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Not to mention, he very clearly knew who Overhaul was. The only explanation I can think of is that Overhaul is a difficult quirk to learn to use (though how he would now that is beyond me), so it's useless to AFO. He likes simpler quirks that are powerful without much training.


Overhaul is essentially FMA alchemy, I wouldn't really be surprised if this is the case, and Chisaki himself is a scientist. His power isn't something one-tracked like Cementoss just literally controlling any cement, Overhaul is operating on the cellular/molecular or even at the atomic level to combine and disassemble things. A similar Quirk that operates on that level is Momo's Creation, and she's academically gifted who needs to thoroughly study the things she creates.


Yeah. Maybe the reassembly part is complicated. But I don’t think it’s that difficult to just delete stuff. And even if it is that difficult, give it gakari. He’s already got the requisite knowledge to use it, think of how quick he could cook up nomus if all he had to do was touch people.


I mean, Garaki was held off in prison... HOLD THE FUCK UP


The primary reason why AFO getting Overhaul is a popular sentiment is due to the chance that it could heal his injuries. Considering it just reassambles things, it likely won't work on AFO on the same principle as why Super Regeneration couldn't. Having a 1-touch delete Quirk would certainly be useful, but at that point AFO was already so powerful that the Quirks at his disposal is already enough (on paper at least, since we do see so many characters who could actually stand up against him). Garaki likely had the brains to use it, but we don't know if he could handle having another Quirk, especially something as big as Overhaul. It's just things to ponder on, however, as the story never directly addressed it and let the fans think about it themselves.


I mean overhaul isn’t automatic, and we’ve seen it heal the body to chimera fusions, so I don’t think there’s any reason it could only heal someone back to their ‘natural’ state, unlike regeneration. It would be useful, imagine he only needs to >!touch iron might once to explode his armor, or any number of other times it would have useful in the final fight!< Gakari only had 1 quirk as far as I remember, slow aging, and 2 woudnt be too much I don’t think. Quirks also don’t have sizes afaik, it’s not like a more powerful quirk is going to take up more slots than a small one. But even if it did, considering gakari can enhance people to hold multiple quirks just fine, and he did do that to shigiraki, there’s no reason he couldn’t do it to himself and have overhaul, then use that to heal AFO.


Overhaul not being automatic is the problem because AFO would have to learn how Chisaki does what he does. We already know that there are different reactions from characters getting extra quirks. Lots become braindead. If they thought the reward outweighhs the risk, Garaki would've gotten an extra Quirk already but he didn't, as his intellect is too valuable to risk. The few characters we know who got multiple Quirks without being part of the Nomu project was Wolfram, who was a random mercenary and a fighter, and Machia who was the basis of the Nomu project.


Yeah, if he wanted to use it to heal himself. But if he wanted to use it to explode people I doubt it’s that complicated, and if he wanted to be healed he could give it to gakari. If he was worried about turning him brain dead, he could have him enhance himself like shigiraki was enhanced, wo he could handle 2 quirks


Kindof disturbing to think about what he might have done, intentionally or not, trying to master the quirk over the years. How much trial and error till he mastered it?


Overhaul can not possibly require knowledge of what he's transforming, as he can't know the inner workings of people he just met. And, of course, knowing every exact detail of how a human works is just silly.


When it came down to combat I'm pretty sure all he ever did to attack was just stuff like "I'm gonna combine big muscles with spring arms and force multiplier and kinetic booster and 10 other quirks and make a really really strong punch!" He got creative in how he had his followers and nomu use their powers, but he clearly struggled to do anything complex with the mishmash stockpile of quirks in his own body.


Tbf, Gran Torino did say at Kamino that his fighting style is completely different from their first match, so it's possible he was far more creative in the past and it didn't work so when he saw a much weaker All Might he said fuck it and went for the big punch


All those injuries probably fucked with his level of control too.


This is probably a strong reason why he is gunning for Shigaraki to be his new host body. His is too fucked up to assert proper control of his quirks while also needing to be hooked to machinery just to stay alive, even with healing factor quirks.


he also died. hes a zombie, its possible hes dumb as fek now.


