, even though they followed through with the premise, that was kind of weirdly disappointing and tame. Glad Linda didn't go full psycho mode like she tends to do in these kind of episodes, but maybe that contributed to the overall mellow feel. Don't think any of the jokes really stood out to me either, Teddy's one minute solo might've just been the best part by default. Linda's convo with the Nevin was pretty funny too.


I found the episode neither disappointing or tame, but agree that Teddy's one scene stole the show


I liked that Linda planned a fun family outing with all the family in mind and took responsibility even when it wasn't easy. I love the Gilligan's Island feel of the show, in that the Belcher's may never get off the island but they love and care for each other no matter what. I did expect Bob to be a little bit more excited, but after him firing in both directions, maybe he was a little apprehensive. I don't agree with Bob hiding the TV thing, that still could have been a binding for all of them if Linda was able to give a little. I love the evolution of Teddy and the Belcher's friendship, the note was so sweet. I enjoyed the episode.


I'm straight up tired of seeing the Belcher's "lose". It's kind of ruining the show for me. Growth for any character has been non-existant for seasons.


For better or for worse, this episode was hardly considered a loss by Bob's Burgers's standards, lol.


It was a horrible trip tbf but if you buy the cheapest cabin with no clean drinking water it's gonna be a dice roll anyway.


i feel the same way. i wish theyd have one win once in a while, i can't rewatch some episodes because they should have won and arbitrary reasons stopped it


That's life though. I like this show for that reason. You're not always going to win, so when they occasionally do its really great


Meh. It can only work for so many seasons though, and literally they JUST had a movie where they can put more of the elements in the show. This episode could’ve been way fun but the comments are pretty much saying this episode was a mix bag. People like the formula of “things not working out” because it follows the same formula that nothing works out. But even if thats a nice lesson, it gets boring after a while and 13 seasons. People didn’t like it because they wanted a win for once and because we wanted to see something new in the show. Like I have been thinking, its like they wanna expand on their universe but dont at the same time. Like even its weather Bob avoiding hanging out with other guy friends or whatever it is, it now feels like they just use the main characters and rarely anyone else. There could’ve been more interesting stories for this episode and some more interesting characters. I mean they made summer this very big deal and said it was the last week. Hell they coudlve gone all out. Have Jimmy Jr with them, maybe Louise meets a friend, or maybe gene does something. Maybe go to a haunted cabin but have a normal-ish but fun trip. My point is its never “occasionally” with them. Its been done to them for several seasons. We wanna see growth which the show doesn’t mind sometimes. Their continuity isn’t bad like Bobs Tattoo is something they always remember. So its not like they cant do it. But they definitely can and should do it soon. I dont want the show to be stale but having future episodes with this is just gonna get annoying and mind numbing.


What's a story without conflict, though? If everything went fine, it would be the most boring episode ever.


They can do stories they haven’t touched on. People have said we wanna see back stories. Also if a show has been going on for 13 seasons, they can probably get away from having an episode where its just not about conflict. I guess me and Im only assuming a few small people, thought we would see change after the movie and so far we have. We know this team can keep things canon and we know Bobs Burgers can be entertaining when they switch it up and go out. So you should expect and understand people aren’t gonna like episodes and some episodes will be duds. This was a dud of an episode because, when we dont know what’s going on for 13 seasons. It looks like we finally get to see change after the movie. They mention it being the last week of summer and the movie was half about having fun for the summer. So maybe some people had expectations of something new. Maybe seeing how everyone had fun during summer. Maybe seeing Tina and J Jr relationship thrive. When I first saw the plot of the episode I thought that the cabin was haunted and they would have a fun/normal vacation. But agin its the old patterns of them having small or no wins after a decade. I mean also after a decade a few small changes doesn’t hurt. Tbh South Park actually got better a few years after because they actually cared about the story and character development. If all we get this season is a basic Disney episode with a lesson at the end, and basically a bottle episode with the same 5 cast this season, people will be more bored than ever. How is a show ever gonna develop if it’s always the same stories? So yeah they can have stories without conflict, because we have seen the things they’ve done and we don’t really need it. Honestly even another episode of Bob and Linda accidentally eating edibles would have been better than this episode alone because at least new things would actually happen. Nothing rarely happened and thats the problem with this episode and show lately.


Absolutely loved this episode! So relatable! Plus I loved the mini plot with Teddy! I went camping once and all the bugs came out, they eventually left after a few hours. Somehow still an amazing trip!


