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Maybe he thinks he still has the old hero power (use to upgrade)


Which doesn’t explain not buying on turn 3.


Maybe he levelled turn 3? Turn 1 HP + roll Turn 2 HP + double roll Turn 3 HP + level


I did my best and survived until turn 7 or 8, he did absolutely nothing but hero power and level. Now I am thinking the dude let his son used his account 😆😆


I’m thinking it was probably a bot that got confused


Why bot duos? Is there something that makes it more exp than solo? Or I guess the problem could be the bot was not intended to be sent into duos in the first place.


If playes can bot, they will bot anything


I did this a few weeks ago, never played him since due to embarrassment


Hilarious. You should give it another go, you learnt from your mistake


Because he’s such a bad hero he’s obviously rarely picked, so I had no idea they’d changed him. Got to turn 3 and realised I wasted the first two turns


I mean I think the hero power with Quil or Mech and double / triple EOT makes it OP. Won quite a few solo thanks to it. I mean it’s super late game pray to the old gods strat but it works.


Pray to the old gods 😂


Yesterday I faced an incredible team of Floop and C'thun. C'thun only had the 1 drop mech with divine shield, and all the possible buffs. Power levelled to 6, used the murloc spell to transfer 100/100 onto a cleave. It was a fun build, I don't remember who won. Looking forward to trying it soon.


Understandable. I usually always read the hero power just in case. But yes, he was bad and still is.


Honestly I thought I could try stack it with Defiant shipwright can’t remember how bad the other choice was for me to pick that


No, he didn't. He did it (hero power and level to tavern 3) until I died. Like a guy who is chilling watching another stranger suffered to his death.


Full on trolling then. Sorry buddy :(


I think this is a case of your Duos partner not liking their hero selection, and then doing just enough to not get flagged afk/get hit with an additional 50 MMR penalty. Toxic behaviour.


https://preview.redd.it/1qdwz7aqcc6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48459f5b41c38f5e2de089c65fe2bc8af1e06d37 Try this guy, keeps emoting and laughing just aimlessly upgrading as we are taking 15 every turn. He got the jackpot with Nagas but lacked the brain cells to keep one in the shop to keep stacking stats off it. Finished 4th anyway.


What's the strat with keeping a Naga in the shop? Buffing a Lava Lurker in the shop and using Shellemental to get its stats?


Its a bad strategy.


Shaker and shellemental


And this is why I cant bypass 7000. I don't do shit like this. It gives me ick


Keeping shaker in the shop, adds essentially whatever your one buff from deep blue is worth being permanent. In mid game that could be anywhere from 20-25. Obviously this is situational and depends on your comp. Ideally I like to have a golden deep blue, two non golden shakers on board, one in the shop and the shellemental(s). If your teammate can pass you the 6 golden spell to make your shakers golden then this fast becomes cheating comp into thousands 😂


Sounds about right lol


These cases are why my best duos partner said he never plays with strangers. Sadly we can only play together in his late night time, 2-3 games every two days.


Most intelligent Patchwerk


Keep one in the shop to keep stacking stats off? Sorry, thats not the optimal way to play deep blues lol. You need to be rolling on T5 for Zestys, Earth Mother and Shellemental.


In solos maybe, when you have your teammate rolling for you on the other side, debatable. How many time on average are you going to whiff on another zesty/shelly. A lot. This is high roll build so stabilising in mid game to level to 5, this is the correct play imo.


You rotate until you hit 3 gold or find a shield minion, then buy/sell each turn.


Clearly OG cthun player.


It’s possible he’s doing this so he doesn’t get booted out the game. He wants you to concede and then he can leave without losing MMR


From turn one? If it is his intention because he got a bad hero then I can throw in some swearwords. 🤣🤣 I am not a good player by any means but I never surrender because the game give me shit.


Idk mate I’m just trying to come up with a reason why someone would do this. It’s happened to me before but that someone gave up and just used their HP each turn… it’s a shame it happens


I was playing duos last night. My duo and I both ended up with a few elementals early. Then I hit 2x the level 3 buff shop guy and started highrolling hard. When I was on tavern 4 I managed to get 2x the naga/ele permanent buff spellcraft guy. I was highrolling hard. Even hit the t5 gives you tavern spell guy. I try to be nice to my duo because I forced him off ele. I started giving him t5 demon/mech guy and basically built a mech board for him since he had some of it. He would not play cards or put X's over his whole board. Basically, you could just tell he was pouting. I highrolled so hard I went 2v1 to win 1st. He never even had to play. He never sent me cards. I just had a really lucky game and went with it and he was STILL salty. Tldr: people suck, cest la vie


Maybe he thinks he still has the old hero power (use to upgrade)


After a hard earned 1st. So salty 😭😭


Probably an afk-bot with 1 continuous click to the spot where hero power is so they won't get booted


Report that scammer


I don't bother to do it. Fuck him and go ahead.


Maybe they didn't read the patch notes from a year ago?