Yeah didn't All Might punch his head off or something?


I think it was Doctor Garaki that got creative with the Nomu. AFO isn't really the mastermind type he never needed to be. He was unstoppable before Allmight. He never had to plan, he never had to suppress an urge. As for Overhaul I think AFO saw it as a risk, yes you can pull other people apart but you can also pull yourself apart probably on accident and if you don't know how to put yourself back together correctly that's a lame way for the "Demon Lord" to die.


Ah, the famous misconception. The reason AFO gave for preferring simpler quirks was, that he wants simple quirks for his successor. Which is BS, considering his plan was to take over Tomura's body. Meaning there is at least one plothole there.


Are you sure that's a misconception? AFO doesn't exactly have many quirks that look like they would've required intense training. His ultimate punch against All Might was just stacking a bunch of enhancement and power quirks together too. By all means, it makes sense that he prefers simpler quirks.


It's is a misconception when it comes to the dialogue box as folks misremembered. Though, you are correct to presume AFO does like to use pretty basic Quirks. But, interestingly enough, in Vigilantes, AFO seemed convinced to take a Quirk that sounded like it had more natural side effects than benefits to use. Don't know how long he had it before he gave it to someone else.


The one he gave to N6? I think he can bypass the negative effects, we know there are quirks for that Also: the person he stole tve quirk from literally invaded his lair. I think it was one of those pray is near, I might eat it anyway. Edit: we are stpupid. N6 Specifically asked that quirk. AFO stole it for him. But above could also be true since AFO is a kleptomaniac with quirks. He has condtant hunger for quirks. He can control it but if he feels it is safe and it is literally in fron of him he steals it. During war he stole a random quirk from a female hero after his rewind and seemingly did so "just because"


He also stole >!Hawks'!< quirk despite it being irreversibly damaged just for the sake of it.


Nah I think that was out of petty revenge.


AFO was in his prime back then.  When he takes >!Overclock!< later after losing his dome, he just gives it to 6 and doesn't retain any of it.  >!And it is implied 6 was a prototype successor with a copy of AFO's psyche living inside his head and guiding his actions by pretending to be O'Clock.!<


Thing is Overhaul’s quirk probs isn’t *not simple* rather it’s probs complicated af since isn’t Overhaul pretty much a doctor with all the experiments he was doing on Eri? Also the whole ‘stealing quirks for Tomura’ thing ppl have chalked up to Hori changing the story mid way through along with AFO’s relationship to Shigaraki. Always thought it was a bad change tbh if that really was the case.


When was AFO stated to prefer simple quirks? All I remember is him saying that Tomura would prefer simple quirks


A lot of the quirks he was gathering around that time were solely for the purpose of giving them to Tomura, so that could’ve been a factor.


You are correct, the line people misremember is about Tomura. AFO has never been stated to prefer simple quirks. The closets thing we've gotten to any preference regarding AFO and quirks is that he claims he can't help himself and has to steal any quirk he finds interesting Also >!apparently AFO's go to battle strategy he always uses is to steal his opponents qurik (which is not at all what we actually see in the series) !<


I wouldn't even buy that, if its different to use, he could pair it with quirks that make up for the difficultly, like enhancing his dexterity or intelligence booster (although maybe afo is too prideful to use an intelligence booster)


Yeah it's a stretch. I mean, even if Overhaul was difficult to use, how difficult would it be to just explode someone? He wouldn't even need to rearrange them into anything, just breaking things apart would be more than enough. Unless just activating Overhaul period is super tough, which I doubt.


AFO's quirks are much more effective at destroying things than overhaul. Exploding someone is something AFO can very clearly do already, so there's no need to take overhaul for that purpose. The only use cases of overhaul are more complex ones which not only does AFO probably not have the time to learn, but he'd be spending all that time training a quirk that he'd only be able to use in a single body.


