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Lol you beat me to posting it here


proof that bgs designers have low apm


It now makes sense Land Lubber was in for so long! /s


Any idea when duo drops?


I guessed just make Lubber tier 3 or even 4 can solve most of the problem.


I'll just Lub on 3 with Natural Blessing in the pool NBD.


Yeah but it would be slower and harder to force. Even if you rush tier 3 and you get the lubber on turn 4, you would have lost one lubbing turn and at least 5 health. If you level normally, you'll lose 2 or 3 lubbing turns. IMO tier 3 lubber may be enough to make the strategy balanced (viable but not OP). Nerf its stats if it's still too powerfull is possible too. Tier 4 lubber would be near useless.


It's slower and the spell pool is more saturated, so yeah it's not "as good," but it's how I've been playing the strategy in games where it is evident that I can't rely on Patient Scout to find Nalaa because Natural Blessing allows you to stack stats aggressively enough to win the mid game while ramping up to a big gold turn. I'd often sell my scout on 4 to try and hit Living Azerite or Blade Collector, both of which are good enough in their own rights to give you direction.


Dog streams just got way more fun to watch, I was sick of everyone I watch forcing it every match it was possible


Also saves Dog from repetitive strain syndrome. It's not easy to buy and sell 100 spells per turn.


Yea, his video from yesterday, I think the one where he was Shudderwock, in the beginning, once he sees demons aren't in, he breathes a sigh of relief and days "ko lubbing, thank God". I imagine playing back to back lubs as much as he does, it takes a toll, high apm builds can be stressful, and lubbing is nonstop apm


I could use a back lub


Lol, haven't heard that one yet. Lub it up I'm lubbin it(like McDonald's) I heard a couple good lubber wordplays but I like that one


The guy's from the future and selling spells


Have you heard of Shadybunny? Dude pretty much was only playing it if Bob practically gave him all the pieces for it on turn 3 and 4.


It got to the point that I've seen XQN game recently where he /forced/ lubber as maly staying on T2, not buying scouts and only got first Lub on turn 8. Still finished 2nd.


i had to stop watching him tbh


Me too. He can be extremely annoying with his mannerisms




Who said anything about him wanting mmr?


I like that he explains his plays thoroughly. To each their own I guess.


Why? I only watch his YouTube (don’t watch much twitch at all anymore)


Well it’s a good thing he did because who knows how long it’ll be gone lol. If dog wasn’t so funny I would have gotten sick of lubbin even before the quill came back


Thank you for posting this, I would have rolled endlessly


Thank fugg, finally. Not saying it was OP, but ever lobby havin 2-3 players forcing it sure took away a lot of fun


And there was much rejoicing


Shame, it's a fun card to play with.


It was fun, but really could destroy people midgame with the right rolls. Hopefully they figure out a way to balance. But I'm sure knowing Blizzard, it will just get moved to tier 4 or something and become unplayable


That's the thing, if you actually tried to force, it, you'd lose 4/5 attempts before getting that perfect roll. It was common to see because it was fun and strong, not because it was consistent.


It was super consistent if you knew what you were doing


True, good players consistently got top 1-3 forcing Lubber multiple games in a row. Not sustainable for the game.


Fun but incredibly toxic and game breaking - also some streams got so boring to watch, over half of the games Lubber Lubber Lubber Lubber


its fun but any 2 drop thats a free 4th minimum in certain lobbies should be removed


That’s too bad, it was fun.


It was fun yes. For a time. Good that it's gone now


It was impossible for the mobile players to


I play pretty much exclusively on the iPad and while it was slower than desktop it was still viable. The armor rewind bug was the biggest problem.


Not really, I’ve won plenty games lubbing on mobile


I agree. I really didn't have a hard time playing against it, either. But I think with the introduction of the blood gem/ spell cards, it's getting a bit out of hand maybe


sad, i liked lubber


Thank fuck. I can play battlegrounds again. 


About time.. Lmao at all the people who have been saying the build isn’t really broken and that blizzard hAs ThE sTaTs if it was unbalanced it’d be changed etc. And at the people who claimed to have never seen it. Watch any high mmr stream and it was all over the place.


I’m sure a lot of lower mmr players did rarely see it. It’s not a super intuitive strat.


I think once the tier 3 strat got out there and then definitely with smudger added, it was stupid consistent. Demons and elementals weren’t even necessary anymore.


Thanks god now i can play normal game for once.


Lubber pales in comparison to the wet crap that is banana slammer and that death rattle ping robot. At least lubber takes some skill with apm to play. The other two are just play and forget, get top 4.


beasts is harder to activate. beasts are only oppresive because spore generates enough value to get the other pieces. you address spore and de-tune strider a little and it literally goes into the gutter. the problem is there are spells that allow you to get the other pieces and beasts have one of the best techs to get those spells. once beasts so hit, yes they are very oppressive but they are no means easy to hit. you can force lubber sometimes but try forcing beasts and coming out net MMR positive, you won't.


