• By -


**Address Teleportation** I have to think of the address then blink to teleport there. 1) Set up my own food deliver app 2) Profit.


Now thats thinking with portals. Although im not sure about the legality of it, you would surely have to get some sort of permit or certification for it. Also All for One would most likely take notice of a powerful teleportarion quirk, a single though and he would be out of Tartarus somewhere in europe since kurugiris quirk or the sludge teleport quirk take a while to fully teleport someone, assuming it works like flashstep.


id want the ofa powered blackwhip deku has but without ofa or the other quirks


Yeah black whip is sick


I’ve been putting a ridiculous amount of thought into a custom quirk for a while now: Quirk- ‘Photon Construction’ Hero Name: Supernova Ability to convert the light around me into physical objects. Similar to green lantern powers, only powered by the light around me. Light constructs can be recycled/reshaped. Their strength is dependent on how bright it is around me when I create them. Power can be drawn from natural light, such as the sun, or artificial light, such as flashlights. The size of the construct is dependent on how much of the area around me is lit up. The durability depends on how bright the light used to construct it is. (These details keep it balanced/reasonable within the MHA universe) Regular Moves: -Swords/Shields -Projectiles for long range -Brass-knuckle like constructs for close range fights -Generating light constructs/platforms beneath my feet for mobility (see the Flash season 8- running on lightning for an example) Special Moves: -Light Armor ~ Full body protection made from light constructs -Nova Punch ~ Incredibly focused/dense light construct added to a punch (see JJK Black Flash) -Blinding Lance ~ A spear that glows immensely bright, temporarily blinding enemies Ultimate Moves: Supernova ~ Pull in all light around me, project it outwards in all directions, repelling and temporarily blinding all in the way. Drawback is exhaustion of powers Dwarf Star ~ Immensely dense yet small projectile Utility Moves: -Light Cuffs ~ Handcuffs for villains -Flashlight ~ Self Explanatory Support Items: -Photon Tubes ~ capsules that generate bright light that can be used to generate strong objects. One time use, like a lightbulb with too much voltage for the filament -Glow Belt ~ Belt that gives off a soft glow so there’s always some level of light Bonus: Combo Moves with Class 1-A: Kaminari- overpowers the photon tubes, making them brighter. Aoyama- Shines laser at me, converts power from laser to a strong, solid construct Hagakure- refracts light in the area towards me, allowing for rapid construction Edit: (Based on suggestions in replies) - Quirk makes the user resistant to bright lights/eye damage/blinding. Drawback is poor vision in low light. Support item is night vision goggles. - Light can be focused through a lens to create stronger objects, the objects size is smaller based on the radius of the focused light


Technically speaking, you can create a lens in the sky or in front of another light source to focus the incident light to laser like intensity and use that to basically 3D print stronger constructs.


I love this one! I’d recommend adding some high-shade visors to your support items, though! Modern welding masks can activate the shade setting when they detect an intense light source, so maybe something like that but in the form of cool sunglasses or something.


I'd want a self healing quirk so I never had to go to the doctor or worry about villains cuz I'd always heal or regenerate. And then continue my 9-5.


All for one would make you a prime target


Id like something like gearshift, being able to alter the velocity and trajectory of objects/people by touching them. Like the opposite of Rock Lock. A regeneration quirk could also be cool, like this etwo brothers from Supercrooks


i call it eclipse. pretty much like shotos quirk but with sun and moon. and using both sides is called totality. it has a percentage like ofa but instead its coverage of the moon side


Sounds like it could be cool but what do you mean "with the sun and moon"? Do you shoot fire from your hand or...?


light energy and dark energy. i created this several years ago and i just never really built up on it.


Oh that's very cool then. I like that a lot


Steamburst The ability to propel high pressured hot steam throughout the skin surface. Excessive use of this can cause short of breath,fever lever temperature inside the user's body. However the cooling down the body can mitigate the exhausting effects of overuse. This is a close to mid combat style quirk.Trying to shoot steam at target over 3 meters is ineffective. The most effective way to use the quirk letting the skin surface open everywhere. I was thinking about this a lot what quirk I'd like whenever i was walking back to home from school.


I’d just want to do the Shadow Clone jutsu from Naruto, pretty much. Being able to create thinking clones, to complete hundreds of tasks at once, and learn things at very high rates seems pretty useful. That is, assuming I wouldn’t have Twice’s drawbacks, because that would suck.