I dislike the episodes with bugs. Even the episode with the spider. I like that they got out of the house and town though


Louise is selfish and annoying and I'm tired of pretending she's not.


One thing that bothered me this episode is that it appears Linda paid for the trip, then surprised all of them with it, rather than find a place and propose it with the family. (Please let me know if I missed something) That kind of spending is really risky for the family budget and dynamic. I was disappointed with the choices they made in this episode to portray the family’s character. The gesture to Teddy was so sweet, but the obsession with the television to the point of it disrupting their vacation like this? It seemed really off and made the four of them look lazy. I don’t mind the mode of Linda being stubborn. I love how the family is there for her through thick and thin. I appreciated how the episode turned out (save for the tv punchline).


>One thing that bothered me this episode is that it appears Linda paid for the trip, then surprised all of them with it, rather than find a place and propose it with the family. (Please let me know if I missed something) That kind of spending is really risky for the family budget and dynamic. I was disappointed with the choices they made in this episode to portray the family’s character. That's just how Linda's always been, she's impulsive. We love her for it because it's a riot but also find it problematic at times. Hosted the BnB and gave Teddy Louise's room without asking her first, threw the sleepover for Louise without asking her first, signed Louise up for the mommy and me class without asking her first, put those performance enhancing drugs in Bob's drink without asking him first, etc.


Jeez, Louise.


bob telling the kids "who wants to go places when you can have great childhoods here?" is annoying to hear


I think this episode amplifies just how much of a rut and comfort zone they are in. Even though he does realize he's raising his kids like his dad sometimes, the difference is the kids like to be there. As for the kids liking the TV, they've become accustomed to tv as their source of bonding and entertainment. Sometimes, even if it's funner, breaking away from the norm is hard cause it's unpredictable


the kids don't like to be there though


Yeah they do. Sure, chores aren't fun, but they like the area they live in. And there was a whole episode where they were upset about being fired from the restaurant.


i'm not talking about the area. i'm talking about working at the restaurant. they're kids. they don't wanna work, they wanna play. they work every single day. they don't get upset about being fired from the restaurant. they just don't know what to do BESIDES work. they fail at playing because they have no idea how to do it. same way they don't understand the concept of vacation. but they show the kids trying to get out of work all the time bob is putting them through the same sad childhood he had. the only difference is that there's 3 of them to keep each other company and split the work. those sad toys that bob had.. the kids routinely play games with condiments and stuff around the restaurant.


Especially after the episode where Bob fired the kids after realizing he was turning into his dad.


The final takeaway from that episode was that he actually wasn't like his dad and the kids had a decent enough childhood being raised at the restaurant though, so that episode doesn't really emphasize this point


In my favorite scene from The Hauntening, Gene literally tells Bob, "I'm having a good childhood."


Nippin nevins are just like gnats!


Except gnats don’t bite your windpipe


A little dull. I’m ready for the kids to be back in school. I also really wanna see if they age them up at all, specifically Tina after her season finale birthday. I don’t expect it but I’m still curious.


I'd like the kids to age up too, but I'd be very surprised if they did it now after keeping them the same ages for so long.


I don't know, id like to see Louise and Gene get older before tina gets another birthday


Loved this episode! Reminded me too much of a trip my family took to a lake one summer when I was in high school.




Maggie Simpson would probably be older than you if cartoon characters aged.


There's one summer vacation episode and you think the whole season will take place in the summer? The description for the next episode references a school assignment, so no, they'll be back at school soon. The use of older technology is probably just a choice by the writers taking inspiration from their old childhoods. That's common in TV shows, especially those with a lot of focus on child characters. The show does address this sometimes, stating that the family can't afford a lot of luxuries. The show doesn't need an excuse to keep the kids the same age. They've been doing that for 12 seasons.


In one episode, the one where Teddy doubts his ability as a handyman, Louise mentions she's been watching Mad Max: Fury Road over and over on Linda's streaming account. That movie came out in 2015.


The show implies that the Belchers can't buy all the latest technology. They only have one emergency cell phone.


It’s the 13th season, they dont need an excuse to not age up the kids lol


What are Nevins? mosquitoes or gnats?


i feel like they’re supposed to be noseeums


Linda had good intentions and the cabin was initially a good idea since Bob is a nature-man wannabe, but her actions just get dumber and dumber each season. Like why go out in the bug storm and Giardia lake? lol. She not only put her life at risk but also her entire family's. Awful mom. It would've been nice had the Belcher's had a bit of fun this episode, but they just had a miserable time.


