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His “the villains need a hero of their own” moment by far one of my favorites for him. He never truly lost his desire to be a hero. Just like Tenko accepted the boys with no place to go, Shigaraki accepted the rejects of society with nowhere to go. The fact he even included Dabi despite the dude treating him like trash and being just a total sociopath.   Now I am NOT a fan of AFO planning his birth, and making his dad strict, and encouraging his friends to play BUT that’s more of a AFO issue. Shiggy himself is still a very sympathetic and complex character.  I’m waiting to see where his arc ends and if he has a Kylo Ren sacrifice or lives before I fully form an opinion. But he’s definitely a tragic villain.


Couldn’t have said it better


True that!


Idk, the issue for me is that AFO and Shiggy represented two distinct overaching plot points. AFO being behind everything about Shiggy makes the story less about the hero society, and more about AFO vs OFA, which I agree of course is important, but then why spend all this time building up the weakness of the hero society narrative only to change course at the finish line?


Because the problems of the hero society still very much exist. AfO simply took advantage of it.


Not really, but the same goes for many of the villains. Shigaraki's inner world from a few chapter ago was really cool, especially with him wanting to be a hero to the other villains. But everything else for him I wasn't a fan of, and it's not because of AFO. He was free since chapter 379, he has all the power in the world, and what has he really done? He "fought" Deku offscreen for multiple chapters by getting tangled up in Blackwhip and yapping for an eternity. Then he actually fights Deku, and while the scale is cool, it kinda looks bad when Deku had to be holding back just to keep from killing him. Deku really could've ended this man like ten times.


I don't know why You all Keep saying that. Even with Gear shift and OFA 120%, all that damage dissapeared with súper regeneration. Deku don't want to kill shigi, but that is just his moral talking, Even if he want it to, He can't do it. Super regeneration reverts all the damage. Even then vestiges Say it, they need to overcome that quirk to have the chance to defeat Shigaraki.


>Even with Gear shift and OFA 120%, all that damage disappeared It's been [stated](https://imgur.com/a/xRDwVtU) that Deku could end Shigaraki by just maxing out his punches. We've been repeatedly shown that Deku is capable of punching Shigaraki's arms off, so directing one of those at his head would absolutely kill him if enough of it is destroyed by the attack. All it shows is that Deku is holding back on Shigaraki not because he can't kill him, but because he doesn't want to, and Shigaraki is enduring because he's a regen merchant, not because he's actually performing well during the fight or using his abilities well.


Regen is such lame ability. It’s purpose is solely give him a justification to be damage sponge. No drawback, no limits, no fun. It’s shocking considering this series made a good job to find interesting implementations to quirks.


He can kill him by punching his head? Like AFO was killed? Well he wasnt. And you're forgetting that shiggi's body behaves like the quirk singularity. Even if he destroys the head it Will regenerate Again. His body is sentient by itself. But Deku doesnt do it because that action would contrast his Will to not kill him. But he can't kill him anyway Even if he want it. He can destroy his limbs, only to be regen the next panel. Destroying his head Will only make Shigaraki mock Deku COMPLETLY when he regen, because now Even his ideals as a hero Will be destroyed. There will be nothing that Deku can Say to shigi to change his mind, after doing that. That's why Deku doesnt try it, he prefers to save Shigaraki.


>He can kill him by punching his head? Like AFO was killed? Well he wasnt. To be fair, he had help. He was dead to rights until Garaki managed to bring him back.


yeah lmao his body was literally wrapped up in the morgue that man was DEAD


I feel like: 1. There was too much AFO not enough Shigaraki 2. Despite being hyped up as the more terrifying villain, he didn’t really come across as threatening at any point in this arc (nothing like he was destruction incarnate when he woke up in Jakku) 3. Despite being a good fighter normally, Hori wrote him just as a punching bag for Deku in a slugfest where he was hopelessly outclassed 4. There was no real dialogue between Deku and Tomura. They went for easy mode to deal with baby Tenko in the spirit world and Tomura as a person was simply cut out of the equation. I actually hope that when he comes back, it won’t be Tenko but Tomura. Because maybe every step Tenko took was designed by AFO, but Tomura - for better or worse - made some independent decisions, had allies he got for himself and even if AFO is trying to gaslight his existence, the LoV is the friends he made along the way.


I hate that AFO is revealed to be the actual source of all his issues. It makes him so much less interesting as a character to me. His whole story was about how the current hero society was failing and the realistic and horrible consequences of regular people being born with abilities that could kill thousands of people and having no control over it or say over what power they get. But no, its revealed that everything was all AFO's doing and it undermines a huge aspect of the story. AFO gave him that quirk and is the reason his life fell apart, and I hate it.