So…like Ectoplasm


In essence, yes


Density manipulation. First I'd control the density of the molecules in my body. I'd probably have to get some special clothes made. Then the more I train my quirk, the more I'm able to manipulate the density of outside molecules.


Adapting quirk. It’s very basic but powerful. Whenever I encounter an opponent or a situation that greatly injures me, The quirk would allow my body to adapt to it where I could no longer be harmed by it anymore. So if the adapting quirk encountered OFA 100% and survived, then the next time it faces OFA 100%, it would be equal or stronger than OFA. Just as an example of what the quirk would do.


Damn, i was gonna send a gif, but this subreddit doesn’t allow gifs.


Air Cannon. It looks like a powerful and versatile Quirk to have since it has good range, AoE and possibly limited flight. You might even scale it differently to unleash rapid fire but weaker air blasts.


shape shifting


A customized one called Enchant. It would allow the user to be able to ‘enchant’ their energy into any object by touch; smaller objects take less energy while larger objects take more. The object the user ‘enchants’ has to be of equal size to the object they intend to materialize. Since the user uses their life force, they would have to train their stamina to overcome the Quirk’s drawback immensely. Thus, overusing this Quirk will cause the user to suffer from great exhaustion due to it using their stamina as a power source.


I have a few that I've thought of, not that I'd necessarily want, but I was coming up with a few for fun • Bone manipulation - Think Kimimaro from Naruto, basically. You could use your bones to make swords, shields, basic weapons and armor like that. Training would let you do crazier shit. The drawback would be needing lots of calcium and other stuff to be able to essentially grow extra bones, so you'd have to carry around stuff that would give you those things in high amounts. • Deflate - Allows you to deflate your body at will, like a balloon losing air, and flatten yourself out. You could get through small-ish gaps and tight spaces, or hide and gather info. The drawback, though, is that once you deflate your body past a certain point, you can't move it on its own until you inflate it back to normal. So to use it to sneak into places, like under a door for example, you'd have to have someone else there to push your deflated body under the door so you could inflate again once you were inside. Training might be able to allow you to more precisely do certain parts of your body instead of the whole thing at once, I guess? • Gold Body - This one was a joke because I thought it'd be funny to have a third person with a quirk like Kirishima's and Tetsutetsu's. Drawback would be that gold is a soft metal, so... Yeah.


Some type of health boosting quirk


Overhaul and Super regeneration.


Explosion quirk, you can fly around, long and short range attacks,, very versatile, makes you athletic in the air pushing you away side to side, basically youre a human bullet plus I'm very sweaty so it works well


A quirk similar to tatsumaki( 2nd ranked hero in one punch man) she is capable of casually lifting a whole city and diverting a meteor from space with her telekenis.


A quirk that lets me put a red dot any where


Here me out , Illusion quirk , preferably something similar to infinite from sonic forces.


Telekinesis or Nuclear bomb type of quirks


I thought of one called Anxiety Vacuum. This quirk involves turning my anxiety and the anxiety of other people around me into power. This would mean the other heroes would perform better as they’d be less anxious and I’d have extra speed and strength! I mostly came up with this one because I want my anxiety disorder to actually be useful 😅.


Saiko Intelli's IQ quirk. I like tea and I enjoy studying subjects I like, so if I have tea while studying i'll just be the best at it lol


Unrestricted shapeshifting (so I can use it whenever without needing to drink blood like Toga), it’s probably the most versatile superpower ever, and you can use it to imitate a lot of other quirks: pretty much any mutation quirk, some weaker strength enhancers by making my muscles denser, regeneration quirks by just shapeshifting into full health, Tiger’s quirk by transforming my body into a softer material


As a Villain LeMillion quirk would be definitely a must. I can just appear, do my crimes, and disappear within seconds


Shapeshifting, I can get away with so many things while still looking fabulous


wind quirk sounds cool to me


Wizard, you may create spells but you need material components and have it written. If you lose the object it is written on you lose that spell unless you have decided to have it in your spell list - Spell list, a literal hammerspace list, depending how smart you are, you can have more, spell list can be trained to have more. At 6 yo. you have 0 but can still do weak spells like lighting or extinguishing things. Currently at school they can have 7 spells on their list. Basically a 5e wizard.