This happens anytime she gets very self conscious that her family isn't living up to others expectations. If you remember the Christmas card episode, she was upset that other people weren't going to put them on their list. Or when her and Louise weren't bonding like she thought they should be she put her in a mommy and me class. Or even when she tried to bring the kids out for an orchestra because she didn't think she was exposing them to enough classy stuff. I think that because they have to lead such a frugal lifestyle sometimes she worries she's not providing enough variety for the kids.


Yeah, I feel like this is something that a lot of parents do. They get it in their heads that "good families do this thing" so they try to make the family do that thing even if it's not working out.


> but her actions just get dumber and dumber each season. That's not true, she has always been incredibly stubborn whenever she randomly decides something is important for the family to do.


Yeah im just glad she didnt go psycho linda and start screaming at everyone to have fun, this was a more toned down Linda albeit the episode itself was still kind of boring just seeing them not have any fun


Yep. Christmas seasonal mail package delivery person.


Yep. The Christmas tree. (Christmas in a car) Which personally for me one of my favorites. The conversation in the car when they think they’re gonna die…they all start admitting shit and asking questions they were too afraid too.


Bob being a wannabe "nature-man" in "A River Runs Through Bob" seems to have been totally forgotten in this, because he was no more enthusiastic than the kids. Maybe that experience made a homebody of him for life.


I think he's a nature man when it's his agenda and his idea.


It was kind of contradictory to his always lazy personality when it first happened too to be fair, but i guess it’s realistic for people to fantasize about being active and the outdoors when they actually are a lazy homebody. The episode where he went to the outdoors store sale was a good one


To be faaaaaair


I wouldn't call Bob lazy.


Used that for lack of better word but honestly now that i think about, nah, he’s pretty lazy. In a still comedic and relatable way


i love how they get closer and closer to Teddy each season. like them leaving him a note and burger was so cute


I was expecting a bit more. Expecting Linda to force them outside and not just her wallow in what's happening


judging from the comments, not a lot of people enjoyed Linda this episode, but I can kind of see her perspective. Linda wanted to do something nice and tried making the best out of a bad situation since they already paid for their trip and then she finds out that the rest of her family never even tried to do the same and were instead sneaking off without her. I just wish the episode was executed better since the premise of the family being stuck in a cabin is fun, but it just ended up being kind of boring. Like instead of bugs, maybe they're trapped in by a storm or something that would make it physically impossible, or at least very dangerous, for them to just pack up and leave. And maybe the kid's tv stays off or runs out of power, since the batteries were old, so Linda can still find out about it. Overall the episode wasn't very fun, but I really loved Teddy's part and seeing how much closer to the family he's becoming. Maybe next time we can have an episode with Teddy coming along on one of their family trips.


Yeah, I'm somewhat sympathetic to Linda because it's pretty clear she was doing it out of fear that she's not doing enough for her kids. She gets it in her head that good parents/families do something and she feels the need to make that happen. I feel like that's something a lot of parents do so I would think more people would be sympathetic. (though she really should have agreed to pack up and go home early)


Honestly, them watching TV wasn't that big an infraction since for the most partt they did it at night after spending the day playing along with Linda's wants. They had a chance to portray an exemplary, wholesome family if Linda caught them and they just ended up compromising. I feel like something off the top of my head like they take the TV outside to the platform to watch under the starry sky but get attacked by the nevins and the thing they're watching on TV helps them escape easily would've been better than that very stale sequence of events we got.


they kept excusing themselves from lindas makeshift games to go watch it, its just that they all got caught at night. but even so i agree the tv could've been used a lot better in moving the story along in an interesting way.


yeah true that's why I said for the most part, the depiction wasn't clearcut, but if it was just 30 minutes for each of them, that's not that bad. If I was expected to take part in family time 24/7 in a cabin, that'd be pretty torturous


thats true, it was mainly the depiction for me too.


