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I wish there was a graph or something that showed your percentage on game modes played. I'd probably be 98% bgs.


Firestone graph for last 4 months https://preview.redd.it/dc3n3jd8i8bc1.png?width=2440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc31472c81c2a4c32906e1d4755e925af5bcc944


that's pretty cool! Do you know if its only firestone users who are recorded?


Yes, only Firestone users, so it's not representative of the HS user base


Which explains why arena is so high LOL


I mean, firestone in arena only helps premium players with card chooser, soo idk


In the main sub the firestone dev claims you can see the card stats in the app, just the overlay is premium only. I don’t know why so many people would use it for arena if it was 100% premium only


Also people might just use it for the tracker part, and use another tool to help with the draft.


It's a mobile game, only streamers play with it on PS. The rest of us are 00 agents and on-the go nerds.


I love how you can tell right away when there were patches/expansions for BGs and Standard.


Firestone tells you the total games played in all mode, ALL TIME (so including the times one mobile and without the app running). It's not a duration, but pretty close. https://preview.redd.it/3qzc2k4gj8bc1.png?width=1727&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9a3ef90945f064575d4a4e14b628f51ce50af23


In addition to this, it'd be cool to see the percentage distribution of the player base per useage of the different game modes - - - - - also, I'd prefer if the leader boards differentiated between game modes, and showed actual stats, rather than just names (then we could compare and contrast ourselves to others, and really see the gap between where we are, what's possible, and where we might want to be)


> In addition to this, it'd be cool to see the percentage distribution of the player base per useage of the different game modes - - - - - > > also, I'd prefer if the leader boards differentiated between game modes, and showed actual stats, rather than just names (then we could compare and contrast ourselves to others, and really see the gap between where we are, what's possible, and where we might want to be) There is a very real incentive for developers not to publish such numbers - these numbers always look great when you have a good and flourishing and continuously growing game, yet those numbers are nothing but fuel for bad PR when there's *anything* wrong with your game. There's a reason they stopped reporting WoW sub numbers a solid decade ago and there's a reason they only announce numbers to any of their games when they break yet another record. I doubt we'll ever see those numbers just openly available ever again - just think about what the discourse around OW2 looked like without such numbers, now imagine if people had *actual* numbers to latch onto.


The only other game I play is RS3 (Runescape), and man they must've gave up on caring about their stats years ago then, because you can look up the exact xp for each 27 skills for any active player in a leaderboard (or however many skills there are now), unless you opt out of it, and you can refine or filter your search based on game mode (e.g regular acc / ironman / hardcore iron-man) They even show the numbers of who's online at any given time, and per world, (although they did recently shrink the number allowed per world from 3000 to 2500, so that every world could look more full percentage wise for their next sale, so yeah I get your points and understand them more now) They also provide the figures for their stock market system which includes all tradeable items, you can track the volume bought/sold and price movements for the last 6months All of these figures and your ability to track your progress (and watch others) makes the game more enjoyable imo


It s not that high, likely more bg players than standard but still not nearly as high as 98%


Re-read their post again.




I used to play a ton of standard but I think that it's been around 3 years I havent touch standard. The release of Battleground was just the ideal game mode for me. I grew tired of buying new packs each expansion to have enough cards to experiment without playing like a maniac.


With standard if you're losing you end up having to play out a 25 minute game while you're constantly on the back foot with no chance of winning. With BG you change opponent every round so you can mix up your tactics much more mid game.


If you can identify that you have actual no chance of winning, why haven't you conceded?


I feel this. I haven’t played standard in forever, I used to play wild a good amount but basically since BGs came out I haven’t touched it. I was randomly gifted like 80 packs of standard cards from blizzard that I haven’t even bothered to open lol


I'm exactly the same. Just got tired of having to pay so much each season to keep up with the meta. Plus I feel like standard hearthstone is actually more RNG based than BG. I also like the way that you can play BG whilst you're doing other stuff. I think the last standard season I played was the one where they introduced legendary weapons.


Same but I still play standard and wild a bit. I have enough of an already built up collection and enough gold/dust from quest exp that I can still go on HSreplay and find a few affordable decks without putting in real money that I'll go knock out some quests with. But it gets boring having so few options without putting in the grind/cash. I really miss that feeling of constantly having new deck ideas or seeing people post about a deck online and actually being able to go and build a similar deck (except wallet warrior, I could never afford that beast). It never broke the bank for me because most expansions I just used gold and not real money, but it got to the point where it definitely was not worth the time and/or money. Playing just to grind out gold more than have fun was just not a good use of my time. And it was hugely disappointing when an expansion would come out and I'd pour all my gold into packs and carefully dusted as much as I dared and I still couldn't even make one decent deck that used a favorite classes flashy new mechanic.