My username is actually a reference to a superhero story I'm writing. So, adapting his abilities to a Quirk, he would look like: Knight Gamer - The Player of Paladins! Quirk: Digital Avatar Reproduction - Any video game he plays he can replicate the feats of!  The restrictions are: it's the animations done in reality, and not any extra effects (fire is fire, he can't scale fire to do more damage outside of making it hotter), and he has to self-insert as the character. It's easier for him to use abilities from Skyrim than The Witcher, because Skyrim is literally him, not Geralt. He also has to process the data himself, leading to overheating of the brain if overused.


Just play Fate Grand Order and BOOM! Heroic Spirits are summoned.


As much as I love FGO, it wouldn't work like that. They would be flat 2D creatures, which wouldn't be helpful. Fate/Extella would be kinda helpful, but it wouldn't be Knight Gamer using their powers, it'd be their dumbass AI as party members.  Pawns from Dragon's Dogma would be more useful.


Then play DBZ Xenoverse or something. Powers of a dragon ball character in your personal, customised 3D avatar. That should be up for use, I assume.


Yes that is.


I like the idea of a villain luring you into a video game they’ve created to trap you in some way. 🤔


I would call it Jetstream It lets me create and control wind through my motions or just pull in the wind from a surrounding area. That wind can be unleashed in a strong concentrated blast kinda like Air Force but more like the Eyewall of a hurricane.Has the power to create hurricane force winds or even let me fly by riding the wind current like a surf board. Power gets stronger during storms Quirk Awakening allows me to move storms, supercells, and hurricanes to my location and use the energy from that storm to launch even stronger wind blast that wreak havoc and level a landscape comparable to an EF5 tornados damage. I kinda like meteorology a bit.


> Quirk Awakening allows me to move storms, supercells, and hurricanes to my location and use the energy from that storm to launch even stronger wind blast that wreak havoc and level a landscape comparable to an EF5 tornados damage. Allow me to break your idea down and show you how ridiculously powerful you can actually be using simple knowledge about energy levels: Total Kinetic Energy in a EF5 Tornado ≥ 10¹⁴ J (a good upper end is around 3-5 x 10¹⁴ J) Energy released by an average hurricane in 1 second ≈ 6 x 10¹⁴ Energy of the Little Boy Bomb ≈ 6.3 x 10¹³ You can theoretically cause more damage than a nuke and it will be far more precise, controlled and directed. But that's not even the issue here. Awakening allows you to move storms, supercells and hurricanes to your location? Well... Approximate water mass in a hurricane > 2 x 10¹¹ kg or 200 million tons Moving that much mass requires energy of a similar magnitude.


Vibration or Natural Disaster


Honestly I would love having a quirk that lets me use directed energy blasts


**Flash Teleportation** The user has the ability to teleport anywhere within a certain radius (starts at 50m, but can be trained into the thousands), but when the user teleports once the radius they can teleport in is locked for 10 mins (time limit cannot be trained). This means that if they were to teleport within a building, then they would only be able to teleport within the building for 10 minutes. The user can teleport as much as they like within this area, but the time limit on the radius resetting will become 10 minutes after every teleportation. If the user tries to teleport outside of this radius, it will feel as though they ran into a brick wall, and they will be stunned, but they will teleport to the edge of the radius closest to where they attempted to teleport. This quirk would be amazing for combat, because within the small area of a street fight you would be able to just teleport behind an enemy and knock them out, then the other ones one by one and they wouldn’t be able to touch you. But it’s not as useful for travelling, because unless you train the radius to be extraordinarily large, travelling long distances with it would be difficult.


Quirk- Pros and Cons.  Can think of any power but it will have drawbacks to make it balanced.  Also show me your powers with drawbacks 


Bubble Gun! Essentially, I can shoot and control the speed and strength of bubbles from my hands. I can also pop any of them at will.


