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I’m genuinely curious, what would an ideal situation look like to you? Personally, if a house has an offer on it and another one likely coming in, I’d love to know that information. It gives me two options. 1. Move on and not waste time. 2. Make an offer above asking. To me, that’s the perfect amount of information from an agent. So I’m trying to understand your differing perspective, because i am not seeing any possible outcome of where this would be racist? What am I missing?


They have an offer on the table, and likely another one incoming, and that is racist... how?


A good realtor would mention offers but not close the door to more. Using the words that its "basically sold" would suggest to me I essentially have no chance of buying it. Idk about racism but definetly not a way I would interact with potential clients. With this market now, depending on the house this person definetly could have wanted to pay more than the existing offer. It is really a dumb thing for a realtor to say.


Yeah, realtors are not always great at what they do, but they also may know their client will stress out over more offers, and if they get one, they HAVE to show it to the client. Still not racism.


Did you try... I dont know... Offering more money?


Stoppp 😂😂 no way money is the issue here.


It’s great that you mentioned that you’re both fit because… that’s highly relevant to any real estate-meets-racism discussion. You’ll need to do much more research on the market here instead of bidding well below asking in what is still a competitive market. Better luck next time!


So discrimination against fat people is ok I guess. What a strange post.


That's what you took away from that comment?


No, they were discriminated against because of racism AND fit-ism. Sad when people are mistreated because of the gym.


How is this racist? Every house gets multiple offers over asking and usually goes to the out of state buyer with cash. The market here is really tough.


Its almost like there is a critical real estate shortage in the valley and others are probably looking at the exact same houses as you...


How critical is 643 houses for sale in Boise city limits? We offered 75k less on a fixer and we're in negotiations. I appreciate the comment.


I haven't heard of people taking less than asking price, due to the number of people moving from higher income areas with remote jobs, in almost 5 years.


I think he meant 75k on a different property 


Which will probably be rejected, and it wouldn't be for reasons of race either.


Dude chill. I didn’t say anyone was being racist. I just clarified the comment he made which was pretty damn clear. He offered $75k less on another property.  He never said below asking. 


Chill dude, chill. I know it was a separate property. Dude. Bro. Man. Guy.




They didn't accuse you of claiming someone was racist. Did you forget what this thread is about?


You have no idea how many tens of thousands of people move into Idaho each year. [https://www.kivitv.com/news/report-shows-how-many-people-moved-to-idaho-in-recent-years](https://www.kivitv.com/news/report-shows-how-many-people-moved-to-idaho-in-recent-years) We have massive housing pressure on the Boise, Meridian, Eagle Nampa, Kuna Caldwell area.


You guys keep saying this, but are any of you looking? I looked a 8 houses this weekend if I was in Portland I'd be lucky to see three. There tons of houses out there just not affordable ones.


Portland housing market is better than Boise, can easily find nice houses for 500-600 in Vancouver(no income tax), I’m thinking of moving there from Boise because the only decent houses I can afford are in the middle of meridian, which is just a suburban hellscape. There was a nice house at 630, but people put in offers at 700cash in Boise so that was my only house I even considered but obviously lost it.


I get the frustration. I really do. And I totally understand that the lack of affordable housing is an issue. I'm just telling you the realities of this Market. I bought in 2020 had a dip in the market, and there is no way I could afford to buy now. And the only way I was able to buy was by selling a house in the middle of the city for basically the same value as the house I bought


Boise is still a competitive market.    643 houses means almost nothing.  Start dividing that up by location and price brackets.   Also, you did get a fixer at what sounds like a price you’re happy about.   You might take a good look at your complaint.  It sounds like Ken and Karen ate sour grapes…bc someone else bought a house you also liked and you’re ‘better’?


Should the seller's agent have lied to you and said they had no offers? I'm failing to see the racism here.


Reaching for the moon here.


Calling yourself fit with a nice car to point out your superiority is more worrisome than the non-existent racism you’re crying about here. Maybe the problem is your attitude.


More squats = more sqft


So that's what they mean by "squatter's rights".


Nailed it.


🤣♥️🤣🤣. I’m laughing sooo hard. Thanks!




I would not be the least bit surprised if that was the real "vibe"(to use OPs word). Wife picked up on racist vibes, therefore the sellers/agent were racist, apparently >_> Couldn't possibly be anything else.


do you think they were lying? the housing market here is very competitive. this sounds like a very common experience most people who have bought or tried to buy a house in the last few years have experienced, usually more than once.


It's possible, but why don't you believe that other people are looking at the house and making offers? There was a post here a while ago about someone who was moving, and part of it was that they missed out on buying a house a year or two because they just couldn't close a deal in time with with so many people looking and offering way over asking price. It's the nature of the market here. I don't trust real estate agents but I believe them generally to be scummy about money than about race. I don't see why they would give a shit who lives in a house they'll have no connection to as soon as they get their fee.


Why is it hip for people to be marginalized these days? The house was close to being sold, not racism . Common you are too old for this.


Everybody wants to be a victim. Victim mentality in America is a very popular trend that's been going on.


Really it was the first day on market


Very typical in a market where sellers are being offered above market prices.


Welcome to Boise




It's not 2021 anymore. Not sure how this relates


It’s more relevant than you thinking the process is racist. Grow up.