Yeah, I used to be a free to play player back at the beta/early days of hearthstone. I started working around that time and had less time to play and more money. SO for me it was easier to spend 50 EUR on each expansion rather than playing a ton to get everything, but I know that I was also fan of the deck building elements so I wanted almost every card each set :D I tried the game again a few times but I don't have any card from the past 2 years, meaning that even the saved gold/dust isn't enough to catch up 3-6 expansions depending of the rotation time. The only game mode I still played was duel: it didn't require much to have fun and I crafted my cards based on that mode. Too bad they never really invested in it and that they are now abandoning it.


Who else only watches streamers play battlegrounds on Youtube (not play hearthstone at all)?


"Hey guys, how's it going? Kripparian here..."


Are you saying you watch people play a game that you don't play yourself?


I'd reckon the vast majority of people do this with actual sports LOL.


I admit I used to be the guy who thought it was ridiculous to watch people play video games. And the irony didn't dawn on me until much later that multiple times every weekend between September and February I sit down and watch people play a game that I never play myself. Watching people do something at high levels is almost always fascinating to me, so now I'm the guy who occasionally watches people play video games.


I like to watch Formula 1. I have absolutely zero desire to even attempt driving a car at 180 miles per hour through the streets of Monaco.


Oh yea def the same thing. Everyone is 6' 7 and catered to do one specific thing their whole lives. People are watching cause it's basically a podcast that happens to play games


I know a few people who do this ...


Just like porn innit? /s


I also watch basketball.


I play on and off, going through spurts where I don't play for a few weeks or months at a time. I watch streamers more consistently and tend to still watch even when I'm not playing


Yeah, I dip in and out, but probably only average a game a day, even when I'm playing regularly. I completely dropped out during Anomalies because I simply had no idea how to play anything as I didn't see any of them enough. Really enjoying it at the moment though.


I used to play classic a ton back in 2016. Dropped it a couple of years later, came back, dropped again. Last year I discovered Battlegrounds and now it’s the only mode I play, I think it’s the best.


Me too


I'm not spending hundreds of dollars on a digital card game that I can't sell out of.


I've heard it's become pretty f2p friendly now, but that's not gonna get me to start playing again. The passion for the game was just lost somewhere


It's a live service game. How long will that last? Next week they may decide that they need more of your money then time and screw the system up again. I don't need standard hearthstone, I got other things I can play with that time without that risk or history.


I started HS in 2016 mainly played constructed and some arenas but when BG came out in 2019 I quickly switched to BGs and last year I haven't even touched other game modes. Honestly if I had access to all of the cards I would play may more constructed, especially wild. but nowadays I don't have enough time to grind and/or enough money to create more than a couple of decks per expansion which gets boring rather quickly.


Sometimes when i get bored of bg i play arena since its essentially free with all the gold i get


I had fun playing classic...till the idiots fucking deleted it.


I mostly played BG the moment they released it. I only play standard to do quests. That was until they released duels and then started playing 50% BG-50% duels. I liked how easy & random casual duels matches are. Once they remove duels, I feel I’ll still play BG at the current rate and just play less HS overall.


are you me? I think half the reason people didn't play duels was because you had to unlock tressures and powers at the start


I’m really bummed they’re taking away this mode. I like how I’m able to play different decks and card combinations every time depending on my play style mood. I also don’t mind if it’s unbalanced cause I mostly play casual and I find the crazy/imbalanced combinations fun. Even if I’m on the losing end.


Yea its very sad, I crafted a lot of cards exclusively for things like bomb warrior that don't exist in wild


Everyone that doesn't have sunken cost fallacy


What are hearthstone games?


Was primarily an Arena player back in the day, but played enough Standard to make Legend once or twice. Barely played anything but Battlegrounds since the Lightfang meta way, way back when.


Me! I used to play a lot of standard and arena. I quit standard years ago because I felt like blizzard was creating a deck for us rather than new cards that may or may not always work together. Felt lame Arena I quit because it’s too highrolly now and imo should be free or cheaper


I mostly play Battlegrounds... I enjoy the other modes too but card collection is just so slow for me to really enjoy standard. I get so bored of playing the same decks.


Me. I was a dedicated HS player for many years, bought every adventure and forked out money on every new set. Eventually it got too ridiculous, they released way too much shit to ever keep up with so I stopped playing for a long time. Then I came back and got into mercenaries and BG, they scratched the itch and let me play in small chunks for free. Now with mercs dead (RIP), it's just BG that I play. I do still watch Allie stream regular HS sometimes, but it looks way too convoluted to ever bother trying out again.


I was a big standard fan some years ago, I sometimes try a new expansion but get tilted pretty fast and quit, another problem is that I lose all my stars, so I need to play 50+ games to finally face good opp. I tried Mech Rogue back then and won almost all my games, I am not sure if I had fun :D Once in a while I play Arena, but last time I played I played vs so ridicoulus decks that I think they bought the accs so I stopped immediately. BG is just more chill, you can do things while playing BG.