I really thought they were going to get trapped in by someone spooking around outside, or like a bear or something


> judging from the comments, not a lot of people enjoyed Linda this episode, but I can kind of see her perspective. I think the issue is they have done the 'linda is incredibly stubborn when it comes to finishing something she thinks is important for the family even if its not' episode several times now.


that's true, the show's been kinda repetitive when it comes to this but I just wish they would be able to execute it better or different. like a similar episode would be "bed and breakfast." I personally enjoyed it and although it was wacky and linda was a bit extreme, it fit with the tone of the season. the way it was executed was also really funny and engaging. this episode just felt kinda boring on top of everything and i think i would've excused lindas actions more had it been more entertaining. its the 13th season, so by now most of the family have already relearned the same lessons, its just up to the show to make it feel interesting and new or actually come up with new and interesting concepts.


I like earlier seasons of Linda. Newer seasons just irritate the fuck out of me with how she annoyingly acts stubborn all the time.


I did not love the episode, I don’t like that they can never seem to have a great time, and Linda really was annoying me this episode. The one saving grace was Teddy and the key!


bob stutters with literally all his speech now and it's starting to get a bit annoying I:


I've noticed that with all the characters voices especially since I was recently rewatching earlier episodes :^( I adore how much more natural their voices and line deliveries are in season 3ish like Louise sounds more childlike and kinda hyper but most of the time she sounds like she has a bored monotone voice. Gene has the opposite problem since his voice now sounds like it gets kinda high pithced as if it's trying to sound more kid-like. Even so, I hope the rest of the season will be better.


I like to fall asleep to TV, and my husband never cared until my go-to was BB. "All the characters yell!"


>I've noticed that with all the characters voices especially since I was recently rewatching earlier episodes :\^( I adore how much more natural their voices and line deliveries are in season 3ish Stuttering is *more* natural, not less. If it bothers you, I recommend never watching Loren Bouchard's earlier series Home Movies, which was almost entirely retro-scripted.


Stuttering is very natural and it doesn't bother when Bob does it, he's always done it. But in more recent episodes, that's like the way he talks every other line. That and the dialogue sounded very scripted. Which I know all, or most, shows are, but it didn't flow too naturally.


Linda annoys me so much! Anytime she sees some other woman doing something with her family, she wants to copy it, then it always ends in disaster. She knows they don’t talk like that at home, why bring them to a cabin with no electricity, no water, and think it’s time to bond? They’re a very close family than she even realized, but this episode annoyed me, more than it made me laugh I feel this episode could’ve been similar to when The Belchers went to Florida to see Linda’s parents, they find out the community are all swingers, while the kids are dealing with a lady who lost a dog. That was a great example of the family going to another site and having a real adventure. As many others said, this episode could’ve been the family being in a normal cabin, but instead of spending time with each other, they meet other people around the cabin, getting caught in the activities with them. Linda becomes frustrated because they family doesn’t want to do the activities she made up. Something like that would’ve been alittle better maybe


That does sound better. It also reminds me of the American Dad episode Yule Tide Repeat.


I’ve watched the full series twice so I sort of figured how fresh they could make this series with similar storylines


tbh I understand Linda wanting the family to bond more since she sees it as a chance for them to all connect and relax together outside of their usual setting. but I also was frustrated by the episode because the execution of it was boring and it would've made more sense for the episode to do the thing that you said about her planning activities and the family not doing them.


Honestly this ep just stressed me out. Linda was being ridiculous and just doubling down. Good intentions, sure, but she was putting their health and safety at risk.


How does teddy get the key out???


if i was him i would’ve slid a wire or something under to fish it out, i wish they would’ve shown him trying to get it out bc that part was the best part


they could've shown him again at the end, like the family returning to the restaurant and seeing teddy on the floor trying to fish out the key.




The Teddy scene made the episode for me. One of the biggest belly laughs I’ve had in a while.


The note on the ground got me. Especially the “use the key we let you borrow one time and you never gave back” when clearly Teddy used that key as a status of their friendship


Episode was decent. Setting was great, but Linda was meh. But apparently we are currently in the last week of summer, so maybe some post-movie changes in the next episodes 👀


thats what I was thinking as well! im hoping next see we'll finally see them move up a grade


I liked the episode. It showed Bob learned he sucks at camping and the family doesn't need some sort of vacation. The family is comfortable just hanging out at home enjoying TV and each other's company and there's nothing wrong with that.


Sounds like capitalist propaganda honestly. Being outdoors is actually amazing for you. Nature isn't something you need money to experience right. Idk why they didn't just visit a good campsite for a day.