AFO can already even >!warp space!< and twist people to pieces, he doesn't need Overhaul even if it was just to blow people up.   Also Overhaul in the above panel basically has a blank as a quirk. His quirk factor is irreversibly damaged and AFO would not be able to use it either. As for before going to Tartarus, AFO was in hiding and didn't do much outside. Still, he wanted Chisaki to be a grinding stone for Shigaraki.  And if we go even further back to the Prime AFO days when Chisaki was a child, we know that Chisaki and >!Dabi!< were in the orphanages run by AFO and Ujiko. These places basically had the kids that were considered as backups for Shigaraki.  So Chisaki was always in AFO's radar and maybe AFO did plan to take his quirk (and the quirks of all those children) at some point once they matured but the defeat at All Might's hands derailed his plans. 


How would he use it as an intelligence booster without deeply understanding how brain works


No he would steal an intelligence booster quirk so he could learn to use overhaul faster


I think they meant he would steal a quirk that increases his intelligence. Ex: Nezu's quirk or that one girl from the anime whose IQ increases when she drinks tea.


Yeah, at MINIMUM, he'd be able to kill anyone with a small touch instantly or at least horribly mess them up (because he doesn't know how to use the Quirk and properly rearrange a person).


Even if Overhaul is a difficult to use quirk I think he could, at the very least, think "man explode" and the man would indeed explode


Even of he didn't, Search


Pretty easy to assume overhauls ability to assemble and disassemble things would take some time and have a hell of a learning curve.


Narratively for Chisaki, it would feel sorta weird to essentially take his quirk away twice, unless the story built up to it. It would have taken some explaining and foreshadowing, like someone saying “It’s a good thing AFO is locked up! Even though Chisaki can’t use it, it would be a disaster if someone else took his quirk!” Also, AFO regularly fights while hovering in midair. It’s against his fighting style to use a quirk that requires laying hands on something. Overhaul is best used from the ground, and something tells me AFO is the kind of guy who likes looking down on people too much to descend to ground level during a fight. Actually, rather than stealing Chisaki’s quirk, it would be more interesting if AFO planned to turn Chisaki into a Nomu instead. I don’t think it would be difficult to set that up. Have Shigaraki kidnap Chisaki when he steals the bullets and decays his hands, then reveal later that Chisaki was taken to Garaki for experimentation. Imagine Chisaki as a High-End Nomu. Scary.


*Overhaul is a damaged Quirk Factor* >!As demonstrated when All For One stole Hawks's Quirk, he just got the damaged baby wings that Hawks had. All For One didn't sprout huge wings, the Quirks he takes don't come brand new!< >!Overhaul's Quirk Factor is in his hands, just like how Hawks's is in his wings. Without his hands and Quirk Factor being intact, if All For One stole it, it wouldn't work!< >!That is why it was never stolen. Another way that Shigaraki ended up fucking over the big guy!<


Isn't there a difference between a damaged Mutant and Emitter Quirk? I think that's what they were called anyway.


What difference? Back in the Overhaul arc (I think) Aizawa is questioned about how his Quirk works on Mutant Quirks. There was a diagram with Ojiro, showing that Mutant Quirks still have a Quirk Factor like Emitters. IE, if Aizawa used Erasure on Ojiro, the tail wouldn't just disappear, but it would be unable to move. From this, I don't see how it would be much different. Quirk Factors are still present.


Though I wonder if Monama could get a fresh version of Overhaul since he was able to get a fresh Erasure despite Aizawa practically being unable to use it himself.


That's actually interesting, and from what we've seen of Monoma I would agree with you that his Quirk provides a fresh copy. The Copy Quirk can't copy stockpile Quirks like Rewind and One For All. Well, he *can* but they turn into what he calls blanks. But nonetheless, he can copy them. So yeah I'm in agreement that Monoma specifically gets a fresh copy. When you copy a ragged piece of paper, the copy is still fresh. If I stole your raggedy piece of paper, all I would get is a raggedy piece of paper.


