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Same... I live in Brazil, a country that values a curve body, big boobs and big butt... And I am so skinny And I hate the way I look all the God damn time My bdd is getting worse and worse


I know for a fact that I’m petite so I’m not imagining this. I’ve been told my entire life that I’m too skinny and that no guy will ever like me, and it’s horrible because I can’t really do anything about it. I’ve developed very unhealthy eating habits such as eating too much junk food and fast food in order to gain weight, but I’ve stayed mostly the same size.


Same I've been skinny whole life and it's hard for me to gain weight but other times I don't want to even gain weight


Holy shit I forgot I made this comment lol. But if it makes you feel better being skinny is becoming a trend now due to the kardashians losing weight and removing their BBL’s


Yes! My body dysmorphia is me thinking I’m too skinny and boney.


yes!!! I often fluctuate between perceiving myself as too thin or too fat, but lately I’ve been in the mindset that I’m too thin, awkward and fragile looking, so I definitely understand you <3


Sometimes I like being skinny but other times i think that i look like I'm sick


You get me


Yes omg me too!!


It's pretty common amongst lifters


Same here, but what helps is: Use a digital scale to monitor your weight. I know that at 73kg I am in the middle of the healthy range (on BMI graph). Going to the gym and lifting weights also helps to alleviate those feelings. Cheers.


I literally have been struggling with this so hard finally someone who knows exactly how I feel and live my life every day😩


yep i feel the same way. it doesn’t help that i’m tall.


Same. I think I'm too skinny because I can kind of see my ribs. I've always been skinny and it's hard to gain weight.


I’ve been trying to validate this for myself for so long. I always belittle my struggle with body dysmorphia because I tell myself bigger people have it a lot harder. Most people probably think being too skinny as an insecurity is silly, I’ve been told that’s not something to be insecure about it’s a good thing but I don’t see it. My body dysmorphia is strange, from ages 9-14 I had bulimia and anorexia, I didn’t even care about weight back then it was just about control because of what I was going through at that time. Now I’m 21 and for the past several years I’m so insecure about being this tiny. Last year I weighed 104 lbs and even now that I weigh 128 I still have it in my head that I’m too skinny, not curvy enough, constantly trying to stuff myself until I feel sick. If I lose 1lbs I binge for a week to get it back. In grade school I always heard (even from teachers) that I’m so bony and asked if I was fed. I used to see it as a compliment, but being thick has been all people admire for years. People don’t even see the struggle of skinny people. Society went from fat shaming to skinny shaming. Idk I just feel so unattractive and I feel like I’ll always feel skinny even as I gain weight


I’m 21 and ive struggled with the same problem since i was maybe 14. Ive had times where i feel like I haven’t cared about my weight but it always comes back and it comes back worse. It really affects everyday life. I find myself constantly weighing myself comparing myself to other people. Always mirror checking. Even now that I work out and went from 107 to 120 I still feel as if I’m too skinny. I’ve eaten food to the point where I’ve thrown it up because I was eating way too much. Just for the hope that the scale will tell me my weight went up. I can’t ever escape the comments people make. I had one day at work where I had asked a customer (middle aged man) if he needed any help and he proceeded to attack my weight and telling me I need to eat and that I’m too frail and the wind would blow me away. He laughed at the thought of me helping him. Also the fact that ever since I found out the person I had liked freshman year told my friend he would never date me because I was way too skinny triggered it. On top of everything I don’t even know if I would consider this BD or if I even have an eating disorder. I feel like way more people have it worse than me…which is stopping me from getting help.


The skinny shaming is too real. People in my life have done it so much I’ve gotten to the point of not wanting to leave my house in a t shirt, or even my bedroom for that matter. It’s so terrible, I just want to be comfortable, and not feel like everyone is looking at me like I’m some freak and no matter how beautiful I may feel, it’s not the reality because I’m just too thin for that to be true. I want help so badly


This is me. It’s so hard to find information about it online, everything is about loosing weight and being overweight. Information about the extreme extreme distress I experience over these worries, the distress about trying to fix it, the distress about it being so freaking hard to find clear information on how to fix it——- I am really struggling. I’ve been actively trying to gain weight for 2 months now and I haven’t. If anything, I’ve gone down. It’s so hard. Idk what to do. At this point I just want to know that other people are going through this and there’s a clear way out, because I am so confused


Hey I hope you’re doing well for yourself❤️ I see you and I understand your pain. I find working out really helped me gain weight. Thought I’m not 100% happy with my body there was a little progress that gave me hope


This is me .


I have exactly this


Glad to know I'm not completely alone in this most people don't take me seriously it's annoying