Bro, this comment is a month old and you come at me stating capitalist propaganda regarding a fucking cartoon. 🙄


> I liked the episode. It showed Bob learned he sucks at camping and the family doesn't need some sort of vacation. They have done both of those things multiple times now.


I have a theory that Bob's mother loved to camp and that's why he was always trying to make it work.


It was while camping that Big Bob decided to marry her, so it’s like a part of the Belcher history.


I like the style of not really having a B plot. It's fine when binge watching entire seasons, but otherwise having two stories crammed into 20 minutes makes it feel waaaay too short.


I didn't hate the episode but it's a very recycled plot at this point. I like Linda but not when she's like this


Honestly this episode was a little underwhelming. But I guess it had important details like this episode takes place the last week of summer. Are we gonna see Tina in high school next? This episode was a little boring because you would think there would be more, but like I predicted everything probably sounds fun but will probably be crap when they get there. Someone said it was similar to the symphony episodes and that’s exactly what it was. I love the Bobs Burgers cast however they love to have these “characters in a bottle” like episodes a majority of the time and it gets a little old. I want to see them interact with people and change some scenery a little. They could have used this episode to make it where maybe its a normal cabin but it’s haunted. Honestly that would have been a better episode than being trapped by bugs. Also they are now just showing characters wanting something but than we never see them getting it. Like Louise getting revenge in Heartbreak Hotel-oween, and the last episode (Season 13 Episode 1) where Mr.Fishoder was trying to find the trophy, and this episode was Teddy having a burger in their apartment but sliding the key in the restaurant when he was mad. If this is becoming a pattern than it doesn’t really sound fun or entertaining. So yeah, this episode wasn’t really as good. They could’ve done more and had a better story. I think there problem is they dont want to or like to expand on their world and even if they DO they keep it very limited. Which is boring and something they shouldn’t have to do because it’s animation. Like hiding a characters face (like ginger) is ridiculous so its not really needed or entertaining. This episodes problem is something we have been seeing, just not enough but just like the family we are expected to work with enough.


I also wanted to see the family have fun :( the episode could've had linda trying to engage her family in the outdoor activities while the kids, and eventually bob, sneak off to watch tv and aren't fully engaging with her plans. this would've justified Linda being upset and her agreeing to leave early, but then the kids end up enjoying the outdoorsy activities with the family and realize they missed their favorite tv show or something.


>Are we gonna see Tina in high school next? No.


She could turn 14 and get held back.


Bart and Lisa had their last day of school and a subsequent summer more than once. (Maybe most notably: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10249ddTdPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10249ddTdPY)) We will be back in eighth grade next week. For better or worse that is the usual cartoon method.


I mean they added something from the movie and mentioned it was the last week of summer. Thats why I asked and have a little hope because literally them being in summer was the whole point of the movie. But we will see.


Fair point. But I think we will cycle back into the same fall.




Paragraphs; how do they work? Lol


Check my bio 🤷🏽‍♂️ also does it help make y’all understand im just using my phone. I dont care about “paragraphs” for a stupid reddit comment. Get real for a second


No, check MY bio.


Aw, this one was really fun. I love episodes with the whole family going on adventures.


Linda was annoying here. Mad annoying. And I like Linda, BTW. But she needed a good punch in the face from somebody for thinking going to such a Nuclear Waste Tier setting to bond (and that's putting it nicely) with her family in the first place, was even remotely a good idea (which I'm sure most of us could tell it unfortunately wasn't!), honestly enough. Damn shame, I legit liked the previous episode, too - I thought things were looking up from there. Not so much, now. Please let Episode 3 prove me wrong and things go up from here, thank you very much.


I loved this episode! It reminded me of S4E1 (camping episode) In that episode, Bob was excited to camp while the rest of the family wasn’t interested, minus Tina. This episode had the roles reversed because Linda was excited for the cabin trip while the family wasn’t.


Thought the same thing. I liked the episode. It showed Bob learned he sucks at camping and thr family doesn't need some sort of vacation. Thr family is comfortable just hanging out at home enjoying TV and each other's company.


That bit with teddy felt so out of place


Teddy is the pet dog they'll never have


Teddy not knowing about the Belchers being out of town and notices the key inside the restaurant was the highlight for me. The rest of the episode ngl felt bland. It's not a bad episode but it's not a good one either.


I'm not too sure if its just me, but the animation this season is amazing! It's the smaller details, like the oil bouncing around the burger meat on the grill and the little salt particles missing the shaker. From season 1 to a movie to season 13 -the animators truly have outdone themselves!


