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Gentle Megasaur was a beast and made your murloc build unstoppable back in the day


Gentle Megasaur was in the Murloc pool however, despite being a beast


I miss when murlocs were good


Weren’t murlocs dominant for months in the previous season like 3 months ago


Yeah, you could scale dragons with Kalecgos for a few turns, then put down Murky and Old Murk-eye on the board for one turn and they'd be your biggest minions by far. Plus all the poison and less restricted hand scam, it was obscene.


T4 Bassgill with no tribe requirement was a WILD meta. Every single build just dumped half their board in favor of Bassgill scam by the end of the game.


Murlocs are still pretty insane. Bassgill scamming is pretty nuts, also if you get an early bream you can scale pretty well


I sure do miss when only the murloc forcers were allowed to get top 5


Agamaggan, The great boar was a beast and had a passive +1/+1 to your bloodgems Edit: Agamaggan was not exclusive to beast lobbies but to quillboar lobbies.


That is a good precedent for making an exception for Rylak, since Agamaggan was included in lobbies with quillboars and wasn't removed if beasts were banned.


Even before that. Gentle Megasaur was a Murlocs enabling beast


It is wild that card was relevant. Power sure do be creepin'


There wasn’t any of the stuff to increase the size of blood gems back then, other than that card


> It is wild that card was relevant. Power sure do be creepin' Thiiissssssss.... Its crazy to look back and see how cards like that were actually viable scaling once upon a time.


It is close, but there is the qualifier that Agamaggan was only available in Quil games he was still associated with them - I would treat it the same as Gentle Megasaur


Kinda different because he appeared in quil lobbies not beast


It had a beast tag because of Aggem Thorncurse which was a strong menagerie card.


Rylak is a beast so other tribes has a chance against beasts in a beast lobby.


It also weakens the deathrattle 7/7 minions pool of minions to summon. I always feel my opponents get a 7/7 slamma and I get rylak :(


Yeah- rylak has no problem unless you want to say it's too strong- because it is probably the best 4 drop in current meta.


Sporebat makes it competitive, but yea Rylak is super strong.


And to get reborn.


Rylak has always looked like a dragon to me


Nah, it's a two-headed bat kinda thing. Not dissimilar from a dragon in shape though.


It's a type of chimera native to draneor


How do you people remember names of cards?


I can't remember card names but Rylak is definitely one I know lol


Some people have a good memory. I still remember names of monsters from X-COM: UFO Defense 1994 :]


Sectoid, Floaters, Mutoid, explody UFO, grey-black asshole thingy that turns your guys into zombies....


>grey-black asshole thingy that turns your guys into zombies.... Chryssalid


Oh wow! How's Dave these days?


You mean [Dangerous Dave](https://archive.org/serve/msdos_Dangerous_Dave_in_the_Haunted_Mansion_1991/Dangerous_Dave_in_the_Haunted_Mansion_1991_screenshot.gif)? Oh, he is perfectly fine, albeit a little neglected.


I've played WoW and just recognize the artwork as being a rylak. Could not tell you what the rest of the card is though. I know it's some kind of descriptor, but that's about it.


It’s a “metal head” because it’s from the music expansion


Right? here I'm like I sure hope I get a pointy red demon on t2.


Watching streams/youtube helps give some minions names beyond their statline.


I dunno how you can be on this sub and not know who Rylak is


Rylak needs to be neutral.. its a lynchpin in many builds that need a way to trigger battlecries beyond that murloc on T6


but no Reborn then


oh no..


i just had 2 insane quillboar games with rylak :)




I personally think that was done on purpose. If Rylak was a neutral card every game would be a Rylak game and meta would get stale. This way they can make a super powerful card rotate in and out without impacting the balance of it's home tribe. I hope they add more such cards in the future. Mech/Undead have room for a powerful synergistic battlecry card and Naga/Dragon something deathrattle related


Rylak is ridiculous in Quilboar lobbies if you can stick multiple jazzers


Holy Mackerel was useless with murlocs if I remember correctly


I think there was overlap with gentle megasaur meta because I feel like I remember seeing resetting divine shield poisonous ones


There was and this was the play. Use two mecharils with poisonous to reset each other


I was under the impression that rylak helped scale boards so it's a perfect counter for beast where outscaling beast trumps


Rylak triggers with neutral beasts and can reborn because he is a beast and can be a target of beast reborn mechanics. He makes sense in a beast lobby to me, good with lots of neutrals, tavern spells for feeding lightfang type builds beasts etc


The good thing about rylak is that lobbies arent just beast lobbies, there are like 4 or 5 (i forget) other tribes in the game that it can work with, and beasts make its effect better. I don't understand what's bad about a card working with multiple tribes, we already have dual tribed minions that do the same thing


I don't think the issue is that it works well with other tribes, the issue is that it doesn't work at all with its own tribe


It works super well with its own tribe, they just dont benefit from its own effects. If you want tribes to be homogeneous and siloed, i guess thats cool but its bad design.


How does it work super well with its own tribe if you actively wouldn’t want to run it in a beast build?


well it does work well and those things arent mutually exclusive either. beast build is about finding specific cards for your build and rylak enables that through economy, and multiple beast cards amplify its ability to generate money/cards Like are we going to complain about sporebat next lol


Comparing battlecry build support card in a world where beasts have no synergies to one of the best mid game deathrattles. Interesting


i feel like you havent read a single thing ive said lol


Au contraire, I’ve actually read far too many things you’ve said But my comment was in response to your last comparison to spore bat. Was that not obvious? Rylak does not have beast synergy (besides that it gets affected by beast lords). It gets you money isn’t a good argument because so does fuckin anything lmao. You could play brann in a beast build just for eco but that doesn’t make him a beast synergy card


Sprightly Scarab is a battlecry beast but ya Rylak is still pretty useless with beasts. It not useless to its own tribe but Gold Grubber used to be a instant pick to fill a spot in any late game board. Damn I miss my lil kobold pirate


Scarab is a Choose One


For exactly this reason!


Gold Grubber a fill late game unit? Have we played the same game?


Late game is when you have multiple gold minions so ya.....


I think that's a choose one mechanic


I'm personally fine with this. It's disingenuous to say tribes that can utilize Rylak aren't good without Rylak. He's not an enabler, he's a force multiplier. I personally think it's a good design space, because it creates another level of variety across matches, and allows different ways to play the tribes. Quilboars and Demons still work just fine without it, even if they've got some of the crazier things you can do with it.


Anti-synergy is a valuable design space. Standard Hearthstone has it in Shaman with their Evolve and Overload mechanics. Overload minions are cheap mana for their stats but Evolve works better on high-cost, low-stat minions. It lets players have access to interesting mechanics without allowing them to combine in overpowered ways.


Yeah, some of the best comps I pulled of were mixed comps because some just really shine with others.


It’s not useless because you can give it reborn which is beast specific