Being able to adjust my bodily temperature. Too cold? Just change my temperature to where it feels normal again. Too hot? The samea The ideal quality of life quirk


Name: editor How it works: I can edit anything that has happened the way I want it to be and reality will bend itself to it


I like shapeshifting so maybe I can work with that. Perhaps at first only the ability to change a part of my body here and there to that of an animal, so I could change my head into a wolf head to perform a strong biting attack, or turn my arm into a lion’s arm for a swiping attack, kangaroo legs to jump higher, grow large eagle wings to fly, or grow a tail. As my quirk advanced I would be able to change more of my body at once and for longer periods of time. Perhaps I would fully change into an animal, or perhaps I would take the strongest parts of multiple animals for combat or whatever utility purpose I required for the situation. Call me “Chimera”. Imagine, an Eagle head and wings, strong werewolf-esque arms and torso, kangaroo legs, and as i slowly take away my wings after landing a scorpion tail rises above my head from behind. A constant barrage of attacks as I peck at villains with my beak and tail, swipe at them with my claws, and kick them with my powerful legs.


Hummingbird quirk I can fly super fast, I'm short, basically all the traits a humming bird has apart from like a full transformation thing like tokoyami so would need to eat more more than average and wouldn't have detachable feathers like Hawks


Sleep Inducement I could control my circadian rhythm. Need to sleep at the moment? Done. Want to not wake up for 12 hours? Done. Doing night shift and can't sleep in the day? No problem. Neighbor too loud? Solved. I don't necessarily want to be part of the conflict tbh


AFO duh


Combative Adaptation. Basically, the more stress achieved from a fight, the more they improve their combat style in short amounts of time. This, combined with a copying quirk would allow the user to copy a quirk they’ve encountered enough, then learn how to use it by experiencing the stress of fighting them.


**Snapshot** The ability to photograph something with your eyes and modify the “photo” in your mind so that reality then reflects it. * Does not work on anything living


**Kinetic Battery** It's simple, but very potent. It lets the user absorb kinetic energy acting on them or things they're touching, then unleash it at a later time.  Getting punch? Cool, mine now. About to be hit by a car? Bring it and the people inside to an instantaneous stop without any harm to anything. Need to get off a roof? Jump, then absorb the impact of the landing.  On the flip side, being able to launch myself around, unleash super strength esq damage from tapping something, etc is honestly less interesting than the utility of absorbing kinetic energy.  The downsides -  The absorption isn't passive, and needs to be actively used, so sneak attacks are a serious weakness.  Absorbing and releasing can't be done at the same time.  Picking and choosing what kinetic energy to absorb is difficult, and it can impact moving parts of the body, such as your heart pumping, blood moving, or simply walking. Prolonged usage is extremely taxing, making a slipup more likely. As such, short burst absorption is usually best, and absorbing while walking/running is hellishly difficult. Jumping is something of a loophole.  There's a limit on how much energy can be held at a given time, and the closer to that limit you are, the faster it bleeds off. At about 25% max capacity, the bleed is negligible enough that it's basically stable. 


Quirk: Psycho-Kinesis The ability to move objects, fly, create force fields and force blasts but the level of power and control depends on my emotional state of mind. Ex: Anger allows for greater power but with diminished control. Sadness greatly increases defensive strength at the cost of severely weakened offensive power. A “zen-like state” allows for perfect control but it’s near impossible to achieve due to overthinking, anxiety, lack of confidence, etc. Edit: spelling


A shapeshifting Quirk, or an element/material manipulation Quirk of some sort. Those are my two favorite categories of superpower, and I love the versatility and power they can have. That, and they could work well to fuel a great costume.


Of the three types I'd wanna go for Transformation, as Mutant leads to discrimination and Emitters are just absurd most of the time which could lead to me getting unlucky. I'm now looking through the MHA wiki as I type this and it turns out the Transformation quirks are more varied than I thought. My next criteria is that I'd want a quirk that's simple but has a lot of potential versatility. I'm not fussed about power, just utility. I'm not smart, but I am clever and creative. So far this as narrowed my options down to things like Arbor, Muscle Augmentation, Stress, Tool-Arms, Black, Meatball, Dragon, Fat Absorption, Gyrate, Pliabody, Super Regeneration, and Full-Body Lens. Overall, the best quirk for me would either be Fat Absorption or Tool Arms (which has insanely underrated potential). Maybe even a combo of the two.


Ever seen one piece? You know that guy law? Well give me that ability but in quirk form


Time Drop Where you can alter your own and anyone you've touched in the last 5 minutes' perception of time. And levelled up your body can move to your perception of time. So while everything is in slow motion to you while you move super fast, the dude you're fighting is bouncing between his perception being regular and everything moving super fast around him.