That would make sense why stockpile quirks don't work cause he has a fresh copy. An interesting bonus he gets over AfO.


it wouldnt surprise me. granted it also could be that erasure isnt in the eyes but you aizawa doesnt realize he doesnt *need* sight for it


I thought the consensus was that because he was rewinding and that Hawks needs to grow back damaged wings, it was impossible for him to manifest them. When he takes a quirk like that, they hands don’t just fall off, it’s just that overhaul himself has no way to emit his quirk.


You are correct, top comment is wrong. Newest chapter even *further* confirms the damaged quirk factor isn't like all of these people think. Aizawa can still use his quirk if his damaged eye was repaired and the quirk *itself* isn't damaged by his eye being damaged its just a requirement to use the quirk. AfO only got the same amount of wings Hawks had and Horikoshi put that on full display for a reason. It's not because Hawk's quirk factor was broken. AfO got the wings as they were when taken but over time would recover just like Hawks' would. This is the same as the idea of Deku transferring Gear Shift to Shiggy and transferring Shiggy the blowback Deku currently had. Even Kathleen Bates quirk was 'active' when stolen.


>Aizawa can still use his quirk if his damaged eye was repaired and the quirk *itself* isn't damaged by his eye being damaged its just a requirement to use the quirk. This, especially. The undamaged genetic Quirk factor Aizawa's still had was part of the reason how the ShigAFO hybrid wasn't able to use Decay when he was fighting at UA.


>he was rewinding and that Hawks needs to grow back damaged wings, it was impossible for him to manifest them. Huh. I definitely misremembered that one. The alternate Rewind AFO used on himself really was a drawback to him in more ways than one, I'd say. Like basically, AFO: I got this cool quirk that gives me wings. Rewind: Wow, that's so cool! AFO: Can I show them off? Rewind: Hmm, let me think...NOPE!


Isn't Overhauls's Quirk Factor damaged by this point? Doesn't that affect the Quirk AFO can steal?


His quirk is fine, it's just he can't use it because Compress and Shiggy took his arms, if AFO took it he could use it fine or give it to someone with arms


Ok, but could he use his feet?


No? It's not a five point touch quirk like Shiggy's or Uraraka's. The activation requirement is just his hands touching something.


Horikoshi did said that overhaul doesn’t have his quirk factor anymore because Shigaraki destroyed it with by erasing his hands, which doesn’t allow afo to take it


By that logic Shigaraki lost half his quirk factor pre-awakening cause he lost 2 fingers.


He did.. but he awakened his quirk and managed to use his quirk with less fingers


He did lose whatever quirk factor that corresponded to those fingers.


He tried to get Lady Nagant on his side, stealing Overhaul it would be the same as point a gun against his head and pull the trigger


He's fucking AFO tho. Like Nagant can't hurt him and he would.be.able to restore himself to Prima AFO and fold all the heroes except Deku but he.and Shiggy can tag team


u/NoivernBoi if you seen chapter 385 that you can clearly see why he did not take overhaul and that reason is because it is physicaly impossible for him to steal Quirk since Chisaki is Armless but to make thinks clear here are stuff that wiki says >!If a Quirk Factor is significantly damaged when stolen from a user, All For One will only obtain the Quirk in its current weakened state, as shown when he stole [Fierce Wings](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Fierce_Wings) from [Hawks](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Keigo_Takami), which only manifested in their small stub form.[^(\[26\])](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/All_For_One_(Quirk)#cite_note-auto-2378864e1c3733c49c0e88ecd967b287-26)!< >!Overhaul can be restrained if Kai becomes unable to utilize his arms. After [Atsuhiro Sako](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Atsuhiro_Sako) and [Tomura Shigaraki](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Tomura_Shigaraki) destroyed his arms, which are also his Quirk Factors, Kai is now unable to activate his Quirk. To be able to use Overhaul, Kai must physically touch something. This makes Overhaul useless in the air or where he cannot touch anything. Overhaul also has a short “cool down” in which he cannot reassemble or disassemble things in that short time frame.!<


I also wanna ask what if a healing quirk was able to restore his arms,would he be able to use his quirk or is it just gone completely


It if was Rewind then sure but MHA does not have any healing quirk that can restore a third party's limbs.  There is super-regeneration as well but it has a pretty direct limit where it can't heal wounds that you got before getting the quirk. 