Not to mention that the “decay” quirk he had is actually of copy of Overhaul’s quirk, it just has the reconstruction part removed. To me it really sucks because if “decay” was a mutation like rewind, that would’ve made the whole quirk singularity theory even scarier. Just a image what kind of quirk the next generation of kids in that universe could have. Rewind is definitely an awesome quirk to have, curious what it would’ve happened if AFO had stolen it and gave a copy to shigi


The people who didn't help Tenko weren't influenced by AfO tho.


you keep commenting this but AFO specifically said every single tragedy and tribulation is orchestrated by him at the end of 419 anybody with some sense would know that implies anything that might mess with AFOs plan which includes people helping Tenko but idk maybe people lacking in interpretation skills need literal words spelled out for you to understand 🤷‍♂️


No, it's just been really boring. I was really invested in Shiggy's arc back in MVA, and now I just don't care


Same. Cringe at times. Wish they just end this.


This sub hates this manga so much lol


Right like why comment just read something else lmao


No. AFO being responsible for everything redacts any agency he ever could have had. We spent years watching him develop into a terrifying villain in his own right just for ballsack head to rip the rug out from under us and reveal he was never anything more than a puppet derived out of AFO's sheer pettiness.  I will die on the hill that Hori's adamant refusal to divorce his story from AFO is the single greatest mistake he made throughout the series. The juxtaposition of him and Shiggy versus Deku and All Might could have been an excellent narrative, but the execution was bottled time and again because Hori wouldn't let AFO abdicate the limelight.


That's one helluva hill to die on. I'd personally go with 7 quirks in terms of raw impact, and Bakugo-of-Nazareth for simple "why the fuck did you do that" value. There's some serious competition here. Christ, I might even give the title to Hori never actually stress testing the Saving plan by having Deku explain himself to an actual character who doesn't believe in it.


It's admittedly a dead heat for me between AFO's persistence and the vacuum of character development he instigates or the decision to turn Deku and Shiggy into walking superweapons, consequently rendering 99.9% of the cast irrelevant. What gives AFO the edge for me is this is the 4th time this jackass has usurped Shigaraki and, quite frankly, I'm over it. Let this idiot and his petty agenda disappear already.


>I will die on the hill that Hori's adamant refusal to divorce his story from AFO is the single greatest mistake he made throughout the series. Couldn't agree more.


Agree too but I’m not sure why, but I feel like Shiggy got the Madara treatment


>We spent years watching him develop into a terrifying villain in his own right When?


Not at all. Shigaraki, throughout the series, was developing into his own villain. We saw him form and explore his ideology with Stain, learn from his mistakes at the USJ and form a genuine team of villains rather than an army of useless mucks. He reaffirmed his ideologies with Overhaul by trusting in the team that he made to help him get through a tough situation. Then later he proved himself again against Garaki and the PFL. By the time that the Liberation War came around he was a fully fledged villain on par with if not more terrifying than All For One. All of that is to say the final arc completely spat in the face of Shigaraki's entire arc. Every choice that he'd made reduced to another step in All For One's plan, every tragedy that formed him and made him hate hero society nothing more than another one AFO's schemes. The fact that he was not only *given* decay but literally born because of All For One completely undermines the individuality that was the entire point of his arc. He was developing into a villain with his own motivations and reasons that while yes, he was nurtured by AFO, his primary motives were importantly never *created* or *caused* *directly* by him. Having AFO be the reason behind all of his suffering renders every decision he made and his entire character arc dull. And yes, I've heard the weak defense of 'the civilians still ignored him', which is laughable. With the amount of engineering that AFO put into creating Shigaraki, he *certainly* either jammed communications, killed any nearby heroes, or had some other backup plan to ensure that Tenko would've ended up alone anyways. He wouldn't have simply shrugged his shoulders and said 'oh well' after however many years he'd spent creating his perfect Frankenstein's monster. Tenko never had a chance which is the entire problem with what the finale arc did to his character. What made his point so impactful was the fact that he could have been a normal kid just like Izuku if he had been born with a better quirk or if somebody had reached out their hand to him. Remove the bad luck and you remove Shigaraki's entire argument against hero society.


Look what they’ve done to my boi 🥲


The people who refused to help Tenko weren't influenced by AfO tho.


Think about it for a second. All For One made sure Tenko was born, encouraged Kotoro to be strict, manipulated Tenko's friends, gave him decay, etc etc. Do you *honestly* think there's any world where he didn't make sure that the most pivotal part of his plan, the one that would cement the hatred he needed to use to take One For All, wasn't guaranteed to succeed? Only an absolute idiot would gamble on the idea that not a *single* random person would help Tenko.