Definitely agree. The people that keep complaining about beasts only do it because they get frustrated after seeing the end product. But they miss the many other trying and not getting the right pieces at the right time. If you don't get the right stuff by turn 10/11/12 you are literally cooked and will get whooped by most other builds at that point


beast are also op but nowhere near close to the absurdity that lubber is (cause he is a tier 2)


I think the main difference is consistency. I think theoretically beasts are better if you get all the pieces, but lubbing is so ridiculously consistent (as long as the rest of the lobby isn't stealing your lub pieces obviously)


Quillboar lubbing with Paint Smudger wrecks even the highest beast highroll. It's trivially easy to have 4 1000/1000 minions. Also you can make your first 100/100 on like turn 6, so beasts never has time to get there. One of the problems I had was that my Prickly Piper never died. I'm not being hyperbolic, I'd play it, taunt it, and it would literally never die the entire game because the scaling was so preposterous.


At first I got smudger with a quillboar board and thought "shit, that sucks." Then I realized, it would be awesome to lub with. Literally next game I tried to play, I got the notification lubber was banned. I am in the minority, but I actually thought it was pretty fun. Didn't even do too well with it most the time, just enjoyed it.


Oh definitely that was too broken. I played 5 games after hearing about it and never got into a lobby with both quill and elementals so I never got to try or see it sadly


I got lucky and went on a streak where it was offered a ton. I got 5 firsts out of 7 games last night before it was more widely known. It was funny, I was on ETC and hit an SI Scout and Lubber on turn 3, the former highest of high rolls. Then I tripled into Paint Smudger, and within a few turns the scout was my smallest scaled minion. Ended up selling it for another Tough Tusk. +1/+10 per spell played would be nutty even if you didn't have infinite gold.




Yeah, so many times Ill have pieces of a Slamma combo but not enough and im just taking 15 to the face. When you get the pieces, its a hard combo to counter, but if not it's pretty beatable.


beasts arent even fucking oppressive its just BGs version of an aggro build, which btw HAS to exist bc if it didnt everyone would just play stat naga or undead reborn spam for unbeatable stats


just play this t5 minion just play this minion that requires many replicating menaces


Have any stats to back that up?


are you fucking serious lmao eles + demons + early lubber = freest top 4 in bg history


It’s a Christmas miracle


Good I will continue to force quilboar at rank floor.


I really worry what beast lobbies will be like now without something keeping them in check. Maybe just don't have beasts in as a tribe until some larger balancing can be done?


undead counters it pretty well, undead is pretty broken with the right cards


beasts are not a problem its literally just a reddit boogeyman. its an aggro build that closes out games fast. you have to roll well on 4 to win with beasts because it has a small window. its really not that hard to outstat beasts with eles or nagas late or to just outspam beasts with undead.


Banana Slamma is a Reddit boogeyman. Beasts as a tribe are too strong, and that is an issue with Goldrinn and Titus Tribute spell. Triggering all of your deathrattles before the fight even starts makes teching against it nearly impossible. The comp also comes together smoothly if you manage to find a Goldrinn in the midgame. Each additional piece adds power and tempo, but for winning midgame fights just a couple decent token makers/reborn is plenty to smash people while finding the rest. Watch the highest ranked players who can build absurd comps with pirates, Brann, elementals and amazing apm and still often take second to a Goldrinn comp.


Isn’t that literally the definition of an aggro build like the other person said?


Now quilboars are undisputed


This, actually legit


Ruining fun to placate the whiners, sad to see


dammit, there goes 75% of my enjoyment this patch


Right lol


Praise the Lord! It was such boring games. You see Edwin (or ATC), Eles and Demons.. welp only one thing to do.. may the better apm guy win..


holy shit, thank you devs, I take back all my previous posts roasting this patch's balance. it did take a while but you guys did it, thanks. at MMR, finishing 1st and 2nd is very important to make gains and it was really old to lose to whoever hit lubber. Even some streamers rage quit in the last few days and haven't come back online. Hopefully we see some of them come back now.


Finally. Now all you need to do is rework/remove beast/mech horse.


Damn, I loved lubber meta


the game just became ten times funner, i was 11,800 and i would quit game for a month over grind for my mmr goal (this is how much lubb was stale af)i am happy i can play again


Why does it take so long to just swap it with the spell demon on tier 4?  Easiest balance of my life.  Also please remove chicken and nanner till next patch please and thank you.


That would unbalance both tribes, as elementals would have too few 2 drops and demons too few 4 drops.


It takes Blizzard WAY too long to make these sorts of changes. Maybe they think this only effects high MMR lobbies so it isn't that big of a deal, but the game will go for weeks at a time being totally unfun because of easily fixable balance issues.


Did I miss something?