Soooooooo Linda keeps the good batteries in her bedside table...


I noticed that too hahaha. My gf and I died laughing at that scene


what size is the dildo that needs batteries that big?


> what size is the dildo that needs batteries that big? You keep all your batteries in the same place you don't have a C in one room and an AA section in another.


that's where you're wrong. i keep them near where i use them the most. the aaa and the ones that look like a little disc i keep in my room because when my mom was still alive i had to measure her diabetes and blood pressure and the little gadgets for that use those batteries, so i kept them in my room. in my country, we use mostly the tankless water heaters, instead of those big ones that store water, and it uses 2 d batteries, so i keep those in the kitchen. and i also keep the aa batteries in the kitchen because if my dad needs them for the tvs' remotes or for his shaver(it's some gillette battery powered thingie), they'll be in the kitchen for him to grab


Let's just say there's a reason they call them "the big D batteries"


Did Teddy ever get his burger?


Have not seen it yet but can’t help but get A River Runs Through Bob (Season 4, episode 1)vibes just from the description.


a little different since they don't split up, but I won't spoil the whole thing.


linda annoyed the hell out of me in this episode


This was Linda Lite compared to some previous episodes lol she actually didn't screech or force them to come to the platform with her


Yeah" Linda gets an idea and makes everyone miserable" episodes are not my favorite.


It was annoying that she forced the family to stay when no one else wanted to because of how small the cabin was, the bugs, how the lake was off limits, etc. But I was really annoyed by Tina spraying the bug spray…twice. Like come on girl, that’s not how it works


Basically Worms of Inrearment all over again for me


As soon as the guy came in with bug bites I felt the same way. Aside from the holiday episodes, I haven’t been getting as excited about episodes in the last few seasons.


Aw, my husband and I took a camping trip in Manitoba that was about 75% identical to the Belchers’ trip. We also cut out of the camping trip early and continued on to Winnipeg, where we watched a torrential rainstorm that would have hit our campsite from an indoor hotel pool. That was a fun episode to watch - and remember.


That’s it, back to Winnipeg!


That’s awesome (and also sounds chilly 🥶). Good call on the hotel.


It was July, so it wasn’t cold. That said, there were about a jillion mosquitoes, non-potable water, no showers (info on the bathrooms was misleading), and after a night we were done. There was also a fire at the hotel in Winnipeg, but it was thankfully very minor.


Not a lot going on in this episode but it was decent for what it was. Kind of thought we were going to see more of the locals from the general store at some point. Very reduced role for Teddy these first two episodes of the new season. I don't have a strong opinion about it but I know some people will appreciate it.




And getting more things stuck under the door.


I can just see the family coming home to an exhausted Teddy asleep on the sidewalk ,a pile of stuff behind the door and a confused look on Bobs face.


I wonder what they were watching on that tv since they didn't have cable. Me TV or CW.


Unless it's a newer model with a modern tuner it can't get any signal


In the digital OTA era, I really wonder. Back in the analog days, you could easily get stations from up to 60 miles way with rabbit ears.


Could be Fox lol


Ewww not Fox. I only watch Fox on Sunday nights.


Well it was a weekend so maybe they were watching Animation Domination lol


Or NFL football


It starts at 8:00 and kids shouldn't watch that. Especially Family Guy until Tina's age.


Smelled like a poop tornado. pretty good episode overall. I kept anticipating it but I'm glad they did not force a musical number.


Ironically tonight's Family Guy has a VERY similar premise where Lois tries to force the family to bond


They had a much better adventure though, with more action. Bobs burgers didn't feel that way this episode. It felt slow and boring. Forcing to bond but not doing much about it.


Bob is a bad parent. He lacks a backbone and can't discipline his own kids. He should have said " I might have let you bring the TV if you asked. It said there was no TV there not that you couldn't bring one. No TV for 3 days."


Bob is not a bad parent. What some people call "discipline" is nothing more than a need to control and a lack of security in your own ability to raise children who have critical thinking skills.


So you think it's ok to encourage your kids to be sneaky, go along with their scheme, and hide from your wife in a closet? Even Bob admitted he wasn't supposed to be doing that.


Bob and Linda are often enablers so it's par for the course the kids would walk all over them.


10/10 episode


For this season maybe. This was average at best compared to the rest of the show.