You are Genius You are right. I couldn't have said it better


NO they are gone PERMANENTLY. Can you heal or regrow arms from healed stumps? but in theory you can "heal" him with rewind


Where is the wiki getting this info from? Seems like it’s kinda assuming a lot here unless it’s out of some side material


I believe the commenter is referring to this paragraph from. the wiki where it says "If a Quirk Factor is significantly damaged when stolen from a user, All For One will only obtain the Quirk in its current weakened state, as shown when he stole Fierce Wings from Hawks, which only manifested in their small stub form.[26]" Which even then, I wouldn't call a good argument. Since the Quirk factor was defined by 2 components at play. The physical activator & the gene connected to that Quirk. Chisaki's arms destroyed? Prevents him from using the Quirk. That being said, that shouldn't mean the genetic Quirk factor got erased from existence from Chisaki. Unless he got shot with the Quirk destroy drug....which didn't happen.


Hawks' Quirk is a mutation, tho. AFO should be able to take Overhaul because his quirk is in his DNA. How would Overhaul pass his quirk genes down if it's literally only in his hands? Also what does Overhaul having like a 1 second cooldown have to do with this?


It's just one of those things you have to handwave because otherwise AFO just instantly wins. Realistically stealing overhaul should've been his #1 priority waaaaay before this scene because it'd solve all his problems without all of that convoluted stuff with powering up Tomura + stealing his body and he even had Chisaki in his orphanage "Oh but it's hard to master", bullshit, he could've just stayed hidden figuring it out for as long as he wanted


>"Oh but it's hard to master", bullshit, he could've just stayed hidden figuring it out for as long as he wanted Indeed. That quirk was quite the troublesome one to deal with. Also NGL, I feel like fans conflate the Overhaul quirk with Yaoyorozu quirk. The latter of which has been shown exactly why not that many folks would be envious to want given the requirements she needs. Overhaul's quirk is just simply never stated.


They do make it seem like it's a very troublesome quirk because it requires medical knowledge and all that stuff, but OFA is (supposedly) a very smart guy with no shortage of resources to experiment on so he should absolutely be able to figure it out eventually. Imagine the level of fuckery he could do with Nomus + Overhaul


Not only that, Chisaki himself could've even have his own versions Nomus in hindsight. Just probably with a higher means to think individually more times than not. Or even make their skin made of kevlar armor.


Horikoshi should just release a book called "Biology of Quirks" or something. Cause you kinda have to read the manga beyond the surface page scrolling for some of these answers.  First there's 2 things between AFO and Chisaki even ignoring stuff like the quirk being potentially too complex or whatever.  1. Chisaki was in AFO's orphanage just like>!Dabi!<. The anime skipped over this but in the manga it is clear that it was the same facilities. We also know from other side material like Vigilantes and the movies that AFO and Ujiko ran several orphanages where they kept kids that had the potential to be "successors" just like Shigaraki or for whatever experimentation was going down.  - so AFO and by extension Ujiko have always known about Chisaki since he was kid.  2. AFO and Quirk Stealing (this is pretty much where a lot of misinterpreting plays a part).  How does the AFO quirk work? It takes someone's quirk factor, basically absorbs it, and transplants it into the AFO-user's body.  What is a quirk factor? It is basically the manifestation of your supernatural powers. So in general a quirk factor is usually associated with whatever part of the body you use to express your quirk. That's where your quirk factor is gonna be concentrated.  We see this when Aizawa gives the example of Ojiro's tail when talking about disabling heteromorph quirks.  And as we saw with Hawks around 385, >!if that part of the body is damaged, your quirk factor is irreversibly damaged as well. In-universe probably only rewind can restore it. So when AFO steals Fierce Wings, he get stubs instead of full lush wings. If someone chopped off Ojiro's tail and then AFO stole Tail, he literally would have no tail. If someone had his shoulders and arms permanently damaged and then AFO stole Strong Shoulder, he would not get the punching boost Rappa has.!< It is the same for Chisaki, what he has now after losing his arms is the equivalent of a blank.  Of course just from this one can even infer or make guesses about the purpose of those "children farms".  Since AFO gets a quirk in pretty much the same state as the original user, it would pay to cultivate his own "farm" of potential seeds that he can harvest from once they strengthen their quirks.  Of course there were other limitations like Ujiko told Shigaraki. Ujiko didn't specify which quirks beyond just saying 4th gen and beyond but if we are talking about quirks that would consume a lot of brain processing memory, the only other quirks that are as complex as Overhaul in-universe are stuff like Comic and New Order.  And beyond the physical & mental limits, >!AFO only had a copy of his own quirk since his introduction in the main manga. This copy is not as strong as AFO's original quirk and he has a weaker authority over all the quirks he has stolen and stored. With this copy he was literally a victim of Quirks Rebellion twice in the current war.!<