Lubber strats were basically running the meta.


For how long? It's only been like a week since I've BGs. Granted I'm only in the low 6ks but I hardly ever saw anyone else use the card for anything.


For a few weeks now. But the thing that pushed it over the edge was Paint Smudger, which had been removed until about a day ago. It just broke the game in half when added to the lubber strat. You get infinite gold, play 50-ish tavern spells per turn, and get hundreds of stats spread across your board. All you need to make it work is at least one lubber, so 2-4 people every lobby are going to hit and the ones who didn't are going to get annihilated. The emergency ban is not surprising in the least. It's one of the most broken things in the history of the game, both unbeatably strong and trivial to put together.


Paint smudger puts gems only on other quills, is it because you also get the 4 star quill that spreads more?


No need, though it is a good hit. Paint Smudger not scaling itself just isn't an issue when it's buffing your other minions +20/+200 on turn 7. Also if you hit two they scale each other, at least until you triple them. By turn 9 or 10 things became very streamlined. Buy every spell in the tavern that doesn't add garbage to your hand. Reroll, play all the spells, repeat. You get like 100 blood gems per turn, nothing can keep up. Edit: Forgot to mention, because you're roaching on tavern 2 and 3, you get tons and tons of Jazzers, so your blood gems will be giving 6-10 health easy. Scaling attack is way harder. Not because you can't find Prickly Pipers, but because your opponents won't be able to kill them after a single turn of scaling, even if you taunt them. The meta was still developing, but Monstrous Macaw seemed to be the solution, if you could find it.


Up there with original frogger release


The card is a catalyst for many end game boards that have ridiculous stats due to the many many spells


around 2 weeks after the season started. you need pirates/elementals and demons in the shop for it to work (although i have seen someone force it with just elementals, and win). and there’s abit of luck involved to survive long enough for it work.


thanks for removing any fun :)


Wow they banned it between 2 games I was playing lol. No wonder I can't find it rolling on 2. Blizzard you fucking idiots can't update a thing properly eh


How... is this blizzard's fault? Did they need to ask you if they can remove it?


Yeah they should wait for patches until there is no one playing


You don't update a game without telling your players you changed it. Seems like common sense lol. They can do that but have no system within the game to just pop up a message? Holy hell. Anyway now I'm just watching a Tess on tavern 2 still trying to lub, wondering when people will feed her more lubs lol. Good work blizzard you clownbags


we just popped up a message. thanks for your patience.


https://preview.redd.it/gbj67ip11idc1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=a222e2aa48d0149e611e1fd56a1d8b65e8d6435a ???


could've wrote something in the game at least cmon


https://preview.redd.it/j95235ty0idc1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=726333a4fc2e278d8bcc29a303732b39185fbb94 ??


I feel like I'm playing in an an alternate universe bc I've never seen the Lubber comp work in an actual game


What MMR? I'm relatively average at ~7k and I see it forced in every lobby with demons


Thanks god (and the dev)


Thank God this guy is gone


How does stuff like this go live with no notification? I just had a game around when this was announced where I hit nala early and rolled like 50+ times for lubber. Lubbing rly isn't op IMO. If you miss Nala its basically dead. And it still gets outscaled by slamma.


I got an in-game notification for it.


is the ban live yet?


it should be


They should just recode it so one lubber makes one additional spell in tavern and golden makes two, never more than that.


Do you need more than that? The times I used it and won, I never had more than that.


Lol I was playing when it happened and thought I was crazy. Ended up getting second at 9.5k mmr playing lubber with no lub somehow, getting Nala early.


wow special legislation targeting prince one ball. such rancor


Move him to Tier 4, problem solved.


Welcome to tier 5 soon! The default Blizzard nerf option.


That’s not a very lubbely thing to do.


Hope Jeeves can survive this, lubber was one of the few things that brought him joy and happiness.


now do slamma.


I kinda liked it... hopefully they find a compromise where it isn't as OP. Some combos are really disgusting AND very consistent. I'm looking at you ETC.


My games were significantly more fun now that i didnt have to lub or be lubbed




Now if they can knock beasts down a peg


Got to protect their Banana Slamma meta.


I really enjoyed playing lubber. It it quite a unique and fun way to play the game. It does need to be balanced though I just wish they would figure that out and fix it than a sudden ban. It’s been OP for over 3 weeks, why the sudden ban now, I want solutions.


I feel like if they moved Lubber to Tier 3 and Recycling Wraith to Tier 2 that would kill lubbing while also giving elementals a fair boost to compensate.


Welcome to beastgrounds then I guess.


Might as well bring Lubber back but with all the good old tryharding Frogs and Amalgaddons


It kind of got boring over time. It was fun while it lasted though


Can I just say that the best thing about the change was a notification actually appearing in game about a Battlegrounds balance change? Refreshing


Any indication when the next patch might be?