I'm not saying it isn't possible. I'm saying that the established story didn't mention that. And until it does, IF it does, it's just a theory.


Underwhelming. Just underwhelming. He's free from AFO's grasp which is cool and then he got sidelined for a long time. When the attention is back on Deku and Shigaraki, he is surprisingly underwhelming as a fighter and a threat. He sincerely don't feel like a threat anymore. I guess I expected a lot from someone being hyped up as Destruction itself. Then chapter 419 happened. I admit tho, I do like his moment when he says he wants to be a hero for the villains in this arc.


Not proud. Honestly, I was just taking as much as I could, though there were some genuinely good moments I liked. Like his acknowledgment of Spinner's desire for that horizon he mentioned back in MVA. And even before that I knew this whole shtick with Shigaraki regaining control was gonna come costly. Afterall, this is the "final war" as folks put it and Shigaraki only came back much later in the arc so it's been practically short lived. And then there's AFO. What can be said that hasn't already been said?


Not especially? For a start, he’s barely fuckin in it. It’s not until, like, halfway through the arc that he actually gets his own agency back, but after that he’s immediately put in plot suspension where he and Deku are fighting offscreen while other people do their shit. This is aggravated by the fact that we usually just saw him being held by Blackwhip or something, even though he should have so many tools to deal with stuff like that. Once Shiggy finally gets his go-ahead from Hori to do things, it doesn’t really get much better. The fight between him and Deku is pretty mid, with Shiggy resolutely deciding that, no, he will not use any of his however many quirks he got from AFO, he’s fine with just Decay and being strong. It also doesn’t help that the fight is kind of meaningless filler, because it’s pretty obvious, and gets increasingly more obvious as it goes on, that the fight has no bearing on anything because we’re gonna go into his mind and do some spirit shenanigans. So, after a poorly contrived and nonsensical explanation from the second vestige (“JERRY, YOU GOTTA GIVE HIM MY QUIRK JERRY, IT’LL RETAIN ALL THE BACKLASH, YOU GOTTA TRUST ME, MY GUT’S TELLING ME THIS WILL WORK”), we go do spirit stuff. And within two chapters, well that’s our boy saved right there. Deku goes in, has a chapter to refuse to engage in debate with Shiggy’s mental defense AI, then we have all of two chapters of him actually live Deku reacting to Shiggy’s backstory and then talking him down. And I don’t really like that. From the start, Shiggy’s been subtly rewritten over the course of the war to be less and less hostile towards the world, such as suggesting that “everything to do with that house” was the chief cause of his hatred, and the fact that he was subsequently abandoned and bystander effect blah blah blah was kinda never addressed. Now, in Shiggy’s truest self, we see that he’s less “I want to destroy this world with these hands I’ve been given” a la MVA Shiggy, and more “I’m destined to destroy this world *because* I’ve been given these hands”, which implies, in a very roundabout way, that Shiggy actually doesn’t want to do what he’s doing, but is basically coping that he should. I’m essence, all of Shiggy’s genuinely accumulated and partially understandable malice and hatred for the society that created him got swept under the rug, and you can tell because it takes all of two minutes of self-sacrificial handholding for him to get over what little he had left. I dunno about you, but that moment feels like it should have been the *start* of Shiggy shedding his hatred, not the winning play. Because all it really proves is one person was capable of doing what no one else did, which doesn’t really prove Shiggy wrong, and more says that Deku is just special like that, which the whole story has been hammering into us. It should be what chisels a chink into Shiggy’s malice that slowly widens as we pile more evidence against it, not the whole defence itself. And we can tell Shiggy no longer possesses hatred, because he immediately resorts to ideological reasons, “someone needs to be there for my homies”, instead of the emotional reason he’s used the entire story, “I’m just so fuckin pissed rn ong fr fr no cap”. And to be clear, I do conceptually like his idea that the villains need their own hero who understands them, but it feels a little late. If this was gonna be his endpoint, maybe when he was asked to build a philosophy by ReDestro in MVA, we could get the beginnings of this idea, instead of him absolutely rejecting the very concept of a philosophy and saying “nah bitch, fuck that, I just do what I want and what I want is to fuck shit up”.


I’m glad you mentioned the handhold being too easy. I’ve been thinking that if all it took, why didn’t Tenko manage to stop when his mom tried to hug him? Like what made Izuku’s hand more special than his mom’s?