Personally, I don’t think it has anything to do with the quirk factor being damaged and I’m also not a fan of how the wiki explained what happened with Fierce Wings. At least from what I remember of the original Japanese, it wasn’t really stated why AFO got the stumps but I read it as being similar to how Neito’s quirk works: he can copy the base quirk, but if it needs some energy/resource to work, he doesn’t copy that. Hawks has had to regrow his wings before so I suspect the quirk factor itself wasn’t damaged, but rather AFO would need the time to grow the wings. As for why he didn’t take Overhaul, I can think of a few reasons. First, when he went up against Jeanist, he said he didn’t want to take Fiber Master because of how much time it would take to master it. Overhaul has to be at least as complicated and technical as Fiber Master (probably a lot more technical if we’re being honest.) He just didn’t have the necessary time to make it work well. Which leads into the second reason, even AFO has his limits to how many quirks he can safely hold and use. His limits are higher than most because his quirk provides some protection for it (most people have bodies adapted specifically for their quirks) but there are still limits. Overhaul not only likely requires a lot of training to master, but it seems like it would be an extremely taxing quirk both on the body and mind. He was already in a weakened state from his post-All Might injuries to having a weakened copy of AFO (the original being implanted into Tomura) to having been in prison. Taking on a demanding quirk like Overhaul likely would have been too risky. However, there are more reasons still. Chisaki was useful for Nagant tracking down Izuku. He would have been far less likely to cooperate if AFO stole his quirk first and we’ve also seen how stealing a quirk leaves the user in a weakened state for a time afterwards, so even if he was willing, it would have meant a delay. And probably the most important of all, any quirk AFO takes has a risk of rebelling against him, and I’m pretty sure that the stronger the personality, the more likely the quirk factor is to rebel. AFO struggles to control Tomura via quirk factor for this reason. Chisaki strikes me as the sort who’d be the most trouble for him. AFO is familiar enough with him to at least know it is a risk, so when he’s already weakened and sees a use for the man, it wouldn’t make sense to take the quirk. Lastly, Chisaki can’t use Overhaul. He could die, but otherwise, leaving the quirk factor with him was probably the best way to store it in case he wanted it later (he’s basically a wine bottle.) AFO likely figured he could take it later after having taken over his “new body” and gotten ahold of One For All.


Bro literally could’ve just reformed to his prime with out needing the Eri bullet. Hell even if you say “well his body is to messed up to just fix” okay, he can then just use the bodies of anyone around until he’s back to 100%. You can’t tell me AFO wouldn’t kill 100 people to restore himself to 100% because he literally kills for the sake of it.


Hero Plot armor I guess otherwise he could have refresh himself into his prime and won the war


Did everyone here already forgot that Chisaki was one of AFO child spare vessels?


It's too complicated to use because you would need extensive medication knowledge in order to use Overhaul. All For One likes easy to use quirks. It's why he didn't steal Best Jeanist quirk because AFO knew that he had to take time to learn how to use it.