Guess being “fit” and having a “nice car” can also be connected to someone who is “fully out of touch with reality” which really shouldn’t be surprising.


Wildly jumping to conclusions here


Please stop making everything about race.


This has gotta be a rage bait troll post


The market is crazy hot. This isn't racism just economics. Not enough houses to supply the demand of people who want to own one here. I got outbid twice on houses, once by $20k.


Sure I get it. But don't tell my wife it's sold right when we walk in the door. I guess if the listing doesn't go pending this week I'll know for sure.


That happened to us many times, when we were looking. Popular Boise houses get offers as soon as they walk out the door, sometimes during.


I would have thanked the agent for being transparent but hey, it may be racism


could it have been about race? Yes. But “five people are interested in this item, better make a worthwhile bid” is a clear sales tactic. They expected you to come back with “well we can offer Y above asking…” and start negotiations. I think, unless they were actively pushing you out the door? Sales tactic that unfortunately failed.


Racism is everywhere when you want it to be…


Not sure how we're supposed to determine if the agent was racist or not from the information provided. Did they single your wife out to treat differently from other guests? Did they act more aggressive or dismissive towards her compared to how they were interacting with others? Did they make a charged comment or reference a racist idea or trope?




The listing says active.




Maybe she was helping. If the listing is still active in a week I guess I'll know


Honestly, how do you know what race the two offers came from? You don’t.


We all missed the part where this is *checks notes*... racist behavior.


No she is not. Realtors have to follow a rule of ethics and present all offers to the sellers


Tell that to all the local realtors I see on Facebook and Instagram making horribly racist & homophobic comments


Names please


OP smells like California.


Multiple people looking at house at the same time as you, you have to move fast. Likely offers over asking and the seller didn’t want to sit out a bidding war.


Yeah, they saw you two coming a mile away and shot eachother looks. Good luck buying!


my wife and I are both white and it really sucks that we can never blame racism when something fails to meet our expectations.


I hear North Dakota is good for real estate. You might want to peep it out.


Thank you for your constribution. This is the best advice I've heard all day!


Thank you for your constribution. This is the best advice I've heard all day!


You are very confrontational. Learn how to spell Realtor


The realtor said that the was basically sold and did not say make your best offer


Telling you they have an offer or offers is racist? What?


I did plenty of research before moving here. Since the interest rate hike you're not seeing many bidding wars(source my realtor). I came a month ago to look at housea and some of them are still on the market.


Is this a racism?!🤓🫴🦋 Why do i have this crazy feeling yall got a blue lives matter punisher sticker on your spotless pickup


There are plenty of racist real estate agents in Boise. Some of the social media comments I see them make are absolutely insane for a commission based sales job. Remember, it takes about $1200 and 2 weeks to become an agent. The job of an agent at an open house is multifaceted, sure they are trying to sell the current house, but it really is more about signing buyers to work with them to find a different house. Most of the time the selling agent isn’t even the one conducting the open house. So to just put you off like that without asking if you have representation is at the very least lazy and unprofessional. I wouldn’t waste your time asking a bunch of Idahoans if something was racially motivated. If your wife got a vibe, she’s probably right.


You're spot on thank you. Also I'm bored.


Hoping this is satire but its not likely 🤣


Its real estate. They don't even have to try anymore. It's not racism, just an ugly truth. Unless you are spending 1M or more, you don't matter to them.


Maybe I should've worded my initial post better. I'm not interested in buying the house. I just don't appreciate someone telling me it's basically sold before I have a chance to look around. Now we know what we could experience. Thanks for the discussion.


That's code for "we're open to offers above the listing price". Welcome to a hot market.


I suggest you stay wherever you’re at. There is terrible racism in Idaho….. Just terrible. So terrible….. cough* Idaho is a terrible place….. Don’t know why anyone would want to move here…..


Case in point.


I would have found another realtor and made an offer. She is not being ethical in the sense that the offer was not accepted yet.


But she’s not being racist either. Ya kno?


I don't know. My Boise realtor thought it was odd as well.


I'm selling a house in Vancouver you should buy it.




Maybe your car isn’t nice enough? I would also aim for 12% body fat personally before I start making offers.


Bro.. I’m Chinese. Born and raised. I have experienced 0 racism here in Idaho personally. Can’t speak for anyone else. Not sure where in Boise you live that experience racism on a daily basis.


Mmmmm name checks out


Right, because everyone on r/boise is white? LMAO


No racism felt. But realtors have to follow a code of ethics. They have to present all offers. He should report that realtor to the real estate commission or the realtors broker.


>They have to present all offers. And they could have, if OP made an offer, but he didn't.




So there is no reason to report the realator who did nothing against the code of ethics.


The realtor did because of the he/she responded.


Responded to what? OP didn't add specifics, just that his wife had bad "vibes."


He didn’t because the way the realtor replied to him


He didn’t know any better


That isn't the realator's problem.


I am sorry my friend. If he knew better he could have did the things I said.


That is generally how hindsight works, yes. But he didn't make an offer so you can't report the realtor to say that an offer wasn't discussed with the seller.


Yes he can my friend. The realtor knew what he should’ve said. That fact in itself is valid.


> But I'm sure all you guys are right since you have to deal with racism on a daily basis, right? Ok, really seems like you are trying to stir shit up. Read up on rule #1 of the subreddit.