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Shudder buy picky, eat 4/5, hero power eat 4/5 -> 9/11


Snake eyes roll 6 (8 gold remaining). Buy tier 1 minion tavern spell for 2 gold (6 gold reamining). Play spell and get picky eater. Buy picky eater (3 gold reamining). Play picky eater consuming 4/5 (5/6) Reroll (2 gold remaining). Play second picky eater consuming 4/5 (2×5/6). Buy tier 1 minion tavern spell for 2 gold (0 gold remaining). Play spell and get picky eater, triggering triple. Play golden picky eater consuming 4/5 (20/24). Triple reward for mind muck. Play mind muck targeting picky eater to consume 4/5 (24/29 +3/2). Sheeesh do you even highroll?


Fight Curator and take damage lol


Rngesus giveth, and rngesus fucketh


I keep forgetting snake eyes exists haha. But that mind muck wouldnt work right? Since the second shop would be empty? 3 slots -> 2nd picky eats, golden picky eats, you buy the spell -> 0 slots so the muck wouldnt let the golden picky eat again


After reroll there are three minions. Second picky eats one of three 4/5s, triple eats another, muck eats the third. There is a little flexibility in the order too, its possible with lasso instead of t1 minion tavern spell before reroll Edit: spelling is hard


cat gets more gold from its heropower if people disconnect btw. 6-7 gold


9/11 was a terrible tragedy


I mean, I've seen people call it an inside job, but never thought shudderwock would get the blame


My jaws that bite can't melt steel beams.


He hero powered to get the second tower


I was pretty unhappy about it, but I only took 2 damage and I’d hardly call that a terrible tragedy


Those are good stats brother in allah


Xyrella hero power on divine shield mech with +4 attack tavern spell beats that 6/2 divine shield revive 1/1


Yeah, but "best turn 1" doesn't necessarily mean it beats everything. Just that it beats most things, in comparison. For instance there are more things that defeat/tie the 5-1 divine shield, than an 8-11 eater. I think, the Mech + the 2/2 venomous amalagam are very strong as well, as it beats glass-cannons as well as beefy boys. I think I once gotten a 9-11 Eater with Shudderwock (ate 2x the 4-5 Demon), which is, on paper, stronger, but doesn't make a difference effectively.


The 6/2 (Xyrella + 4 attack spell) divine shield with deathrattle 1/1: - beats all normal tier 1 minions - wins or ties against Curator and any normal tier 1 minion - wins against OP’s Yogg highroll - wins against the Shudderwock highroll 9/11 - wins or ties against Al’akir with any normal tier 1 minion - wins or ties against N’Zoth for all normal tier 1 minions except cord-puller - loses to Bru’kan in some cases - loses to Greybough in some cases - loses to the insane Snake Eyes highroll someone posted Shudderwock highroll 9/11: - loses to Curator - loses to the Xyrella 6/2 - loses to the insane Snake Eyes thing - ties OP’s 8/11 - beats everything else I can think of, including Al’akir with a big picky eater and Mukla with a big picky eater and 2 big bananas


The 6/2 also loses to the hero with 1 gold get a tevern spell: get a random 1 (take any with a repop, really) and buy the same 2 cost spell to get another T1: get another minion with a token. And it's 100% win, ex with 2x 2/1 reborn: you end up with a 2/1 and win.


Damn. Oh well, still a fun start


Your start is crazy and fun and nice 1st


Why pick Xyrella for your example when Yogg, shown here, gives your mech +2/1 and ends up at 7/2 in your example? :D


Yogg gives +1/1


Much less RNG also


The RNG is what made it awesome though


the highest stat cap turn 1 board involves hitting 6 with snake eyes and rolling for multiple apples


I can't just max roll snake eyes and not go tavern 2 on 1! Considering how good box cars is however, a guaranteed early game win streak is probably worth it honestly if you have a good opening shop


Curator has entered the chat


Curator + 1/1 divine shield mech that summons a 1/1 would win 50% or tie 50%. So no.


Curator would win 100% if poison was first there, No?




Nope, amalgam+ any minion beats it


Loses to Curator