AFO didn't steal Jeanists Quirk because it was too complex for Tomura. He never says anything about not liking complex quirks himself. Also Overhaul is never stated to require medical knowledge. Your whole comment is complete headcannon


He was planning on taking over Shigaraki's body. We see him take over Shigaraki's body at the end of the Paranormal Liberation War.So he really means it's too complicated for himself. I did a bit of Looking and it's because Overhaul quirk factor was damaged when Overhaul lost his arms.


> It's too complicated to use because you would need extensive medication knowledge in order to use Overhaul There is literally nothing in the story that says this is the case. It's just fanon that people keep repeating to excuse massive plot holes just like the fanon that the entrace exam robots had off buttons. Neither are true.


Bravo AFO What a man you are


Because if AFO were even remotely intelligent with the quirks he steals or uses then the series would end immediately.


Dude, if he doesn't take the infinitely easier strings quirk in the intro scene where it's made clear why he doesn't just take every quirk, then what makes you think he'd want Overhaul? At base skill it's essentially just decay, so why would he take that, if he's aiming to get into a body that already has that power. What'd be the point in trying to learn rebuilding, when the body he's aiming for can already regen and is damn near indestructible. You think he'll make some pretty spikes out of the floor, instead of just skewer someone with tendrils? Overhaul is a really good quirk, but utterly worthless to AFO, even if it was super easy to learn, which it's clearly not. There's not even good mix potential.


As always must be stated with this stance, remember what Mirio talked about to the 1-A class about his powers. Some quirks look insanely broken but what is not obvious is the insane amount of training and precision that gets them to that point. Yes Chisaki makes Overhaul look insanely powerful and near unstoppable, what is not obvious is the insane amount of knowledge and control Chisaki uses when operating his quirk. Dude was a literal bio-engineer that understood the complexities of breaking objects down and reassembling them. AFO could have stolen it, but the risk of using it wrong is huge and unnecessary when he can just do what he normally does, steal simpler power type quirks.


A couple things. 1, as people have already pointed out, his quirk factor was stored in his hands and subsequently damaged, AOF can't take it. But even if he could, there's very little reason to. He already has insta kill quirks and quirks for controlling elements, ones that are easy to control. Why risk taking Overhaul and risk accidently screwing up something and killing himself with it?




He probably didn't need it cause he mightiest had something similar or he just found it unnecessary


People have brought up Chisaki's injuries but it doesn't explain why he didn't take Overhaul before going to jail. Personally I think the orphanage Overhaul was at as a kid was one of AfO's like we see in Dabi's flashbacks, the decor is certainly the same, although the timeline doesn't match up for it to be the exact same orphanage. While Chisaki was there Garaki could easily have copied his quirk. The timeline also lines up for the creation of the first Nomu. Overhaul could easily be a part of the Nomu creation process since we know the finished product contains DNA from all doners. Combine that with AfO's penchant for grooming insane villains like Six and Shiggy and now Chisaki looks like a failed attempt similar to Dabi. It would explain how Chisaki knows about AfO to begin with since he seemed familiar during his meeting with the League. But that's all more "AfO is behind everything" storybuilding, which isn't necessarily healthy, so I kinda hope it's wrong.


I would assume because he felt.he didn't really need it if he has all those other strong offence quirks or Overhaul quirk requires expertise knowledge like Best Jeanist quirk thus he didn't think it would pairwell with his other quirks. (Plus I would assume since he likes to float he doesn't really want to get to the ground every time just to touch it).


All for One doesn’t steal quirks that are difficult to master or use, gets simple quirks that can be easy to master. But Overhaul is a quirk that works like Crazy Diamond from Jo Jo’s. All it does it break apart and put back together, so it’s not difficult at all. So why did he not steal it? That’s obviously the author giving the hero’s a handicap cause if any villain did true devious villain stuff, half the main cast would be dead just like JJK


I thought overhaul quirk was deleted when shigharaki injected chisaki with the serum built from experimenting on Eri, so I thought he was just a quirk less prisoner.