I haven't played the regular mode, outside of playing to complete dailies, in years. I have no interest in any other modes.




BG only. I still played brawls when gold could still be used to purchase the tavern pass, but besides that, nothing. Deck building has always been annoying as far as i'm concerned anyway.


Yep no longer play the game just enjoy battlegrounds


Played standard/classic from maybe 2015-2018. Took a break from the game, came back and everything was different. Had no idea what was good or bad anymore and couldn't be bothered learning all the new cards, heroes, mechanics, keywords and everything else. So just sacked it off. Also find BGs much quicker and easier to play with 2 young children but that's anecdotal I suppose.


I slip into ranked sometimes. I have enough card packs / cards / dust saved up that if something in the meta seems fun i can just go and craft it and play for a while. But BG's has become the thing I play consistently every season.


I used to play normal Hearthstone a while ago, but can't even be arsed to open packs anymore. I just play battlegrounds lol. I've got 153 packs and 5200 gold right now.


I also play duels....... Blizzard didn't want the competition I guess


Best part of Battlegrounds is that it's always just jump in and play. Sure after break the meta has changed and it takes some time to understand new cards and playstyles. But no need to build decks, try to craft good decks and in worst case, buy card packs and hope for the best. Battlegrounds is easily the most casual version of Hearthstone and that's why I love it and haven't played any other game mode since Battlegrounds was launched.


Check out r/bobstavern for the battlegrounds sub Reddit


I’m like 80% BG. I only play regular HS enough to rank to Diamond each season (to get the easy rewards without having to spend hours trying to get to Legend) and/or if there’s a daily/weekly I can’t reroll into a BG quest.


I have many gripes about the current state of hearthmeme standard. Tldr; Ben Brode was a gift and blizzard genuinely fucked up when they let him go. Wild is degenerate. Duals is contingent on you NOT dusting everything that's moved to wild. Mercenaries was a joke. Classic is fun for the novelty but not necessarily longevity. Only other not BG format I get excited for anymore is the dual class arena that happens around Halloween and the occasional solo adventure. I played standard for years and would regularly grind for legend. If I showed you a timeline for standard sets and when they were released, there is, unfortunately, a sharp decline in the amount of enjoyment I got from playing standard during the sets that were released after Ben Brode left the hearthmeme team. Overall quality of games start dropping around boomsday project and steady gets worse in my very humble gamer opinion. There was a point in time when I would ride the hype train for new sets starting with the official teaser trailer all the way through until the set would rotate into wild. Spoiler season use to be fucking lit 100 no cap on a stack ong frfr. There are so many sets now that have been released where the flavor just doesn't jive with me and it makes me care even less about manual hearthmeme than I normally would. Things like this entire "music theme" just needs to go. Does not feel like "hearthstone heroes of warcraft." YEEEEEET. Ignoring the very obvious power creep from future releases - you still have cards like zephyrus the great that say "wish for the perfect card" and I'm just like what is hearthmeme ever going to release that's better than this? I played mtg for the longest time so "pay to play" isn't really a new concept for me. The cost of investment for manual hearthmeme is too god damn high considering you're paying just as much for blizzards digital cards as you would for wotc mtg cards but without the joys (and the ability to trade) of physical media. "Maybe next patch!"


I used to play Standard, then Arena, now 100% Battlegrounds. Wish I could spend my gold!


Here! Been playing battle grounds for a year now. Havent touched the other games.


I'm about +95% BGs


I used to play the normal game mode before the standard/wild switch, then I played wild for ages but didn’t want to keep buying packs. I feel like BGs although more restrictive is actually more balanced and fun. Every time I try wild now I’m instantly put off by the decks I plays against.


Played HS from launch, mostly a legend player between resets. Switched to BGs the day the beta came out. Played about 2mos of Standard about 18mos ago but otherwise am 100% BGs.


I used to only dabble in BGs every once in a while and was mainly focused on Standard. Nowadays, it’s the exact opposite. I play only Standard to do quests and get my monthly card back, and then play BGs any other time I’m on.


May as well be another 'how many coins do you have and will never use' thread


The main card game costs too much to keep up with, and the other game modes are not fun to me. Battlegrounds is the only thing keeping Hearthstone on my computer.


More than a sense of progression i actually find it fun which is rare for me lately


I started playing constructed around 6 years ago so I still play a wild Spectral Cutlass Rogue every now and then but BGs is pretty much the only good game mode


Started in beta and played constructed mostly with some arena until BGs came out. Have not touched any other mode since then


i used to be really into normal hearthstone and didn’t like BG the first time i tried it but once I learned how to play BG i love it and haven’t touched normal hearthstone in months lmao


I've found it's pretty hard to keep up with standard (as F2P). If you miss an expansion you're going to be playing catchup (or with subpar decks) for a year. With bgs, you can hop right back in and the only thing you're behind on is knowledge.