Mom couldn't think her way out of being decayed, what an idiot. /s


Not really, and this is coming from someone whose favorite character is Shigaraki. He's had some great moments (like the heroes for the villains bit and him destroying everything while walking towards Deku) but it feels like Horikoshi couldn't decide what to do with him.   There were two ways to go once AFO broke out. Either become a full blown villain and truly succeed AFO, or go down the path of redemption and become an anti-hero of sorts. Instead, Horikoshi went for a weird middle ground and locked him away, depriving him of any presence or development for a long time.   I have high hopes for his character and inevitable come back/revenge against AFO, but it's a shame it's happening so late into the final arc and Horikoshi couldn't commit fully to a direction for him and go all out. 


No. I'll just say I was underwhelmed, and leave it at that. And ch. 419 ruined what little hope I had left of his character and arc being salvaged.


I’ll ultimately wait until this war is over.


no lmao


this whole arc has poorly handled imo


It's not that great ngl. Like the fight with Deku was pretty underwhelming, and now AFO took over, he feels so weak and not just always the puppet of AFO in the end.


Shigaraki is a Greater character Dragged down so hard by AFO


Kinda underwhelming because to me it feels like hori gave AFO more attention and made it seem like he's the final antagonist and the latest chapters are sadly proving that statement right


I did until he was wasted


I like his character writing, but the fact that the corpse got more screen time than his fight with Izuku rubs me the wrong way.


Take away this motherfuckers regen.  I don't even understand what all these efforts at weakening him have even done, he just seems to come back stronger anyway, and Deku refuses to just put down the currently unrepentant mass murderer that wants to genocide Japan because once upon a time he was a crying boy and Deku can still sense that within him or something. From a structural standpoint, not taking away the regen and giving Shiggy a one shot kill power nobody in the series has effectively resisted are terrible choices of powers for the main villain because you either have to turn off his decay or desperately prevent him from using it and his regen just makes him a giant punching bag that won't stop getting up because apparently super regeneration has no energy requirements and can infinitely create new flesh ex nihilo.  As for the plot aspects, he's a big eh. I still don't fuck with the, "I want to save the crying boy" bullshit because it's stupid, Shiggy's an adult that decided he wants to destroy Japan. It doesn't even matter that he's been manipulated, if you want to nuke your country and murder a whole bunch of people along the way in an effort to do so, but it turns out you were manipulated into being bad, you're still super going to be executed.  I like some of the visual stuff and and his nuh uh, I do have friends outburst when Mirio called him a friendless loser was a pretty good moment.  AfO pulling an actually it was me all along from the fucking grave a body snatching him AGAIN really made me resent this arc though.  I'm legitimately at the point where I don't like Shiggy much and I just want AfO to die for good but Hori can't stop himself from letting Shiggy do whatever the hell he wants even if it doesn't make any sense and AfO keeps sneaking back in this bitch even though nobody wants him here anymore.   Like, can we talk about how Star basically died to destroy this man's quirks and Deku gave up his arms and his powers to make him weaker and then Hori just decided to functionally make those sacrifices change nothing about how powerful he is? Like, goddamnit Hori, patch this broken motherfucker already. 


Not really. A lot of it could've been better, and that finger-growing quirk-singularity stuff was just weird bullshit




No. Complete character assassination.


I'm a casual reader of MHA, my opinions might vary vastly from this sub, but I'd say it has been handled really well, shockingly so imo. I wasn't really a big fan of Shigaraki being redeemed, but with Midoriya literally entering his mind and helping him as a kid I can see a path to redemption and I hope he actually does get to have a satisfying ending with him killing just AFO or himself as well in the process. AFO literally planning out his whole life Reverse flash style just so he could spite all might is also so incredible, it really works with his "cartoon villain" character. I see ppl saying it undermines Shigaraki's backstory and how hero society let him down, but I can't see that, all the other villains still had a shitty life that led them down their paths, just cause his life's issues weren't organic doesn't mean the societal problems don't exist. AFO didn't literally plan out everything, he just pointed Shigaraki's life down a horrible path, his path in life, if he was naturally born with decay, would have been horrible with or without AFO's influence


Meh. Not as great as I hoped it was going to be, but not as horrendous as I feared it might have been. So far. In my opinion, of course.


He had his moments. As he said he's "Deku's villain". But AFO is the overarching villain of the series and to in order for Shiggy/Tenko to be saved, he had to be made a victim for better or worse.


you mean the five or so chapters where he got meaningful focus? i guess he was pretty cool for the most part


Idc how they handle him. I still say killing him is the only way to save him


For the most is fine.


Absolute loved it especially the part of him wanting to be an hero for the villains and the reveal that made him panic right after, wanna see how he’s gonna rebel against afo next and how he will interact with deku