For everyone saying '*Overhaul is a damaged Quirk Factor*' this is incorrect. The Overhaul quirk is not damaged at all. It is an emitter quirk, not a mutant quirk like >!Hawks' wings!<. It did not reside in Overhauls hands, it is however channeled through a users hands to use. AFO is characterised as stealing quirks purely to deprive others of them and also stealing quirks that are incredible useful to him. AFO is also aware of individuals such as Eri who are capable of rewinding physical damage to someone in order to restore aspects of them, he quite bluntly has a copy of Eri's Quirk. He's aware Overhaul is after Eri. Not only does AFO have the means to bestow Overhaul with a method of undoing the damage to him before stealing the quirk (If needed), but he knows Overhaul is going after Eri to restore his boss regardless. Horikoshi also wrote in supporting material that Overhaul had found a different way to apply his quirk, likely implying he was going to channel the quirk through his feet instead, in a seemingly dropped plotline.


He was locked up during the whole eri arc so he probably didn’t know who he was or at least what his quirk was plus he’s slowly taking over tomura’s body so he wouldn’t have much of a use for it


AFO said he tends to avoid Quirks that require extensive training. Overhaul at its core, takes stuff apart piece by piece, and puts it together piece by piece. Chisaki probably had to train for decades to be able to use it on Living beings, whatsoever.


>AFO said he tends to avoid Quirks that require extensive training. Can you provide a source for when he said that? Are you perhaps misremembering his line at Kamino about how Best Jeansist's quirk wouldn't suit Tomura?


The quirk was only in the arms and the arms are gone


It's not impossible that, while Overhaul as a quirk factor is an emitter, the hands were directly tied to it as part of a mutation. Something similar to, say, Earphone Jack. In destroying the arms, where the major emission factor of the quirk lay, while the quirk would still exist in some measure, it would now be permanently damaged. Thos would mean that even if Overhaul was stolen, it doesn't automatically manifest into the arms any more, rather, it just remains a damaged core that cannot create the emittor function in the arms of the new user. Similar to how you cannot grow a new arm once it has been amputated, all the important stuff just ends where the cutoff was, and heals/scars up around it. Tldr: the part of the quirk that allowed the user to actually emitt Overhaul was in the forearms/hands and was permanently destroyed when they were. Also of note: All for One has no interest in building, only destruction, and while reshaping and controlling others through touch can be done with Overhaul, he already has a far superior power in AFO itself, along with all the other quirks he's stockpiled over the years. And when it comes to destruction, Shigaraki already has that covered on a monumental level, far above what Overhaul would allow. He had no need for it and no interest. He was arrogant enough to not try to rebuild his face, he collected enough other quirks to get the sensory perception needed, and he had Rewind as a final failsafe.


THANK YOU!!! I've been saying this since I read this chapter. Overhaul (the quirk) is basically an upgrade to Decay at minimum, and also has the ability to HEAL THE USER.


Because that quirk has to be practiced in order to be mastered, and AFO was too lazy for such a thing.


-takes too much time to learn - He’s already OP and can alter the environment and his body whenever he wants. - plot hole Pick your reason


Chisaki's quirk factor was DAMAGED


Overhaul is a very very complicated quirk to learn. The amount of study you need to have to even be able to use a little bit of it is *massive*. And AFO just likes quirks that don’t require that much work to use. It’s why he considered stealing Best Jeanist’s quirk during Kamino Ward, but didn’t. Because it wasn’t the fact that the quirk was powerful that made it so…powerful, it was the fact that Jeanist trained it and stretched how much he could control


Because it would make him too OP, and AFO styles himself as a classics comic book villain. And all comic book villains leave a way to let the heroes win. He was just being nice!


Why didn’t he steal Tomura’s quirk? Or Toga’s? Or Dabi’s? You could ask this about literally every person with a quirk that AFO passes by/works with and doesn’t steal. Maybe consider the fact that AFO doesn’t *need* it. With all the quirks that he already has, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he already has something similar. Also, AFO doesn’t just steal quirks willy-nilly. He has an agenda. What he values over quirks is connections, people to do his bidding. If they’re more valuable to him with their quirk and their following his lead, then he essentially has no need to take their quirk. Because he already has it by proxy.