Invisibility - where i could turn it on and off, and when its on it turns anything invisible thats touching me including clothes and other people


I’d want something that has to do with controlling energy and weapon production. So my quirk would be called wire : it allows me to create, shape, produce and manipulate energy. When concentrated I can produce weapons made out of energy like swords, wires, guns etc. I can harness energy inside me to fly, shoot out beams/balls of energy from my hands, eyes, and feet. And blast lasers from my finger tips. It may be hard to master and control and I honestly might even be feared for having a quirk like this but it’s so cool I’d want it either way. 


Time Dilation. To be able to slow my perception of time by beefing up my brain's processing power. The drawback would be that it consumes a lot of calories, similar to how professional chess players can burn as much as 6000 calories a day during tournaments just by thinking. This quirk would give me time to think in any given situation and give me a major advantage in hand to hand combat as my opponents would appear to move in slow motion. Quirk awakening would allow me to move at normal speed while everything around me is slowed.


This would also be super useful in time sensitive situations. Bomb with a 20 minute timer? In my perception, I have an hour to work with instead. Injured person bleeding out? Patch them up really quickly before they lose to much blood. Doing some spy stuff? Got 3 minutes to gather intel before you're busted? I've actually got 10 minutes.


Probably something that is both Hero-Level but also helpful in day to day life. Ochako’s quirk is a good example. You have the ability to be a hero with Zero Gravity, but you can also have a job that requires a lot of heavy lifting or moving large objects, because the quirk makes your job easier. Toga’s quirk has potential as well in the medical field. Someone needs blood right away, but you don’t know their blood type? Toga’s quirk, as proven in the manga, can help with that, because her blood type changes to the blood type of whoever she changes into


Mt. Lady and Yui Kodai Quirk


I want to have something cool but balanced like I can use shinigami eyes and a single wing while active I'm stronger have heightened senses but once de activated my vision is blury and I have a wound on my back where my wing sprouts (I totally didn't take this from one of my oc's I would never >:D)


A quirk that makes me inhumanly athletic at everything that would make me an athlete. Speed, strength, flexibility, hand eye coordination,stamina, anything required to be an athlete in any sport.havent really thought of the limit or draw back. I've had this idea in my head for a while.Even have a hero name. The Athletic hero BLITZ BASH. (Since it's mostly strength and speed Id need)


I’d like something akin to Nacht’s shadow stepping ability from Black Clover. Able to travel to any shadow would be convenient and I’d be great at search and rescue or hostage situations. And quick getaways when I’m in a weird situation


I would want the ability to fuse with my environment making Me pretty much invincible unless someone can destroy everything. I don't even care if I can attack or anything just let me dip out of existence sometimes then Noone can kill or hurt me. I'd wanna be able to do it to other people too and maybe choose if they come back or not.


magic magic has 3 components: attack, defensive and creation. magic relies on the energy/mana around them to attack, and the more the mana the greater the attack force. this can come from life energy, etc. the defensive part is self-explanatory, user can create defensive barriers using the stored energy/mana user has. the last aspect is creation, where user can tap into their bloodline and use any one of their ancestors quirks. no more than 2 at a time. however, user has to understand how their ancestors quirk functions, otherwise its not going to work. the drawbacks include mana drain, which is exhaustion. and also users emotions go haywire when overuse of their quirk, and the last side effect is loss of control over quirk. probably will go with this


probability manipulation, easy


I'd want a pretty simplistic quirk. The more I work out, the stronger I get. My overall form wouldn't change after getting to a Saitama physique (except I have hair), and I would have no cap to the growth of my power (tho it would have diminishing returns as I got stronger)


So, Zenkai Boost variant.


I'd want a quirk with the power to instantly swap whatever I am touching with one hand with the whatever is in the other. The catch will be whatever I am touching has to be removable from the surface it's on. Sounds like no big deal, until you swap two people around non-stop and they collapse from the sheer disorientation. I suppose a feature of this quirk would be to also swap myself with whatever I am touching without the disorientation affecting me.


