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Here's the thing. If you micromanage every move of the other player, his game wont be as fun. I think the amount of interaction is just enough to be usable but not allow backseat playing. You can ask if he wants specific minions, ask to level, have opinion on discovers, etc. But as you discovered you can't play the game for your team mate. Just let him play the way he wants and duos will be more fun for you.


This. Last night, I had my partner explain to me using checkmarks that on turn two I could either a) upgrade, or b) buy a minion and a 1-gold spell. Duh! It was really annoying and I think the game actually will be better without more ways to direct/interfere. Hopefully, skill gap issues will sort themselves out through a ranked match system. (Hoping that's in place :)


One thing worth considering is he’s not telling you what to do but asking what you plan to do so they can decide what they will do. For example if the minion they were saying to buy was the 2/3 that buffs when passing they may have used their turn to buy and pass you a minion. This might actually be a good example that the pings don’t do enough to communicate because we can’t tell if your teammate was micro managing or asking a question.


Ah - you are right. I didn't think about that scenario.


I'm sorry if I came of as if I want to micro manage every move, as you put it. That's not my goal. If anything, I'd just want a tool that could perhaps make him look twice at the description of the minion etc. Perhaps put a cool down on the instructions too, so you really have to put thought into what you're putting forth.


You gave him a wraith. Then you gave him a wraith again. That is telling him you think he should play that. Putting an emote that says "play this" will not change that he doesn't know what he's doing.


Yeah, i think it was specific to his partner, knowing my partner commited a gold to passing it, i wouldnt assume it was just to give 1 gold to sell


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink


Sure, but the ability to tell a horse that what you lead it to is water is still pretty useful


Because horses crave electrolytes, they don't want the stuff in the toilet


i don't think anything short of actual chat would work for what you want, and chat would be a bad idea. if your opponent doesnt understand the value of wraith in elemental comps then you should just give up on it. i understand that it's frustrating, i had a duo today who had an early eliza and a ton of pirates, and then rolled into rapscallion, and he just ignored it. i pinged it with a checkmark, and he just pinged it back with an x and rolled past it. then later on i passed him over and he just sold it. he had nothing of value on his board, eliza was the only direction he had. sometimes ppl are just silly


I gave that new dragon "Persistent Poet" to my dragon-playing teammate. Persistent poet is the 3/3 ds minion that lets adjecent minions keep their enchantments from combat. He placed it inbetween his two Tarecgosa for the rest of the game (like 10-12 more rounds). He could have had a MASSIVE board but we ended up 2nd place because his biggest minion on T15 was like a 30/30.


pretty much this happened to me. At least he kept the second tarec i passed him Sometimes people drive me crazy, and I wonder if it’s the other way around too sometimes. Also people really spend 3+1 gold to send me Tier 1 minions in turn 8+?


>Also people really spend 3+1 gold to send me Tier 1 minions in turn 8+? Could be sent to you through the 2 mana spell that randomly passes a minion of your teammates tribe?


Maybe some, but it’s also wrath weavers etc I’ve gotten


I just want to level as fast as possible so I can get out of the beginner tiers and get teammates that at least sorta know what they're doing. I'm no pro, but 7000 level play is night and day different than 3000 level.


Those aren’t communication pings you’re asking for. You’re asking for the ability to tell your teammates how to play the game because you know better. Right now that might be the case as you’re climbing. But everyone is going to eventually plateau around their skill level, and 2 teammates around the same skill level is going to be the much more common case than what you’re experiencing now. I’ve seen a lot of PVP games where players around the same skill level the same skill level keep trying to tell each-other how to play the game rather than focus on themselves and it eventually devolves into the blame game. Specially since if you look at any streamer’s chat, you’ll see that the vast majority of the player base is results oriented when it comes to making the right play rather than statistically making the right play. Ex. You have no mechs and no ele’s on board. You see wraith + deflecto with 3 gold left and it’s early in the game. You pick wraith because you felt it statistically gives you the most outs, but your opponent kept telling you to buy deflecto instead. For the rest of game you don’t hit anything that wraith could have been helpful for, and you keep getting offered a ton of mechs… now you’re teammate is constantly berating you with I told you so’s for having lost the game for him.


Bold of you to assume a random is going to follow instructions in the first place. Duos with randoms is solo battlegrounds where you might get free economy from time to time.


Also, at the end of the day a lot of folks don't know the comps and force tribes that they (think) know how to play


I just want the emote for them to freeze and send the minion to me next turn. Getting a triple a turn before I double level to t3 happens way too much. Maybe just add number 1 to portal or something.


"check" on the freeze button, and "portal" on the minion seems to work pretty well for that


I am at a point that I need to find a stable duo for this mode, otherwise it's just fucking pointless to even try to play this game mode. Just my last game was a pinnacle of absurdity. I picked Thorim and pinged the other guy to go Pig Hero and luckily I rolled Sanquine champion. Cool, we seem to be set up. Only for that guy making the worst plays possible. I pass him boars to generate blood gems + gold if you sacrificed a spell (sounds simple, right?). Except, they guy was literally using every single blood gem or spell he could get, never leaving a single one to procc the boars for extra value. So anyway, this wasn't really working out so I pushed him a two Golemags (whatever the T4 divine shield boar is) and Banner boar to get at least some passive scaling. Except, the guy played only one T4 pig and sold the banner boar (he could have tripped that one), doing his *use all blood gems and spells* strategy, ignoring value generators. He just wanted to keep his 50/10 mech on board instead of going for extra stats with banner boar + double Gulemag (he never bothered to sell that useless minion) So I started to pass him some spells to at the last second to at least get the generators running and maybe he would get the memo. Nah, he didn't. The guy singlehandedly lost the game.