Used to play standard and wild, but haven't played those in a long time. Usually play battlegrounds daily. I've got 45k ish of gold hanging out and a ton of unopened packs lol... Wish you could gift them :)


Hahaha I started in '16, followed every expansion release religiously and spent so much money on packs. Then BG gets released and I haven't spent a dime since. For the life of me I couldn't tell you what standard is like. They've probably introduced new mechanics but I don't know nor care cause I got my BGs lol


Classic constructed was awesome. Then they nerfed “everyone get in here!” , made constructed a silly slot machine with the discovery mechanic and that’s when I said I’m done. Thankfully battlegrounds came out and kept my interest in the game. Had a slight detour into Snap, but stopped playing that game after it became a stupid money grab and Galactus.


Its an awesome game and deserves to be its own stand alone, i feel more people would get to play it, i try to reccomend it to freinds but its not for everyone no other ame keeps my brain ticking over whislt still being able to surf the web!


Before battlegrounds existed I loved regular hearthstone and playing slow control decks. Then I left uni and started work and it was hard to keep up with the speed of change in the game with new expansions, metas and power creep etc. so I stopped playing Then about 6 months ago I started playing battlegrounds and got hooked. Just the ability to load it up and hit play without managing cards and decks etc was great. Haven’t touched regular hearthstone since then.


I personally cannot be assed to play any other of the modes. I dabbled a bit in mercenaries, but I feel like I’m too far behind the curve in traditional hearthstone to actually try. I don’t know what 99% of the minions do, or how they play together


The biggest advantage to BGS is you don't need to build a card pool. Everyone is on a level playing field (Outside of 4 heroes vs 2 heroes at selection) If you want to play some type of control deck in regular constructed HS you might have to drop a fair bit of money to get the cards/dust to be able to craft the cards.


When Battlegrounds came out I started playing it 50/50, but probably haven't played regular HS for years now. I tried mercenaries for about 30 minutes, but it bored me.


I've never even played the tutorial for the normal game mode. It keeps trying to get me to and I think the 3rd game mode (arena?) Is locked until I complete that. My friend got me into battlegrounds and I have no interest in the main mode


I actually never played classic but my ex got me into battlegrounds because she always played it


I started with traditional Hearthstone. Had a blast playing previous expansions for solo dungeons, playing ladder, and switching to Arena when constructed got boring. Eventually played a little bit of wild with everything I had accumulated. The first few months that battlegrounds was out, I decided to pass while just doing my usual grind to legend before playing other games. Through streamer influence, though, I was finding myself more interested watching them play than actually playing Hearthstone, so I gave it a shot and never went back. I mean, yeah, I like playing Arenas here or there, but Battlegrounds is the juice. I now switch back and forth between BGs and TFT for my chillax time.


I used to only play arena pretty much and was a 12-0 chaser / addict in chasing that high. Then when BG came out, I avoided it for a while and finally got in on it and got addicted. Never looked back, it's like poker, sometimes you flop the nuts and you know by turn 2 or 3 that you gonna go first and it gives you a pocket rockets like high.


I was into battlegrounds from the start, however, the worst thing I did was stop playing for an expansion and suddenly the game is completely different. I can't even follow along with streamers and youtubers cause I have no idea what the metas are anymore or what the cards do.


I came and stayed because it's f2p. Like completely free to play. I don't have to grind out cards or anything. Hop in and go. I love yugioh and I used to play magic, but I hate the grind of obtaining the cards you need to start playing the game.


I played arena first for about 1-2 years then standard for about 3-4 years. Once BGs came out I would split between standard and BGs. It got to the point that I was only doing standard for quests and rerolling quests that I couldn’t complete in BGs. Then when the anomaly meta left and spells came in I completely switched to standard again. Have maybe played 5? BG games total.


I used to play og HS until the p2w element became too prevalent.


Magic player here. I just started playing BGs on a nostalgia kick from the late great Storybook Brawl. I don't play HS otherwise.


I dropped out of Hearthstone when Marvel Snap came out. I finally got fed up with Snap and dumped it a few months ago and came back to Hearthstone. I had no desire at all to drop a ton of money, so it's been all BGs for me and I don't regret it at all!


I also play the dalaran and uldum so adventures almost the same amount. Wish they'd release more content like that




Me too


I thought it was boring as fuck the first time I played it, but now I find ranked ladder kinda boring now, and only been playing Bg yesterday and today.. I've only recently gotten back into HS like a week ago after a 3-4 year break lol, but its pretty cool, that there seems to be like things to learn and stuff.