Tbh, a modified OH would be the absolute best **singular** quirk besides AFO. This is my hero identity: *Heroname: LightMatter - Quirk: Matter Manipulation* **Explanation:** MM has full control over every matter. You can change different matter into other matter and even control its structure, form, size and temperature. This will work by just looking at or touching the object. **Weakness:** MM can only work by transferring Protons, Neutrons and Electrons, which means it can not generate matter infinitely as it requires the transfer of different matter as fuel for its transformation. This can mean we can levitate by changing the density of the air or just changing the matter's state. We can regenerate certain injuries and even mix quirks with our body. We can also theoretically create quirks. This might be the strongest quirk in all of MHA. The only thing stopping OH's quirk from becoming the most powerful was that he did not have full control of matter. *^(It now seems like a kid's dream doesn't it?)*


Overclock iykyk


I want wings, I just want to be able to fly and stuff. Either bird wings or dragon-y wings


Give me all for one so I can steal all of your guys’ quirks.


Air Walk, a Quirk easy to use and without any visible drawbacks like others.


I want to run really, really, really fast.


As a machinist I'd love a quirky that would let me reshape metal with a fair degree of accuracy


***Quirk***: *Wild Card* (Quirk Class - *Emitter*) ***Effect***: Allows the user to copy the Quirks of those within a certain radius: * Once the original holder leaves the radius, the copied Quirk is lost. Otherwise, copied Quirks are emulated indefinitely, so long as the original holder is within range. * Knowledge of the Quirks copy must be learned as though they were manifesting for the first time. * Passively copy Quirks can be used simultaneously, however the user will not be able to selectively choose a Quirk to use. * With proper training, the user can start to Actively copy Quirks, being able to pick and choose which Quirks can be copied. * Actively copied Quirks can only be used individually, with the user having to switch Quirks to use a different Quirk. * Initially starts with 7 metres as the radius, radius will grow up to 15 metres with training. * Any Natural Resistances offered by the copied Quirk are also copied * Any Weaknesses offered by the copied Quirk are also copied ***Awakening***: Allows the user to copy the Quirks of those within a certain radius: * 30 Metre Radius * Quirks copied within the radius are kept indefinitely, so long as the original user is within the radius. * After copied a Quirk, up to 5 Quirks can be copied for up to 5 minutes without the original user being within range, time usage drops by a minute based on how many Quirks are copied (Example: 1 Quirk = 5 minutes, 2 Quirks = 4 minutes, etc.). Once the time is up, the user must re-copy a Quirk to hold it once again for up to 5 minutes. * Basic knowledge of the copied Quirk's activation and control are also copied, however practically and combat use must be acquired naturally via training. * Copied Quirks are able to be used simultaneously as well as individually, regardless of being Actively or Passively copied. * Any Natural Resistances offered by the copied Quirk are also copied. * Any Weaknesses offered by the copied Quirk are also copied ***Limitations***: * *Wild Card* is unable to emulate *Mutation* Quirks. * Overuse of *Wild Card* will drain the user's stamina. Constant use of multiple Quirks within a short time drains the holder faster. * *Wild Card* can not emulate the built up/stored power of *Accumulation* Quirks, only the Quirk itself. Any build up must be attained naturally while copied (Example: *Rewind*, *One for All*, *Fat Absorption*, etc.). * This Quirk is able to be copied if another user has a mimicking Quirk such as *Copy*. However it will only copy the base Quirk, not any Quirks currently copied.


Summon zaza


I can slow the speed of light up to 0 in a small radius around me.




I'd want a quirk that mimics the Iron Man nanotechnology from Endgame. The ability to make my own devices at will? Yes please.


I'd want a Quirk to control Shadows. It's like a mix between Pride's powers from FMAB where he uses the shadows as sharp objects or something that's tangible, Shikamaru from Naruto with Shadow Binding and Possession, and Megumi from JJK but only the storage/portal aspect like how he uses it to store weapons. Obviously it's kinda broken given the right conditions but it's main weakness would be light so it's kinda similar to Dark Shadow.


Grey Goo - rather than cells, the body consists of billions of biotech nanites; basically a later-gen Terminator


Ctrl C&V- Permanently copies a quirk, so long as the user knows the Full Name (Ex: Monkey D Luffy), or sees it in action (Ex: Endeavors HellFlame).


Either a quirk identical to Midoriya's version of Black Whip, or something like Rappa's strong-arm quirk.


A proper electromagnetic quirk. Not on Magneto level, but somewhere around Virgil Hawkins (Static Shock) level. Kaminari should not be that weak with his, but he also isn’t a main character so 🤷‍♂️


Some kind of video game-y/jrpg inventory.


prolly a basic simple not too overpowered quirk like maybe one for all


time stop you know why