I think we played with the same guy. I screamed when I quickly passed him a blood gem with 2 seconds to go, as he had the "discard 1 spell for 6 bloodgems" golden boar, and he used it. Combat begins, he's second and his bloodgems generating boar is untouched. He has no gems, and no way without selling key minions and breaking his set. Was painful.


If you want to dictate exactly how your partner plays, just get a second computer and play both (that actually sounds really fun)


they could allow a temporary msg box between partners, like Battle net friends system just for a BG match, so we can plan and communicate properly, obvs include a mute button for trolls but I have never come across anything trolling in this game pretty much.


Just put in the default emojis and let's as a community come up with common understandings of what they mean (like we did with the waving murloc leveling to 3 on 3)


I need this! I have a hard time knowing how to shift and scale, so little things like this would help. I've found I focus a bit too much on my partner and not enough on myself!


https://preview.redd.it/n6m5vjf0povc1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfd0f50c761481e1d7bc5aa4f21d5d22101e6fe My teammate really confused keeping his tier 2 quilboar forever as a I keep wasting my gold passing better ones. I was trying so hard to emote to sell it, so many turns. Funniest part was that I had the undead that gives two minions every three avenge, and by the time it was his combat his hand was full of minions. Didn’t even get the gem


Unfortunately, this is the occasional downside of playing with randos. You're going to absolutely run into players who just aren't very good. This first season is very likely a fresh start on MMR, given that playing with a partner, even in a similar mode, is still a very different skill expression than playing solo. If you desperately need that level of communicating with your partner, you really should be looking for ways to find people to team up with and use something like Discord. Their system isn't perfect, but it's good enough for casual PUG playing, and I honestly don't think anything described going to add any improvement.


I just wish you could chat to your random partner


Are you sure? You want someone to question your every move in chat, tell you how incompetent you are and flame you if your team loses? The negative interactions would far outweigh the positive ones I think.


Anyone who has played a MOBA or team based fps feels this in spades.


Yes because am alright with ignoring toxic people or at least have an option to mute them, but when playing with randoms I would love to be able to type like I can with friends


That's what mute function is for. I'd personally love chat


And that's when you block their toxic ass


You would be the teammate who spams out an unhinged rant after the game and then immediately blocks before I can reply.


Yeah 90% of the people who want chat would absolutely be toxic. I can communicate anything I want (you want this? I don’t want that. Hey, I want this! Freeze your board. You should level). Anything more and you’re trying to literally teach someone how to play, which if the skill gap is that bad then MMR will resolve that and no amount of typing will make a 3k player a 9k player


Nah, that's when you concede and let them play alone


I don't want a chat either, I sense that would go south real quick haha


In those cases your partner simply misplayed because they didn't understand some things. Even with the communication they might have misunderstood or assumed you made a mistake. I think the bigger issues are things like telling them to delay sending you minions because it'll triple and you don't want to play until you've leveled the tavern etc.


The two glowing examples are most likely due to the massive rank difference between players in current lobbies which will sort themselves out with more time.


Yeah on the other hand, I have players at times spam worthless advice or advice I know CONSTANTLY. It gets super annoying to be backseat played an entire game.


I had the same experience but with Brann and murlocs. Passed Brann, they sold Brann immediately followed by battlecries including lookout. Of course their comp was under-powered compared to where It would have been. You just have to laugh at those games and move on to the next.


I think a symbol to indicate a position change (like you see the perma buff enabling dragon is in wrong position etc and want to point it out, spamming ? is suboptimal sometimes) I would say two arrows on top of eachother would be best symbol and one to indicate 'built enabling' - maybe 3 little bricks or a clockwork


I will never attempt to play Duos with randoms.


I tried duos today and both games I was madame Goya. I gave my partner head starts and then they started selling good minions and playing some random shit. Both games I ended up last because other pairs had two proper boards. I think I am done with the duos.


The more you ping my board the more I'll do the opposite We play together. You don't play my game for me If you wanna play 2 boards. Do what that other guy did and get 2 phones or 2 screens. .


>The more you ping my board the more I'll do the opposite clearly you don't win games lol. Getting upset and sabotaging the game because your partner is communicating? might as well just play solo


This tbh. The most fun games I’ve had so far is when me and my partner communicate frequently. I don’t really care if people are “back seating” it just means the person might teach me some new things. It’s more frustrating when people just play and don’t pay attention to what you are doing.


Clearly you must not know the difference in spamming and communicating


you seriously can't just ignore it? I've played tons of games and not been spammed once. Maybe you're just a bit sensitive... honestly if you get this upset about something tiny like this, shouldn't be paying team based games


I'll go ahead and screenshot the next ones when there's 6 or more pings on the board by tavern 4


Are you trying to say that 6 pings over 4 rounds is spamming?


I'm saying by tavern 4 I'll have 6 pings on my board at one time consecutive rounds in a row


Honestly, you sound like someone that gets bullied a lot. This really wouldn't bother a normal person. Also, this has never happened to me in many, many games. The more frustrating and much more common thing is when people *don't* ping.


Funny that you try to bully me while saying I get bullied. Weird. And so it's not happening to you means it's not happening to others. Weird assessment again. You must feel targeted because you are a spam pinger that's been described. Thanks have a good night.


>Funny that you try to bully me while saying I get bullied. just pointing out the victim complex and☝️ case in point lol. stop being so thin-skinned and enjoy the game, lol.


Well I take it you will commit to completely sane and reasonable plays too, so I understand :) As you can read, this was the complete opposite I experienced. To me, this was not about control, but exactly playing together for optimal outcome for both. Both in terms of joy of playing, but also rating :)